• Published 1st Feb 2024
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My Little Pony: Friendship is Cine-magic: Shaun the Sheep Movie - IndyWriter Productions

The Main 6 and Spike are back with another adventure across the filmic multiverse. This time with everyone's favorite farm animal; Shaun the Sheep

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Part 2: Life on the Farm

The bright, morning sun broke through over the horizon, spreading it's rays across the hills and fields throughout the county. The sky brightens from black to bright cyan, signifying a fresh new day. As the rays of sunshine seeped into the barn's windows, Shaun opens his eyes. He hears the call of the rooster coming from outside.

"Must he always do that every morning?" He thought to himself

Shaun looks up, staring at a spider that was in the midst of waking up. Then, he noticed the Main 7 beginning to wake up, too.

"Mornin', ya'll." Applejack stretches and arches her back.

"Good morning." Twilight responds groggily, still in the process of opening her eyes.

"Well, Rarity. How was sleeping with an old sack?" Rainbow asked in a teasing manner.

Rarity let out a sigh through her nostrils then made a collected smile.

"To be honest, Rainbow, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be." She admitted. "Though I still prefer a normal bed."

"Really?" Rainbow was rather surprise by her friend's answer. "That's a first."

"Oh, please. I know full well that complaining won't get me anywhere. So, I've made the notion to just stop whenever we're on these missions." The snow-colored unicorn said.

As Twilight lets out a yawn, she turns to Shaun who was stretching out his arms.

"Morning, Shaun." She said.

"Emph. Baah." Shaun grunted.

Even though Twilight couldn't understand what the sheep said exactly, she was able to picked up on the tone in which he said it. And it sounded rather unhappy.

"He said "Good morning." Fluttershy translated.

"He didn't sound very enthusiastic." Twilight observed.

Shaun let out a sigh and prepared for the morning routine.

Meanwhile, in the farmhouse, an alarm clock goes off, waking the owner of the farm. The Farmer whacks the clock off his nightstand and groggily sits up. He tears the page off a calendar as he gets ready for his morning routine. Outside, at a different part of the farm, Bitzer, a yellow sheepdog, was woken up by his alarm. He hits his head against his doghouse as he jolts awake. He stands up, craning his neck and heading over to a tree with a newspaper and a roll of toilet paper.

Meanwhile, Shaun brushes his hair. The other sheep were now awake and getting ready for the morning. Just then, Rarity came over to him with a squeamish look.

"Mind if I...borrow that?" She pointed at the brush.

Shaun hands it to Rarity and she begins brushing her mane.

At the same time, the balding farmer headed over to his bathroom. With his eyes still closed, he sprays deodorant under his armpits. Back inside the door, Shaun hands his little cousin, Timmy, his favorite Teddy bear.

"Um, Shaun." Fluttershy came up to him. "I'm worried that your owner might not take too kindly to us being here."

"Bah-ah. Bah." Shaun responded.

"Don't worry. I'll take care of that."

"O-Oh, okay." The shy pegasus said.

Back outside, Bitzer stands next to the farmhouse door with a salute. The Farmer, now wearing a thick pair of glasses and a green jacket, exits and unknowingly smashes Bitzer's nose. As The Farmer opens the barn doors, Bitzer blows on his whistle. The Farmer then looks through the schedule on the barn door. That's when he noticed the Main 7. Taken aback, he begins to stammer and shout. The ponies and dragon didn't know what he was saying, but they still felt a bit intimidated. Thankfully, Shaun was able to calm him down. He then began explaining the situation with Bitzer and The Farmer. The Main 6 and Spike watched with bated breaths.

"I don't know what they're saying, and I'm still freaking out." Pinkie said.

"I'm just hoping they'll understand." Twilight said.

After what seemed like an eternity, The Farmer gave a brief sigh and wave his hand in a dismissive manner. Shaun looked at the group and gave a thumbs-up. Twilight and her friends all shared a sigh of relief.

"Well, that's a relief." Spike said happily.

And with that, the ponies, dragon, and sheep all shuffled out of the barn. Using a hand-made traffic sign, Bitzer directs the herd across a road and into a waiting corral. As the Main 7 walked passed, they noticed Bitzer giving them a suspicious glare. Rainbow, being the impulsive one, was about to say snap at him, but Applejack put a hoof over her mouth and shook her head.

"We don't need any problems this early right now." She hissed.

Rainbow kept her mouth shut with a scornful look on her face. As the herd filed into the crowded corral, Shaun gets wedged between two other sheep. His feet were up in the air so he couldn't move around. All he could do was stay there with an annoyed look on his face.

"Not a lot of room in here." Twilight pushed against Shirley, the largest sheep of the group, to try to make room.

"I take it back. This. Is. The. Worst!" Rarity bellowed in despair.

