• Published 11th Jan 2024
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G5 Adventures in The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge on the Run - ponydog127

Our heroes journey back to Bikini Bottom, where they must join with SpongeBob, Patrick and all their friends, old and new, to rescue Gary from King Poseidon and Allura, who is using the king to find the star she desperately desires.

  • ...

The Aqua Room Trial

“Okay, so let me get this straight,” Riverstream said as the Patty-Mobile zoomed down the road and after Plankton told them the entire story. “You actually thought you would get to the Krabby Patty secret formula by getting rid of Gary, thus getting rid of SpongeBob, Tropic, Arctic and the Equestrians in the process?”

“Uh… yeah, actually,” Plankton blinked in surprise. “You sure got that quickly from what little information I gave you.”

“Eh, princess wit and charm gets you a long way.”

“That… that plan is just monstrous!” Mr. Krabs exclaimed. “Wait,” said Squidward. “That actually sounds like a pretty solid plan.”

“What do you expect?” Plankton asked them. “I’m evil.”

“Let's just focus on the plan!” Sandy redirected their focus. “Sandy is right,” Queen Skygrace nodded. “We have a mission to handle and friends’ lives at stake!”

“Approaching the Lost City of Atlantic City,” Mr. Krabs said as they pulled into the bustling city of lights, weaving through traffic at top speed in order to reach Poseidon’s palace. “Make way there, make way!”

Finally, they reached the palace, screeching to a halt, and allowing a tomato to fly from the Patty-Mobile onto the face of a nearby woman. “Eww…”

Sunny and her friends burst through the doors as soon as they saw their friends arrive, relief all over their faces. “There you guys are!” Sunny said, hugging Riverstream. “We were getting worried!”

“Hey… what’s he doing here?” Zipp narrowed her gaze at Plankton. “I don’t remember you saying to bring HIM along.”

“Hey, what were we supposed to do? Leave him when he was asking to come along and fix a huge mistake he made?” Volcano asked, earning a questioning look from Zipp that made him chuckle. “Story for another time.”

“Speaking of, how are things holding up here?” Sandy asked. “Well… we thought things were okay, despite the circumstances,” said Misty before pointing up at a nearby billboard, “but… that changed when THAT was put up.”

Squidward looked up at the sign and read it with wide eyes. “Sponge, Sea-Unicorn and Star Execution Extravaganza?!”

“Yeah, and we heard from our hiding spot that they have a professional executioner to do the job right!” Pipp added. “Not to mention Allura’s here!”

“The evil snow leopard you guys told me about?!” India shrieked. “That’s really not good!”

“We’ll explain everything, but we have show you the way!” Zipp said as the Mane 6 swam ahead. “Right! No time to lose!” cried Mr. Krabs, and the groups bolted inside in an effort to save their friends.


Meanwhile, Tiffany Haddock was getting the Execution Extravaganza off the only way she knew how... with flair. “Woop, woop, woop. Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the Aqua Room, y'all. The greatest show underwater!!”

“I love you, Tiffany!” cried one fish from the crowd. “Yeah, holler at you, girl! Are you ready to be entertained?” Tiffany asked the crowd, and as they cheered, Tiffany pretended that it wasn’t enough. “Hmm? I can't hear you? Are you ready to be entertained?!”

This time, the cheering was much louder. “All right then… let's meet the contestants. First up, we have a sponge, two sea-unicorn twins and a star. Four of the ocean's most notorious criminals.”

A desk turned around, revealing SpongeBob and Patrick sitting behind it, and Tropic and Arctic floated next to it, ropes tied around their necks to prevent them from escaping. And upon seeing them, the crowd booed in protest, making the twins that much more terrified just before Tiffany continued the introductions. “And in this corner, representing his majesty the king, Poseidon's very own chancellor!”

The chancellor was revealed at the other desk across from them, and the crowd burst into cheers at the sight. “Now, drumroll, maestro,” Tiffany told the conductor of the band as a steady drumroll began to play. “Put your fins together for the duke of the dirty deed, the earl of execution, that ax-wielding maniac, oh yeah, Lemont!”

