• Published 1st Feb 2024
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My Little Pony: Friendship is Cine-magic: Shaun the Sheep Movie - IndyWriter Productions

The Main 6 and Spike are back with another adventure across the filmic multiverse. This time with everyone's favorite farm animal; Shaun the Sheep

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Part 1: Down to Earth

The sun beamed brightly down on Ponyville. The day was still young and ponies were hustling and bustling across the town. It was a rather busy day for all the residence. One of the buildings, stood out amongst the rest. It had the same pale tan color, but with a chocolate brown roof, a middle spire that were shaped like cupcakes, and white trimming around the roof which gave the impression that it was caked with icing. Sugarcube Corner was the building's name, it was a bakery and confectionary where ponies would retrieve their filling of sugary goodness. It also happened to be the living quarters and workplace of Pinkie. Carrot Cake and Cup Cake were the married couple that owned and ran the place, along with being the parent of twins, Pumpkin Cake and Pound Cake.

On this day, we see Fluttershy and Rarity having a conversation at one of the outdoor tables of the bakery. It had been about 2 months since their last friendship mission to another world. However, the memories were still fresh in their minds.

"I admit it. Though it was a bit awkward having to swim everywhere, it did feel quite free and relaxing." Rarity paused to take a sip of her milkshake. "Plus, it gave me some inspiration for my next line of dresses for the summer."

"That's sounds really nice, Rarity." Fluttershy responded warmly. "And I'm glad things turned out so well with us and the others. It was probably the most terrified I had been with any of the missions so far."

"Really?" Rarity gave a inquisitive look. "I would've thought having to fight that monster with the angel wing was the worst of the two."

"Well, he was pretty scary. But, those normal citizens of Bikini Bottom wanted to sacrifice all of us and SpongeBob just to get those Krabby Patties back." Fluttershy said.

"Yes. Well, that was pretty horrific." The fashionista said. "Let's try talking about more positive topics. Like, how have your animals been doing?"

Fluttershy finished chewing to rest of her cupcake before she answered.

"Oh, they have been doing alright. They’ve also been getting along better lately. But, I just can't help but feel that something is missing."

"Whatever do you mean, Fluttershy?" Rarity asked, concerned for her friend.

"I-It's just that...I feel their getting bored of living with me." The shy pegasus sighed. "Don't get me wrong, we have tea parties and we do other things. But, sometimes I feel that I don't do enough for them."

"Oh, nonsense, Fluttershy." Rarity spoke firmly. "I've seen first-hoof that you've been the most caring and responsible care-taker out there. I can't think of any other pony who could give them a better, more relaxing life than you."

Fluttershy couldn't help but blush a little at the compliment.

"Thank you, Rarity. That means a lot to me. But, still, I feel that I should try something new with them."

"Well, It certainly wouldn't hurt. I'm sure others like you would do the same thing." Rarity attuned.

"Exactly!" Pinkie Pie popped up from under the table, scaring the two mares. "I remember when I wanted to do something new with the twins. So we played follow the leader around time while a made some deliveries. It was great fun."

"That's...nice, Pinkie." Rarity said catching her breath. "But, must you scare us like that?"

"Oh, oops. Sorry, Rarity. It just couldn't help but overhear you two talking about our last adventure." The pink mare giggled.

"You...You've been eavesdropping on us the whole time?" Fluttershy asked.

"Well not the whole time, but you said something about SpongeBob and it caught my attention." Pinkie answered with a grin.

"Well, please don't make a habit of it. It's quite rude to eavesdrop on somepony." Rarity sipped the rest of her milkshake.

"No promises." Pinkie said quickly.

Rarity was about to say something but Pinkie continued.

"Anyway, that got me thinking about what are next new-world mission is. I mean, it's been such a super-duper long time and just thinking about it gets my all excited!"

"It's only been two months, darling. But seeing that this has become a consistent part of our lives, I suppose there's always that thought in the back of our minds." The pristine unicorn said.

"And being that it has been such a long time, I kind of wonder how they're doing now." Fluttershy added.

