• Member Since 19th Sep, 2012
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MLP artist and fanfic writer. Known for Flurry Heart's Story and My Little Sister is a Dragon. Please follow my Deviant Art (AleximusPrime) to see artwork of the characters in my stories.



This story is a sequel to Flurry Heart's Story: Oh, Mother, Where Art Thou?

It's time for the annual Ponyville Fair, and Storm Streak is excited to finally ride the Leviathan! Unfortunately, excitement turns to despair when he finds he is too young and has to miss out. Even with some encouragement from his father, Stormy wishes to be older so he could get his way. News of a powerful artifact with the ability to change someone's age sends Stormy on a search for it, but using its power will come at a great cost.

Inspired by the official show, this is part of a fan-made sequel series I created called "Flurry Heart's Story", which documents the adventures of Flurry Heart as she makes friends and faces new and familiar villains, some of which may still be redeemable.

Next story: My Big Fat Pink Wedding

Flurry Heart's Story and its author are in no way associated with Hasbro or any of the creative team behind My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. This series is entirely fan-made and is created in honor of the official show. No copyright infringement is intended or encouraged. Please support the official release.

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 144 )

Poor Stormy. It's never fun when you're told you're too little or too young to do what you really want, especially when it's the one thing that was gonna make or break your day. Can't blame the little scamp for being so disappointed, when they only just instituted an age rule, and he's so close to reaching it, too...

On a brighter note, it's good to see Melody and Cozy again, and nice to have the dads take part in this one, when the moms had their own adventure in Southern Equestria. The mention of Pinkie and Cheese's wedding has me pretty excited, too. =)

And, of course, always happy to see Buttercream, and nice to get a little history lesson on Eastern long dragons. =)

On a funnier note, it's pretty amusing, though understandable, how a married life and motherhood seems to have cooled Dash's normally insatiable sense of impulsiveness, though her son's definitely inherited it. Stormy's excitement over the Leviathan reminds me of when she was over the moon about wanting to go and ride the Wild Blue Yonder in Las Pegasus. XD

Rainbow Dash and Thunderhead looked at each other in amazement. Stormy would normally not eat breakfast before them, nor would he make his own bed.

Apparently this kid is really excited that he will do the stuff that he normally doesn't do if he's being told to

“How is it you can pronounce ‘Leviathan’ but you can’t pronounce Anatankha’s name?” Chip asked Stormy.

I can't even pronounce that name too 😅

“Hey, everypony. Sorry we’re late,” said Melody Heartsong as she walked in with Cozy Glow.

Hey cozy glow it's nice that she's going to hang out with flurry heart and the others

“On-uh-tonk-uh” is how i say it, but “An-uh-tonk-uh” works too.

“I’m sure they’ll be fine,” Spike said, “I think everypony’s done their best to get over what happened with the Sorceress. They said they all saw how bad it was for Cozy inside that prison realm. I’d keep her close though.”

I'm sure there's still some ponies and creatures I still thinking negative about her but that's what happens when you're in the road of redemption but still not ready to forgive you yet but if you work hard enough and With Friends like them I'm sure she'll get through this

Next there’s the water longs or sea serpents, which have only two arms and live in the water and breathe ice.

Hey we actually see a sea serpent before

that's Steven magnet

Her words hit Stormy like a ton of bricks. His smile slowly turned into a frown and his eyes widened.

ouch that sucks the age and the heights were always when out when it comes to safety

“I know. That was the original rule, but they changed things. Now you have to be a certain age.”

Really usually it's always the height they had to worry about I remember when I was a kid I was too short for some of the rights

“Stormy, if it makes you feel any better, Spike and I are too fat for the ride so we can’t go on either,” Butter told him, patting her belly.

Yeah that's right I did remember some people can't go on a ride because of their size as well

Thunder watched them leave and then turned back to follow after Stormy. Meanwhile at the sign for the Leviathan, the image of the serpent began to move. The pupils in its eyes looked in the direction Stormy had left in.

Oh boy speaking of the devil look who's trying to come up with a little chaos if you know what I mean

Yup, in MLSiaD, Nighty and Butter meet Steven and he tells them he's of the "Eastern variety" of dragons.

Okay this is a pretty interesting start of a story here so apparently the fair have finally come and stormy is excited for this ride called the Leviathan and he can't wait to ride on the roller coaster and it looks like Rainbow Dash has to leave because she has to help Pinkie Pie with the wedding planning with the others but luckily the father's decided to stay with them for the fair and it looks like they finally made it to the ride and he was pretty dang excited until his hopes and dreams shattered when the pony told him that he can't go on the ride because he was too young and apparently stormy is the youngest of flurry Hearts group and he couldn't take it so he just basically walk off out of frustration and his father tried to calm him down but it looks like a certain chaos is watching what was going on I wonder what he's up to I guess we'll find out next time

Yeah, I have seen them do the height thing in my experience, but I think some slides at waterparks restrict it by age, so I'm sure some rides do to. With Stormy being the youngest, he would feel really left out since all his friends get to go on.