As the crowd cheered, a hooded fish wielding an ax appeared from the darkness, prompting the crowd to cheer and Tiffany to swoon over him. “Ooh, I love me some Lemont. Mm, mm, mm. He's so strong.”

SpongeBob, Patrick and the twins nervously gulped at this, and the others snuck their way into the room, but stopped as Tiffany got another announcement to read. “One more important player, y’all. Please, give it up for the leader of Starlight Ridge, the mistress with the most-ess… Allura!!”

Many fish began to murmur until Allura sat and took her place beside of the king, a smug look on her face. Back on the ground, the others looked up at the balcony with fear and slight nervousness. “That’s Allura?” Volcano asked before gulping. “She’s a LOT more intimidating than I thought…”

“More importantly, she’s been helping the king with this whole scheme!” Zipp said with a growl. “She’s more dangerous than we thought.”

“Just remember the plan,” Sunny whispered to her friends. “Keep moving, get up onstage, and you guys get ready to defend SpongeBob, Patrick and the twins while we do our part.”

They soon began moving again as Tiffany overlooked the crowd again. “Ladies and gentlemen, with a moment of smooth jazz in memory of the soon-to-be-goners, I give you… Kelpy G.”

Kelpy G came onstage and began to perform a beautiful song on his clarinet, and Squidward eagerly popped his head up to get a good look. “Squidward, get down!” whispered Hitch as he and Zipp pushed his head down. “Do you want our plan to get ruined?”

“Fine, fine…” Squidward muttered as they continued to sneak around. But as Kelpy G’s music continued, SpongeBob felt a huge mass of guilt entering his chest. “Oh, Patrick. I feel terrible. I dragged you and the twins into this whole mess.”

“It’s gonna be okay, SpongeBob,” Arctic reassured. “Patrick already has a plan!”

“Oh yeah!” Patrick nodded. “I made a plea deal with the prosecution!”

Patrick and the chancellor made a thumbs-up sign at each other, making SpongeBob sigh in relief for a moment. “Oh, that's good-- wait, you did what?!”

Patrick nodded and took the chance to explain. “All I had to do is, uh, oh yeah, ‘Bring incriminating evidence against the defendant’.”

“Patrick… SpongeBob is the defendant!” Tropic said in frustration. “He is?” Patrick asked stupidly. “Oh…”

Soon, Kelpy G finished his song. “Allura, would you do the honor and start this trial?” the king invited. “It would be my honor,” Allura said with a smirk before spreading her fin-like wings. “Let the proceedings begin!”

The chancellor cleared his throat and adjusted his glasses before speaking. “Your honors, I would like to enter into evidence one sea snail. Name: Fred.”

Gary meowed as he was brought next to the king by one of Allura's brainwashed servants, causing Tropic to gasp in panic, seeing him trapped under a glass dome. “Gary!!

“How dare you?” the chancellor asked, getting in her and SpongeBob’s faces. “That's about all I can say. How dare you come here to the sanctuary of our reversed sovereign, to rob him of very lifeblood? His adorable good looks!”

Allura rolled her eyes as the king and Twitch laughed. “Go on,” said the king. “How indeed dare you!” said the chancellor, prompting the crowd to start booing. Then… Poseidon delivered his verdict. “GUILTY!!!”

“Lemont! Lemont! Lemont!” the crowd cheered, and Lemont used his ax to chop straight through a pile of wood. SpongeBob, Patrick and the twins screamed and clung to each other in terror, and Sunny knew that their plan had to go into effect now. “Zipp, Skygrace! Now!”

Zipp and Skygrace swam to the wall and flicked the huge light switch, causing the entire room to go dark.

While everyone began to mutter and move around in the darkness, everyone else grabbed the chancellor, Tiffany and Lemont, tying them up, gagging them and hiding them behind the curtains behind the stage. When the lights came back on, Sandy was already at the microphone. “Hold it! If It please the court, I'd like to say something in SpongeBob's defense.”

“In fact…” said Sunny as the rest of the group came out of hiding, “we ALL would.”

