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MLP artist and fanfic writer. Known for Flurry Heart's Story and My Little Sister is a Dragon. Please follow my Deviant Art (AleximusPrime) to see artwork of the characters in my stories.



This story is a sequel to Flurry Heart's Story: Let My Ponies Go!

Right after meeting with Twilight Sparkle and Spike, King Scorpan is attacked by his vengeful brother Tirek who immediately assumes control of the Midnight Kingdom. While Twilight and Spike try to muster the Elements of Harmony, the Cutie Map calls Flurry Heart to solve a friendship problem in the very place that is currently having a clash of titans: the Midnight Kingdom. To make peace between the brothers, she must first locate an old familiar relic that may be the key to Tirek’s redemption.

Inspired by the official show, this is part of a fan-made sequel series I created called "Flurry Heart's Story", which documents the adventures of Flurry Heart as she makes friends and faces new and familiar villains, some of which may still be redeemable.

Next story: Fillie Jean

Flurry Heart's Story and its author are in no way associated with Hasbro or any of the creative team behind My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. This series is entirely fan-made and is created in honor of the official show. No copyright infringement is intended or encouraged. Please support the official release.

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 150 )

Wow what an action-packed prelude, and we're only at the first chapter! :pinkiegasp: Can't wait to see Flurry's role into this tale, hopefully with a better outcome than last time! :twilightsmile:

Starting this story off with a bang, I see. Tirek wasted no time usurping the throne and overthrowing Scorpan. And now Flurry's being called for a friendship problem...in the very place that's become a hotspot of danger. I think I already have a feeling as to who she needs to solve it between...

I vote we send Discord with her this time. That'll be interesting. Anyway, very great start!!

Comment posted by the informational dude deleted Jun 11th, 2022

Pretty epic beginning. Wonder if Sendak will play any important role in this story besides getting his magic drained.


I'm not sure if the real battle between Scorpan and Tirek will start in chapter 3 or 4, but that will come later and boy will it be insane!

Flurry will play a big role in this as well and the outcome will be far different for sure!


It may not be the chapter where things really ramp up between Tirek and Scorpan, but I did want to really bring some energy to their first encounter in this chapter. When the chapter for their battle comes, it will get really serious!

Well Discord is the only one who can send her there with his teleporting, so he might have to.

I actually didn't have Sendak's appearance in the draft for this story. I could come up with something at the last minute, but I am also thinking ahead for a story he will appear in later on and I'm not sure I can have him show up this time, but we'll see.

“I haven’t heard anything about him since he was let go,” Twilight said. “And what of his old master Sendak? Could he teach Tirek the same spell again?”

That's why they need to catch him as well and have discord make him forget the spell as well because that's just a never-ending situation

“The last thing I heard about Sendak is that he was turned to stone while working in the mines. It couldn’t have been from a gargoyle jailer because none of them were able to undo it. That was over a thousand years ago. We placed the statue in an undisclosed location in the forest where it remains, covered in thick foliage. Tirek will never see his master again. No one will.”

Yeah about that...... 😥

“Princess Twilight, I am only going to tell you this one more time: leave now!” Tirek scolded. “I have no more interest in Equestria. I am only here to take back the Midnight Kingdom and exact my revenge on my brother, now I suggest you and your rotund dragon friend go before I change my mind.”

Tirek you son of a Guns N Roses you won't get away with this

“I found my old master Sendak. He taught me everything, and then when the time was right, I turned on him and took his magic.”

So you backstab your own Master despite that he was going to help you the irony of the situation

“We have to put all of Equestria on high alert.” Twilight continued. “Tirek still says he’s not interested in our land, but I don’t believe a word of it. I saw him enter and take the magic from the Staff of Sacanas. I wasn’t even a match for him!”

