• Published 20th Apr 2024
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G5 Adventures in Scooby-Doo! Camp Scare - ponydog127

The Pippsqueaks, hoping to get away from their own problems at home, join the Mane 6 and Mystery Inc on a mission to save a historical summer camp, haunted by spooky stories of the past.

  • ...

Day 2 of Camp Little Moose/The Fishman Attacks!

The rest of the night seemed to go smoothly after the Pippsqueaks had their discussion about their parents and what they were going to do when this Unity Quest was over...

...even if the thoughts of the Woodsman gave these fillies the willies.

Nonetheless, a new day would be starting soon, and that meant a new adventure would begin as well.

However. no one expected the new adventure to start really early that next morning-- like... just a few minutes after the sun started rising.

As the ponies, the campers and their Mystery Inc friends tried to sleep for a little while longer, Fred's voice echoed over the camp speakers, waking them up with a startle. “Good morning, Camp Little Moose. This is your favorite camp counselor and mentor inviting you to rise and shine!” Fred spoke cheerfully. “It’s a balmy 67 degrees with winds coming out of the north northwest at eight miles per hour. We're expecting a high today in the upper 80s, so don't forget your sunscreen.

As Fred continued to speak, everyone came out of their cabins looking groggy and tired (all except Luke, that is), and Trudy looked over at Velma and Zipp. “Is this guy for real?”

“I’m afraid so,” Zipp sighed. “Usually, I’m a morning pony, but this is WAY too early for excitement, even for me.”

...because today is Water Fun Day!” Fred announced over the speakers. “So let's meet down by the dock ASAP, okay, Little Moosers?

“Wait a second…” Glory said. “Did he just say… ‘Water Fun Day’?”

“He sure did!” Izzy said, brightening up a bit after being groggy for a few minutes. “I loved water fun days back in Bridlewood… even though it was just a small lake.”

Glory gulped nervously… how was she going to tell her friends that she wasn’t sure if she liked the water…

…let alone the fact that she didn’t know how to swim?


A few minutes later, everyone met by the docks of Little Moose Lake, most of them still droggy as Fred approached, heavily prepared for the day ahead. “Hey, campers. Who's ready to have fun?”

Luke, however, was the only one who gave a thumbs up, while the others just looked bored and yawned… even the Mane 6 weren’t used to getting up THIS early. “I don’t wanna be rude, Freddy,” Misty said, “but an hour more of sleep sounds more fun to me right now.”

“Uh… yeah,” Glory faked a yawn. “Me too.”

Shaggy then noticed Scooby beginning to dose off, prompting him to wake the Great Dane by nudging him with his elbow. “I’m up,” the Great Dane yelped, “I’m up!”

“Okay, gang, here’s the plan,” Fred told the group, holding a clipboard. “An hour of canoeing, two hours of fishing, followed by a half-hour of swimming!”

“In… there?” Daphne asked hesitantly, looking toward the murky waters of the lake next to them. “Yep,” Fred nodded confidently, not at all fazed. “Um… if it were up to me,” Pipp whispered to her sister, “I would NOT, in my right mind, swim in there even if my life depended on it.”

“I hate to agree with you, sis, but… yeah,” Zipp whispered back. “That lake is kind of a dump. But don’t say anything to Fred-- he really seems to like this place.”

“Lips are sealed.”

As the pegasus sisters were chatting amongst themselves, Luke came up with another suggestion. “Hey, why don't we go up to Big Moose Lake? That lake is sweet.”

“Oh, no, not Big Moose Lake,” Fred immediately dismissed. “We can't go up there.”

“Why not?” Trudy asked curiously. “Yeah, Fred,” Hitch said with a raised eyebrow. “Why can’t we go up there?”

Fred seemed to hesitate to answer for a few moments, and when he did answer, his voice became ominous and full of warning. “Because,” he said, “Big Moose Lake is haunted.”

