• Published 20th Apr 2024
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G5 Adventures in Scooby-Doo! Camp Scare - ponydog127

The Pippsqueaks, hoping to get away from their own problems at home, join the Mane 6 and Mystery Inc on a mission to save a historical summer camp, haunted by spooky stories of the past.

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Investigations and Campfire Legends (Part 1)

By the time the next morning rolled around, the ponies were pleased to see that Shaggy, Scooby and all three Pippsqueaks were snuggled up against one another, having fallen asleep like that after the story from the previous night.

But there would be more time for peace when this mystery was finally solved, and Camp Little Moose would be safe at last.

And so, by the time the group had woke up the next morning, they decided that it might be a good idea to head up to Camp Big Moose and see if anything was out of place up there… much to Fred’s chagrin.

He hated the thoughts of going to the enemy camp, but one look from everyone, even the Pippsqueaks, told him that they were going up there whether he liked it or not.

When the group arrived at Camp Big Moose, not only did they find out that it was much larger than Camp Little Moose, but there were way more activities, and it seemed much more… civilized, if you want to find the correct word for it.

Misty, who enjoyed Camp Little Moose for just being the way it is, was also enamored by Camp Big Moose when Jessica took them on a little tour. “Wow, guys! This place seems to have everything!”

“It doesn’t have everything,” Fred muttered, just before some campers on scooters drove past them. Trudy seemed just as entranced with Camp Big Moose as some of the ponies were, smiling a little since she got there a few days ago. “Personal transporters… computer lab… cute boys… we don't have cute boys at Little Moose.”

“Uh… hello?” Luke referred to himself. “Take a hint, Luke,” Seashell patted his leg with her hoof. “She doesn’t mean you.”

This caused Shaggy, Scooby and some of the others to try and contain their giggling as they moved along with the tour. “About a week ago,” said Jessica as they moved past a huge tank of water, “we noticed that some sonar equipment had gone missing from the Marine Biology Center.”

As soon as Jessica had got done speaking, a huge orca leapt out of the water and splashed a majority of the group, causing them to laugh… except for Fred, that is. “And a few days ago,” Jessica continued, “an RV disappeared from the Motorsports Pavilion.”

“Motorsports?” Zipp couldn’t help but be impressed and excited all at once. “Now we’re talking!”

“Come on, Zipp,” Fred rolled his eyes. “Now they’re just showing off.”

“Most luxury RVs have GPS locators built in,” Velma pointed out. “I’ll ping the area to see if it's sending out a signal!” Pipp volunteered, pulling out her phone. And after a few seconds, the phone beeped to show it had the location on the RV. “Got it!”

“According to this,” said Hitch, taking a look at the phone, “it looks like it’s in a place called… Shadow Canyon.”

“Shadow Canyon?” Burt repeated. “They say that place is haunted by the ghost of a lost hiker… still searching for her way out. They call her the Specter of Shadow Canyon. Legend has it if you hear her terrifying wail, you're a goner.”

The Pippsqueaks clung to each other at this, and even Izzy seemed nervous. “Uh, Burty-Wurty? I-I kinda sorta DEFINITELY didn’t need to hear that.”

“Wait a second, guys. The stolen RV is in Shadow Canyon,” Daphne pointed out. “But the missing sonar equipment, that could only be used in the lake.”

“But whoever is behind this can’t be in two places at once, right?” Peach Fizz asked. “Right,” Fred agreed. “I guess If we're gonna get to the bottom of this mystery… I guess we better split up and look for clues.”

“He always says something like that,” Izzy whispered to the campers, who nodded in understanding. “Let me get this straight,” Deacon interrupted. “There's a crazy man with an ax in the woods… a ghost in the canyon… a fish monster in the water… and you guys wanna split up and look for clues?”

“That usually is our standard method of doing things,” Zipp said. “Zipp, Hitch and I will check out the lake,” Fred spoke first. “I wanna check out that building Seashell and Scooby saw. Who's with me?”

“Me, me!” Seashell said. “Maybe there’s something about it that Scooby and I missed before.”

“I’ll go too,” Jessica volunteered. “I'm a certified scuba instructor.”

I'm a certified scuba instructor…” Daphne muttered under her breath. “What was that, Daph?” Hitch raised an eyebrow at her. “Huh? Nothing,” Daphne then spoke. “I’ll go with you.”

“Scuba diving? Sweet!” Luke exclaimed. “Count me in!”

“Then the rest of us will head to Shadow Canyon,” Sunny told the others. “Oh, no!” Scooby protested against the idea. “Like, you can forget it,” Shaggy agreed with the Great Dane. “Every time someone tells a campfire story, it comes true. Scooby-Doo and me are trying to live a Specter-free lifestyle here. You can find us in that five-star dining hall when you get back.”

“Um… can I stay with them too?” Peach Fizz raised a hoof. “I-I don’t wanna see any scary specters.”

“Sure thing,” Misty nodded in understanding. “Sunny and I can stay here with you guys.”

“And maybe you should take Deacon with you,” Pipp pointed at the third camper, who was breathing very heavily in panic. “He seems a little freaked out.”

“Okay, then… everyone stay together and let us know if you need any help,” Sunny told the others, who nodded in agreement. “Let’s do this!”


Only a little while later, Fred's group reached the middle of Big Moose Lake and dropped anchor before getting into their scuba gear. “Luke, if the Fishman surprises us,” Fred told the younger camper, “I'll catch him with this net launcher. So there's no reason to be…”

But by the time Fred turned, Luke had already fell back into the water. “...afraid,” Fred finally finished. “How am I supposed to be his mentor if he never listens?”