Yeah because unfortunately you don't have Celestia Luna and Cadence Alicorn power and we don't have the Mega Evolution rainbow power either so we were really unprepared

“He said he’s not interested in Equestria anymore which is also the reason I’m not going to antagonize him, but Twilight and Spike are going to try getting some of the teachers together to use the Elements,” Discord answered as he had himself propped against a wall.

Yes the young 6 they can help out the situation and probably the main 6 as well just in case we need more help

Wow what a way to start off your story with a big bang Okay so Twilight and Spike went to the midnight Kingdom to meet with Scorpan about information of his brother Tirek it's free and out there which that's a huge problem but he still thinks there's still some good in him but I highly doubt it but anyway things got really bad because Tirek attack the kingdom and what makes things worse he knows the absorbing power which that makes it more dangerous than ever since he drained some of the magic of his kingdom and even the staff and he's always too strong for Scorpan even with Twilight's help it's still no use he's way too powerful and unfortunately Twilight and Spike had to make the Hasty Retreat to get help and now Equestria is in high alert because he could attack them as well meanwhile back in Ponyville flurry heart and the others are just playing games until Discord gave them the bad news and Sunburst and starlight a worried that this could escalate it badly with Tirek around they need to figure out how they going to stop him hopefully the Elements of Harmony will be enough but it looks like the tree of Harmony is calling flurry heart to help with the Friendship problem and it looks like she's going to the midnight Kingdom now how in the world is she going to do this is she going to do this alone or is she going to be with help I guess we'll find out next time

As I want to see Flurry complete her friendship Quest, I have a feeling she'll make it worst. Reason the death of Cozy's fake parents. Yeah, it was dark but actions have consequences

Awesome to see you back again. It’s fine that you can’t bring us awesome art works. I rather have the story first before the art which I want you to at least have fun!

Btw does Flurry have a cutie mark? Kind of forgot

Wow, just the first chapter and we already have a lot of action right out of the gate. Tirek has reclaimed his stronger form already and overthrown his brother Scropan. I was certainly surprised to hear that Tirek had already betrayed Sendak off-screen.

Now Flurry is being called by the map for a Friendship Problem in Midnight Kingdom. This is going to be a tricky one. I have a feeling this one is going to be a much darker and action-packed story, similar to Dreams of Alicornication.

Thanks for understanding. :)

Not yet.

This one will be more action-packed for sure, but the outcome will definitely be different (albeit still tear-inducing).

Who knows, sometimes authors write it different from they intended. I should know, I'm one of them.

Poor Tirek, even when he said outloud that he don't want to come to Equestria, Equestria come to him LMAO

Goodness gracious. Talk about starting with a bang...

Well, I guess it's more like a crash, and it wasn't a literal start given that there was a meeting between Twilight, Spike and Scorpan before Tirek started wrecking everything, but as others have said, things certainly got intense fast and early.

I'm a bit surprised Tirek relearned the absorption spell so fast, but it's possible that he was just that good a student, and perhaps Discord, despite messing around in his mind, didn't erase his muscle memory, which could have retained enough knowledge that he got that skill back faster. That said... I kind of feel Tirek is coming across as a bit of a hypocrite. He's upset at Scorpan for betraying him, but then he reveals he betrayed Sendak himself. Like... he might want to look at himself in the mirror, especially when the alternative to Scorpan betraying Tirek was Scorpan letting him drain (and possibly kill afterwards) hundreds if not thousands of innocent ponies, while Tirek betrayed Sendak for mere personal gain.

At least he seems willing to leave Equestria alone for the time being, so unless he's lying and up to something, that should give them some time to get ready to strike back. Which is good indeed, because if he's too powerful for even Discord to deal with, he'd be trouble indeed if he just launched an attack. Now the question is if there is some sort of 'underlying countdown' before he becomes the rampaging brute seen in one of Starlight's timelines who destroyed everything without rhyme or reason.