That seemed to make everyone freeze, wide eyed in surprise… except Shaggy, who immediately tried to leave. “I’m out.”

“Wait a second,” Sunny said, stopping him in his tracks before turning to Fred. “I love some good history, but how exactly can a lake be haunted?”

“Many years ago,” Fred began to tell the tale, “there was a camper named Neil Fisher. The other kids picked on him all the time… so he spent most of his days swimming in Big Moose Lake. In fact, he spent so much time in the water… he grew gills! And fins! He became… the Fishman! And he haunts Big Moose Lake to this day.”

Glory hated the fact that sooner or later, she would have to fess up about not being able to swim, and a haunted lake seemed to make her wanna go there less. “I-Is that true?”

“Of course not,” Velma dismissed. “He just doesn't want us to go to Big Moose Lake.”

“Guys,” Fred tried to protest, “ we've got a perfectly good lake right here. Give it a chance.”

But one look at that lake made the ponies shudder-- the green color was enough, but when they saw a tiny frog literally sink to the bottom after jumping on a lily pad?

It was too sickening to witness anymore.

Finally, Daphne turned to Fred with her hands on her hips. “We’re all going to Big Moose.”

Then, as he watched the rest of his friends and the campers leave, Fred hung his head and sighed to himself. “...we're all going to Big Moose.”

And just like that, he had no choice but to follow the others up to Big Moose Lake.


Big Moose Lake was a lot prettier than Little Moose Lake ever was-- almost like something you would see on a postcard.

However... the only ones not happy about the development were Glory, who still seemed a little hesitant about the water, but hid her fear well... and Fred, who didn't seem happy to be at the enemy camp.

Fred stared down at the waters of the lake for a long time before Daphne approached and smiled at him reassuringly, causing him to smile back.

Even if it didn't go exactly the way he had originally planned, there was almost nothing that could stop the perfect water fun day... even if one of the Pippsqueaks was scared of the water.

Now it was time to have some fun.


The first thing Shaggy and Scooby did was take Izzy and Misty up to a high cliff to go fishing, and after sitting there a long time, Shaggy and Scooby finally caught something.

However, when they pulled it up, it was nothing but an old rubber boot. However, they still high-fived each other and Misty and Izzy out of happiness.


Next, by the lake, Shaggy tossed a frisbee as Scooby ran up and caught the object in his mouth before landing on the ground and skidding to a halt close to a sulking Fred. Proud of catching the frisbee, Scooby walked off with it, unintentionally tossing sand onto him. Looking annoyed, Fred spat out some sand from his mouth and growled in annoyance.

This caused the Pippsqueaks to try and contain their laughter.


After the frisbee game, Shaggy made himself a huge sandwich topped high with condiments, meats and cheeses. When the sandwich was done, Shaggy felt a tap on his shoulder, only to discover it was Hitch, who needed help to secure Deacon's life jacket.

Once Shaggy had secured it and Hitch led Deacon away, he turned back toward his sandwich, only to discover it was missing...

...and Scooby had eaten all of it in just a few bites, causing him to chuckle nervously.

That's when Daphne, Velma and the older girl ponies got changed into their bathing suits, showing them off in front of the boys before going to eat a watermelon snack.

But instead of eating it like the rest of his friends were doing, Scooby put his whole slice in his mouth, smiling while doing such.


A little while later, finally, it was time for lunch. But, when it was time for Scooby to prepare Daphne's burger, he topped it high with ingredients like gummy worms, a fish, ketchup and even an olive on top... something that made Pipp loose her appetite entirely.

Later, once everyone got their burgers (as Daphne got a better and normal burger), they sat around a fire, eating as Fred sat down and tried to join in, but the smoke from the fire blew in his face, so he had to move to another seat. Just when he was about to eat his burger, though, the smoke blew into his face again, causing him to cover his mouth with his arm in annoyance as he ran off, causing everyone else to laugh.

