• Published 1st Mar 2024
  • 155 Views, 2 Comments

Singles' Day Out - FourShadow

Vinyl and Octavia can find ways to celebrate Single's Awareness Day however they want!

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Single's Day Out

Author's Note:

This is very belated, but better it be late than ever. Wanted to continue back on the Shattered universe, and focus on people who are NOT Adagio and Trixie, really need to get some time dedicated to the other people, they deserve just as much focus.

Thanks again to Scholarly-Cimmerian for the proofread! :heart:

Valentine's Day. A day dedicated to expressing love to friends, family, or your closest lover. For some, it was just another day and went along their business. Some see it only as a reminder of the temporary vow of being alone with no one to love. Others in the small minority went all out and crazy for the holiday.

Canterlot High was no stranger to the day of Hearts and Hooves (as the Sirens put it, remembering the few notes that Princess Trixie sent over to them), and many students had found their own way to celebrate, either with friends, or with someone they were dating. But not all of them were in the mood for dating, or had the time.

One of such was Octavia Melody; punk rocker, dressed in shredded leggings, a pink mini-skirt, studded boots, a sleeveless punk jacket with a lavender shirt with a graphic of a treble-clef present. The jacket had been covered in pins of various band and geek iconography, with some space still Her ears were studded, and her hair was straightened into a mohawk; part of her signature style. She was currently waiting by the steps of CHS, waiting for everyone else to be released from classes; hers having been done early.

By her side was her bookbag, and a few last minute candies for a friend. And reaching in her pocket, she felt the soft touch of a smoothed pin, one that she had gotten for her jacket but hesitated to put it on. She tapped her foot, patiently, until the bell finally rung. Students started to flood out, talking amongst themselves, as per usual. Soon enough, Octavia's neutral face lightened to a smile when she saw her friend coming out. Vinyl Scratch, a classy violinist wearing her usual white tuxedo outfit; pants, jacket, blue button-up vest with a mini-tie, and her gorgeous hair nice and curled.

"Vinyl luv, over here!" Octavia cheered.

Vinyl looked over, and smiled. Walking off to the side she greeted her friend with a hug.

"Octavia, hey. Did classes release early?"

"Mr. Cranky fell asleep, and told us to go ahead and leave. Bloke needs some vacation time, I swear," Octavia rolled her eyes. "Oh! Before I forget," she reached for her bag, revealing a wrapped up box in the shape of a heart, "Happy Valentine's, luv!"

"Aww, Octavia, thank you," Vinyl squeaked. "I don't know what to say, I feel so bad, I-I don't even--"

"--Mate, it's okay," Octavia raised a palm. "I just wanted to show you how much I appreciate you. I already got candies to the rest of our group," Octavia looked around. "If you're not too busy, I wanted to ask... did you have any plans for the rest of today?"

"Hmm. Not really, no. I have no homework to catch up on. Why?"

"I was wondering if maybe you and I could hang out today," Octavia proposed. "It's been a while since you and I have hung out proper. I've been looking for some one-on-one time, if that's alright."

Vinyl smiled. "I would love that. It definitely has been a while... yeah, let's go hang out. Where do you want to go?"

"I did have a few ideas," Octavia proposed.

"Miniature golf?"

Something Vinyl had never expected Octavia to ever pitch or suggest in all of her life, and yet, here they were. There was a fair amount of people here; some couples, a few families. Thankfully there was enough clubs and golf balls for them to take, along with a score-card to mark progress.

"I never took you for the type to enjoy this game," Vinyl thought.

"I played a few rounds with Amethyst when we were in fourth grade," Octavia explained, lining up her ball on the space. She stood in position, hands gripped tight on the club, looking back to the position the hole was lined up in. "I don't usually talk about it because whenever I try to explain that I like this game, I usually get a response that it isn't 'real golf'," she emphasized with rolling eyes. She made a gentle pitch, watching the ball roll across the obstacle, bumping along some rocks and just barely getting into the hole.

