G5 Adventures in Rudolph's Shiny New Year

by ponydog127

First published

Following their Christmas adventure, the Mane 6, Rudolph, Borealis and some new friends are sent on a new mission to find the Baby New Year and stop a giant monster bird's evil plot and save a village of auroricorns from an evil snow leopard.

After returning from helping Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer and Borealis the arctic fox save Christmas, the ponies discover that their Unity Quest is not over-- now they have a new mission to accomplish with their misfit friends.

When Happy, the Baby New Year, goes missing and throws everything out of balance, Rudolph and Borealis, plus their Equestrian friends, journey back in time through the Archipelago of Last Years to look for him, with the help of some new friends... and they must find him before a giant monster bird by the name of Aeon the Terrible does, or the new year will never arrive!

Also, watch the Mane 6, Rudolph, Borealis and their intrepid rescue team make new friends, the auroricorns of Starlight Ridge, and help them save their community from a villainous snow leopard who has a hypnotic purr to make the auroricorns do whatever she wants.

And they must do all this while another terrible plot, devised by Misty's own birth mother, occurs in the background.

(S2E9 of G5 Adventures, and part two of the two-part holiday special)

(Includes scenes from and based off of Secrets of Starlight.)

No Portal, No Problem/A New Year's Mission

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The most current Unity Quest that the Mane 6 had just finished up had been quite a doozy, stretching almost two years away from Equestria (even though time had slowed in Equestria, making it only seem like they had been gone a few minutes). Nevertheless, the mission itself, though it did have it's scary parts, was quite memorable.

Our heroes had been teleported to the North Pole in the spring, where they met Mr. and Mrs. Donner, and later on, their newborn son Rudolph (who had a shiny, glowing red nose) and little Borealis (an arctic fox whose eyes held colors of the Northern Lights and could cast magic from her tail).

Of course, not many saw their differences as gifts, including Donner himself, causing poor Rudolph and Borealis to run away after being severely teased, and the ponies followed after them to help them change their minds and come back home.

While they were on this journey, they met dentistry-loving elf Hermey and a prospector named Yukon Cornelius, and they all had to face the dangers of the Abominable Snow Monster of the North. But when Christmas was going to be threatened by a wicked snowstorm, Santa Claus himself asked Rudolph and his glowing nose to guide his sleigh, and the ponies to help pull the sleigh on that fateful night, even helping to deliver the population of misfit toys they met on their journey to kids who really wanted them.

But... they would soon see that their Unity Quest was far from over after what happened next.


“I can’t believe we did it!” Zipp told her friends in amazement as they flew above the stormy, snow-filled clouds. “We’re helping pull Santa’s sleigh with our new North Pole magic and we were able to help save Christmas!”

“Yeah!” Izzy giggled. “Especially when we didn’t know about Christmas until little over a year ago!”

“Just you ponies wait!” Rudolph said from the front. “When we get back to the North Pole, there’s gonna be a big party in the castle waiting for us!”

“Oh… we’d love to stay, honestly, we would,” Sunny said sadly, “but we have to find the cutie mark crystal and get into the portal to Equestria before it closes.”

“Aww… we’ve looked all over for the crystal, Sunny! Even while we were runaways!” Borealis said with folded ears. “I was hoping we would get to spend more of the holidays with you.”

“I wish we could, but we’re probably gonna find that the portal is open the second we get back,” Misty said gently. “We have to go, with or without the crystal.”

“Well… I guess you’re right…”

The reindeer and ponies pulling the sleigh flew beneath the cover of clouds, suddenly being hit with the snowflakes pouring down in a wintry flood. “Rudolph, guide us back home with that wonderful nose of yours!” Santa called from the sleigh, causing Rudolph to nod. “With pleasure, Santa!” he said. “This way!”

Rudolph, with Borealis on his back, continued to guide the sleigh closer toward the ground, until the lights of the castle came into view, the elves outside cheering and awaiting their arrival. But as they got closer and closer to the ground, Hitch suddenly came to realize something. “Uh… does anypony know how to land a sleigh?!”

“Just do what the reindeer do!” Sunny advised her friend. “I’m sure we’ll pick it up soon enough!”

Soon, they got close enough to the ground to where they could land on the ground, their hooves impacting with the cold snow as they got the sleigh to slowly come to a stop. All the elves around them cheered for the successful delivery, and to Borealis and the hooved heroes who bravely guided them through the night. Borealis hopped down from Rudolph’s back as the harnesses were removed, and the little fox giggled at all the attention and scratches she was receiving. “Phew!” Pipp sighed as her harness was finally removed. “I enjoyed that as much as the next pony, but I never wanna fly through a snowstorm like that again.”

“Maybe we will, maybe we won’t,” Zipp said. “Right now we need to get going.”

But as she looked around the stormy surroundings, she noticed that something was wrong. “Hey… is it just my detective senses, or is the portal… not here?”

“Yeah… you’re right!” Sunny said upon realizing the pegasus princess’ point. “It usually always shows up after we finish a Unity Quest, but it’s not here!”

“But… without that portal, we can't go back to Equestria!” Hitch panicked. “And if we can’t get back to Equestria, we-- we can’t get back to Sparky!”

“And we can’t get back to find a way to stop Mom!” Misty agreed. “We have to do something to get home! But what?!”

“Don’t worry, ponies!” Borealis assured. “Maybe the Unity Crystals think you need to have some fun before you go off and defeat big evil. I mean… it can’t hurt if you guys stay here… can it?”

“Ooooooh, can we stay and play a little more, Sunny?” Izzy asked hopefully. “I mean… I know we have to get back, but maybe she’s right about us having some fun before we go.”

“Well… maybe the crystal will eventually pop up,” Zipp pointed out. “We just have to be patient.”

Sunny honestly wasn't sure... although it would be great to spend time with their new North Pole friends, they were so close to getting all the crystals and potentially reforming Paradise.

Did they even have time?

Her thoughts were cleared away when Rudolph bumped her side with his nose. “It can't hurt to have a little bit of fun while waiting for the portal to open, Sunny. And we'd love to spend more time with you guys.”

After a bit more contemplating, Sunny took a deep breath and nodded. “All right then... I guess we're going to that North Pole Christmas party after all, Bori.”

“YES!!” Borealis pumped a paw in celebration. “Let’s go go go and party the night away!”

“Now you're talking!” Pipp said, and she, Izzy, Borealis and Zipp ran toward the castle, leaving Hitch, Sunny and Misty alone with Rudolph. “Don’t worry, guys,” Hitch said to his friends reassuringly. “We’ll find a way to get home... promise.”

Misty sighed, putting a hoof on her pendant. “I sure hope you're right.”


The party was in full swing by the time Rudolph and Borealis arrived at the party with the Equestrians in tow, music blaring from the speakers and happy chatter filling the air.

Rockin' around the Christmas tree
At the Christmas party hop
Mistletoe hung where you can see
Every couple tries to stop

“Whoo, pony! This party really is the real deal!” Pipp said in delight. “I wanna go fly around and post some pics of this scene on Ponygram!”

“I'll go with you, Pipp!” Hitch volunteered. “That buffet table has got my name on it!”

While music continued to play, Pipp flew up above the party scene and began to take several photos of the event, while Hitch began to snack on all the North Pole's best treats, putting several treats into his bag so Sparky could have a taste of them later.

Rockin' around the Christmas tree
Let the Christmas spirit ring
Later we'll have some pumpkin pie
And we'll do some caroling

You will get a sentimental feeling when you hear
Voices singing, let's be jolly
Deck the halls with boughs of holly

Rockin' around the Christmas tree
Have a happy holiday
Everyone dancin' merrily
In the new old-fashioned way

During the lively saxophone solo, Sunny and Rudolph both looked outside through the castle window at the snow blowing in the harsh winds. “Yeesh... without your nose, I don't think Christmas wouldn’t have happened, Rudolph,” Sunny turned to her friend. “I sure am glad we decided to come back to the North Pole when we did.”

Rudolph chuckled at thism “Me too... but Bori and I wouldn't have come back without your convincing. And besides, we knew that you guys had spent more time away from civilization than I think Pipp could bear.”

“Heh... you got that right,” Zipp said as she overheard the conversation. “Don't get me wrong, I'm totally glad she's not as technology-obsessed as she used to be, but I don't think I've seen her take so many photos while singing for a crowd before.”

“Wait, huh?” Borealis raised an eyebrow. “What are you talking--?”

But when she and her friends turned, they saw Pipp with a microphone in hoof and singing her heart out to a small group of elves and reindeer.

Pipp: You will get a sentimental feeling when you hear
Voices singing, let's be jolly
Deck the halls with boughs of holly

Rockin' around the Christmas tree
Have a happy holiday
Everyone dancin' merrily
In the new... old-fashioned waaaaaaaaay!!!!

The elves and reindeer around Pipp cheered happily as the pink pegasus concluded her performance, and Sunny realized that Rudolph and Borealis may be right.

Maybe some fun wasall they needed.


Santa sat down in his cozy chair next to the fireplace, ready to rest after another one of his Christmas travels. But as he was beginning to get comfortable, an elf walked up to Santa with a strange message within his reach. “What's this?”

Santa opened the envelope to pull out the letter inside, smiling at who the sender was. “Why, it's from Father Time. Heh heh... my old friend,” he said before he read the letter out loud. “Dear Santa, I am in terrible trouble. You must help me. The old year ends in a week, but this time, there may not be another year to follow. Happy, the Baby New Year is... is missing!

As soon as Santa had gotten to this part, his eyes widened as a sense of worry entered his very being. “Oh... why-- why-- why, that's terrible!” he exclaimed. “If the Baby New Year isn't found... the old year will just keep going on... and on, a-a-and it will be December 31st forever! I'll send out a search party at once!”

Santa set his glasses down on the side table before he approached the window and gazed out at the blinding snowstorm. “But wait... no one could find their way anywhere with all this dark fog and snow. Hmm...”

Suddenly, an idea hit him, causing him to smile. “Nobody that is, except... quickly, gather Rudolph, Borealis and the Equestrians at once! This mission was practically made for them!”


Borealis barked happily as she did a little diddy beneath the disco ball lights, and everyone had gathered in a little around her. “Go, Bori! Go, Bori! Go, Bori! WHOO!!”

“Oh yeah!” Borealis cheered as her dance came to a close, prompting many others to cheer. “That's what this fox is talking about! Who's next to try and provoke the dancing queen?!”

“Whew... it makes me tired just watching you!” Misty exclaimed, wiping her forehead with her hoof. “Maybe we ought to take a break?”

“Uh... excuse me.”

The eight friends turned to see an elf approaching them with a worried glance. “Santa wants you to quickly come to his office-- a very urgent manner.”

“Huh... I wonder what this is all about,” Hitch said in thought. “Whatever it is,” Zipp said as she took a deep breath, “I have a feeling we're about to find out first-hoof.”


The elf quickly led the Equestrians, Borealis and Rudolph to Santa's office before he departed, leaving the group to hear what problem Santa needed them to solve.

While the group was stunned that this Baby New Year was missing, they were still a little confused on what a baby could have to do with the stopping of time.

After Santa finished his explanation, he turned toward the group with a serious expression. “Once more, the happiness of all the world's children depends on all of you,” he concluded. “You must find the Baby New Year. And you've less than a week in which to do it!”

“You mean...?” Rudolph asked, causing Santa to nod. “Rudolph, with your nose so bright... you and your team have six days left to set things right!”

As soon as Santa opened the door, a strong wind blew some snow into the office, causing the ponies to shiver just before Sunny turned to her friends. “If this means what I think it means, then this is part 2 of our holiday Unity Quest. We have to help Rudolph and Borealis save both holidays before it's too late. Are you with me, ponies?”

The group nodded immediately at this, and this caused Borealis to look up toward the big man in red. “We’ll all do our North Pole best, Santa.”

And so, with Rudolph’s nose glowing to light the way before them and the unicorns' horns glowing to provide more light to see by, they set off into the dark night, hoping to find this Baby New Year and complete the Unity Quest before something else affected their holiday plans altogether.

Paradise Moonray... Good Guy or Villain?/The Sands of Time

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While traversing across the North Pole landscape with Rudolph and Borealis to find Father Time and his castle before they started their mission to find the Baby New Year, the Mane 6 felt like was the eternal flame in that snowstorm, for from the gray clouds came a wintry confetti. The blizzard covered the forest more snow than ever in an instant after it hit, but the group was determined to push through...

...no matter how cold they were.

Pipp shivered as they walked through the five inches of snow on the ground before turning to look at her friends. “If pegasi could still control the weather, like they did in ancient Equestria, I would totally fly up there and make the snowstorm clear out of here!”

“I wish that too, Pipp, but we have to-- ugh… keep going!” Sunny said as she strained against the howling winds. “Rudolph, do you guys have any idea who this Father Time guy is?”

“I think I heard Papa and Mama tell me and Bori a legend about him,” said Rudolph in thought. “They say he’s responsible for making sure all time in the universe runs smoothly.”

“Wow… he sure sounds important,” Hitch said. “And you really think he thinks we can find the Baby New Year?”

“We have to at least try, Hitch,” Borealis said. “Especially since the fate of the new year depends on us.”

“Great… no pressure,” Misty rolled her eyes before sighing to herself. “I wonder if Mom is spending her holidays all by herself. But... after I find a way to reform her, we'll spend every holiday together... no matter what.”


Paradise Moonray was trudging across the North Pole landscape against the winds, shivering to herself. “Why did all the magical objects have to be somewhere so hard to reach, it takes a crazy pony to find them?!” she muttered to herself. “No matter… once I get the amulet, Mother will be back… and everything will be as it--”

Suddenly, a photo slipped out from under her scarf, causing her to gasp and grab it before it could fly away. When she looked at it, her face and eyes softened into almost... sympathetic.

It was a picture of herself, a younger Alphabittle and a toddler Misty, all standing together in front of the Crystal Tea Room in Bridlewood.

Her family... well, what she used to think was her family.

After Opaline found out that Paradise had given birth to a filly, she felt so betrayed... and Paradise knew she had to give Misty to her in order to repent for what she did.

Even though it cost her everything.

Paradise groaned and shook her head before stuffing the photo back underneath her scarf. “No… I’m not the foolish pony that almost betrayed her mother. I’m Paradise Moonray, daughter of Opaline Arcana… and a villain to all Equestria. Exactly the way I intend to always be.”

As she trotted through the howling winds, she decided to sing a song to herself and convince herself that this is the real, villainous her... the version her mother wanted her to be.

When I walk past a mirror, I scare myself
I'm the queen of mean
Don't care about anypony other than me
Isn't that lovely?

Don’t ask me to be nice, I don’t want to
I don’t play fair
I’m giving you the heat you can’t handle
And I… don’t… CARE

I’m a villain! (Glamourous and mean)
I’m a villain! (Evil as can be)
Darling, I’m a villain! (Make you shiver through your teeth)
Don’t you cry now, it will all be fine, I’m a villain

I'm a villain

Somehow, in her mind... she was envisioning herself as a trembling filly in the very walls of that palace that Opaline used to call home... and her mother was singing that very song to her.

Opaline: Hush little pony, don't say a word
Or you'll get cursed
Can you feel the flames getting closer?
Ain't that the worst?

Paradise: Don’t ask me to be nice, I don’t want to
I don’t play fair
I’m giving you the heat you can’t handle

Then... Paradise and her vision of Opaline actually began to sing in perfect unison.

Both: I’m a villain! (Glamourous and mean)
I’m a villain! (Evil as can be)
Darling, I’m a villain! (Make you shiver through your teeth)
Don’t you cry now, it will all be fine, I’m a villain

Paradise: Oooh, I'm a villain

Opaline: I'm a villain

Both: (cackling)

Opaline: (spoken) Oh, I'm so scary...

And just as quickly as the song begun, it ended, and Paradise's vision of her villainous mother faded along with it. Paradise sighed to herself-- she had a job to do, and it came down to two choices.

Either she found the amulet, brought Opaline back and completed her plan… or live in her mother’s endless shame for the rest of her life.


Misty? Equestria to Misty!

“Huh?” Misty shook her head as she turned toward Izzy. “Are you okay?” the lavender unicorn asked. “You seemed really out of it for a little while.”

“Oh... just a little cold, and... I guess I was thinking about my mom. If... she's safe... and if she's spending the holidays alone.”

“You sure do care about your mom, Misty. Despite everything that's happened,” Rudolph observed. “I do... ” Misty nodded. “I know she has the potential to be changed. I'm just... not sure how to do it, exactly.”

Somehow, Rudolph and Borealis understood that. Misty had been through a hard time the past few moons, and all she wanted was a stable family. And in her eyes... they stable family included her mother and her father.

Suddenly, Rudolph, Borealis and the two unicorns stopped to let some members of their group catch up, with one being much slower than the others. “Come on, General Ticker! You can make it!” Rudolph urged. “Father Time's castle can't be too far ahead.”

General Ticker had met the group only a few minutes earlier, being sent from Father Time himself to guide them to the castle. However, his large and wide clock body made it hard to walk on his stubby legs. Nevertheless, he managed to keep anyone else from falling behind. “You're all bold, sir,” the general told Rudolph. “I'm cold, sir-- this dashed snow!”

Sunny shivered, shaking the fallen snow from off her back. “I'm... pretty cold too. We all are.”

“Tell me about it...” Misty nodded. “This snow and wind is gonna freeze my horn into an icicle before too long!”

“But don't weaken,” the general told them. “Your beacons must cast their glow.”

“Oh, psh... don’t worry, Mr. Clock Soldier!” Izzy brushed off with a scoff. “We’re not gonna weaken when we have a baby to find!”

“Especially since this Baby New Year determines whether the next year is gonna come or not,” Zipp agreed. “Now we have to get to Father Time’s castle, in spite of this blizzard. I think the path goes on this way.”

“It sure does!” Borealis nodded enthusiastically before running down the path. “Come on! Follow me!”

“Bori, be careful!” Misty called as they followed the fox. “Don’t wander too far ahead!”

“Don't worry about me, Misty! The snow zone is my go zone!”

True to her word, the little fox cub seemed to move effortlessly through the snow and wind, since it was her original domain when her mother was still around. And, the storm seemed to be letting up, making it that much easier for Borealis to zig and zag along the path.

Soon, the edge of the forest came into sight, causing Borealis to gasp. “I think we finally made it to other side of the woods! Father Time's castle should be on the other side!” she exclaimed as she and her friends raced toward the forest’s edge. “We’re here, we're here! We're finally--”

But after passing the trees, the group screeched to a stop at a strange sight-- sand for miles and miles around, and this desert was also known as the Sands of Time... a very fitting name for Father Time’s domain. “--at a strange place with yellow snow in every direction?” Borealis said with a shudder. “Someone must have really had to use the little reindeer's room.”

“Ha ha ha ha! This isn't snow, Bori,” Sunny couldn’t help but laugh. “It's sand, like you would have at the beach. But, when it's for miles and miles and there's no water, that would make it--”

“A desert?!” Hitch exclaimed before turning toward General Ticker. “What are we supposed to do now?”

“We cross, sir,” General Ticker answered. “The boss, ma'ams and sirs, is still quite far.”

“Father Time's castle is on the other side of the desert?” Rudolph asked in surprise. “Oh, quite, sir. Tis right, sir,” the general pointed up to a big bright star in the sky, “beneath that star.”

Everyone looked down from where the star was and found a glow shining in the distance, behind several large sand dunes. “Wow...” Borealis spoke in awe. “But that's still a long way to go... even with pony and North Pole magic.”

“Oh, perhaps I may be of some assistance.”

A camel pulling a small sled was then seen walking over to the group, catching them offguard. “W-Who are you?” Rudolph asked. “A friend,” the camel said respectfully. “How do you do? I am the Great Quarter-Past-Five. Father Time sent me to help you in your journey.”

