• Published 31st Mar 2024
  • 388 Views, 12 Comments

G5 Adventures in Rudolph and Frosty's Christmas in July - ponydog127

The Mane 6 reunite with their North Pole and Auroricorn pals, along with some new friends, in order to defeat an evil king named Winterbolt, who has teamed up with Allura and Twitch to stop the glow of Rudolph's nose and defeat the Mane 6 forever.

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We're a Couple of Misfits/Winterbolt and Allura Defeated

By the time the sun rose on the circus grounds, everyone had known about Frosty once again being in his lifeless state, and everyone and everypony was devastated.

Violet Frost, Comet and Snowfall were internally praying that Sunny and the others would succeed in getting the hat back, but then again… Winterbolt was a powerful foe, and with Allura helping him… there was nothing they couldn’t do. “Oh, Daddy…” Milly whimpered as she hugged Sparky. “But… but…” Chilly turned back to his mother. “Can’t he get another hat, Mommy?”

“Children,” Crystal hugged her children and Sparky close, “remember him as he was.”

“Poor roly-poly little son of a gun…” sighed Lily, who had taken off her hat as a sign of respect. “But… everything is going to be alright, everyone,” Violet Frost tried to reassure. “I’m sure of it.”

But before anyone could try and agree or disagree with Violet’s statement, Sam Spangles showed up with a smug look on his face. “All right, all you jerks, clear out of here! Show’s mine now.”

“Not so fast!”

Everyone turned to see that Rudolph was flying down with Officer Kelly, who had a small leather case in his hands, on his back, while Sunny was carrying Borealis on her back as they all landed on the ground. Then, to Sam Spangle’s surprise, as Cocoa and Dazzle ran to Milton and Laine, Rudolph’s nose began glowing like usual. “Hey, you got your beak back!”

“That’s not all we got back,” Borealis said as Rudolph’s glow dimmed. “Go ahead, officer.”

Officer Kelly stepped up to Lily with the briefcase, causing Sam Spangles to squirm, realizing what this was. “Here's your money, Mrs. Loraine. Rudolph was tricked into taking it. He's innocent as a newborn babe.”

“Well, I'll be blasted!” Lily said in surprise, taking the briefcase from the officer. “One other thing,” Officer Kelly said, taking out Frosty’s hat from a bag, delighting Crystal and Snowfall beyond measure. “Rudolph, Borealis and their friends risked their lives to get this back... for you, sir.”

He set the hat back on Frosty's head, and the snoeman slowly returned to life, yawning before he looked around. “Happy birthday!”

Everyone cheered happily for their friend's return, and Frosty seemed confused as his wife hugged him happily. “What are we celebrating?”

“You!” Crystal responded with a smile. “Oh,” Frosty smiled. “Good idea.”

Snowfall giggled as she flew right into Frosty’s cold snowy arms. “Oh, Frosty, I thought we lost you forever! But for the record... never make a deal with an evil ice king again.”

Frosty chuckled and rubbed the filly's head as Chilly, Milly and Sparky danced around them. “No worries.”

At the same time, Lily noticed Sam Spangles trying to sneak away and shoved the briefcase full of money into his arms. “Here's your dough. The circus is still mine.”

“I'll be taking that,” Officer Kelly stepped in and took the briefcase again. “Why?” Sam asked, only for Officer Kelly to drag him away by the shirt collar. “You won’t be needing it in jail.”

And just like that, Sam Spangles was another worry off everyone’s shoulders, causing Comet to sigh in relief. “What a crazy couple of days, huh, everypony?”

“You can say that again. And in a way, I loved it,” Cocoa said, “but I never want to do any of that again.”

Taking this opportunity, Crystal turned to Rudolph with a sad smile. “Oh, Rudolph, Borealis... we're so sorry for the way we acted.”

“What can we do to make it up?” Laine asked, trying to make amends to the wrongdoings. “Aww, it wasn't your fault,” Rudolph brushed the topic off. “Yeah,” Izzy nodded in agreement. “It could have happened to anypony else at any time... but, I see that this isn't helping the situation, so I'm going to stay over here.”

