• Published 31st Mar 2024
  • 387 Views, 12 Comments

G5 Adventures in Rudolph and Frosty's Christmas in July - ponydog127

The Mane 6 reunite with their North Pole and Auroricorn pals, along with some new friends, in order to defeat an evil king named Winterbolt, who has teamed up with Allura and Twitch to stop the glow of Rudolph's nose and defeat the Mane 6 forever.

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A Happy Ending for All

Snow Mist was trying her best to light up the path for Santa's sleigh, hoping that they would make it through the storm and save Frosty and his family before the amulets' power wore off.

But... they had been trying to get through the storm almost all night, and they were beginning to think it would never let up.

Fortunately, when Winterbolt was finally defeated, his spells were reversed, and the storm clouds disappeared like they had never even been there, even though the snow on the ground remained. “Mama, Snow Mist!” Santa exclaimed. “The storm’s gone!”

“Like… a miracle!” Mrs. Claus said in relief. “Miracle, a wish come true, I don’t care what you call it!” Snow Mist said, shaking the snow out of her mane. “I’m just glad it’s finally over!”

“Now we can be to the shore in a few minutes,” Santa told them before turning to the team again. “Up! Up! Dash away all!”

The reindeer took flight into the sky, their course to bring Frosty and his family back to the North Pole becoming clear once again.


At the same time, the Mane 6, Comet and Violet Frost, Rudolph, Borealis, Snowfall, Lily, Milton, Dazzle and Cocoa were all standing by the circus entrance, happy that all of their troubles were finally over... at least where Winterbolt was concerned. “Well, our troubles are over,” Dazzle sighed in relief. “But it makes things kinda boring, huh?”

“Well, I'm glad old Winterbolt's powers are gone,” Milton spoke up. “We are too,” Pipp nodded. “Now all we have to do is work out how to defeat Allura.”

“I’m sure you ponies will figure it out,” Cocoa smiled. “In the meantime… you guys will be happy to know that Dazzle has decided to settle down and take a break from being on the road for a while!”

“I realized that while being a pop star is my destiny,” Dazzle said, “I wanted to settle down and make more friends… which I hope you guys will be, if you want me to.”

“Are you kidding? We love making new friends!” Sunny smiled in delight. “And,” Misty said, “maybe when Christmas rolls around, Santa will let you perform at the North Pole now that we don’t have to worry about Winterbolt anymore.”

Suddenly, something about Misty’s statement caused Rudolph to blink. “Hey, wait a minute!”

“What is it, Rudy-Tooty?” Izzy asked in concern. “If all his powers are gone,” Rudolph said in thought, “that means those amulets are no good either.”

This statement led Snowfall to gasp in horror. “Frosty! Crystal!”

“The twins!” Hitch realized right after, letting Sparky onto his back. “We have to get to them! NOW!!”


Laine was crying beside several puddles by the time the others approached in panic and all out of breath. “Laine! What happened?!” Violet asked desperately. “Well, the sun came out,” Laine sniffled, “and...and they just-- just… look!”

Everyone gasped at the fact that Frosty, Crystal and their children had melted, with their clothes lying in each respective puddle. “Aww… gee whiz!” Rudolph groaned in disappointment while Snowfall tried to contain her tears of heartache. “Aw, after all we went through. I should have realized. It's too late now.”

“Rudolph, you said to me before that it’s never too late to save a friend!” Zipp said determinedly. “Right, guys?”

“Yeah!” Misty agreed. “I’m sure there’s something we can do to bring them back.”

“I don’t know if there IS something we can do this time, Misty,” Borealis said as she tried to comfort Snowfall. “When Frosty melts, nothing can help except a magic December wind to unmelt him.”

“And this is July!!” Snowfall wailed, falling onto the ground. “Yeah…” Lily said, just as depressed as everyone else. “But where are we gonna find a Christmas wind in July?”

“Right here!”

Everyone gasped to see Big Ben approaching on the shoreline, an elf dressed in blue riding on his back. “And,” Big Ben added, “I brought Jack Frost with me.”

