> Spike's and Twilight's lost Connections > by Twilightsonic75 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Spike's lost bond > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike has a pretty exciting life so far. Being the only dragon in ponyville, being the hero of the crystal empire, and the best friend of the smartest unicorn in the world! To most ponys, Spike seemed different. A aild animal or a even a monster to some of the higher elites in equestria. Twilight Sparkle on the other hoof, was different. She didn't see a baby monster. In her eyes, he was like a little brother she never had. Even though Spike at times saw Twilight as attractive and cute, it didn't change the fact that she was his best friend and at the time his only friend. On top of all of this, though, Spike had quite the secret - a secret he kept even from his closest friends, including twilight, was aware of. He was in fact, a prince - the true son of Princess Celestia - but he had kept this information secret as he didn't want ponies to be his friend just because he was a prince" Even with this massive secret, he still remembered how they would sneak into the kitchen for a late night study snack, or when he helped her with carrying her books, or on the rare cases when she wasn't studying, they would read together fairy tails and adventure books together, or when he would Cuddle with her in bed when there was a thunder storm at night... Even though they were only 4 years apart in age and Despite spike short Stature he was surprisingly mature and smart. Even though Twilight can treat him like a colt, ponys tend to be surprised when he's seen Assisting not only Twilight and also Princess Celestia in official royal work. However, what Spike never could imagine was the idea of Twilight making other friends. More specifically, PONY friends. He thought that if she made pony friends one day then... that would be it for him. She wouldn't need a small dragon tagging along with her and embarrassing her... right? However, life had other plans for the duo. Before he knew it, they had moved to ponyville, moved into Golden oak library, and made 5 new best friends. At first, Spike didn't see the new mares in Twilight as a problem. They would still do the same things they would do in cantrlot, and living in a tree was pretty cool, he admitted. But as the months go by he noticed that,little by little,twilight would leave him behind to hang out with her new friends and even when he would tag along with twilight he would likely be left behind and forgotten...something that scared spike beyond belief... One day, while doing his half of the chores in the library, Twilight came running down from the bedroom, with a happy grin on her face as Spike asked her "hey twilight! What's with the extra happy mood today? Expecting a new set of research books from Princeess Celestia today?" Twilight turned around with a smug look on her face, knowing her little brother/best friend knew her the best out of all her friends. "I wish spike. Then today would be extra perfect!" She squealed at the thought. "But no. Today's the slumber party at applejack's barn! Sure, I've had a sleepover here when you went to Princess Celestia's for royal dutys, but this is the first one where it's not gonna be in the library!" She said excitedly. Spike heart sank a bit. Forgetting about the sleepover she had planned a while back. He actually wanted to ask Twilight if she wanted to have a movie night that night, something they hadn't done since their younger days at Twilight's dorm. She then noticed that spike looked sad for a split second, and then he quickly covered it with a fake smile saying "Oh. I actually forgot about that." Spike said as he tried to hide his heartbreak from twilight. The last thing he wanted was to trouble her with his problems and make her miss her slumber party. Twilight thought for a second and said "Well spike. If you want, would you want to come along with me to the party? I know that girl slumber parties are not your thing, but I'm sure we can -" Spike stopped her before she made him feel guilty. He knew what she was doing. Trying to make it seem like he was wanted at the party when he knew all too well that he would be an extra, in the corner, not important enough to be invited in the first place. He admitted that he wasn't as close to the others as twilight was, and it made him realize that he was beginning to lose his best friend, slowly but surely it was happening. He decided to come up with an excuse not to go and let Twilight have her good time and said "Actually I can't make it twilight. I'm ummm... excepting something from Princess Celestia. You know, normal royal paperwork, somebody's gotta do it, right? Hehe." Twilight looked at spike's nervous face with concern. She'd notice for the past weeks that Spike has been depressed and not as happy when he's at home. Sure, they would talk a bit, and he would help her around the library, but then she thought, "When WAS the last time me and Spike had alone time together?" She decided to think about it on the way to the sleepover. *KNOCK KNOCK* "I'll get it!" Twilight said as she walked over to the door to see who it was. The mailmare delivering a package? A pony wanting to check out a book? To her surprise, it was one of her best friends, element of generosity, and Spike's not so secret love interest, Rarity bell. A white pony with a stylish purple mane and the local fashion designer of ponyville. She was the most feminine of their whole group, especially compared to some of her other friends. "Twilight, darling!" She said in a exciting yet Sophisticated tone. "I'm so glad I caught you! Are you heading to Applejack's sleepover today?" Twilight face began to glow, Remembering her plans for that night. "Oh absolutely I'm going! I can't wait to our make shift spa treatments, ghost story's, and eating applejack's homemade apple pies!" She said excitedly. While Rarity started to look kinda down saying " well I'm sorry to say darling, but I'm afraid I'll have to miss out on these events this time." Twilight looked shocked to say the least, saying,"What?! Why?! I thought you were excited to try a real sleepover after our first one was a flop?" Rarity began to remember what she meant. She admitted that she and Applejack definitely didn't act friendly during their first sleepover with Twilight and wanted to give her a real chance to experience that with all their friends. But owning one of the best fashion lines in equestria means you'll be called on to make last-minute orders for things like a wedding, or a dance, or stuff like that. She looked at Twilight and said, " I'm so sorry, darling. But I just got a huge order, and i need to finish it quickly." Twilight thought about this and asked." Well, if you need help, I can cancel for today, and we can go hel-" Rarity stopped Twilight from talking to say "Darling. There's no need to cancel the sleepover. I simply said I won't be able to attend this time. There's no need to cancel at my expense. Go and -" Before rarity continued talking, she noticed Spike behind Twilight. She hasn't admitted this to anypony, but ever since his first birthday party in ponyville he's been somepony she's considered to be her safety net, her rock, her Dimond in the rough so to speak. She even remembered when Blueblood broke her heart and he comforted her though out the night. And that last moment she remembered the same look that Spike had now. The sight of Spike's sadness was enough to break her heart and she wanted nothing more to mend and confert him in her hoofs. Then she had a idea that could work. "Actually dear, I might need some help after all. Is it OK if Spike came to help and stay at my place for the night?" Twilight was taken back by this. Rarity never asked to have any of her friends over for the Night since she was too busy at times. But Spike gets to go? She started to get a sense of... Jealousy? "Wait why would I be jealous?" Twilight thought as she turned to see spike smiling so big she think he's doing a Impression of Pinkie Pie. Spike meanwhile was incredibly excited. The love of his life, inviting him to spend the night with her and her alone? This was a opportunity he COULDN'T let slip by! Plus it would him a chance to get to know Rarity better and maybe have a chance at being her drakefriend! Or at least he can finally have a friend of his own in rarity. The thought of making a friendship with Rarity warmed his heart. "Of course I'll go and help you rarity! I AM Twilight's #1 Assistant after all!" Seeing Spike smile made Rarity incredibly happy, seeing him smile made her heart Swell and made her blush slightly that nopony noticed. "Splendid! Spike you really are my hero!" She gave spike a kiss on the cheek and immediately he started to see hearts around his head. Rarity could even admit that this kiss felt more personal then her other kisses she gave him over the three years she got to know Spike and Twilight. Speaking of. Twilight was definitely feeling like she was ignored by Spike for a bit, and she started to feel... a bit angry that he acted like how they would back in cantrlot. But she expected this given his crush on the mare. She then said to rarity "well if Spike wants to, then he can go. But what about the princess package?" Spike looked at her and said," I can always go to the post office tomorrow and grab it on the way back. It won't take long." Twilight sighed before rarity said," If everything is taken care of... shall we go back to my place?" Spike nodded his head and was prepared to walk over before rarity said "would you like a lift my spikey wikey~" spike admitted that it was embarrassing to be called that in public since it sounded kinda childish. But when it's just their friends, he didn't mind since it was a name Rarity calls him. "Of course I'll take a lift." Spike got on rarity back and said, " Bye, twilight! See you later!" Rarity said," Bye-bye, darling. Have fun at the slumber party!" As they left, Twilight waved sadly and closed the door only to make frustrated noises when she was alone. "It's not fair!" She yelled in the library."Why did SHE get spike to be happy?! And riding of her back?! THAT'S OUR THING!!!" Twilight was venting out her frustration, realizing that she was completely jealous that Spike was with another pony that wasn't her. She then began to calm down and said, " Relax Twilight. It's only for tonight. After the slumber party, you can easily make up the lost time you didn't spend with him. "Twilight began to get her things and made her way to applejack's. Thinking about what activities she and her little brother can do when she got back. > Bond of rarity > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As Rarity and Spike made their way to carousel boutique, they began to take in the view of the evening sky. Princess Luna- co-ruler of equestria,guardian of the dreamscape, and keeper of the night sky, had made an excellent masterpiece of stars and consultants for her subjects to enjoy. Spike always enjoyed looking at the stars and imagining himself being the first dragon or any creature in equestria for that matter - to explore the vase reaches of space! A dream of his ever since he was a little drake and was studying them with twi- oh. Spike depression and sadness started to resurface when he remembered the fun times of him and Twilight in their younger days. Days he wished he could get back. Meanwhile, Rarity noticed once again Spike's sadness and was sadden herself at his misery. She couldn't count how many times Spike over the years had taken time off his schedule-even when he was exhausted from helping Twilight - to come help with a massive order by grabbing supplies, helping with chores she didn't have time doing, or even served as her pincushion. That last one she wasn't proud of, even with hard scales, it must've hurt to be sticked with sharp nettles on your flank. She would feel more guilty when she saw him not sitting right at times. Even with all that abuse she unintentionally given him, Spike's devotion to her was stronger then ever. And she wished she could pay him back for all the generous help he's given her all these years, but failed how to express her gratitude to her knight in shining scales...even though she at times she wasn't loyal to spike with all the dates she gose on with the high end singles stallions she managed to score. Every night after the grand galloping gala for the past 4 months, she had gotten dates after Prince Blueblood had rejected her, and she rushed to the castle garden to avoid the humiliation she had. Luckily for her, Spike was back there to comfort her from that experience. The potential dates afterwards were pathetic at worse to enjoyable at best. But a few dates however had the potential to be enchanting. Some she would think to be her potential husband. However, one thing that would happen every time she would be on such a date is that every time she looked at her date instead of a elite society stallion, she would see Spike's face instead. At first she thought it was nerves about her dates. But as the months and dates when by, the sight of Spike became more noticeable. It would get to the point that she no longer saw the full stallions but instead she saw Spike in a gorgeous tuxs and charming her with his undying love for her. Even the stallions voices would be replaced with Spike's voice when deciding there love for her. It was then that Rarity came to the truth that she was head over hoofs in love with Spike. At first she didn't think it was possible. But Spike wasn't a stranger to dating as well. He had a few dates over the three years since moving into ponyville with Twilight. And every time she saw him on a date, she was overcome with jealousy. At first she only felt concerned that the mares he was with was using him as a one stand and they would brutaly reget him. But to her shock and enrageing surprise, they loved the date they when on, they would kissed him, and even invited him back to their place to make out! That last fact made Rarity absolutely furious! In her mind, she was the only one that was allowed to kiss and make out with her dragon! So she made it her mission to stop this and any mare that ever wanted a piece of her drake. She when as far as to misdirecting the mare away from Spike, to spying on Spike's dates, to even sabotage them to make sure they don't grow into something more. Rarity admitted that she wasn't too proud of herself of her sabotaging Spike's dates while she was on amazing dates herself. So from that moment on she refused to date anypony for the past year...well except for Spike. From