Vinyl then lined up to make her swing, trying to follow Octavia's movements. Locked onto the ball, and making sure she had sight of where she needed to hit. Taking a swing, the ball rolled towards the same direction as Octavia's, only to bump back a few centimeters away from the hole.

"Not bad, luv," Octavia complimented. "First time?"

"Truthfully, yes," Vinyl answered, following her to the spot where their golf balls had parked.

Taking her cue, Octavia lined up carefully to make her move, lining up to the hole. And with a gentle push, the golf ball rolled nicely into the hole. Grabbing it and stepping off, she marked it on the score-card, waiting for Vinyl to take her chance. The gentle push of the club and the sound of the hole rattling answered her question, and so she marked down Vinyl's score.

"So... how have you been?" Vinyl awkwardly asked.

"I've been alright, I think. Chemistry's a pain, I've never been good with science I'm afraid," Octavia admitted, taking the first swing. "But other than that I'm fine."

"No, I mean... are you okay? Like... actually, okay?"

"Vinyl, I promise I'm alright," Octavia reassured.

Vinyl raised a brow.

"... Okay, maybe I've been having some issues lately," Octavia admitted, waiting for Vinyl to take her turn. "Been rather annoyed with how all out everyone has been for this holiday, I just don't see the big deal. Everyone says it's the one time to show appreciation, but I always thought that should be an everyday act," she complained, watching Vinyl's ball roll up to the hole, surprisingly getting a hole in one. "Nice shot!"

"Thanks," Vinyl smiled before grabbing her ball. "But I do get what you mean. Honestly, I haven't really been getting into the holiday either, I haven't... found anyone close that I want to be with."

"Vinyl, we're in high school, we're not going to find someone right away," Octavia playfully rolled her eyes. "Just take your time, alright?"

"Yes, but... agh," Vinyl groaned a bit. "It frustrates me seeing some of our friends so happy. Adagio has Trixie, Aria's dating Flash, now Amethyst is seeing that enby from Crystal Prep. I just... I don't know. I'm happy for them, I truly am. But I can't help but feel so jealous of them. How did they find love so quickly?"

"Love manifests in different ways, Vinyl," Octavia walked over to the next course with Vinyl behind her. She set up her position and made another swing. "Sometimes you just don't know it until you interact with the right person. You may not even realize," she stepped out so Vinyl could swing. "Look at it this way. Trixie attempted to look for the right girl, but never had luck. But then when Adagio and her sisters came into our lives, we not only found new friends but she grew infatuated with her..."

Vinyl made her next swing.

"... And after both of them talked with each other, they learned more that they had so much in common that they became inseparable to one another," Octavia continued, stepping back onto the course. "Sometimes you just need the right amount of interest and personality to find the one you're looking for."

Vinyl watched as Octavia's ball rolled into the hole. "I suppose so. But I don't know. Most of the boys at Canterlot High aren't really my type. I like some heavy metal, but Thunderbass barely interested me on that alone. I don't care for jocks, even if some of them look very attractive with those muscles, mmm," she had a little dreamy-eyed look as she thought. "And some of the eco-kids looked very pretty. Perhaps I should look outside?"

"I don't see why not," Octavia shrugged. "Amethyst did find out Synthwave goes to Crystal Prep. If she can find someone from there, maybe there are some boys there that fit your interests. What specifically do you want?"

"Hmm. I want someone who is nice. Good. Sweet. Has a variety of taste in music," Vinyl thought as she followed Octavia to the next course. "Someone who is strong and brave, but also has good sensitivity and isn't afraid to let the walls down."

"Then I say all you need to do is to start looking around. Maybe meet some after school hours, you'll find someone you're looking for," Octavia answered, taking her swing. "If you need a wing-woman, I'd be happy to provide help. Though I don't know how many mohawked Brits they have at Crystal Prep."

Vinyl smiled back at her. "I would like that."

