• Published 11th Jan 2024
  • 796 Views, 28 Comments

G5 Adventures in The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge on the Run - ponydog127

Our heroes journey back to Bikini Bottom, where they must join with SpongeBob, Patrick and all their friends, old and new, to rescue Gary from King Poseidon and Allura, who is using the king to find the star she desperately desires.

  • ...

Morning at the Krusty Krab

The night was still... a dark blanket covering the underwater world with a few white dots providing light for all those below them.

Everyone down in Bikini Bottom was pleasantly sleeping in their homes... well... all except one.


Sunny was walking around in a snowy landscape, surrounded by the stars above. It looked a lot like Starlight Ridge, but... nopony else was around. “Hello?!” she called, looking around. “Is anypony out there?! Pipp?! Misty?! Izzy?! Hitch?! Zipp?!”

“Well well well… we meet again… ALICORN.”

Sunny froze immediately at this voice. She knew that voice, even though she only heard it briefly, but… that was impossible!

When she turned to face the voice, she was stunned to meet with a familiar foe... a winged snow leopard with purple fur and lavender spots with indigo lines and lavender floof, especially under her tail, claws and paws. Her wings had purple, blue, and green feathers, plus she had a short mane that swept to her right which is blue with stripes of purple, cyan, and pink. Allura also had golden slitted eyes and a symbol on her side consisting of a pink star with purple lights in front of cyan spiral.

Sunny backed up a few steps when this snow leopard landed on the ground. “Allura?! How… how-- how are you here? We left you back in Starlight Ridge!”

“Oh, you’re mistaken, my little pony,” Allura said in a sinister tone, carefully taking a few steps toward her. “I am free now… and I am going to make sure that you are out of the way so I can get… my… STAR!!!”

With a vengeful roar, Allura leapt right at Sunny and would have tackled her to the ground if Sunny hadn’t activated her alicorn form and flown out of harm’s way. A thin layer of ice covered the ground as soon as Allura landed, and unfortunately, Allura wasn’t prone to giving up so easily.

She flapped her wings and took to the air after Sunny, who easily tried to dodge her hypnotic purrs, and Sunny was able to avoid her for a while... until Allura suddenly appeared in front of Sunny, tackling her to the ground.

While she was pinned by Allura, Sunny could now see the evil intent within the snow leopard's eyes. “Now… where was I…?”

“NO!!” Sunny pleaded, ears pinned with terror. “PLEASE!!!”


Sunny immediately woke up after this, eyes wide as she panted.

That nightmare was way too real... but... dreams weren't real... were they?

No... they weren't.

...unless they weren't dreams at all, but visions of the future.


A quiet voice brought Sunny out of her thoughts, and looked to see Izzy looking at her in concern. “Are you okay?”

“Oh… yeah, sorry, Izzy,” Sunny apologized. “I just… had a bad dream about Allura.”

“That evil snow leopard?” Izzy swam over to her. “Why did you dream about her?”

“I’m not sure, exactly,” Sunny sighed shakingly. “She said that she was free from the boundaries in Starlight Ridge, and she was going to stop us from stopping her and her quest to find the star she wanted. I’m not exactly sure if it was a dream or a vision, but whatever it was… it was scary.”

“Hmmm… I think Elder Flower might be able to help you figure that out once we get back to Equestria,” Izzy said after a moment of thought. “She really is a pony who’s good at figuring things out… even if you don’t really understand what she’s trying to say.”

“I hope so,” Sunny sighed. “We’ve already dealt with a lot… Opaline’s first AND second defeats and bringing Paradise to the side of good. If we have to deal with Allura on top of these things…”

“Hey, don’t worry, Sunny-Bunny!” Izzy reassured. “If she is back, we’ll stop her just like we always do… together! Right?”

“...right. Thanks, Izzy.”

“No problem! Now let’s get back to bed-- we have a whole day of fun planned for tomorrow and I don’t wanna miss a second of it!”

Izzy immediately swam back to her sleeping bag and fell asleep instantly, and Sunny prayed that she wouldn't have that dream again before she closed her eyes and went back to sleep.