Their outdoor picnics, to the occasional at home dinner dates, Rarity felt like the happiest mare in all of equestria! And Spike admitted that he enjoyed their special dates he would go on with Rarity. At first, he was only going on other dates on Twilight's advice. To "keep his opinions open" as she put it. Despite never having a date in her life. Course, he wasn't the one who should talk, as he only had two other dates in the past back in cantelot. In fact, the first date he ever when on was such a disaster, that it made the cartrlot tabloids! ...It took all of Princess Celestia's P.R team to cover and bribe the newspaper company to not publish that story outside of the cantrlot walls. But after having another chance with another mare, he eventually became known as "the dragon playboy" and got dates left and right! He eventually had to stop going on dates for a while as they started to blend together after enough time. But after seeing rarity going on dates, Twilight pushed him to give the other mares in ponyville a chance. It took a bit on the first date to shake the rust off his dating skills, but eventually he was making mares fall for him. However he DID notice that his recent dates have been getting ruined somehow and they had to call it off early. He was beginning to wonder if he was losing his skills at dating mares. However around that same time Rarity started to ask him to lunch at the park, and even to at-home dinners. Rarity was a surprisingly good cook and Spike even surprised her with his Colonary skills he learned while in cantrlot. In fact he was enjoying the dates so much that he stopped going on other dates for the past 6 months. Rarity decided that one day she'll tell Spike her true feelings for him. But not tonight. Tonight she was on a mission. To find out what has made her knight in shining scales depressed and fix him anyway she can! When they both arrived, Rarity levitated Spike back on the ground, and opened the door to enter. Inside the boutique, Spike could see that Rarity wasn't kidding about the size of this order! Boxes were stacked, Gems were scattered, fabric was pilled up, and rejected designs papers overflowed her trash bin. If any other pony saw this mess, they think there was a robbery here. But after helping her for nearly two years, Spike knew that this was what she called 'controlled chaos' as she put it. Spike was reminded about the time Twilight first saw Rarity controlled chaos and fainted on the spot... She had nightmares about Rarity's controlled chaos for weeks after that. Still Spike could tell this was worse then normal based on the size of the mess and asked " Rarity, what happened here?!" Rarity blushed in embarrassment. Knowing that Spike could tell that this wasn't her normal state of work. "Darling, I'm so sorry you have to see the boutique in such a state. But I'm afraid I'm suffering something any creative artist dreads the most... ARTIST BLOCK!!!" Rarity pulled out her signature fainting couch and layer on top of it. Spike knew what that could mean. Rarity was about to have her signature-over the top- freak out moments. And Spike knew at this point, that she NEEDED to get it all out of her system. As she her also signature phrase, "It is the WORSE. POSSIBLE. THING! EVER!!!" After a few minutes of stress crying and comforting from Spike, he asked "If it was getting this bad, why didn't you come get me sooner?" Rarity wiped her tears, looked at spike with a guilty conscience, and said "I would dear. But I already had your help with a massive order last week. I didn't want you to think I only ask invite you here for your services. But after three days of work-" "THREE DAYS?!" Spike said surprised and admittedly angry at her. "Three days you've been at this?! Have you eaten?! Have you washed up?! HAVE YOU SLEPT?!" Rarity flinched in fear. Knowing how Spike was adamant about her and her friends should take care of themselves. She's seen his scolding on Twilight when she pulls all night study sessions multiple nights in a row, on Pinkie Pie when she overwhelms herself with multiple partys a day, on Rainbow dash when she gose too far on training and over exhausts her body to the point of injury, Fluttershy for trying to please all her animals with specialized food she makes hoofmade, and Applejack (probably tied with Twilight for being the worse offender) for overworking herself on the farm to the point of extreme Exhaustion. Rarity then looked to the ground ashamed and said "I'm so sorry darling. I know you said not to go too far, but I have a business to run and-" "And you can't run it in this condition! I'm sorry Rarity, but I insist that you rest and recover until your 100% Rested and ready!" Spike said with a serious look. For a young dragon, he had intimidating face on him. Knowing he was serious and not wanting to get on his bad side, Rarity said "but what about Princess Celestia,Princess luna, and princess Cadence?! They need all three dresses for the next grand galloping gala coming up! I can't-" Spike turned to her and said " I'll write to them saying that you need to recover from your burn out for a while and that they'll be done a little later then intended." Rarity gasped "B-but Spike! It's the Princesses! They-" "I'm sure mom won't mind if- *gasp*" Spike covered his mouth and looked terrified. Cursing himself for accidentally letting out his deepest secret! Next to his crush on Rarity. Rarity looked in surprise. What she heard just now right? "S-spike? Did you say m-mom?!" Spike was sweating out a storm. Trying to think of something to say when Rarity said, " Spike. Please be honest with me. Isn't that what friends are for?" That did it. That was what he wanted tonight. To make a connection with her and the opportunity has let itself be open. Will she treat him differently with this knowledge? He didn't know. But one thing he did know was that wanted Rarity to trust him. And this was the first step in that trust. With a deep breath and a nervous look. He said "y-yes. Princess Celestia...adopted me. I'm her son." Rarity was shocked to say the least. She didn't know WHAT to feel. Here in her boutique. Was a Prince. A prince, that unlike Blueblood, was kind, caring, loving, , funny, and a gentlecolt. Was someone she never expected to be of royal lingerie. She blushed in embarrassment, realizing that he's seen her in her most embarrassing moments. Spike immediately got close to her and made her look at him saying " look Rarity! Me being a prince doesn't change the fact that I'm still me! That young dragon you know since I moved here with Twilight 3 years ago! Please don't treat me different because I'm a prince! I JUST WANT TO LIVE A NORMAL LIFE FOR ONCE!!!" Spike cried out with tears. He knew once his biggest secret got out, his normal life would be over. Now he not only lose Twilight, but his chances of having a normal friendship and political relationship with Rarity were down the drain. He sat down on the floor away from Rarity, and cried his eyes out. Knowing he lost everything he worked for. Rarity looked at Spike and her heart broke into pieces. The realization hit her hard. Spike was right. He was still the same caring young dragon she knew 3 years ago. Being a prince was just another new thing to add to him. She slowly moved towards him, hugged him, and gently rubbed his spines on his head as the both of them cried together. Both of them knowing that their friendship has reached a new level of trust. 1 hour later. After crying, Spike and Rarity decided to not think about the massive order and start to put up all the material Rarity had out. The order all three princesses had was a huge undertaking, and neither of them in the right state of mind to focus clearly on the dresses now. Spike offered to cook Rarity some dinner and give her one of his signature massages to help her relax and calm her down. Rarity agreed on two conditions. One was that they continued their talk after all is said and done and two was that she help him relax too. After dinner and the massage were done and Spike finished with the letter to all three princesses, Rarity drew a bath for the both of them. Rarity looked at Spike and said "Aren't you gonna join me~" Spike was floored to say the least. Though out his dating life, he Never shared a bath with a mare before...well except for one other mare... so he decided to take advantage of this opportunity saying "a-are you sure I ca-" "Of course I'm offering you to join me darling! After all that happened down stairs a little while ago, I think the both of us need a soak to wash our worries away. Besides~" Rarity looked at Spike with a playful look "Don't pretend your not excited sharing a bath with a mare~ And if your nervous. Think of it like a hottub with shampoo." Spike looked at Rarity and said "Ok Rarity. You convinced me." After the bath was filled up and Rarity found the perfect shampoo for the both of them. (Apple cinnamon twist) the two of them began to soak in the tub and felt the stress melt away. Spike then said" Thanks for letting me join you Rarity." "Daring it's the least I can do after all you've done for me. And your the first one and only one to join me in my bath. And don't worry. No other stallion is even close to our level of trust after tonight." Spike couldn't help but say " Is it Cas I'm a prince?" Looking nervous thinking that this was special treatment cas of his royal states. Rarity however, quickly crushed those fears saying "Absolutely not darling! I wouldn't do this with ANY pony! Even a prince! Especially that blow heart Blueblood! You however, are my close friend. And after tonight...I consider you my best friend. Everything you've done for me and my business...I feel selfish and unworthy to call you my best friend..." Spike immediately spoke and said "But you ARE worthy! You've helped me so much when I first arrived in ponyville, you made me that amazing tux for the grand galloping gala-" "Which I still feel guilty for abandoning you at. I was filled with my Illinois of grander that I didn't think of your feelings then." Rarity once again felt guilty about that incident. "And I robbed you of a good time when you went to comfort me in the garden. I'm so sorry darling." Spike gave a reassuring look and said "You were heartbroken Rarity. I hate to see you like that. Those tears weren't meant for you." "Or for you tonight either darling. I never want to see you suffer like that again. As my best friend, I'll never let you face such sadness alone ever again!" "Wow. Now I wonder who truly is the element of loyalty. You or rainbow dash?" Spike said, thinking about his question. "Well darling, I say that you would also be a contender for the element for loyalty AND generosity. You've given me and the rest of us so much and we never showed gratitude to you." Before Rarity could look guilty, Spike immediately said " but you already have Rarity." Spike had to remember that day, but he had to tell her. "You saved me from my greed when it took me over remember?" Rarity remembered that day well. And Spike said "You helped me to snap out of my greed and returned my to normal. You called me your hero that day...but in reality...you were my hero that day. Thank you" Spike gave a kiss to Rarity's cheek and while Spike didn't notice it, Rarity was on cloud 9! She felt redder them one of Applejacks prized apples and for a minute only saw hearts as she said" Y-y-your w-welcome d-darling." After the bath, both Rarity and Spike continue to talk in her bedroom when a question came to mind that she needed answers to. "Spike darling. I've been meaning to ask. How is it that your so good at dates? I've been hearing though the gossip chain that your a real playcolt with the mares in town." She said trying not to sound jealous. Which was harder then it looked. Spike began to remember and said "well It wasn't always like that. The first date I EVER when on was... disastrous." Spike blushed in embarrassment. Rarity only chuckled and said" it's alright darling. Not anypony's a master at dating right off the bat. I've had some awful dates from at first and from time to time." "Did you end up being on the cantrlot gazete and embarrassed for two weeks? Rarity sat still. Wondering what he meant by that. "Umm...was it That bad?" "Please Rarity. I don't want to talk about it. It's too embarrassing to think about." "Fair enough darling. I understand." Before Rarity could change the subject, Spike said" I can tell you about my second date though. If you want." That surprised Rarity. She was about to learn about Spike's dating past. And what made him the 'dragon playboy' in the first place. "OH yes darling! I would LOVE to hear about that!" Spike began to tell about his story. "Ok, well..." *4 years ago* Spike was in his room depressed about what happened two weeks ago. To say he when though torture that day was an understatement. As his image was nearly destroyed by a bad date. He was glad to have friends like fancypants and sapphire shores to help with his mom's P.R team to contain it to just inside cantelot. He had to repay them somehow for there kindness later on. Spike wished he was with Twilight right now, But she was visiting family up north with her parents this week. As Spike laid on his bed defeated and alone, a knock was heard. *KNOCK KNOCK* "Spike? Can I come in?" Spike instantly recognized the voice and immediately got nervous. He then said, "c-come in cadence." The door opened and revealed Princess cadence. Princess of love, Celestia and luna's niece, and (in that time) Spike's first crush. Even though they were 'technically' cousins, Spike never that way for Cadence. To him, Cadence was a goddess. A true beauty. And one of the few beings in the world other then Princess Celestia who knew the real Cadence. When Princess Cadence wasn't acting graceful and proper, she was surprisingly down to earth...and flirty to the guards. But with the guards he noticed that it wasn't serious. Just enough to sneak herself and Spike out for a night on the town. While her flirting with shining armor, Twilight's older brother, was definitely romantic, She had a special kind of flirting with Spike that borderlined on teasing and romantic. He didn't know why she did it, but he still enjoyed it all the same. Cadence walked into Spike's room concerned, hearing what happened two weeks ago from her aunt, Cadence had a...interesting relationship with Spike. While she was in love with Twilight's older brother shining armor, she would admit to having feelings for little 'cousin' that were more...romantic then normal. Being the Princess of love, She's more intune with creatures hidden feeling then