The two wandered through the next set of courses, with both of them neither winning or losing. They were evenly matched on the course, despite not having played in a long time. But as they made their way to hole fifteen, Vinyl suddenly remembered something from earlier.

"Oh, good heavens, I completely forgot earlier, I kind of railroaded over your conversation," Vinyl blushed with embarrassment. "You were talking about your frustrations with the holiday?"

"Oh, I don't know, you don't want to hear it. I'll just dampen your spirit," Octavia brushed off, waiting for Vinyl to swing.

"Octavia, you gave me helpful advice and are willing to be my wing-woman," Vinyl looked at her. "Come on, tell me what's been bothering you?"

Octavia let out a small sigh before closing her eyes, massaging her temple with her fingers. "Do you promise me you won't give up being my friend?"

"I promise," Vinyl reassured. "Now talk to me, what's going on?"

Octavia finally stepped in to make a swing. "I've been frustrated with the holiday's obligations for being with someone you truly care about, romantically. Something I've just... never been into," Octavia looked back, brushing her mohawk a bit so it stood up straight. "I haven't been looking for anyone to date. And to be honest, I don't have time to, and... I'm not sure I have interest," she said, rather hesitantly.

Vinyl had to stop for a second, looking at her friend. "No interest? None?"

"Yeah. M-Maybe I do, or maybe I don't, I just know I don't want to date right now. Maybe I never want to, but no one in particular has clicked for me," Octavia admitted. She felt herself straining to speak, but she pushed forward. "I don't mean to sound like a downer when you have issues as well, but... I've been exploring myself recently. I tried to put myself out there, and go on a date, I couldn't reciprocate the same feelings back to them. We hit it off well, we have a lot of interests, and he was kind enough to not rush. But I just couldn't feel the same way as he did for me. I told him so, and he was kind enough to understand, surprisingly, but... I learned something about myself that day."

Vinyl stayed quiet, hearing her friend. And then she saw Octavia reach into her pocket, revealing a pride pin. One that displayed two shades of blue, white, yellow, and orange. Suddenly it clicked in Vinyl's head exactly what Octavia was talking about.

"I... I don't want to be in any romantic relationship, or beyond that. I am happy with my family, and all of my friends. That includes you," Octavia softly smiled at her. "You all are what I need to be happy with myself."

Vinyl said nothing but instead walked to Octavia and gave her a hug. The rocker was a bit surprised, but she smiled and hugged her back. She had been trying to fight any anguish for a while now, but she felt all of it wash away, replaced with joy.

"You are my best friend. If this is who you are, then it is who you are," Vinyl smiled at her. "Hey, how come you don't have that pin on you?"

"I... wasn't sure if I was ready. I don't need harassment from people," Octavia worried, her fingers rubbing against her arm.

"Octavia, wearing this will let others know to leave you alone. Maybe it will attract some jerks, but we're always going to find them," Vinyl answered her. "But if you wear this, we are going to be by your side no matter what. And I guarantee you, everyone at Canterlot High will respect that."

The punk rocker was hesitant, but that warm expression on Vinyl's face made her confidence rise up back to normal levels. Carefully she pushed the metal prod through the jacket and connected it to the hook, putting the pen back to where it needed to be.

"It looks perfect on you, Octavia," Vinyl patted her shoulder. "Soo... wanna finish the game and maybe go get some dinner with Lyra and Bon Bon?"

By the end of the game, it was basically tied together. No one won, no won lost. But it didn't matter, especially as Octavia followed Vinyl down the street past Canterlot City's restaurant row. Eventually they walked inside one of them, the Tasty Treat; a restaurant cooking the finest cuisine from New Neighli.

The inside was decked out with warm lighting of lanterns and boxy chandeliers, against dark red brick wall. Wooden tables and chairs made for seating, next to the comfy couches with pillows. Pictures filled with animals from all over New Neighli, including a few black and white photos of people from the last century. A few waiters who were newly hired came around to help pass out food to everyone who was attending in the establishment. Even the restaurant's logo was visibly plastered on the wall; an elephant holding a spoon.

