• Published 7th Apr 2024
  • 171 Views, 0 Comments

Doctor Whooves: We Are The Doctors - Torenado Man

Once the Doctor Once the Doctor recieved a distress call, he landed in an ancient city on an alien planet, he encounters his other selves from other alternate universes.

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Chapter 1 - A Bit More Unexpected

Author's Note:

Huge thank you to ThatDamnGoat for being my editor for this chapter! Amazing work from him! :D

Link to their socials: https://twitter.com/ThatFloofyGoat

Celebratory cheers and pops of Confetti cannons accompanied Clockwork into the TARDIS. Having Saved another world and reaping the, reward of thanks- and maybe a few Souvenirs - Never failed to him some peace of mind… give Yet, as the doors closed behind him, all he could hear were the occasional "Boops" and "Beeps" from the console and his hoof steps echoing. throughout the otherwise empty interior.

“Ah, how long's it been, old girl?” He began, trailing a hoof along the side of the console. “A few decades? A century or two? It feels like forever since we've had another set of hooves in here, eh?” He glances over at a picture of he and Twilight just after their last adventure, reminiscing over the countless near-death experiences they'd had together.

So much to explore, so much to go, yet it felt so lonely. Ever since Twilight and her friend decided to move on from traveling across time and space in the TARDIS, it’s become lonely for the Doctor when going on his travels. As much as he’s missed having Twilight’s friends as companions, it made sense they had to move on. Still, at least he has Rarity’s pinstripe blue suit, still in perfect condition after many decades. They were Equestria's guardians after all. His last visit was meeting them in the far future, everyone looked… matured, now, after decades of spending time in Equestria.

With that finished on good terms, he was alone again with his ship’s ceiling plate whirling and ticking; an odd comfort of its familiarity washing over him. There are so many other places to go, planets, eras and many more for the lonely Time Lord to explore and make new friends- maybe a new companion along the way?

His thoughts were soon put to a stop, as he noticed one of the console lights was flashing rapidly, accompanied by a high pitched beeping like an alarm The Doctor went over and yanked the screen to his side of the console. “A distress beacon?” He wondered aloud, “Interesting! on an unknown planet, no less! Very interesting indeed. No data about this planet… no matter, planet Lh'owon can wait! I can’t just ignore someone in need of help!”

He adjusted his iconic red tie and, with a simple pull of the lever, the TARDIS and its inner mechanisms sprung to life, that familiar “Vwoorp! Vwoorp!” sound putting a pep in the Doctor’s step. He surfed through the time vortex with ease as he dillied and dallied with the controls, starting to enjoy himself with every flying spark and rumble of the interior. With a flick here, and a push there, hemashed every button with nary a care in the universe until the TARDIS finally landed with its final groan, finishing it off with a new sound-like a bassy drum beat.

As he does so, he notices his own brow as he leans into reflection, raising. Make out more detail before laughing aloud.

With a “click-click-clack!" of the dematerialization lever, they were off ground and surfing through the time vortex.

With the groaning and wheezing of the TARDIS during its flight, the ride was surprisingly smooth-almost suspiciously so-until it landed with a low "gong!" spurring a look of curiosity on Clockwork's face.

“No turbulence and a new landing sound? Don't tell me you're getting old too.” He chuckles, getting a seemingly offended “whing, beep!” from the TARDIS. “kidding! kidding. you know I didn't mean it. Now, where are we?"

He made his way to the doors, swinging them open to poke his head out the entryway. Save for the lights from inside the TARDIS, the surrounding area was pitch black. From the light reflecting off the walls, he was at least able to conclude that he was, in fact, indoors.

To his surprise, there was nothing but darkness. Of course the interior's bright lights were expected to illuminate a portion of the room. From the metallic, silver, grid-like floor, to the wall of the room, even the TARDIS’ police box sign couldn’t shed enough light to see very far outside its doors. Shrugging off his nerves, he slowly crept out, pulling out his Sonic to use as a torch with a subtle "whire":

“Judging by the walls, it looks like a hallway, Good a place to start as any, I suppose. You can only go forward…” His voice echoed in the dark room when talking to himself. The Doctor placed his hoof on to the metal floor, he trotted out of his TARDIS and began to explore the darkness. “If this is some sort of surprise party, well… I’d be concerned about how you’d know my birthday, but as long as it's a nice surprise and a fetching party then I’d be down for one. Be a good change of pace.”

