• Published 30th Mar 2024
  • 152 Views, 9 Comments

Batmare and Super Dragon: Worlds Collide - SuperPinkBrony12

(A crossover sequel to both "Batmare Triumphant" and "Dragon of Steel II".) The worlds of two costumed superheros: Batmare and Super Dragon, become intertwined. And the two heroes must adjust to their shared universe quickly.

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Saving The Day

Batmare and Super Dragon looked across to each other, and to Twilight. This was uncharted territory for the both of them, having to rely on someone else. They knew what was at stake should they fail. And as hesitant as they might be, neither would dream of walking away. That wasn't who they were.

"You ready to do this?" Super Dragon asked Batmare at last, breaking up the tension that hung in the air.

Batmare nodded back. "I'm ready if you are."

"Remember, our top priority is defusing the bomb," Twilight informed both superheroes. "Now is not the time to get carried away. We can worry about capturing The Joker and interrogating him after we've saved the multiverse."

"Alright then," Super Dragon firmly declared. "No time like the present. Let's do it!"

Batmare then declared. "I'll take the lead for now. Super Dragon, you just focus on makin' sure Twilight can get to that bomb and that no one interrupts her. You let me worry about The Joker, I know how to handle him."

"Right," Super Dragon agreed. "Let's go!" And just like that, the two superheroes (alongside Twilight) rushed into the clock tower! This time, they were ready for whatever might come their way. They were going to save the day and the multiverse no matter what it took!

Not long after entering the tower, the masked crime fighters found themselves confronting several ponies wearing long, flowing robes that concealed their identities. And said ponies brandished swords, sabres, and daggers, all drawn and at the ready.

"Mind if I take point here, partner?" Super Dragon asked as he looked across to Batmare.

Batmare gave a firm nod and seemed to smile ever so faintly. "Knock yourself out. Just try not to have too much fun with them."

"Please, I won't even break a sweat," Super Dragon replied, and immediately swooped forward as he said to the robed ponies. "Playtime's over, fillies and gentlecolts. Time to put away the toys!" Soon, he was effortlessly punching, kicking, and blasting with lasers shot out from his eyes. The robed ponies were no match for him. Even when their weapons managed to make contact with him, his thick scales protected him from any harm. And it was all too easy for him to bend and break them with his super strength, or melt them with his laser eyes.

All the while, Batmare occasionally helped by tossing batarangs to knock down any who tried to get close to Twilight. And slowly but surely, the two heroes were clearing a path to the stairs leading up to where the bell was housed.

The Joker could hear sounds of a scuffle from down below, but he wasn't worried. He just turned his attention back to the bomb, watching the seconds tick down. "Won't be long now," He thought to himself. "Might be time to start thinking about making a get away. No way am I missing a chance to take my chaos across the multiverse."

The super villain looked out through the hole in the tower that Super Dragon had made during their earlier encounter. From it, he could see the zeppelin hovering overhead, its ropes dangling ever so close. He was certain he could reach out and touch one if he tried.

Before The Joker could put his hastily thought of escape plan into action, however, he heard the sound of approaching hoofsteps and spun around. He was just in time to see Batmare approaching, apparently all alone. "Oh, joy," He sarcastically remarked and hissed. "If it isn't old Batsy, here to spoil my fun."

"This madness ends now, Joker!" Batmare declared in an ominous tone of voice. "I'm takin' you back to the asylum even if I have to drag you there kickin' and screamin'. As long as I'm around, you'll never win."

The Joker snarled as he took a step back, pulling out a large gun painted a bright shade of orange. "Sorry, but I'm not about to let you have your way. The ones who freed me made it perfectly clear that I couldn't let anyone try to ruin their plans," He fired off a single shot into the air. "That's right. I've got a little upgrade, courtesy of The League of Assassins. Care for one last dance, Batmare? If I'm going down, at least I'm going to take you with me!"

"If that's the way you want to play." Batmare replied in a seemingly indifferent tone of voice. Then she threw down a smoke pellet and seemed to disappear.

As the smoke slowly cleared, The Joker looked all around and growled! "Very clever, Bats! But it won't save you! I'll find you, and when I do I'll put a smile on that face if it's the last thing I do!" He kept his new gun close to him, eyeing the walls and the ceiling for any trace of his arch-nemesis.

Suddenly, the clown prince felt his gun be yanked out of his arms by a large claw like device! He turned around fast, finding himself face to face with a rather furious looking Batmare. "Oh, you brought a new toy? That's just like you, Bats, to be prepared for any situation," He lamented, before quickly grasping the flower on his suit with a hoof. "Well, I'd love to stay and chat, but I'm a very busy pony. Got places to go, things to do. Don't worry, I'll make sure to write!"