“Sunny!” Arctic cried in delight. “You guys came back for us!”

“Of course we did,” Pipp told her. “You guys okay?”

“For the moment,” Tropic admitted, “but we sure would like to get out of here…”

“And you will, don’t worry,” Skygrace whispered before turning to the king. “Your highness? Allura? Do you agree to our request?”

“...as a matter of fact, we don’t,” Allura snarled. “Sit down, or things won’t end well for you.”

“I agree with Lady Allura!” the king agreed. “It does NOT please the court!”

“But, sire, a strong defense makes for a better show. Isn't that right, audience?” Sandy asked the audience, who cheered in response. Allura turned to look at the king, who was contemplating before he eventually relented. “All right. All right!! I’ll allow it.”

Allura snarled at this, but eventually relented once she eyed the king’s crown. “Fine…” she said before leaning in to whisper to Twitch. “Once they give us a reason to, we grab the star piece and get out of here.”

“Thank you, your honors,” Riverstream said as she bowed, trying not to sound nervous. “Uh… Sandy? Why don’t you go first? I mean… since you’re already at the podium.”

“I’d be happy to, princess,” Sandy said, stepping forward before clearing her throat. “Ladies and gentlemen, SpongeBob has always been there for me. Even going all the way back to summer camp. In fact, that's where we all met.”


The bus to Camp Coral, the famed underwater summer camp, had finally arrived to the camp, and a bunch of eager campers hopped off the bus and rushed to the activities...

...one of them being a young SpongeBob Squarepants, a heavy backpack on his back. “I-I-I-I'm…”

But as he was getting off the bus, he slipped and tumbled right into a puddle, causing him to soak up all the water before spitting it right back out. “...ready!”

As soon as he got his footing, Young SpongeBob ran toward the camp, excitement overflowing. “Look at the cool activities! Camping, canoeing, seahorse back riding! Tug-of-war, whale watching! Juggling contest, shrink-wrap soccer and more!”


Young SpongeBob looked to see a creature wearing a space suit descending from the highest point of the ocean, hanging onto a jellyfish like a parachute. “Whoa…”

“Hey, y'all critters of the sea. Look out below!” said the creature, and this was revealed, as she landed, to be a young Sandy Cheeks, coming underwater for the very first time and greeting SpongeBob with a smile. “I'm Sandy Cheeks from Texas.”

“Hi, Sandy!” Young SpongeBob smiled. “I’m SpongeBob!”

“Pleased to meet ya!” Young Sandy shook Young SpongeBob’s hand as he began to walk around her. “Does everybody wear space suits in Texas?”

“They do if they want to visit you underwater creatures,” Young Sandy explained. “We all breathe air on the surface. It's just our way of synthesizing oxygen. Same as you do with water.”

Young SpongeBob had no idea what she was talking about, but it fascinated him greatly. “Whoa… are you a scientist?”

“Nah, I'm just a squirrel,” Young Sandy sighed. “I can't be a scientist. Even though, It's kind of my dream.”

But, Young SpongeBob frowned immediately upon hearing this remark. “Sandy Cheeks, you take that back! I bet you can do anything.”

“Really?” Young Sandy asked with wonder, thoughts of being a scientist filling her head. “Me as a scientist!”

After shaking her head to clear it, Young Sandy turned back to Young SpongeBob with a wide grin. “You're a hoot, little one. I'd be just as likely to live down here in a glass dome with a tree in it. Ha-ha!

“You never know.”

Young SpongeBob and Young Sandy took turns laughing and punching each other on the arms before walking off toward the camp, a life-long friendship beginning to form.


Back in the present, Sandy was finishing up her story with a fond smile. “He's the one that told me, no matter who I was or where I came from. I should follow my dream. That's a friend, people. Tropic is lucky to be able to look up to him as a foster figure... but she won't be able to if SpongeBob is executed. That's another reason for people to see that... SpongeBob is no criminal, in my eyes or in anyone else's eyes. He's the best little fella that ever walked the sea bottom and that's, that's just how I feel about it. So please, don't hurt him.”

