• Published 16th Sep 2022
  • 4,855 Views, 205 Comments

Libero - Discombobulated Soul

Darkest Knight is an eccentric young colt with a curious aversion to others. Behind the closed doors of reality and psyche, what could be plaguing him? And, more importantly, are the citizens of Ponyville at all prepared to deal with the revelation?

  • ...

The Not Quite Grand, Yet Definitely Galloping Gala

The rhythmic clacking of the train's wheels had long since become background noise. The frenetic pounding of his heart had been present through the whole journey, and was similarly ignored. His heaving breaths had been desperately heavy the entire time, and had never been acknowledged in the first place.

Indeed, the only outside sounds Darkest listened to were the muffled conversations of the other ponies whose cabins were adjacent to his, though he could not make out any words.

The train's passenger cars were outfitted with both rows of benches and more private cabins, presumably to offer the optimal travel experience for the passengers while still packing as many as possible inside. Darkest had fled immediately to one of such cabins upon boarding, and had locked the privacy door the second he confirmed that nopony else was in there with him.

That had been at least two hours ago, and his innermost instincts were still in utter shock and indignance, having not ceased their incensed incessant demands.

What're you thinking? How dare you! You're delivering himself right into HIS hooves! What's wrong with you! Why're you doing this?!

Unlike when he was going outside, Darkest could not really argue with his deepest thought's logic. He had absolutely no reason to go to Canterlot, and every reason to stay in Ponyville. But they both knew that Darkest had sealed his fate in agreeing to go; there was no telling what the Ponyville citizens would do if he refused. It was potentially better to face HIM in Canterlot and get a mostly predictable treatment than to suffer through whatever unknown things the townponies were capable of. The devil I know does indeed trump the one that I do not have knowledge of. Even if HE is infinitely worse, I have no way of knowing. This logic and reasoning did very little in the way of accomplishing anything of note, sans continue the cycling argument taking place in Darkest's head.

The world beginning to tilt was what broke said argument, and he turned his attention to the window on his left side. It appeared that the train was beginning to ascend, marking the start of Mt. Canterhorn and a sign that the journey would be finished in just under an hour. That was assuming that nothing interrupted the trip and forced them to return, which was something Darkest had been praying would occur the whole time.

The break in his mental warfare and newfound knowledge of the journey's imminent end was exactly what he needed to finally come to a decision. No. I plainly shall not let mine life be ruled by fear any longer. Other ponies, to be sure, but I shall not bow to merely anything. Darkest's determined gaze drifted towards the ceiling, his face set with grim conviction. I shall attend this 'wonderful party'. And though I may not enjoy it, there lies no possible way it could resemble the parties HE used to throw, what with how enthusiastic the Pink Aberration was regarding it. He stepped down off the cushioned seat and began pacing the small cabin.

Much time passed with utter silence in his mental space, the words, spoken with such finality, seemed to finally hush the insistent quarreling from his well-trained instincts. The only sensations to accompany Darkest were the ambiance of the train, that of his exceedingly stressed body, and the increasing sense of dread that had also accompanied him all throughout the journey, exponentially rising as the train neared its grim destination. This changed abruptly at the new sound of a single quiet, hesitant knock on the door to the cabin.

This unexpected noise caused Darkest to jump in fright and swiftly back away from the door. He stood there for a few moments, beginning to hyperventilate, and flinched when the soft, shy knock emanated from the wood once more.

"Um, hello? Darkest Knight? It's Fluttershy...um...can I come in?" He paused, one ear twitching and the smallest upturning of his lips appearing despite himself. Darkest knew, intellectually, that the mare's pleasant voice did not render her a non-threat. He knew that her shy demeanor could easily be a guise, an act ready to drop when the opportunity presented itself. But, listening to that demure, wonderful voice, and remembering his training, he simply could not find it within himself to refuse.

"But of course, good madame. Please, I beg you, come in and seat yourself at your own leisure. I could not possibly be anything less than accommodating towards somepony of your resplendence." Said Darkest as he, despite his better judgement, unlocked the door and with his magic eased it open, then hopped back onto a cushion. He was eager to hear more of her lilting cadence while simultaneously wary and terrified of what she planned to do with him.