Batmare only just thought to throw up a glove a second or two before a greenish mist suddenly materialized! She hastily dropped to the floor and started to crawl!

The Joker, meanwhile, took advantage of the opportunity and raced to the hole in the tower! He jumped out, grabbing one of the ropes! "Tata for now!" He declared in a mocking tone of voice and stuck out his tongue.

Yet suddenly, The Joker felt a whoosh of wind. And then, who should appear before him but Super Dragon?!

"Going somewhere, Joker?" The masked dragon taunted. "I won't fall for your tricks a second time."

"What?!" The Joker gasped in dismay and disbelief! "But... how?! I had you where I wanted you! You were in a blind rage!"

Super Dragon simply smirked as he concentrated a laser blast from his eyes on one of the ropes. "Hope you enjoy your flight!" Seconds after he spoke those words, the laser beam cut the rope!

The Joker lost his grip and began to fall! He shut his eyes, waiting for the end to come!

It never did. Super Dragon quickly swooped down and grabbed hold of The Joker before he could fall too far. "Looks like you've been discarded, Joker." He taunted the super villain with a smirk and a grin.

"This can't be!" The Joker lamented as the reality of his situation slowly settled in. "How is this possible?!"

"Obviously, your 'friends' didn't anticipate what might happen if Batmare and I joined forces," Super Dragon explained,
his grip on The Joker never loosening for even a minute. "And if I'm right, all their plans are about to be thwarted too."

Sure enough, with Batmare and Super Dragon having cleared out the clock tower of anypony or anyone who could've posed a threat, Twilight had long since closed in on the time bomb. She was currently looking it all over, trying to find a way to shut it off or power it down.

"Come on! Come on!" Twilight frantically exclaimed as the seconds continued to tick down despite her best efforts! "There must be something I'm not thinking of! But what?!"

Batmare, who had been watching from afar up to this point, came trotting over. "Maybe I can help," She suggested, tapping a hoof against her mask that caused it to emit a bright blue glow. She scanned the bomb very thoroughly and very carefully, all the while saying nothing until the glow faded. "Flip it over." She instructed to the alicorn.

"What?" Twilight blinked in surprise and confusion.

The dark knight just repeated. "Flip it over. I've spotted some wires on the underside of the bomb. Cut them, and the bomb should deactivate."

Hesitantly, the alicorn did as Batmare had proposed. Sure enough, there were three colored wires on the underside of the bomb. Their colors were dull and faded, explaining why they hadn't been noticed sooner. She then turned back to Batmare. "So, which one do I cut?"

"It seems like you have to cut all three of them," The caped crusader explained. "Whoever designed this bomb was very thorough. They didn't want it to be like any ordinary bomb. No doubt, whoever's leading the League of Assassins is no ordinary villain."

The young alicorn then concentrated her magic on the bomb's exposed wires. With a lot of grunting and squinting, she was able to pull them out and sever them from their connections to the bomb! That did the trick. The ticking stopped, the bomb's timer clicked off. The bomb had been safely defused.

Twilight and Batmare both breathed sighs of relief. "It's over." They said in unison.

"Indeed it is," The familiar voice of Super Dragon chimed in. He soon swooped in, holding The Joker firmly in his grasp. "And I think those wires will make an excellent rope to hold our prisoner captive until he can be safely returned to where he belongs." He proceeded to grab the severed wires, and quickly swung around The Joker several times, tying him up in the wires and preventing him from moving.

Batmare smiled as she looked at Super Dragon. "So, I take it you and your Twilight will soon be headin' back to your universe?"

Super Dragon nodded. "Our very existence here was a mistake. I think we'll hold off on visiting other universes for a while, at least until we know the multiverse is safe," Then he commented. "But you know, we actually made a pretty good team, you and I. If our paths ever do cross again, I would not be opposed."

Batmare nodded back. "I was thinkin' much the same. Guess we'll need to come up with a way to stay in touch, just in case somethin' like this ever happens again."

A week later, Batmare was on hoof to see Super Dragon and his Twilight off, watching as they prepared to travel through the mirror portal and return to their own universe.

"Sorry for getting you all tangled up in the middle of this." Super Dragon sincerely apologized.

"You couldn't have known," Batmare replied. "What matters is that together we stopped The Joker and the league's plans, saving the entire multiverse from certain destruction."

