• Member Since 28th Feb, 2018
  • offline last seen Last Friday


For some people, small, beautiful events are what life is all about!


Part of the Wibblyverse Continuity.
Part eight of Doctor Whooves: Friendship is Wibbly Series 1
Previous Story: Silent Night
Next Story: Vacation to a Pleasant Country Retreat

After Apple Bloom gets into a fight with her sister, she finds herself in an alternate time stream where her parents never died. That isn't the only difference, though. History has changed and warped unexpectedly. Struggling to retain her memories of the 'real' timeline, Apple Bloom must make a hard decision.

Death tag for a train accident.

Chapters (17)
Comments ( 26 )

This story is very interesting so far please continue your doing great

Just noting, as I recall, in the old adage that starts out..."For want of a nail," they actually are talking about a horseshoe nail.

“Can’t’a been that important, then,” her brother chuckled. “What’s a seven-letter word for ‘impossibility’?”

paradox “A paradox can be paradoctored” “All You Zombies” (Heinlein)

And now the worst part of the archive binge, hitting the present moment and having to wait for the next update. Still, fantastic stuff thus far. Eagerly looking forward to more... though I have to wonder why Apple Bloom is the one who remembers what once was.

Apple Bloom just bade farewell to her childhood here. A filly came out of the TARDIS. I get the feeling a mare will be going back in.

In any case, problem spotted. Now to fix it. And leave some painfully wonderful memories.

Oh, don’t mind me. You just reminded me of a Song.

I may not know much Who-lore, but even I understood that reference.

Getting the timeline back to where it was will do a lot of good these folks both are and aren't aware of yet. Discord, Starlight, Sunset, the changelings... There are a lot of reformations set in motion by that Rainboom. And that, in turn, relies on Bright Mac and Buttercup being in the wrong place at the right time.

In any case, looks like Apple Bloom's experience with Granny-wrangling's about to come in handy. This should be fun. You know, barring the circumstances.

Not unrelated to her canon talent. This isn't just a mark for repair, it's a mark for setting things right, whether that means a table or a timeline. Brilliant final punch to the heart, and a most satisfactory close to the tale.

As for next time... Oh, that certainly looks intriguing. See you in December. Best of luck with both school and NaNoWriMo in the meantime.

Thank you! I'm making good progress on both.

“Quite,” Rarity said with a sharp nod. “I suppose she’s done alright for herself, all things considered. It is a pity though; she really was quite good with children. Why do you ask, darling?”

A faint smile formed on the grey mare’s face. “I grew up with three little sisters. One went into hysterics if you looked at her wrong, one didn’t say a word until she was eight, and one tried to dig a tunnel to the center of Gaea when she was nine. After that, this is nothing.”

She wanted to know if the center was caramel or nougat :pinkiehappy:

So, Rainbowdash’s parents are gonna die in place of Applejack’s, at least that’s where I think it’s gonna go.

Ah, the Monk. If you were anyone else I'd make a note of the choice of a more obscure Renegade, but all things considered I guess the Monk is fairly middle of the road, at least I recognise him without having to Wiki-dive.

Particularly the Doctor! He’s like some sort of unearthly child, half the time.”

I thought that was the other one, the Time Lady for whom nobody can seem to agree on an identity. (In truth, she may be even more mysterious than the Doctor himself) Although... It was the Doctor's first incarnation, described in multiple sources as being "young" and in at least one as "a child acting as an old man", so maybe there's a double meaning there...

I'm surprised you use the name "Koschei" to refer to the Master, considering the source that claims that is his name contradicts many other sources (but then again, what doesn't?) and was apparently written to spoof the increasingly complex and absurd worldbuilding of the novels of that era. Then again, I suppose it's an easy way for the Doctor to refer to their old friend without having to explain the details of their relationship with the person who destroyed a large portion of the universe with a wave of entropy. (Seriously, why does nobody ever talk about that? You'd think that would get brought up more...)

So many changes, I wonder what roles the rest of them have in this world, and who’s filling in for their elements.

I actually gasped with that final line. I love that you are embracing so many facets of Who in this version of Whoovies. Lots of these fanworks focus primarily on Tennants version of 10, a very narrow slice of Russel T Davies Era.

I wonder what the Monks motive here is? He is rarely evil, though he is vain, selfish and cowardly. He's not above random acts of compassion or mercy either. Albeit as a flight of fancy or whimsy. He's no Dark Lord but a class A Arsehole. There is a recent Big Finish Story of him hiding out in Tudor England... Then Missy turns up. He spends most of the story terrified out of his wits and colossaly out of his depth.

The Master is Chaotic Evil/Neutral Evil depending on regeneration. The Rani Lawful Evil. The Doctor Chaotic Good and Romana Neutral Good. Drax is True Neutral.
I view the Monk as Chaotic Neutral.

Yes not evil. But you'd be a fool to think he wasn't dangerous.

I've interpreted Koschei, Ushas, and Theta to be childhood nicknames, rather than actual names. Something they were called as opposed to their indentity. I've always been a fan of the idea that Renegades have their names physically expunged from the universe, as a sort of punishment, retroactively erasing everyones memories. Even the Doctors parents have him in their memories as "The Doctor", even though they simultaneously remember him later claiming the name at a later date... Though that's a headcanon.

Lyra squinted. “Apple… Who?”



Unfortunate price for two lives to be saved.

“What’s a seven-letter word for ‘impossibility’?”

Bloom thought. “Got me,” she admitted.

“Starts with a ‘P’,” Junior added

The Docks of Two.

And things are sure getting wibbly wobbly.

Oh someone definitely hit Shuffle

Fluttershy with a Fez?



Time Travel

You have, You are, and You will.

Man...im afraid to know where AltPinkie is..

Actually it's made of Strawberry Cream Cheese.
The Moon has Nutella

Morbid really, helping your parents get killed so a Rainboom can happen which causes SOOOOO much to happen...
Quite a decision.

These cutie-marks are interesting.
Counting Blessings
Fixing What's Wrong

And nice moment at the end with AJ & Bloom

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