There was still no answer-no chuckle, no cough, not even a creak from the metal floors. He truly must be alone, probably ended up in a trap again. “Hello? Anyone there? Any ‘big bad evil-doer’ ready to pounce on the opportunity to introduce yourself? Would be the perfect opportunity, since I’m ALL ALONE!”

But as moments passed by, the only reply was silence. Best course of action was to whip out his sonic screwdriver and whirr up a scan. The Doctor reached into his pinstripe suit and pulled out his silver wand, igniting the tool to get a better view. With its blue bulb, he was able to see more of the room. He noticed a strange shape of two pillar-like structures parallel to each other with a beam connecting the two.

“Ah, a terminal.” The Doctor concluded, as he trotted over to the structure, whirring the Sonic at the mechanism. “With any luck.. This should give me info about where I am… or better yet turn the lights on in this room. Looks old, but a little fix up won’t be too hard oof!"” His hoof bumped into what felt like another pony.

“Aye watch it,” A high pitched voice came from below The Doctor.

“Oh excuse me, apologies for not noticing.” The Doctor said “Didn’t think anyone was here. Though it makes me wonder why you didn't answer when I was calling out to anyone.”

“Cause I was busy trying to fix this terminal,” The voice replied, sounding like they were inside a small can. Probably shoving their face inside the terminal, as if bobbing for apples, no doubt.. “I tend to get very hyper fixated when working on something new.”

The Doctor couldn’t help but snort. “You seem the nosey type.” Yet the more he heard their voice, he was getting the feeling it started to sound very familiar.

“Can you blame me? I was brought here via a distress call, and I’ve been wandering in the dark for at least half an hour.”

While perplexing, it wasn’t very much a surprise to the Doctor, as he’d been dragged into the same scenario. The distress call was going through all universal frequencies, it was bound to get someone’s attention. “And now you want to turn on the lights. Guess we're on the same page then. We both want to see whatever this place is … though that’s implying you’ve landed inside this building that we’re in…” The Doctor began to wonder who this person–err… Pony–is that he’s conversing with. The way they talk, the accent, the strange similarities he and his new acquaintance seemed to line up together just a little too well

As he wondered about this mystery pony, the terminal suddenly ignited with a warm, light blue glow that captured his attention.

“Would you like to do the honors?” They asked the Doctor. “There must be a switch to turn on the lights, now that this terminal’s up and running.”

The Doctor blinked in surprise, not being used to being told what to do.That was usually his job, it just came naturally to take control of the situation. He lifted his hoof and gently placed it on a rectangular button, assuming it was the most important button on the console–The light switch–and gave it a push.

The room began to make a deep bassy whirring sound and began to illuminate, showing more to the Doctor. The warm, cozy lighting was definitely a better atmosphere than what greeted him and his unknown companion upon arrival.

“Well well well, looks like my genius has come through once again,” They spoke again, as the pony in question got up on their four hooves. “Now who am I–oh!”

The Doctor’s eyes widened… he can sense this being as if he was looking at a reflection. A much… Younger reflection.. With.. a green tie?. “You!” His words jumped out of his mouth, he was shocked to see him again. The one he swapped places during his early adventures in Equestria, the one he (barely managed to) work together with to stop the Jabberwock. Time Turner! “You… How are you here?”

I should ask the same thing!” Time Turner looked up and down, examining the Doctor from head to hoof. “You look different… and you sound different! Trying to pull the ‘grumbly ol’ man’ stereotype, grampa?” Time Turner chuckled.

“Like you’re any better off!” The Doctor scoffed, “What happened to your voice?” The Doctor shot back. “Now it’s much more squeaky than the last time we’ve met.”