At least with Butter and Spike it's part of their anatomy since they're going to just keep growing bigger and they just accept it anyway. Besides, Butter's too positive of a dragon to let that sort of thing get her down. She can fly after all. :3

All ready for some fun antics with the gang in this new story! So glad to see Butter & now Cozy join in the fun, also nice bit of dragon lore there when talking about the Leviatian inspiration!:moustache:

Can't help but remember the movie BIG regarding Stormy's situation here, hope he doesn't go to extremes like Tom Hanks did in that movie!

Poor Stormy. When you're a kid sometimes it can feel like the whole world is against you. A lot of "unfair rules" like being too short or too young to do something or even just people not listening to you or taking you seriously.

I can understand him being mad since he thought he knew the rules and now met the requirements, but then found out the rules had been changed and he just fell short, so it probably feels like the rules were changed just to screw with him and make him wait one more year. But hopefully he realizes that these rules are meant to protect him.

Meanwhile at the sign for the Leviathan, the image of the serpent began to move. The pupils in its eyes looked in the direction Stormy had left in.

Oh man that is creepy.

Thunder watched them leave and then turned back to follow after Stormy. Meanwhile at the sign for the Leviathan, the image of the serpent began to move. The pupils in its eyes looked in the direction Stormy had left in.

:rainbowderp: Oh no, that ride is alive and will eat the souls of his little friends. Save them Stormy! :flutterrage: btw some reason Grammarly isn't liking your work... :twilightblush: Like for example


is missing a comma and it doesn't like the "in" at the end.

Aw, Stormy...poor lil' guy, he was so excited...

Grammarly is useful but makes strange decisions.

Poor Stormy. Sudden rule changes suck. Its nice to see Cozy happy at least.

“Cozy wanted to get to know the town a little better after the other day. Do you think the ponies here will be alright with us being around?” Melody asked.

The other day? Just how much time has passed since the Sorceress thing?

Do you mean because I was using Grammarly? Cuz I don't.

I think a lot of us can relate to how he feels, but we take it rather differently at a young age. Even as adults, there's all sorts of unfair things that we feel the same way about.

If you eat plenty of leafy greens like I’ve ben doing for the past year,

Only one I found. Either way, excited for more!

You know I was so excited to read this story at first that I didn't look at the character tags. Taking a second to look them over gives me a few interesting ideas for what I think might happen. I am guessing that Discord might be involved with Stormy finding the artifact that makes him older, maybe as one of his usual trickster lessons. I am also feeling confident with my theory that Stormy will want to impress Somnambula with his new adult body.

I'll just have to wait and see if any of these are right.


It's definitely not fair of them to change the rule like that, but I'm sure things like this have happened plenty of times and it's always stupid when rules change and it doesn't end well. It'll definitely be a theme how life isn't fair, but how Stormy deals with it is the even bigger theme.

Yup. Mel and Cozy will be around in plenty of episodes now and Cozy will have some bigger roles to play too. Gone are her days of villainy.

Butter will also be a recurring character too. There will even be a few episodes that will give her more focus!

Yeah, I really wanted to emphasize how different things are for Dashie now but how she's grown as a result. Oh and I forgot about the Wild Blue Yonder actually. I guess Stormy really is like his mother. XD

Meanwhile, at the sign for the Leviathan, the image of the serpent began to move. The pupils in its eyes looked in the direction Stormy had left.

Welp I know where this is going.:twilightoops:

This won't end well.

Well, that was sweet of Thunder to try to cheer Stormy up, not just through his own life experiences, but through a song, even. I know it's only a slight parallel, but with how Storm Streak's a bit of a rebel and Thunder's something of a 'retired' rebel, it reminds me of Tramp and Scamp from the Lady and the Tramp sequel.

But wow, that Griffon Glider moment was just adding insult to injury. I just can't see how Stormy's day could have been made up for otherwise with two disappointments like this is one day...

And there's our old buddy Discord. He certainly said too much about this Hourglass of Kronos, but at least he's being far more responsible than he usually is by trying to discourage Stormy from looking for it. Gone is the reckless and selfish Discord who leads ponies on for his own amusement. After the whole Grogar fiasco, it seems he's finally learned his lesson, while still being his comical self. Good on him.

But now Stormy's got a new obsession, and one that can only lead him into trouble...