"Perhaps the map can take back to those worlds so we can visit." Rarity said.

"That would be great!" Pinkie squealed with excitement. "I'll be sure to throw an extra big party for every world!"

Fluttershy and Rarity chuckled a bit at Pinkie's dreamy prospect.

Meanwhile, at the Castle of Friendship, Twilight Sparkle was almost finished completing the royal paperwork and reports for the day. She sat, focused at the table while writing. Spike came with a cup of tea for her.

"Here's some tea for you, Twilight." He said. "I'm sure you could use something to help you relax."

"You have no idea, Spike." Twilight took the cup in her magic. "When I became a princess, I understood how stressful it would be. But, I didn't think it would be this stressful! I mean, I've been stuck in my seat most of the morning just to get all this work done."

"Do you want to take a break?" Spike asked.

Twilight straightened herself and gave a deep breath to calm and refocus herself.

"Nope. I'm almost done with all of this anyway." Twilight arched her back, causing it to crack in several places. "After that I can just take it easy."

"Provided that nothing else comes up." The young drake said, almost in a teasing matter.

Twilight looked up from the paper just as she finished writing out the last of the report. She had an expression on her face that Spike couldn't decern. The purple alicorn then let out a sigh.

"Well, hopefully, that doesn't happen." She said flatly. "I think all this paperwork is enough for today."

"Sorry to burst your bubble, but, it seems that fate has other ideas." Spike pointed at Twilight's flank.

Twilight sucked in a breath between her teeth. Turning her head, she saw her cutie mark was glowing. She let out a frustrated grown.

"Why now of all times? My schedule is jam-packed enough as is." Twilight complained.

"Well, look on the bright side. Maybe this time it will just be a normal friendship mission." Spike said, his spikes now glowing.

"Well seeing as how you're also glowing, I think it's safe to assume we're needed in another world." Twilight groaned.

Spike looked over himself and realized that Twilight was right. The fins on his head were indeed glowing.

"Maybe it won't be as extreme or chaotic as last time." Spike tried to reassure her. "Besides, it has been a while since the last adventure."

Twilight pondered for a second. It certainly had been a while since their aquatic escapade with SpongeBob and the others. Though, that was probably for the best. A lot did happen in that mission.

"You're right about that. Still wish it didn't happen today." She sighed. "I suppose it can't be helped. Let's go, I'm sure the girls are on their way over."

Twilight and Spike made their way to the Cutie Map room, all the while thinking of what the next world had in store for them. As they enter the room, they were surprised to see that the others were already there.

"You girls showed up quick." Twilight said, half-surprised, half-impressed.

"Oh, please. I could fly from my home to your castle in ten seconds flat." Rainbow boasted.

"Well, me, Fluttershy, and Pinkie were at Sugarcube Corner. So I guess it was good timing for us." Rarity explained.

"And ah was just havin' a stroll through town. Was a pretty light day at the farm today so ah figured to go out and stretch mah instead of sittin' round all day." Applejack said. "But, seein' as how we've been summoned for another mission, ah think we all will be gettin' more than our legs pumpin'."

"Yeah. I suppose it would be nice to stretch my legs a bit." Twilight chuckled dryly. "Though would've preferred I didn't."

"Is something wrong, darling?" Rarity asked with concern.

"Huh? Oh, not really. I've just been working all morning and I was hoping to just relax a bit." Twilight admitted sheepishly.

"Oh. Well we've all been there before, Twi. though, I'm sure being a princess and all brings a lot of extra work." Applejack said warmly. "You could take it easy for this mission if you want."

"I'm sure that will help." Twilight smiled. "But maybe not too much. A friendship mission is important no matter what."

They others nodded and waited for Twilight to do her thing. The princess charged up her magic and beamed it right at the table. The portal began to take form and enveloped the table before falling flat to the floor.

"Everypony ready?" Twilight asked.

The others nodded, except Rainbow who replied with a...

"Heck yeah!"

She dove into the portal. The rest of the Main 7 jumped in together. They flew through the spiraling space as they were being transported to their intended destination. It didn't take too long for another portal to form and spit them out in the middle of a flat field. Rarity was the first to speak.