The ponies felt quite relieved that it was only a friendly camel, and nothing too dangerous that they couldn’t handle. “The Great Quarter-Past-Five?” Borealis asked curiously. “M-May we call you Quart, for short?”

Unfortunately, the camel denied this request with the shake of his head. “I'd rather you didn't, if it's all the same to you. Now, hop on my back or on the sled, please.”

Borealis squirmed onto the camel's back with Rudolph and General Ticker, and while the flightless ponies rode on the sled, Pipp and Zipp decided to fly and glide alongside the camel as they set off into the unknown desert sands.


“So... why do you think this place is called the 'Sands of Time'?” Borealis asked, looking around the desert landscape. “It doesn’t really seem to have anything to do with time, other than Father Time living here.”

“According to this non-Equestrian magic book that Santa gave me as a Christmas gift,” said Sunny as she flipped through the book in her hooves, “the Sands of Time are the only place in the known universe to have sand that can actually possess magical properties to turn back or stop time when placed inside a magical hourglass from Father Time's castle.”

“We better make sure that Paradise doesn’t know about it, because who knows what she could do with that kind of power,” Hitch said. “Excuse me? Mr. Great Quarter-Past-Five?” Misty said as she raised a hoof. “How much longer until we get to Father Time’s castle?”

“Within an hour or so, my dear,” the camel answered. “Not very long at all.”

“Phew… that’s a relief,” Pipp said. “As long as nothing else gets in our way, I think we’ll get through this mission without any more problems!”

But as soon as Pipp said that, a loud screeching sound, almost like a bird call, came from behind them, and when they turned, they saw a huge bird with black feathers, an ugly twisted beak and a horrible cry flying in their direction! Pipp whimpered, ears folding back upon seeing this. “Why do I always have to jinx us…?”

“What is it?!” Rudolph asked with wide eyes. “I-I’m seein’... old Aeon!” General Ticker said, turning to the Great Quarter-Past-Five in panic. “We’ve got to flee!”

“But, he can’t flee and carry our sled at the same time!” Hitch pointed out. “Here’s an idea, sheriff!” Zipp cried as she and her sister landed on the ground to join their friends in a quicker escape. “Get off the sled and run!”

“Good point!” Hitch cried, and he, Sunny and the unicorns got off the sled and began to bolt for their lives. “Run run run!” the monstrously huge bird squawked. “Run! All fear Aeon the Terrible! RAAAWWW!!!”

The ponies panted tiredly as the bird got closer and closer to them, and upon the Great Quarter-Past-Five’s back, Rudolph and Borealis looked a bit green at how the camel bobbed up and down repeatedly as he ran. They never rode on a camel before, so it was understandable why they would feel so motion sick.

But for Borealis, all that motion sickness turned to fear when Aeon gained on them, growling and snarling sinisterly. Suddenly, something in Izzy and Misty caused them to turn and blast magical beams at Aeon to try and get him to turn around. “Hey you big buzzard!” Izzy cried out. “Leave our friends alone!”

Aeon, although surprised that these horse-like creatures would stand up to him, merely smirked as he watched the others continue to run. “There’s better pickings,” he muttered to himself before flying off, squawking, which allowed the others to finally slow down. Satisfied with how they drove the bird off, Izzy and Misty returned to the others, just as the Great Quarter-Past-Five came up with a hypothesis on why Aeon suddenly gave up. “Why, it’s not us he’s looking for.”

“Then… w-who does he want?” Borealis whimpered, still startled from Aeon’s attack. “I do fear the New Year,” said General Ticker before he turned to the Great Quarter-Past-Five. “You agree?”

“Oh, I certainly do. He’s out looking for Happy too,” the camel nodded before turning to the confused Equestrian and their Christmastown friends. “You see, Aeon can only live until he is one aeon old, then he will turn into ice and snow.”

“How long is an aeon?” Rudolph asked as Zipp vigorously took notes on her FlyPad. “Oh, immeasurably long,” the Great Quarter-Past-Five answered. “But his aeon is finally up this December 31st. He has only six days left.”

That’s when Rudolph and Zipp both came up with the same conclusion. “That’s why he wants to capture the Baby New Year!” Rudolph exclaimed first. “To stop time!”

“Rudolph is right!” Zipp nodded. “Because if December 31st goes on forever, so will Aeon himself!”

“Why, he’ll never change to snow,” said the Great Quarter-Past-Five, “and he’ll never stop scaring people.”

“And to make matters worse,” said Misty, “if this year goes on forever, we may not be able to get back to Equestria and save Mom!”

“Not if we find Happy before he does,” Rudolph reassured before turning to their camel guide. “Come on, Great Quarter-Past-Five! Get us to Father Time's castle, quick!”

“Oh!” the camel said in surprise as he turned. “Well, since we're being quick about things… you may call me Quart!”

“Ha ha! Let’s go, Quart!” Borealis giggled, and the ponies trotted alongside their friend, knowing that their first destination was only a little further ahead. Then… the real test would begin.

Father Time's Castle/Turn Back the Years

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Shortly after their attack with Aeon, the ponies immediately got moving with all their friends again across the Sands of Time, the running from the chase having rejuvenated their spirits.

They now realized what was at stake if they didn’t find the Baby New Year-- not only would the current year be repeated for all time, but the monstrous vulture would continue to forever terrorize his victims, and the Mane 6 would never return to protect Equestria and get home to their friends and families.

After a long while of walking across the Sands of Time, it was then that Misty finally noticed the glow they saw earlier becoming closer and closer to them, and this caused her and all her friends to gasp. There, in front of them, was Father Time's castle, standing brilliantly in all its glory. “Father Time’s castle…” Sunny gasped. “We finally made it!”

General Ticker, Rudolph and Borealis hopped off Quart’s back and the group all stood together, taking in the beauty of the castle as a song seemed to echo from within.

Have a happy have a happy
Have a Hap-Hap-Happy New Year!
As the bells ring out, everyone will shout,
"Happy New Year!"

Have a happy, have a happy
May each day be filled with good cheer
And with nothing less than much happiness
All through the year!

“Oh-ho, whoa!” Zipp commented as the group gazed at the palace with their wide eyes. “I think this place may be even glitzier than our castle back in Zephyr Heights!”

“Yes, it is a truly remarkable sight,” General Ticker nodded. “Just like your beacons, its radiance shines bright!”

“Well, we better get inside and not keep Father Time waiting,” Rudolph told his friends. “Thank you, General, and thank you, Quart, for all your help.”

“Yeah, totally! Thank you so much!” Pipp smiled. “I’ll definitely mention you two in my next ClipTrot stream!”

And so, the ponies, Borealis and Rudolph bid their new friends farewell before they set off toward the large open doors. But before they could enter, they noticed that Misty and Borealis sat with wide eyes, as if… afraid to move forward. “Misty? Bori?” Hitch called. “Everything okay?”

“I just… I guess I’m a little nervous for a lot of different reasons,” Misty said, her head lowered. “Me too,” Borealis nodded. “What if Father Time doesn’t like us? Or, what if he thinks sending all of us on this mission is a mistake and Rudolph and I have to go alone?”

“Hey, there’s no way we would let that happen,” Zipp assured her gently. “You guys are our friends, and who our Unity Quest sent us to help. If this Father Time guy hurts you guys in any way, we’ll protect you… no matter what.”

“Oh, that won’t be necessary!”

The group yelped and jumped at a sudden voice, and turned to see that the castle door was wide open, and in the doorway was a gray unicorn with darker gray hooves, gentle golden eyes, a blue, lavender and cream mane and tail, a green cloak with an emerald heart and a cutie mark of a pocket watch. “Father Time is the kindest man I know, Borealis,” she said as she approached. “He won’t separate you from your new friends, I promise you that.”

“Heeey… hold on,” Sunny said with a confused look. “How did you know Borealis’ name? And that we were her and Rudolph’s new friends?”

“Oh, I heard you and saw you in the magic hourglass,” the unicorn responded, sounding casual. “I wanted to come and welcome you to the castle first hoof. Oh, wait… heh… where are my manners? Hi there! I’m Time Twirler, Father Time’s apprentice!”

“It’s nice to meet you, Time Twirler. Sorry we jumped,” Rudolph apologized. “We’ve been having… quite a time lately.”

“Oh, don’t worry about it. I do have a way of surprising people,” Time Twirler said as she brushed it off. “But may I say, Rudolph, I am your BIGGEST fan! I’ve witnessed your entire journey, from when you were a yearling all the way up to tonight! These pony friends and that little fox sister of yours really helped you get to this point.”

“Uh… thanks,” Rudolph smiled at the enthusiastic unicorn. “Uh… Time Twirler?” Hitch spoke up. “Hate to be rude, but… we gotta go see Father Time now.”

“Oh, of course! Silly me,” Time Twirler moved over to let them inside. “Come on in. Father Time is waiting for us in the throne room. Though, I guess I should call it the clock room since there are so many clocks in there… eh, the throne room works too. Come on, come on!”

The ponies merely shrugged and giggled, following their new friend inside the castle with Rudolph and Borealis bringing up the rear. Everything in the castle seemed to be clocked themed, leaving the majesty to stare in awe and amazement as Time Twirler brought them to the throne room, where Father Time was waiting.

He seemed to be an older, taller man with gentle eyes, a tuft of red hair on his head and a long white beard to match his long blue robe. “Father Time,” said Time Twirler respectfully, “may I introduce Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, Borealis the arctic fox and their Equestrian entourage.”

“Heh… never been called part of an entourage before,” Zipp chuckled. “But I like it!”

“Why it’s true,” Father Time said, looking at Rudolph with amazement. “That nose of yours is as red as my hair used to be. They used to call me Old Red Head. Heh heh heh…”

“It's a pleasure for all of us to serve you, sir,” Rudolph said as the ponies bowed. “Definitely-- huge honor!” Sunny spoke. “In a later time period, I’d like to ask you a couple questions about… you know what? Mission first, questions later.”

Father Time chuckled at this before turning to the whole group again. “Rudolph, Borealis, do you or any of your friends here what really happens every New Year's Eve? Do you know how we make the change from one year to the next?”

“No, sir,” Borealis shook her head honestly. “All we know is that everybody says ‘Happy New Year’.”

“It is a happy occasion,” Father Time answered, “and a solemn one too. For the passing of time is awe-inspiring. It's the one certain thing in all the universe. Time Twirler?”

“Of course,” the unicorn nodded. And after closing her eyes, Time Twirler’s horn lit up and cast its spell, causing a magical image of another Father Time with a small red haired baby, to appear on the floor, a crown in the previous Father Time’s hands. “Whoa…” Borealis said in awe. “I sure wish I could do that!”

“Like Father Time said, the passing from one year to the next is a certain thing that happens every year,” Time Twirler said. “In a way it’s like an old king stepping down… and a new one taking his place.”

“A Baby New Year starts every January 1st,” Father Time added. “Innocent and young as springtime.”

As the ponies watched as the red-haired baby growing into Father Time himself, the master of time decided to sing a soft tune to help the image along.

Father Time: The moving finger writes
And having writ, moves on
You can't hold back the clock
It just ticks on and on

The moving finger writes
And having writ, moves on
So treasure memories
For what is gone is gone

Choir: And though you may sweat and strife
Don't you know it's great just to be alive?

Father Time: Make every moment count
Rejoice with every dawn
The moving finger writes
And having writ... moves... on...

Time Twirler's magic soon changed the image to that of the outside of the castle, with the clock on its front a minute from midnight. “As midnight nears, the old year waits,” the gray unicorn said, “as all the clocks count down his last moments. Midnight!”

As the clock in the image shifted to midnight, an imaginary crowd cheered as a diamond on top of a tall pole began to lower. “And the magic diamond is lowered to signify the end… and the beginning!”


Crowd: Have a happy
Happy New Year!

Time Twirler soon made the image disappear as Father Time rested on his throne, looking very worried. “This year,” he said, “the diamond may not come down.”

“We’re here to make sure it does, sir,” Zipp said. “But just so we know,” Misty spoke, “what happened to the Baby New Year?”

“He ran away, I’m afraid,” Time Twirler frowned with an ashamed look in her eyes. “You see, little Happy was anything but happy here. And we didn't know a thing about it.”

“Hmmm… do you know of any reason why would Happy would run away to begin with?” Zipp asked, pulling out her FlyPad to record some information. “Well, Happy's different from all the other little New Years,” Father Time hesitantly explained. “You see, he had... rather unusual... big ears.”

“And his ears were so big,” Time Twirler went on, “anyone who saw them burst into laughter, which is why he usually wore a large top hat on his head.”

“No one meant to be cruel,” Father Time continued, “but that night, poor little Happy ran away... and we haven't seen hide nor hair of him since!”

Rudolph and Borealis felt a twinge of sympathy enter their souls at this... they felt that Happy's story compared so much to their own, and the ponies could sense this too. “Gee... I wish he would have come to Bori and me,” Rudolph frowned. “We know just how he felt. I bet they called him names... and wouldn't let him join in any New Year games...”

Sunny walked over to them with Izzy, and the earth pony mare spoke up in comfort. “Rudolph, what you and Bori went through was awful, but I think hearing your stories might help Happy to understand that differences are a weakness... they're a strength. But first, we need to find him before the deadline.

“Excuse us, Mr. Father Time?” Izzy spoke up. “Do you... do you have any idea where Happy might have gone?”

Luckily, Father Time did have one idea, nodding his head. “His nurse, Nanny Nine-O'clock, said that he always wanted to see the Archipelago of Last Years.”

“Arch-i-pel-a-go?” Borealis repeated. “What does that word mean, sir?”

“It’s a group of islands,” Father Time said as he and Time Twirler led the group to a map of several islands, each with a different year on them. “The Archipelago of Last Years is the most fantastic archipelago of all,” Time Twirler stated. “Far north, in the most northern of all the northern seas... hidden from the rest of the world by an everlasting icy fog. Each island is an old year.”

“I don't understand, Time Twirler,” Rudolph shook his head. “Neither do I,” Pipp admitted. “What do years of the past have to do with Happy or these islands?”

“You see,” Father Time began to explain, “when the old year's time is done, he retires to the Archipelago and selects an island. And the island becomes his alone. Time stands still... and remains just the same as it was during the year he reigned. The Archipelago of Last Years.”

“If we're right,” said Time Twirler, “Happy must be hiding on one of those islands-- on one of those long-ago years.”

“One thing's for sure,” Rudolph said sternly, “the ponies, Bori and I will search every island if we have to.”

“Where can we find them?” Borealis asked. “Go to where the Sands of Time meet the Sea of Auld Lang Syne,” Father Time said. “There, you will find a giant sundial.”

“A sundial?” Hitch questioned. “In the middle of the night and in all that fog?”

“You’ll know it when you see it,” Time Twirler stated before turning to Rudolph. “This sundial's arm points through the icy fog to the Archipelago of Last Years. Point your gleaming nose in that direction. Rudolph, do not veer from your course... and you will find you and your friends are going back... back into time.”

“Giant sundial, follow the direction of the arm... got it!” Zipp said with a smile. “We’ll get moving to the Archipelago of Last Years as fast as we can and be back with Happy before New Year’s Eve!”

“We wish you all the best of luck,” Time Twirler told the group before she seemed to remember something. “Oh! I almost forgot your present!”

She reached in her cloak and pulled out a compass before giving it to Zipp. “This enchanted compass will let you know what islands you're heading toward, and how far it'll take to reach them. Consider it a late Christmas gift from me.”

“Thank you, Time Twirler,” Zipp stuck the compass underneath her wing before turning to the others. “All right, everypony-- next stop, the Archipelago of Last Years!”


Soon enough, the group managed to reach the Sea of Auld Lang Syne, with Borealis panting from such a long walk. “Finally... we made it!” she said before flopping on her belly. “That was exhausting.”

“Really?” Misty asked in surprise. “I'm not all that tired.”

“Well, you guys don't have stubby, short paws like I do!”

“Okay, everypony, focus,” Zipp said, breaking up the arguement. “Now we need to find that sundial.”

“What does a sundial even look like--? Oof!” Borealis grunted as she impacted against an object, and that object was revealed to be the giant sundial itself. “Heh heh… I think I found it!”

“Good work, Bori!” Sunny said with a smile. “Now, all Rudolph has to do is light his nose in that direction.”

“Right,” Rudolph nodded and did as asked. “Well… is everypony ready to time travel into the past and save our present?”

“Well, uh... heh... that sentence of mixed messages could confuse somepony like crazy, but... I think so,” Hitch said. “Archipelago of Last Years, here we come!”

The group sprung into the air a good ways, and continued to trot along the beach as Father Time’s voice sung a song in all their minds.

Father Time: Turn back the years
Live the simple life once again
Live the days of ‘remember when’
Turn back the years

Upon reaching the end of the beach, the group saw a small sailboat and jumped into it, and Zipp and Pipp pulled on the sail, causing the boat to set sail across the ocean.

Father Time: Turn back the years
Walk along any sunny lane
Walking’s better than any plane
Turn back the years

Choir: Just remember
The good times that you knew
Don't remember
The bad times you've been through

Life disappears sooner than you would think it would
Fool yourself, everybody should

Father Time: Turn back the years

All: Turn back the years!

By the time the song was over, the enchanted compass that Time Twirler gave the group had started working, and Zipp pulled it out and studied it. “According to this, if we keep going in this direction, we should be at the first island by tomorrow morning.”

“That’s great!” Izzy said, making the boat rock a bit and causing the group to yelp and maintain balance. “As long as nothing shows up to stop us, I think we’ll be okay!”

“Izzy!” Pipp cried out. “You remember what happened LAST TIME when I said something like that?!”

“No… what?”

Suddenly, a wicked laughter filled the air, causing the group to look around in panic until Aeon flew into view from the fog. Pipp sighed under her breath, having a feeling this would happen. “Need I say more…?”

“Oh no!” Rudolph cried. “It’s Aeon!”

The ponies automatically assumed that he was not gonna make finding Happy easy for them, and their assumptions were confirmed when Aeon dove right for them! “HIT THE DECK!!”

Everyone screamed and ducked before Aeon could hit them, but then, their eyes turned to the sky as Sunny’s alicorn form activated. “Brace yourselves for attack, everypony!” she shouted. “Because one thing is for sure… this bird is gonna be tough to take down!”

The Island of One Million B.C

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Things were looking pretty bad for Rudolph, Borealis and the Mane 6; while they were sailing across the ocean to the Archipelago of Last Years to find Happy the Baby New Year, Aeon the Terrible swooped down out of the sky and divebombed them, leaving the ponies to quickly try and come up with a plan to keep him at bay.

Luckily, Sunny shifted to her alicorn form with a plan in mind. “Pipp, Zipp, come with me! We can hold him off while the others find a way to get this boat moving at a quicker pace!”

“Right!” both sisters nodded before following their earth pony/alicorn friend up into the sky to face Aeon. “Oh, goodie!” Aeon cackled. “More pony pests to have for lunch!”

“Oh yeah?” Zipp challenged. “Well, if you wanna snack on us, you’re gonna have to catch us!”

Aeon squawked and followed the three into the sky, Sunny using the bright light emitting from her wings to slightly disorient the giant bird behind them. At the same time, Misty, Izzy and Rudolph tried to blow against the sail to make it pick up speed, but they weren’t going anywhere too quickly. “Got to go… faster!” the reindeer panted between blowing fits. “I don’t… think it’s… working!” Misty panted, too tired to keep blowing. “We have to try some other way to get moving!”

Suddenly, Aeon's squawks from above caused Borealis to gasp and look up at the pegasus sisters and Sunny trying to evade the giant bird, but he was getting far too close. “Oh no… I-I gotta do something!”

Keeping an eye on her monstrous target, Borealis flicked her tail hard, sending a blast of magic in their direction… only for it to hit Sunny, sending her plummeting toward the water below! “AAAAGH!!!”