“Oooooh come on, it’s an upgrade, honestly. Clear as diamonds! At least I’m not getting old. I can count the gray strands on your hair, Mr. ‘Silver Fox,” Time Turner shot back with a laugh, getting a gasp of offense from the Doctor.

“I am not a silver fox!” The Doctor stomped his foot, getting yet another laugh out of Time Turner. “I’m only a few centuries older than you, which should make you my bratty younger brother.”

“Pish posh grandad!” Time Turner talked back. “I’m surprised you haven’t gone senile- hey where are you going!?”

The Doctor trotted away from his childish counterpart, annoyed to be reunited with his alternate dimensional self again after centuries traveling in his universe. “Going somewhere to figure out who sent the distress signal.” As he said that, he’d already made his way across the platform, heading through an automatic door that shut behind him.

“Shouldn’t we work together?”

“If I wanted a clown to come along, I’d have brought Pinkie Pie with me. I think one Doctor is enough to solve a simple problem.”

“Oh come on! A young mind can have so much creativity compared to an experienced ancient pony like you,” Time Turner chided, following the Doctor through the silver, rusted corridors. “Now just humor me really, you said it yourself, you were brought here by a distress call correct?”

The Doctor glanced over to his counterpart, letting out a sigh as he could see that he was at least taking the situation somewhat seriously–all things considered. “Yes. Got a call from the TARDIS, nothing special, just a normal day traveling around the galaxy. Why do you ask?”

“Have you noticed… how easy it was to get… wherever we are?” Time Turner gestured his hooves in a flippant motion.

“That’s probably because I’m just good at piloting her- not saying you aren’t a good pilot, but it’s been smooth traveling on my end.”

“And hasn’t crossed your mind that… our TARDIS didn't once struggle landing here when she wasn’t built for multi-dimensional travels.”

The Doctor stopped in his tracks and looked back at Time Turner with a thousand yard stare in his eyes. “That’s… that’s true but… impossible…”

“Exactly, we both came here with our own fruition and yet here we are. Talking to each other like we're having tea time and butter. Something isn’t right…”

“It’s not. And it’s not supposed to be this way,” The Doctor pointed his sonic screwdriver and scanned the vicinity. He flung the silver wand, the sonic extending with a ‘zip!’ as it concluded its reading.“That’s not good…”

“What’s not good?”

“Time. Or, rather, the flow of time. This universe and its concept of reality is just… nonexistent,” The Doctor has this heavy weight that was set on him. Whatever the Jabberwocky did to him and Time Turner is nothing as to whatever the place he’s standing on.

“From what I’m gathering… we’re in a place of limbo right?”

“In a manner of speaking… I think that's the closest thing to form a good conclusion on. Yet somehow this limbo you call it is connecting both our universe together, acting as some sort of bridge that can exist but not exist.”

“Could be part of the void, or at least.. Another version of it. An omnipresent planet that seems to exist outside of all of this dimension’s time and space... Dear Celestia. Not even the whole of Gallifrey could accomplish such a feat, yet, here we are… standing on the impossible..”

“Still… doesn’t explain two things,” The Doctor began, but alas he was interrupted again for the umpteenth time by an all-too familiar “vwoorping” sound from the next room. “Do you hear that?”

“No I don't. I don’t hear the obvious loud whoosh sound in here.”

The Doctor just looked at him with a heavy sense of frustration on his expression. “Come on.”

Time Turner just gives him a goofy grin in response before they both start toward the sound.

The two Doctors began to gallop through the corridors, as they followed the sound. From going first door on the left, second right, under the stairs they went past a metal bin like object and fifth door on the left-definitely not the least dizziest set of corridors that he and Time Turner had to go through to finally find the source of the grinding sound.

They round up in what seems to be a coolant room, where three sets of generators were placed in the water below. Though that wasn’t the main attraction for them,a familiar big, blue box standing at the end of the room. They looked at each other as they were unsure how to handle greeting yet another version of themselves. The Doctor let a groan slip as he rubbed his temple with one hoof, Time Turner practically near squeeing at the sight.

