• Member Since 12th May, 2012
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists.


This story is a sequel to Turn

Cadance, Principal of Crystal Prep, takes a well-earned holiday. It would have been more enjoyable if Cadance, Princess of The Crystal Empire, wasn't constantly looking down on her.

Written as an entry for FOME's Most Delightful Ponidox competition. No knowledge of prior stories is necessary.

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 25 )

["...]This whole place feels like a kid's fantasy, like something Cliff Cord would write."

"The philosopher?"

"The– No, the children's author."

C.S. Lewis, I presume. Are the two of them that different between the two worlds, or is it just a matter of how the two Cadances think of the same essential writer? Because in this world, some people just think of him as a writer of children's books, while others know him as the Twentieth Century's greatest Christian apologist. Well, in English anyways.

Little from column A, little from column B. He didn't write an equivalent of the Narniad in horse world, because it's already fantastic, so he stuck more to academic writing.

Excellent bit of ponyfic! Glad to see you having the time and energy to write some more again. :pinkiesmile:

Also, I believe it's 100% in character for Cadance to immediately start thinking about how to get in the sack with both copies of her horsbando.

'apologist' is he a canadian?


So who's Selene's other parent?


For those that have never encountered the concept: Apologetics. C.S. Lewis's Mere Christianity is definitely the most popular work of apologetics of the Twentieth Century; where that places him in relation to that, depends on how wedded you are to academic theology, where I gather he is in rather poor odor.

i was making a joke., but cool to know.

Can you blame her?

And yeah, it's good to be back and writing more.

Can't cause a shipping war if you never reveal the ship

I laughed :derpytongue2:

The fact that Celestia and Luna in your world are mortal, and still managed to be born in time to adopt similar roles to their counterparts here at this moment in time, is– I couldn't begin to calculate the odds.

I've always liked the dynastic theory there: There are always a Celestia and Luna, just not necessarily the same individuals, or even the same family. (That's the strong dynastic theory.)

Fantastic snapshot of those awkward first steps in a new world, with the perfect guide to help them become wingbeats. My only complaint is that I wish there were more. Brilliant stuff; thank you for it and best of luck in the judging.

I'm slightly surprised Sci-Twi isn't more "successful" even if her world was meant to be writ small. By now she's what, 40? I think she'd be a full professor if she went the academic route, or else at least the head of the municipal library system instead of the deputy if she went the library track. Or perhaps she'd combine them both and now held a chair as a professor at a library school.


Maaan I was sure I'd read that fic before, but it was unmarked when I got to it. Weird, because it felt so familiar.

Life is often like that. You can start out one way and end up going a wildly different direction, because of circumstances entirely beyond your control.

If it makes you feel better, she's in a well-paying job that she mostly enjoys, and pursuing research as a hobby, without the pressure of seeking out research grants or dealing with the responsibilities that come with tenure.

Hey, I noticed a few—

What is spelling? (baby don't hurt me!)

Oh. You already know. :derpytongue2: That said, was "motor seeker" intentional?

That epistolary he wrote in the form of letters between 2 Windigos was pretty groundbreaking in Equestria.

Yep! Unfamiliar combination of words for a pony.
Ah yes, the Nagsleet Letters.

I loved the lore on the Colderarchy.

I enjoyed this exercise in perspective. It's always struck me how different in Power that each Celestia and Luna etc with their counterparts, but I've figured it doesn't affect how happy or satisfied they are.

Author Interviewer

Chapter 2 when? :V

The key question is how much of this is genuine and how much is to torment their little sister?

That is a treat, just like everything else from you :twilightsmile:

As an older sibling myself, all of this was to torment their little sister. It's in the contract every older brother/sister signs when we become one. Non-negotiable and we are never sorry about it either.


Hmmm, Cliff Cord, eh ... wonders what JRRT was (horn?)writing at that time ... :twilightsmile:

Probably something about time travel, on a bet.

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