There, just beyond the open doorway, stood the yellow pegasus, shyly hiding behind her long pink mane. She took one long, drawn out look at his wide-eyed, shivering figure and a visible change seemed to come over her. She stood straighter, ceased her hiding, raised her head marginally higher, and resolutely stepped into the cabin, sitting down on a cushion opposite from his. Darkest would have politely closed the door behind her with his magic, if he was a suicidal nincompoop who had not ever been in this situation before. No. let her in, I can accomplish. Closing the door afterwards? I have made that mistake far too many times now.

Fluttershy glanced between him and the open door a few times before settling her teal blue orbs on his wide white ones, which immediately averted their gaze down to her yellow hooves. Darkest observed them shift uncomfortably before hearing her wonderful tones yet again.

"Um, so, how're you feeling about this trip?" Seeing him cock his head subtly, she continued, "I mean...um...you just don't seem very excited, is all. More than a little scared, actually. So I just...um...wanted to say that you don't have to come if you really don't want to." They sat in silence as he savored the fading echoes of her speech before muddying the air with his pretentious noble voice.

"If I may, good madonna, I believe it is quite late to be having second thoughts now. You need not concern yourself over mine wellbeing, for I shall indeed be adequately fine on my own. A lady such as yourself surely has more important things to attend to in any case." She creased her eyebrows in worry at this statement, though he could not for the life of him figure out why. His words seemed to remove any lingering trace of hesitation she had, and she smiled in what he thought was perhaps an understanding way before speaking again.

"See, you say that, but I'm starting to think you're maybe not being really truthful. You remind me of myself, really, so I get it. You don't want to inconvenience other ponies so you insist that you're fine. I do the same thing, but luckily my animal friends set me straight much of the time." This encounter was steadily edging out of the 'pleasant' territory and into the 'deja vu' one. This is beginning to remind me of those previous rescues, when they set me up with a 'therapist'. But her voice is so much nicer than those other ones. So much less demanding, even if she is asking questions.

That means nothing.

Darkest knew his instincts were correct and this was likely some form of setup, if not by the pegasus, then using her as a means for distraction. The question was how to react accordingly. He couldn't summon a shield on a moving train, so the only option was to bolt for the nearest exit to said train. He was eyeing the open doorway, just about to make a run for it, when the train's climb abruptly plateaued and its speed rapidly decreased as the brakes applied a gentle pressure. He changed tactics immediately, letting out a hurried parting.

"Ah, it appears we have arrived. It was a pleasure speaking with you, madonna. Fare thee well." Then he dashed to be the first off the train and outside whatever trap had been laid on it, utterly ignoring the pegasus' protests.

Darkest timed his gallop so that he emerged from the train just as it slowed to a halt, passing the curious townsponies still seated on the rows of benches across the train car. He took only a few steps out onto the station before halting suddenly as he saw-

Clothes. Suits and dresses.

His eyes widened in horror as the realization slowly dawned on him.

Nobles. All nobles.

Knight tore off down a random street, legs pumping with adrenaline as he galloped away from all the unicorns. He had not been fleeing for nearly long enough when the scaly purple and green thing from the party stepped into his path, holding its clawed forelegs in front of it. Knight planted his hooves and skidded to a stop just in front of the creature, heaving in great amounts of air as he stared at it.

"Whoa, dude, mare got your tail or something?" The creature said.

In Equestrian.

With proper noble accentuation.

Darkest was left blinking owlishly, too entirely stunned to do anything else.

"It's alright, dude, I gotcha. Twilight and her friends totally split up and ditched me, so now we're both all alone, right?" The scaly creature gestured vaguely with its malformed forelegs down the street. "Well, I was heading on over to crash at Pony Joe's and drown my sorrows in sugar. You seem like an alright guy, so, you wanna come?" Unable to refuse, Darkest nodded dumbly and numbly at the request, and the thing began leading him down the street. Darkest's innermost instincts were rendered completely silent by the creature as well, so the only noise entering his mind was the distant sounds coming from where he had fled.

Darkest was in shock all throughout the short walk, observing the alien's movements on its two back legs. The way it moved--waddled was the word that came to mind--was so entirely bizarre that he found himself simply unable to look away. The odd pair soon reached a comparatively small building with a large, pink ring facing the street on the roof. There was text, oddly enough not in a noble font, as though this structure was intended to exist in defiance of the pristine ones surrounding it, though not nearly to the degree that the Pink Aberration's abode did. Darkest did not have much time to study the building before the purple-and-green alien stepped inside, making what he assumed was a beckoning gesture with its foreleg. Still too interested in the curious creature to object, Darkest obediently strode forward and stepped into the building.