“Soooo…” Time Turner began as he looked back at the alternate version of the TARDIS. “Should we knock on the door or…”

Time Turner wasn’t able to finish his question, the TARDIS doors swinging open with that lovely creaking that any version would do. With great anticipation, the Doctor and Time Turner watched as a third Doctor strolled out, sporting a different visage entirely. Their coat was white, wore a brown jacket and blue, red white and green striped turtleneck.

“Clockwork… you seeing what I’m seeing?”

“A pony that’s actually wearing clothing?”

“No…” Time Turner’s expression began to have a wide smile that went across his face “It’s… it’s a unicorn!”

The white unicorn looked at Time Turner and then to the Doctor–err.. Clockwork. Their expression went from an interested smile to a confused look, letting out the word “What?”

“Why hello there! How are your travels with the Doctor?” Time Turner ran up to them and shook their hoof. “Are they still in the TARDIS? We have a lot to talk about once he’s out and-”

“I’m sorry to stop you there… Sir. But… I’m the Doctor.”

Time Turner and Clockwork looked at the unicorn with confusion, yet it started to make sense when they examined them more closely, Time Turner being a tad invasive as he immediately put his ear to their chest. “Yep! Two hearts, beating and accounted for!” The Unicorn just stands there, a tad shocked at Time Turner’s boldness, “Uh–Excuse me!”

“Ah, that makes sense, explains the clothing,” Clockwork said as he looked at the unicorn version of himself.

“How did you not know it’s me? We’re Time Lords can we recognize… actually why are there two versions of the same me here in the first place? We're breaking the laws of time by even just talking to each other.”

“Well, technically, we’re not,” Clockwork explained, getting a confused look from the unicorn Doctor. “We didn’t time travel. We’ve just popped into another dimension.”

“Or the space between them!” Time Turner chimed in.


“Dimensions?” The unicorn raised a brow.

“Let me make it quick for you,” Time Turner began. “You received a distress call, you decided to fly your TARDIS here, and it was the smoothest landing you’ve ever had, smooth as butter, correct?” The unicorn Doctor just looked at Time Turner like he was crazy, but could only nod at the bizarre experience. “See, I just got the feeling that what brought you here.”

“Alright, stop,” The unicorn Doctor put her hoof up to gain attention. “I can understand that something brought us here through a distress beacon, which isn’t unusual, yet, encountering other versions of myself, especially from different dimensions entirely, this begs the question–”

“The fact this planet is acting as a sort of bridge of our universes? That me and Time Turner are still figuring out what’s causing it and what sent the distress call?”

“No, not that silly. Rather,what should I call you?” The unicorn Doctor pointed at the pinstripe suit Doctor. “I assume you go by another alias in Ponyville. Would make conversing a lot easier since there’s three of us.”

“You're more concerned about that?” Time Turner questioned.

“I mean, c'mon, I had to call my other versions when I met them by their numbers. It would be nice to actually call another me by a name other than just ‘Doctor’. I’d assume you would do the same.”

“Good point.”

The Doctor cleared his throat and began “Clockwork. That’s what my friends call me back in my Equestria.”

“Chronicler, at your service,” She bowed down in a royal fashion.

“And I’m Time Turner, the original you might say.”

“Oh blimey you can’t say you're the original!” Clockwork chastised “You're from another universe before you entered the ponies’ universe!”

“The ‘ponies’ universe?” Chronicler asked, perplexed by the comment. “I don’t know your background. Are you not originally ponies?”.”

“Well… our stories are quite long winded on how we both ended up in Equestria.”

Chronicler tapped her chin with great curiosity “So… contact?”

“Contact?” Clockwork and Time Turner asked in unison.

“Contact.” Chronicler gave a smug expression to them.

Clockwork and Time Turner looked at each other and smiled. “Contact.”

Before they could telepathically transfer information to each other, a sudden explosion boomed from underneath the waters below. “What was that?” Clockwork questioned, feeling the rumble beneath his hooves.