most ponys. In fact that's how she found about Shining armors feelings for her and Spike's crush on her as well. And honestly in her heart, if shining armor wasn't around, she would've totally made the first move on Spike and asked him to be her drakefriend. But, she was with shining armor now, but her feelings for Spike haven't changed. She still wanted to be with him. Even if it wasn't romantic, like watching movies,reading comic books, eating ice cream, and of course the borderline flirting. However with Shining armor gone with Twilight to visit family, she had a rare opportunity to have truly romantic moments with him! Without the worry of either Shinning or Twilight walking in on them And Accusing her of cheating. But before that, she needed to comfort her embarrassed dragon. "How are you holding up champ?" Cadence asked, having a feeling what he was gonna say. "Cadence. I appreciate you checking up on me, but I just want to be Left alone now." Spike said depressingly. Knowing Cadence was only trying to help. Cadence however, was determined to get him to talk, so she tried another approach. "Spike... Remember our kiss of trust~" That got Spike's attention. Before he knew about the pinkie promise, there were her 'kisses of trust' as cadence called them. It means that you promise something and seal it with a kiss. Cadence made this arrangement when they were younger and kept it going ever since. However, Cadence decided to remind him about is promised with a quick kiss, Surprising Spike in the process. "C-Cadende! What if-" "Someone comes walking in~ hehe~ don't worry your cute little dragon head Spike. Twilight and Shining armor are gone for the week, the guards are ordered to give us privacy, and auntie Celestia is busy in the day court right now. So we'll FINALLY have some alone time~" Cadende said with a sulty look on her face. Ready to take her dragon right there and then. "But what about blueblood?! If he finds out He'll never let it go and make me his servant to keep this from Twilight and Shining! Or worse! IF HE TELLS MOM SHE'LL- "Don't worry spike. It's sweet you care, but I already paid old blue butt a visit. And told him if he EVER comes and tries that kind of stunt with you or Twilight again..." she cooed and held him gently as she said "I'll bust his knee caps~" While Spike knew she was a gentle and forgiving soul, Cadence also had a limit with her patience. And unfortunately for his cousin Blue blood, he's one of the few beings that has crossed her one too many times. Especially how he bothers Spike and gets him to do all his royal dutys instead of him, which unfortunately for him, ended up with a trip to the cantrlot hospital, courtesy of the Princess of love herself...which Spike found to be really sexy honestly. Ever since then, blue blood hasn't been using Spike as his butler and started to do more of his royal dutys himself and left Spike and Twilight alone. As soon as Spike heard Cadence mention the threat on Blue blood, he immediately started to make out with her as he was turned on by what she said. Call it a dragon thing that happens. Cadence immediately followed suit as she kept up with the young drake in tounge wrestling. After 5 minutes of making out, the two royals broke the kiss and sat next to each other, feeling great afterwards. Spike looked at Cadende and said "heh. I never get tired of that candy~" Cadence looked at Spike with the same look as she turned around at him when he said that nickname. She immediately got turned on again after hearing the nickname Spike gives her as she found it sweet, but resisted to ask Spike something. "Spike~ I sometimes wonder if you only like me for our make out sessions?~" she said with a tease. Spike knew this and decided to fire back with his own tease "Are you sure YOU don't like me for my forked tounge~ I bet it doesn't compare to Shining tongue when he kisses you, huh~ Huh~" Cadence Flinched as he manage to hit the point home. As much as she loved shining, she admitted Spike was built as a better lover for her as she could potentially do things with him then she could ever do with shining armor. Before he asked to continue with this topic, she decided to take the opportunity to ask him one important question. "Spike..."she asked nervously. Nervous if he'll say no. "If you want another chance at dating...I know a mare that'll love to go out with you." Spike was surprised at what she said was puzzled and asked "wait what? Who did you get? Considering what happened two weeks ago I don't see-" She decided to just to go for it and said "well...with me of course. Spike drake solàr. Will you go on a date with me?" Spike was floored! He always hoped but never expected the Princess of love to ask HIM on a date! Quickly deciding not to waste this chance he said "but what about-" "Don't worry about Shinning finding out. As I said he's out for the week and I've already taken care of the details of our date tonight. So what do you say? Wanna go out with me?" To this Spike quickly said " of course I'll go out with you candy!" He immediately kissed her and hugged her as she hugged back and said "oh thank you Spike! I've got everything planned! At 6 will have reservations at Dimond delights, at 8 we have tickets to see the new power pony movie that released, and at 10 will head back home for some... private fun~" Spike thought that this was a dream. That Cadence wanted to get intimate with him! This was one of the greatest moments in his life! Cadence could see his eyes light up. That look that always makes her heart beat with happiness. The very thing made her fell for him in the first place. The date itself was amazing. They both arrived at Dimond delights and ordered their food. Cadence surprisingly got a hay patty stake with dandelion sauce while Spike got a Oat Spaghetti with rose sauce and ruby shavings. After dinner Spike surprised Cadence by paying for dinner instead of her. She said, "Why did you pay? It was my treat to you." Spike who was confused said "Candene. It would be bad as a gentledrake to let a beautiful mare like yourself to pay for dinner. Especially after all you've done for me today." He kissed her hoof in gratitude and Cas he always wanted to do that. Cadence blushed at this and resisted the Urge to take him now, besides, she'll have all the time in equestria once they were back home. That the movie's, Cadence paid for a private showing of power ponys 3 revenge of dusk breaker. Spike had already seen the movie opening day, so he knew what it was about. However, what a private theater to themselves, they enjoyed snuggling up to each other under the romantic setting of a empty room, without risk of getting caught by castle guards, nosey reporters, or jealous potential coltfriends. The both of them enjoyed their time together. But they needed to return home soon...and cadence's final and favorite part could began. As Spike began to relax after a grand date he was noticed the blue flash of Cadence's teleport spell as he was brought into...her private bathroom? He looked behind him and saw cadence with a sluty look and said "Our date isn't done yet~" As the two started to make out in the bath, they poured out how much loved each other as the two of them had a make out session unlike any of their past make out sessions they had before. They moaned from each other's passion and hickeys were made all over there bodies. It was a perfect date night. They only wished that this feeling could last forever. 3 hours later "Cadence..." Spike said in a caught breath. Drained from the best make out session he ever had with Cadence. "I love you so much~" Cadence looked at Spike feeling the same as she said "I love you too Spike! But..." She dreaded this moment, Having to say this to him. "I'm afraid that..." "We can't be in a official relationship. I know. All because of a ancient law that provides royals in the same castle to be in a romantic relationship. It sucks and I'm tempted to tell mom to change it. But..." "You know it's impossible now right?" Cadence said depressed. Knowing Spike figured out why it was impossible. Spike then said "Cas the law needs BOTH of the royal sisters to disband the law? "Exactly." Cadence said saddened, angry that she was denied happiness. Spike, despite heart broken by the news himself, was able to comfort his princess. "Hey candy. Don't worry. Everything will be ok." "B-but how?" "Can we do a kiss of trust? Cadence then immediately kissed him deeply as she wasn't sure if this was the last time they would kiss like this. "W-whats the secret love?" "A vow. A vow that we will always love each other. Even if we can't be together, we will always love each other in our hearts." They kissed again, longer, not wanting their love, their relationship, to end. But some things weren't meant to last...in that time. Present time "And that's what happened at the end." Rarity was hugging Spike by the end of the story. She was so moved by what happened that she never felt jealous hearing all they did. However two questions remained. "Spike? I hate to ask but, do you think she still feels the same about you? I mean, I remember the cantrlot wedding and she did seem to notice you at all. And you you two didn't seem that close during the king sombra incident. Do you think her feelings for Shinning armor won out in the end?" Spike began to think about those events and wondered if he ever had a chance with Cadence in the first place. When he felt a familiar feeling in his gut. He then belched out a letter thinking it was mom telling them it was ok to extend the wait time on the order. However, instead it had the mark of heart. Spike knew that it was Princess Cadence's royal mark and decided to read it out loud. "Dear Spike, It's been awhile since I gotten a letter from you, And It made me think about our days in cantrlot. It also reminded of a promise we made together all those years ago. So I decided to personally write to you to tell you something. Spike...I was in love with you back then...and I'm still in love with you Even now! Even with Shinning armor by my side, I still feel like somethings missing...or should i say...a certain dragon~ I know it's been four years since we made that promise, but now... We don't live in cantrlot anymore. That dumb law doesn't apply to us anymore! So I'm saying it now! I love you Spike drake solàr! Please be my drakefriend!!!... sorry, I got a little too excited. I also know about your feelings for Rarity, but I don't mind sharing you with her. She looks like she's a dependable mare and looks like she loves you very much. I'm willing to share if your willing to share me with shining. You do you say? Also if Rarity with you by any chance, tell her that all three of us are willing to wait for our dresses a little longer if she needs to rest. Can't wait to see you soon my scaled lover~ - Your marefriend,Cadence~ Spike was floored. After 4 years, he finally knows how she feels about him. But now a new problem faces him. Rarity. He loves her too. And now he didn't know what to do! Rarity saw his turmoil and asked him. "Spike? I know it's been four years from what you told me. But do you still love Cadence romantically?" Spike looked at luna's moon and said "I do Rarity. Part of my heart is still with her. Just like part of mine is with you." Rarity was glad he said that. It makes the next thing she's about to say easier. "Well if you feel that way for her...guess I better get use to sharing you then." "Wait what?!" Rarity had a confident look and said " that's right Spike! I want to share you! Just like the six of us share you, I want to share you with cadence! I mean, I AM the element of generosity after all. As long as my best friend is ok with this, I'm ok with this." Spike smiled and said " What did I do to deserve a best friend like you?" "By being the best young dragon ever!" Rarity hugged him and said "ummm...can we do a kiss of trust ourselves?" Spike was surprised that she suggested that but decided to let here do it. "Ok, what's the secret?" "A vow actually. Promise me you'll never leave us Spike? Especially me?" Spike looked into Rarity blue eyes and said "I promise Rarity." And they kissed, sealing there vow now and forever. And for Spike, a deep friendship and a potential relationship with Rarity was born. > Twilight's hole in her heart > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As Twilight walked down the road to sweet apple acres, the sense of distress she picked up from her little brother kept playing on her mind. She'd never seen her #1 assistant/ little brother look so depressed, so defeated, so lonely. The more she thought about it, the more it hurt her heart. But what hurt her heart even more... was the way Rarity made him smile in an instant. "It's not fair. What does Rarity have that I don't? Is it looks? I mean, I think I'm pretty! ...sigh. yeah, right. I'm no fashionnita or nowhere NEAR beautiful as Rarity." "HOODY SUGERCUBE!" Twilight's thoughts were interrupted by her friend, Applejack. Owner of Sweet apple acres, element of honesty and physically, the strongest member of the mare 6. Twilight spotted Applejack outside of her barn, excited to see her. She ran to her and said, "Applejack! It's great to see you!" "You too, sugercube!" Applejack replied, hugging Twilight with her strong arms. She then looked around and asked, "Where's Spike and Rarity? I thought they were with you?" Twilight looked puzzled that she asked for Spike and said "Well Rarity said she had a last-minute order that came in and said she couldn't make it. Ask for Spike...I thought you said it was a girl's sleepove" Applejack looked saddened by the news and said, "I said the invention was for you AND Spike. I was hoping he'd come this time instead of getting left out like last time. As for Rarity, I understand. When work calls, you gotta answer. That's how you get paid after all. So what happened to Spike?" Twilight thought about the invite again, and she realized that she was right! The invite WAS for both of them and she assumed that it was a all mares sleepover immediately! Her guilt began to grow even more then and it showed in her face. Applejack caught her face change and asked again "Twilight. What happened to Spike? Did you two have another argument?" Twilight shuddered at the thought. The last argument they had was so loud that near by ponys could hear it and thought they were a married couple...not that Twilight minded anyway. "No. It's not that. Rarity asked Spike to help her with thr order, but before that he declined when I asked if he wanted to go." "Did you tell him that he was invited to come?" Applejack asked, Wanting to know what