“Awwww…” Pipp cooed as Sandy and SpongeBob hugged, and Hitch wiped a tear or two from his eyes at the sweet sentiment of the story. Suddenly, an outburst from Patrick caused all attention to turn to him in shock. “This man broke the law!”

Everyone gasped at this-- SpongeBob, the twins and the ponies especially. “What Patrick means is, the law that says ‘you should stay home and accept the fact that somebody stole your snail.’ The law of ‘There's probably nothing I can do about it’.”

“Well, in this sea star’s opinion,” Patrick continued, “those laws should be broken and SpongeBob is proof of it! All he's guilty of is having the fortitude to try and rescue a friend.”

Gary meowed sadly from his prison, just before Izzy tapped Patrick’s shoulder. “Patrick, is this gonna lead to another story?”

“Uh-huh,” Patrick nodded before turning to the crowd. “How do I know, you may be wondering? Oh, I was just a lonely bump on a log when I first met him.”

“Ohhh, I remember Patrick telling me this story!” Arctic whispered to her sister, sitting on the ground. “This is gonna be good.”


Many years ago, at Camp Coral, a young Patrick was sitting on a log far away from camp, crying to himself about how much he missed home.

By this time, a young SpongeBob found Patrick sitting by himself, and decided to go up and talk to him. “Hi. My name is…”

However, Patrick kept crying louder, causing young SpongeBob to clear his throat and speak again. “Hi, my name is…”

However, Patrick kept blowing his tears right at SpongeBob, making him realize that he needed another approach to talk to Patrick. “Hello, my name is SpongeBob,” the yellow sponge said quickly. “What’s your name?”

Finally, Patrick was able to stop crying long enough to answer the question. “m Pa-Pa-Patrick. WAAH!!!!”

“Why are you crying, Pa-Pa-Patrick?” SpongeBob asked in concern. “I’m… homesick…!!” Patrick sniffled, and SpongeBob knew exactly how he felt… to be homesick, I mean. “Well… that’s a pretty good reason,” he said sympathetically before sitting beside Patrick. “Maybe all you need is a friend.”

However, this caused Patrick to break down into sobs again. “I don’t have any friends!!!”

“Well,” said young SpongeBob, “you got one now!”

“Really?” asked Young Patrick, picking the sponge up to look underneath. “Who is it?”

“It’s me!” Young SpongeBob chirped. “You mean it?” Young Patrick asked in surprise. “Of course!” Young SpongeBob offered him a jellyfishing net. “Come on!”

That’s when the two happily ran out into the Jellyfish Fields, swatting and trying to catch every jellyfish in their way.


“That sweet little sponge rescued this miserable little sea star,” Patrick said, finishing up his story. “And things haven't changed that much today, your honor.”

Then, Patrick turned toward SpongeBob, making a heart with his hands. “My heart, buddy.”

“Aww…” SpongeBob cooed, and Tropic sniffled back tears. “You’re right, sis… that WAS a good story.”

“Told ya.”

“Um… if it’s okay,” Volcano looked toward Queen Skygrace, Sunny and her friends, “we’d like to say something on SpongeBob’s behalf too. Me, India, Tropic and Arctic.”

“It’s no problem at all,” Skygrace smiled. “In fact… Riverstream and I would like to say something with you.”

With that, the queen cleared her throat and swam forward. “Some of you may not recognize me, but I am Queen Skygrace, ruler of the hippogriffs, and beside me is my younger sister, Princess Riverstream.”

“This crew from Bikini Bottom and this other crew from Equestria are close to our hearts,” Riverstream added, “and so are these four sea-pony foals… and they have something they want to say. Guys?”

“...thank you,” Tropic nodded before clearing her throat. “Before my sister and I met SpongeBob and Patrick, we were two little fillies, growing up in a dangerous situation… but once the queen found out about us, she took us to Bikini Bottom and asked the townsfolk if anyone wanted to foster us.”

“We were worried that no one would want to, but then… SpongeBob and Patrick offered almost immediately,” Arctic continued. “We were nervous and scared that they were gonna do us the way our grandpa did us, but… they never did. They actually treated us like we were… normal.”