Pipp and Zipp gasped and dove to rescue her. “SUNNY!!”

“Oops!” Borealis yelped. “I-I didn’t mean for that to happen!”

Pipp and Zipp were able to catch Sunny before she hit the water, and they landed back in the boat with their friends. “Sunny, I am SO sorry!” Borealis said in panic. “Are you okay? Did I hurt you?”

“No, I’m okay, Bori,” Sunny said once she caught her breath. “But for now, I think we need to brace ourselves, cause Aeon’s coming this way fast!”

The group yelped and sheltered themselves as Aeon was swooping in their direction… only to have a huge bong sound and a splash of water stop the bird in his tracks. This caused the group’s eyes to open and look around for the source of their savior when they saw a huge figure emerging from the water. “Oh my gosh!” Rudolph spoke out of shock as the figure was fully visible, revealing itself to be a sperm whale with a clock in its tail. “Oh, now, Rudy,” he said in a friendly tone, “don’t you and your friends fret any about that overgrown chicken.”

“W-Who are you?” Misty asked with wide eyes. “Well, folks call me Big Ben,” the whale answered her with a chuckle. “Lookie what I can do.”

Suddenly, the clock on Big Ben’s tail let out a loud bonging sound, causing the ponies to jump in surprise. “Climb inside. It’s safe in there,” Big Ben told the group as he opened his mouth, and Pipp sniffed the odor that came from it before gagging. “It smells like fish in there.”

“Either we get in the mouth of a whale whose breath tastes like fish,” said Hitch as many ponies, Borealis and Rudolph hopped into Big Ben’s mouth, “or we get eaten by the bird whose breath will taste like our flesh!”

“AHH!! Point taken!” Pipp shrieked and leapt into the whale’s mouth just as it closed. “Phew… that was too close,” Sunny sighed. “Now, I guess we need to just wait in here until Aeon goes away.”

Suddenly, Big Ben mumbled something, causing Rudolph’s nose to light up the inside of his mouth. “What did you say?” Rudolph asked, only for Big Ben to repeat the same gibberish. “Huh?”

“I asked if you were comfortable,” Big Ben repeated more clearly. “Kind of hard to talk with your mouth full. Heh heh heh…”

“Oh, sure, Big Ben!” Borealis nodded. “But maybe we better ride on top!”

“Okay, suit yourself.”

Big Ben allowed the group to get out of his mouth before they all flew/jumped to the top of the whale, allowing Pipp to sigh. “Fresh air… at last!!”

“Heh heh… sorry about her, Big Ben,” Zipp apologized. “She gets a bit carried away, and we are SO grateful to you for saving us.”

“Yeah, thanks,” Hitch nodded. “We sure are-- LOOK OUT!!”

The ponies screamed as Aeon dove for them again, and Aeon barely missed them as he cackled triumphantly. “I won't let you find Happy… before I do!” he declared and turned around to dive for them once more. Luckily for them, Ben was able to swim to where he was right in Aeon’s face when he stopped, determined not to let the giant bird hurt the weary search party. “You’re a baaaad bird, Aeon.”

Ben used his flippers to splash Aeon back a bit, causing the bird to chuckle and squawk before he flew off, much to the group’s relief. One thing was definitely for certain… even Aeon was no match for Big Ben. “So,” said the whale, “which island are you guys heading to first?”

“We’re not exactly sure. We’re on a mission to find the Baby New Year, and we need some sort of… more reliable transport,” Sunny said. “Somepony who would know their way around.”

“Well, you all are in luck!” Big Ben assured. “I’ve been swimming through the archipelago for as long as I can remember. I’m sure I can get you guys to the island where the Baby New Year is.”

“Really?! Oh, that sounds pony-tastic!” Izzy cheered. “What are we waiting for?! Sail on, Mr. Big Ben! Sail on!”

While they were sailing, Borealis turned to Sunny with an ashamed look on her small fox face. “I’m sorry you almost got hurt, Sunny. I was just trying to help.”

“I know, and it’ll be okay. I wasn’t hurt or anything,” Sunny said. “Sometimes, our magic can take a lot of practice in order to control.”

“Is that how it was when you first got your alicorn powers?”

“Sort of. I’m still learning how to find my way around with them,” Sunny said, “but so far, it’s been really handy on our other Unity Quests. And I’m sure that you’ll learn to control your powers too… in your time.”

Borealis sighed and snuggled up against the earth pony mare. “Thanks, Sunny… I guess I really needed to hear that.”

“No problem. Now, you guys get some rest. I can stay up for a while and keep watch, and then we can rotate in shifts,” said Sunny as the group made themselves comfortable on the whale’s back. “We’re gonna need our rest for a long day of searching tomorrow.”


“Bori, ponies! Wake up! I can see an island up ahead!”

The group slowly stirred at the sounds of Rudolph’s call. It was early that morning, as the sun was beginning to rise and a few hours since Pipp finished her night shift and Rudolph took over. When they looked out where he was pointing, they saw that he was right-- a large island was dead ahead, and Zipp checked the enchanted compass for any details. “It says here that this is the island of One Million B.C. Wow… that was a long time ago.”

“And it’s one of the oldest islands in the whole archipelago,” Big Ben responded. “If there’s a good place to start your search, it’s here.”

By the time the sun had fully come up, Big Ben waited in the harbor while Rudolph, Borealis and all the ponies had stepped foot onto the island, which had a lush jungle landscape that made the group gaze and gasp in awe and wonder. “This is amazing…” Zipp said as she looked around. “It’s like the entire island is frozen in time!”

“And look!” Sunny pointed to a grazing triceratops. “Dinosaurs are here too! If Sparky was here, he'd be going crazy by this point!”

Borealis looked around in complete awe when a sound touched the little fox's ears. “Hey, guys… you hear that?”

The ponies and Rudolph lifted their ears to the sound, and Misty was first to nod. “Yeah… it almost sounds like… singing? But, Pipp’s not doing it, so… where is it coming from?”

“This way, come on!” Borealis led the group into the jungle, with Rudolph directly behind her so she didn’t get lost. When the singing reached its peak, they pushed the bushes apart to reveal the singer… which was, to their surprise, an Equestrian pegasus.

She was a Paris green color, with deep purple eyes, a gold and razzmatazz pink mane and tail and a cutie mark of two seashells, with the colors blue and purple.

This pegasus was singing softly to herself, watering some jungle plants until she turned around and saw the group watching her, causing to shriek and dive into the bushes for cover. “Oh… we’re sorry,” Sunny said. “We didn’t mean to scare you.”

“We were just listening to you sing,” said Misty. “And your voice is beautiful.”

“You… you liked my singing?” the pegasus said as her head poked from hiding. “Sure we did,” Rudolph said. “My name is Rudolph, and this is Borealis, and our friends from Equestria. What’s your name?”

“Uh… Island Grove,” the pegasus introduced quietly as she flew from the bush. “Nice to meet you, Island!” Pipp said enthusiastically. “Do you happen to know where the head honcho of this island is? We need to talk to him right away.”

“You mean… old One Million B.C?” Island said, causing the group to nod. “Sure… I think he should be in his cave right about now. Come on.”

The group followed the cautious pegasus through the jungles and past some friendly dinosaurs until they reached a cave in the middle section of the island. “Here,” Island pointed to the cave. “This is where he and I live.”

“You live in a cave?” Zipp raised an eyebrow, causing Island to gulp nervously and nod. “Not really any buildings around here,” Hitch pointed out, “so as long as it keeps you warm and dry, it looks homey to me.”

“Hello?” Rudolph called into the cave, ignoring the conversation between the ponies. “Anybody home?”

After Rudolph called into the cave, a caveman with teeth sticking out of his mouth walked out, and the ponies automatically assumed that it was One Million B.C himself. “Why, certainly!” he said quite cheerfully. “Always there's anybody! No? Yes?”

“Hi!” Borealis waved cheerfully. “You must be…”

“Who? Me?” the caveman asked. “O.M.”

“O.M?” the ponies questioned, leaving the Island to softly chuckle. “Short for One Million,” the green pegasus explained before O.M excitedly leapt off the rock he was standing on and landed in front of the group. “Too much work, all the time saying ‘One Million’. Yes? No? Yes!”

Rudolph honestly wasn't sure how to respond to this much enthusiasm. Sure, Izzy was one thing, but this caveman was like the caveman version of her! “I… I suppose so,” he managed to respond. “Hey… why for the edges on your mouth go down, not up?” O.M asked, leading Island to nudge him. “What O.M means to say is, well… is everything okay? Do you wanna talk about it?”

“Uh, well… it’s sorta difficult to explain,” Pipp scratched her head. “But if you want, I could put together an elaborate ClipTrot post to--”

“We’re on this really important mission, to find the Baby New Year,” Misty stepped forward, interrupting Pipp. “But… the archipelago is a LOT bigger than we ever expected it to be, a-and not to mention we have a lot of worries other than that on our pony minds too. It just gets us wondering… well…”

“What if we don’t find him in time?” Rudolph interrupted, finishing Misty’s explanation. “Don’t? Stop with the don’t thoughts,” O.M told the group. “Start with the do thoughts.”

And before the group could find the words to ask, O.M was swinging and climbing trees while singing a song to explain, and Island joined in.

O.M: When things go wrong
And dark clouds fill your sky

Island: Let the dark clouds burst
Laugh and you’ll find if you cry…

O.M: It’s raining sunshine, it’s raining sunshine
And it’s music to the ears
It’s raining sunshine, it’s raining sunshine

Island: When you smile away your tears!

During the climax of the song, more friendly dinosaurs came from out of nowhere and began to sing along, much to the shock of the ponies.

Dinosaurs: It’s raining sunshine, it’s raining sunshine

Island: And a rainbow soon appears

Dinosaurs, O.M and Island: It’s raining sunshine, it’s raining sunshine
When you smile away your tears!

O.M: It’s raining sunshine

Dinosaurs, O.M and Island: It’s raining sunshine, it’s raining sunshine

After the song was over, Island and O.M waved goodbye to their dinosaur friends and jumped down to their new friends on the ground. “That sounds wonderful, O.M!” Sunny smiled. “We’ll take your advice.”

“And I know we’ll find Happy,” Rudolph concluded. “Of course you will!” Island smiled. “I totally believe that you can do it.”

“But, hey, who’s Happy?” O.M asked before he laughed and began dancing around the group. “Everybody’s happy!”

Izzy laughed and decided to dance with him. “Hey, he’s right! Everybody should be happy!”

“Ha ha ha! O.M, Izzy, please!” Sunny tried to keep from laughing too much. “To clarify, Happy is the new Baby New Year, destined to where the Crown of Time by midnight on December 31st.”

“He’s missing,” Rudolph added. “And since this is one of the oldest island in the archipelago, we thought that he might have come here.”

“A little baby?” Island questioned before humming. “I think we might have seen him earlier… I’m just not sure when.”

“Oh yeah…” O.M suddenly remembered something. “Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!”

“YES!!” Zipp said excitedly. “Is he here?!”


“Ohhhhhhhhhh!!!” the group groaned in frustration. “Oh, but… he was!” Island said, trying to sound reassuring. “Just a few hours ago!”

“HOURS?!” Hitch screeched before flopping on his stomach. “Man, that baby moves quicker than we do! And we have four legs!”

“Slow down, Hitch. Island, what do you remember about Happy being on this island?” Zipp said, taking out her FlyPad to record her notes. “Well…” Island began, “...he came to the island early this morning, and made a lot of different dinosaur friends. Especially when he helped save a baby pterodactyl’s egg after it fell out of its nest.”

“Aww… that sounds so nice!” Pipp cooed. “It was,” Island said. “But unfortunately, his hat fell off when the baby pterodactyl, and it showed off these huge ears.”

“His hat fell off?!” Zipp cried. “Oh no… just like what happened at the castle! Did anyone laugh?”

“Well… a couple dinosaurs found his ears really amusing, and they did laugh a little,” Island said hesitantly. “After that, he got really upset and disappeared into the brush.”

“And that is the last time we have ever seen him,” O.M said with a laugh before noticing the group’s downtrodden faces. “But look, l-l-let's all look! He has positively got to be on one of these islands… m-m-m-maybe. Yes?”

“Really?” asked Sunny. “You guys are gonna help us?”

“Sure!” Island smiled. “I didn’t think I could sing in front of anypony until you guys came along! If we can help you find that adorable baby, we’ll be on top of the world!”

“Well, when you put it that way, you’re in! Come on!” Borealis said as she and Rudolph led their friends toward the beach. “Big Ben’s a-waiting!”

The Island of Sir 1023

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One Million B.C (O.M for short) and his Equestrian friend Island Grove had joined Rudolph, Borealis and the Mane 6 in their search for Happy the Baby New Year after he had left the archipelago's oldest island a little while ago.

During the two days that they searched, the ponies got to see what different time periods in the mortal world looked like and met all sorts of different ponies. They learned from Island that each old year had their own Equestrian assistant, who could get to Father Time a lot quicker if there were any problems, and the old years could continue to govern the island while they were gone.

Unfortunately, this fact didn't seem to help, because on all the islands they searched, Happy was not on them, whether they got to talk to the old year in charge or not. On their third day of searching, Zipp used the enchanted compass to create an enchanted, holographic map to figure out where they need to search next. “1893 never heard of him,” Borealis trailed off as Zipp swiped the islands they listed out of the way. “1492 was too busy discovering stuff to have much time to talk to us.”

“1965 was too noisy,” Rudolph continued, “and all 4000 B.C could think about was building pyramids!”

“Although they DID have an impeccable taste in fashion and design,” Pipp said, admiring the pictures that she took of their time on the Egyptian-like island. “Lots more islands to check,” O.M reminded. “Lots more, lots more.”

“But we only have three more days until December the 31st,” Sunny reminded. “Time is running short!”

“Can’t you use that fancy cutie mark magic of yours to find him?” Borealis asked. “I’m not sure,” frowned Hitch. “The only way we found Sparky when he was missing was by singing his song, and the cutie mark magic amplified his calls. I’m not sure if Happy would even recognize the song, let alone respond back.”

“Still… it can’t hurt to try,” Pipp said before clearing her throat and singing out into the fog.

You hear that sound…

But when she paused to listen, no kind of call answered her song. “Sorry, ponies… I guess my voice doesn’t have as much charm as I thought.”

“Don’t worry, Princess Pipp. We'll find the Baby New Year in time,” Island reassured. “We just need to figure out where to search next.”

“Maybe that island up there will know something,” Big Ben told the group as they looked toward an island ahead of them. “Certainly looks impressive!”

Indeed, the island before them seemed like the most amazing island yet, and the ponies could only stare while Borealis checked the compass. “It says here that this is the island of Sir 1023, one of the largest islands in the Archipelago of Last Years.”

“Oh! I think my old friend Story Heart lives there!” Island recalled. “She’s sort of like an icon over there. Really pretty, really popular… all the works. If anypony can help us find Happy, it would be Story Heart and Sir 1023, the one who rules over that island.”

“Well, what are we waiting for?” Zipp asked. “The sooner we get there, the sooner we can restart the search!”


The moment that the group made contact with the island, they were thrust into a time period of castles, knights in shining armor and princesses, along with different fairytale and Mother Goose nursery rhyme characters. “Wow…” Pipp said with wide eyes. “This is exactly what I always imagined a fairytale kingdom to look like! And now, I can see it with my two eyes and my camera!”

While the group gave her a strange look, they saw a large, squealing crowd not too far away from them, and wondered what the heck was going on. Suddenly... they saw her.

A dazzling light pink earth pony mare with a gorgeous yellow, green and purple mane and tail and an open book cutie mark was walking down the street of excited fans, her blue eyes shimmering, as well as the tiara she was wearing. “Wow...” Borealis gasped. “Is she a princess?!”

“I'm not sure,” Rudolph answered. “But whoever she is, the people here sure seem to like her.”

“Oh! That's my friend Story Heart! The one I told you guys about!” Island suddenly realized. “Story! Story Heart! Over here!”

The earth pony mare immediately saw her friend and gasped, rushing over and hugging her. “Island Grove! This is such an unexpected delight!” she smiled. “I take it these friends of yours are the search party that has been drifting through the islands in search of the Baby New Year?”

“How did you know that?” Pipp asked before gasping. “Do you have social media?!”

“Ha ha! No, I’m afraid not,” Story Heart giggled. “I’ve just heard the tales from birds and Sir 1023 himself. Oh, here he comes now!”

The ponies looked up to see a tall knight with a long beard hanging from his helmet approaching them, before he spoke up in a distinct accent. “Thou look'st for the wee babe, Happy?”

“Is he here, Sir 1023?” Rudolph asked. “Aye!” the knight responded. “Oh, that’s great!” Sunny smiled. “Where is he?”

“Well… that’s the only thing,” Story Heart said hesitantly. “We haven’t the slightest notion where on the island he could be.”

“But come'st thou with us! Come'st, come’st! We searcheth!” Sir 1023 urged before he and Story Heart led the way. “Come’st thou with me,” O.M mimicked the knight. “We searcheth!

“Clang, clang, clang!” Izzy imitated the knight’s clanging armor with a giggle, causing the others to follow the knight and his earth pony friend throughout the island, talking to every fairytale character in sight while in search of Happy, as a melodious song wafted through the breeze.

What a wonderful world we live in
When we live in the world of make-believe
Fairytales can come true, if you just wish them to
And there's nothing you can't achieve…

What a wonderful world we live in,
Just recall Cinderella and her shoe

You can live like a king
You can be anything
As long as you believe it's true

And what a wonderful world if you do...

After many disheartening answers from the citizens of the island, the group approached the window of Cinderella, where the prince was just about ready to slip the slipper on her foot. “No, I’m sorry,” he apologized. “I haven't seen Happy. Have you, my dear?”

Cinderella merely shook her head just before the slipper was placed on her foot, and as the story goes… it was a perfect fit.

Sunny sighed with a sad smile. “They get their happy ending… now all we need to do is find Happy so we can get ours.”


“Aye,” Humpty Dumpty nodded as the group asked him if he had seen Happy. “I saw him. Made me laugh so hard I fell off the wall.”

“So… do you know where he is now?” Zipp asked. “I wish I did,” Humpty Dumpty responded. “When all the king's horses and all the king's men started to laugh… he ran off, down that path over there.”

“Ugh… well, at least we have some sort of direction as to where he went,” Story Heart told the group. “And the Seven Dwarves live down that way. They’ll have to know where he is.”


Unfortunately, they were all met with the same kind of response.


“Ain’t seen him!”

“Not hide nor hair.”


“No baby around here.”

“Hope you find him.”

“Better look someplace else.”

Borealis sighed with pinned ears and a sad gaze. “All seven say no…”


The next place they decided to look was the home of Rumplestilskin, but the answer was just as disheartening. “Aye! I saw him. But he ran away from me. No baby ever wants to stay with me!”

The figure spinning straw into gold sobbed sadly, making the ponies and Borealis' ears flatten in sadness. “Ohh… neareth and yet so fareth!” Sir 1023 cried out in despair. “We can’t give up, guys,” said Sunny. “We just have to keep looking. Story Heart, is there any place on the island that we haven’t looked?”

“Well… there is one, but no one in their right mind would dare to enter without knowing the consequences,” Story Heart said before pointing to the forest ahead. “The Dark Forest. Legend has it that no one who has entered the Dark Forest has EVER come back out!”

“Great… it had to be a place with a creepy legend!” Borealis whimpered. “Come on. If Happy is in there,” said Zipp, “we’ll find him.”


However, as the group made their way into the Dark Forest on the left path, it was revealed that Happy had been in the opposite direction, following the right path.

As he reached the end of the path, Happy looked down from a small hill and saw just about the friendliest little house that ever was. After deciding to go down and explore, he saw that nobody was home inside, but everything was as neat as a pin-- kind of how Hitch would like it.