happened. "Well he said he had a package from the princess he was waiting on. But as soon as Rarity showed up and asked him for help he was all eager and ready to help." Twilight spoke bitterly. Her voice filled with jealousy. Before Applejack could press more on it, a hyper active voice was heard from the barn said "Hooray! Twilight's finally here!" "About time if you asked me! I was wondering if she'd show at all!" Another voice yelled, sounding more impatient then the last. "A-at least she's here now. That's important." The third voice said, more quiet and timed then the others. Twilight saw inside and saw her other best friends inside. The pink earth pony was Pinkie pie, Element of laughter, employee of suger cube corner, and ponyville's pristine parry planer. The blue Pegasus with rainbow mane was Rainbow dash, element of loyalty, captain of ponyville's weather team, and future member of the elite flying team the wonderbolts! The yellow Pegasus with the pink mane was fluttershy, element of kindness, and the local veterinarian of the animals of ponyville and the nearby forest of the everfree forest. Rainbow was of course the first to notice something was off by saying "hey, where's Spike and Rarity at? Are they behind you or something?" Before Twilight could tell her, Applejack started to explain what happened earlier about Spike and Rarity, to which Rainbow dash said, "Seriously? Aw dang." She said sadly. Looking a bit depressed at this. While fluttershy and pinkie pie understood and admittedly felt saddened by the news, For some reason, Rainbow dash looked more devastated about them not showing. Applejack decided to ask about this later and decided to focus on Twilight later on in the barn and said "I know it's sad their not here, but I'm sure Spike and Rarity will be here for the next sleepover! Come on, Let's have some fun!" Applejack's pep talk seem to work as most of her friends got excited for the party. Pinkie pie of course was excited for the Apple Family famous homemade Apple pie. While fluttershy was just happy to be with her friends, having fun. Even though Rainbow dash was still a little down about Spike, She was still pumped up after Applejack's pep talk. Especially since she was gonna challenge her to a cider drinking contest...then again, she decided to hold of on it Cas she wanted to include Spike in the contest too. Aw well, a hoof wrestling contest with aj had to do for now. Twilight was a bit better after A.J's speech, but still bummed that Spike is missing out. Applejack noticed this and decided to continue their conversation for a bit by the haybails on the side of the barn. "Twilight, are you ok?" "Oh yeah, I'm fine a.j! No need to worry!" She said in a confidant tone. Applejack had a worried expression on her face and said "whenever you say that, that's when I worry the most." Twilight blushed, having getting called out by Applejack. She sighed and said "Applejack, can you promise me you won't tell anyone what I'm about to tell you?" "I promise twi-" "Pinkie promise Applejack!" Applejack sighed, knowing that whatever Twilight was about to tell her most be important. "Cross my heart,hope to fly,stick a cupcake in my eye. Now what's so important that involves Spike?" Twilight breathe in and out to calm down and say"...I'm jealous." "Your jealous? Of Spike?" "No! I'm jealous of Rarity! Every time she's around she ALWAYS makes Spike go all 'ga ga' over her and me?! Nothing but depression! What dose she have that I dont?! Is it my looks? My mane?! MY BREAST SIZE?!" Applejack blushed when she said that. Knowing that she was too stressed to think straight. "WHOA there sugercube! Calm down. Your way too stressed out." Twilight calmed down before saying "sorry A.j. especially for that last part. Sometimes I catch him staring at them...I never told him I noticed cas... I like it when he stares at them...it makes me feel...good about myself." Applejack, instead of judging, understand where she's coming from. She'd be lying that she hadn't caught him staring at her 'goods' from time to time and... she admitted that it made her feel good. Especially after he saved her life recently from a giant Timberwolves that had her trapped. It was one of the main reasons she invited him to the sleepover, eas to show gratitude to Spike after all he did. Now SHE was feeling guilty and jealous of Rarity for hogging Spike Tonight. "There's another reason too...recently I've noticed that...me and Spike have been...growing more distant." Twilight was starting to feel tears from her eyes as she told Applejack and said "it sometimes feels like he sees me as a stranger instead of his sister!" Twilight cried hard at the thought. Thinking at the possibility of Spike leaving one day and abandoning her. Applejack hugged her and began to think about what she said. "I'm l considered his friend? Or a stranger to him?" She started to tear up herself at the thought, knowing she needed to fix this as soon as possible. Unknown to the both of them, Rainbow dash had accidentally overhead everything and came to two conclusions. One, was that she liked that Spike looked at her cleavage, it made her feel like a mare instead of a colt like how the boys that the factory treat her, and two was that she needed to fix her friendship with Spike. After hearing what spike did when she was under discord's spell, Rainbow dash has been laying off on pranking Spike and has been trying to show gratitude to the young dragon. But hasn't had much luck. However, now she was more determined to bond with Spike and tell him how great he was. After crying and releasing her feelings inside, Twilight and Applejack headed back inside to join the others for the sleepover. Twilight decided to make more time for Spike and rebuild her friendship with him, and rainbow dash wanting to grow their own friendship more. And they had a blast all night long. > Rainbow clarity > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was morning at Rarity's boutique, and things have been brighter for Spike. Not only has he gotten closer to Rarity and helped her from overworking herself to the bone, but his first crush Princess cadence, after four years, returned his feelings for him and wants to be in a relationship with him, but Rarity wants to share him with her! He was wondering if Princess Luma was pranking him in a dream or this was all real. After waking up next to Rarity in bed, he carefully made his way to the kitchen without waking her up. He started to make themselves breakfast. One downside for being small was that he had to use a step stoll just to cook. He couldn't wait to get a growth Spurt one day and say goodbye to step stolls. As spike was about to finish making omelets, his stuffed with gems he had with him for emergencies, and Rarity's with vegetables and cheese, as well as a backup omelet with potatoes and dandelion blossoms. His vision was blocked by a pair of soft hoofs and a voice that said, "Guess who spikey wikey~" Instead of freaking out, he simply said, "Good morning, Rarity." "Oooooh. How did you know?" Rarity pouted. Upset that her sneak attack didn't work. "Do you know how many times I've felt that with Twilight? Plus, I figured you would notice I was gone and look for me, " Spike said, knowing how Rarity's mind worked now. Rarity looked smug and said, "I figured you'd be making breakfast soon. I just wanted to cuddle in bed with you some more." Rarity admitted that hugging Spike was like hugging a scaled teddy bear. So cute and huggable. Rarity looked at the table and saw her plate with her omelet with Lilly cream pasties on the side and orange juice in a chilled glass. She hugged Spike and said "oh Spike! This is too much! You didn't need to go all out like this." "It's thanks for letting me stay over last night. Plus, your bed was so comfortable, Rarity." He said with a smile. Feeling better then yesterday. Rarity chuckled and said "maybe next time, we can have another sleepover but with spa treatments." Spike thought about and wondered "aren't usual pony treatments hard for dragon to benefit from?" "Now that I think about it. I'm not su-" *knock knock knock* Spike heard the knock and was about to get it, but Rarity stopped him and said "Now darling, you've done more then enough for me. I'll get the door." Rarity when to answer the door and was surprised by who it was. "Oh Rainbow dash! What a surprise!" Rainbow dash stood on by the front door panting as if she just flew from a race. She could barley speak when Rarity said "Rainbow darling, your exhausted! Did you over done your training again?" At dose words, Rainbow started to panic inside, knowing what would happen if spike heard- "SHE DID WHAT?!" Too late. Spike came to the living room and manged to get Rainbow dash on the couch to rest with water, before chewing her out on over pushing herself too far. Again. "This is the third time this month you've nearly collapsed from exhausting yourself in training! What's it gonna take for you to take care of yourself?! Your gonna give me a heart attack if something worse happened to you Cas you never listened to reason!" That one broke her. She never knew how scared she made him, how much her HURT him! She only assumed that growing up with Twilight made him a nag by default. She never considered his feelings. She cried aamd said "I'm sorry Spike! I n-never meant to hurt you and make you worry! I was only worried about joining the wonderbolts! B-but it's not worth it if it makes you feel this hurt Cas of me!" She hugged Spike and cried harder then before. A few minutes passed before he and Rarity calmed her down, they sat her down to eat the extra omelet so her can eat. While she was never a big fan of omelets, she had to admit that this one was good! She couldn't making happy mouns as she chewed. Rarity however, saw an opportunity to mess with Rainbow, even though she calmed down, she can tell that she's still sad about what happened earlier. And there was ONE thing she knew that could lift the mood here. "My Rainbow~ I knew the omelets were good, but I didn't think you were gonna go 'all the way' with it~" This got a reaction not only from Rainbow dash, but unintentionally Spike too as he was blushing intensely. Even feeling weird as certain thoughts started to build about Rainbow. "I-I Need to use the restroom real quick!" He took off at such speed that even rainbow was impressed. Speaking of Rainbow she was blushing hard as well. From what Twilight said about Spike checking out their boobs at times, what Rarity said made her feel...tingly. she looked at Rarity and said "what was THAT for?! I know your gorgeous and all, but I'm straight! I would never...ok MAYBE on occasion we could. But-" Rarity blushed a bit, now understanding what she meant said "Rainbow darling. I didn't make breakfast today. Spike did. He wake up from my bed earlier and made this incredible breakfast for us. I WAS surprised that he made extra, but it looked like it paid off in the end, heheheh~" Rainbow immediately calmed down from what she meant but started to blush and said "ok two things. One. You two SLEPT together?! And two. Spike made this? It's so good! And...wait if spike made then that means you..." after realizing what she implied, she was feeling hot. Incredibly hot. Almost like she's in heat. Rarity caught on and said "my dashie~ you look red. Is something wrong~" "You know exactly what's wrong! Your implying that I was gonna go all the way with Spike!" "And what's wrong with that? He may be short, but he's no baby. He's a young dragon with...'needs' like us." Rainbowbegan think about it and thought it made sense. But as she was thinking about it they heard something from the restroom. "R-rarity! Rainbow! Roooooooooooar!!" That got a reaction out of both of of them, as they stared at each other. Rarity was the first to say "oh my. I think I when a bit too far with the teasing." Rainbow gasped and said " you think?! What WAS that?!" She panicked. As Rainbow never heard spike roar like that before. "I believe Spike was ummm...'releasing stress' if you will. Oh my, and it sounded powerful~" Rarity said with a certain desire, in her voice. Rainbow however, was starting to feel the same way and said "Rarity. Go check on Spike. R.d needs some private time." Rarity had a feeling what she meant and said "at least move away from the coffee table please?" As she headed for the restroom to check on spike,she felt bad for casing them embarrassment in front of each other and wanted to apologize. She knocked of the door and said "Spike, darling? You ok in there? Feeling relieved?" Spike felt embarrassed about it, thinking that Rarity was grossed out by what he did. But what she said next snubbed those feelings away. "It's ok Spike. All young beings have...urges like that sometimes. Including me." Spike open the door a crack and said " Your not mad Rarity?" "Why would I be mad? I'm flattered that you shouted my name when you ummm...'came' and also It WAS my fault that you had to go so fast. Forgive me?" Spike saw the regretful look in her eyes and said "I forgive you Rarity. But I don't think it's a good idea for me to come out yet." Rarity looked confused saying "why Spike? I forgave you already. What's wrong?" Spike blushed before saying "well...it's had been a long while since i...you know 'released stress' and im...kinda not done yet. And your restrooms kinda a mess. I'll clean it up, but...give me some time?" Rarity could see Spike turning deep purple. Before she could say anything they heard a yell similar to Spikes from earlier from the kitchen say "AHHH SPIIIIIIIIIKE!! YAAAAAAAHHHH!!" "OH my. I better go check on Rainbow" rarity said concerned. Spike blushed and said "That was rainbow!?" Pressure was building again as he said "ok I'll be out later rarity!" Closing the door behind her she heard thumping inside as she walked back down fast. In the kitchen rainbow was in the corner panting, as she was recovering from her episode, when Rarity walked in and said "had a good time dashie?" Rainbow blushed and said "it was a while since I had a urge like that. How's spike?" "Still in the restroom. He said he wasn't Finnish with his yet, and done blame him for that. " Rarity said with a sluty look on her face but decided to change subject before starting rainbow all over again. "So. How was the sleepover? Was it fun?" Rainbow,who was glad to change the subject and tell her about what they did at the Sleepover. They played truth or dare, got pranked by the cmc, and ate Applejacks famous homemade apple pies. However, she was embarrassed to talk to her about THIS topic. "R-rarity? I have to tell you something. " Rarity looked