He finally managed to get out into the lake and eat his burger in peace... at least until Shaggy and Scooby blew smoke in his face from their portable grill, annoying him further.


After lunch, it was finally time for some archery practice.

Luke did some archery as he shot an arrow right on a bullseye, then shot another arrow at the same target, destroying the first arrow in the process.

But, when Deacon was having trouble, Peach Fizz pulled back on the arrow to help him, but accidentally slipped and let the arrow go flying through the air... into the outhouse...

...and right through Burt's hat.

Burt came out of the outhouse and looked around in annoyance before looking up at the arrow in his hat in confusion.


A little while after archery ended, that's when Seashell and Velma approached the water with Trudy in order to see how cold the water was.

Velma touched the water with her toe, but the instant she did, she screamed before running off a bit and stopping to shiver for a moment. But she yelped and ran off because Shaggy ran up with a bucket of water and tossed the water toward Velma. And this caused Trudy and Seashell to laugh at this.


Now, it was time for everyone to dive into the cool waters for a swim.

Fred jumped off the tree hanging over a cliff and dove into the water as the others cheered at that.

Then, it was Zipp's turn, flying over the water before diving in-- Deacon even whistled for the huge splash she created.

Then, Shaggy took a swing off the rope with Misty and Izzy diving in after him, and Daphne took a plunge herself.

Afterward, Shaggy was sitting on a tube wearing sunglasses, smiling as he held up a drink.


After a bit more swimming time, the Pippsqueaks were getting their own fishing lesson from Shaggy and Scooby when they suddenly felt a tug from their fishing rods.

They all reeled up what they hoped to be something good, only to find that they reeled up Fred who was glaring at them in annoyance.

So, Shaggy and Scooby helped the Pippsqueaks lower Fred back into the water before disposing of their fishing gear and running before Fred could find them.


Mind you, this was only a few of the activities they did while the sun was out.

As the day was slowly coming to an end, the groups decided to split up and do some group canoeing.

  • Glory decided to stick with Velma, Trudy, Izzy and Pipp.
  • Peach Fizz was with Fred, Luke, Hitch and Zipp.
  • Lastly, Seashell decided to stay with Daphne, Scooby, Shaggy, Sunny and Misty.

As they passed by Velma and her group in their canoe, those in Fred's canoe playfully used their paddles to splash them with water, causing Velma and the girl ponies to laugh (Pipp not minding for once). Trudy, however, seemed more annoyed than anything. “Boys are so immature.”

“Aww, come on, Trudy!” Izzy brushed it off. “They’re just having fun.”

“Hey, the sun's going down,” Velma observed. “If we're gonna go swimming, we better do it now.”

But as she looked, she saw that Glory looked a little uncomfortable with the idea of swimming, while Trudy… well, didn’t seem interested at all. “Glory? Is everything okay?” Velma asked. “Well… the thing is… I’ve never really been around water that much,” Glory admitted. “And, well… I don’t really know how to swim. I like being splashed and I love baths, but… I don’t know how to swim like other fillies do.”

“Aww… hey, that’s okay,” Pipp said reassuringly. “It took me a long time to figure out how to swim too.”

“...Peach Fizz’s mom thinks that if pegasi get their wings wet,” Glory said, looking at her wings, “they’re useless.”

“No way! Zipp surfs all the time when she has the chance to,” Pipp brushed off. “Hey, what if tomorrow, Zipp and I teach you how to swim like a pro?”

“Really? You’ll do that for me?” Glory asked excitedly, causing Pipp to nod. “Thanks, Pipp!”

“Well, we know why Glory was down and out,” Velma said before looking at Trudy. “But I sorta get the feeling you’re just not crazy about camp in general.”

“This is not my idea of a good time,” Trudy shrugged, “but my parents thought a little fresh air would do me some good. They say I spend too much time inside in front of the computer.”