But then, the poor baby's stomach grumbled-- he was a lot hungrier than he thought he was, so he climbed up to the table, and there on the table he spied three bowls of porridge.

The first was too hot, steam rising rather quickly.

The second was too cold, sending shivers through Happy's body.

The third was just right, so he decided to sit down and enjoy breakfast.

But as he sat down in the first chair at that table, he discovered it was much to hard.

The second had a nice cushion, but it was way too soft for Happy's liking.

The third cushion was just right, and he eagerly ate the porridge, unaware that the chair tipped back further and further until it broke, much to Happy's dismay.

Whoever owned this house was not going to like that! But Happy was too tired to care about anything... and so he went upstairs, where he was sure there were some beds.

But, Happy was unaware that he was falling asleep in the house of three bears-- a papa bear, a mama bear and a baby bear, and they were heading home from their walk in the forest.

When they arrived, Papa Bear was first noticing the changes that went on in their dining room. “Someone's been sitting in my chair!”

“Someone's been sitting in my chair!” Mama Bear observed just as Baby Bear walked over to the broken fragments of his own chair. “Someone's been sitting in my chair! And it got broke! Somebody broke my chair!”

Then, the next thing that the three bears noticed was their disturbed porridge bowls.

“Someone's been tasting my porridge!”

“Someone's been tasting my porridge!”

“Someone ate mine all up!”

That's when all three bears looked upstairs, as if they were thinking the same thing-- go up and check on their beds.


“Someone's been sleeping in our beds!” Mama Bear and Papa Bear said upon seeing the messed up covers on their beds. “And mine too,” Baby Bear said before pulling back his bed covers and found Happy sleeping in the bed. “Oh... and there he is!”

“Well... what do you know?” Papa Bear chuckled as Happy began to stir and notice the bear family beside him. “He's sweet!” Mama Bear cooed. “He'd make a nice friend! You want to be my little friend?” Baby Bear asked excitedly. “We could play make up games! All kinds. Knights and Dragons. You can be the knight! And Crusaders! That's a great game. Okay, friend?”

Happy cooed in delight, overjoyed to have a real friend at last. While Mama Bear grew teary eyed at the interaction, Papa Bear seemed a little unsure. “Another mouth to feed?”

“Junior needs a friend,” Mama Bear pointed out as the two headed outside to play. “Well, I don't imagine he eats much,” Papa Bear shrugged. “At least he likes porridge!”


While the parents watched from inside the house, Baby Bear was teaching Happy how to play Knights and Dragons. “Now, I must be the dragon,” Baby Bear explained while playfully growling. “Now, you slay me. Go ahead. Hit me, not too hard, but you hit me.”

Happy wasn't sure what he was supposed to think about this, but Baby Bear was quick to reassure him. “Go ahead, it's only a game, you know.”

Happy nodded and proceeded to stick a small branch underneath Baby Bear's arm, as if it were a sword. “Oh, you got me... you got me, I'm all slayed!” Baby Bear said dramatically, falling over for a few minutes before he sat up. “Now you must doff your helmet in triumph! You know, take off your hat.”

Knowing what might happen if he did take off his hat, Happy shook his head no. “But you've got to!” Baby Bear argued. “That's the way the game goes! Goodness, you got to play the game right. Fine friend you are!”

Well, Happy didn't want to lose his friend. And he realized that when you play a game, you have to follow the rules. So, he reluctantly took off his top hat and let his large ears show.

But upon seeing these ears, Baby Bear burst into laughter. “Goodness, look at that!” he said before his parents joined in the laughter. “Boy, I've never seen nothing like that before!”

Hearing this laughter made Happy begin to cry in despair and heartbreak. It was just like always.

Those bears didn't mean to be cruel... but they just couldn't stop laughing at those ears.

So, deciding that this would be a good time to to take his leave, Happy put his hat back on and began to trudge toward the forest. “Hey, where are you going?” Baby Bear called. “Come back! Come back! You're my friend! It's dangerous in those woods all alone!”

Of course, Happy didn't stop at his calls, and proceeded to trudge off into the forest alone... unaware of what might be waiting for him up above the forest canopy... like a giant vulture bent on keeping his life going.


At the same time that Aeon was flying over the forest in search of Happy, the Equestrians, Rudolph, Borealis and their new archipelago friends were still in the Dark Forest, calling to Happy repeatedly. “Happy! Are you out there?!”


“Happy, where are you?!”

“Come on, Happy, don't hide!”


“Happy!” Borealis called out once her friends ceased their shouts. “Happy, where are you?!”

“Happy, don't hide!” Rudolph reassured. “We’re here to help you!”

Of course, Happy didn't respond to any of these calls, leaving Hitch to turn to his friends, clearly worried. “He's got to be somewhere.”

“Story Heart, are you SURE that we've covered everywhere on the island?” Zipp asked. “Princess positive!” Story Heart nodded. “I usually know this island and all the best hiding places like the back of my hoof, but... it's like Happy just... disappeared!”

“But... disappeared where?” Borealis wondered. “I don’t know, but we have to keep trying,” Sunny said. “The new year is depending on us!”

Suddenly, a wicked laugh, followed by some squawks, caused the group’s attention to turn to the sky, where they saw Aeon flying around. “Lookee!” Sir 1023 pointed upward. “Look, up yonder!”

“That’s Aeon all right!” Zipp said with a narrowed gaze. “And… it looks like he’s carrying something. Or… someone!”

True to her word, Aeon was carrying a very frightened Happy up up and away from the island below. “Aeon says not to worry!” he said to Happy. “I’ll be your friend. You'll like living with me! Ha ha ha ha ha!”

“Oh no!” Borealis cried. “Pipp, Island! Follow me! We’re going into aerial pursuit!” Zipp shouted, and the flying ponies flew up and after Aeon. “Come on!” Rudolph urged the others. “We can’t let them out of our sight!”

“Rudolph’s right!” Sunny said as they rushed down the path. “I just hope that Big Ben can swim fast!”

Welcome to Starlight Ridge

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Those of the group who couldn't fly raced to Big Ben as fast as they could while the pegasus ponies gave pursuit to the horrible monster bird that captured Happy and was now flying away at top speed.

Pipp was currently ahead of her older sister and Island, all three pegasi flying above Big Ben, who could swim almost fast as Aeon and the pegasi could fly... keyword, almost.

Each time that the pegasi managed to get close, one flap from Aeon's wings pushed them back a great distance before they got to the chase once more.

Borealis anxiously watched the events with her friends, unsure of how this chase would end... in their favor? In Aeon's? Maybe in neither. “They’re getting away from us! And Island, Pipp and Zipp can't keep chasing him like this!”

“She’s right,” Hitch agreed. “The wind from Aeon's wings keeps pushing them back!”

“Ben!” Rudolph cried. “DO SOMETHING!!”

“You bet your boots I will,” Big Ben reassured the group. “Watch out now! Watch your heads!”

Through his blowhole, he sent a large jetstream of water into the air, and upon seeing it, the pegasi dove out of the way to avoid it. The water jet hit Aeon straight in the chest, causing him to cough and gag from the impact, but unfortunately, this also caused Happy to fall right off Aeon's back! “Oh!” Rudolph gasped. “He fell off!”

“I got this!” Pipp dove down to catch the child, but before she could, Happy made a makeshift parachute with his top hat, causing the group to cheer for the baby's safety. “Way to unicycle that hat of yours, little fella!” Izzy encouraged. “I'll float you closer to Ben so we can take you home!”

But the second her aura closed onto Happy, a strong wind began to blow from the south, dragging Happy forward and causing Izzy to scream as she was almost pushed into the water, only for Island and Zipp to catch her before she did. But unfortunately, she lost her grip on Happy and the wind blew him out of sight. “Oh, he's lost again!” Borealis groaned. “And we only have two days left!”

Aeon laughed and flew off into the fog, causing Zipp to almost fly after him, but she herself was worried about getting lost into the fog, so she descended with her sister and Island onto Big Ben's back. “I’m sorry, Rudolph… I tried to pull him closer to me,” Izzy apologized regretfully, “but the wind was so strong, I had to let go!”

“Don’t blame yourself, Izzy. We’ll find him again,” Rudolph reassured with a heavy sigh. “I’m just… not sure how.”

“I know how,” Sunny declared. “Big Ben, head in the direction Happy went in, and we’ll see if we can follow the wind to his next location!”


“Ugh, Sunny! We’ve been following the wind’s direction for hours, and still no sign of Happy!” Zipp groaned as they scoured the ocean. “Well, the wind couldn’t have just carried him in a different direction,” Sunny pointed out. “We gotta keep looking until we find a sign.”

Borealis looked out at the horizon while on Rudolph's back until she spotted something ahead of them that made her eyes widen. “Hey, guys? Who do you think that island belongs to?”

Everyone looked ahead to see a snowy island ahead of them, and Zipp checked the enchanted compass for any info, but to her confusion, it didn't show any information. “I don't know, Bori... it doesn’t gives any names of the owner or anything!”

“Do any of you recognize it?” Sunny turned to their friends from years’ past. “Yep! No, wait… nope,” O.M shook his head, causing the others to give him a deadpanned look. “Doesn’t look familiar to me.”

“Me neither,” Island agreed. “I’ve flown through the fog a bunch of times to deliver messages to Father Time, but… I’ve never seen that before.”

“Do you think the tiny babe might have washed up there?” Story Heart wondered. “There’s only one way to find out!” Hitch said. “Big Ben, can you get us over there super quick?”

“You bet your horseshoes I can, sheriff! Hold on!”

Everyone yelped as Big Ben swam off toward the island at a rapid pace, eventually stopping at it's shores. Rudolph and Borealis hopped off first, amazed at how similar this place seemed to their North Pole home.

Almost identical, now that they looked at it. “Wow… this place is beautiful!” Borealis smiled as the Mane 6, O.M, Sir 1023 and their Equestrian friends hopped off the whale and onto the snow. But once they did, magic swirls began to envelope Story Heart and Island Grove for a few moments, much to the shock of the others.

Before long, the magic faded away, revealing looks that matched the Mane 6's looks they got from their Christmas adventure. Island now had some new blue hoof polish and purple glitter gradient on her legs, along with her seashell pendant, while Story Heart had new blue glitter gradient and blue hooficure, along with her storybook-shaped pendant.

“Whoa... check out our looks!” Island squealed, gesturing to her new look. “I have it too!” Story Heart said, twirling to see all of her new look. “It's sort of like the island... gave them to you. And come to think of it…” Hitch spoke in thought, “this place looks a lot like the North Pole!”

“You think it’s some sort of hidden region of the North Pole nopony knew about?” Misty asked. “I’m not too sure. The snow here feels different than the snow at the North Pole,” Zipp said. “But if Happy is here, we better find somepony that we can ask, just in case.”

“Look there!” Story Heart pointed to a glow at the top of the nearby hill. “It may seem like this island is eluding me, but… I do believe that there might be a town up there!”

“Maybe someone up there will know where Happy is!” Borealis said. “Come on, you guys! Last one to the top of the hill is a rotten jingle bell!”

The little fox began to scurry up the hill as fast as her paws and the snow would allow her to, while the others merely walked behind. “Aren’t we gonna race too?” Izzy asked the others quietly. “Let’s wait a minute before we get moving at a quicker speed,” Rudolph whispered. “Bori did say that we have longer legs than her, so I don’t wanna make her feel bad.”

“Ohhhh… good point, Rudy!”


By the time they finally reached the top of the hill, Borealis was completely out of breath, falling to the snow-covered ground in exhaustion. “That... was... IMPOSSIBLE!!”

“But this town... eek!! It's to die for!” Pipp squealed as they glanced the beautiful scene around them. The entire town seemed to sparkle under the glow of the stars, but there was one thing that seemed off... there was no one around. “Where is everypony?” Misty wondered. “It’s like this whole place is practically deserted,” Hitch observed, leaving Misty to hum in thought. “But it can’t be because of Mom or Opaline this time…”

The group then walked through the deserted streets, hoping to find someone who could explain things, but were having no luck. “Why would anypony abandon a fabulous place like this?” Pipp wondered, leaving Rudolph to hum in thought before his ears picked up a sound… almost like a rhythmic beat. “What is that?”

Curious, the group moved toward the largest building in the village, the sounds getting louder every time they got closer to it, and this caused Story Heart to glance toward it. “It sounds like it’s coming from in there.”

Misty sighed worriedly when the others began to move toward the building to check it out. “Why is everypony trotting towards the scary noises when there’s perfectly good silence in the other direction?”

“Don’t worry, Misty,” Sunny reassured. “We’re all going together.”

“Yeah!” Borealis barked. “We’ve got your back!”

Misty let out a sigh of relief at that. “Oh… right,” she said with a smile. “I keep forgetting.”

“Yes, sirree!” O.M agreed. “It’s all for one, and two for ten! Or was it… all for three and six for thirty? Anyway, we’re all going together!”

Slowly, the group walked toward the building and opened the doors to look inside, only to give amazed responses as a result.

Inside were unicorns who were different shades of blue, purple and green with crystal-like horns, crystally cutie marks and the same kind of pendants and glitter gradients that the ponies had, banging hooves and cups of hot cocoa to the beat.

In the middle was a fountain that created hot cocoa and approaching it with a flute in her magical aura was a purple unicorn with a blue glitter gradient and hooves that had a blue, crystally hooficure, a white mane and tail and a crystal cutie mark of a flute. Her bluish-green eyes seemed to radiate with a look of leadership, smiling among her fellow ponies.

Suddenly, that unicorn began to play the flute before singing a cheerful tune that even got the travelers bobbing their heads and swaying to the beat.

Violet Frost: (Everypony, come on!)
(Time to shine now!)
(You gotta shine now!)

Hey, put those workin' hooves away
It's time to hit the beat (Hit the beat)
The sun is down, the stars are shooting
Far as the eye can see (Whoo!)

Come on over, join the party
Just have fun with me (With me)
There ain't nopony here that's watchin'
Use your magic to believe

The stars align, the moon is shinin'
Ohhhh-oh-ohhhh (It's shinin', yes, it's shinin')
And can't you feel the night sky hummin'?

It's like it's up there callin' out to me
(It's callin' out to me)
To me

Starshine Time
We're only gettin' brighter
We're glowin' up together
We shine, shine, shine (We shine!)

Starshine Time
We're only gettin' brighter
We're glowin' up together
We shine, shine, shine

Da, da, da, da-da
Da, da, da, da, da-da
Da-da-da, da, da, da, da-da, da-da
We shine, shine, shine (We shine)

By the time the strange unicorns finished their song and dance, the others began to cheer excitedly for how amazing the performance was.


“That was pawsome!”


“That was SO good!”

“Encore, encore!”

But, to their confusion, as soon as these new unicorns saw them, they screamed and darted into hiding, once again leaving the new land deserted. After a moment of silence, O.M decided to break it with a question in his mind. “Was it something we said?”

“I don’t know… but they sure were scared,” Misty spoke with a frown. “Where did everypony go?”

“Uh… we’re really sorry!” Sunny apologized. “We didn’t mean to frighten you ponies!”

“We’re friendly!” Izzy added. “Honest!”

“Please come out!” Rudolph called. “We have something we wanna ask you!”

Hitch nodded in agreement. “Yeah, and we’re only here on a mission! We don’t even know where we are…”

“Fear not, rare creatures!” Sir 1023 cried. “I give you my knight's word that we will not bid you no harm! Please reveal yourselves!”

After a moment, the purple unicorn came out of hiding. “Hello... sorry for the sudden disappearance,” she said in a friendly tone, earning the others' attention. “We usually don't panic like that.”

Borealis barked a little bit and blinked up at her with shimmering eyes, causing the purple unicorn to giggle. “We’re just not used to new faces around here. You know, it's kinda hard to know who to trust or what is real, because of the trance.”

Sunny and Hitch quickly spared each other a confused glance, causing Sunny to speak up. “Trance?”

The purple unicorn seemed to panic upon realizing what she said. “Trance? Heh heh... I didn’t say... who said that? Not me.”

Story Heart, O.M, Sir 1023 and Island seemed to spare confused glances at each other for a moment, feeling as if something was wrong. “Anyway, we're very glad to meet you,” the purple unicorn said, bringing out her flute again. “Right, everypony?”

The purple unicorn then blew into her flute, signaling all the other unicorns like her out of hiding, but it seemed evident that they were still nervous.

One of those unicorns was a blue color with a white mane and tail with a purple gradient, magenta eyes, glasses and a crystal cutie mark of a comet blazing across the sky, along with a blue crystal hooficure and a blue glitter gradient on his legs.

This particular unicorn stumbled over to the group, slipping on the sparkly snow beneath them. “Our mistake-- whoa!” he shouted as he regained his footing. “We love visitors! Not that we’ve really ever had any… but I think we love visitors! I mean, at least I do? We just can’t really invite anypony here because of--”

The purple unicorn quickly cleared her throat as the others glanced at the two in confusion…

…Zipp especially. “What was that about?”

“Uh…” the purple unicorn stammered. “What Comet is trying to say is… welcome to Starlight Ridge!”

“I’m sorry, Violet,” the blue unicorn, now known as Comet, apologized in a loud whisper. “I didn’t mean to say that.”

Now, it was Island’s turn to be confused. “Say what?”

Instead of answering the pegasus’ question, the purple unicorn merely held out her hoof in greeting. “I’m Violet Frost!”

“I’m Sunny,” Sunny eagerly shook Violet Frost’s hoof. “To my left is Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, and next to me on the right is--”

“Izzy!” the creative unicorn of the group shook Violet’s hoof also. “Izzy Moonbow!”

Zipp offered her hoof for Violet to shake. “I'm Zipp, and that's O.M and Island Grove.”

“I'm Story Heart,” the pink earth pony introduced, “and this is Sir 1023 and Pipp. It's a pleasure to meet you.”

“I'm Hitch,” the stallion of the group introduced, shaking Comet’s hoof. “Hi!” Misty shook Comet's other hoof with a smile. “I'm Misty.”

Borealis then hopped in front of Rudolph, Izzy and Sunny, an eager smile on her face. “And I'm Borealis! And I have to say, you guys are some of the prettiest unicorns I've ever seen!”

“Awww, thank you!” Violet smiled. “I gotta say, I've never met many creatures that aren't auroricorns before.”

“And we've never met any that are!” Sunny spoke. “We’re so lucky we came here! Even if it is for another vital mission.”

“I've never seen anypony flute jam like that before!” Izzy said, and hearing this made Violet chuckle a bit nervously. “Yeah, I got a bit carried away. Still... gotta have fun while we can!”

Realizing what she just said caused the others to glance at her strangely, Violet quickly cleared her throat. “Anywho... you all are in luck, because today is Starshine Time!”

“YES!! WHOO-HOO!!” Izzy cheered out of the blue. “Starshine Time is my favorite time! It's my favorite-- but, uh... just one question-- what is it?”

“Starshine Time is our special time of fun!” Comet explained. “Something that definitely shouldn’t be missed!”

“But... do we even have time for fun right now?” Zipp tried to reason. “We do still have a Baby New Year to find.”

“By the way... have you guys seen him? His name is Happy,” Island said. “A bit taller than Bori, with a huge top hat and even bigger ears that are super adorable that they make anyone who sees them burst into laughter?”

“No, I'm sorry,” Violet frowned. “You're the first visitors we've seen here in a long time. Not since that fox a couple months ago.”

Borealis felt her entire world stop at that. “Did... did they say fox...?”

However, no one heard the fox's question and continued with their discussion. “Time passes differently on this island,” Comet said, “so it still should be December 29th out in the rest of the Archipelago. So maybe you can take a break and have some fun with us?”

Hitch turned over to Rudolph for advice. “I think I already know what the others are gonna ask, but... what do you think?”

