• Published 28th Nov 2023
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AlwaysDressesInStyle's Ponyville CiderFest '23 Interactive App Stories - AlwaysDressesInStyle

Choose-your-own-adventure shorts written as part of the Interactive Storytelling Experience (The Book Of All Stories) for Ponyville Ciderfest 2023.

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Disco Dash

Hook: After years of touring, this band's falling apart at the seems.

Story #187
Title: Disco Dash
Character: Starsong
Keyword: Disco
Choices: Hero/Villain

Bands from all over Equestria have descended upon Marewaukee for a three-day concert featuring bands across a wide variety of genres. Everypony from the hottest new recording artists like Coloratura, Songbird Serenade, and Ruby Jubilee, to oldies acts like The Dreamlands, Gee Threes, and Night Shade.

It’s been a long journey, but now that you’re here, it’s all worth it. There’s still plenty of time until the first act goes on, so you wander the area, looking for a food cart. A daisy and daffodil sandwich would really hit the spot about now. Maybe with some apple cider to wash it down.

Roadies are still moving equipment, and you give them a wide berth so they can do their job in peace. Somehow, instead of finding concession stands and souvenir trailers, you’ve managed to find yourself amongst the band’s coaches without security stopping you, so you press on. If you’re not supposed to be back here, obviously somepony would’ve told you before now.

You’re not going to quell your gurgling stomach, but you might just catch a glimpse of a celebrity. Camera at the ready, you continue walking through the maze of carts, coaches, and trailers. Trailers hauling band equipment are usually emblazoned with the band’s logo. Mare Supply, Journeigh, Electric Blue, you recognize a lot of the bands. But the coaches aren’t helpfully labeled, and most have the curtains drawn so it’s impossible to see through the windows.

Then your ears swivel, catching the faint sound of a pony singing, getting in some practice before the show. As you get closer, you recognize the voice as the lead vocalist of Gee Threes. She’s not even singing one of her own songs, but there’s no mistaking her soaring vocals for anypony else. The sound’s coming from a door just up ahead. Your hooves are already knocking on her door before you even fully process what you’re doing.

The door opens and you come face to face with your idol. She looks irritated to have been disturbed. “What do you want?”



“I heard you warming up and I’m sorry for knocking but I couldn’t help myself…”

She holds up a hoof to stop your gushing over her. “Sorry, I thought you were one of my bandmates come to apologize. There’ll be an autograph session later. I really must ask you to leave now.”

“Apologize? What for?”

She sighs as she looks at you. “You’re not some reporter looking for an inside scoop, are you?”

You shake your head quickly.

She looks you up and down and decides she can trust you. “I don’t know what’s gotten into the others, but we can’t seem to agree on anything lately. If you asked us who raises the sun each morning, we’d probably each pick a different princess.” You chuckle at that and she continues confiding in you. “Honestly, I’ve been thinking of going solo. I’m tired of all the fighting. What do you think? Do you think I could make it on my own?”

[CHOICE]Do you try to keep the band together or urge them to break up?

>Keep the band together. The Gee Threes are awesome! (Hero)

>Disco sucks. Break them up! (Villain)

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