“And when Volcano and I were welcomed to town over 4 months ago, we felt the same way, but SpongeBob and Patrick have that way of making you feel right at home, even though we got placed with different families,” India added. “And… we’re begging you now,” Volcano pleaded. “Don’t let SpongeBob and Patrick die… they’re family to us, and… well… family is the most important thing… you know?”

SpongeBob sniffled and wiped his eyes at the sweet sentiment and the Mane 6 smiled at their little friends as they swam closer. “Wow, guys… that was beautiful,” Misty smiled. “I don’t think we could have done any better.”

“Well… we might have to, if Squidward talks smack about SpongeBob in his story,” Pipp whispered. “But, you didn’t hear it from me.”

Zipp shushed her sister just in time for everybody to look up and see Squidward being lowered down by Tiffany’s gold swing. “I don't like SpongeBob. In fact, I revile him,” he said, letting go of the chains as the swing began to wobble. “Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa!!”

“I got him, I got him, I got him, I got him!” Izzy and Hitch scrambled to catch him, only for the two of them to slam into each other… and just before Squidward fell on top of them. “Anyway,” Squidward continued, getting up and helping Hitch and Izzy back up, “I, too, met this nabob in summer camp. I remember it like it was yesterday. It was my big night. The Annual Camp Coral Talent Show, and first prize was the coveted Campy Award.”


The Camp Coral Talent show was in full swing, and a young Larry the Lobster was just finishing his hardcore accordion act when Mrs. Puff, the head counselor, came onto the stage. “Thank you, Larry. Remember, people, don’t forget to vote.”

As campers eagerly put down their votes for the Campy Award, Young SpongeBob and Young Patrick were backstage, vocalizing for their act when a confident and arrogant young Squidward came backstage to get his own act ready. “Hey, Squidward!” Young SpongeBob tried to make conversation, but Young Squidward immediately silenced him as he put together his clarinet. “Quiet. I’m in pregame right now,” he said as he moved his tentacles across the clarinet. I’ve got an award to win.”

Young SpongeBob and Young Patrick shrugged before leaving Squidward alone for his last minute practice.


Another round of acts performed while Squidward was backstage practicing:

  • Young Sandy decided to juggle chainsaws
  • One fish decided it was a good idea to try and swallow a sword
  • Another fish was whistling a sea-worthy tune
  • A third fish did a ballet routine

And Patrick and SpongeBob? Well, they had been perfecting a hand-clapping and rhyme routine for weeks now, and they were just now finishing it up. Aka Waka Maka Mia was a puffer fish!”

The campers in the audience immediately cheered, but Squidward only laughed mockingly. “That Campy is as good as mine.”

Young SpongeBob and Young Patrick came down to the audience just in time to see Young Squidward perform a song on his clarinet… which was… INTERESTING, to say the least (and by interesting, I mean totally off-key). The campers managed not to say anything until Mrs. Puff came and shooed Squidward off the stage when his song was done. “Thank you, Squidward. Just lovely. Thank you, thank you,” she said before getting out a slip of paper. “And the Campy goes to…”

Young Squidward immediately reached for the trophy. “I’ll take that…”

“...SpongeBob and Patrick!”

Young Squidward was immediately caught offguard by the announcement, and as everyone, including Young SpongeBob and Young Patrick, began to cheer, Young Squidward could feel his heart cracking into smithereens. “No! No! No!!!!” he wailed, causing all cheering to stop. “This isn't happening! No! Mommy!!!

And just like that, Squidward slung his clarinet off to the side and ran to his cabin to be alone.

Young SpongeBob and Young Patrick felt sorry for their fellow camper, and they knew that they had to do something to console him.

Suddenly… they thought of the perfect idea.


Young Squidward was sniffling under the covers in his cabin when the door creaked open, and Young SpongeBob and Young Patrick walked inside. “Squidward?” Young SpongeBob called, causing Young Squidward to turn away from them. “Go away!”

The two best friends spared each other a look before Young SpongeBob spoke up again. “Patrick and I were, um, talking to one of the counselors and guess what? There was a big mistake and you actually won the Campy Award!”