"Hey, Spike! Long time no see, eh? Come on in, ol' pal o' mine!" Invited the tan unicorn stallion behind the counter at the end of the room inside. The pony then glanced up at Darkest and performed a double-take. "Whoa there, Spike! Did you bring someone in with you for once?" He looked at the creature, presumably named 'Spike', and let out a playful bark. "Ha! Didja finally make a friend? Now that's a first! I had thought the little midget didn't have the capacity in him!" The unicorn's manner of speech severely confused Darkest, even more so than the purple noble's. He had clearly been raised in Canterlot, and had all the polished vocal tendencies of the finest nobles, but he seemed to be consciously trying to sound more rural. It was as though he viewed speaking properly with disdain, and so ventured to rebel against it by sounding as offensive to the noble eardrum as possible.

"Yeah, yeah, laugh it up," 'Spike' grumbled yet kept a smile on his face, "The guy looked desperate, okay? I'm just trying to help him feel better about this." The tan unicorn smirked knowingly, side-eyeing Darkest and winking exaggeratedly.

"Well, why don't you two come sit down and let my donuts take care o' the rest, eh?" Despite the stallion's efforts, his speech did not in fact elicit nearly as much pain as, say, Applejack's.

Darkest nervously strode forward and shakily took a seat on a stool next to the bar, observing no other ponies within the room with them, his eyes settling once more on the green alien afterwards as it asked him a ponderous question.

"So, whaddya want?"

Darkest's ears flattened. this was more of that 'currency' business he heard so often at the market in Ponyville. He grinned in what would have been a sheepish expression if it wasn't a cringe and a preemptive flinch.

"Apologies, good sirs, for I lack any manner of money currently and am thus rendered unable to purchase anything.." The tan unicorn merely waved a careless hoof at this.

"Oh, don' mind that at all. Everything's on the house for a friend of Spike's. Why, if it weren't for him, I'd have gone entirely bankrupt ages ago!" Darkest gulped nervously, moderately disappointed that his evasive tactic had failed so completely. Why does he willingly mince his words so? Is speaking properly really that bad?

He's trying to put you at ease. Make you relax. Then strike.

That is indeed plausible, for we are in Canterlot, and I know HIS workers are everywhere. Every sense on high alert, Darkest flinched when the purple-and-green alien spoke up in his polished, proper hiss.

"Oh, just a few chocolate frosted ones to start us off, Joe." The creature gave Darkest a side-eye and a raised eyebrow. "From the way you're reacting to everything, I'd guess you've never had donuts before. Believe me, you're in for a treat!" Darkest's brain was instantly cleared of any and all caution, too overcome with utter curiosity regarding the creature in front of him.

"Just what in the wondrous world of Equus are you?" His eyes immediately widened with realization, and he quickly backtracked. "That, is, good sir, if you do not mind my direct inquiry. It is simply that I have never had the pleasure of witnessing such a mystification as yourself, and you are thus wholly fascinating to my inexperienced mind." What was even more surprising was how the scaled being did not even blink at his word choices nor his properly advanced grammar usage, in fact seeming as though he had encountered these things many times before.

"I'm a dragon!" It said, chest puffing up with pride at the declaration. "And a fire-breathing one, too!" It demonstrated by inhaling and then blowing out a puff of fire that completely failed to scare Darkest in any way. Said unicorn's jaw dropped in astonishment at the display, having never seen such a thing before.

"Heh, I didn't realize not all dragons could breathe fire, so thanks for educating me. Luckily, lil' baby Spike retains the ability, eh?" Teased the tan stallion as he placed a pan with two brown-and-beige three-dimensional rings on the bar separating them. It seemed Darkest's manner of speech was having a not-so-subtle impact on the way he spoke in turn. Whether that is a conscious effort of subterfuge or a subconscious effect of mine words remains to be seen. The purple-and-green 'dragon' frowned good-naturedly before picking up one of the rings in its claw and biting down on it with no hesitation whatsoever. Darkest once more blinked in surprise.