"This is gonna be a long day." Applejack rubbed her forehead.

"Not if we make it into a montage." Pinkie said in a sing-song tone.

The orange earth pony looked at her in confusion.

"Wait. Wu-"

And so, that became the new routine for Twilight, Spike, Fluttershy, and the others. Nightfall came and it was back into the barn for bed. The next morning came and the morning routine was repeated. After Shaun brushed his hair, he gave it to another sheep. The sheep squirted toothpaste on it and brushed her teeth with it. Rarity just looked on in disgust. She had used that brush to brush her mane and there it was being used as a toothbrush. She almost wanted to scream.

Bitzer blew his whistle and The Farmer looked through the schedule. The Farmer opens the barrier gate and bends over to anchor it into place. As he did so, the sheep and the Main 7 caught a view of his exposed butt-crack. Shaun covered Timmy's eyes while Twilight did the same with Spike. Rarity nearly fainted while the rest just looked away in disgust and shock. Another day in the corral and another night in the barn.

Wednesday morning, The Farmer pours animal feed into a trough. Shaun coughs and chokes on the dust.

"This is just dried up grains. We can't eat this." Rainbow complained bitterly.

"I concur. Does he think we're just farm animals or something." Rarity added.

The sheep all give her varying levels of glares.

"No...offense." She looked away in embarrassment.

"I'm sure it taste great." Pinkie dives her head into the feed.

She begins to chew. As she did so, she found it harder and harder to do so. Pinkie struggles to not spit it all out, tears well up in her eyes from the effort and horrible taste alone. She began to swallow the dry, tasteless flakes. The rest of her friends could only watch as the pink mare finally got the mouthful of feed down her throat. Pinkie did her best to not cough and gag.

"G-Good stuff." She wheezed, with a wavering smile.

"Pinkie, I hate to be that kind of pony. But, you're not satisfying anypony." Rainbow put a hoof over her friend's neck.

The pink mare looked down in the ground with a shell-shocked look on her face.

"I've had very few regrets in my life." Pinkie whispered, my mane flying flat just a little bit. "This...This is one of them."

Later, The Farmer was filling up the water trough with a hose. However, he got so distracted by his phone that he was inadvertently dousing Shaun in water. The young sheep just stood there with the same annoyed look on his face. The day after, as the herd made their into the corral, Bitzer was furiously blowing on his whistle. Shaun plugged the soundhole with his finger to get the sheepdog to stop. He lets go as he enters the fenced-in area while Bitzer stood there out of breath. This routine continued for a number of days for the Main 7 and it was slowly starting to become unbearable.

On one particular day, The Farmer grabbed an electric clipper from the storage shed. He enters the corral and cracks his knuckles, turning the clippers on. Rarity let out a screech.

"No! No, no, no, no! You are not ruining my mane!" She shouted.

The sheep all back away. The man closes in on them. Thinking fast, Shaun dashes in-between his legs. The other sheep follow. One sheep gets caught between The Farmer's legs, giving him around the corral and giving the Main 7 the perfect distraction to escape. Twilight took Spike in her magic and flew over the fence. The others followed, clambering over the fence.

"I ain't takin' any chances with him. Ah'm not losing mah coat over this!" Applejack said firmly.

"I swear, if he thinks he can do that us, he's got another thing coming!" Rarity hissed. "And I certainly would not let him lay a hand on poor Spikey-wikey. He doesn't even have fur."

"Exactly! That's just not happening." Twilight agreed.

"Yeah. But, what about Shaun and the others?" Spike said.

The Farmer, not back on his feet, is able to grab one of the sheep's leg. That leg belonged to Shaun. He was dragged out from the group and held in a firm grasp. He squirms as The Farmer gets to work and shears off his carefully-brush fleece and hairdo. The other sheep could only wince as Shaun's wool gets cut away. Once he was done, The Farmer let's Shaun go. Bitzer hauls over Shirley and plops her down onto the man. As Shaun walks away, he looks up and sees three pigs laughing at him from behind a stone wall.

"Hey, pick on someone your own size." Rainbow flew up to the pigs and waved her hoof at them.

That was enough to scare them off. They fled back to there home. Shaun looks back and glares at The Farmer, who was shearing off Shirley's fleece. The young sheep walks away. Fluttershy comes up to him.

"Doesn't it, at least, feel nice to get all that excess wool off?" She asked, trying to sound optimistic.

"Euh-uh." Shaun said bitterly and stomped off.

"You know, that's kinda what I thought how a sheep would feel when their wool is cut." Rainbow came up to her pegasus friend.

"I can't help but feel there's more to it than that." Fluttershy said.

"Maybe we can talk about it to him tonight." Twilight suggested.