And off in the corner, Lyra Heartstrings and Bon Bon Drops were waiting for their musician friends, waving to them to come on over. The two musicians smiled as they saw their friends, scooching themselves down into the couch booth seats.

"Hey, it's great to see you, Octy, haven't seen you in a while," Lyra grinned.

"Vinyl and I were off playing miniature golf, needed to blow some steam," Octavia answered, adjusting her sleeveless jacket. "I'm sorry I haven't been talkative these last few days, I've... been doing a little self-discovery."

"Nothing wrong with that, Octavia," Bon Bon nodded. "Sooooo that date you had on Monday, how did that go?"

"We did not get together," Octavia answered, shaking her head.

"Oh. Sorry to hear that," Lyra frowned. "W-Well, you shouldn't have to worry, there's other guys out there. O-Or girls, if you like girls, that's awesome. Or enbies, whatever floats your boat, I mean we--"

Octavia interrupted without words, adjusting the side of her jacket, exposing the pin Vinyl had recommended putting on. Lyra and Bon Bon were quiet for a second, before looking at her with a soft smile.

"You're happy with who you are?"

Octavia silently nodded to them.

"Hey, that's awesome," Bon Bon complimented. "I'm proud of you."

"Thanks," Octavia blushed a bit. "But enough of that; tell me what has been going on with you two. It's been a while."

They were briefly interrupted by the waitstaff coming around to take their drink orders before stepping away to take care of another table.

"Eh, not much. My mom's got some new recipes for the bakery, I'm ready to try making eclairs, they sound delicious," Bon Bon licked her lips.

"I would have thought you supplied those kind of pastries by now," Octavia tilted her head. Having been to Marizpan's Mixup's bakery multiple times, she sworn they had every kind of delicious baked goods and pastry that anyone in Canterlot could ever want.

"Well, mama thought it was better late than ever to get started on those," Bon Bon shrugged. "But so far, I think I'm okay. Lyra here got me hooked onto an anime, I hate to admit."

"I saw you light up at the animation, Bonnie," Lyra playfully punched her shoulder. "You said you missed that artstyle."

"What anime? Obscure, current, older?" Octavia asked, leaning forward a bit.

"Older one, from the 90s," Lyra answered. "Hotaru No Hikō, aka, Flight of the Firefly."

"Ahhh... right," Octavia nodded, having some background on the show. "You'll have to tell us your thoughts later."

The waitress came back, taking their dinner order and then taking their menus. Now with them off again, it left the group to continue their conversation.

"And Lyra, how have you been?" Octavia asked.

"I'm doing okay, actually," Lyra smiled. "My mom's been promoted at the tea shop, so we've made some more money, which is awesome. I've also been thinking of trying out some other instruments, possibly a harp," she shrugged. "I did talk to Amethyst, she's been considering maybe doing some urban exploration. I showed her some videos of some cool abandoned sites here in Canterlot, and she found the old movie theater that Adagio and Trixie went to; the Royal Palladium."

"Aren't these abandoned sites usually guarded?" Vinyl asked.

"Some, yes. But it hasn't stopped explorers before," Lyra answered. "Besides, I usually check these things if they have high security or whatnot."

"If you say so, I guess," Vinyl worried.

"Hey, don't worry, we wouldn't do it if it's heavily guarded, besides just want to explore, that is all," Lyra reassured. "No stealing, no damages, we just want to explore."

"Don't tell her enbyfriend that," Octavia smirked. "I'm sure they would freak out if you went somewhere abandoned... without them."

"I didn't think Synthwave would be into that," Bon Bon inquired.

"Apparently, they are. Last week when I had lunch with them, they said they had some interest. Though I think in their case, they were looking into scavenging for metal to use for more of their cosplay projects," Lyra rubbed her chin, deep in thought. "I think we need to tell them that scavenging random metal isn't safe though."