Rudolph hummed at that. “On one hoof, this could give us the chance to get even more help for the search party, but... on the other...”

But when he looked back at the others looking at him with huge puppy dog eyes, he realized that they could always use a short break.

Especially Borealis and himself.

So, taking a deep breath, he turned back toward Violet Frost and Comet. “I think we will join you for Starshine Time. Just show us the way!”

Starlight Ridge in Trouble?/Enter Allura

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After the group arrived in the mysterious section of the Archipelago of Last Years, known as Starlight Ridge, they decided to flip the script and have some fun, since time seemed to pass differently in this wintry part of the realm.

The auroricorns known as Comet and Violet Frost invited the group for a special celebration known as Starshine Time, and thinking they could use a little relaxation before beginning their search, the group accepted and followed the auroricorns to their first activity; enchanted ice skating.

Violet and Comet skated out first, leaving beautiful designs in their wake and a very excited Sunny decided to follow them out. “Oh, I’m so excited!” she squealed. “I love skating!”

“Wait for us, Sunny!” Rudolph said as he and Borealis got out onto the ice to skate with her and Violet Frost, leaving the little fox to giggle and cheer. But as the rest of her friends got out onto the ice, Izzy felt herself growing more nervous by the second. “Uh-oh! I’m not so sure about this.”

“Don’t worry, Izzy,” Pipp reassured before skating out onto the ice. “You’ll do great.”

“Yeah! Whoa…” Island spoke as she stepped out onto the ice with O.M on her back. “You can always skate in a friend or two! It’s twice as safe, and twice the fun. Come on!”

Pipp zipped past them and did a little twirl in mid-air. “Whee! I could do this all day!”

“This is pretty fun! Aw yeah!” Zipp spun around with a laugh. “I feel like I haven’t skated in forever!” Sunny said with a smile. “I missed it so much!”

“This is fun!” Borealis laughed, as she skated alongside Rudolph, Island and Story Heart... all while Izzy watched on the sidelines for a moment before taking a calming breath. “Okay… come on, Izzy…” she whispered to herself. “You got this!”

But the second she stepped out onto the ice, her hooves went to slipping and sliding out of control. “Whoaoaoaoaoaoaoa!!!! I DON’T GOT THIS!!!!” she shrieked before falling flat on her face. Luckily, Sir 1023 and Story Heart came to help her up. “Lady Izzy,” said Sir 1023, “are thoust all right?”

“Yeah,” Izzy nodded. “But I can’t even skate for a second!”

“It’s okay, Izzy,” Sunny reassured as she and Rudolph skated closer. “It’ll take some getting used to.”

“Sunny’s right. I had to learn how to navigate the North Pole by never giving up, and neither should you,” Rudolph nodded. “Just go slowly.”

But the second Izzy stood up again, she stumbled and fell right onto Rudolph’s back, causing him to chuckle. “Okay… maybe not.”

“Ohhh…” Izzy groaned, clearly discouraged. “I’m no good at trotting on this crystal ice, and I’m even worse at skating on it!”

“Don’t woorryy!!” Comet yelped as he skated over to reassure her. “I'm not very good at trotting or skating either.”

“Huh?” Izzy tilted her head in confusion. “You haven’t?”

“Mmm-mmm,” Comet shook his head while trying to stay balanced on the ice. “I have my own way of doing it. I call it… whoa-whoa! Heh… trip-skating!”

“Trip-skating? Heh heh!” Borealis giggled. “The name sounds fun!”

Comet nodded and offered his hoof to Izzy. “Follow my lead!”

He and Izzy slowly began to stagger and skate on the ice, and everyone else laughed and cheered as they whirled around on the frozen pond. But something made them immediately halt… nothing bad, but something… quite wondrous.

Rainbow light began to take different shapes in the sky, causing the Mane 6 and all their new friends to look up in wonder. “What was that?” Rudolph asked as Island hopped up into the air. “It was absolutely stunning!”

“Oh, that? It’s nothing,” Violet casually dismissed. “Just an aurora flare.”

But, something didn’t seem to sit well with Zipp when she said that. “Um… nothing is ever just nothing.”

“Is that why today is called Starshine Time?” Sunny asked. “Cause of the flares?”


However, as Zipp looked around, she saw the auroricorns looking quite nervous at the sight of the flares, and she couldn’t help but wonder why.

Fortunately, Story Heart broke the silence by asking a question. “So… what activity is up next?”

“Whoaoaoaoa!!” Izzy and Comet cried before crash landing onto the ice, causing O.M to chuckle. “Maybe something that doesn’t involve standing on the icy-cold ice?”

Violet hummed in thought before she got an idea. “Oh! I know just the thing!”

She and Comet led everypony off the ice and toward town again, but as they walked, Borealis' ears began to hear a faint voice. Definitely feminine.

And it was like... it was saying her name.

Borealis… Borealis, beware…

Borealis immediately halted at this. “Hello? Is someone out there?”

Beware the dangers of Starlight Ridge…” said the voice. “There is not just one Baby New Year who needs your help… this whole village does.

“The whole village?” Borealis asked, but then she saw something entering the forest nearby. “Hey! Wait! Come back!”

“Bori?” Rudolph looked back to see Borealis darting into the woods alone. “Bori, where are you going?!”

“Zipp, Misty and I will go with you to find her,” Pipp told Rudolph. “And the rest of us can go look for Happy!” Sunny agreed. “Violet, we’ll join you as soon as we can, I promise.”

And with that, the groups set off in different directions, just as bells began to ring in the heart of Starlight Ridge. “Oh no…” Comet muttered with wide eyes. “Is she back already?!”

Violet sighed sadly before turning and walking toward the town. “Come on, Comet… we best not keep Allura waiting.”


“Hey, wait!” Borealis cried as she chased whatever she saw earlier through the forest. “Come back! What did you mean?! How is Starlight Ridge in danger?!”

But when she reached the center of the forest, she screeched to a halt… there was absolutely no one in sight.

Borealis was alone.

With a sigh, she started to turn around, thinking it was a prank, when she stopped. “Hey… which way did I come from?”

Her tracks had been covered by the snow falling from the trees, and her own scent was hard to follow.

Upon this realization, Borealis gasped in horror. “Oh no… no no no!! I’m lost in the woods, and my friends don't know where I am! What do I do?!”

The poor fox zoomed around, looking for the glowing lights of Starlight Ridge, but unfortunately, the trees blocked her view. After a moment of heavy breathing, Borealis felt herself sob, falling into the snow with a heavy heart.

She should have never wandered away from her friends, but... she was just so curious.

Now she was lost and Happy may never be found in time. And there was the voice's warning that Starlight Ridge was in some sort of trouble.

What was she to do now?

She had been sobbing in the snow for a few minutes when a soft noise caused her to sniffle and look up to see Pipp and Zipp flying above the trees. “Pipp, Zipp! Down here! Help!!”

“There she is! Thank goodness!” Pipp sighed before looking behind her. “Rudolph, we found her! She's in the clearing!”

Rudolph then flew in that direction, landing in the clearing and hugging the little fox he had come to love tighter than ever. “Bori, I was so worried about you! Why did you run off like that?” he asked. “We don't know this place like the North Pole... you could have gotten hurt or way worse!”

“I'm really sorry, Rudolph...” Borealis said in an ashamed tone. “I thought I saw someone in the woods, and there was this ominous voice, and--”


Borealis grunted as Izzy dove onto her and enveloped her in a huge hug as the rest of the ponies, O.M, Sir 1023 and their ponies joined them in the clearing. “Thank goodness you're safe!” Sunny sighed in relief. “Why did you run off like that?”

Borealis took a deep breath after Izzy had let her go. “I thought I saw someone in the woods, and there was this really freaky and ominous voice, and... well... it told me that Starlight Ridge was in trouble.”

“Trouble?” Zipp raised an eyebrow at this. “What kind of trouble?”

“I'm not really too sure... the voice never said specifically,” Borealis said. “She did know my name though, and....she sounded kinda familiar. Since time passes differently here... maybe we should go and see if the auroricorns are okay?”

“A fine idea, Lady Borealis!” Sir 1023 stated. “The wee babe doesn't seem to be here, and we do have time to spare before we have to continue our search.”

“Sounds good to me,” Rudolph said. “If Bori thinks Starlight Ridge needs our help, then help is what they'll have!”

The group began to walk in the direction of Starlight Ridge again, and Borealis and Rudolph walked side by side for a while. “I am sorry I wandered off,” Borealis said. “I got really lost and really scared that you would never find me... or that you would forget about me.”

Rudolph looked down at the fox in surprise as they slowed to the back of the group. “Why would you think I would forget about you?”

“I mean... it seems like my mom has. I mean... I heard Violet Frost say something about a fox being in Starlight Ridge a while back, so if she was here... why would she not come and find me?”

“I think we need to ask Violet Frost more about the fox she saw before we jump to conclusions,” Rudolph told the downtrodden fox. “But... even if we don't find your mom, you know that Mama, Papa and I will always be your family... right?”

“Yeah, I do,” Borealis nodded before smiling up at her best friend. “Thanks, Rudolph. Now, come on-- Starlight Ridge is waiting on us!”

“Wait for me!” Rudolph laughed and proceeded to chase the fox toward the rest of the group.


By the time that the group arrived back to Starlight Ridge, the aurora flares seemed to be even brighter than before. But... that's not what struck them as odd.

Comet and a few other auroricorns were standing in front of the fountain, wearing eerie fake smiles on their faces while their horns lit up. “Huh?” Island questioned. “What are they doing?”

“I guess they just wanted to keep having fun without us…?” Izzy asked with a sniffle. “But why?! We’re super duper good time!”

“Let’s go take a closer look,” Zipp suggested. “Something’s definitely making my detective side tingle.”

When they got closer that the auroricorns seemed to pluck stars from the sky and began to walk toward the forest, as if they were possessed by something.

That officially got Rudolph and Borealis worried, never seeing anything like this before in the North Pole. So, the two Christmastown besties and their friends discreetly followed Comet as he went from tree to tree... as if he was using the star to... search for something. “Comet? Comet?” Sunny called. “Can you hear me? What's going on?”

Unfortunately, Comet didn't answer... even when Izzy made a bunch of ridiculous faces to get his attention. Instead, he just ignored them and continued walking between the trees. “Huh... even my Izzy boinks and bonks didn’t snap him out of it! That usually works...”

“Uh, w-wha-- what do you think he’s doing?” O.M wondered. “I have no idea,” Pipp answered, “but he’s definitely acting odd.”

“Uh, I know odd,” Izzy interrupted. “THIS was even odder than that, which I normally love… but not this time!”

“Looks like Bori was right-- something is wrong,” Hitch nodded. “Yeah,” Zipp nodded. “I’m not so sure this fits into their fun Starshine Time.”

“Then…” Sunny watched Comet walk away, “why do they all look so… happy?”

“Those aren’t real smiles,” Story Heart told her. “I’ve been around Sir 1023’s island long enough to recognize real smiles from fake ones. And those smiles… they look forced and faked. But… why would they fake their smiles to begin with?”

As Comet walked back into town, Misty spotted Violet Frost near the gazebo, but she hadn’t spotted them yet. “There’s Violet Frost. Should we go talk to her?”

But before the others could respond, another figure flew into their line of sight, looking like a purple snow leopard with purple, blue and green feathers, a mane with those three colors, savage golden eyes, and a purple rabbit on her back, purring some strange sound waves right at Violet Frost.

Beside her was a strange glowing object trapped in an icy cage, but it was the sight of the snow leopard that got the group even more on edge. “Oh my hoofness!” Island cried. “Who is that?!”

“I have no idea,” Hitch said, “but I think we can all agree that she does not look friendly.”

“Ehhh… neither does he!” Izzy pointed to the sinisterly-chuckling rabbit on the snow leopard’s back. Zipp then let out a growl of frustration. “I knew something was off about this place!”

“It’s like the voice said!” Borealis realized. “The auroricorns are in trouble!”

“You’re right,” Sunny told the fox. “Maybe if we can get closer to Violet Frost, we can hear what they’re saying!”

“Grand idea, Lady Sunny!” Sir 1023 said, only for the group to shush him and not blow their cover. “Oh… a silent mission. Very well.”

As the group crept closer, they could see Violet Frost struggling under whatever the snow leopard was casting on her, as if she was trying to resist. “Let… go of me… Allura!! Ugh!!”

“Don’t try to fight it, Violet Frost,” the snow leopard, now known as Allura, said in a sinister tone. “Find me the star that I desire.”

She continued to purr as her rabbit minion chuckled, and eventually Violet succumbed to the spell, becoming like her fellow auroricorns almost immediately. “Yes, Allura…”

“Don’t forget to smile,” Allura told her. “And have fun!”

And just like that, Allura flew up and away, and Violet too seemed entranced, sparking the group’s worry.

Happy may have been important, but while they were on this island, they had to figure out what was happening with their new friends…

…before things escalated to another, more serious level.

A Mission Within A Mission/The Story of Borealis' Mother

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After the gang had retrieved Borealis from the dark woods, they got back to Starlight Ridge, only to find that a mysterious snow leopard known as Allura had put them under some sort of enchantment, and since they learned time passes differently on this island than on others, they figured that they should try and help their new friends anyway they could.

The question now was… how?

Once the group had gathered together again, Misty spoke first, clearly worried about their new friends. “What do we do?”

“Clearly,” said Zipp, “this Allura has got all the auroricorns under a spell.”

Violet Frost and Comet, both in their trances, stomped past them with stars in their auras, laughing like there was nothing wrong. “We have to snap them out of it!” Rudolph told his friends. “Sir 1023, Story Heart? Watch out for Allura while we’re gone!”


“You can count on us!”

While the knight and his pony friend stood watch over the village, the others darted after Violet Frost and Comet on a path through the woods. That’s when Sunny came up with an idea. “Maybe,” she said, “if we can get Violet Frost and Comet far away from Allura, we can get them out of the trance!”

“Well,” said Island, “it’s worth a try!”

Sunny galloped to stand in Violet’s way, trying to keep her from going back to the village, but unfortunately, this did not go as planned, as Violet simply plowed Sunny over, despite her pleas to stop. Izzy, O.M and Hitch tried to get Violet to stand still, but the pony kept going as she pushed past them while Izzy spun around on the snow and slipped onto the floor as they tried to catch her.

It seemed to be the same with Island, Zipp and Pipp, who tried to get Comet to stop, and then again for Borealis, Hitch and Misty trying to stop Violet again. “Wow, they are being really difficult!” Borealis commented as she and Misty lost their grip on Violet, and so did Hitch after a moment. “And happily!”

Pipp then flew in front of Violet with her arms and wings spread, “You do not want to go that way!”

Rudolph pushed as hard as he could with his back hooves digging into the snow, but even with his reindeer strength, Violet was still able to push him back, and this caused Rudolph to pant tiredly for a moment. “This isn’t working when we’re trying to do it on our own!”

“Rudolph’s right. We need to be organized!” Sunny said. “Let’s link up!”

Everyone rushed in front of Violet and Comet, the Mane 6 at the front and Rudolph, Borealis, O.M and Island at the rear to provide extra strength. And once the auroricorns got close to them, everyone began to push against them with all their strength. And once they got a good distance from Starlight Ridge, the two auroricorns’ eyes flashed briefly before their face returned to normal as they dropped their stars before they noticed their new friends.

Violet spoke first, a bit surprised to see their new friends. “Rudolph? Sunny?”

Once he shook his head to clear it, Comet looked at the group with confusion. “What are you all doing here?”

“Ha, it worked! Finally!” Sunny cheered. “Hurry!” Rudolph spoke. “Over here!”

They guided the auroricorns over to a tall hiding spot nearby, where Violet sighed, a bit ashamed. “I guess you discovered our secret.”

“Yeah. Violet, what’s going on?” Zipp questioned. “You can tell us.”

“Yeah, we just wanna help,” Pipp added in agreement, and this caused Island to walk up to Violet and placed a comforting hoof on her shoulder. “It’s okay. We’re friends. We can tell each other things, and we won't judge, no matter what it is.”

“We didn’t wanna tell you because we didn’t wanna risk you all getting hurt, too,” Violet explained as Comet nodded in confirmation. “But, Violet, who is that?” Rudolph asked. “What does she want?”

“Yeah!” O.M nodded. “She doesn’t seem like a very friendly kitty cat.”

“That’s Allura,” Violet said sourly. “She’s an evil snow leopard tyrant who showed up one day with her little sidekick, Twitch. She completely took over Starlight Ridge by force.”

“By force?” Sunny asked. “Yeah,” Comet nodded sadly, ears folded. “Allura claimed the most important thing in our town; a special called the Nova Charm.”

“That must be what we saw in that ice cage earlier!” Island realized. “It sure was sparkly.”

“The sparkliest!” Violet said as she took out her flute and began drawing what the charm looked like in the snow. “It's a special charm that our town has possessed for thousands of moons. Town law says that whoever holds the power of the charm rules Starlight Ridge. Allura managed to steal it and possess it, so she's the leader.”

“So… she stole your special charm and now she’s forcing you to do whatever she wants?” Rudolph asked, and after Violet and Comet nodded, he groaned to himself. “That sounds like an evil tyrant to me.”

“Aw, that sounds like no fun at all! Allura sounds like a real bully!” Izzy said before she slipped in the snow, prompting Comet to help her up. “You should stand up to her.”

“I wish we could,” said Comet, “but she’s very powerful.”

“And persuasive,” Violet added. “Along with her hypnotic purr, she’s able to get us to do whatever she wants, just by talking.”

“If we try to stand up to her, she could destroy our whole village without us even realizing it,” Comet added. “That's how much her powers can trick our minds. It's no use.”

“That explains how Allura came into power,” Borealis said, “but what does she want exactly?”

“Allura forces us to use our magic to make Aurora Flares,” Violet explained. “Then she makes us steal the stars out of them,” Comet continued. “She makes you steal stars?!” Borealis asked in shock. “I didn’t even think stealing stars was possible!”

“It is when you’re an auroricorn. Our magic lets us virtually pluck stars from the sky when the flares' magic blasts across it,” Violet said. “She believes that one of the stars in the sky is special and contains the magic to open an invisible barrier that she claims was put around Starlight Ridge to imprison her. She wants to control more than Starlight Ridge… she wants to control every land she can get her grimy paws on.”

“And until she finds the right star,” Comet finished, “she’s making us steal them all, until there’s virtually no stars left.”

“I can’t believe that anypony would be so cruel,” Island frowned, causing Pipp to nod. “Plus, the stars are stunning. That bully does not deserve any of them!”

“You all need to be free from her,” Borealis said before she got an idea. “I got it! All the auroricorns can come back to the North Pole with us! There’s plenty of snow, plenty of stars, you can help the elves make toys for Christmas… it’s paradise!”

“Hey, that’s a great idea!” Comet smiled. “I’d love to come and see it!”

“Bori, I know you like the auroricorns… so do I,” Rudolph said gently. “But I’m not sure that they would wanna leave their homes just like that because of Allura.”

“And as beautiful as the North Pole sounds,” said Violet, “we can’t leave our home like that. Starlight Ridge is special!”

“But what else can we do, Violet Frost?” Comet asked sadly before he gave a determined look and rushed off back to the village. “We have to get the Auroricorns away from Allura!”

“Comet! Wait!” Sunny cried. “Don’t worry, Sunny, we’ll catch him,” Island reassured. “And we’ll stay as long as we need to in order to help the auroricorns get rid of Allura.”

“Really?” Violet asked hopefully. “You mean it?”

“Of course we mean it, silly goose!” Izzy smiled. “Like you said, time passes differently here, so we’ll have plenty of time to find Happy and save him from Aeon!”

“Then what are we waiting for?” O.M called. “Let’s go get that cat!”

“And Comet too!” Borealis said. “Before he falls back into the trance!”


