• Published 14th May 2024
  • 392 Views, 35 Comments

Spike's and Twilight's lost Connections - Twilightsonic75

Spike believes that she and Twilight are drifting apart, and wants to get closer to her friends. Can he succeed?

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Twilight's awkward walk in

Author's Note:

Yep. Had this planned since the last two chapters. Enjoy the awkward and see you in part 7:trollestia:

Twilight began her walk to pick up Spike from Carousel boutique, thinking about what could she and her do to bond like the old days. She remembered that they hadn't read together in a long time. Well of course they read together, but not with the same closeness they had when they were younger. She remembered when they cuddled together on a small reading Corner, spike would pick the book to read, and she would read it out loud to him.

She also remembered that his tail rubbing a 'certain' spot on her that she admitted, she always loved. She had to past it off as peeing in bed so he wouldn't be suspicious, yet he never felt grossed out by it. She had some dark personal secrets about herself that she had over the years... And they involved her love life. She'd had fantasies about her brother a few times...oh who was kidding. She still has them! She couldn't help herself! She admitted that he was hot and would love to 'wrestle' with him anytime she wanted. However, even though she wanted to go that far, she never saw him as husband material in her eyes. A husky stallion she wanted to keep banging however, she definitely wouldn't turn down.

However, she had ONE pony she wanted to marry for a long time. Or should she say some drake. Yes, Twilight sparkle, has been in love with Spike for a long time. She wanted to marry him since their cantrlot days. In fact, in her heart, she WAS married to him. They just haven't had the wedding or a honeymoon, which Twilight admitted that she wouldn't let Spike sleep all night long. In fact, when they were younger, she had the idea that they were Dating for their whole lives.
Spike even gave her a necklace with rubies incase on it. It was similar to Rarity fire ruby pendent, but she knew who had the better gift. She always saw Rarity as a good friend, but she was also her Rival for Spike's heart.

However, she never had the heart to deny Spike the chance for love...even if it was not her he pinned for.

Twilight finally reached the boutique and noticed that the door was a crack open. She slowly stepped inside, closed the door, and looked inside. She saw the place...clean? No fabric littered on the floor, no boxes scattered, everything was clean and organized. She wondered what happened last night that caused her to stop working.

She then heard something she wasn't expecting to her that day. Mouning. Coming from Rarity's room. And she and Spike were nowhere to be seen. 'Oh no you don't Rarity! I'm going to be Spike's first time! Not you!' She yelled in her head. As she headed up stairs, hoping to stop them before she lost her chance. However, when she got to Rarity's bedroom and quietly open the door and looked inside, she didn't see Spike up there. Which was a relief, Cas she still had a chance to be his first and be his wife someday. She giggled with glee, thinking of the thought.

Twilight then realized that if Spike wasn't up here with her...was she getting laid now? She began to get angry. Inviting him to help her and she didn't offer anything in return?! Even a quicky?! She decided to peek inside to see what stallion was giving her a ride...only to see that their wasn't a stallion there at all. Rarity was in bed, alone, pleasuring herself.

Twilight immediately got embarrassed and thought 'how can this be anymore embarrassing?" Her question was answered when Rarity started to say "s-spikey wikey~ your so good~" clearly still in her pleasure Trans, she definitely didn't noticed Twilight's gasp as she thought 'W-what?! Spike?! Why is she-" her thoughts were Interrupted as Rarity Spoke again "oh my darling Spikey~ that's it! Make your wife sing in pleasure~ I'm so happy I asked you to marry me Spike~ you make me whole! You make me feel important! Your WAY better then those stuffy cantelot elites that wouldn't know how to please a mare!"

Twilight gasped at what she was saying. She wanted Spike for marriage too!? Since when?!

Like clockwork, her question was answered "OH my spikey~ I've been a blind mare for years! Not knowing that I've had my prince by my side for years! You've helped me with my work, you comforted me when lesser stallions broke my heart, you listened to me go on and on about other stallions!"

She when silent for a moment and stopped herself before saying "I'm not worthy of you Spike. I'm just a selfish, horrible mare that never knew what she had in front of her. I'm...I'm so sorry Spike!" She started to cry as she continued in her moment and said "I don't deserve to be your wife Spikey. But you deserve happiness! I'm determined to make up for not seeing you as my true love for years! I don't care if I have to share you with Cadence, Rainbow dash, Twilight, or the others! I just want you be happy! I love you my prince! MAKE ME YOURS AND YOURS ALONE!"

Twilight didn't know what to feel now...Rarity was will to share Spike with her...was she able to share him too? ...of course she can! 'Rarity's one of my best friends! And I won't let our friendship be ruined by jealousy! But...what's this about Cadence?' She thought when she heard " AHHHH SPIIIIIKE!! YEEEES MAKE ME A MOTHER!! SPPIIIIIIIKEYYYYYY!!!" Twlight blushed as she saw Rarity Finnish and felt herself soaked as well. However, she accidentally fell and opened Rarity's door and both of them saw each other and remain still for a minute, looking at each other "...TWILIGHT?! H-HOW MUCH DID YOU HEAR?!"

Twilight blushed, embarrassed that she was caught saying "long enough that you called yourself his wife?"