"All right. Where are we now?" She asked.

The ponies and dragon looked all around, only seeing fields, stone walls, and the occasional farm house.

"I don't know, but it looks pretty bland to me." Rainbow said with a tinge of disappointment.

"Whatever the case, let's just find a place to get situated and then move from there." Twilight affirmed.

"Sounds good ta me." Applejack said.

And so, the Main 6 and Spike journeyed across the foreign lands to find a place to temporarily stay. However, as minutes turned to hours, they soon came to realize that there was hardly anypony or anybody around. It seemed the prominent species in this world were humans. However, the humans they did come across gave them weird looks before shrugging and continuing on with their business. Twilight was the first to try to speak with them, but this only resulted in them running away when they realize it was the weird, purple pony with wings was the one that spoke. Eventually, the the sun began to set and the day began to draw to a close. The Main 7 were still in search of a place to stay as it grew darker and darker.

"You'd think we would find somepony here that would be a bit more welcoming to us." Rainbow crossed her hooves, hovering in the air.

"Ah'd be surprise if they did. We are technically aliens." Applejack argued.

"Well, we need to find someplace to stay soon." Rarity complained. "I'm not sleeping out in the open and risking my splendid mane getting ruined to the elements."

No sooner had Rarity finished did a crash of thunder echoed across the land. Dark clouds covered the sky and rain began pelting the group.

"You can't be serious!" The white unicorn bellowed.

"Let's not panic. We just need to keep looking." Spike reassured.

"I don't mean to be a downer, Spike, but all our attempts have been for nothing at this point." Rainbow wiped her wet mane away from her eyes.

"We're bound to find somepony eventually." Pinkie chimed in. "My mom used to say that "Every pile of rocks is a gemstone."

"That doesn't even make any sense!" Rainbow said, slightly annoyed.

"I think she's saying that there's a good pon-...er...human out there that will take us in." Fluttershy said.

"My mane will never be the same again!" Rarity cried.

"Girls, please!" Twilight shouted.

The others stopped talking and looked to her, surprise that Twilight raised her voice.

"I know these aren't starting off good, but arguing in the rain isn't going to get us anywhere." She pointed out. "Can we please try to remain calm and civil until after we find a place to stay."

Just then, the group heard a sharp whistle in the distance. They turned to see where it came from. Over a small stone wall, was a stone barn perpendicular to a road. The main barn doors were slightly open, revealing a sheep standing on it's hind legs peering through them. It gestured the Main 7 to come over to him. The Main 7 looked amongst themselves, unsure to obey or not.

"Should we...go there?" Spike asked, trusting the girls decision.

"He looks harmless enough." Fluttershy looked at the sheep.

"How do you know it's a guy?" Rainbow asked.

"He's fairly thin. Females are more...um, rotund. I guess." The yellow pegasus explained.

"It's clear he's willing to let us in." Twilight said, not longer wishing to stay out in the freezing rain. "He's probably our best option."

Knowing that Twilight was right, the rest of the Main 7 followed her to the barn.

"Isn't it strange how a farm animal is the one that saves us and not the people themselves?" Rainbow inquired.

"I'm willing to swallow my pride if it means we get to stay warm and dry." Rarity said, though sounding a bit discouraged.

The Main 6 and Spike climbed over the stone wall where the sheep opened the doors, allowing the ponies and dragon to enter. Soon as they were inside, he closed the doors back shut and locked them. The Main 7 noticed that there were several other sheep in the barn. All of which were staring at them.

"Uhm, Twilight." Spike stood be her, a little anxious.

Twilight cleared her throat.

"We don't bring any harm. We just needed out of the rain." She turned to the sheep that let them in. "Thank you, for that."

The sheep let out a "Bah" and a couple of grunts.

Twilight's smiled falter into a more confused expression. She had no idea what the sheep had just said.

"Do you know what he said?" Twilight asked to her dragon friend.

Spike shook his head.

"He said "You're welcome." Fluttershy spoke up.