When Young Squidward turned to face them, Young SpongeBob was offering him the trophy, causing him much surprise. “I-I did?”

“In a landslide,” Young SpongeBob fibbed to make his fellow camper feel better. “That’s right,” Young Patrick nodded. “Yep.”

Young Squidward hummed in thought. “So weird they would've miscounted like that. But I guess it's possible…”

“YAY!!” the young best friends cheered. “Nice work, Squidward!” Young SpongeBob congratulated, causing Patrick to nod. “No one deserves it more.”


Then, young SpongeBob reached for something behind his back. “And don't ever stop playing this.”

“My clarinet!” Young Squidward exclaimed, taking his beloved instrument. “Look at me. I really did it!”



“Which is why,” Squidward said as he finished up his story, moving toward SpongeBob at the table, “even though I can't stand SpongeBob… but at the same time, well… I love him.”

SpongeBob immediately let out a gasp of joy… just before Squidward continued. “I love him… and I hate him!”


“Dude,” Zipp muttered. “Seriously?”

“He's like ice cream with salt on it, because he's sweet and super annoying,” Squidward said, walking away from the table a bit. “He's nice and nails-on-chalkboard annoying! Okay, fine, he's mostly super freaking annoying.”

But, by the time that Squidward turned to face SpongeBob again, his voice turned from annoyed to… really sincere. “But, this little nattering noodge… is my friend. And he doesn't deserve to die.”

Kelpy G played a heartfelt tune during this moment, and Queen Skygrace smiled and put a fin on his shoulder. “That was a sweet story, Squidward. I knew there was a side of you that cared about SpongeBob… it just needed to come out.”

“Uh, yeah, well… Sunny and her friends still have to make their statements,” Squidward said after clearing his throat. “Right?”

“Right,” Sunny said, trying to ignore the piercing glare that Allura was giving her, and the fact that Twitch was trying to calm her. “Friends… can come from all sorts of places. My adventures with my friends taught me that.”

“When we first arrived in Bikini Bottom on a Unity Quest, we were scared and confused sea-ponies,” Zipp agreed. “We weren’t sure where this adventure was going to lead us, but… when we were struggling on what to do and where to go… SpongeBob stepped in and made us feel at home.”

“There’s a hugely warm side of him that some people refuse to see,” said Hitch, “but we see it. He and the rest of our Bikini Bottom friends even helped us defeat an evil fire alicorn to save Sparky! Which… makes them heroes in my eyes.”

Sparky babbled and cuddled SpongeBob as a sign of thanks. “Then, how do people treat him? Badly… horribly, even. He makes mistakes, sure, but he always tries his best to fix them,” Pipp continued. “SpongeBob is no criminal by any means necessary… and we hope you all will see that before it’s too late.”

“Please… we beg you,” Izzy whimpered. “Don’t take him away from us.”

“Because if you do,” Misty concluded, “and evil wins… the light of friendship in this world will get dimmer. And trust me… nopony wants that.”

This last bit, Misty was looking dead at Allura, who snarled and tried to pounce, if not for Twitch and some brainwashed servants holding her back.

Finally… it was time for Mr. Krabs to make the final statement. “I'll be saying my piece now, if it be pleasing the court,” he said before clearing his throat. “But, I won't. I might even speak about how he inspired me when I was just a small-time vendor with a broken-down luncheonette. But I won't. Heck, I'd probably mention how he encouraged me to start up me own restaurant. The Krusty Krab, made famous by me delicious Krabby Patties!”

He then handed some coupons out to some fish, just before India cleared her throat. “Mr. Krabs? Your speech?”

“Oh, right! I could tell you about all that,” said Mr. Krabs, “But, I won't. Nay, you'll hear none such praise from me. Because it wouldn't do him full justice. It wouldn't begin to describe the size of the lad's heart. Which, like the ponies said… is huge.”

Everyone on that stage smiled at this, and Mr. Krabs continued to touch the hearts of… nearly everyone in the room. “And he puts that heart into everything he does. The cooking… cleaning… serving up the delicious Krabby Patties. But that's the funny thing. I used to think me secret Krabby Patty formula was also the secret to me success.”