"Ah, so those are indeed the 'dough-nuts' you speak of?" At the 'dragon's' assuring nod, he hesitantly lifted the other towards him in his magic, ensuring he had permission and was not about to be punished the whole while. Darkest studied the 'donut' closer, forcing his reluctant eyes to cease their wary watch of the strangers. "If you'll pardon mine interest, what is the creation process of such things?" The tan-and-brown ring was visually rather plain, but the sweet smell it emitted was tantalizing, and reminded Darkest that the only things he had been eating for some time now were apples, carrots, and the occasional berry.

"Well, it's simple," Said the tan unicorn, "Ya take the dough, fry it, fry it again, and then once more, add frosting, sprinkles, miscellaneous treats, the like, plate it and serve!" The 'dragon' turned to face Darkest, pointing at another 'donut' on display while voicing his objection.

"Nah, Doughnut Joe's just being modest. There're tons of little nuances and tricks to it, not least of which is finding the right magical frequencies to cast the various 'donut spells' at. Isn't that right, Joe?" Darkest had succumbed to his empty stomach's demands and obediently took a dainty nibble at one edge of the 'donut', taste buds desperately searching for any added chemicals or sedatives.

They were instead assaulted by the most decadent sugary taste he had ever had the pleasure of experiencing, amplified by the indignant prodding from his needy insides. The 'donut' was completely absent from the world before he could stop himself, leaving the two other creatures in the room blinking blankly at where it had been.

"Whoa, dude, you like, totally demolished that thing. Aren't nobles supposed to be all prim and proper?" Asked the 'dragon', causing Darkest's ears to flatten themselves and his body to shrink back in apology and expectation. He spoke, hoping to salvage the situation or at very least lessen the pain that was sure to follow such a chastisement.

"I am horribly sorry, good sirs. Nay, I am in fact acutely apologetic, and I pray to every force in existence that you forgive such a horrendous faux pas on my part." He was prepared to flinch back at the inevitable opening strike, but was astonished once again to see the 'dragon' merely wave a claw dismissively.

"Nah, don't sweat it, dude. Really, I get it. I totally had the same reaction when I first tasted Joe's donuts." It said before chomping down on the pink-and-tan one that had been placed in front of it by said pony moments prior.

"It's true," indulged said pony, "Spike here couldn't stop himself from devouring my whole stock. I had to stay up all through that night makin' new ones from scratch." The 'dragon' spoke back in mock indignance, simultaneously sliding a second 'donut' over to Darkest.

"Hey, I'll have you remember that I made up for that tenfold! You said yourself that you'd be completely bankrupt without me! I was your walking advertisement for a year! A year!" His anger was obviously faked, for he had a smile on the whole time. Darkest relaxed marginally, deciding to throw caution to the wind and snack on the second 'donut'. Mayhap this will not be so bad after all. It is truly quite amusing to watch this. This is the kind of verbal sparring that I am indeed well aquainted with. He blinked at the severe redundancy of his thoughts. Mayhap they are having an impact on me, in turn.

Darkest allowed himself the smallest smile. He could not be out there in the gala, but maybe he could be here. In a quaint little shop, partaking in some delectable treats, conversing with a pair of apt fencers in the verbal category. This just might be tolerable.

"You know, Darkest, you're really not so bad, for a noble." Said Spike the dragon, causing Joe to nod in agreeance. It had been several hours since they entered the cafe, and through sheer willpower and the endless intrigue of the dragon, Darkest had managed to avoid any panic-fueled sprints or anxiety attacks of any kind. He was also reasonably sure that neither individual before him harbored any ill-intent, though Knight begged to differ, as always.

"Nay, Spike, I would hardly call myself a noble. I am about as far from a noble as one can get, really." Darkest said, shaking his head dismissively at the statement. He had faintly noticed his own speech deviating ever-so-slightly from how he had been trained throughout the night, but paid it little notice. His mental faculties were already quite preoccupied with restraining himself from casting a shield while participating in the verbal banter. Joe guffawed, pointing agreeably at him with a hoof, the sudden movement invoking no defensive reflex from him to speak of.

"Ain't that the truth. If you were, you'd have waltzed on out of my shop not seconds after entering, prissy nose held high in the air while you headed off to inform the city directors of this 'breach of Canterlotian fashion'." Darkest nodded at this, a smile gracing his features.

