• Member Since 17th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Thursday


loves tiaras.


This story is a sequel to Mi Amore Influenza

Over the course of a week in the City-State of Cloudsdale, a frustrated Mi Amore Cadenza makes a series of bad choices that kind of make her into a monster.

Also, she becomes a dragon at some point.

(A continuation of the Cadance of Cloudsdale cycle.)

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 126 )

Who's feeling generational trauma
Caught in a web of social despair?
Who can't escape Celestia's shadow?
Everyone knows it's—

Wearing your emotions on your sleeve isn't for the faint of heart, Cady. :rainbowlaugh:

Oh, sweet child. This is Cloudsdale. Everypony is in the water business. Or in a conspiracy of some sort...

After a four year absence, Skywriter is back to Fimfiction.net? And with a multi-part story? Excellent! It's a bright spot here in the autumn of fimfiction.net. :pinkiehappy:

(Loved that musical number bit.)

"Yes, but I gave it all away."
"Yes, you did."
"To a little filly."
“So that she could attend a flight camp."
"Yes!" I say a little more loudly. "I know Posey's little filly is just going to have the greatest of times there."

Right for all the wrong reasons...

I adore how the musical number keeps going and starts reflecting Cadance's insecurities. Also, pitch-perfect filk.

"Shake it off," I mutter. "Shake it off shake it off shake it—"

No, no, that's a completely different song.

"Shining Armor," I tell him decisively, "I don't think I exist merely to sell toys."

Why do I get the feeling you've been sitting on this line for, at minimum, seven years?

-professional roller derby jammer (so violent but also very exciting?)

We don't have proof that Shining Harmer is Cadance. We also don't have proof that she isn't.

"Well, then… pizza delivery?"

Wasn't expecting acknowledgement of that particular meme. (And frankly, I have no idea how it even came about...)

I do love the matching Twilight-based compliments.

"Mother's in the water business."

Oh, that never bodes well...

Always wonderful to see more from you. Looking forward to more, especially seeing what the short description entails. (And also Cadance realizing that volunteer work may be personally fulfilling, but it doesn't exactly help her financial situation.)


shining armor slowly and politely picking orange seeds out of his mouth as he goes along with her Making Her Own Way is so... you have a real skill for giving characters stuff to do in conversations that thematically lines up what they're talking about, i already raved about the one breakfast scene but it's a recurring thing.

eminently slidable banister

wow, this is a real cellar door both textually and materially. feels good to say AND what good is a banister that isn't eminently slidable

armor's whole Suffering Assistant bit works so well with cadence. i'm so glad he gets a chance to be reluctantly swept up by a musical number

I've never liked musical numbers in prose but you managed to make it funny, tonally concordant, plot-relevant, AND lyrically not-stilted. even the interjections feel natural and definitely like something you'd see in a voiced musical number!

"You can do your job and fit in too, you silly little stick-in-the-mud! Take the bridge!"

"What bridge? This is a plaza."

"The bridge of the song, Lieutenant!"

"You did it, Lieutenant!"

"I feel dirty all over."

"That's just the diegesis! It washes right off!"

god you're funny.

Who's feeling generational trauma
Caught in a web of social despair?
Who can't escape Celestia's shadow?
Everyone knows it's—

poor cady ;_;

"No," I say. "I don't actually need you to look at the monkey. It was an expression of sheer delight and glee that welled spontaneously up out of my throat upon seeing the cunning little wind-up monkey ascending this tiny staircase. Are you familiar with the concepts of 'delight' and 'glee,' Lieutenant?"

"Yes, ma'am," says Lieutenant Armor. He is not selling it. I grab his face in my telekinetic aura and forcibly point it at the wind-up monkey. He looks on dutifully.

"It's very cute."

sighhh i love them

"Shining Armor," I tell him decisively, "I don't think I exist merely to sell toys."

*looks directly into the camera*

excited by the Foreshadowing at the end. i love that you said right in the synopsis Yeah She's Gonna Get Turned Into A Dragon. why? let's find out

great to have you posting again! updates are defs shaping up to be a highlight of my week

"I'm getting a job!"