concerned as she heard Rainbow dashes voice get nervous. "Darling, what's the matter?" Rainbow braced herself to tell her. "two things actually. First is that...are we considered Spikes friends? Like actually his friends?" Rarity began to remember the events from the night before and said "So you noticed it too huh? I saw the hurt in his eyes and it broke my heart to be honest. That was the whole reason I brought him here. To connect with each other. And well...you weren't the only only one who got chewed out by Spike. Rainbow smirked. Decided to get even with Rarity for the stunt she pulled. "So~ you got in trouble with Spike huh? Did he have to give you a spanking for being a bad mare~" This time is was Rarity's turn to blush and feel tingly, but had to hold it till she was done with Rainbow dash first. "R-Rainbow! Seriously! I don't think we realize how important Spike is in our lives. When he was crying in my hoofs, I realized how we taking him for granted. And after the talk we had. I now consider Spike to be my best friend now." Rainbow looked on the ground and felt hurt that Spike was feeling like this. Her guilt grew even more as she teared up again. "I...I never knew he felt like that. And here I am pranking him, putting him down. And didn't even bother inviting him to cloudstale for the young flyers competition. And despite all that...he filled in for me when I was under discord's spell...some element of loyalty I am. I don't deserve him as a friend. If I had a chance, I would start all over again. Build our friendship with him again. I'll even give up being a wonderbolt if it'll help him!" Rarity gasped. Shocked that Rainbow dash would give up her dream for Spike. "R-Rainbow dash. Being a wonderbolt is your dream! You would give it up for Spike?" Rainbow dash looked serious at Rarity and simply said "would you give up on your fashion career if it'll help Spike?" Rarity didn't have to think long to answer. "If it's for Spike, I'd do it in a heart beat." Rainbow nodded and said "then I'm putting my dream of being a wonderbolt on hold for a while. At least till I'm worthy of it in Spike's eyes." Rarity couldn't help but help but respected Rainbow dash for doing something so bold. She then decided on something and said "well if you want to prove yourself to Spike, then here's an idea. Spent the day with him. I know it did me and him a world of good when I spend quality time with him. I know you two will hit it off." Rainbow dash then said "sounds like your setting us up on a date." Rarity grumbled and said "you know what I mean. Bond with that sweet drake!" Rainbow started to feel more confident and said "You know what? Your right! I'm gonna give Spike the best day ever! And I have a plan already on how to do that!" Spike had walked out of the restroom after cleaning it and said "sorry about that. Had to tidy up real quick." Rainbow got close and said "not a problem! Say Spike." "Yeah?" "How would you like to spend the day with me? I have the whole day planned for us! What do you say?" Spike was surprised. He didn't think he was cool enough to spend time with her. But decided not to think about it. Except "what about Twilight? I don't think she'll" Rarity looking red said "Leave her to me darling. I can tell her that your with rainbow dash and that your gonna spent the night." Spike then said "whoa Really dash?! You'll let me stay with you tonight?!" Rainbow dash was about to say something, but the look in his eyes was too much for her to handle and said "ok sure. You can stay over Spike." "YES!!! I'll go get my things!" Spike when to go collect his things and gave Rainbow dash enough time to tell Rarity something. Rarity asked "so darling before you and Spike leave, what WAS the second thing you wanted to tell me? " Rainbow dash though that this was too easy "dose Spike stare at your rack?" That got Rarity and said "darn you rainbow! That did it!" She ran off to her bedroom and lock the door as Spike got out and locked the door. Spike wondered what happened when he heard thumping in the room, knowing what was happening, he ran down the stairs and grabbed Rainbow dashes hoof ran to the front door. But not before hearing a scream from Rarity saying "YAHHHHHHH! SPIIIIIIIIKE! MAKE ME YOUR MARRREE! YAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!" The two of them spead out of the boutique, they hoped there day was less Awkward then the morning was, as they began their epic day in the sky. > Cloud touring > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- If Spike had a bucket list, then visiting cloudsdale would be number 3 on the list. Right after being Cadence's and Rarity's drakefriend and being a national hero. He totally did...one and half anyway, at least Rarity was interested in sharing anyway, so there's a chance in the future. But right now, he was excited! Cas, he FINALLY gets to go to cloudsdale! The city made of clouds! Fortunately he had time to head to the library and find Twilight's cloud walker potion so he can walk on clouds. With a ride on Rainbow dash's back, Spike had FINALLY reached the place he always wanted to go! And he was very excited to be with the coolest Pegasus he knew...and nervous. He hoped not to embarrass her while he was up here. Rainbow dash on the other hoof, was hoping not to embarrass HIM on their trip here. She wanted for the trip to go smoothly. After all, She realized that Spike was the only one of his friends to not come with them to cloudsdale. He was robbed of the young flyers Competition, and none of them made the effort to return to cloudsdale with Spike. Even though she didn't live in cloudsdale any more, she was proud of her home town! And wanted to show Spike what made it a great city! "Wow! So THIS is cloudsdale!? It's even cooler then I thought!" Spike said excitingly, still couldn't believe he was FINALLY here! Rainbow dash saw the excitement in Spike's eyes, and couldn't help but blush at him. She blushed with pride that this city could still make some ponys, or dragons, excitement or being in the city. Especially since the love of her life was finally gets to experience what makes cloudsdale so great! ...wait 'love of her life'? Where did that come from? Sure she felt an urge back at the boutique when he called her name in pleasure, but that was at the heat of the moment for him...right? She decided to save it for later and focus on the here and now and show Spike a grand time in cloudsdale. "So Spike! What spectacular cloudsdale attraction do you wanna see first? Downtown, The weather factory, Rainbow river!" Rainbow said in excitement. Spike was confused about the last part. He heard of the weather factory and about much of a tourist attraction is from Twilight. But This 'Rainbow river' was a new one for him, he didn't know if it was something Twilight didn't mention for some reason or forgot to tell him about. So he said "What's rainbow river? I've never heard of it." Rainbow dash has a shocked look on her face. Thinking that Spike didn't know about the best place in cloudsdale in her opinion. But then she remembered that it was her secret place. A place that nopony knew about. Not her parents, not Gilda, not even fluttershy knew about that place. She didn't had plans to tell Spike about it, but she believed that he was worthy of knowing. So she decided to show it to hom later. "I can show you Rainbow river later, how about downtown? I actually have a place I wanna show you now." While Spike was curious about Rainbow River, going to downtown sounded exciting, so he said "Alright! Let's go to downtown then!" As they arrived in downtown, it looked busy. Pegasus were flying left and right, hurring to there jobs and other events they had planned. There were surprisingly some unicorns and earth ponys on the cloud walkways near the shops. But the shop Rainbow dash was going to was something he never expected her to go to. A clothing store. "Here we are Spike. Vicponia's secret. Look only fluttershy knows that I come here. So I'm trusting you not to tell the others ok?" Spike looked at the window display real quick and saw what was on display before saying "I promise Rainbow, but umm...is this a mare's ummm... it this a mare's lingerie store?!" Rainbow was embarrassed as she said "keep your voice down! And yes, it's a lingerie store. It was my second job before I worked at the weather factory." Spike was curious about that and said "what was your first job and why did you wanna work In a lingerie store?" "I'll show you later. As for why I worked here foe a while? Well...come on in and I'll show you~" rainbow teased as Spike began to feel a familiar feeling he had back at Carousel boutique when Rarity teased him. He had to push it down for now as to not embarrass himself or Rainbow dash here in cloudsdale. He calmed himself, and followed Rainbow inside. Inside was decorated like a nightclub with a elegant feel of high-end class. It reminded him of a cantrlot shop In a way. What immediately caught his attention was all the mare lingerie that was displayed on the plastic models In the store. He began to have flashbacks of cadence teasing him by walking around in their private wing of the castle wearing such lingerie and having to run to the nearest restroom. Rainbow saw the massive blushing he had on and thought it was massively cute. Wait cute? She began to blush as she was noticing her growing feelings for Spike, but again she pressed them down for now to mend their friendship. As the two of them were in thought a voice rang out saying "Rainbow dash?! Is that you?!" Rainbow turned around to see where was the voice came and saw a mint green Pegasus with a baby blue manel styled similar to how Rainbow's mane looked, with a star filled cutie mark and black spot on her flank the showed stars on her cutie mark more. "Nightlife?!" Rainbow said, recognizing the mare behind the counter. Nightlife came out of the counter and said "good to see you love! How are you?" Rainbow hugged Nightlife and said "oh you know, training for the wonderbolts and all the jazz. Nothing special love." Spike was surprised by this and said "you two know each other?" Rainbow looked at Spike and said "Oh right. *ahem* Spike, let me introduce you to nightlife. Manager of Vicponia's secret and my old boss. Nightlife,this is Spike the dragon." Nightlife looked at Spike with suspicious face and said "Spike...spike...wait. that name sounds familiar. Is your full name Spike drake solàr?" Spike was horrified that this random mare knew his full name. But he didn't have a choice or opinions now on how to get out of this while keeping the secret, or he came Clean and said "yes. That's my full name." Rainbow was shocked to say the least 'wait...Spike's a prince?! And I brought him to a lingerie store?! He must think I'm gonna seduce him or something!' Spike immediately saw Rainbow's face and said "Rainbow! I'm not different then you know! I may be a prince, but I'm still the same dragon you got to know. Please don't treat me differently, please!" Rainbow calmed down after he said that, put her hoof on his shoulder and said "of course Spike. You won't get Special treatment from me. But you will get special treatment as my friend- no. My BEST friend. You've been their for us for a long time now, and sacrificed so much for us. And that was BEFORE I knew you were a prince. Its part of who you are. And you should be comfortable with it. You'll still be Spike the dragon to me. But I wouldn't mind getting to know Spike the prince too as well as the others Im sure. Spike, for the first time ever, was excited that somepony wanted to get to know his prince side without getting taking advantage of! He hugged her and side "thanks Rainbow, but other then our friends, and miss nightlife, can we keep my prince side a secret? I don't want to make a big fuss about it. Promise?" Rainbow nodded and said "cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye." Nightlife while confused still said "don't worry kid, I understand, You secret is safe here. Hay its not called vicponia's secret for nothing." Spike smilled and said "thank you both! But nightlife, how did you know that I was a prince?" Nightlife had gotten a sluty look on her and said "oh a certain group of clientele has been shopping her for a couple of years now. And most of them came from cantrlot castle~ something about showing a certain drake a great show on the weekends~" "Mep" was all Spike could say as certain memories came flooding back and a aroused grin came to his face. Rainbow had a teasing look on his face and said "ooooh somepony's got some juicy story's to tell~ what's the scoop?" Spike was about to tell when a customer walked in and Spike hid to avoid scandal. Rainbow dash then said "you can tell me later~ *wink*" After the customer left the three of them continued to talk when Spike then asked "so nightlife. What was Rainbow's job here anyway? I've been wondering what it was here for a while?" Rainbow dash blushed as she figured this was gonna come up eventually. As nightlife said "she was a lingerie model. And I mean a live model. Back in the day, we use to had fashion shows to show of our new wears for our mare customers. And for the stallion customers that were shopping for their marefriends well...they would get a 'different show' if you know what I mean." If Rainbow gotten any more redder, she would be as purple as Twilight. But what got got Rainbow super embarrassed was when Spike said "wish I could have seen that. I bet that would have been the best show ever~" Nightlife had gotten a sly idea as she headed for the front door, put the close sign on, locked the door, and said "wanna see it in a private showing~" Rainbow immediately got jealous and said "what?! Hey hold on, you can't just-" Nightlife smiled and said "I never said that I would preform love, I'm unfortunately not in model shape anymore since I became manager. YOU on the other hoof~" Rainbow looked confused at first, wondering why nightlife would say that. She was still in shape to put on a show for Spike. Hay, she remembered that she was more of a showmare then she was due to her stage fright of not looking hot enough. Spike immediately understood what she meant, he had to admit that nightlife was hot, but to him, Rainbow dash was even hotter! Like lava hot! He then looked at her with pleading eyes and said "please Rainbow! I would love to have one of my best friends put on a show for me. And maybe I can put one on for you too~" Rainbow was suddenly charged up, looked at the both of them, and thought 'no fair ganging up on me' she had to admit that doing a show for old time sake was interesting. However, what nightlife