Izzy carefully stepped back, causing her friends and Sparky to giggle in amusement. “Gee,” Frosty smiled at the red-nosed reindeer in front of him. “Thanks, Rudolph.”

“Thank you,” Rudolph responded back. “You gave everything you had for me.”

“Well, didn't you give everything for me?” Frosty asked. “I mean, us misfits got to stick together.”

“And us best friends have to stick together too-- no matter what the circumstance,” Snowfall said as she offered her hoof to Frosty, Rudolph and the fox princess. “Put her there, guys!”

The four shook hands, paws and hooves, and this prompted everyone else to cheer before the best friends began to sing a cheerful tune.

Rudolph, Borealis, Frosty and Snowfall: We're a couple of misfits
We're a couple of misfits

Rudolph: What's the matter with misfits?

Borealis: That's where we fit in!

Rudolph, Borealis, Frosty and Snowfall: We're not daffy and dilly
Don't go 'round willy nilly

Frosty: Seems to be kind of silly

Snowfall: That we don't fit in

Rudolph, Borealis, Frosty and Snowfall: We may be different from the rest
Who decides the test
Of what is really best?

Snowfall, Borealis and Rudolph: We're a couple of misfits

Frosty: Not a couple of nitwits

Rudolph, Borealis, Frosty and Snowfall: What's the matter with misfits?
That's where we fit in

Rudolph: Why am I such a misfit?
I am not just a nit wit!
I'm a dear of a reindeer
Why don't I fit in?

Frosty: Why am I such a misfit?
I’m not just a nit wit!
There’s no man like a snowman
Why don’t I fit in?

Rudolph, Borealis, Frosty and Snowfall: We may be different from the rest
Who decides the test
Of what is really best?

Snowfall, Borealis and Rudolph: We're a couple of misfits

Frosty: Not a couple of nitwits

Rudolph, Borealis, Frosty and Snowfall: What's the matter with misfits?
That's where we fit in

That’s where we fit in!

Everyone cheered as the song concluded, and many of the friends hugged and cheered and shook hands and hooves in celebration... that is, except Borealis.

The fox pup was cautiously looking around, as if she was keeping an eye out for something, and Hitch and Misty immediately took notice of this. “Hey, Bori,” Hitch spoke first, “is everything okay?”

“Yeah,” Misty nodded. “I thought you would be happy that everything worked out in the end.”

“Believe me, I am really happy,” Borealis told her friends, although she sounded a bit on edge, “but... don't you guys feel like we're forgetting something? Something that's... oh, I don't know... important?”

“What could we possibly be forgetting?” Izzy scoffed. “Frosty is okay, the circus is gonna be fine... what's there to worry about?”

Suddenly, a gust of wind caught everyone offguard, and from that swirling gust of wind... came Allura, Twitch and Winterbolt, both looking smug in their apparent and close victory. “Not so fast!” Winterbolt declared. “Allura still has her powers and I still have my scepter. Destruction to you all!”

As everyone else stood wide eyed in shock, Izzy suddenly realized that Borealis was right about something. “Hey, you were right! We were forgetting someone! Two someones!”

“Did you honestly think that we would you win? Let all of you have a happy ending?” Allura snarled. “NEVER!!”

“I refuse to be defeated by the goodness of you fools,” Winterbolt sneered as Snowfall whimpered in fright, “just like I was defeated by Lady Boreal all those years ago!”

“Wait a minute... how did you know about--” Zipp began to ask before her eyes widened. “You caused that winter storm on that Christmas Eve, didn't you? Hoping it would steer Santa off his course!”

“Of course that was the plan, pathetic pony,” Winterbolt spat. “Since that night, I've been repeatedly trying to stop you to no avail, but this will be different! I will use the source of my powers to put an end to our little red-nosed hero who started it all! Allura... attack them!”


“NO?! What do you mean no?!”

“Because I've been studying the patterns of the shard, and I am determined that the second shard is here... just waiting for me to take it into my possession as soon as I destroy all of you!!”

Allura snarled and leapt right at the crowd of friends and allies, but Snowfall was able to buck her away, causing her to land right on top of Twitch. “There's no star shard in Frosty’s hat!” she spat at Allura. “I've looked at that hat more times than even you can count! Maybe the shard was trying to warn you about something ELSE!!”