The others turned to the pegasus with surprised looks.

"You know what he said?" Rainbow asked.

"Y-Yeah." Fluttershy responded. "I do live with a lot of animals after all."

"Makes sense. Though I am surprised you were able to understand him considerin' that we're...y'know." Applejack said.

"I...guess it comes naturally." Fluttershy chuckled sheepishly.

The earth pony nodded then walked up to the sheep.

"Well, we appreciate your accommodations, Mr..." Applejack stopped, whiling wringing out her soaking hat. "Sorry, do ya have a name, little feller?"

The sheep made a couple of noises. It sounded like he was trying to talk, but there were no coherent words.

"His name is Shaun." Fluttershy translated.

"Shaun, huh? Shaun the sheep." The farm pony said.

"Again, we thank you for your hospitality, Shaun." Twilight said kindly. "But, could you tell us where we are exactly?"

Shaun began to explain, while Fluttershy translated for him.

"This is Mossy Bottom farm, our home. We live with our owner, The Farmer and his dog, Bitzer." The pegasus said.

"The Farmer? What's his name?" Rarity asked.

"Bah-bah. Hmp." Shaun said.

"That's his name. He goes by The Farmer." Fluttershy translated.

"Well that's...a little odd." Applejack said. "Actually, it don't make no sense at all. Why doesn't he have a proper name?"

Shaun shrugged, not knowing the answer himself.

"I see. You wouldn't happen to know if there's any problems around here. Would you?" Twilight asked further.

"Yeah! It's what we do; travel to different, make new friends, and solve friendship problems along the way." Pinkie said happily.

Shaun gave the pink mare a confused look before continuing.

"No, they're not any problems at the moment...but I'll let you know if something comes up." Fluttershy translated. "He sounded a bit suspicious of us from that last part."

Twilight cleared her throat.

"Like Pinkie Pie said. Our job is to help those in need in one form or another." She explained with a more formal tone. "You see...we come from a different world and we were summoned here for a friendship problem or something like that. I know this is bit of a stretch, but we've done this before and we understand how you feel about all this."

Shaun looked to the ceiling, as if in thought. Before let out a couple of bahs.

"All right. I don't know why, but I'll trust you for now." Fluttershy translated.

"Thank you Shaun." The purple alicorn said. "Oh! My name is Twilight Sparkle by the way. But, you can just call me Twilight."

"Howdy, ya'll. Name's Applejack." Applejack said.

"Hi, I'm Fluttershy."


"I'm Rainbow Dash."

"Hi-ya! My name's Pinkie Pie!"

"And I'm Spike."

Shaun let out a bah.

"Nice to meet you all." Fluttershy translated.

The other sheep waved at them in a greeting fashion. Then Shaun pulled up a couple of empty burlap sacks and some old pillows. He let out a bah.

"Get comfortable and make yourselves at home. It's almost time for sleep anyway." Fluttershy translated.

"Stuck inside a musty barn with nothing but a sack and pillow? These worlds are never kind to me." Rarity pouted.

"Probably because you ask for too much." Rainbow teased.

"Too much!?" Rarity shouted in dismay." Is it really too much to ask for a proper bed instead of this."

She pointed at the dusty, old sack. Rainbow just chuckled. Twilight rolled her eyes and looked back at Shaun.

"You get used to it." She said.

Shaun let out a "Hm" In an understanding manner. He pulled an old blanket over himself and closed his eyes. Twilight let out a sign, pulling Spike closer to her to get him as comfortable as possibly. By now, Rarity and Rainbow's bickering had ended, allowing peace and quiet in the barn. She looked over to see the rest of her friends were laying on their given sacks.

"Goodnight, Twilight." Spike yawned.

"Goodnight, Spike." Twilight held her baby dragon close.

Sleep came over her fast. She let out a yawn and closed her eyes, the gentle sound of the rain soothing her to sleep.

To be continued

Author's Note:

The fifth installment of the Cine-magic series is out. Hope you all enjoy.

Side not: Sorry if the title image is a bit off. Had to shrink it down so it could fit.