Lt Armor took that much better than most would at that.

Musical number shenanigans, one of the most truly Equestrian things of all~

"Perhaps we're going about this the wrong way, Lieutenant. They solicit employment in the Acta and on the wireless, do they not?"

"I believe they do, Princess. Shall I switch on the wireless?"


They say you should be happy in your work. But they never say what you should be depressed in, now do they?

Welcome... to Cloudsdale.

It's that time again; the third Saturday of every moon. As part of Cloudsdale Community Radio's civic obligations, we devote a certain amount of our airtime to attempting to match able-winged mares and stallions with those offering them fine remunerative employment, for the good of all.

At the risk of waxing overly nostalgic, dear listeners, I couldn't be more pleased we're taking part in this. I remember my first job hunt, fresh out of school as a young colt. The hours spent pouring over the want-ads in the Acta. Knocking on doors. Filling out applications. The blindfolds. The ritualistic chanting. Waking up in Vanhoover with no clear idea of how you got there. And of course the interviews.

It wasn't fun, but it built character. We here at Cloudsdale Community Radio are happy to help pay it forward.

So! Let's see what we have here...

Oh, speaking of young colts looking for their first job... "Wanted: Acta Diurna deliverypony. No experience required; will train. Must be able to comfortably lift and fly for extended periods while bearing up to three stone in weight. Illiteracy preferred. Lack of vocabulary preferred. Must be comfortable with completing all deliveries in the window between 5.00 and 5.05 in the AM. If the person reading this ad to you thinks you've got what it takes, they should direct you to inquire at the offices of the Acta, which can be recognized by our logo."

What an opportunity! Folks, I wasn't always a wireless host, you know. Newly graduated with a degree in Town Crying... don't laugh, they told me it was a major with a solid future ahead of it!... I took any position I could get my hands on, and I, too, delivered papers for the Acta for a time. Oh, they were suspicious of me, to be sure. Called me "a reader" and "knower of words" and "an accident waiting to happen." It was a different time! But I kept my head down and made my deliveries and was careful to never, ever form sentences out of what I saw scrawled on the walls at the depot or the printers office, and in time I won their respect. I'm pleased to be able to pass such an offer on to the next generation!

What next... ah. "Wanted: specialist in disposing of unused industrial additives. Five years experience required in hazardous materiel handling and disposal. Must have a demonstrated ability to not, quote, 'just dump it over the side and let the Hegemony deal with it,' unquote. Pay: generous and in cold, hard bits. Working conditions: what are you, a cop?"

A solid mid-level position for those whose career is on the rise!

Moving on... and our next solicitation is from our friends at the Cloudsdale Weather Corporation. "Wanted: Quality Control Specialist for piezeoelectric sky golems. Job description: don't worry about it! Experience: don't worry about it! Training: Don't worry about it! Educational requirements: Don't worry about it! Pay: Don't worry about it! Commute: We really can't stress enough how much you don't need to worry about it."

You know, there's so much stress and concern in job-hunting these days. Isn't it wonderful that our friends at the Cloudsdale Weather Corporation have instead taken all the worry out of it?

And finally... let's see here. "Wanted: Herald. Job description: midwifing the glorious new world to come. No experience required, but a certification in gibbering is preferred. Nights only. Applicants who are very weird about the moon will be preferred."

You know, I just don't get these "new economy" jobs, friends, I truly don't. But you can't deny they're a growth industry, and it sounds like the sky is the limit with this one!

And that's all we have for this month, listeners. Coming up next: five decades of being crushed between the gears of the weather-industrial complex, followed by an all-too-brief retirement once your wings give out. Hope you all enjoy it!


"I'm not sure any of these are suitable, Princess."

"I think we should give that last one a chance, Lieutenant. I lettered in gibbering in high school."


This is the sixth part of Welcome to Cloudsdale. The previous part may be found here.

The Welcome to Cloudsdale masterpost may be found here.

I am so very fond of this little sub-story.

So nice to be back in this world. For the record, I'm rooting for Shining Armor.