“Believe me, sister-- I’m totally not the outdoorsy type,” Pipp shook her head. “But give it a chance,” Velma quickly added. “Who knows? Maybe you'll have fun.”

Trudy sighed and dipped her hand in the water, letting some small fish come closer to it out of curiosity. Glory couldn't help but feel sympathetic to Trudy, sitting down beside her with a gentle smile. “You know, Trudy… I know how unfair it can be when parents make decisions without their kids. Believe me… my dad wants to move me away from my best friends, and I hate it.”

“Really?” Trudy asked, looking at her. “That does sound harsh.”

“I know… I’m trying to come up with a plan to stop this from happening,” said Glory with a sad sigh, “but… I haven’t been able to think of anything.”

“Well… maybe I could help with that,” Trudy supposed. “I do have pretty good creative thinking skills when it comes to problem-solving.”

“Wow! Thank you, Trudy!” Glory beamed. “With you on our side, I know me, Seashell and Peach Fizz can convince our parents not to separate us.”


At the same time, Fred was giving Peach Fizz and Luke a fishing lesson, while Zipp and Hitch kept their eyes open for any signs of fish close to them. “Luke, Peach Fizz?” Fred called. “The secret to catching fish is all about…”

“Freddy!” Peach Fizz cried. “I think we got one!”

Turns out, she was right-- Luke and Peach Fizz were holding a huge fish in their grasp, causing Hitch and Zipp to cheer... but Fred seemed to groan to himself.

It seemed like there wouldn't be anything else to teach Luke, or the Pippsqueaks, by the way they were learning so fast.

But just then, a large blue speedboat sped right across the lake and past them, nearly causing their boat to tip over if Zipp and Hitch hadn’t balanced it out in time. “Hey!” Fred shouted. “Slow it down!”

“I agree!” Hitch said. “You’re going way faster than boat laws back home!”

“Uh… Hitch?” Zipp raised an eyebrow. “We don’t HAVE boat laws back home.”

“...oh. Well, after this, I’m gonna make some!”

Suddenly, two teens that were being pulled behind that boat leapt right over them, cheering happily and seemingly having a good time. “Cool!” Peach Fizz exclaimed. “Sweet!” Luke agreed. “Not cool OR sweet,” Fred dismissed. “I can’t stand those snobs at Camp Big Moose. With their fancy speedboats and air conditioned cabins, and…”

Suddenly, that same speedboat came to a stop near them, and driving was a young adult woman with long brown hair, wearing a red bathing suit. And then, whatever negative comment Fred had to say about Camp Big Moose left his mind. “...and hot counselors…”

“Ewww, Fred…!” Peach Fizz gagged. “Get a room!”

“Sorry about that,” the Camp Big Moose counselor said politely. “Oh, our fault. Totally our fault,” said Fred quickly, causing the other ponies to look at him strangely. “No problem at all!”

Then, the counselor waved goodbye before leaving them behind.

No doubt about it, though… Daphne was not going to be happy when she realized Fred had the hots for this counselor.


Later on, as the sun was going down, Scooby decided to go for a little scuba diving before it got too dark, and Shaggy and Daphne paddled their group's canoe out to the middle of the lake. “Ha-ha. Oh, boy, Scoob,” Shaggy said with a smirk. “It looks like you're ready to go scuba diving.”

“Scuba-duba-doo!” Scooby said with a cheerful giggle. “Wow, scuba diving looks like fun!” Seashell said. “Can I go with him, Sunny? Please?”

“Well… I guess that would be okay,” sighed Sunny. “But stay close to Scooby the entire time, okay?”

“I will, promise!” Seashell said enthusiastically. “Let’s go!”

Misty helped Seashell into her own scuba diving gear, and together, Scooby and Seashell dove under the water to begin their excursion.

Seashell never knew how beautiful the underwater world could be in that moment... but now that she was experiencing it, she wished her mother was there to experience it with her.

But that also meant that she had a brand-new tale to tell her mother when they got back to Equestria.