Comet rushed past Sir 1023 and Story Heart and went back to Starlight Ridge as fast as his hooves could take him, but the second he entered, the trance took over again, causing his smile to become forced.

Allura and Twitch saw him enter town again, and Allura smirked and landed next to him. “Comet… there you are.”

The groups in hiding gasped in horror, worried for the sake of their friend. “Oh no…” Sunny and Violet both gulped. “Almost got lost in the woods, did you?” Allura questioned as she circled Comet. “Happy to be back, Allura,” Comet mindlessly spoke. “That’s right,” Allura purred. “We need that happiness alive and well. Now go. Join the others.”

Comet immediately galloped off, and as she watched him rush off, Allura sniffed the air with a hum of thought. “Hmm… I thought for a moment I smelled reindeer… and arctic fox… but that’s impossible. There are none of those around here…”

Not seeing the others hiding behind her, Allura began to walk off with Twitch on her back and the charm at her side. “What are we going to do?” Misty asked in concern. “There’s no way we can get everypony away from Allura long enough to remove the trance,” Zipp stated. “And, if we get too close to her,” said Story Heart, who was informed of the situation when the others arrived, “we could be put under her spell too!”

“There has to be another way!” Violet whispered worriedly. “There has to be!”

“Well, if whoever has the Nova Charm is in charge of Starlight Ridge, then there’s only one thing to do,” Sunny started. This caused Borealis to smile, getting onto Sunny's plan. “We’re getting that charm back!”

“Follow me,” said Violet as they snuck off toward the buildings. “We can sneak into the banquet hall from the back.”


The Mane 6, Rudolph, Borealis and their new friends slowly moved along the backside of the buildings and past Allura into the banquet hall where the auroricorns were partying earlier, where they all sat down to think of a plan. “And if that giant buzzard wasn’t enough to deal with,” Sir 1023 muttered, banging his fist on the table, “now we have a hypnotizing snow leopard fiend as well!”

“Hush, Sir 1023,” Misty said gently, “or we could get caught! Besides, we promised the auroricorns we would help them defeat Allura, and as long as we’re in this place, that’s what we’re gonna do.”

“There’s got to be a way to stop her!” Sunny spoke. “Because if we don’t,” said Rudolph, “and she finds that star to break the barrier, other places in the world will be doomed!”

“Well, everypony has a weakness,” Violet said. “Exactly! We just need to find hers,” Story Heart said. “Now, think. Is there anything specific that Allura cares about? Something we could potentially use against her?”

Violet hummed in thought, thinking of a few items. “Well, the portal, escaping Starlight Ridge, the stars, the Aurora Flares….”

“Is this why you and the others were being so strange about the Aurora Flares earlier?” Zipp asked. “Because of Allura?”

“Yeah, sorry about that,” Violet apologized. “But when we're happy and having a great time, the aurora flares blast across the sky. We can't help it. Allura uses her powers to trick us into feeling happy. She forces us to make the flares against our will.”

“That’s horrible…” Hitch frowned. “I’m all for making my friends and loved ones happy,” Island stated, “but forcing them feels wrong on SO many levels.”

“It does,” said Story Heart. “They should be happy because they WANT to be happy, not because they’re under a spell.”

“That’s why whenever she leaves, we celebrate Starshine Time!” Violet added. “A time when we make the flares happen by choice. Our real happiness.”

“Everypony deserves to be happy,” said Sunny, just as Misty began to think about something. “Why does Allura want to do such bad things? Has she always been this way?”

“I don’t know for sure. Nopony really knows anything about where she came from or why she was banished here,” Violet shrugged. “All I know is that Allura's determined to find that other realm by any means possible. And she has the Nova Charm, so she's in charge.”

“Then we're just going to have to find a way to make Allura give it back,” Sunny said. “But we’ve tried to steal it from her before,” Violet pointed out. “It’s impossible!”

“Then we just have to be creative,” Borealis said, flicking her tail, “and make sure this plan works.”

“Did somepony say ‘creative’? That’s ah, kinda my thang,” Izzy smiled. “But… I could use a little fox helper!”

“Oh-ho, yeah!” Borealis smiled. “Me and my magic are ready to help!”

With the flick of her tail’s magic, cabinets to supplies opened and Izzy pulled out a bunch of things before they got to work, even singing a song in the process.

Izzy: Come on!

(Ooh-ooh) I got a good feelin'
(Ahh-ahh) In my so-o-oul
(Ooh-ooh) Let's put our manes together (uh-huh)

Borealis: (Ahh-ahh) Let's lose contro-o-ol

(Ooh-ooh) Oh, yeah, we got that vision

Izzy: (Ahh-ahh) Told you befo-o-ore
(Ooh-ooh) I'll make somethin' outta nothin'

Borealis: (Ahh-ahh) So here we go-whoa-whoa

Izzy: Can you see it?

Borealis: Oh, yeah, I can see it
Just follow my vibe, no, we don't need a blueprint (Uh-huh)

Izzy: Life is random, sometimes it's chaotic
But in a bit of time, oh, pony, it'll be lit (Whoo!)

Both: Every little thing, yeah, has got a purpose
(Izzy: Oh, pony, can ya feel me?)
Every little thing, yeah, just needs a pla-a-ace
(Izzy: Oh, pony, can ya hear me?)

Every little pony has got their own destiny
And I'm gonna live mine with a little creativity
With a little creativity

Izzy: With a little creativity (oh, pony)
With creativity

Borealis: With a little creativity!

By the time everything was done, they had created a fake portal and a fake star with Borealis' otherworldly magic glow, leaving Izzy and Borealis proud of what they accomplished. “I gotta say, Izzy,” said the special fox cub, “we make a really good team!”

“Yeah we do, Bori-Bori!” Izzy said, nooging the fox’s head. “Now we just gotta make sure everything works!”

“Hey… Borealis? Rudolph?” Violet called from nearby. “Could I talk to you?”

“Uh… sure, Violet,” Rudolph nodded before turning to the others. “Iz, lead the others in one final check to make sure everything is in order. We gotta talk to Violet real quick.”

As the others began to talk about the plan, Rudolph and Borealis approached Violet with worry on the fox’s face. “Is something wrong, Violet?”

“Oh, no. I just… needed to ask you something,” Violet said. “How long have you had those powers, Bori?”

“Oh… these? I figured out I had them about a year ago,” Borealis said. “My friends have helped me learn to control them so I can do good at the North Pole. Why do you ask?”

“Heh… it may sound crazy, but… I met someone with those same eyes and those same powers,” Violet admitted. “Her name… was Nora.”

“Nora?” Rudolph asked. “Do you know where she is?”

“No, I’m afraid not,” Violet said. “She came to us about a month before Allura showed up last year, tired and weak, having run from poachers. We auroricorns helped her get well enough so she can move on and get back to her cub, which… I’m assuming is Bori. Every second she thought about you, wondering if you were okay. But… I don’t know what happened to her after she left Starlight Ridge.”

Borealis looked down at the snow for a few moments, but then smiled. “Thank you for telling me, Violet. It makes me feel a lot better to know that my mom didn’t abandon me because she didn’t want me… she just wanted me to be safe until she lost those poachers.”

“We’ll find her someday,” Rudolph promised. “Right now, we have a plan to get underway.”

“We’ve got it all built up,” Zipp said. “While me, Hitch, Story Heart, O.M, Sir 1023 and Island operate the portal and star system, the rest of you can try and get the charm away from Allura.”

“Yep!” Island smiled. “There’s no way this plan can backfire, especially with Izzy’s unicycling.”

“All right, everyone,” Sunny said. “Operation ‘Save Starlight Ridge’ is a go!”

Reclaiming Starlight Ridge

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As the gang moved their plans into position so they could free Starlight Ridge from Allura so they could get back to finding Happy, the controlled auroricorns were still taking the stars from the sky as Allura oversaw them from the air. “Smile, ponies, smile,” she said. “We need that cheer to get what we want.”

Twitch then started squeaking, immediately noticing that there was one auroricorn not with the others. “You’re right, Twitch,” Allura nodded. “I haven’t seen Violet Frost in... forever. Where is that pony?”

With a flap of her mighty wings, Allura circled around to look for Violet, eventually spotting her in the crowd of brainwashed auroricorns. “You fool. She’s right over there,” she said to Twitch, not noticing that there was something in Violet's ears. But the bunny still felt that something was off, so he encouraged Allura to land and see what was going on. “Fine…”

Upon seeing Allura land before her, Violet gasped in surprise before Allura used her magic, and Violet gave a forced smile, as if she was in the trance again. “Violet Frost, what are you doing?”

“Hi, Allura! Happy to see you!” Violet spoke in a mindless tone, “I’m just looking for that special star.”

With her magic, she plucked another star from the sky before walking off, and Allura turned to Twitch in satisfaction. “See? She’s in the trance.”

But, Twitch was still squeaking, even though he saw that Allura put Violet under the trance herself. And honestly... it was getting on Allura's nerves. “What do you want? You’re annoying me.”

From behind the trees and snow, the others watched and waited for their cue from Violet. “How is Violet resisting the trance?” Misty asked Izzy in confusion. “Oh, I made her some special crystal snowball earplugs!” Izzy explained. “Just enough to muffle the spell.”

“I hope you’re right, Izzy,” Story Heart said with a frown. “Cause if she is under Allura’s spell, we’re done for!”

Violet looked at the star she had and tucked it away and out of sight, before she brought out a cluster of lightbulbs that Izzy had made to look almost star-like. “The special star!”

Upon hearing this, Allura stopped and turned immediately. “What did you just say?”

“The special star,” Violet repeated. “I found it!”

“Protect the charm,” Allura ordered Twitch, who began to pace in front of the charm as Allura approached Violet Frost. “I don’t believe it. Show me!”

Violet winked to the others in hiding, and Island immediately recognized this as the cue. “Zipp, guys! That’s the signal! Start pulling!”

She, O.M, Sir 1023 and Story Heart began to help Zipp and Hitch pull on the ropes to reveal the fake portal, which Allura saw. “A portal! I did it! I finally did it! Give me that!” she spat as she took the cluster of lightbulbs into her paws. “Now I can use this star to open any portal and go to whichever realm I desire.”

She then sniffed again, sensing the reindeer and arctic fox scent again, but then shrugged it off, her greed about the portal taking over.


At the same time, Twitch was becoming quite tired after guarding the Nova Charm, and Rudolph, Borealis, Pipp, Misty and Sunny watched him from behind the gazebo. “What do we do now?” Misty whispered. “We need to find a way to distract him,” said Rudolph, and as they watched Twitch yawn, Borealis suddenly got an idea. “Or lull him! Pipp, can you sing a super sweet-sounding lullaby?”

“You bet your tails I can!” Pipp winked before she began to hum and sing a soft lullaby. And the more Twitch listened to it, the sleepier he became, until he fell asleep right on the spot. The group gave quiet laughs as Pipp twirled in the air at her success. “You did it!” Sunny cheered. “Way to go, Pipp!” Misty complimented. “Nopony can resist falling asleep to my lullabies,” Pipp bragged with a smile, “Especially that one!”

“Okay, Misty, your turn,” Rudolph said. “But be very gentle. We don’t wanna wake Twitch by accident.”

Misty nodded and let her horn glow, letting the charm slowly move away and let Twitch fall to the ground, still sleeping. “We got it!” Borealis whispered. “Now, we just gotta get the charm away from Allura before she discovers what happened.”


At the same time, Violet continued to get close to the fake portal while the others continued to pull the ropes, but they were getting rather tired, and weren't sure how much longer they would be able to do this. “How… long did Izzy say… we had to do this again?” O.M asked, panting tiredly. “She didn’t say,” Story Heart spoke, “but I hope not for too much longer…”

“Yeah,” Hitch nodded. “My hooves are getting tired!”

Island was getting tired much quicker than the others, and once she gave the rope one final tug, she fell back in the snow, completely exhausted. “I-I’m okay…”

Upon seeing Island collapse, Violet began to grow nervous... especially since the lightbulbs began to flicker, much to Allura's confusion. This didn’t seem like any kind of star she had ever seen before.

Beginning to notice something was off, Allura reached out and plucked one of the fake snowflakes from the portal prop. “A fake!”

Izzy looked behind the trees as she grew nervous before she tried to wave to her friends about how Allura figured their plan out, but Allura saw her. “Oopsie!”

Allura growled angrily as she turned to Violet, who chuckled nervously as Allura slammed the fake star to the ground and flew off. “Double oops.”

“Time to flee!!” Sir 1023 shouted, and the group behind the trees ran to join their friends, running toward the banquet hall and waking Twitch as they ran past. “We got the charm!” Borealis called, which made Twitch rush to Allura, who she allowed on her back as the two flew after the thieves.


Upon reaching the banquet hall, Comet approached the group, now free from Allura's trance. “I can’t believe you got the Nova Charm back!” he exclaimed in surprise, adjusting his glasses. “You saved us!”

“We’re finally free!” Violet cheered. Then, a huge gust of wind blew toward them as they noticed Allura flying their way. “LOOK OUT!!” Island shrieked, and everyone dove out of her way as the snow leopard landed before them. “12 little strangers wandered into my territory and tried to destroy my plans?” Allura questioned as she turned to O.M, Island, Izzy and Pipp, who backed away fearfully before she flew up to Sunny, Rudolph and Borealis. “Who do you think you are?”

Rudolph wouldn’t allow the group to be intimidated so easily, stomping his hoof to try and get Allura to back off. “We know who we are. We’re the auroricorns’ friends!”

“And we’re not going to let anypony, or not-pony hurt them!” Sunny finished as she let her alicorn form ignite. Upon seeing it, Allura merely chuckled. “A reindeer, a Northern Lights fox and an alicorn! How cute…”

“It’s too late, Alura. You lost!” Violet said as she levitated the Nova Charm. “We have the Nova Charm now!”

“Lost? You think I need that pathetic charm to have what I want?”

Allura gave a growling purr as her magic hit Comet, bringing him back under her control and making him bring the Nova Charm back to her. “Silly ponies, I don’t need the charm to do anything,” she said as Comet placed the charm next to her. “I can have whatever I want. All I need is the power of purr-suasion.”

As her hypnotic purrs headed toward the group, they all tried to dash away, but Misty, Izzy, Sir 1023, Story Heart, Pipp, O.M, Island and Hitch got hit while trying to escape, and they too were brought under Allura's spell.

Zipp flew around to avoid Allura’s attack, and thought she was in the clear, but Allura got in front of her and used her magic on her, putting her under her control as she landed down. “This place is so great!” she said with a creepy forced smile, just as Allura approached Borealis and Rudolph. “You two aren't going to be entranced next… but you will become my next meal...

Borealis growled, and as Rudolph pawed the ground to charge, Borealis sent a magic blast at Allura, causing her to growl in pain from the bright light, and Rudolph pounced on her, sending her down to the ground so they could reach Sunny and Violet. Unfortunately, their entranced friends began to surround them with no intent of letting them go.

Once regaining her footing, Allura smirked over at the group not in the trance. “Maybe I’ll let my little army have a little fun with you four before I make you join them.”

“Back! Get back!” Borealis swiped at her mind-controlled friends to keep them away, but when that didn’t work, Rudolph lit his nose to disorient them long enough for them to run a good distance away. “What do we do, Sunny?!” Borealis asked nervously as their friends marched up to them. “We can’t lose our friends or Starlight Ridge to Allura!”

“And you won’t!”

That’s when Rudolph got an idea. “Bori, you and I are gonna try and distract Allura so Sunny and Violet can figure out how to save our friends!”


“Hey, Allura!” Rudolph called to the snow leopard, his nose blinding her temporarily as he let Borealis on his back. “If you want us, you’ll have to catch us!”

Rudolph took off into the air with Allura close behind, the snow leopard trying to blast her hypnotic purrs at them, but Rudolph was able to quickly dodge, and Borealis sent blast of her own to get Allura off their tails.

Sunny watched them for a few moments, thankful that Allura wasn't able to control them yet, but there were other problems at hoof at the moment. “They’re safe for now, but we have to save our friends, and fast!”

The mind-controlled ponies all laughed as they drew closer to the three, but Izzy hoof’s slipped on the ice as she knocked Comet over to the snow, but for some reason, he was returned to normal. And as soon as he stood up, Comet was brought back under the spell again. “Huh. That was weird,” Sunny commented in surprise. “Well…” said Violet, “there were old legends of the snow having healing magic, but I’ve never actually seen it used.”

Sunny gasped in realization after brushing the snow to see sparkles within it. “That’s it! That’s why Izzy’s earplugs worked!”

“What?” Violet asked in confusion. “They’re made of snow!” Sunny crafted a snowball in her hooves. “The snow here is special… very special.”

Sunny immediately threw the snowball at Comet, snapping him out of the trance, and Violet realized the same thing. “It’s a cure! Rudolph, Bori! We found a cure to the spell! It’s the snow!”

Rudolph and Borealis swooped down and landed, letting Allura crash into a nearby tree, and this allowed them to craft snowballs and hit their friends one by one, ending the trance on them. “Sunny, you guys did it!” Island cheered with her wings spread, much to Allura's bewilderment. “But how?!”

“The snow here is special. Just like the auroricorns!” Hitch said as Borealis threw another snowball at Misty snapping her out of the trance. “So we have a way to stop your plans, Allura!” Story Heart called out with a smirk. “And it’s time to put you on ice once and for all!”

Allura only scoffed and flapped her wings to get higher than everypony else. “What are you going to do? Keep throwing snow at everypony?”

“That’s exactly what we’re going to do,” Sunny said with a smirk. “Instead of raining sunshine, now it’s snowing sunshine!” O.M tossed more snowballs that hit two more auroricorns, snapping them out of the trance. Violet then rushed to them as she held up a snowball. “Come on, everypony! Keep throwing snowballs!”

However… the mares seemed very unsure.

“But… she’s been controlling us for so long.”

“Can we really beat her?”

“Yes. We can! I know we can!” Violet encouragingly spoke. “Sunny made me remember how special of a place Starlight Ridge is.”

“And it doesn’t stop there!” Pipp continued as she looked down at them while holding two snowballs, “Starlight Ridge is special, but what makes it extra special is all of you!”

“You’re the auroricorns!” Island nodded. “You’re amazing! WHOA!!”

Allura nearly pounced on her, and the snow leopard gave the pegasus chase as Misty stepped forward to encourage the auroricorns further. “It’s true! I know how you all must feel, being under the hoof of somepony that’s angry and just wants to control you, but it doesn’t have to be this way.”

“The only way to get what you want is to have the courage to defend yourselves!” Rudolph agreed. “Being bullied doesn’t feel good… Bori and I know that for a fact. But you can either choose to do nothing or get bullied further, or take the chance to defend yourselves and celebrate what makes you unique!”

“They’re all right,” said Hitch as Rudolph kicked a snowball in Allura’s face to get her away from Island. “Nopony deserves this!”

“Quiet! Your plan will never work! I’ll just entrance you all again!” Allura threatened. “Well, that won’t stop us from trying!” Borealis said before Comet threw a snowball at an Auroricorn stallion, snapping him out of it as he gave a laugh. “Whoa, that… that was kind of fun!”

A huge snowball fight began to ensue, with Twitch and Allura caught right in the middle of it. And as the snowball fight continued, Sunny, Island and Zipp flew over the village as the aurora flares glowed brilliantly in the sky... and the same thing was happening to the auroricorns' cutie marks.

That's when it hit Sunny dead on. “That’s it!” she said, flying down to them. “When you’re happy, you’re powerful!”

“So, we need to have real fun,” Comet realized, “and be truly happy in order to take back our town!”

“That’s a great idea!” Violet called as she brought out her flute and as her cutie mark began to glow. “I now declare today… Super Starshine Time!”

“All right!” cried Comet, and all those in the village began to stomp their feet, paws and hooves as the snowball fight continued, and Violet Frost began to sing and play and Borealis quickly joined in, much to Allura’s anger.