Spoiler alert I ship them

I need to re-read the parts of the saga I’ve read to catch up with the parts I haven’t. I anticipate a delightful time.

Also, looking forward to one of my favorite authors telling us a transformation story. I’d somehow forgotten that G1 of MLP started with one!

Great! Here's hoping the previous entries hold up.

Both? Both is good dubious.

Singing along with strangers is the most harmonious thing to do!

The upcoming weeks will test his patience, I'm afraid.


*looks directly into the camera*


seven years

(whistles innocently)

Thanks! I aim to stick around for a while this time.

Georg, are you implying that there might be corruption inherent in a banana republic that literally controls precipitation? That seems far-fetched.

An unseen hazard of musicals!

Gah… the melody is in my head! I will be hearing it in my sleep!

The new lyrics were delightful, regardless, and it’s such a treat to be back in Cloudsdale with this couple. I love your Cadance and especially her interactions with children, so there was nothing but delight to be had at this story. Now bring on the intrigue….

Words cannot describe how excited I am to read this

Update: Perfection

Intrigue incoming, I hope!

Glad to hear!

"Shining Armor," I tell him decisively, "I don't think I exist merely to sell toys."


Whatever do you mean? It is a perfectly appropriate line to deliver in this extremely engineered context. :trollestia:

Welcome back, indeed; thanks for writing! :D

Thanks for reading!

It is a precious blend of everyday worries and interactions, character work, and decisively more fantastical concepts and problems. Magnificent :twilightsmile:

You know, kinda like in the show!

I'm a relative latecomer to the fandom, so this is the first Cadance of Cloudsdale piece I'm reading as it's published; I wasn't expecting how much it made me look forward to Saturdays.

"Lieutenant.” I fix him with a look. "I'll accept that you know your way around a physical conflagration. Let me handle the emotional ones. I've done, like, twenty tours as an Angle Bracket Three Emotional Turmoil Control Specialist in the Royal Court."

I was going to wonder why Equestria has emoticons when it doesn't have texting or internet, but it turns out emoticons predate both those things, potentially by several centuries depending on what you count.

I speak demurely and regally, desperately concealing my reaction to the unpleasant prickling feeling that I’m getting here in the heart of the upset.

Missed this detail on first read-through, but it sticks out a lot more in the context of what Cadance is about to do. It's not just an impulsive decision - she's got to be considering something along those lines, at least subconsciously, from the beginning.

Fever is rapidly losing what little cool she had. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry, Princess! This is all coming out wrong! I'm not a good speaker!"

Master of deescalation, Cady is not.

"Weather is made by dedicated craftsponies. They use water shipped up from the surface and create all the weather you experience. There's not a single 'device' that makes, say, rainbows."

We know from "Mi Amore Influenza" that there's at least some automation of the process (Champagne has a job keeping a pipe from jamming, which requires little active effort); I get the sense Cadance has an outdated/idealized view of how it works, even if there's no Pegasus Device per se.

"Equestria! Equestria can govern the weather! We can reopen the old Weather Factory! Bring Cloudsdale into the Hegemony!"

We know from "A Lot to Think About" that this basically ends up happening, so clearly Fever is a well-informed source with a good understanding of local politics, and her explanation of the water problem is perfectly trustworthy.

And you know what? They do. Each and every one of them loves this city. I know this, in an instant. I can feel it in all of them. Gleaming, clear notes of loyalty with the power to drown out the horrid dissonance of their anger. If only they could recall the love they have. If only they could remember.

I make them remember.

I really like this depiction of Cadance's power - it makes sense both why she thinks it's a reasonable thing to do (she's just reminding them of feelings they already have), and why it's still pretty horrifying from an outside perspective (at the end of the day, she's still brute force shutting down the protest with mind-control magic).

"Magic takes energy. You just bombed an entire square."

Great use of double meanings here.

"You're an alicorn. Comparing you to other ponies is pointless." Lt. Armor holds up one of the rinds I've squeezed for my juice, and also an apple from somewhere. "Apples to oranges."

Kind of a devastating line; Shining's been a big proponent of the 'princesses are ponies too' line of thought, so this has to represent just a tremendous loss of trust in Cadance's character by those standards.