Eventually their waitress came by and passed them each their food. The aroma of the various foods made their mouths water. The sights, the spicy smells, it looked so delectable.

"I assume Adagio and Trixie have plans today?" Vinyl asked, taking a bite of her food.

"Mmmhmm. Trixie's taking Adagio out to her favorite restaurant, seaside place," Bon Bon answered. "I saw a few pictures of it, it looked really nice."

"That's good. How about Aria, is she spending time with Flash?"

"Mmmhmm. I'm not one to judge, but apparently the best way to spend today is to go out and play paintball, race on a motorcycle (that she never told us she had), and hang out at an arcade," Bon Bon explained with a sassy smirk.

"I never tried paintball before. Is it fun?" Octavia asked, taking a sip of her drink.

"It is if you can withstand the welts that will compile on your legs, your hips, your back, your arms, your butt, and your ankles," the baker deadpanned, still keeping a smirk.

"... Well now I want to try it!" Octavia grinned. "How about Sonata, what has she doing this evening?"

"The last time I checked, she was hanging out with Vignette again. Apparently, she wanted to help Vignette and be her wing-woman since she's trying to date again," Lyra replied. "And you know what, good for her. Glad she's putting herself back out there again."

"Hopefully she finds someone who likes her for her, and not her stardom," Octavia folded her arms. "Back on Sonata, has she been dating anyone?"

"Welll... I kind of made a promise not to tell you girls yet, Sonata begged I not say anything," Lyra hesitated with a sheepish grin.

"Aww. Well, okay, if she doesn't want us to know, we won't pry," Vinyl nonchalantly replied. And not looking up, she held a hand up raising fingers, before each one of them counted down by one, and then pointing to Octavia who leaned forward.

"Tell me everything!"

"Well that didn't take long," Vinyl deadpanned, taking a bite of her food.

"I can only tell you a few things, that's it," Lyra pointed. "Sonata was really serious about this, she doesn't want to scare him away."

Octavia let out a small inhale and exhale before speaking. "I promise I won't pry at her."

"Okay," Lyra started. "I heard some details through Aria, but apparently this guy goes to Crystal Prep Academy. He's very sweet, he's good to her, geeky like the rest of us. And according to Sonata, he is, and I quote "So dang pretty I could die"."

Octavia and Vinyl shared a giggle. Sonata's excitement was always cute and fun to be around.

"He's also very effeminate," Lyra continued, getting a few 'oohs' from the girls. "And..." she looked around before leaning forward. "He is very comfortable wearing skirts."

"Hey, good for him," Vinyl smiled, genuinely.

"You like what you like," Bon Bon nodded. "Well now I have to meet him, he sounds wonderful," she gushed. "Any gender non-conforming guy who is happy with who he is, is a win in my book."

"Maybe one day, Bonnie," Lyra patted her shoulder. "Now this doesn't go anywhere, okay? For Sonata."

"For Sonata," the group agreed, with some sounds of disappointment here and there.

The rest of the dinner continued without much delay, along with the conversation. And under the warm glow of the Tasty Treat, Octavia and Vinyl felt very content being with their friends. Sure Vinyl still had some jealousy hidden under her smile, but in the end, she was still happy that some of her friends had found love.

Octavia all the while, found herself calm and content with her friends. She knew she would see the rest of them again tomorrow after Valentine's was over; but she was happy to see her friends accepting of her new status. No badgering her to find a date or questioning her choices, they were happy to still have her be the same silly rocker as they always knew her. And for the rest of that night, she spent it peacefully having fun with the true love she needed; her family.

Comments ( 2 )

This was straightforward but sweet, Four. And a very nice message for sure with regard to Octavia in this story. Thanks for sharing it with us all! :twilightsmile:

This was unexpected yet really wholesome, especially how it was an alternative universe with the personalities of the characters changed, and I love how nice Vinyl and Octavia are as friends here. Not always a fan with how some fanfics portray their friendship personally, but this one is really sweet.

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