• Published 17th Nov 2023
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G5 Adventures in Rudolph's Shiny New Year - ponydog127

Following their Christmas adventure, the Mane 6, Rudolph, Borealis and some new friends are sent on a new mission to find the Baby New Year and stop a giant monster bird's evil plot and save a village of auroricorns from an evil snow leopard.

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No Portal, No Problem/A New Year's Mission

The most current Unity Quest that the Mane 6 had just finished up had been quite a doozy, stretching almost two years away from Equestria (even though time had slowed in Equestria, making it only seem like they had been gone a few minutes). Nevertheless, the mission itself, though it did have it's scary parts, was quite memorable.

Our heroes had been teleported to the North Pole in the spring, where they met Mr. and Mrs. Donner, and later on, their newborn son Rudolph (who had a shiny, glowing red nose) and little Borealis (an arctic fox whose eyes held colors of the Northern Lights and could cast magic from her tail).

Of course, not many saw their differences as gifts, including Donner himself, causing poor Rudolph and Borealis to run away after being severely teased, and the ponies followed after them to help them change their minds and come back home.

While they were on this journey, they met dentistry-loving elf Hermey and a prospector named Yukon Cornelius, and they all had to face the dangers of the Abominable Snow Monster of the North. But when Christmas was going to be threatened by a wicked snowstorm, Santa Claus himself asked Rudolph and his glowing nose to guide his sleigh, and the ponies to help pull the sleigh on that fateful night, even helping to deliver the population of misfit toys they met on their journey to kids who really wanted them.

But... they would soon see that their Unity Quest was far from over after what happened next.


“I can’t believe we did it!” Zipp told her friends in amazement as they flew above the stormy, snow-filled clouds. “We’re helping pull Santa’s sleigh with our new North Pole magic and we were able to help save Christmas!”

“Yeah!” Izzy giggled. “Especially when we didn’t know about Christmas until little over a year ago!”

“Just you ponies wait!” Rudolph said from the front. “When we get back to the North Pole, there’s gonna be a big party in the castle waiting for us!”

“Oh… we’d love to stay, honestly, we would,” Sunny said sadly, “but we have to find the cutie mark crystal and get into the portal to Equestria before it closes.”

“Aww… we’ve looked all over for the crystal, Sunny! Even while we were runaways!” Borealis said with folded ears. “I was hoping we would get to spend more of the holidays with you.”

“I wish we could, but we’re probably gonna find that the portal is open the second we get back,” Misty said gently. “We have to go, with or without the crystal.”

“Well… I guess you’re right…”

The reindeer and ponies pulling the sleigh flew beneath the cover of clouds, suddenly being hit with the snowflakes pouring down in a wintry flood. “Rudolph, guide us back home with that wonderful nose of yours!” Santa called from the sleigh, causing Rudolph to nod. “With pleasure, Santa!” he said. “This way!”

Rudolph, with Borealis on his back, continued to guide the sleigh closer toward the ground, until the lights of the castle came into view, the elves outside cheering and awaiting their arrival. But as they got closer and closer to the ground, Hitch suddenly came to realize something. “Uh… does anypony know how to land a sleigh?!”

“Just do what the reindeer do!” Sunny advised her friend. “I’m sure we’ll pick it up soon enough!”

Soon, they got close enough to the ground to where they could land on the ground, their hooves impacting with the cold snow as they got the sleigh to slowly come to a stop. All the elves around them cheered for the successful delivery, and to Borealis and the hooved heroes who bravely guided them through the night. Borealis hopped down from Rudolph’s back as the harnesses were removed, and the little fox giggled at all the attention and scratches she was receiving. “Phew!” Pipp sighed as her harness was finally removed. “I enjoyed that as much as the next pony, but I never wanna fly through a snowstorm like that again.”

“Maybe we will, maybe we won’t,” Zipp said. “Right now we need to get going.”

But as she looked around the stormy surroundings, she noticed that something was wrong. “Hey… is it just my detective senses, or is the portal… not here?”

“Yeah… you’re right!” Sunny said upon realizing the pegasus princess’ point. “It usually always shows up after we finish a Unity Quest, but it’s not here!”

“But… without that portal, we can't go back to Equestria!” Hitch panicked. “And if we can’t get back to Equestria, we-- we can’t get back to Sparky!”

“And we can’t get back to find a way to stop Mom!” Misty agreed. “We have to do something to get home! But what?!”

“Don’t worry, ponies!” Borealis assured. “Maybe the Unity Crystals think you need to have some fun before you go off and defeat big evil. I mean… it can’t hurt if you guys stay here… can it?”

“Ooooooh, can we stay and play a little more, Sunny?” Izzy asked hopefully. “I mean… I know we have to get back, but maybe she’s right about us having some fun before we go.”

“Well… maybe the crystal will eventually pop up,” Zipp pointed out. “We just have to be patient.”

Sunny honestly wasn't sure... although it would be great to spend time with their new North Pole friends, they were so close to getting all the crystals and potentially reforming Paradise.

Did they even have time?

Her thoughts were cleared away when Rudolph bumped her side with his nose. “It can't hurt to have a little bit of fun while waiting for the portal to open, Sunny. And we'd love to spend more time with you guys.”

After a bit more contemplating, Sunny took a deep breath and nodded. “All right then... I guess we're going to that North Pole Christmas party after all, Bori.”

“YES!!” Borealis pumped a paw in celebration. “Let’s go go go and party the night away!”

“Now you're talking!” Pipp said, and she, Izzy, Borealis and Zipp ran toward the castle, leaving Hitch, Sunny and Misty alone with Rudolph. “Don’t worry, guys,” Hitch said to his friends reassuringly. “We’ll find a way to get home... promise.”