"Twilight! You can't just listen in on a lady when she's having her private time! It's so uncouth!"

Twilight felt guilty about that and said "I'm so sorry Rarity. I didn't mean to spy on you like that. I was looking for Spike and when I didn't see you two her and heard the morning...I kinda assumed..."

Rarity blushed at what she meant, but honestly said "oh I wished we had Twilight. I must be honest Twilight darling. I am In love with that drake! And I feel like our friendship is closer then ever! Hehe!"

Twilight was confused. When did this involve friendship? She figured that this could be a subject for her studys with Princess Celestia, so she asked "What do you mean your friendship with Spike is closer then ever Rarity? I thought you two were already close?"

Rarity looked to the floor, now sitting next to her in the bedroom. "It may have seemed like it...but in reality...I didn't felt like I was close to him at all. I don't deserve to be with Spike. He's been loyal to me...and I've been with stallion after stallion. And...I've been sabotaging his dates with other mares." She said sadly. Feeling guilty about what she did.

Twilight however, needed to confess something saying "...your not the only one who sabotaged Spike's dates you know. I've may have grounded him for no reason when I saw him with a pretty mare."

Rarity then questioned her "what? Why would you-" suddenly it clicked In her mind and said " your in love with Spike too are you?"

Twilight looked at her, surprised that she figured it out so quickly. "Got it in one, Rarity. Yes. I am in love with Spike. In fact, in my heart, we're married."

Rarity smiled and said. "That's so sweet, Twilight. So romantic! So. When do you want to have the wedding? I'm thinking in three years? So we can get everything ready, of course."

Twilight blushed at what Rarity said. "What?! Rarity, what are you-"

Rarity smiled and said, "I'm planning our wedding silly! I'm thinking that I can be of Spike's left and you on his right. But where dose that leave Cadence and Rainbow dash at?"

Twilight dedicated to stop this for a moment and say "HOLD IT!"

Rarity turned around and said "darling what's wrong?"

"What do you mean Cadence and Rainbow dash?! What's going on? Also why are you planning a Wedding now?"

Rarity giggled and said " darling, in reverse order, I'm planning our wedding this far in advance so it can be perfect. I know three years is cutting it short, but if you want I can push it to 6 if it'll be more manageable. As for Cadence, well...this letter from her Spike left behind should clear things up."

Twilight was shocked to say the least, for one, it did explain why she and Spike were so close and two, maybe Shinning would be willing to her be his 'Release' while cadence is busy. She have to play her cards right to pull this off, but the chances are low for a permanent arrangement, but she can hope.

Twilight said "well this dose explains cadence. But what about rainbow dash? Where dose she fit into all this?"

Rarity complicated and said " well darling, rainbow was here, she arrived when Spike made us breakfast. "

"I miss when Spike made me breakfast." Twilight admitted. "But I've been so busy, that I had to just get a apple and get to studying. "

"Darling, you seriously need to take care of yourself. Spike is definitely doing his part, but you need to help him too. He dose so much for us, when was the last time anypony has done something for him?"

Twilight felt a crack in her heart, realizing that Rarity had a ponit, "Your right Rarity,I actually wanted to do something with Spike today and help us to bond again like how we were in cantrlot. Speaking of which, where is he? I'm surprised he didn't catch you...you know."

Rarity blushed but had a day dream look on her saying " oh oh oh darling, if Spike DID caught me like that, I would have given him a REAL show~ and maybe made it a duet~"

Twilight blushing was fearsome as she said "ohhh Rarity! I'm trying to hold it together and your making it harder! Just tell me where Rainbow and Spike are!"

Rarity could hear the stress in her voice and decided to give her mercy and said "they when up to cloudsdale so Raonbow dash can give him a tour of the city. A real nice gesture of her, since he couldn't join us the first time. He's gonna also stay with Rainbow dash for the night."

Twilight claimed down a bit and said "oh...I'm a horrible friend Rarity." Twilight said as she pondering on why are her friends are getting close to her dragon all of a sudden.

Rarity decided to get back at Twilight as she said " oh I do hope Spikey has a good time with rainbow dash. You know, next time me and Spike go gem hunting, I'm gonna give him a 'special' reward~ In those narrow, dark,damp, private cave. Alone, w-where nopony can hear us, and we can mound and...and" Rarity realized that she had turned herself on by accident as she became red.

But for Twilight, she was on her breaking point. She didn't know that Rarity would be so horny as to make her feel lust. But she had to resist...Oh who was the both of them kidding as Rarity said "dang it! Twilight, I'm afraid something came up and I need some privacy. So if you don't mind."

"OH right, of course. But ummm...can I use your restroom before i-"

Rarity quickly said "yes darling, use it,now GO!" Rarity closed and looked the door as Twilight heard "ohhhhhhhh spike~" That got Twilight running to the restroom, locked the door and after 2 minutes she mounded and screamed "AHHHHHHHH! YES! YES! YES!! RAVAGE ME LIKE A DRAGON SPIKE! AHHHH SPIIIIIIIIIKE!! YAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!" She continued for the next hour. Afterwards, she began to plan how to Spend time with Spike.