The rest of that night passed, and Sunny didn't have another nightmare (to her relief). And soon, the sun began to rise over Bikini Bottom, leading many to begin to start their day.

For Sandy, that meant getting up early with Volcano, who formed an immediate attachment to her, and working on a top-secret robotic project.

For Mr. Krabs, it meant getting up just as early and counting his money (every coin and every dollar) while India read her favorite stories in the living room.

And for SpongeBob and Tropic... well, since they didn't have a day off very often, they decided to sleep in, prompting the Mane 6 and Sparky to do the same.

But for one, namely Gary, SpongeBob's beloved pet snail, letting SpongeBob sleep late wasn't part of the equation, so he climbed up onto SpongeBob, using Tropic and her bed as an extra step and smeering his snail slime all over the two in an attempt to try to wake them up.

Eventually, this worked, and SpongeBob eventually sat up, Gary’s snail slime all over his face. “Oh, heh… morning, Gary.”

“...yeah, morning,” Tropic yawned, rubbing her eyes before feeling Gary’s slime dripping down her back. “Ewww, snail slime! Yucky!!”

“But you have to admit,” SpongeBob said, rubbing in the substance on his face, “it is oddly soothing.”

“For you maybe, but for me… no way,” Tropic shook off the slime. “Now… I believe we have some friends to wake.”

That’s when she plugged in her karaoke machine and cleared her throat before singing at the top of her lungs. “GOOOOOOOOOD MOOOOOORNING EVERYPOOOOOONYYYYYYYYYYYYY, WHOO!!!

The Mane 6 screamed in panic, waking up with a start. “Kill it with fire!!” Hitch shrieked before realizing what happened. “Tropic… what time is it?” Zipp asked the green sea-unicorn filly as she rubbed her eyes. “Only a little bit past eight,” Tropic said, “but we gotta get going! We only have one day off and I don’t wanna waste it!”

“She may be right, ponies,” Sunny said as she got up. “We might be able to find our Unity Quest while we’re out today, so… what do we do first?”

“First things first,” SpongeBob said, wiping the slime off his face before opening the window and sticking his head out. “Good moooorning, Patriiiiiiiick!!!”

Suddenly, Patrick’s rock home flipped open, and he was sticking on the bottom of it while Arctic was trying to get some shuteye herself. “Goooooood morniiiiiiing, SpongeBoooooooobb!!!”

“Good moooorning, Patriiiiiiiick!!!”

“Goooooood morniiiiiiing, SpongeBoooooooobb!!!”

However, in the middle of their houses was Squidward's house, and Tropic knew that Squidward usually practiced his clarinet this time of morning when he wasn't at work. So... he wouldn't be happy with all the interruptions going on.

And her theory was proven when Squidward opened up his window in apparent rage. “Would you two knuckleheads keep it down out here?!”

SpongeBob and Patrick were indeed quiet for a few seconds, but then they both shouted in unison. “Gooooooooood morniiiiiiiing, Squidwaaaaaaaard!!!”

At this remark, Squidward slammed his window angrily and accidentally closed it on his nose, making him scream in pain and causing Sunny to rush to the window. “Sorry, Squidward! We had no idea he was gonna disturb you!” she called. “Want us to come over and patch up your nose?”

“No no… it’s fine! Don’t worry about me, Sunny!” Squidward groaned in pain. “Just… keep the yellow boob out of trouble, alright?!”

“Yeah, will do!” Sunny promised as she shut the window. “Phew… that was a disaster narrowly avoided…”

“We better get downstairs,” Tropic smiled. “We gotta get our day started with some breakfast!”

“Good idea,” Hitch smiled. “Lead the way!”


Tropic was actually a big help in the kitchen, and Sunny was able to prepare a smoothie for every pony in the group, especially their favorite flavors.

Now, it was time for SpongeBob and Gary’s meal. “Come on, Gary! Breakfast!”