“I think that’s our problem!” Time Turner exclaimed.

“Look,” Chronicler pointed at murky water, bubbling up as strange shapes were rising up. “There’s something coming from the water!”

Clockwork and Time Turner went at the edge of the balcony, trying to make out the details. Clockwork was able to spot that it had a dome head, maybe a skirt with two narrow protrusions… the sudden realization hit him when his TARDIS first crashed into Twilight’s house.

“We need to go…” He muttered, a shiver running down his spine.

“What? Why? These could be the inhabitants of the planet!” Chronicler exclaimed. “We might as well ask before we start running with our tails behind our backs.”

“These aren’t the inhabitants, they’re something far worse,” Clockwork backed away from the water. “If we are seen by any of them we are dead.”

“Clockwork… what’s going on?” Time Turner gave a concerned look, but before any more conversing was to happen. His expression too gave a thousand yard stare when he saw the distinguishable shape that flew above the water.

The metallic gray beast looked down with their eyestocks “YOU ARE TIME LORDS!” Their ears lit up as their metallic shriek echoed throughout the room

“Yes we are!” Chronicler cheerfully answered back “Were to help, we received your distress call-” She was tackled down to the ground, a radiant beam barely whiffed her hair and exploded behind them.

“What are you doing!?” Time Turner shouted back “That’s a Dalek! Take this seriously!”

“A Dalek What’s a–?”

“Cmon, we need to run!” Clockwork called out, as he dodged another Dalek blast. Time Turner and Chronicler got back on their hooves, galloping after Clockwork as another two daleks surfaced shortly after the first. The Daleks charged after the three Doctors. “EXTERMINATE!” Echoing throughout the corridors as the three doctors rushed to escape.

“Seriously, what are Daleks!? And why do you have problems with them?” Timer Keeper shouts, managing to catch up with the other two.

“What do you mean ‘what are Daleks?’ How do you not know the Daleks??” Shouted Time Turner.

“No time to explain in detail,” Clockwork interrupted, “Long story short, they’re the type to shoot first and ask questions never!”

“Oh, that explains why they shot first at me. My favorite type of people!” Chronicler’s comment oozed with sarcasm.

Clockwork glanced back, a bit panicked as he saw the deadly trio much closer than when they started, “They’re gaining on us!” No sooner had he said that did one of them fire another beam in their direction, “Duck!!!”

Time Turner and Chronicler hit the ground as the blast narrowly missed them. However, to their misfortune, it hit a door control panel, separating Clockwork from the rest of the other variants. “Time Turner! Chronicler!” He went up to the door, attempting to find a way to open the door, as his variants trapped by the group of Daleks hovered closer to them.

On the other side, Time Turner frantically scanned the door to attempt to get it open as quickly as possible. It certainly didn’t help, the pressure of the deadly tin cans approaching already making Time Turner fidget with his sonic.

“Time Turner, they’re coming!” Chronicler shouted.

“I know, I know!!” Time Turned shouted back. Another beam flew at the two Doctors, but Chronicler was able to block their attacks with a flash and sparkle of the horn atop her head, wincing at the effort it took to muster up a shield strong enough.


“Thank goodness you're a unicorn!”

“I’m grateful as well, but I’m not sure I can hold this barrier for much longer!” Another blast came crashing into the forcefield, making it fizz and crackle, breaking off bit by bit with every direct hit.

“SHIELDS ARE DETERIORATING!” Another Dalek cried out with malicious intent.


“EXTERMINATE! EXTERMINATE!” The Daleks began to chant their battle cry as Chronicler and Time Turner watched in horror as the magical barrier deteriorated with the constant firing from the Daleks.With every drop of sweat from Chronicler’s brow as Time Turner fiddled with the wiring beneath the panel of the door controls, the effort exhausted her until, finally, the shield dispersed into nothing, Chronicler’s eyes growing wide as all three of the Daleks fix their aim on her. “EXTERMINATE!!!”

Huge thank you to ThatDamnGoat for being my editor for this chapter!

Amazing work from him! :D

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