On a nicer note, I liked the closer look at Scorpan and his interactions with Twilight and Spike. The scenes with the latter in particular reminded me of G1 Scorpan and Spike, and it was a great touch. Seeing Tempest and Grubber again (I do know the former already appeared, but I don't think we've seen the latter yet) was nice too.

Also, the card game the children were having with Sunburst and Starlight was both well done and a nice touch, and it transitioned well to the bad news and the discussion on what is being done. And I admit, I chuckled a bit at Stormy having trouble with Sacanas' name. I thought it was just Anatankha, but it seems he has trouble with names in general.

And speaking of trouble... Flurry may end up in quite some big ones, considering the map just summoned her for a solo friendship mission in a very dangerous place. Granted, Spike will likely go with her, but considering Tirek is currently powerful enough that even Discord wants nothing to do with him, and not meaning any disrespect to Spike, that's likely to be a small help if Tirek finds them and decides to get serious from the start. Hopefully Flurry will just solve the friendship problem before anyone can get hurt.

All in all, a great start to this new episode! Looking forward to the next part!

Come on little ponies you have to trust the map. Flurry has a purpose to play here :ajsmug:

The Map has never been wrong. If it says Flurry has to be there, even if Twilight and a rescue squad are already in the Midnight Kingdom, then it must be so. Cute Minecraft reference with Discord, too. I can just imagine him standing stock-still with only his pickaxe arm moving. XD

Tirek's already asserting his authority, and he's even betrayed Sendak, who was responsible for even allowing him to remember how to absorb magic again in the first place. We shouldn't be surprised that he shows so little gratitude to those who aid him, after how he betrayed Discord.

So the Absorption Stone can absorb and retain magic until it's called upon. In a way, it's kind of like Grogar's Bewitching Bell. Cleverly hidden, too, with that password. Scorpan knows Tirek well enough to know he'd never harbor such thoughts about his own parents.

And that's how we know Tirek can change because the map knows it's time now to get him to! I figured someone would notice the Minecraft reference quickly. XD We all know Discord would totally do that, and that will no be the only reference he does either. :3

Ever since Scorpan "betrayed" him, that was sort of this thing, though he didn't do the same to Chrysalis and Cozy Glow and I explain why in "They Can't Stay Encased in Stone Forever" quite well. Tirek is going to have to come to terms with the fact that Scorpan's betrayal of his brother was for a good reason and Tirek was in the wrong this entire time.

It's an interesting artifact I had to create for this story. I figured if Scorpan had the Staff of Sacanas before, such technology could exist in their kingdom elsewhere.

I can understand everyone's reluctance to have Flurry go to Midnight Kingdom, since not only is Tirek dangerous but the whole kingdom is effectively going to become a war zone if anything goes wrong. However, they need to understand that these friendship missions aren't optional. If Flurry doesn't go something even worse could happen.

Lucky for Twilight, Spike, Sandbar, and Ocellus they have already made contact with Scorpan, so hopefully they can all think of a plan to at least hold Tirek off before Flurry can arrive.

“I think it’s trying to show us something in there,” Flurry said, putting her hoof on the wall. “But what could it have to do with the Midnight Kingdom?”

“Well, you did just get done asking how you were going to get Tirek and Scorpan to listen,” Pumpkin reminded her. “Maybe there’s something in there that will help out with that? Maybe like a really nice treat or pie or something to give to Tirek?”

“Pump, come on. This is no time for jokes,” Pound scolded his sister.

“What? It worked on the buffalos.”

Well… she's not wrong. Plus Tirek does apparently like pie, considering he stole one back when he and the others sabotaged the Summer Sun Celebration.

“I wish I could sense where that thing is. Well, only one way to find out!” Discord said as he donned a boxy-looking outfit with a square helmet and a pickaxe that appeared to be made of pixels.

He began swinging the pickaxe at the wall as it came apart in chunks of crystals.

Even speaking as someone who isn't normally the biggest fan of Minecraft, I have to say that was clever.