Scooby instantly caught sight of a small catfish and urged Seashell to follow him after it... well, at least until they lost it at the edge of a large underwater cliff.

But that's not all they found.

At the bottom of the lake seemed to be a large structure, almost looking like a church, which instantly got Scooby and Seashell's attention. “A building…?”

What in the world could a building be doing at the bottom of the lake? That’s exactly what Seashell wanted to find out, so she gestured for the Great Dane to follow her.

But what they DIDN'T realize was that someone was following them... and it wasn't a friendly sight.

Seashell and Scooby were swimming along, happy as well... a pony and a dog when suddenly, something grabbed Seashell by the back leg.

And when she and Scooby glanced back to see what it was, a horrifying mutant fishman monster roared in their faces, causing them to scream and bolt back to the surface.


Sunny, Misty, Shaggy and Daphne were patiently waiting on Seashell and Scooby to return, and when they did, they leapt back into the boat in panic, the Great Dane only yelping one word. “FISHMAN!!”

“Fishman?!” the others questioned out of surprise… but that surprise turned to fear when they saw the Fishman leapt right out of the water and toward them. “FISHMAN!!!”

And as quick as they could, they grabbed their paddles and stroked away, trying to get away from this horrible mutant monster.


“Uh, ponies?” Pipp spoke up to her group after realizing something. “I don’t wanna be a party pooper pony, but I think we may have forgot somepony.”

“Hey… she’s right!” Glory looked around. “Where’s Deacon?”

“FISHMAN!!!” the others screamed as they paddled past, much to Velma’s confusion. “Did they say…?”

“Fishman!” Trudy cried out, pointing toward the water. Upon seeing the Fishman, they paddled to get away from the creature not following them, but they didn't get too far when the Fishman grabbed their boat and began to pull it under, ready to eat them and causing them to scream in panic.

The Fishman would have eaten them too, if it weren't for Luke, Fred, Zipp and Hitch, grabbing the creature with their fishing line and ropes made from vines.

Unfortunately, the Fishman sped toward them and chopped the boat in half, leaving Hitch and Luke on one side and Peach Fizz and Fred on the other while Zipp was able to fly up to safety. “Okay,” the white pegasus muttered, “this is getting ridiculous!”

“Quick!” Daphne said as her group pulled up beside Velma’s group on their canoe. “Come on, guys!”

“Thanks a million, you guys!” Pipp sighed as they got on the canoe. “Don’t thank us yet, Pipp,” Misty said as she focused on paddling. “Now we have to get the others before the Fishman gets us!”

And that’s just what they did-- Fred, Luke, Hitch and Peach Fizz leapt into the canoe while Zipp pushed it forward with all her might, pushing the canoe… right in the direction of the dam at the edge of the lake! “Uh, guys?!” Hitch cried out in panic. “I think we might be going the wrong way!”

Realizing Hitch was right, the group screamed as the canoe finally stopped, halfway in the water and halfway in mid-air, looking down at the sorry-looking Little Moose Lake at least 1000 feet below them.

Realizing that it would only be a matter of time before they fell down the dam, Pipp turned to her sister and Daphne at the back of the canoe. “Zippster, Daphne! Put us in reverse mode and let's get out of here!”

“We'll try!” Zipp strained hard. “But it isn't easy to pull an entire load of people on one canoe!”

Unfortunately, as Zipp and Daphne tried to get them to reverse, the Fishman shoved them off the edge of the dam, sending them plummeting down toward the lake below!

Everyone screamed as they fell down the side of the dam, skipped across Little Moose Lake, tore through the camp and right through the dining hall...

...and when they finally stopped halfway into the dining hall, they saw Deacon sitting there, casually eating a bowl of ice cream. “Hey guys. How was the canoeing?”

Hitch struggled to stop breathing so hard for a moment before he eventually turned to Deacon with wide eyes. “You... do NOT want to know!”