Gary slowly trudged into the kitchen where SpongeBob raked a can of snail food into Gary’s bowl… before putting ANOTHER can of snail food into his own bowl, much to the ponies’ confusion. “Does he do this all the time?” Misty asked. “Sorta. I think it’s sorta disgusting,” whispered Tropic, “but I do respect his choices, so…”

SpongeBob and Gary each took one bite of their meal, prompting Gary to burp and for SpongeBob to giggle. “You’re welcome.”

Gary immediately turned over for a belly scratch, causing Misty to coo, seeing such a sweet gesture. “Who wants a belly scratch?” she asked, rubbing Gary’s belly with her hoof. “You know, Gary, you are one cute little snail… and I am SO glad that SpongeBob has a pet like you.”

At this compliment, Gary meowed with his eyes growing wide. “Okay, playtime!” Tropic said, getting a toy out of Gary’s bin and holding it high in her magic. “Gary… what’s this? What’s this?”

Gary immediately jumped up and ate the toy whole, leaving nothing behind. “...okay,” Tropic grimaced just like her friends, “that’ll come out later. Now, we need to take Gary on a walk.”

“Good idea…” Pipp shuddered. “Anything to get that image out of my mind.”


SpongeBob had snapped on Gary's leash, and after everyone was done with their breakfast, they set out into the streets as a song played from Pipp's 'Bikini Bottom Visits' soundtrack.

Oh, yeah
Oh, yeah

Livin' like I'm on the edge of surreality
But I know everything is gonna be cool, as long as you’re here with me

While the group was on their walk, someone's pet clam growls and snaps at Gary and he growls and snaps right back at it, prompting the ponies to pull Gary away.

Then, SpongeBob stopped to let Gary use the bathroom before moving onto their next activity-- a bike and skateboard rental so they could cross the city in style.

Once stopping at the beach, Gary and SpongeBob wowed everyone with an eye-smacking/bongo performance before moving onto the beach, showing the Mane 6 and Tropic how to surf, Bikini Bottom style.

And we're gonna lighten up each other's load
When bumps and curves come on the road
'Cause we are all in it together
And that's forever

After they were done at the beach, everyone went to the roller-skating rink (cause that's something Sunny always enjoyed, even with a fish tail)... but SpongeBob wasn't as skilled as he said he was, crashing out on the second lap.

When they were done at the rink, it was time to head to Gary's comedy show at the comedy club. And even though he was only meowing, SpongeBob, Hitch and Tropic seemed to get the humor, since they seemed to be the only ones who could understand the sea snail.

It's always Summer in Bikini Bottom
Even in December, we're singin' la-di-da-da!

After the comedy club, Gary had to get the nachos out of his system, so he went to use the bathroom behind the fire hydrant again. But, when SpongeBob and the ponies turned, it was revealed to be Patrick on the other end of SpongeBob’s leash, much to the disgust and surprise of our heroes.

Once getting that image of Patrick out of their minds, they all went out for dinner at an Italian restaurant a good distance away from the Krusty Krab, where Gary and SpongeBob shared a nice pasta dinner. SpongeBob went back for another noodle but struggled to slurp it up... only for Zipp to point out that he mistakenly started to slurp Gary's eye up by accident, causing a laugh from the group.

Then, to end the day, SpongeBob and Tropic took everyone to their favorite lookout spot, to where they could observe the stars in the night sky... a truly amazing end to an amazingly fun day.

It's always Summer in Bikini-
In Bikini Bottom (It's always summer)
It doesn't get better than that

But... things wouldn't be this peaceful for long.


By the time the crew woke up the next morning and got dressed for the day, it was already 7:30, and SpongeBob liked to get there by 7:45 in order to be fully ready for the day.

As the ponies were finishing up, a Krabby Patty cuckoo clock sprung out from the wall, talking and laughing in Mr. Krabs’ voice. “Money...money...money! Ack ack ack ack ack!!”

“Oh, come on, guys!” SpongeBob grabbed his hat and opened the door for the ponies to follow. “We’re late if we wanna be early!”

But before they could leave, Sunny looked back and saw poor Gary meowing in disappointment, wanting to go with them. “I’m sorry, buddy… you know that SpongeBob can’t take you with us. It’s against Krusty Krab policy.”