Suddenly, something in Borealis and Rudolph’s minds clicked all at once, causing them to gasp and look at each other with wide eyes. “You don't think...?!”

“Uh, guys? Do you wanna spill the icy beans or what?!” Hitch said as he and Cocoa made vines to tangle Allura and Twitch up for the time being. “We could use a little help here!”

“The source of our problems have been right in front of us from the beginning!” Rudolph told his friends. “Go for Winterbolt's scepter and Allura’s star shard! It may be our only chance!”

“We're on it!” the ponies and auroricorns shouted before racing toward Winterbolt, Allura and Twitch, causing a fierce battle of magic blasts, clawing, kicking and screaming to ensue.

Eventually... Borealis and Rudolph have had enough.

Rudolph rammed right into Winterbolt, tackling him into the ground while Borealis leapt right onto Allura’s back, causing the snow leopard to bounce around like a bucking bronco. “Nows our chance!” Sunny shouted to the rest of her friends. “Go for the magic artifacts!”

Zipp took to the air while Comet and Violet Frost launched Izzy into the air and straight toward Allura. Then, at around the same time and with a bit of struggling, Zipp grabbed Winterbolt's scepter in her mouth and flew away with it, and Izzy grabbed the star shard from around Allura’s neck and kicked the leopard backwards, allowing Borealis the chance to leap off and toward the safety of her friends.

Needless to say... neither of the villains were pleased by this development. “NOOOO!!!!

The two were about to advance, but Comet and Violet Frost were able to blast them and keep them busy for a while. “All right, we have the star shard,” Pipp said, “but we still need a way to destroy the scepter!”

“Wait... Miss Loraine, do you have your pistols with you?” Borealis asked curiously. “Sure do!” Lily nodded and handed them to the fox. “Take em for as long as you need.”

“But, Mama,” Laine tried to point out, “there are only blanks in those guns.”

“True,” Borealis answered, lifting the guns in her magic aura, “but the guns themselves are made of iron! Everyone, stand back!”

Everyone immediately gave the fox some space, just as Winterbolt saw what they were doing. “No! Stop! What are you doing, you ungrateful mutt?!”

“Winterbolt!” Borealis shouted. “This for me, Rudolph, Lady Boreal, my mom, all my friends and all Christmases for the rest of time!!”

Then, with one swift movement of her tail, she sent the guns flying in the direction of the scepter, and upon impact... the scepter shattered into a million melting pieces.

Twitch and Allura managed to stop fighting Violet Frost and Comet long enough to watch and stare at Winterbolt slowly losing all of his strength. “No... NOOO!!! My... my powers are gone! When the scepter dies, I go too!”

At that moment, Violet Frost and Comet witnessed a horrifying transformation occurring within Winterbolt, causing them to back up as Winterbolt's body became more and more tree-like. “I turn... I turn... turn... I... turn... into... a... tree...

And once the transformation was finally complete, a branch snapped on the Winterbolt tree, causing everyone to gasp with wide eyes, and Snowfall and Laine whimpered and covered their eyes. “Wow!” Lily Loraine said, completely impressed. “What an exit!”

“Hey, Allura! I suggest you get out of here too! Before we end up snapping this star piece in half!” Dazzle cried out, holding the star piece in her magic. “Ooh, do you think she'll turn into a tree too?”

Allura snarled and was about to pounce, but everyone was standing around the ponies, Rudolph and Borealis, giving her absolutely no room for an attack. So... she reluctantly growled and spread her wings, letting Twitch onto her back before she flew off and out of sight.

Once she was finally gone, Sunny turned to their North Pole friends, who seemed a bit quiet for people who just helped defeat TWO powerful enemies. “Rudolph? Frosty? Girls? Are you guys okay?”

“...Sunny, we've not only defeated Allura again,” Rudolph said with a smile, “but the greatest threat that the North Pole has ever known is gone too!”

“We’ve won...” Borealis agreed with a happy sigh. “It’s finally over...”

The Mane 6 and Sparky approached their North Pole and auroricorn friends as they all looked out over the open ocean.

Maybe Borealis was right... maybe they really have won this battle... and maybe there was hope of them defeating Allura once and for all was finally coming near.