“Don’t worry, Freddy,” Daphne reassured. “You'll get your chance.”

“Either way, if we wanna get to the bottom of this mystery,” Zipp said as she and Hitch finished putting Seashell into her scuba gear, “we gotta go WAY down.”

And so, the rest of the group dove into the water after Luke, who spotted some trees at the bottom of the lake and urged the others to follow him...

...unaware that they were being watched.


Pipp had downloaded the coordinates to Shadow Canyon onto Velma's GPS (since Pipp knew her phone would have ZERO signal that way), and then, their group got in one of Camp Big Moose's jeeps and set out for the canyon.

After a little while of driving, Burt noticed that the GPS had completely lost power, causing it go completely blank. “We lost the signal!” Burt exclaimed. “Now what?”

“Do you think it was the batteries?” Glory asked curiously. “No way,” Velma shook her head as they pulled to a stop. “I just bought new batteries for the trip. Anyway, Shadow Canyon's not too far from here.”

“Besides,” said Pipp, “it can't be too hard to find one stolen RV.”

“I wouldn't try and explore that place without a map or a GPS, young lady,” Burt told Pipp sternly as Izzy and Trudy got out of the jeep to look at something. “Many a hiker has lost their way around those parts.”

This led Velma to sigh in exasperation. “I hope Fred and Daphne’s group are having more luck than we are.”

Izzy and Trudy had been studying some markings on the side of the road for a moment, when Glory got out of the jeep and walked over to them. “What are you girls looking at so hard?”

“Check it out,” Trudy pointed out the marks. “Tire tracks, leading across this field.”

Velma got out and studied the tracks as well, realizing that Trudy was right. “Good eye, you three!”

“I bet if we follow these tracks,” said Glory, “we’ll find the stolen RV!”

“It’s worth the old Señor Butterscotch try!” Izzy said encouragingly. “Let’s go!”

And so, the group got into the jeep and immediately began to follow the tire tracks again. And as she looked toward the back seat, Velma couldn't help but notice that Glory was letting Trudy brush her mane... something she would normally let only her father do.

That made Izzy, Pipp and Velma realize that Glory was beginning to make a real friend in Trudy.

Now, if they could find out who was behind these hauntings, and stop the Pippsqueaks' parents from separating the fillies, things might actually work out in their favor.


Back in the lake, Luke was leading the rest of his group through a creepy looking forest at the bottom of the lake, all bare and lifeless.

As they swam through a patch of seaweed, Daphne cleared some away and saw something not too far off-- a building, just like the one Seashell and Scooby had seen a little while earlier!

They must have been closer to the truth than they thought.

But as Fred moved the group closer, Daphne noticed something moving through the seaweed rather quickly, and immediately realized that the Fishman was gaining on them!

When the Fishman realized Fred and Zipp were right above him, he leapt to attack, only for Daphne to push them out of the way before they could get struck.

Then, as the others were making a break for it, Fred used his net launcher, but the Fishman tore right through the net with his large teeth.

Fred ducked to narrowly avoid the monster as it swam right toward him, but then, he, Seashell and Daphne realized that the Fishman was still swimming around them, trapping them in that small patch of forest.

To make matters worse, Fred only had one net in his launcher, so they were immediately out of weapons.

As the Fishman leapt to attack again, Seashell decided to be a bit bold and kicked the Fishman right in the jaw with her hind legs, and the next time he came around, Fred used the net launcher as sort of a baseball hat, striking it in the face again.

As Hitch and Zipp stood nearby with Jessica and Luke, they realized that they had to hide somewhere until the Fishman gave up the fight... and fortunately, Luke saw a small cave nearby.

It might have been small, but it was better than nothing.

At the same time, Fred lodged the net launcher into the Fishman's mouth to prevent it from attacking them anymore, but the Fishman used his strong jaws to snap the device in half before going after Fred again.

This time, it grabbed Fred by the flipper and began to pull him further toward the bottom of the lake.

Hitch, Zipp and Daphne immediately saw this, and while Fred was able to get free after a moment, losing his flipper in the process, Daphne knew that she had to do something fast.

So, she detached her air tank and sent it right toward the Fishman, knocking him into a nearby tree.

Fred was able to give Daphne some of his air in the meantime, while Jessica, Luke and Seashell gestured everyone toward the small cave they discovered.

But, as they were all swimming into the cave, the Fishman was able to grab Daphne by the ankle, causing her to scream and try to pull away.

Hitch and Zipp grabbed Fred as he grabbed Daphne, and the three of them pulled against the creature, with Daphne kicking the Fishman right in the face, which allowed the group to swim into the cave for cover, leaving the Fishman behind.


Fred, Daphne, Hitch and Zipp eventually surfaced inside the cave, coughing for a moment before sighing to themselves... a disaster well avoided. “That was close,” Luke said in relief as he, Seashell and Jessica joined them. “Are you guys okay?” Seashell asked in concern. “We were really worried!”

“Yeah,” Fred nodded, wrapping his arms around Daphne. “Thanks to Daphne, Hitch and Zipp.”

“Anytime, Freddy,” Daphne nodded as they all swam to shore. “Seashell, you and Scooby were right!” Luke told the earth pony filly. “There's a whole town under there. We gotta check that out.”

“Sorry, Luke,” Hitch said sternly, “but we can't go back out there with the Fishman waiting for us.”

“Then,” said Daphne, looking at a tunnel ahead, “I guess we'll have to see where this cave leads.”

“Good thinking-- cave exploring sounds a lot more fun than swimming with that fish freak,” Hitch spoke up, leading Zipp to sigh. “I just wonder if the others are doing okay…”