“Hey, Rudolph! Borealis!” Jack Frost tipped his hat to them. “And a special hello to your pony friends too!”

“Oh, this is amazing!” Zipp exclaimed in excitement as the ponies, Borealis and Rudolph rushed to the shoreline. “How did you do it, Ben?!”

“I had to go all the way to South America,” Big Ben explained. “That's where winter goes in July. Heh heh heh…”

“Well, however you did it,” Hitch said as Sparky giggled on his back, “you just gave Frosty and his family a second chance!”

“Jack Frost!” Rudolph declared. “Do your stuff!”


Once Big Ben was close enough to the shore, Jack Frost got off his back and approached the four puddles while everyone else stood off to the side in anticipation. “I've got to aim real carefully,” he said, “or I'll give colds to all the kids on the beach!”

“Do you really think this will work?” Snowfall asked her friends. “Well, Jack Frost is known to emit icy winds with his breath,” Sunny said in thought. “And,” Violet Frost said, “if anyone can help your family get back to their normal, snowy selves, it’s him.”

“I hope you’re right,” Snowfall frowned before turning to the wintry sprite. “Give it your best shot, Jack.”

“You got it, little missy! Well… here goes!”

Jack then took a deep breath and exhaled some icy winds from his mouth at the four and miraculously, the puddles froze and transformed back into their respective snowy shapes, thus also transforming into the top halves of their bodies. “Happy birthday!”

Everyone cheered once this was said-- Jack’s magical icy breath was working! “Come on, gang, let's dig them out!” Rudolph encouraged, and the ponies started to dig as fast as they could. “Keep that cold breath on them, Jack.”

“Guys! Look!” Comet pointed up to the sky to see Santa, Mrs. Claus, Snow Mist and the rest of the team quickly arriving. “It’s the team!” Borealis yipped in delight. “They made it!”

“Great jumpin' geraniums!” Lily cheered. “Santa Claus is finally coming to town!”

“And not a minute too soon!” Snow Mist said as the sleigh descended, and the blue auroricorn hopped off onto the shoreline. “Snow Mist?” Violet Frost questioned as she and Comet approached. “What are you doing here?”

“Santa invited me to go with him and Mrs. Claus to the seashore, but we got caught in this HUGE blizzard! And--” Snow Mist began to explain before looking at everyone around them. “Uh… what exactly did we miss?”

“It’s a long story,” Comet spoke, “but… we all like stories, so, I guess we better start explaining.”


A bit later, after explaining everything that had happened from both sides, Jack Frost, Frosty and his family, Snowfall, Comet, Violet Frost and Snow Mist were in the sleigh with Santa and Mrs. Claus, with Violet deciding that she and Comet needed to head back to Starlight Ridge to let the rest of the auroricorns know to expect Allura again... but they weren't worried-- they knew that together, they could stop her again. “Papa,” Mrs. Claus told Santa, “we'd better get going before Jack runs out of breath.”

“We'll stick with the show, sir,” Rudolph referred to him and Borealis, “until they're out of debt.”

“Well, they should be out of debt real soon,” Santa chuckled. “I gave Lily some of my magic corn feed.”

“The kind that makes other animals fly!” Snow Mist said enthusiastically. “And when we get back to Starlight Ridge, we’re gonna work out how us auroricorns can fly too!”

“Wow!” Rudolph exclaimed. “A circus by the sea is one thing, but a flying circus by the sea!”

“I would pay all the money I had to see a show like that!” Pipp agreed. “And that’s the Pipp Petals guarantee, right there.”

“Daddy! Daddy!” Chilly and Milly exclaimed at once. “Can we stay and see it?”

“Oh, Frosty, could they?” Crystal asked hopefully. “No deal,” Frosty shook his head firmly. “Yeah!” Snowfall agreed. “Enough is ENOUGH!”

Everyone laughed at this. “Wait wait wait! Before you go, we have something we wanna give you!” Izzy said before she and Misty gave out friendship bracelets to Snowfall and her family. “Just a little token to remember us by.”