"I don't think you know anger like I do, Lieutenant. I don't think you can feel it the same way. Anger is destructive. Toxic. It's awful."

Another great double meaning, this one presumably not intended by Cadance.

I give him a sidelong look. "Lieutenant, are you certain we are simpatico? Because sometimes I feel the simpatico and then I stop feeling the simpatico."

"We are simpatico, ma'am."

A lack of simpatico was just established a few lines ago; Cadance really has trouble with disapproval.

"But sir," says Sabre, "they're the lictors of the Duchess!"

"Duchess Portolan?" My ears go forward.

Looking forward to seeing how this meeting goes - at least for the moment, Portolan and Cadance seem pretty aligned, given their shared desire to limit Celestia's influence, even if in a broader sense they're in competition. I bet she's pretty happy to have somepony suppressing dissent for her in a way that she can honestly disclaim all responsibility for.

Duchess Portolan Blueblood is also, apparently, young Windrose's mom.

Hold up.

Windrose is an elegant little unicorn amongst his pegasus peers, whip-thin and ice-white. His blond mane is appealingly wavy in an effortless sort of way.

Oh. Oh.

I've done, like, twenty tours as an Angle Bracket Three Emotional Turmoil Control Specialist in the Royal Court.


"This isn't her city," I say quietly.

And now I believe I understand the "make her into a monster" part of the description. And why the Poison Joke will be going for dracomorphosis. (One wonders what it would do to Celestia...)

Why be a little piece of Canterlot in Cloudsdale when I could just be Cloudsdale instead?

The thought occurs that Celestia did not think through all of the implications of sending a young alicorn to a semi-independent city-state.
Indeed, the thought occurs that Celestia has left much unconsidered on the topic of Cloudsdale. I'm still not sure whether or not H. E. Smiles actually exists. (There's also the question of just what manner of growing pains Twilight will have to deal with down the line...)

In any case, time to see just what ripples that love bomb caused. I can't imagine this will be pleasant in the near future. I only hope it will help teach Cadance that unpleasantness is, in fact, sometimes necessary.


Such a shame defenestration probably won't work in Cloudsdale. It would be the appropriate response for barging into sovereign territory.

Also, even in proper historical context, fasces are a somewhat loaded symbol. Even if they're on the Lincoln Memorial, and the congressional Sergeant at Arms carries one.

It is my hope that by merely describing them and not referring to them by name that I can sidestep some of the more symbolically anvilicious elements of this particular historical artifact.

Thanks! Glad to have you along, and I appreciate your readership!

I was wondering when people would start catching that.

I kinda of get what Celestia is doing. She could smother Cadence, or let her spread her wings. She is currently close enough and has enough back ups for Cadance that if she falls any issues can be caught and fixed in her wake.

Well, most things. Cadence is immature and her thinking small, which I think this story will help illustrate soon enough.

Should have tried more fire on the Bahamoot. XD

That sounds like criminal talk. You're not a criminal, are you?

I am if I need to be. :rainbowwild:


Even short of the modern context, fasces are literal expressions of state officials' monopoly of violence. Either to beat with the rods, or decapitate with the axe. And invading ambassadorial territory with lictors seems damn close to a tacit declaration of hostilities.

Whoo! I was so worried you wouldn't keep these up!

To my excessive delight, they continue!

""It's Canterlot!" say."
""It's Canterlot!" I say."?

"I assure you I would be the one of the first"
"I assure you I would be one of the first"?

Well, some interesting plot developments to go withe character stuff here! :)
I am currently pretty tired (in the low-on-sleep sense, not a bored-with-this-story sense, to be clear), but I enjoyed this anyway; thanks for writing. :)

Thanks for the notes. We can't squash all of the buglets, though we try.

It's wonderful to see Cady get to not be existentially tormented enjoy herself for a change, yet this only makes me worry that she's being set up for greater troubles down the line. Don't become a stooge for corporate PR, Cady, nothing good can come of it.

There is, of course, absolutely no way this can go wrong.

How did you guess that next week's chapter reads "And then everything was good forever, the end"?

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