“Stormy, look, to take your side, I don’t think that was fair what they did either,” Thunder said. “It’s a real shame they had to change the rules with the timing they did. I don’t think it was even necessary.”

To be honest I would say yeah it is kind of stupid of a rule like that it should have been the height and the weight I understand but the age thing I felt like that's just out of nowhere and also kind of unfair

Now Equestrians know how we feel with all our stupid laws.

“I wish I could just grow up right now. I hate being a kid.”

Yep there it is he said the thing

“Well there are times I don’t really like being an adult either. We have to follow a lot of rules too, you know.”

Ain't that the truth being adult sucks

“The Leviathan was awesome!” Pumpkin blurted out before Pound covered her mouth.

Yeah not helping kid

“Alright, kids! Please line up single file, make sure you have your hooves stamped, and don’t forget that you have to be at least 8 to ride the Griffon Glider!”

Then this is a bad place for any seven or under to come here

Suddenly, a flash of light appeared not far from where he was standing. Stormy looked up to see Discord dressed up in an old detective costume with a huge magnifying glass. He slithered around, using the glass to inspect various objects in the fair.


“Definitely. Its powers are great, but it doesn’t take that much to…oh dear. I’ve said too much, haven’t I?”

I felt like he did that on purposely but it's Discord what did I expect :facehoof:

“AH-AH-AH! No, Storm Streak. You must stay away from it. Using the powers of the Hourglass could lead to disastrous results if you are not careful. Magic will not solve all your problems.”

Actually that depends what kind of situation I'm just saying

Oh boy something tells me things we're not go very well anyway stormy's father tried his best to calm the kid down that sometimes life can't be unfair but it doesn't really help ease of the kid until he saw his friends and they were about to go to a different ride but apparently the Wonder we're going to go on you have to be eight or higher to go which that makes stormy lost his temper and basically just ran away and basically saying that he wished that he was a grown up but popping out of nowhere this but popping out of nowhere Discord showed up and apparently he's looking for the artifact that's supposed to age a pony and a creature but hearing that information he wanted it now but Discord warned him that magic is very dangerous and they have no idea what it will do look what happened to the Cutie Mark Crusaders probably he shouldn't say that if he was supposed to on the top secret finding the artifact and now stormy wants to find it now and it's not going to go very well guess we'll find out next time

For you to go out of your way to create your own music is just amazing gift for us Brony’s! Thank you for another awesome chapter

Thunder is a good dad for trying to make Stormy feel better, but it feels like the age limit at the Park is just out to get him since all the good rides are off-limits to him. Still, Thunder trying to teach Stormy about how rules are meant to protect him, even if they seem stupid, was the right thing to do. Stormy might think rules don't apply to adults, but he might find out soon enough that adults have a lot more rules to follow than kids do.

Nice to see Discord trying to be responsible and tell Stormy not to mess with the Hourglass of Kronos. I still feel like he is up to something but is trying to help Stormy in his own reverse-psychology kind of way.

“YES! Finally! I’m totally gonna find that hourglass and turn myself into a grown-up! Then I’ll be able to ride the Leviathan and all the other rides here! I’LL BE UNSTOPPABLE!! Whoops, better keep it to myself. Don’t want Discord to find out. Hehehe…”

Wow, Stormy's like a little supervillain in the making. I also feels like that enforces my theory, since Discord is always listening, even after he leaves.

Nice to see Thunder getting some stuff to do. Too bad that the other ride was age restricted as well though. Will be nice to see what sorts of trouble will Storm get into once he gets his hooves on that hourglass.

He kicked a small can on the ground to pass time, but as he got closer to the center of the fair, he found Flurry, Pound, Pumpkin, Chip, Annie and Spike.

Did Cozy go off on her own?

“It is a device with great capabilities. Even Starswirl the Bearded is mystified by it. It is said to have the ability to manipulate time around one’s body, thus transmogrifying one’s appearance.”

Perhaps Discord should have kept this investigation more secret?

Yeah, I think that dynamic works well for both of them. Thunder does have that sort of streetwise style going on, but he's a responsible adult and follows the rules, having to be a providing husband and father. I've been itching to give him this development and I'm glad it came across well. :)

Yup. It's just one of those days. This will definitely be the catalyst for Stormy's mischief in this story.

I definitely wanted to convey that in Discord: how he's wise enough now to be able to pass on a lesson to someone like how they need to be careful about relying on magic to solve all their problems. And yes, Stormy will not do as he says and will be going after that hourglass.

It's been a while since I introduced Thunder and I went too long without giving him much character development, but it felt good to show him as a responsible father teaching his son the right things.

Yeah, Discord will definitely have a role to play in this story, but Stormy's the one who really causes the mischief (not that Discord wont' cause any though).

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