• Published 30th Mar 2024
  • 150 Views, 9 Comments

Batmare and Super Dragon: Worlds Collide - SuperPinkBrony12

(A crossover sequel to both "Batmare Triumphant" and "Dragon of Steel II".) The worlds of two costumed superheros: Batmare and Super Dragon, become intertwined. And the two heroes must adjust to their shared universe quickly.

  • ...

Super Meets Super

Batmare was now perched high atop a roof in the city of Canterlot. The bat signal was shining brightly in the night sky, even though Batmare was already there. She was hoping the signal would draw the attention of someone and bring him to her.

"You sure this is gonna work?" Robin questioned through a com-link that had been built into Batmare's mask. "Why not just print an anonymous request in the papers or something?"

"If I'm right and he's been in our universe for long enough, he'll know what this means." Batmare replied.

Robin then asked. "Think you should be confronting him all by yourself? At least let me be up there with you. Two heads are better than one."

Batmare sharply rapped. "Negative! There's no need to make him think we see him as a threat. Stay at your post unless I specifically call for you. That's an order!"

Robin unhappily sighed and grumbled. "Fine. Let's just hope you're right about Super Dragon for both our sakes." And the com-link clicked off.

Batmare kept watch in the night sky, waiting for any sign of her intended guest. She was more than used to standing around, waiting for something to happen. The silence was very often a companion for her.

At last, in the distance, a bright blue and red blur could be seen flying overhead! The blur suddenly stopped, revealing itself to be a dragon wearing a bright blue suit with a long, flowing red cape. It was also possible to see the faint outline of a yellow shield with something emblazoned into it.

The caped crusader was certain this was the "Super Dragon" Robin had mentioned earlier. There he was, almost right on schedule.

Sure enough, the caped dragon was flying towards the signal's location, bringing him right to where Batmare wanted him. He soon touched down on the roof, surprised to find only the searchlight that had been used to displayed the signal in the sky. There was not a sight to be seen or a sound to be heard, or so it seemed.

Super Dragon looked all around, his eyes scanning his surroundings. Despite all the powers bestowed upon him, he wasn't able to see fully in the dark, or detect heat signatures. Yet his heightened sense of hearing could pick up the sound of breathing, and it wasn't coming from him. Someone had clearly wanted him to be here, for what reason he currently did not know. "Who's there?" He called to the darkness. "I can hear you. I don't want any trouble! So come out with your hooves or whatever you've got over your head!"

Suddenly, from the darkness emerged what appeared to be a pony of medium build wearing a black and dark gray costume loosely styled to resemble a bat. The costume even had the same bat symbol as display on the searchlight.

The figure soon spoke up as it locked eyes with Super Dragon. "Easy," It spoke in a withdrawn, cold, and somewhat gruff tone of voice. "I don't wanna hurt you. I just wanted to meet you. I have a feelin' you're not from around here."

"What do you mean?" Super Dragon blinked in confusion. "I've never seen the likes of you before."

"I can say the same for you," The figure replied. "You're Super Dragon, right? The self-proclaimed dragon of steel?"

Super Dragon nodded quite slowly. "I am. And I suppose you are this Batmare character I've been hearing so much about lately," Then, suddenly, his eyes noticed something! They could see right through the black, boxy mask Batmare was wearing. He could see who she really was. "Wait! You're... Applejack?!"

Batmare seemed to flash a grin. "You peeked, didn't you? Well, I guess that confirms it. Because I reckon you must be Spike. And the Spike I know doesn't have superpowers. He goes by the name of Nightwing, and he leads his own team of crime fighters."

Super Dragon could only respond in a confused tone of voice. "What's all this about 'The Spike I know'?! What's going on here?!"

Batmare simply replied. "Look up at the sky."

Super Dragon did so, and gasped! He could see the sky taking on a rather odd shade! And overhead, it was possible to see various domes and bubbles floating past! "I don't remember the sky looking like that!"

The caped crusader nodded. "Then that confirms it. Our universes have been merged together, somehow. No doubt the work of the League of Assassins."

The masked dragon growled. "And how do you know so much about them?! Why have you contacted me?! What do you want from me?!"

Batmare trotted forward, extending a gloved hoof. "I'm not sure what it is that brought you into my universe, but I want to help you get back. The universes aren't meant to be merged. No tellin' what might happen if things remain the way they are."

"So, do you know how to fix this?" Super Dragon questioned in a hopeful tone of voice. "Does your Twilight have access to the mirror portal?"

Batmare just replied in the friendliest tone she could muster up. "I can't make any promises right now. But if you come with me and tell me your side of things, maybe together we can figure out how to put things right. Maybe we can even uncover what the league's true plan is. Somethin' tells me that they didn't plan on draggin' you in, or that they even knew about ya. With our combined powers and abilities, maybe we can both get what we want."

Super Dragon was hesitant for a moment, unsure what to make of Batmare's offer. He had never really worked with another superhero before. And the only time he could remember working with another was when he had briefly been aided by another dragon by the name of Ember.

Yet something about Batmare seemed off. Why did she operate from the shadows? Why had she resorted to secrecy in order to lure him out and talk to him? And just what was this "League of Assassins" she'd mentioned?

Super Dragon was beginning to suspect Batmare knew more than she was letting on.

Suddenly, the masked dragon's thoughts were interrupted as his ears picked up a sound far off in the distance. "Do you hear that?" He asked Batmare.

"Hear what?" Batmare questioned. She couldn't hear a thing.

Super Dragon simply explained. "Of course you can't. You don't have my heightened hearing," He paused for a moment, letting the sound playback across his mind. Then he gasped in horror! "Wait, that's Twilight! My Twilight! She's in danger!" He turned to leave.

"Spike!" Batmare called out, dropping all pretenses of respecting the secret identity. "It could be a trap! Someone might have taken your Twilight to lure you out! Let's think about this!"

Super Dragon could only shake his head from side to side. "Thanks, but I don't need your help, Applejack! I just need to rescue my Twilight, and then we'll figure out a way to get back to our universe. I promise, we'll be out of your mane soon enough," He turned away from her, while respectfully saying. "I'm sorry we intruded into your universe by accident. We'll be more careful from now on. But for now, my Twilight needs me. And I won't let her down!" With that, he jumped off the roof and flew into the sky!

Batmare watched the caped dragon fly away, sighing as she retreated back into the darkness. Her proposed alliance had failed. Yet she wasn't about to take no for an answer. So she tapped a button on one of her gloves, preparing the Batmobile as its engines revved up.

Something told the caped crusader that Super Dragon was going to need her help whether he realized it or not.

Author's Note:

I didn't want to include the typical misunderstandings when heroes from two universes meet. Rest assured, Batmare and Super Dragon will eventually team up.