Twilight nodded. "And if my hypothesis is correct, as soon as Spike and I return to our own universe, that should put everything right here. Everything will be just the way it should be, it'll be like we were never here at all."

Super Dragon breathed a sigh of relief. "That's good to hear. That's the best news I've had in quite a while."

"Well, before you go," Batmare spoke up as she pulled out a small object, hoofing to the caped dragon. "Here. If I ever have to call on you again for any reason, or even if you just decide to visit my universe again for any reason, we can use this to stay in touch."

The masked dragon nodded back. "Thank you. But I for one hope our paths never have to cross again. Working with you was great, but it shouldn't have had to come at the expense of putting the entire multiverse in danger."

Twilight then declared. "I think that's quite enough, Spike. Now it's time for us to go," She briefly turned to look at Batmare, telling the caped crusader. "Thank you again for all your help. I don't want to imagine what could've happened without you."

Batmare seemed to smile ever so faintly, yet she spoke not a word as she watched the alicorn and the dragon step through the portal. Soon, they had disappeared entirely from sight.

Stepping outside a moment later, the dark knight looked up into the sky. It had returned to normal, there was no sign of bubbles or cracks. She took that as a sign that all was well, and that Super Dragon and his Twilight had gotten home to their universe without incident.

Meanwhile, across town and within the tower that served as the headquarters of the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Robin was currently standing next to a chair. Upon said chair was seated the half-pony/half-machine superhero named Cyborg, her moderate pinkish-purple mane still visible despite the cybernetic "enhancements" all over her body.

"You really sure we should be doing this?" Cyborg questioned Robin as she eyed a large computer, hooves resting on a keyboard. "We could get into a lot of trouble if Batmare finds out we're conducting research like this without her permission."

Robin frowned. "You let me worry about that. Quite frankly, Batmare's too much of a stickler for the rules. Far as I'm concerned, it does no good to play by the rules when your enemies don't do the same," Then he insisted. "Now come on! Stop talking and start typing! We need to figure out who's running The League of Assassins. Those thugs we beat up mentioned 'The Demon's Head'. That must be a code word or something!"

"Alright, alright," Cyborg hesitantly replied as she began typing away on the keyboard. "Let's see what we can find." After a bit of typing, she pressed down on a key. There was an audible click. And then... silence.

The silence was soon broken, however, as the computer beeped. And an image flashed across the screen.

Cyborg and Robin gasped! Of course, it had been right under their noses all along!

The image depicted on the screen was that of a creature with various mismatched limbs: Including a bat wing and a goat leg. Said creature was officially known as Discord, the spirit of chaos and disharmony!

If Discord was the true mastermind behind The League of Assassins, that was going to make things far more complicated.

Author's Note:

And so this crossover story comes to an end. I hope you have enjoyed it.

In case you're wondering, the bit with the Cutie Mark Crusaders and Robin at the end is a nod to the Teen Titans in comic book form. This year marks the sixiteth anniversary of that comic line, which originally featured Robin (Dick Grayson), Kid Flash, and Aqualad, before later being retooled about 1980 to feature the cast as we know them today. It should also be mentioned that in the New 52 continuity, Cyborg is made an official member of the Justice League.

As for Discord, I had originally only planned to make him Ra' Al Ghul for a ponyfication of Under the Red Hood (Starlight Glimmer is more of the Talia Al Ghul in this case). But the more I got to see of Ra' in other media, the more I came to believe that Discord was best suited for the role given Ra's beliefs and methods.

Comments ( 1 )

The action, dialogue, characterizations, general wrap-up and possible sequel set-up were all excellently done. Absolutely loved the teamwork that went into Super Dragon, Batmare and Twilight in taking down the League of Assassins goons, Joker AND the multiverse-threatening bomb before Super Dragon and his Twilight made it safely home. And that cameo in the end by the Crusaders/the Titans revealing Discord as the mastermind behind the League of Assassins was excellent lead-off to a sequel story. Of course, with somebody like Discord in the role of Ra's al Ghul, we would probably need a Justice League of the Multiverse to truly stop him (since he would be too powerful for anything less). And Super Dragon's Discord would be downright horrified by how far his alternate self would be willing to go (as Super Dragon's Discord would probably be Mister Mxyzptlk - who is typically more mischievous than evil). Of course, other versions of the individual Mane Six members as super-heroes in separate universes would make sense - especially since next year is the 65th anniversary of the first appearance of the Justice League.

Anyway, very much looking forward to more of this series.

And Happy Easter.

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