Did I already ask how many stories are going to be in this series?

Probably, but in case you haven't, the answer is: A LOT.

“You are? Well, I wouldn’t worry about that right now. The mayor just got an update from Twilight: she’s sending in some of the teachers with the Elements.”

Well at least the young 6 will help out

“She’s right, Sandbar,” Ocellus told her friend. “This will work out fine…that is unless the Elements choose not to work again.”

Let's just hope the elements work because this is not the good time to be too finicky about this kind of situation I mean they can just use the rainbow power just to neutralize his powers just like last time back in season 4 finale

“Who do you think taught Tirek that spell to begin with?” said the shadow as he walked into the light.

Karma is a jerk huh ( yeah I don't want to swear usually I let the video say it for me but I can't find it so here it is )

Okay so it looks like things are going okay so far so flurry Hearts still wondering why the map is telling her to go to the midnight Kingdom going to the fact that that's where Tirek is but apparently the Cutie Mark is showing another location but it disappeared in the wall I wonder what the tree of Harmony wants to show them but Trixie got the information that Twilight and Spike are heading back and alongside with the other two elements of harmonies holder Ocellus and sandbar which I don't think this is not going to be enough we need the others and speaking of them they did return back to the midnight Kingdom and they tried to figure out a plan to stop Tirek but they found the dungeon and to every surprise they found Sendak in the dungeon and have no magic well that's kind of what he deserve for teaching him to still Magic but they found Scorpan and it looks like he knows what item can help them to stop his brother and it's the absorb Stone and hopefully this was how stop Tirek but he really don't want to hurt his brother or see him being in jail again but if it comes to this he won't have a choice and whatever the tree of Harmony is trying to show flurry Hearts it better hurry up well I guess we'll find out next time

What's gonna happennnnnn?!!

Oh, I hope Flurry and the others find something quickly!

Bit late to read this, but the hype is really building. I hope Flurry can find a way to resolve the conflict, but I can tell it won't be easy. Sitting in Tartarus for 1,000 years because of a traitor must've left an imprint on Tirek.

That's right. The map knows when there's an issue and it must be dealt with!

They aren't exactly prepared for what will happen when they go up against Tirek, but Discord is right when he says they will be fine. Recall that the Elements didn't work on Cozy last time, but they did protect the Teachers against one of her beams.

Lol, I forgot about that! XD

Yeah, I figured Discord would be the one to do it. Wait till you see his pop-culture reference in the next chapter! :3

Well... props to Flurry for her willingness to carry out this very dangerous mission, but I confess I can't help but worry for her all the same. She may be thinking that Tirek and Scorpan need to make up, but that's bound to be quite the difficult task, to put it very mildly. It's good she at least has her friends to help, but considering they can't go on the mission with her (although I do wonder what exactly would happen if creatures other than the assigned ones went on a friendship mission).

At least Flurry's friends can still help with advice, although Pumpkin's seems to come from a belief that the way to friendship is through a creature's stomach. XD Though honestly, there may be more wisdom in Pumpkin's suggestions than it seems at first, and not just because it worked on the bison (I know they're called buffalo in-universe, but to me buffalo in common language tend to be the Cape buffalo and the water buffalo, so I refer to the show's buffalo as bison at least in reviews). Anyway, back on track... after over a thousand years in Tartarus without food or water, Tirek was likely famished when he first got out, and what little he could eat on any of his brief exits likely wasn't as delicious as any form of pastry. Maybe a few treats would get him to calm down enough to feel the magic of friendship. (And I say this in a fully well-meaning way, as I myself am someone who can be a glutton and get grumpy if he's hungry).

Jokes aside, good on Twilight and the others for not leaving the Midnight Kingdom to its very bad fate, and good on Scorpan also for not just lying down and leaving Tirek to do whatever he wants. Granted, he doesn't seem to have much in the way of plans, but that can change fast, especially if he really is on some sort of a 'countdown to madness' (though granted, this is purely a fear of mine).