“Trust me… we’ve looked,” Zipp said. “But we’ll be back later… promise!”

“Yeah, they’re right! Don’t worry, Gare-Bear,” SpongeBob smiled. “We’ll be back before you can say, ‘Why did he cruelly abandon me like that?’. Ha ha ha! Come on, guys.”

“Bye, Gary!” Tropic kissed his shell. “We’ll see you tonight!”

And so, the door shut, leaving poor Gary on his own for another boring day.


Only a few minutes down the road, Squidward was walking into the bare and lifeless Krusty Krab a little while before opening time, only to see India reading at one of the tables. “Another day… another migraine.”

“Oh… morning, Squidward,” India smiled. “Don’t worry, SpongeBob isn’t here yet. You have a few minutes of peace and quiet before he and Tropic get here.”

“Good, good,” Squidward sighed, patting her head as he went to his position behind the register boat. “At least Kelpy G and I can get a little peace and quiet before that little…”

“Good morning, Squidward!”

Squidward and India screamed as SpongeBob randomly popped up beside the register boat, not having a care in the world. “Isn't it a lovely morning?”

“Nope, not talking to you.”

“Uh… SpongeBob?” Hitch called as the other ponies, Sparky and Tropic swam through the door. “Why didn’t you just swim through the door like the rest of us?”

“Uh, duh. Hitch, don’t you know me by now? I like to do the entrance a new way every day!” SpongeBob scoffed. “It helps broaden my horizons.”

Squidward sighed, setting his magazine down and turning to the group. “Look, you all, I’m especially not getting involved in any of your nonsense today! I always end up with the wrong end of the stick! Now, Sunny and her Equestrian friends are fine, and so are the foals. I can handle them. It’s just you, SpongeBob, I can’t seem to stand. And if you wanna help, you and Sunny can go start cooking and the rest of you can tidy up around here.”

“Oh. Okay, sure, Squidward,” SpongeBob said before getting Sunny to follow him toward the kitchen. “But you should know that Old Gertrude is getting pretty finicky these days.”

That’s when India’s eyebrows shot up. “Old Gertrude?” she questioned. “Who the kelp is that?”

“SpongeBob and Squidward have worked with her for years,” said Sunny with a shrug. “Apparently, she’s the 8-burner grill in the kitchen.”

As SpongeBob and Sunny disappeared into the kitchen and Hitch, Pipp, Zipp, Misty and Izzy helped Tropic with the cleaning, Squidward growled and turned back to his magazine. “It never ends...”

“Anyway, to fire her up, you've gotta spark the flames manually…” SpongeBob explained, doing such before moving to the gas jets. “Then jiggle the gas jets just a little. And then read her favorite story. Sunny, can you hand me that little book behind you?”

“Oh, sure. Heads up!” Sunny tossed him the book before he sat down in front of the grill and began reading, much to Squidward’s annoyance. “The Little Griddle Who Could. Chapter 2. But we are fresh from the freezer, said the patties, and we’re co-co-co-cold’.”

Sunny couldn’t help but giggle at the fact that SpongeBob was reading to the grill… it defined the childlike wonders of his personality. “Don’t worry,” SpongeBob continued to read, “I’ll get you nice and warm, said the little griddle.”

That seemed to be Squidward’s breaking point for the day. “What did I just say? I am not interested!” he said, turning to the kitchen window. “Do not involve me!”

But before anything else could be said, the grill started to flame up and then exploded right in Squidward's face, making him fall limp to the side, much to the ponies' concern. “Squidward, Squidward!” Zipp rushed to him. “Speak to me! Are you alive?!”

“Oh, don’t worry,” Tropic brushed off. “He’s suffered worse.”

“Whatcha say Squidward? Squidward?” SpongeBob obliviously looked around, but shrugged after not seeing his co-worker. “Ok, Squidward doesn't matter. I'll always be here anyway.”

“Unfortunately…” Squidward groaned from being in Zipp’s hooves. That’s when Mr. Krabs burst from his office and into the open to give his employees and part-time pony employees the first orders of the day. “Stop yer loafin', Mr. Squidward! There's work do be done around here!” he said, reaching the middle of the room. “Attention, Krusty Krew! All hands on deck, front and center!”