Later on, the day began to come to an end. The sun started to dip below the horizon and the sky turned varying shades of red and orange. The Farmer filled out his schedule for the day as Bitzer directed the flock back into the barn. The man lets out a yawn and nudges Shaun into the old building. the annoyed sheep turns around and glares up at him. The Farmer just looks back, holding a pitchfork with his red, balding hair spiked up in two patches like two horns.

"Seems about right." Shaun thought to himself.

The Farmer closes the barn door leaving the sheep, ponies, and baby dragon by themselves. Night rolls around and Shaun is still pouting as he readies himself for bed.

"Um, Shaun?" Twilight says.

Shaun turns around and gives her a quizzical look.

"We couldn't help but notice that your mood seems a bit...miffed. Especially with The Farmer." The purple alicorn said. "Is there something going on between you two?"

Shaun gave a deep sigh.

"Bahah. Eum, hm. Bah." He grunted.

"Not exactly. It's more of that every day is the same. We wake up, we stay in the corral all day doing nothing, sometimes get sheared, which I hate. It's boring, it's dull, it's unfulfilling. It just frustrates me." Fluttershy translated.

"I can understand that." Rarity chimed in. "Being stuck in such a tight space can drive anypony crazy."

"But, you've probably been going through this for years. Surely you've gotten used to it by now." Twilight reasoned.

Sheep let out another long sigh.

"Bahbah. Bah, emha." He said.

"It wasn't always like this. Back when we were all much younger. It was more fun and wholesome..." Fluttershy translated.

the young farmer held a new-born lamb in his hand. With a milk bottle in the other hand, he fed the lamb for the first time. In fact, this his first time setting foot in his new home. The Farmer had recently gained the ownership of a farmhouse and it's land. Excitement was edged on his face, ready to begin life as a farmer. He gives a big grin at the camera that was filming them. Then, the lamb spat out some of the milk on The Farmer's denim jacket. He was surprised at first, but then chuckled in amusement. It was on that day he decided to name the lamb; Shaun.

The camera filmed all the happy moments with The Farmer and the others. He set Shaun down on the ground and nudged him forward. Taking his first steps, Shaun began frolicking with a sheepdog puppy. The Farmer smiled warmly.

The man puts a blue knit-cap on the dog's head. Bitzer hops around and crashes into Shaun. Three little piglets laugh in amusement from behind a low stone wall.

One sheep became a whole flock of sheep. They crowded around each other with Bitzer. Then, together, they ran toward the Farmer and tackled him to the ground, knocking the camera over in the process. The Farmer laughs and nuzzle little Shaun in his hands.

The Farmer waves a dog toy at Bitzer and Shaun, who look at it with excitement. He throws it and the two animals chase after it. The toy tumbles through a gate opening. Shaun chases after it. Bitzer was about to follow, but was chased off when Shaun ran back into the field as a baby bull charged after him.

Bitzer and the sheep happily run around the lush, green field as The Farmer dances.

Shaun stares at a tape player, his eyes following the spinning sprocket wheels of the tape. He steps away dizzily and loses his balance.

Bitzer and the sheep climb onto a haybale as The Farmer sets up a camera. He runs over to them and holds up Shaun and Bitzer. He and the sheep all smile as the camera flashes, giving them their first family photo.

"But, as time has gone on, all those fun times just became distant memories. It feels like that spark between all of us has gone out." Fluttershy finished.

The others looked at Shaun with sympathetic looks.

"Ah'm sorry to hear that, Shaun." Applejack put a hoof over his shoulder. "But, we all grow up an' things change. Not everything lasts forever, believe me. But, all those times have been cherished and, though it may not seem that way, that ther Farmer loves ya, Ah'm sure of it."

"Yeah, besides, I know just how to cheer you up." Pinkie grinned.

"Pinkie, ah'm all for makin' people happy, but ah don't think a party is the answer here." Applejack said.

"Ahh. Why not?" Pinkie pouted.

"Because this is my personal. A party won't gonna do much good." Twilight explained, turning back to Shaun. "I'm sure there's some enjoyment in the laugh you have. You just need to look for it."

Shaun only gave a dry reply.

"Hmfp. Bah-bah-bah." He said.

"I doubt it. I still would want to be back in the old days." Fluttershy translated.

Twilight was the one to let out a sigh this time.

"Maybe we can discuss this more tomorrow. For now, let's try to get some sleep." She said.

"Sounds good to me." Spike let out a yawn and rolled onto the burlap sack.

The others soon got under the covers to catch some sleep. Shaun, his mood barely improved, breathed out and closed his eyes. Twilight watched with a sympathetic look. She puts a wing over Spike and thinks to herself. Was there any way to help Shaun. That was something that would have to wait until morning. For now, it was best to get some rest. She closed eyes, letting her mind drift off and letting sleep take over.

To be continued