Violet: (Everypony, come on!)
(Time to shine now!)
(You gotta shine now!)

Hey, put those workin' hooves away
We're gettin' in the groove

Borealis: We're out here shining brighter
Than the stars above the moon

Rudolph then led the pegasi of the group and Sunny through the skies, soaring past the aurora flares and keeping an eye on the snowball fight from above.

Violet: Ohhhh-oh-ohhhh

Borealis: Feels like I'm one with the aurora

Violet: Ohhhh-oh-ohhhh (We shine)
The magic's here, it's shining on us

Ohhhh-oh-ohhhh (So bright, it's shining on us)
It's like it's up there callin' out to me
To me, yeah!

Violet: Starshine Time
We're only gettin' brighter
We're glowin' up together
We shine, shine, shine (We shine)

Borealis: Starshine Time
We're only gettin' brighter
We're glowin' up together

All: We shine, shine, shine (We shine!)

By the time the song was over, the aurora flares were shining brighter than ever before, showcasing the happiness of the auroricorns. Allura growled with her wings spread, eyes filled with savage anger. “No!”

Rudolph and Borealis led the auroricorns with snowballs closer as Allura picked up the Nova Charm in its ice cage and held it high. “Stop singing! Listen to me! I’m your leader!”

Somepony then threw a snowball at the Nova Charm out of her paws before the auroricorns threw snowballs at her and Twitch, which knocked them back into the ground as they fell into a pile of snow. Once getting out, Allura glared at her newfound enemies with immense hatred. “You might as well give up, Allura,” Rudolph spoke. “The auroricorns aren’t under your control anymore, and you and Twitch are heavily outnumbered.”

“Give up?! HA!! I’ll get you back, ponies!” she threatened with her wings spread. “I want out of this realm and I always get what I want!”

And then, with Twitch hanging on, she flew off and out of sight. “Oh, I can't believe we’re finally free!” Comet cheered. “And now, even if she does return, you know your secret weapon,” Sunny said as she spread her wings up, “Fun, signing, and lots of snowballs!”

As they spoke, Misty stomped the Nova Charm out of the cage and gave it to Violet Frost. “Here you go, Violet. It’s back in the right hooves.”

“But… don’t you want to rule Starlight Ridge?” Violet asked. “You all did save us.”

“We have our own homes to get back to,” Rudolph said. “Besides… I can think of nopony better to lead than you.”

True to his word, all the auroricorns were chanting Violet's name, prompting her in a decision. “Okay! I'll do it! I'll lead Starlight Ridge!”

Everyone cheered at this, but then, Sunny turned to her friends. “We need to get going, guys. We still have a Baby New Year to find!”

“Will you come back and visit?” Comet asked. “Of course we will!” Borealis said. “And… if you see my mom again, get Big Ben to tell me as fast as he can.”

Violet Frost nodded with a giggle. “Promise.”

Then, exchanging heartfelt goodbyes and hugs, the group walked off toward the beach to resume their search.


“Wow, you all were sure gone for a long time,” Big Ben commented when they finally returned. “Did you find Happy?”

“No… we didn’t. But we did save an entire community from the paws of an evil snow leopard,” said Borealis. “Come on… we still have a lot of searching to do.”

Everyone hopped onto Big Ben’s back, and the whale swam back into the open ocean, unknowingly slipping through a tear in the invisible barrier. As she was flying after the group, Allura saw the tear and flew through it, causing Allura and Twitch to become free. “Free at last… free at last!!” she cried with a malicious laugh before turning to her sidekick. “Come, Twitch. We must lay low and wait… because wherever those ponies came from will be our next target.

Twitch maliciously giggled before Allura flew high and above the fog, laying in wait until the portal appeared… so she could find the perfect opportunity to strike.

The Island of 1776/Bringing Back Opaline

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As the gang left Starlight Ridge and their new friends behind, they discovered that the night had passed very slowly, and it was only December 30th, giving them another day to find Happy and get him back to Father Time’s castle before midnight on New Year’s.

Speaking of Happy himself, that old wind held the Baby New Year aloft for more than a day. But then, just as suddenly as it blew up... it blew Happy away again.

Happy was getting tired of holding onto his hat for all those long hours, so he looked above the cover of the clouds to see a kite rising out of it, and decided to hop on it and let the kite lower him back down the solid ground.

As the kite lowered back down to the ground, the figure holding the kite and the Equestrian figure beside him came into view.

The figure flying the kite looked a lot like Benjamin Franklin, with the same hairstyle, glasses and those same kinds of clothes on that the colonists used to wear.

The pony beside him was a pegasus pony with red and white feathers on her wings, gentle brown eyes, a red and white striped mane and tail, a cutie mark of the American flag and a blue coat with darker blue hooves.

Happy slid down the kite string into the arms of the man, much to his surprise and delight. “Well, hello there, little fellow!” he greeted. “I'm 1776, but my friends call me Sev. And this is my pony helper, Freedom Pledge. Would you be our friend?”

Happy only cooed, but he seemed to like the idea of having some friends at last. “Aww, aren’t you the sweetest little thing?” Freedom cooed before humming in thought. “I'm not really sure who you are or where you came from... but you're more than welcome to join our big Fourth of July celebration.”

However, Happy seemed pretty confused about this, leaving Sev to explain. “Oh, I know you think it's December 30th, but not on this island. No, sirree! On this island, every day is the Fourth of July.”

Suddenly, the giant bell in the center of town began to ring, and the three of them could see that many people were gathering on the side of the streets. “Ooh, yes! We have to go, Sev!” Freedom exclaimed. “We don't wanna be late for the best part of the day!”

“Ha ha ha! Of course we don't,” Sev chuckled as he turned to Happy and followed the pegasus forward. “Come on! You're just in time for the big parade!”


The parade that Sev and Freedom spoke of may have been small, but it was full of happy and supportive people that loved to pay their respects to the United States flag...

...especially when there was a peppy song playing.

There's a happy celebration
In each town across the nation
At the Fourth of July Parade

All the grown-ups and the kiddies
In the towns and the cities
Love the Fourth of July Parade

With the drums a ra-ta-tapping
And the fire crackers snapping
Proudly flags are all displayed
Oh it's grand just to be
Inside a land that is free
And see the Fourth of July Parade

Join the crowds on Independence Day
The birthday of the USA
And take a picnic on your way

Soon you'll hear the bells
As they begin to play
To one and all, a very happy holiday



“This way, guys! A pop-star influencer princess always knows a parade when she sees one!” Pipp said as she led her friends down the path toward the town. “And that's definitely a place Happy might go to find friends!”

“Phew! I hope you're right, Pipp!” Hitch panted as they ran after her. “Cause my hooves are getting twice as tired from running for at least two and half a miles, no stopping!”

Suddenly, they stopped at the top of the hill, only to see fireworks lighting up the sky, making Pipp smirk. “What did I tell you?”

“Nice thinking, Pipp!” Rudolph smiled. “I think you better lead the way!”

“You got it! Follow me!”


As the gang rushed down the path, Sev and Freedom, along with Happy, finally reached the parade, and the song continued the minute that they found the perfect spot to watch.

With the drums a ra-ta-tapping
And the firecrackers snapping
Proudly flags are all displayed
Oh, it's grand just to be
Inside a land that is free
And see the Fourth of July Parade!

As the song came to a close, the flag seemed to get closer, and while Freedom bowed, Sev turned to look down at Happy. “Hey, little fella, your hat! Got to show respect for the flag.”

Happy whimpered nervously at this, not wanting to be disrespectful, but then again... he didn't want to reveal his secret either.

But, in a tug-of-war fight between good and bad decisions, he decided to take off his hat and show respect than not show respect st all.


“This way, everyone!” Rudolph said as he and Pipp took the lead. “The parade is over on that next block!”

“Gadzooks!” cried Sir 1023 as they rounded the corner. “I'm certain twas Happy we saw!”

But by the time that they managed to reach the parade route, however, they were faced with a crowd roaring with laughter, Sev and Freedom included, and Happy was nowhere to be seen. “Oh no!” Borealis groaned. “We were too late!”

“It happened again!” Rudolph spoke in disappointment. “Everypony, split up!” Sunny said as she activated her alicorn form. “We have to find Happy before he gets too far off!”

With this command in mind, they spread out through the crowded city streets, shouting Happy's name at the top of their lungs.



“Come on, Happy! Don’t run away!”

“Your ears are adorable!”

“We wanna bring you back home!”

However… no Happy was in sight, much to their disappointment. “I don’t understand!” Zipp said. “We just had Happy and now we’ve lost him again!”


Everyone turned to see Sev and Freedom Pledge approaching them. “Happy was the little baby’s name?” Freedom asked. “Yes, it is,” Sunny nodded. “Maybe you two can help us. Do you know what happened?”

“Unfortunately, we do,” Sev nodded sadly. “Come with us back to our home, and we will explain further.”


After Sev and Freedom brought the group back to their log cabin home, they explained what went down at the parade, causing Sunny and Rudolph to begin to explain why Happy ran away to begin with.

Needless to say, Sev and Freedom felt immense guilt over the event that had occurred. “We feel so terrible,” Freedom sighed. “We didn’t mean to be cruel!”

“Those ears, those ears…” Sev chuckled a bit before stopping himself. “But you can count on Freedom and me to help you look for him!”

“Thank you… both of you,” Misty smiled gratefully. “You have no idea how much this means to us.”

“So… let’s all think,” Zipp spoke. “Where might Happy might go if he gets off this island? If we get there first, maybe we can head him off!”

But before anyone else could respond, a horrifyingly familiar screech filled the air, causing the ponies to gasp and rush outside, all their friends in pursuit. “Oddsbonkins!” Sir 1023 exclaimed. “Methinks that sounds like…”

“Methinks too!” said O.M as they rushed outside. “Sounds like, looks like, smells like…”

“It is! Look!” Hitch pointed up to the sky, where Aeon was comforting a crying Happy on his back. “There, there. I'll take you home with me,” he squawked before flying off. “With me!”

“Aeon’s tricked him again!” Rudolph exclaimed. “Poor little Happy thinks Aeon is the only friend he has in the world,” Borealis whimpered. “And if Aeon keeps Happy past midnight tomorrow night, it’ll be New Year’s Eve forever!”

“We must pursue them!” Sir 1023 began to walk down the path and into the dark forest. “Yes, we must after them to the ends of the Earth! Dear victory is ours! For each dawn we die! We must after them!”

“But how? It’s night!” Sev argued. “Yeah!” Freedom agreed. “We can’t see a thing!”

“That’s where I come in!” Rudolph said before making his nose glow, surprising Sev and Freedom. “Come on, men! We've got one day till New Years!”

“This is our last chance!” Borealis said. “Let’s go get that monster bird!”

And with that, the group immediately darted after the little reindeer and fox, hoping that they would have enough time to spare and save the day before it was too late.


Paradise heaved and huffed as she climbed up the very tall, icy mountain where the Amulet of Spiritalia was supposed to be, distinctly muttering to herself. “Why does every magical thing have to be precariously perched on a hill with stuff in the way?! Ugh… here’s an idea!!” she shouted to the sky. “Bury your magic things within hoof's reach!!!

However, her prayers of reaching the cave were soon answered, and she was happy to know that her long journey was finally over... for in that moment, she saw a beautiful golden amulet with a teal jewel inside... the Amulet of Spiritalia.

The item she wanted to find for so long.

But as she took her first steps inside, she triggered some sort of booby trap which allowed arrows to fly out of the cave walls and directly toward her! Paradise screamed and dodged the arrows to the best of her ability, and thanks to her traveling, she grew agile enough to get to the other side and get to the amulet safe and sound.

Now... all she had to do was make her wish.

Paradise gently levitated the necklace and put it on before turning toward the bare cave walls in front of her, taking a deep breath. “I wish… I… I wish…”

Why could she feel herself stammering and delaying herself from her goal? This is what she wanted ever since she encountered her daughter and her friends back in Nowhere, Kansas!

No... she couldn't think about Misty any longer. No matter how much she wanted to.

Clearing her daughter from her thoughts, she took a deep breath and started again. “I wish that I was able to bring my mother, Opaline Arcana, back from the cold rivers of death, so we may vanquish Equestria together!”

Upon hearing Paradise's wish, the amulet glowed and sent a swirl of light throughout the cave before beginning to materialize into a taller figure... an alicorn with dark purple fur, a white mane and tail with cyan streaks and those menacing deep blue eyes.

When the spell was finally complete, the magic returned to the amulet, and the alicorn before Paradise groaned. “What in Equestria’s name happened to me…?” she wondered before looking over and seeing Paradise, her eyes widening. “Paradise…?”

“Yes…. it’s me, Mother,” the unicorn said with a smile, and rushed over to hug her. Well… she would have hugged her, if her mother had not put up a hoof. “What have I told you about physical contact with royalty?”

“Oh… of course,” Paradise said before she bowed in respect. “That’s far better,” Opaline smirked before she looked around. “Where are we?”

“The North Pole. I used the Amulet of Spiritalia to--”

“I don’t want the full details!” Opaline snapped. “Just… tell me. How long have I been gone?”

“8 months, give or take.”

Opaline growled in frustration before turning to her adopted daughter. “You must tell me everything that went on in my absence… so I may begin my revenge plan.”

Paradise looked confused at that. “R-Revenge?”

“Yes… upon Sunny Starscout, Misty Brightdawn… and every other meddlesome pony that gets in my way.

“Oh… oh, of course!” cried Paradise. “But… how do you plan your revenge on them exactly?”

“Simple, daughter dearest,” Opaline said smugly. “First, I take their cutie mark magic. And then, to make sure they never stand in my way of conquering Equestria again… they and all their friends… will be destroyed.

Opaline cackled victoriously at this, causing Paradise to gulp in fear as one question and one question alone entered her mind…

What have I done…?

Mission on the Island of No Name

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Aeon couldn't believe his luck... he finally got Happy, and his life would be as eternal as they come!

The monster bird took the Baby New Year from the island of 1776 and flew him all the way back to his home on... the Island of No Name.

It was a terrible place... more like a haunted iceberg than an island, far from the Archipelago of Last Years and due north of the North Pole, where the sun never shined.

Aeon chuckled wickedly as he set Happy down in his nest. “You’ll never be found here!” he said to the frightened Baby New Year. “And I shall live forever! Hooray! Ha ha! Ha ha ha ha ha!!”


At the same time, different wicked laughter began to fill the ears of a sleeping Misty, causing her to immediately jump up with a start, trying to catch her breath from whatever dream she had just had. “What was that?!

“You okay, Misty?” Island asked, landing on the back of Big Ben. “I’ve never seen you jump like that before.”

“Come to think of it…” said Zipp, “neither have we.”

Misty then took a breath, remembering that they were the back of Big Ben with all their new friends to the Island of No Name, where Aeon was rumored to live, and where he might have been holding Happy, before she began to explain her fearful jump. “Maybe it’s nothing, but… in my dream, I was in this big black void, and… I could have sworn I heard Opaline laughing in there. And she sounded close.”

Borealis shuddered in fear at the sound of the evil alicorn's name. “I know you told me and Rudolph about her before,” she said, “but that alicorn’s name still gives me the creeps!”

“But it couldn’t have been Opaline, could it?” Hitch asked. “We destroyed her.”

“I know that, but… still…” Misty shuddered. “It felt so real!”

“You’ve mentioned that Opaline character’s name before,” Story Heart spoke up while Sir 1023 brushed her tail. “Who is she?”

“Maybe I should explain, Sunny,” Rudolph spoke, dimming his nose. “I think it caused a lot of ‘wish to be forgotten’ memories to return last time you and Misty told us the story.”

“Yeah… that would be great, actually,” Sunny said, moving to the front to light the way with her alicorn form. “I’ll take over light duty.”

Rudolph nodded, and then he and Bori sat down before their new friends. “Well, we don’t know about Opaline first hoof, but we do know one thing… she was dangerous,” Rudolph said. “She wanted to take all magic for herself, in Equestria and other worlds!”

“Whoa… that’s horrible,” Freedom shuddered before Borealis took over. “From what Misty told us,” said the fox, “Twilight Sparkle’s reign was peaceful for many moons until Opaline Arcana appeared. She'd been banished from Skyros, the alicorn land thought to be forgotten by Equestrians for a millenium.”

“Hey… I remember my mother telling me the legend of Skyros when I was a filly!” Island recalled. “But… I thought it was just that. Is that where Twilight Sparkle came from?”

“No, she was a unicorn at first,” said Zipp, “and then got turned into an alicorn after creating a new magic.”

“Whoa… freaky…” Freedom said before getting out a journal. “Please, continue! I really wanna take down some notes!”

“Okay, let me think… how did the ponies tell it? Oh, yeah!” Rudolph recalled before continuing the story. “Opaline thought that all alicorns were superior, so Twilight and her friends decided to stop her. Their friendship had created such powerful magic that Opaline had to resort to dark ways to overthrow Equestria. She even attacked the dragons to transform into a fire alicorn!”

“You mean… she could control fire?!” Story Heart gulped. “What happened to the dragons?” Sev asked. “I’m getting to that,” said Borealis. “So, the Unity Crystals were created to hide the magic of Equestria, and Twilight sent griffons, hippogriffs, kirin and all other sorts of Equestrian creatures to the mortal world, so they would be safe. As for the dragons…”

“...we aren’t sure where they are yet,” Sunny admitted. “But… I hope we can figure it out someday.”

“But… if Aeon’s as dangerous as this Opaline was,” said Freedom, “will we rescue Happy in time?”

“Yes? No?” O.M tried to answer before shaking his head. “No.”

“It looks bad for Happy,” Sev spoke sadly. “Aye, aye…” Sir 1023 sniffled as tears fell from his helmet. “Tis… tis… HOPELEEEEEEESSS!!!!

“Guys, you can’t think like that,” Sunny said, turning to face them. “Besides, nothing is ever hopeless.”

“Sunny’s right,” Rudolph nodded. “We’ll find Happy in time.”

“But… how can you both be so sure?” Freedom asked. “Aw, that’s an easy one!” Izzy said, trotting toward Sunny. “Sunny’s the embodiment of hope in Equestria! She is the one who convinced all three pony kinds to get along again. If she didn’t, then we wouldn’t be here right now!”

Sunny chuckled at this. “Well… the embodiment of hope is a bit of a stretch, but… Izzy does have a point. Like we had to have hope that all three pony kinds would get along again, we need to have hope to be able to rescue Happy.”

“And besides,” Rudolph said, “we got you this far, didn’t we?”

Rudolph: Have a little faith in us
And day by day
We’ll make your dreams all come true

Sunny: Have a little faith in us

Pipp: And as they say
Faith can move mountains for you…

Misty: We’ll lend a helping hoof
When things go wrong

Rudolph: And by your side we’ll stand
As we help along…

Have a little faith in us
That’s all we ask

Borealis: We’ll keep the faith

Mane 6, Rudolph and Borealis: Faithfully!

The simple, short but sweet song seemed to keep the others’ hopes alive, and even made them smile a bit… especially when Rudolph’s nose lit up, making the raindrops falling around them sparkle like diamonds. “Look, look!” O.M spoke. “It really is raaaaaainingggg sunshiiiiine!!!

This caused the entire group to burst into laughter, realizing that their friends were right-- in order to succeed in their mission, they had to keep their faith and hope alive.

Suddenly, a wave caused them all to plop down onto their bottoms, but not a few seconds after that, Big Ben spoke up from beneath them. “Well, by George! Look up yonder! Look what Sunny’s alicorn light and Rudolph's nose lit the way to!”

The group looked ahead to see a towering island of ice and snow before them, causing Misty to gasp. “The Island of No Name! That has to be it!”

“WAHOO!!!” Izzy cheered. “Happy, here we come!”