He then turned to some fish next to him and made a side comment. “We serve breakfast till 11, by the way, 12 on weekends.”

“Ahem…?” the ponies chorused, making Mr. Krabs clear his own throat and resume his speech. “It wasn't until SpongeBob came to work for me that I realized the formula is more than just a list of ingredients and flavor-capturing methods. It's more than a jealously guarded recipe.”

Mr. Krabs smiled toward his employee with the most sincerity that the ponies had ever seen… and his next few words were some of the sweetest they had ever heard, too. “The real secret formula is sitting right here… SpongeBob Squarepants.”

SpongeBob blubbered in tears, and many of his friends gathered around to smile at him… just before Riverstream whispered in his ear. “Get ready, you guys,” she whispered. “Time for Phase 2!”

Mr. Krabs cleared his throat and turned to the band. “Maestro?”

The band then began to play a peppy tune, prompting many members of the group to sing in their efforts to clear SpongeBob of his charges for good… and it was surprisingly catchy as well.

Plankton: A formula is something like a recipe
A recipe is something like a plan

Sunny: With elements and measurements
All mixed together by a steady hand

Mr. Krabs: But careful you must be or you’ll be sad, you see
If somehow in the mix, it has no soul

Pipp, Zipp and Squidward: So what's the one ingredient
That turns this awesome sauce to liquid gold?

Squidward: I’ll tell ya!

Then, all members of the group, excluding SpongeBob and Patrick (the latter would join later on), began to sing, dance and swim to the beat of the music.

All: The secret to the formula is you, you (You, you)
The honey in my tea, you know, is you, you (You, you)
The bubbles in the boil, the one essential oil, it's true.
The secret to the formula is you, you

Sandy: (SpongeBob!)

All: You, you

Sandy: What in the wide watery world
Would it be like without you?

Then, as the crowd’s cheering got to its loudest, every member of the group began to dance as the song got to its second chorus.

All: The secret to the formula is you, you (You, you)
The honey in my tea, you know, is you, you (You, you)
The bubbles in the boil, the one essential oil, it's true.
The secret to the formula is you, you

Sandy: (SpongeBob!)

All: You, you

Then, the group swam up to the king's balcony, kicking Allura, Twitch and some guards aside as they continued their song and dance routine.

All: The secret to the formula is you, you

Sandy: (SpongeBob!)

All: You, you

The king laughed as he watched them depart, not noticing that Allura and Twitch were on the ground in pain and that something was… off about his snail. “So entertaining!”

All: The secret to the formula is you, you
You, you!

Pipp: Whoo-hoo!

By the time the song ended, the two combined groups (the Mane 6 and their Bikini Bottom friends) had retreated out the door, leaving the crowd to cheer. Squidward came back and bowed for them, but India swam back quickly and pushed him out the door before the king caught on.

Thank goodness for them, the king was still oblivious as he went to rub more snail slime on his face. “Hilarious!”

But as he rubbed, he noticed something off about Gary, and when he looked again... the cardboard decoy of Gary fell apart. “My snail!!”

But when he looked around him again, he released that the criminals and their accomplices had escaped the trial right under his nose. “Halt! It's a trick! Allura, take the guards and go after them!”

“Oh, of course I will, your majesty...” Allura smirked as she swam up to the king's level again. “Right after I take this!”

With one paw swipe, she took the king's crown right off his head, much to the king's shock. “My crown!”

Your crown that holds my star fragment!” Allura took the star out of the crown, and after tossing the king back his crown, held the star in her paws letting it form a golden chain around her neck. “Finally... after all this time... the piece of power I deserve is MINE!!!! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!”

Many civilians screamed at seeing the snow leopard in her wickedness, and Allura turned and hypnotized several guards before giving them her orders. “Now... obey your new queen! Seize those fools and don't let them escape!”

“Yes... Allura...” the guards droned on before following Allura and her purple bunny companion out of the Aqua Room to pursue the criminals and make sure they were punished.