Misty sighed, putting a hoof on her pendant. “I sure hope you're right.”


The party was in full swing by the time Rudolph and Borealis arrived at the party with the Equestrians in tow, music blaring from the speakers and happy chatter filling the air.

Rockin' around the Christmas tree
At the Christmas party hop
Mistletoe hung where you can see
Every couple tries to stop

“Whoo, pony! This party really is the real deal!” Pipp said in delight. “I wanna go fly around and post some pics of this scene on Ponygram!”

“I'll go with you, Pipp!” Hitch volunteered. “That buffet table has got my name on it!”

While music continued to play, Pipp flew up above the party scene and began to take several photos of the event, while Hitch began to snack on all the North Pole's best treats, putting several treats into his bag so Sparky could have a taste of them later.

Rockin' around the Christmas tree
Let the Christmas spirit ring
Later we'll have some pumpkin pie
And we'll do some caroling

You will get a sentimental feeling when you hear
Voices singing, let's be jolly
Deck the halls with boughs of holly

Rockin' around the Christmas tree
Have a happy holiday
Everyone dancin' merrily
In the new old-fashioned way

During the lively saxophone solo, Sunny and Rudolph both looked outside through the castle window at the snow blowing in the harsh winds. “Yeesh... without your nose, I don't think Christmas wouldn’t have happened, Rudolph,” Sunny turned to her friend. “I sure am glad we decided to come back to the North Pole when we did.”

Rudolph chuckled at thism “Me too... but Bori and I wouldn't have come back without your convincing. And besides, we knew that you guys had spent more time away from civilization than I think Pipp could bear.”

“Heh... you got that right,” Zipp said as she overheard the conversation. “Don't get me wrong, I'm totally glad she's not as technology-obsessed as she used to be, but I don't think I've seen her take so many photos while singing for a crowd before.”

“Wait, huh?” Borealis raised an eyebrow. “What are you talking--?”

But when she and her friends turned, they saw Pipp with a microphone in hoof and singing her heart out to a small group of elves and reindeer.

Pipp: You will get a sentimental feeling when you hear
Voices singing, let's be jolly
Deck the halls with boughs of holly

Rockin' around the Christmas tree
Have a happy holiday
Everyone dancin' merrily
In the new... old-fashioned waaaaaaaaay!!!!

The elves and reindeer around Pipp cheered happily as the pink pegasus concluded her performance, and Sunny realized that Rudolph and Borealis may be right.

Maybe some fun wasall they needed.


Santa sat down in his cozy chair next to the fireplace, ready to rest after another one of his Christmas travels. But as he was beginning to get comfortable, an elf walked up to Santa with a strange message within his reach. “What's this?”

Santa opened the envelope to pull out the letter inside, smiling at who the sender was. “Why, it's from Father Time. Heh heh... my old friend,” he said before he read the letter out loud. “Dear Santa, I am in terrible trouble. You must help me. The old year ends in a week, but this time, there may not be another year to follow. Happy, the Baby New Year is... is missing!

As soon as Santa had gotten to this part, his eyes widened as a sense of worry entered his very being. “Oh... why-- why-- why, that's terrible!” he exclaimed. “If the Baby New Year isn't found... the old year will just keep going on... and on, a-a-and it will be December 31st forever! I'll send out a search party at once!”

Santa set his glasses down on the side table before he approached the window and gazed out at the blinding snowstorm. “But wait... no one could find their way anywhere with all this dark fog and snow. Hmm...”

Suddenly, an idea hit him, causing him to smile. “Nobody that is, except... quickly, gather Rudolph, Borealis and the Equestrians at once! This mission was practically made for them!”


Borealis barked happily as she did a little diddy beneath the disco ball lights, and everyone had gathered in a little around her. “Go, Bori! Go, Bori! Go, Bori! WHOO!!”

“Oh yeah!” Borealis cheered as her dance came to a close, prompting many others to cheer. “That's what this fox is talking about! Who's next to try and provoke the dancing queen?!”

“Whew... it makes me tired just watching you!” Misty exclaimed, wiping her forehead with her hoof. “Maybe we ought to take a break?”

“Uh... excuse me.”

The eight friends turned to see an elf approaching them with a worried glance. “Santa wants you to quickly come to his office-- a very urgent manner.”

“Huh... I wonder what this is all about,” Hitch said in thought. “Whatever it is,” Zipp said as she took a deep breath, “I have a feeling we're about to find out first-hoof.”


The elf quickly led the Equestrians, Borealis and Rudolph to Santa's office before he departed, leaving the group to hear what problem Santa needed them to solve.

While the group was stunned that this Baby New Year was missing, they were still a little confused on what a baby could have to do with the stopping of time.

After Santa finished his explanation, he turned toward the group with a serious expression. “Once more, the happiness of all the world's children depends on all of you,” he concluded. “You must find the Baby New Year. And you've less than a week in which to do it!”

“You mean...?” Rudolph asked, causing Santa to nod. “Rudolph, with your nose so bright... you and your team have six days left to set things right!”

As soon as Santa opened the door, a strong wind blew some snow into the office, causing the ponies to shiver just before Sunny turned to her friends. “If this means what I think it means, then this is part 2 of our holiday Unity Quest. We have to help Rudolph and Borealis save both holidays before it's too late. Are you with me, ponies?”

The group nodded immediately at this, and this caused Borealis to look up toward the big man in red. “We’ll all do our North Pole best, Santa.”

And so, with Rudolph’s nose glowing to light the way before them and the unicorns' horns glowing to provide more light to see by, they set off into the dark night, hoping to find this Baby New Year and complete the Unity Quest before something else affected their holiday plans altogether.