SpongeBob and Tropic darted to his side first, saluting as the former spoke in a military fashion. “Aye, aye, Cap'n Krabs, sir!”

“Uh, sir, yes sir!” Misty said, saluting alongside her friends as Squidward and India joined SpongeBob and Tropic. “Whatever you say!”

“Very good! I know some good employees when I see them!” Mr. Krabs smiled at the Mane 6. “Now, who’s ready to set sail on another adventure of making me money?!”

However, instead of responding, Squidward just walked back to the register boat and sat down, his eyes focused on his magazine. “Uh… I think that’s a yes?” Hitch spoke as he tilted his head at the same time as Sparky did. “It’s hard to tell with Squidward.”

“It’s a yes whether he likes it or not,” India whispered. “Don’t worry, you’ll learn to read him after a little while.”

“Get moving, sailors!” Mr. Krabs barked, and everyone rushed off in different directions, causing him to look up at Pipp and Zipp. “Raise the colors!”

Zipp and Pipp grabbed a rope and pulled on it, revealing five international maritime signal flags above the front door.

That's when Mr. Krabs gave the unicorns their sets of orders. “Hoist the mainsail!”

“You heard him, girls!” Izzy cried. “Pull!”

She, Misty and Tropic pulled the rope from the large clam-shaped sign, opening it up to show its sign.

Mr. Krabs gave Squidward his set of orders immediately afterwards. “Deploy smokestacks!”

At the register boat, Squidward flicked the lever on a nearby engine order telegraph with a pencil, setting it to FULL while reading his magazine. Outside, the smokestack rose up on the roof. Inside, in the kitchen, Sunny sniffed the grill while smoke from it came up through the smokestack and spread over Bikini Bottom.

Mr. Krabs then waled to the door with Sparky and Hitch, turning on the open sign, and opened the doors, leading a herd of hungry customers to run over Krabs flat while Hitch and Sparky bolted out of harms way.

Although he was flattened, Mr. Krabs still chuckled. “Ahh... never gets old.”


But… no one realized that a sinister plot was being crafted on the other end of the street.

Plankton was watching the busy scene with envy from the Chum Bucket, chuckling to himself. “Enjoy it while you can, Mr. Eugene Krabs.”

Suddenly, his telescope demanded a quarter for him to keep using it, and he entered one into the slot before he continued to spy on the Krusty Krab. “Tonight I launch Evil Plan Number 3,087,” he said before getting on the elevator and back inside the Chum Bucket, “and finally take possession of the Krabby Patty secret formula!”

“Great,” Karen, his computer wife, groaned. “Another plan.”

“What's wrong with another evil plan?”

“Oh, nothing, it's just we're running out of room on The Wall of Failure.”

“The Wall of Fail…?”

That’s when Plankton noticed countless photos of his failed attempts on the nearby wall. “Karen, why do you keep collecting these?”

“Heh… memories.”

“Hmm! Well, tonight… is gonna be different,” Plankton said as they walked into another room. “You see Karen, my computer wife, every time I've tried to steal that formula, Krabs has tried to thwart me.”

“Mmm-mmm,” Karen shook her head. “Not Mr. Krabs.”

“But tonight, that all… what?” Plankton looked at her, confused, leading Karen to explain. “It's not Mr. Krabs, sweetheart. I've checked the data. It's SpongeBob who's the problem.”

“Oh, fishsticks. What could that boob have to do with it?”

“Boob savant, you mean. SpongeBob is the one who keeps foiling your plans. Not Mr. Krabs. And those Equestrians who sometimes pop up from nowhere help him too.”

“Oh nonsense, It's Krabs, Karen! I know it is. And tonight, I will finally extract my revenge!” Plankton said with a cackle, causing Karen to ask a retorical question out of boredom. “Will you be late?”

“You can't put a clock on genius, Karen.”

But, Plankton was about to realize that his wife was indeed right, and that SpongeBob and his pony pals really were the hindrance to his plans.