• Published 28th Nov 2023
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AlwaysDressesInStyle's Ponyville CiderFest '23 Interactive App Stories - AlwaysDressesInStyle

Choose-your-own-adventure shorts written as part of the Interactive Storytelling Experience (The Book Of All Stories) for Ponyville Ciderfest 2023.

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No Shirt, No Shoes...

Hook: We’ve all seen those ‘no shirt, no shoes’ signs. But do they apply to ponies?

Story #300
Title: No Shirt, No Shoes…
Keyword: Wardrobe
Characters: Rainbow Flash, Feathermay, Lily Blossom

You look at your watch – it’s still three and a half hours to quitting time, and there hasn’t been a customer in the store for almost an hour. You’ve straightened the displays up, and stocked the shelves, and there’s nothing else left to do but watch the clock and wish it time would hurry up. Retail… it’s always either incredibly busy or dreadfully slow. There’s no such thing as a happy medium.

You sigh as you pull up a video on your phone. May as well catch up on your social media feeds while you’re stuck waiting. The latest viral video is of a pony bumping her snout on a revolving door. Earth’s infrastructure really hadn’t been built with quadrupeds in mind.

Not that that matters out in the middle of nowhere. Ponies made contact three years ago and you still haven’t seen a single one. Not that you can blame them – if you hadn’t been born here, you never would’ve visited either.

The related videos are more pony ‘fail compilations’ and you click on the next one, idly wondering how badly humans are also bungling things in Equestria. You chuckle, those would be even better videos to watch; pity Equestria is so technologically backwards. There aren’t video cameras in every store, and there’s no infrastructure for cellphones, so they aren’t ubiquitous like they are here.

Three hours and twenty-two minutes until quitting time. It’s only been eight minutes? Will this day never end? You groan and click another video to pass the time.

Movement outside the store catches your eye and you look up from a video of a pegasus chasing a laser pointer. You’re shocked to see a unicorn and two pegasi trying to enter your store. They’re having some difficulty with the sliding door, giving you time to get up and over to them before they can enter.

Your boss is a stickler for the rules, and these ponies are very definitely violating the ‘no shirt, no shoes, no service’ policy. The ponies are coming inside. You’re on the spot.

[CHOICE]Do you enforce the store’s policy or not?

>No shirt, no shoes, no problem. (chaos)

No shirt, no shoes, no service. (villain)

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