“Now hold on there, Miss Izzy,” Big Ben said. “So old Aeon don’t see us coming, you all better douse whatever lights you have on you. But keep that hope burnin’ bright inside.”

“Okay, Big Ben!” Rudolph said as he doused his nose, and Sunny quickly made her alicorn form vanish as they reached the island’s edge. “Come on, everyone!” Freedom said as she flew off Big Ben’s back. “Let’s get up to Happy, and--”

Suddenly, her wings began to glitch and the blue pegasus fell to the icy ground, causing the others to come to her aid. “Freedom, are you okay?” Zipp asked. “Yes… but, what happened?” Freedom asked while trying to get off the ground. “Why can’t I fly?!”

“Uh oh!” Hitch continuously tried to stomp and create a plant with his hooves, but even this proved ineffective. “None of our powers are working!”

“I can’t even get my horn to spark up!” Misty strained. “Our pony powers must not work here!”

“But… what about our North Pole powers?” Borealis wondered before wagging her tail, letting sparkles form. “Phew… thank goodness that still works.”

“So, the North Pole magic in our pendants could be our only way out of here and back to Father Time’s palace,” Zipp told the rest of the Mane 6. “We just have to use them carefully, and rely on our teamwork and strength for now.”

Soon, as the group began to move toward the mountain, a loud bell caught their attention, and it seemed to be coming from Big Ben’s tail clock. “Hey, wha…” O.M stammered, “what’s that for?”

“Look at my clock,” Big Ben instructed. “11:30,” Sev read the time on the clock. “New Year’s Eve!”

“Zounds, gadzooks, and odd bodkins!” Sir 1023 realized. “We have but one half-hour!”

“Only a half hour?!” Borealis shrieked. “Oh, woof... that’s not a lot of time…”

“We've got to be quick, then!” Rudolph told her. “Come on, everyone! Let’s get up there and get Happy!”

“But we have to be careful,” Sunny said as she tried to climb on the icy mountainside. “One wrong slip and it’ll be like dominoes all the way down!”

So, one by one and inch by inch, they slowly began to climb up the towering mountain of ice and snow toward Aeon's gigantic nest. But as they got ¾ of the way there, O.M suddenly slipped on a loose rock, causing him to tumble back with a startled yell. Luckily, Zipp was there to grab him before he slipped too far down, but it was hard for her to hold him up without flying.

That’s when things just escalated to something far worse.

Aeon heard the sound of O.M’s yelling and stirred, eventually opening his eyes and looking around, eventually spotting the group on the side of the mountain. “You!

“Uh-oh!” Borealis and all the ponies cried out in panic, but they knew if they got closer, it could endanger Happy and themselves in the process. Aeon got on the side of his nest and screeched as loud as he possibly could, and while that sound hurt the gang's ears, it also sent an avalanche down in their direction!

Zipp, Pipp, Island and Freedom tried their best to grab their friends and escape the avalanche from the air, but they still found their Equestrian magic was useless on that island. “Oh, come on!” Zipp cried. “Why did this place have to be completely magicless?!”

Everyone screamed as the avalanche came on top of them, sending them rolling down the mountain and imprisoning them in large snowballs, much to Aeon’s delight. “They’re all buried alive!” he cheered before turning to Happy. “Your last hope is gone! And you'll live here with me as my slave. And all time will stop, and I will never turn into ice and snow! Safe… safe… safe at last!! HA HA HA… yawn…

In fact, Aeon seemed so comforted by his apparent success that he snuggled down deep into his nest and drifted off into a contented sleep, certain that Happy was his forever...

...or was he?


Zipp desperately kicked at the snowball that she and Izzy were trapped in, and Izzy even tried to poke her horn through the snow and ice, but still nothing… they were completely stuck. “Oh, it’s no use!” Pipp shouted from the snowball she and Hitch were stuck in. “We’re gonna be trapped in here forever!”

“We can’t give up!” Sunny cried from her and Misty’s snowball. “Even without Equestrian magic, there has to be a way out of here!”

“But how?!” Island cried from her and O.M's snowy prison. “We’ve tried everything!”

That’s when Rudolph got an idea. “Not everything… if I can melt the snow enough, maybe Bori and I can break out of this snowball and Bori can free the rest of you with her shockwave of light!”

“It’s worth a try!” Hitch spoke. “Go for it, Rudolph!”

Rudolph nodded, and once Borealis was on his back, began to light his nose the best that it could get. After a moment, it got warm... and warmer... and even warmer than that...

...until the snowball eventually burst, allowing Rudolph and Borealis to leap out from their prison, shaking the snow off of them. “Phew… you did it!” Borealis cheered before hopping off her friend’s back. “Hang on, ponies! I’m coming in with a blast of light in three… two… ONE!!”

She stomped her front paws on the ground, causing a shockwave of light to go toward the Mane 6’s snowballs and this caused the snowballs to crack, freeing them. “Yahoo! You did it!” Izzy cheered, hugging Rudolph while Borealis hugged Misty. “You guys were amazing!” Zipp smiled. “Great teamwork!”

“Thanks!” Borealis smiled. “Now we just gotta get the others.”

“You guys go on ahead!” Freedom called. “We’ll dig ourselves out and meet up with you later!”

“Huh?” Sunny became confused immediately. “You guys sure!”

“Of course we are!” Story Heart cried. “Now go! You have to get to Happy before it’s too late!”

“Well… okay then,” Rudolph nodded with a frown. “Come on, ponies! It’s up to all of us to find Happy!”

And so, Rudolph and Borealis bravely led their pony friends up the mountainside once more, with all their friends wishing them luck.


By the time that Rudolph, Borealis and the Mane 6 had got to the top of the mountain, they noticed that Aeon was fast asleep, and Happy was sitting right next to his wing, meaning they had to be extra careful with their volume and how they moved.

One wrong move or one loud sound could blow their cover a second time.

Carefully, they trotted closer to the Baby New Year, and Rudolph spoke up to get Happy's attention. “Hi,” he said. “My name is Rudolph. This is Borealis, and these are our Equestrian friends.”

However, Happy moved back, a little unsure and frightened. “Hey, wait a minute! Don’t be afraid,” Borealis said, gently approaching. “Yeah,” Misty nodded as the rest of the ponies slowly advanced. “We wanna be your friends too, and help you out of this horrible place.”

Happy shook his head to Misty's remark, and this confirmed Rudolph's earlier theories. “You think you can’t have any friends. Why not?”

Happy’s only response was a coo and a soft shrug, not really sure he should say anything about his ears to these strangers. “Aw, come on, little guy,” Zipp said. “You can tell us anything, and we won’t judge.”

“Are you afraid to make friends because of your ears?” Sunny asked, making Happy pull his hat down even further on his face. “Well, I mean… they couldn’t be that bad… could they?”

But, Happy’s whimpering sobs told the group otherwise, making their hearts sink. “Poor little guy…” Hitch frowned. “I wish there was something we could do to help him.”

“...maybe there is!” Borealis said, getting an idea before approaching the Baby New Year. “You know, Happy… I used to feel ashamed about my differences too. I have three different colors in my eyes, and I can do magic. But, when I’m around people that really don’t mind my differences, I started to feel better about myself.”

“Huh?” Happy lifted his hat a little bit to look at her. “Oh… yeah!” Sunny said. “I’m the only earth pony who can turn into an alicorn… and I’d show you right now, but… you know, no magic up here.”

“My turn!” Pipp said. “I have totally different wings than my sister and mom, and everypony else for that matter, but… I think they make me look so much more dazzling.”

Hitch decided to speak next. “I’m the only earth pony who can talk to animals.”

“And I earned my cutie mark way later than everypony else!” Misty said. “In one way or another, we’re all different, but we like being ourselves, and that’s all we can be.”

That’s when Rudolph decided to prove Misty’s point with his own example. “And you wanna see something else? Look!”

The reindeer let his nose glow bright red, much to the bewilderment of the Baby New Year. “Heh, go ahead!” Rudolph told him. “Laugh right out. Doesn’t bother me anymore.”

Happy couldn't help but giggle, but then Rudolph couldn't help but smile as he went into a recollection of memories. “But Sunny and the others can tell you, when I was little, it sure gave me one heck of a time. You mean, you’ve never heard about me?”

Happy shook his head, and Pipp took out her phone to play a soft tune. “Well… I think we can help you out there.”

Then, all the ponies began to sing a song they all wrote together to honor their friendship with their red-nosed pal.

Zipp and Hitch: You know Dasher and Dancer
And Prancer and Vixen

Izzy and Pipp: Comet and Cupid
And Donner and Blitzen

Mane 6 and Borealis: But do you recall
The most famous reindeer of all…?

Then, as Borealis swished her tail to ignite her magic, visions of their past adventure began to play.

Sunny: Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
Had a very shiny nose

Zipp: And if you ever saw it
You would even say it glows

Hitch: All of the other reindeer
Used to laugh and call him names

Izzy: They never let poor Rudolph
Join in any reindeer games

Pipp: Then one foggy Christmas Eve
Santa came to say…

Borealis: Rudolph, with your nose so bright…

Mane 6 and Borealis: …won’t you guide my sleigh tonight?

Misty: Then how the reindeer loved him
As they shouted out with glee

Mane 6 and Borealis: Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
You’ll go down in history…!!!

And as Borealis wagged her tail again, the visions cleared away, where Rudolph began to conclude his story. “You see, my friends and Bori here helped me stick it out. And when I grew older I found that this nose was the most wonderful thing in the whole world. Because it was a different nose from everybody else's. And it was all mine. It was really me! My friends stuck by me despite my differences, treating me... well, like a member of their family. And heck, you know, with those ears… why, you're going to be the… the happiest New Year ever!”

“Rudolph’s totally right!” Pipp smiled. “Come on, Happy! Let’s see those old ears of yours!”

However, Happy was still pretty unsure. “Come on,” Rudolph urged. “We’re friends, aren’t we?”

The last thing Happy wanted to do was lose these new friends, so he did as asked, letting his big ears show. And while the ponies did their best to contain their laughter, Borealis and Rudolph couldn’t help but giggle, but stopped immediately when they noticed how downtrodden Happy looked. “Oh, don’t get upset just cause we laughed,” Borealis said. “We just couldn’t help ourselves!”

“It’s true,” Izzy nodded. “Sometimes, things can make us feel so good, that all the happiness inside us just has to… well, burst like a balloon!”

“And seeing your ears makes it the same for everybody else,” Rudolph nodded. “Those ears of yours… why, they… they make folks… happy!”

Happy soon began to giggle, feeling much better about himself by that point. “Ha… ha… ha… HAPPY!!” he squealed, and as cute as it was, Rudolph and Borealis had to shush him. “We have to be quiet now,” she told him, “or else the big mean monster bird will wake up!”

“Uh… Bori?” said Pipp, pointing to the stirring bird. “I think you’re one second too late.”

True to her word, Aeon had just woken up, and now he was glaring right at the powerless group with hatred in his eyes. “You…

“Uh oh…” Borealis gulped as the ponies leapt into the front of the group. “Rudolph, keep Happy back!” Sunny cried. “We’ll try to keep him from getting closer!”

As Aeon began to squawk and try to get the ponies to retreat, Rudolph suddenly thought of something that might help them get Aeon off their worries for good. “I have an idea, Happy! Take off your hat, quick! Take it off for good!”

Happy immediately did as asked, and Aeon immediately stopped attacking the ponies and looked closely at Happy’s ears. “Those ears… ha ha…” he said, beginning to laugh softly, but then, his laughter began to grow. “Those ears… ha ha ha… those ears! HA HA HA HA!!! Those ears!! THOSE EARS!!!

Needless to say, no one expected this reaction, but this was truthfully the first time that Aeon ever laughed in his entire life, and he laughed so hard that he laughed himself right out of his nest and down the side of the mountain! “Oh my goodness!” Misty cried out. “Is he gonna be okay?”

“I think so… come on!” Sunny said as Happy got on Rudolph’s back. “I wanna see how laughter really can be the best medicine!”


Aeon was laughing harder than he had ever had in his entire laugh, and as he tumbled down the mountain, he managed to land on the snowballs that the others were trapped it, crushing the snowballs and freeing those trapped inside. “Yes! We’re free!” Freedom spoke in relief. “Thanks… Aeon?”

“Well… that wasn’t something I was expecting,” Story Heart said as the others came down from the top of the mountain. “Old Aeon won’t be giving us any trouble now,” Zipp said. “He’s cured of evil for good!”

“Heck,” said Rudolph, “nobody can turn to snow and ice when he's all warmed up inside with laughing.”

“Ha ha ha! It’s true!” Aeon said during his laughing fit. “It’s… it’s true-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!!

Soon, seeing Aeon in such laughter made everyone else burst into laughter, not really sure what the true reason was. Then, all laughter ceased when both hands reached the top of Big Ben’s clock, making it begin to chime. “Midnight!” Island gasped. “Even though we found Happy,” said Sev, “we’re too late!”

“Don’t give up hope,” Rudolph encouraged. “There must be some way to get back to Father Time's castle before the twelfth bong!”

Suddenly, amidst the bonging of the bells, sleigh bells were heard in the sky, and everyone looked to see Santa Claus in a familiar sleigh heading toward them. “There sure is, Rudolph!”

“It’s Santa Claus!” Misty cried. “We might be able to save the day after all!”

“Well, what are we waiting for?” Zipp asked. “Once Santa lands, let’s get harnessed up and let’s get this show on the road!”


As soon as Santa landed, the Mane 6’s magical pendants harnessed them and Rudolph to the sleigh, and everyone else got into the sleigh with Santa as he once again took the reins. “If I can travel all over the world in one night…” Santa said as the reindeer and harnessed ponies took to the skies, “I ought to be able to get you to Father Time in a few bongs! Heh heh heh!”

And so, with Rudolph in the lead to guide them through the foggy night, it appeared that the new year and the ponies’ chances at going back to Equestria would be saved…

if they could get there in time.

A Happy New Year and Home at Last

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Upon leaving the Island of No Name, Santa’s sleigh rushed through the skies at a speed that almost matched the speed of light, and with the ponies and Rudolph helping, that made them even faster than usual, especially since they had to cross the Sands of Time in such a hurry.

Not that the ponies minded going so fast... for one, they had a mission to quickly accomplish, and two... they enjoyed flying, with or without wings.

Faster than joy itself, and in only a few bongs, they all managed to pull up right beside Father Time’s castle, where Time Twirler was waiting for them. “Rudolph, ponies, Bori, you did it!” she cried. “You saved Happy from the clutches of that evil bird!”

“The mission isn’t over yet!” Zipp said with a smile. “You still gotta get Happy to Father Time and let him put on the crown!”

“Oh, right!” Time Twirler nodded and picked Happy up with her magic. “Come on, little one, let’s go. The rest of you wait outside the front doors for the party to start! You guys earned it!”

And in no time, the unicorn galloped away, leaving the group to get out of the sleigh and get unharnessed. There was one thing that Time Twirler said that was definitely true… they needed a party after this adventure.


“Father Time! Father Time!” cried Time Twirler as she entered the throne room with the Baby New Year. “They did it! Happy’s back!”

“Oh, thank goodness!” Father Time said, taking off the crown as Time Twirler set Happy down on the floor. “This, my dear boy, belongs to you.”

And by the time the last bong went off, the crown was on Happy’s head, much to everyone’s relief.

They just made it without a bong to spare.


“Oooh, this is so exciting!” Borealis couldn’t help but squeal as the magic diamond on top of the castle began to drop. “We get to see the magic diamond lower in person!”

“Yes, Borealis,” Santa chuckled, “and it’s thanks to all of you and your hard work. You saved the New Year for not just this world, but other worlds in general.”

“Aww, shucks,” Hitch blushed with a chuckle. “It was nothing.”

“Still… I’m sad we didn't find that cutie mark crystal you were looking for,” O.M told the Mane 6. “Oh, don’t worry about that, O.M,” Sunny said. “I’m willing to spend as much time as we need to with our friends until we can find the last crystal.”

“Still…” Zipp kept staring at the diamond. “There’s something familiar in the glow of that diamond…”

But before Zipp could say anything more, the diamond dropped completely, meaning that the new year, ‘Nineteen Wonderful’ had arrived, causing everyone to cheer and blow noisemakers, and as Father Time, Time Twirler and Happy emerged from the castle, a cheerful song began to erupt from the crowd.

All: Have a happy, have a happy
Have a hap-hap-happy new year!

Father Time: As the bells ring out
Everyone will shout…

All: Happy new year!

Have a happy, have a happy
May each day be filled with good cheer

Time Twirler: And with nothing less than much happiness
All through the year!

All: Should old acquaintance be forgot
In the days of auld lang syne?
Then take a cup of kindness
And you will always feel just fine

Have a happy, have a happy
Never have a worry or fear

Father Time: Here's my wish to you
Hope my wish comes true

All: Happy new year!

Have a happy… happy new year!!

“HAPPY NEW YEAR!!” everyone shouted as fireworks ignited in the sky, but then, Zipp began to notice the glow from the diamond again… looking more familiar than ever. “Father Time… may I go up and look at the diamond please?”

“Of course. Take as much time as you need.”

Zipp flew up to the diamond and inspected it, suddenly seeing a familiar shape in the mineral and removing a piece of it. “I don’t believe it!” she said, flying down with it. “Guys! The crystal was part of the magic diamond all along!”

“Huh… I guess our adventure really did need two parts,” said Sunny before turning to Father Time. “Do you think we could take it?”

“Of course you can,” Father Time said. “Consider it a reward for all the hard work you all put into these last few days.”

The Mane 6 began to cheer as Zipp lifted the crystal to the sky, and this opened the portal to Equestria almost immediately. “Well… I guess we have to go,” Sunny said before turning to all their new friends. “We’re never gonna forget you guys… promise you that.”

“Will you ever come back and see us again?” Rudolph asked, and Sunny lifted a hoof to her heart. “Hoof to heart guarantee it.”

“Hoof to heart,” said Borealis and Rudolph before they hugged their new friends goodbye, and sparing them one final glance, they hopped through the portal, where their friends and family were waiting.


“...and then, we rescued Happy and brought him back to Father Time’s castle,” said Misty as they recounted the story to Queen Haven and Alphabittle, “just as the last bong went off.”

“Goodness!” said Queen Haven. “That sounds like quite the adventure you all had!”

“It sure was, Mom,” Zipp said before sighing. “I’m just glad we’re back home in time for our Winter Wishday party.”

“And… what about your mom, sweetheart?” Alphabittle asked his daughter. “Did you see her anywhere?”

“No… I did dream about her, though,” Misty said. “And King Moonracer said that she would need our help really soon.”

“Help? What kind of help, darlings?” Queen Haven asked. “We’re not sure yet,” Sunny said, “but for now… let’s just enjoy our holidays together.”

Hitch sighed and cradled Sparky in his hooves. “Sounds good to me.”


“And you’re sure you haven’t seen them since Tokyo?” Opaline asked. “Not even while you were in London?”

“I swear, Mother, I haven’t seen them in months,” Paradise said before faking a disgusted tone. “Not that I want to, anyhow…”

Opaline chuckled maliciously. “That’s my girl.”

Paradise sighed when she heard that, but not out of happiness exactly… it was more of a sigh out of relief. But before Opaline could notice it, she turned. “Come. We must lay in wait for the ponies to come for another Unity Quest.”

“But that could take months!” Paradise argued. “How will we know when they have a Unity Quest or where the Unity Quest will take them?”

“Don’t question my announcements!” Opaline snapped before she regained her composure. “I mean… I’m quite certain we will figure it out. And when they arrive for a new quest… you can be certain that that next quest will be their last.

Paradise sighed at this and followed her mother into the arctic north… hoping and praying that this wouldn’t be the case…

…and trying to think of ways she could possibly atone for her mistakes.