whispered just then made her decision for her, "Don't be afraid to show off your girly side love. It IS your best friend after all. And he won't judge you, show him the other side of your coin like he is now" She made her decision as her face suddenly changed. She when from her strong, fierce look...into a innocent, cute look that made him extremely red. It got worse when Rainbow said "p-please be gentle spike." Spike didn't know what to do. The restrooms were out of order and he didn't see a private space to release his 'stream'. Rainbow continued, "f-fluttershy isn't the only one who can get nervous. I usually hide it this side of me Cas of my tomboy image." She then had her anime girl moment and said "But if you can be brave and embrace your royal side, then I can too!" Spike nearly fainted from her moment and she quickly got dressed. When Rainbow dash returned, she was in a sexy black colored lingerie with a see though slip and matching socks. Spike knew that this was gonna be good. A few hours later After the show was over Spike and rainbow dash left after saying goodbye to nightlife, who Said that the next time he comes for a visit SHE came put on a private show for him too. Much to Rainbow's annoyance. leaving, they went on to explore the weather factory and after that they went to Rainbow's first job at the swirlcone's ice cream palor. Rainbow then told Spike that she was fired Cas she didn't be the manager at the time's marefriend. Which was for the best since he was fired the same day she was. After their tasty treat, Rainbow took Spike on to the outskirts of town and brought him to a secret piece of land that was floating in the sky. It wasn't like a massive piece of land like a Connecticut, but it was definitely a big island. Spike was surprised at the beautiful green of the island. But his eyes were still looked on his cute guide. Spike couldn't help it now. After the private show she gave him, Spike's heart made room for Rainbow dash as he was totally in love now. Rainbow also admitted that during her performance she noticed a certain something between his legs Spike was trying to suppress. And it made her felt great to be seen like a mare again. And she also accepted that during her performance, she had fully fallen in love with Spike. His cute face finally broke her, but she didn't want to tell him yet till she talked to Rarity first. They eventually made it rainbow river and true to it's name, was filled with rainbow colored water. He was amazed on how the river was naturally colored like this or If it tasted different. But his thoughts were cut when Rainbow said " looks pretty, isn't it?" Rainbow felt free, now she was letting out her girly side. It had been too long since the last time she let this side of her out. But...it was different this time. She would normally let it out for a few minutes at a time. But ever since she heard nightlife's advice, she's hasn't been able to switch off her girly side. If anything, she feels ENCOURAGED to stay like this around him. "Rainbow?" Spike said peacefully. "This has been one of the best days of my life. Thank you." He kissed Rainbow on the check and she immediately turned red and did two things she's NEVER done. She giggled at Spike and snuggled in his chest, despite his small frame, and said "No. Thank YOU Spike. I haven't been this free of myself in a long time. I felt like a HAD to act like the hero, a tomboy, and at times...a colt." She started to tear up, remembering the pain she experienced though her fillyhood, and did something she absolutely never thing she'd do...cry. She cried on his scales, releasing a torrent of tears, years of pain she released on Spike. Before today, she wouldn't even think of doing this. But at this moment, she didn't care of pride or image. She didn't care if anyone caught her like this. Not even the wonderbolts. She wanted, for once, to feel vulnerable, to be in the comfort of somepony, or somedrake. Spike, as hard as he tried to comfort Rainbow, started to remember all the pain he felt at cantrlot, but was forced to bury due to his role as both prince AND Twilight's number one assistant. The bullying by blue blood, the hurt of being denied being with cadence cas of that dumb law, And The neglect from Twilight when she would go off and forget him. The most recent incident he remembered was when she moved her birthday party to cantrlot and never told him. All the embarrassment, all the misery, all the pain in his heart...it was too much for him. Rainbow dash looked up and saw Spike in such pain, that it made HER even sadder then before, she hugged him and cried on his shoulder. Sad that she didn't know what to do. For spike, that was it. The walls around his heart crumbled, and years of pain came pouring out on Rainbows mane, but she didn't care now. The two of them continued to cry for over an hour as the sun set on their perfect day. Meanwhile in cantrlot As princess Celestia lower the sun once again on another day, and let her sister take over the night shift, she felt a pain in her heart. A pain that was so unbearable, so crushing, it made the pain of losing her sister for a thousand years feel like nothing. She then realized that this pain can only be from one being. A being that meant more to her then all of equestria. "My baby is hurting...and I'm not there for him AGAIN!" Celestia HATED this feeling of being powerless. ESPECIALLY when it involved her son. She sometimes wished she could give up her crown, her kingdom, just to be with her son. Like a mother was supposed to be! She cursed herself for not being there to comfort him, to cuddle him, to spend time with him. She hated to keep their relationship as mother and son a secret from the public eye. And even keep her secret feelings for her son, that weren't just familial a secret. Yes, she was in love with Spike in that way. She wished she could be with Spike not just as his mother, but also as his marefriend. Then she got an idea. A Brilliant idea. The princess got a amazingly,Wonderful , idea! She had remembered an old cabin she had in the forest near silver shores. A remote cabin that nopony knew about. So remote, that nopody can possibly ruin the moment for them! She giggled at the idea and decided to go though with it. She when to sleep, dreaming of their perfect day as mother and son... and hopefully as lovers. > Twilight's awkward walk in > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight began her walk to pick up Spike from Carousel boutique, thinking about what could she and her do to bond like the old days. She remembered that they hadn't read together in a long time. Well of course they read together, but not with the same closeness they had when they were younger. She remembered when they cuddled together on a small reading Corner, spike would pick the book to read, and she would read it out loud to him. She also remembered that his tail rubbing a 'certain' spot on her that she admitted, she always loved. She had to past it off as peeing in bed so he wouldn't be suspicious, yet he never felt grossed out by it. She had some dark personal secrets about herself that she had over the years... And they involved her love life. She'd had fantasies about her brother a few times...oh who was kidding. She still has them! She couldn't help herself! She admitted that he was hot and would love to 'wrestle' with him anytime she wanted. However, even though she wanted to go that far, she never saw him as husband material in her eyes. A husky stallion she wanted to keep banging however, she definitely wouldn't turn down. However, she had ONE pony she wanted to marry for a long time. Or should she say some drake. Yes, Twilight sparkle, has been in love with Spike for a long time. She wanted to marry him since their cantrlot days. In fact, in her heart, she WAS married to him. They just haven't had the wedding or a honeymoon, which Twilight admitted that she wouldn't let Spike sleep all night long. In fact, when they were younger, she had the idea that they were Dating for their whole lives. Spike even gave her a necklace with rubies incase on it. It was similar to Rarity fire ruby pendent, but she knew who had the better gift. She always saw Rarity as a good friend, but she was also her Rival for Spike's heart. However, she never had the heart to deny Spike the chance for love...even if it was not her he pinned for. Twilight finally reached the boutique and noticed that the door was a crack open. She slowly stepped inside, closed the door, and looked inside. She saw the place...clean? No fabric littered on the floor, no boxes scattered, everything was clean and organized. She wondered what happened last night that caused her to stop working. She then heard something she wasn't expecting to her that day. Mouning. Coming from Rarity's room. And she and Spike were nowhere to be seen. 'Oh no you don't Rarity! I'm going to be Spike's first time! Not you!' She yelled in her head. As she headed up stairs, hoping to stop them before she lost her chance. However, when she got to Rarity's bedroom and quietly open the door and looked inside, she didn't see Spike up there. Which was a relief, Cas she still had a chance to be his first and be his wife someday. She giggled with glee, thinking of the thought. Twilight then realized that if Spike wasn't up here with her...was she getting laid now? She began to get angry. Inviting him to help her and she didn't offer anything in return?! Even a quicky?! She decided to peek inside to see what stallion was giving her a ride...only to see that their wasn't a stallion there at all. Rarity was in bed, alone, pleasuring herself. Twilight immediately got embarrassed and thought 'how can this be anymore embarrassing?" Her question was answered when Rarity started to say "s-spikey wikey~ your so good~" clearly still in her pleasure Trans, she definitely didn't noticed Twilight's gasp as she thought 'W-what?! Spike?! Why is she-" her thoughts were Interrupted as Rarity Spoke again "oh my darling Spikey~ that's it! Make your wife sing in pleasure~ I'm so happy I asked you to marry me Spike~ you make me whole! You make me feel important! Your WAY better then those stuffy cantelot elites that wouldn't know how to please a mare!" Twilight gasped at what she was saying. She wanted Spike for marriage too!? Since when?! Like clockwork, her question was answered "OH my spikey~ I've been a blind mare for years! Not knowing that I've had my prince by my side for years! You've helped me with my work, you comforted me when lesser stallions broke my heart, you listened to me go on and on about other stallions!" She when silent for a moment and stopped herself before saying "I'm not worthy of you Spike. I'm just a selfish, horrible mare that never knew what she had in front of her. I'm...I'm so sorry Spike!" She started to cry as she continued in her moment and said "I don't deserve to be your wife Spikey. But you deserve happiness! I'm determined to make up for not seeing you as my true love for years! I don't care if I have to share you with Cadence, Rainbow dash, Twilight, or the others! I just want you be happy! I love you my prince! MAKE ME YOURS AND YOURS ALONE!" Twilight didn't know what to feel now...Rarity was will to share Spike with her...was she able to share him too? ...of course she can! 'Rarity's one of my best friends! And I won't let our friendship be ruined by jealousy! But...what's this about Cadence?' She thought when she heard " AHHHH SPIIIIIKE!! YEEEES MAKE ME A MOTHER!! SPPIIIIIIIKEYYYYYY!!!" Twlight blushed as she saw Rarity Finnish and felt herself soaked as well. However, she accidentally fell and opened Rarity's door and both of them saw each other and remain still for a minute, looking at each other "...TWILIGHT?! H-HOW MUCH DID YOU HEAR?!" Twilight blushed, embarrassed that she was caught saying "long enough that you called yourself his wife?" "Twilight! You can't just listen in on a lady when she's having her private time! It's so uncouth!" Twilight felt guilty about that and said "I'm so sorry Rarity. I didn't mean to spy on you like that. I was looking for Spike and when I didn't see you two her and heard the morning...I kinda assumed..." Rarity blushed at what she meant, but honestly said "oh I wished we had Twilight. I must be honest Twilight darling. I am In love with that drake! And I feel like our friendship is closer then ever! Hehe!" Twilight was confused. When did this involve friendship? She figured that this could be a subject for her studys with Princess Celestia, so she asked "What do you mean your friendship with Spike is closer then ever Rarity? I thought you two were already close?" Rarity looked to the floor, now sitting next to her in the bedroom. "It may have seemed like it...but in reality...I didn't felt like I was close to him at all. I don't deserve to be with Spike. He's been loyal to me...and I've been with stallion after stallion. And...I've been sabotaging his dates with other mares." She said sadly. Feeling guilty about what she did. Twilight however, needed to confess something saying "...your not the only one who sabotaged Spike's dates you know. I've may have grounded him for no reason when I saw him with a pretty mare." Rarity then questioned her "what? Why would you-" suddenly it clicked In her mind and said " your in love with Spike too are you?" Twilight looked at her, surprised that she figured it out so quickly. "Got it in one, Rarity. Yes. I am in love with Spike. In fact, in my heart, we're married." Rarity smiled and said. "That's so sweet, Twilight. So romantic! So. When do you want to have the wedding? I'm thinking in three years? So we can get everything ready, of course." Twilight blushed at what Rarity said. "What?! Rarity, what are you-" Rarity smiled and said, "I'm planning our wedding silly! I'm thinking that I can be of Spike's left and you on his right. But where dose that leave Cadence and Rainbow dash at?" Twilight dedicated to stop this for a moment and say "HOLD IT!" Rarity turned around and said "darling what's wrong?" "What do you mean Cadence and Rainbow dash?! What's going on? Also why are you planning a Wedding now?" Rarity giggled and said " darling, in reverse order, I'm planning our wedding this far in advance so it can be perfect. I know three years is cutting it short, but if you want I can push it to 6 if it'll be more manageable. As for Cadence, well...this letter from her Spike left behind should clear things up." Twilight was shocked to say the least, for one, it did explain why she and Spike were so close and two, maybe Shinning would be willing to her be his 'Release' while cadence is busy. She