Interesting that only two Elements of Harmony are needed, but given that Twilight manage to use their magic with only the crown when she went to the human world, it makes sense. Sadly, it seems likely they won't work on Tirek this time either... but at least they'll hopefully do enough to shield Ocellus and Sandbar and any who are with them from any harm.

And Sendak is in the Midnight Kingdom too... that's worrisome, especially given some of the pictures I've seen in your deviantart gallery. Whatever's coming from his presence, it likely won't be good. Even if, now that I think of it, his presence may be the catalyst for an ultimately good outcome...

I may be completely wrong, though.

But whether I am or not, I very much liked this chapter, and am looking forward to the next!

On what you said on friendship missions not being optional... that actually just lead me to wonder: what would exactly happen if someone the map picked for a friendship mission tried to refuse and made it explicit? Would the map somehow continue to harangue them until they complied? Or would it actually respect the creature's choice and try to pick the next best candidate? Granted, by the nature of the creatures chosen the map seems to pick out those who will want to carry out their missions, but still... this made me wonder.

I hadn't thought about such an idea of someone being called by the map but refusing to answer. That might make a good story one day!

In my heacanon, being in Tartarus for a long time doesn't kill you from age or starvation because there's a magic force that keeps you alive so you survive the torment of being there. It might not have caused Tirek to starve to death but the psychological effect of being there so long has driven him insane obviously. And yeah, he would likely want to devour a delicious pie after all that.

Sendak's part in this story is sadly just a cameo, but his large form I made concept art of will have a role to play later on down the road.

Well, if you do decide to write it, I'll be looking forward to reading it. :)

And I get you. I also pretty much headcanon that Tartarus has something to it that just prevents a lot of biological functions, so to speak, most notably aging and needing to eat and drink. That said, yes, I can still see why it would be maddening for Tirek to be there for so long. Granted, one can say that he both had to do the prison time and there was no other place safe enough to keep him (at least, that's why I think he was kept there in the first place), but still... definitely not pleasant.

Still looking forward to whatever happens next, as well as to the eventual appearance of Sendak's large form, whenever that will be.

What to do, what to do. Carry out the Friendship Mission and risk all out war with the Midnight Kingdom or not?

It was never stated that gargoyles or centaurs we're immortal or how long there lifespan. This is my own personal head Cannon that they're not. And Tirek is only still alive because prolonged periods of time and Tartarus stops you from dying. And in a way makes you immortal. ( A few hours or days wouldn't cause this) but months and years would cozy spent several months there. Both Tirek and cozy are immortal because of their time in Tartarus. Tireks accepted it and cozy glow is still in denial.

Scorpan was supposed to be in the 2017 movie so they were obviously ok with his species having a long lifespan.

Oh wow! Titan fight!!

And the key box! I always wondered what happened to it!

And we thought the clash between Twilight and Tirek was epic. Now Tirek is fighting someone his own size and strength: a powered-up Scorpan. Of course, the downside to such an epic brawl is extreme collateral damage to the surroundings.

So that's what our heroes needed to find: Scorpan's old medallion, or the Pendant of Restoration. Pretty interesting lore behind that, how it can undo villainous damage done, but it can only be done by the one who performed that damage in the first place. Kind of like the Alicorn Amulet and how only the user of it can take it off, a tall order when the user is mad with power. Scorpan still held onto the hope that Tirek would one day change and amend his ways, but he's waited in vain all these years, and Tirek gave it away as a reminder of Scorpan turning on him. Now's the time for Flurry to return it, and hopefully end this madness.

I know, right? So did I! And those keys couldn't have stayed that way forever, especially when they were all gifts to the Mane Six!

Yeah! At least now the kids can give them back to their parents, they'll be so pleased. Great idea with the lore around the necklace, too! I always wondered where Tirek pulled that thing from to give to Discord

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