“Aw, guys… are we gonna ever see you again?” Snowfall asked. “We had quite the adventure today, and… I’m worried we won’t get to see you again.”

“Hey, don’t worry,” Zipp reassured. “We’ll be sent on another Unity Quest to the North Pole soon. And as soon as we’re back, we’ll give you a call.”

“Then… then let's get going!” Santa chuckled before turning to the sleigh team. “Away!”

As the sleigh lifted off into the sky, the ponies exchanged their goodbyes with Snowfall, her family and their auroricorn friends, new and old.

“Bye, guys!”

“We’ll miss you!”

“Come see us again soon!”

“Merry early Christmas!”

The ponies continued to wave to their friends until they were far out of sight, but then they heard Rudolph sigh a bit sadly. “You know, Bori, I kind of miss not being with Santa...”

“To be honest, I do too,” Borealis told her friend, “but… we still have a lot of time before Christmas rolls around-- we’ll be flying with him again soon.”

“Blinky,” said Lily, “if you want to lead something through the sky, you got it!”

“Huh?” the ponies chorused in confusion. “Forget the sleigh!” Lily told the group. “It's time for the flying circus parade with you right up front.”

Borealis and Rudolph instantly agreed, as did the rest of their friends-- this was going to be quite the treat before the ponies had to leave.


Some time later, Rudolph (with Borealis on his back) was leading the Mane 6 through the sky, leading all the circus members as they all sang together one more time.

Sunny: Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
Had a very shiny nose

Hitch: And if you ever saw it
You would even say it glows

During the flight, they came up to Laine, Milton, Cocoa and Dazzle in Milton’s hot-air balloon, causing them to wave to their friends as they set off on their own adventure.

Zipp: All of the other reindeer
Used to laugh and call him names

Pipp: They never let poor Rudolph

Izzy: Join in any reindeer games

Then, they passed the group in Santa’s sleigh, causing the auroricorns, Snowfall, Frosty and his family, as well as Santa and Mrs. Claus to wave to them.

All: Then one foggy Christmas Eve
Santa came to say…

Misty: Rudolph, with your nose so bright
Won’t you guide my sleigh tonight?

All: Then how the reindeer loved him
As they shouted out with glee…

Borealis: Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer…

All: …you’ll go down in history…!!!

As the song ended, and the parade and Santa's sleigh went in two different directions, Sunny noticed the portal to Equestria opening near the giant clock tower. “That’s our cue, guys. We better get going.”

“Thanks for everything, everypony,” Rudolph smiled. “We’re never going to forget this adventure we had.”

“We won’t either. Hopefully, we’ll see you at Christmas! Bye!” Sunny waved to their friends before the Mane 6 and Sparky split off from the group and into the portal, leaving the circus parade behind.


Back on the Isle of Scaly, Spike and the other dragons saw the ponies coming out of the portal again, making the Dragon Lord smile. “Welcome back, ponies. How was your Unity Quest this time?”

“Did you see the big bad kitty cat you talked about last time?” Fountain asked. “And did you stop her?”

“We stopped her temporarily by taking this,” Hitch said as Izzy took out the star shard, making Jade gasp. “You got a piece of the star!”

“We do,” Zipp agreed, “and if we’re right, there are at least four more to go… but Allura being out there isn’t going to make the search any easier.”

“Well, why don’t you tell us about your quest?” Spike invited. “Maybe there’s a detail that could help in her defeat.”

“Sure thing,” Pipp said as they all sat down for the tale. “But, brace yourselves-- this isn’t like any other story you heard.”

“This story starts out back at the North Pole,” Misty began, “where we met up with four very special friends-- Borealis the Northern Lights fox princess, Snowfall Cane, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer and Frosty the Snowman. But, little did we know that reuniting with two friends and meeting two new ones would lead to an adventure we’ll never forget.”

And Misty was indeed right.

Comments ( 2 )

Could you make TATMR? Or TAB?

Great work!

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