have to play her cards right to pull this off, but the chances are low for a permanent arrangement, but she can hope. Twilight said "well this dose explains cadence. But what about rainbow dash? Where dose she fit into all this?" Rarity complicated and said " well darling, rainbow was here, she arrived when Spike made us breakfast. " "I miss when Spike made me breakfast." Twilight admitted. "But I've been so busy, that I had to just get a apple and get to studying. " "Darling, you seriously need to take care of yourself. Spike is definitely doing his part, but you need to help him too. He dose so much for us, when was the last time anypony has done something for him?" Twilight felt a crack in her heart, realizing that Rarity had a ponit, "Your right Rarity,I actually wanted to do something with Spike today and help us to bond again like how we were in cantrlot. Speaking of which, where is he? I'm surprised he didn't catch you...you know." Rarity blushed but had a day dream look on her saying " oh oh oh darling, if Spike DID caught me like that, I would have given him a REAL show~ and maybe made it a duet~" Twilight blushing was fearsome as she said "ohhh Rarity! I'm trying to hold it together and your making it harder! Just tell me where Rainbow and Spike are!" Rarity could hear the stress in her voice and decided to give her mercy and said "they when up to cloudsdale so Rainbow dash can give him a tour of the city. A real nice gesture of her, since he couldn't join us the first time. He's gonna also stay with Rainbow dash for the night." Twilight claimed down a bit and said "oh...I'm a horrible friend Rarity." Twilight said as she pondering on why are her friends are getting close to her dragon all of a sudden. Rarity decided to get back at Twilight as she said " oh I do hope Spikey has a good time with rainbow dash. You know, next time me and Spike go gem hunting, I'm gonna give him a 'special' reward~ In those narrow, dark,damp, private cave. Alone, w-where nopony can hear us, and we can mound and...and" Rarity realized that she had turned herself on by accident as she became red. But for Twilight, she was on her breaking point. She didn't know that Rarity would be so horny as to make her feel lust. But she had to resist...Oh who was the both of them kidding as Rarity said "dang it! Twilight, I'm afraid something came up and I need some privacy. So if you don't mind." "OH right, of course. But ummm...can I use your restroom before i-" Rarity quickly said "yes darling, use it,now GO!" Rarity closed and looked the door as Twilight heard "ohhhhhhhh spike~" That got Twilight running to the restroom, locked the door and after 2 minutes she mounded and screamed "AHHHHHHHH! YES! YES! YES!! RAVAGE ME LIKE A DRAGON SPIKE! AHHHH SPIIIIIIIIIKE!! YAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!" She continued for the next hour. Afterwards, she began to plan how to Spend time with Spike. > Intermission > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A black and mysterious room was suddenly brighten up by a light, as a certain figure entered the room cloaked in black entered the light as he had a mysterious- "ok, I think that's enough milking the suspense for our audience!" The figure removed the Cloak a spectacular fashion to reveal a familiar draconasic and said," I know you're new at this fanfic writing business, but you need to relax, my friend! I'm taking time from my busy schedule to help you with your page, and you're lucky I decided to offer my talents to help you when I did!" ...I wanted to hype your introduction, you know? "And I appreciate that, my friend. But we need to keep this show on a roll, I AM a busy draconasic, you know." You mean your tea time with fluttershy? "Yes, yes, that too. Now then." The dark room turned into a stage for a play as the draconasic held a stage mic in his...claw, I guess? "And now folks! Prepare for the sensational, the hilarious, the greatest God of chaos equestria, or the multiverse has ever seen! The one and only! DISCORD!!" Discord appeared in grand display, with lasers lights, fog, and fireworks that spelled his name...wow, and I thought trixe was the show off. "Your just jealous of my showmanship." OK, ok, you got me there. I wish i could do that without setting a building on fire... again. Now, shall we get started? "Quite so! *ahem* Hello, everyone! It's the God of chaos, Discord here! I'm here to let you know about not only when the next chapter of this story will be released, but the plan for this whole page! Buuuut I can't do this all by myself. After all, every star needs a co-star! ...what are you up to- "I'm SO glad you asked! Come on down!" No discord, waaaaaait! *crash* owww...discord what are you doing? "Giving you your debut! Be honest. You, as an omnipotent voice, was not gonna fly! Now go on, introduce yourself." Sigh...I was gonna save this for a future story...but you've twisted my arm discord. *ahem* hiya folks. Twilighsonic75 here. But as you are wondering if it's too long of a name, I've got my oc here. I'm Spear the hedgehog! A artificial lifeform who has the DNA of sonic,shadow, the chaos emeralds, and princess luna. I'm also part sayain by the way. "My, what a original concept." I hear the sarcastic tone discord. "Well I'm sorry. I thought you were gonna be a pony or something. " what? I'm a massive sonic fan. And I'm gonna use my oc like this. Besides, it stands out like this here. "Hmph to each their own. Now then, I believe you have an announcement to make?" ! Oh yeah! Thanks discord! *ahem* ok guys, first of all, thank you so much for the support you guys give with all the views on the stories so far! It really means a lot that you guys are interested in my stories, and it encourages me to make a lot more in the future! "I'm so glad your reaching out and making your mark on the Fandom like this! Also while I'm here, I might as well say, me and fluttershy are NOT a couple. She's my best friend and best friend only. I'm not allowing little Spear here to ship us together like that." ...not that I want to anyway. *ahem* in other news, I'm planning on finishing Spike and twilight's lost connection somewhere in June as well as the tales of nightmare Rarity. I also have some other stories in the works as well. "NOT to spoil some surprises here, buuut Needles here has a massive story planned for a certain video game that's coming out soon." DISCORD! That's top secret! I don't want to spoil anything yet! "Yeah yeah, I know. But you might as well tell them what other kinds of stories you have planned. " ...ok good ponit. Well like discord said, I have a big story that'll be coming out by the end of the year. It'll be a sort of starting point for the crossover multiverse I'm building. There'll also be sonic,mario,pokemon, kirby,sly Cooper, and more crossovers on the way! "Plus some juicy stories as well if this one has anything to say about it" ...yes. dose too. And I'll also work on some m rated stories too I'd you guys are interested. I know I am! "Well? Is that everything? Cas I need to head to fluttershy's soon and-" not yet my fellow incarnation of chaos! There's one more thing! Here's a special shout out to all those who helped me get this far! Yodayak10, Deathtoponies,zalmax,Jblaser, and Ms rarity! Links to their pages will be in the authors notes below! Until next time! "Later my fans!" OUR fans! "Whatever." > Royal rising > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As sunrise was apon everypony in equestria, with luna's moon making its way down the horizon and Celestia's sun raised up, a new day promises new hopes and beginnings. But for a certain sun princess, it takes on a whole new meaning. She had gotten up extra early to prepare her day with Spike. As both mother and son, AND in a romantic way. She already informed the castle that day court was closed for the day and that she'll be late on her return tomorrow. All that was missing now was her son. She still remembered how their relationship changed from purely familiar to a one sided secret romance relationship. *Flashback* It had all began when Celestia overheard some of the maids leaving Spike's wing and they seemed to be coming out... quite satisfied. Some of the guards had also reported that they could hear very satisfying moans from Spike's room. One day she decided to go investigate this alone. After all, she could visit her son whenever she wanted, right? She made her way through through the large empty corridors of he wing which held Spike's residence, it wasn't long before she could hear female moans of pleasure coming from her son's room. She bit her lip as she felt her nethers stirring, listening to the intimate pleasure filling the hollow chamber of the wing with satisfying sexual gratification. After a few moments she carried on feeling her heat becoming more intense the closer she got to Spike's room the louder the lewd sounds of unbridled ecstasy. She soon found the guards at their post blushing and almost gawped upon seeing their meaty swords unsheathed. “At ease guards. You are relieved, I'll take it from here thank you.” She smiled giving a respectful nod of her head. The guards smiled through their teeth nervously. “Thank you your majesty!” They said in unison. As they began to leave she looked at their hard shafts. “And guards…” They stopped on the spot and turned to attention facing their queen waiting for her orders. “I think a long cold shower is in order don't you think?” The guards blushed royal red. “Yes, your majesty! Thank you!” She grinned a moment watching them stir awkwardly. “Alright, now you're dismissed.” She chuckled as she watched them trying to hurry away with their meat sticks swaying beneath them. Celestia could smell the rich aroma of sex in the air emanating from her son's room. She slowly licked her lips as she very quietly cracked the door open a tiny way just enough to see inside the dragons keep. When her vision adjusted she gasped as she couldn't believe what she was seeing. Spike had three of the castle maids in his room, stripped of their outfits...and groping their breasts with both claws whilst sucking at their sensitive nipples at the same time! Seeing this made Celestia blush like crazy! She didn't think he was old enough to be interested in such things yet! Yet here he was, groping boobs and sucking them like a pro...she was slightly impressed that he could suck them so well...No! Don't be distracted right now! I need to talk to him about this...maybe in a few minutes? Yeah that'll be smart. After a few minutes, Spike had made the last maid cum from his groping and sucking and seemed satisfied with his work. Celestia was on the other side of the door, unconsciously pleasuring herself while waiting to talk to him. She had cum three times while waiting and now, despite being soaking wet in her secret garden, she walked into the room to talk to him. As the doors opened, revealing The sun princess herself, the maids panicked, worried that she thought they seduced her only son. The princess unexpectedly said "did my little ponys have a good time?" They didn't know what to say except,"Please your highness, Don't blame Spike! The three of us suggested the idea when he couldn't find you to explain why his body was acting weird. Please punish us instead!" She didn't know what to say about this, and didn't get a chance to think when she heard Spike said "Wait! Don't punish them! Punish me! I ordered them to strip down and let me grop them! They shouldn't be in trouble because of me! Please, mom! Can you check the other way this one time? For me? She was proud of Spike, yet disappointed in him. Disappointed that he ordered three of her maids to do this. And disappointed in herself for not educating him on sex to begin with. She failed as a parent yet again. But also proud that he was taking the blame for his actions...that wouldn't happen if she was a more vigilant parent. She Finally said to the maids "I'll talk to the three of you later. Right now, I need to have a talk with my son, Spike." Spike gulped, knowing that he was in big trouble. After agreeing to meet her in her bedroom, Spike headed to his mom's bedroom with nerves a plenty. He wondered what was she gonna do to him. He knew that it was bad of him to abuse his power like that, but he couldn't help it. Twilight was busy studying for her finals and Cadence was on a date with Shinning armor, and he knew that doing anything while she thought about him was next to impossible. He arrived at his mother's bedroom,opened the door, and braced for the inevitable. When he arrived inside her room, Spike noticed that the windows were covered and the candles were on instead of the fireplace. His mother was seating by the bed, her Expression was not as disappointed as he thought it would be. He took a seat on the bed and waited for whatever came next. And what happened next surprised him when she said in a motherly voice "Spike, Why didn't you tell me you were having sexual feelings like this? We could've found a way for you to deal with these urges together." Spike looked at the floor and said "because your so busy in the day court recently and so tired when your done...I didn't want to be a bother to you and figured I could deal with this on my own." Celestia was hurt, hurt that her responsibility as princess forced Spike to take matters to his own claws. She couldn't forgive herself for allowing this to happen. So she said, "Spike, while I am proud of you for taking responsibility for your actions, I'm afraid I'll have to ground you for the misuse of your power as prince." Spike knew he wasn't getting out of his punishment after what he did. So he braced himself for what's to come. "Your grounded from leaving the castle. That means no dount joe's and no visiting Twilight for one week. You'll also be forced to stay in my room for your punishment." Spike lifted his head in confusion as he noticed Celestia sly smile starting to form. Spike had to ask, "but, what about the day court? It still-" Celestia scoffed and said "They can wait for a week. Right now~ I have to teach my son how to pleasure a mare properly ~" Spike didn't know what to say, as his mouth was hanging to the ground . Celestia also added "and since those three mares you groped didn't seem to mind it that much...I've decided to promote them into your personal gropers. They'll be assigned to your wing permanently and they'll be yours to grop as you please...under one condition." Spike knew there was a catch and said "what do I have to do?" Celestia's sly look turned sluty and said "you must grop me every day~ after all, how am I gonna teach you like a real mother if I'm