• Published 15th Mar 2024
  • 1,516 Views, 37 Comments

Potted Plant - RunicTreetops

Anon finds a strange mare in his garden.

  • ...

A Good Cause

It’s been a few weeks since Wallflower stuck up for Anon. However, as the two of them wipe the sweat from their brows after finishing up their work plucking weeds from the carrot patch, neither realizes how quickly that time has passed.

“So, how’s your painting going?”

“It’s mostly finished, thankfully.” Wallflower gives Anon a smile as he tosses her a bottle of water. “And just in time, too. The Exhibition is this week.”

“It’s here already? Heh, I guess that explains all the tourists.” Anon stretches as he takes a sip of his own water. It’s another scorcher, but the garden is as comfortable as ever. “How do you feel about your chances?”

“Well… like I said the other day, I don’t expect my work to connect with most audiences. But, I am really proud of what I’ve made.”

“And that’s the important part, right?”

Wallflower hesitates for a moment, tapping the water bottle to her chin as she thinks.

“I know that the ‘correct’ thing would be to agree with you, but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t care if nopony saw my work.”

“Hey, I get that.” Anon throws his hands up with a grin on his face before motioning to the rose bush. The flowers still have yet to bloom, but at this point, it could happen at any time. “I’ve been thinking about doing the exact same thing with my roses here.”

“W-wait, what?”

“You know, pluck ‘em, put ‘em in vases, hand ‘em out to everypony.”

“I-I thought you loved that bush!”

“I… I do.” For a brief moment, Anon’s expression darkens. However, his face quickly lights back up again. “But Spice Berry and Sweet Pea made me realize something.”

Wallflower shudders with frustration at the mention of their names.

“And that is?”

“Ponies really love roses, especially at this time of year. I think it’d make everyone’s day if I handed some out once they’ve finished blooming.”

“But you’ll be left with a completely barren bush if you do that! Weren’t you the one that said how proud you were of it? That’s the whole reason you don’t want anypony touching it!”

“Y-yeah, that’s true. But this is for a good cause, right?”

What cause?! Making ponies that wouldn’t even give you the time of day happy by handing out free stuff? Roses don’t come cheap, you know.”

“Making ponies happy is a good enough goal for–”

“Is it? Is it really?” Wallflower steps towards Anon, immediately entering his personal space. Her eyes are fierce and focused, but they aren’t entirely angry. There is some frustration there, sure, but she looks more worried than anything else. “I think there are two things we need to get straight here.”

“A-and those are?”

“First, ponies aren’t going to like you because you give them free stuff or offer to help them over and over again. Sure, some might appreciate it, but you aren’t really connecting with them.” She looks towards the rose bush yet again as what little frustration was still showing on her face melts away, her voice growing softer all the while. “And second… you deserve happiness too, you know.”

“...Eheheh.” After an awkward moment, Anon sheepishly rubs the back of his head, glancing around anxiously at anything other than Wallflower. “I’ve gotta say, it’s weird hearing advice about connecting with others from you of all ponies.”

“Wh-what’s that supposed to mean?!”

“S-sorry, sorry! I didn’t mean it as an insult!” Anon’s eyes go wide as he tries to shake off his accidental slight. “You just didn’t seem like the type of mare to care about that stuff. Wh-what with you trying to go unnoticed and everything.”

“...” Wallflower sighs. “Maybe you’re right. I just don’t want to see you making yourself miserable for ponies that don’t care about you.”

“How about this, then?”

With a grin on his face, Anon heads towards the back door of his house. Reaching down next to the wall, he picks up a wicker basket that was obscured by some shrubs. His smile only widens as he returns to Wallflower’s side and places the basket down in front of her.

“What’s this?”

“Fresh-grown tomatoes, right from this garden. There’s about a dozen of them here.”

“And why are you showing them to me?”

“I want you to have them.”

“M-me? Why?”

“Because. I like sharing the bounties of this garden with others.”

“I-I thought you said you wished ponies didn’t take your vegetables.”

“Having a nice garden does bring me joy, yes. But when I see the look on ponies’ faces when I hand them some fresh produce? The light in their eyes as they scamper off with the fruits of my labor? I get happy then, too. But unlike keeping my garden as-is, it’s not just me leaving that scenario happy.”

Alright, alright. I get where you’re coming from.” Wallflower chuckles as she picks up the basket, wincing at how unexpectedly heavy it is. Anon certainly knows how to grow some healthy plants, she’ll give him that. “Still, watch yourself, okay? I worry about you.”

“That’s really sweet of you, Wallflower.”

The two remain silent for a moment as they look into each other’s eyes, their growing smiles unable to be contained. Then, simultaneously, they find themselves blushing and quickly looking away.

“W-well, I think I should go try to finish up my painting.”

“Y-yeah, good idea. I need to finish watering the melons, too.”

“Same time tomorrow?”

“Wouldn’t miss it for the world!”

With a quick, awkward gait, Wallflower scampers out of the garden, remembering to carefully close the gate behind her as she does so. Once she makes it down the dirt road and out of sight of the garden, she places a hoof on her chest.

“Why does my heart beat so fast when I’m over there?” She finds herself clicking her tongue against the roof of her mouth, noticing for the first time just how dry it is. “Ugh, and I’m not used to talking that much. That man is spoiling me. Heh, now I feel kinda bad about not telling him the truth about my stupid painting. There’s no way I’m gonna get that thing done by the Exhibition.”

With a shake of her head, she continues on her journey back home. As is her habit, she sticks to the darker, shadier, less-traveled roads on her way through town. Eventually, she glances down at the basket in her hooves. She can’t see it herself, but in the dark, shady alley between two large Ponyville homes, her eyes sparkle with inspiration.

“...Actually, I think I have an idea.”