not there for you?" After hearing that, Spike was intrigued and said "can we start now?!" Celestia had a proud sluty look and said "Hehehe, that's my boy~ Eagerly ready to learn. Now come to bed dear...and grop me~" And since then, Spike had became master of groping,sucking, and even bucking with all the practice toys Celestia brought him. Eventually Celestia's feelings for Spike had eventually changed from pure unconditional love to romantic and oh boy did she love her boy. *end of flashback* Celestia could remember those days forever. And if she played it right, she can have them again. So She began to use her tracking spell to locate Spike and surprising him with the idea. To her surprise, she found Spike at Rainbow Dash's Cloud Condo. She decided to question it later as she teleported to her son. Meanwhile, in Rainbow's place Spike was cuddling with Rainbow dash in her bed after their perfect day in cloudsdale. After returning from Rainbow River, they returned to Rainbow dash's high rise condo, Where They had a sensual shower together, then had something to eat before retiring to the bedroom. Before they headed to bed, Rainbow dash and Spike started to make out in her room, as well as Spike giving Rainbow dash a pleasant groping that made her Squeal in delight. She also gave Spike pleasure of his own by sucking his private treasure as well. They continued till the pitch black of night, mounds and pleasure could be heard from the sky in a five mile radius, but they didn't care. To them, this was paradise. And they wanted to keep it that way for a while. Spike woke up to Rainbow Dash's cuddling and wondered if her girly side was the clingy type. Not that he minded or anything. Young dragons can be just clingy, especially to cute yet strong mares like Rarity and Rainbow dash. As he was cuddling Rainbow dash, he didn't account for the fact that his tail was near a certain part of Rainbow dash where she was the most sensitive. His tail started rubbing it, and Rainbow started to moun in her sleep. "Oh my spike~" Spike heard Rainbow sleep talk but didn't take notice of what she was saying until, "I'm glad I turned down the wonderbolts and became your wife~" That got Spike's attention fast as he wanted to listen a bit more what Rainbow had to say. Did she have feelings for her? Did he have feelings for her? ...of course I have feelings for her. She's awesome! But why does she have feelings for me? Like clockwork, she said, "You actually love the girly mare inside AND the cool tomboy mare outside. And no colt can even compare to my sexy husband. Especially in bed~" Spike COULD take advantage of this and make her dream even more pleasant with some soft groping... but as a gentledrake, it would go against his code of honor. Honoring Lady Dash's privacy would be horrible of him to do. After laying in bed with Rainbow dash for a couple of minutes, Spike snuck out of bed without waking her up, and headed found to the kitchen and fix them some breakfast. Rainbow dash had an amazing dream. She dreamed of her perfect wedding with Spike as for husband, fluttershy as her maid of honor, and all taking place at the wonderbolt academy. In her eyes, it was the perfect way to blend both of her dreams together into one perfect dream. Her dreams about becoming a wonderbolt always had something missing from it, but she couldn't figure out what it was missing. But now she knew exactly what was missing. A husband! And not just any husband. She was missing Spike AS her husband! She never considered marriage or even having a coltfriend because cas she thought they would slow her down. But she couldn't be more wrong! She had such an amazing time with Spike yesterday. Going back to her second job was not only was nostalgic, but her passion for 'performing' was back in full force and even considered either going back to vicponitia's secret or buying a bunch of lingerie and preform for Spike in a private exotic show just. For. Him. Combine the fact that his claws can grop her boobs better then any stallion could...She giggled and licked her lips at both ideas. Spike was busy cooking breakfast down in the kitchen and was almost done, hoping Rainbow dash would smell it and awaken from her sleep. When he noticed a golden glow behind him. And it wasn't the golden morning light that he was used It had a golden royal glow to it, and he know of only one pony who had that glow. "Mom?" Spike turned around, and saw his mother behind him. But instead of her usual royal attire of her golden plate, her golden horseshoes, and surprisingly her crown wasn't even on her head anymore. Instead, she had a tropical shirt, sunglasses, and her mane was fixed into a ponytail ( the name alone was a weird for him since they all already had one). However, what really caught Spike attention...was that he could see his mother's cleavage clear as the day she made. While he did see Celestia as his mother, since she raised him herself, that didn't mean that he hasn't had dirty thoughts about her when puberty hit. In fact, aside from Cadence, Spike always wanted to be intimate with Celestia. He would always catch a glimpse of her, which was pretty easy with his short size, in fact ever since his puberty hit, his mom would allow him to play and grope her boobs so he wouldn't go hunting the maids the worked around the castle. Celestia noticed Spike shamelessly staring at at her boobs and she must admit, she missed Spike groping and sucking her breasts. Since she was a princess, it wasn't as if she could go to a singles club and find a hot stallion to sleep with. Even flirting with her day guards was risky since some of then were married or reporters could be nearby taking a picture of such a scandal. Luckily, when their alone in her tower, She and Spike could have some mother and son bonding time and act like mother and son, but also allow Spike to grop her till both of them were satisfied. And Spike took alot to satisfy, likely having not only three maids to serve his groping needs was helpful, but being a alicorn with excellent stamina helps for those...late nights~. "My Spike~ is my son still being a naughty boy~ perhaps I need to 'punish' you for being horny this early~" Celestia said in a sluty voice, sounding just as horny. Spike knew that there was only two kinds of punishments that his mom dishes out. The usual 'I'm in trouble for breaking something' punishment and the "we're gonna have fun in the bedroom" kind of punishments. Spike loved it when she got like this. It meant all the groping of her tits has he wanted. And after years of not having them, he was gonna make it count. However, before he could take advantage of this a familiar sluty voice came from the other room. "Oh Spikey~ where are you my sexy dragon~" Spike turned around and saw Rainbow dash walk in. She was still wearing her black see though lingerie she wore during the private show she put on at vicponria's secret. That and the hungry look in her eyes was pushing him to his limit. Combined with his mother's 'punishment' pushed him over the edge. Good thing he finished breakfast, Cas he couldn't take it anymore. " Excuse me you two. But I gotta go real quick!" He ran to the restroom to take care of his emergency. Rainbow dash and Celestia stared at each other, feeling awkward about what the other saw. For Rainbow dash, the vacation attire was enough of a head scratcher. But what she saw and heard was making her blush. She even spotted her cleavage she shamelessly exposed. Celestia was also confused to Rainbow's unexpected outfit. Such a lud pair of lingerie wasn't something she expected Rainbow dash to own. She then noticed the hickeys on Rainbow dash's neck and underbelly. The same ones that she's seen on some of the maids and even her niece Cadence had sometimes when they visited Spike. Their thoughts however, were cut short as they heard a loud yell from Rainbow's restroom. "D-DASHIE! MOMMY! ROOOOOOOOAR!!!" That roar got two different reactions from the mares. For Rainbow dash, she had a sluty look on her, knowing what he was doing. As for Celestia, she was blushing as bright as her sun, she only heard that kind of roar her son let out 'stress' but it wasn't THIS powerful back at the castle. She suddenly felt a long dormant heat she hasn't felt since Spike moved to ponyville. It needed attention, and it needed it now! "Rainbow dash. Can you kindly go check on Spike? I'm afraid I need a moment alone to...attend to a urgent matter." Rainbow dash read the room and when to go check on Spike in the restroom. Knowing what was gonna happen. She made her way to the restroom where she heard panting on the other side. She had a sluty smile on her as she knocked and said "Oh Spikey~ how's my strong, horny dragon doing~" Spike could hear the slutyness in her voice and open the door a crack and said "umm hehe. F-fine. Y-your not mad that I fantasies about mom?" Rainbow dash smiled can said "it's not that weird. We all have at least once fantasies about bucking our loved ones. I'll tell you a secret my sexy dragon. I've fantasized about my dad bucking me senseless. I've never actually acted on it Cas he and mom still have a happy marriage. I'm sure Twilight has had similar fantasies too right?" He gave it a thought and said "I don't know about her dad night light, but she HAS dreamed about getting bucked by Shining armor multiple times. I don't see why she's waiting to act on it, since Shining told me he wants to buck her so hard all the time." Rainbow was shocked for a second, but her sluty look returned and said "they want each other that bad huh~ I'm surprised. Didn't thing Twilight was such a slut. I guess that's why she keeps you so close by her. To suck you dry huh?~" Spike blushed as he will admit he wasn't a stranger to getting that kind of service. Since moving to ponyville and to get his mind off Rarity so he can work, Twilight would take him to their bedroom, lock the door and cover the windows, and suck him down till he was empty. Spike then said "m-maybe so?" Rainbow dash looked down a bit and saw something she wanted. "You can't go out there THIS dirty~ you need to clean up first~" Before Spike say anything, he then heard a yell saying "MY LITTLE SUNSHINE!! OHHHHHHH! YAHAAAAAAHH!!! YES! YES! YEEEEEEESSSS!!!" Spike blushed and said "Was that mom?!" He instantly felt harder then before and Rainbow dash decided to go for it saying "hold on there Spike. You can't start again like this." She opened the door, walked in, and closed the door saying "Let me help you clean up...with my mouth~" She laid on her underbelly in front of Spike's rod and prepared to 'service' him. Spike then had a massive smile on him. Knowing what was gonna happen. "Hehe~ in that case...have at it my sexy Pegasus ~" A few minutes later After her little clean up of Spike, Rainbow dash left him to rest and returned to Celestia, only to see her on the floor surrounded by a puddle of her own juice. "Had a fun time princess?" Celestia looked at Rainbow dash and noticed something drip from her mouth. She smirked and said "I could say the same with you Rainbow dash. Did you had your fill of dragon's milk~" Rainbow dash blushed as she wiped her mouth to clean it and swallowed what was left and said "w-well, at least I'm not soaked in my own lust juice." Celestia got up with a smirk and said "I won't be either in a few seconds." She then used her magic to clean herself In a flash, returned her to how she was before her heat took her. She then looked at Rainbow dash, who was still wearing the lingerie and said "mind telling me why your wearing that?" Rainbow was not only embarrassed but also scared. She was nervous thinking that Celestia thought she was seducing Spike... not yet anyway and said, " It's not what you think, princess! It's well...I've overheard Twilight saying that she thinks we don't appreciate Spike enough even after all he's done for us...so I decided to take him to cloudsdale since he couldn't make it to the young flyers competition last time and well...we had a blast and all but..." The nerves were getting to her and didn't know what to say when Celestia said, "it's ok, Rainbow dash. Just speak with your heart, and I'll understand. I know that it can be hard for you, given your reputation, but it's important to be honest with those your closest with, and I say we're pretty close considering how we saw each other just now." Rainbow dash had regained her courage and said, "I'm...I'm in love with your son! I'm in love with Spike! Please princess, with your permission, can I ask Spike for his claw in marriage one day?" Celestia was surprised by the request. She knew of a couple of other mares who wanted the same thing one day, including herself and a few other mares that are close to Spike, who also wanted to marry him. She then asks her, "Are you willing to share Spike with other mares that share the same feelings for him as you do?" Rainbow answered without hastening and said, " Of course, Princess. I want Spike to be happy. And if he's happy, then I'm happy." Celestia smiled and said, "In that case, you have my permission to marry Spike." Rainbow dash yelled, "YES! Thank you, princess! Now I can tell Rarity to add me to the wedding with her and Twilight!" Celestia smiled and said, "Don't forget to add me to that list. I'm also planning to marry him as well." Rainbow looked at the princess and said "of course your highness." After Spike returned and they all ate, Celestia decided to tell them why she arrived. "Spike my dear, it actually Occurred to me that it's been a long time since we had a mother and son day together. How would you like to spend the day with me and sleep over?" Spike was surprised. He hasn't had a mother and son day with Celestia in a long time. He was extremely happy to say the least. "Of course mom! I would love that! But...what about Twilight? I'm sure she's worried about-" "Leave her to me. I can explain what's going on and tell her that you'll be back tomorrow." Rainbow said excited. "So go and have some fun Spikey~" Spike was excited and said "thanks guys! I'll go get my things and meet you in the front mom!" As Spike got ready, Celestia decided to push Rainbow dash over the edge and say "I hope you can handle the massive load Spike has~" That did it. Rainbow moved quickly to her room just as Spike walked out and immediately started to pleasure herself, dreaming of Spike raving her like a loving husband would do. As Spike and Celestia walked out of the cloud mansion they heard " UAAAAHHHH!! MY SPIKEY WIKEEEEY!! POUND ME HARDER!! YAAAAAAAAAAH!!!" Spike blushed as the two of them soared off from Rainbow dashes place and Teleported to their day together.