"Yes, quite indeed. I would also be sure to harrumph with acute self-absorption as I fixed my pitch-perfect mane to an even greater standard of flawlessness, sashaying my equally pristine tail contemptuously as I made my petty exit." He demonstrated this movement with his own severely knotted and tangled tail to the best of his ability, severely uncomfortable displaying himself in such a way. Though it was entirely worth it to hear Joe's guffaw once more, greatly raised in intensity and volume. Spike, however, seemed largely befuddled by the exchange.

"So, wait, if you're not a noble, then why do you talk so-" The bell above the door rang, causing Darkest to whip his head there and observe the purple noble from the party entering, mane severely disheveled and dress a mess, all told looking like a complete wreck.

"Twilight Sparkle! Long time no see, eh?" Welcomed Joe, motioning her inside with a hoof. She tiredly stepped in, appearing thoroughly disappointed by something and leading several more ponies Darkest recognized from the party in as well. The others were in similar states of disarray and disappointment, and they all dejectedly seated themselves around a chosen table in the room, exceedingly downcast. Darkest snapped from his relatively relaxed posture to a tense attention, ears brought to bear and eyes set to observe the potential threats. Spike hopped down from his stool and approached Twilight, wringing his claws in expectation.

"So, how was your best night ever?"

The mares all groaned in unison, appearing as though they hadn't noticed Darkest yet as Joe began carefully collecting a selection of doughnuts from his numerous boxes. Darkest had learned that each individual treat possessed specific magical properties, with certain kinds being better suited to unicorns, earth ponies, pegasi, or various other non-pony species respectively. He had also learned that it took far more magical prowess to create the donuts than he might have thought, his respect for Joe heavily rising due to that fact.

"Oh, Spike, it was simply horrid! I must assume that to be the absolute worst Grand Galloping Gala in the history of Equestria!" Exclaimed Rarity, throwing a hoof over her face in a dramatic fashion.

"What's worse is that it was completely our fault. If we hadn't been so dead-set on each of our goals... well... it probably would have been a lot better." Twilight lamented to Spike, glumly taking a bite out of a donut from the tray Joe had placed at the table. Most of the others nodded in agreement at this, though Rarity and Rainbow Dash seemed largely indignant.

"That was the best Grand Galloping Gala ever!"

Everypony's eyes flocked to the door, observing a rather well-known figure of authority travel through it, a warm smile on her face and a twinkle of excitement in her magenta eyes.

"Princess Celestia!"

Big pony.

Darkest blinked and shook his head lightly, baffled by Knight's thoughts. Why, yes, I suppose she is rather tall? He came up to about eye level with her shoulders, and that was sitting down on a stool from across the room. Still, that is hardly the most notable thing about her, no? Twilight was the first to recover from her shock, and managed to give a stuttering "W-whatever do you mean, p-princess?" But she was denied a response as the alicorn's eyes settled squarely on Darkest.

"Ah, so this is the charming colt you wrote me about in your latest friendship letter?" His body went entirely rigid in fear as everypony's gazes followed the princess' and found his diminutive white form on a stool.

"Oh! Sure is...

...you did get everything in that letter, right, princess?" But the alicorn's eyes never deviated from their target.

"Why don't you come sit down, Darkest?" She invited as she herself took a seat by the table. Darkest could not place it exactly, but something in the way she said his name sent a tremor down his spine. He gracelessly hopped down from the stool and compliantly made his tense way over to Spike and the mares. His white orbs never left the princess' form; something deep and more primal than anything thus far forbade it, and he made a few missteps as a consequence of this.

Big. Pony.

Insisted Knight as Darkest sat down at the semi-crowded table, his small stature easily dwarfed by the others around him, but the princess in particular towered over him, her head far above his own.

"Well, howdy pardner! Fancy seein' you 'round here." Burbled Applejack in her usual mincing of words. Darkest would have responded in his usual overly polite manner if his attention was not wholly consumed in studying the princess' every slight movement. He was so absorbed in this task that his ear barely gave a half-hearted twitch at the pain from her speech. Why am I rendered unable to glance away from her? Pondered Darkest.

Big Pony. Tall Pony. Heat.

Answered Knight.

Heat. Take. Pain. Take. Big. Take. Blankets, sheets, bed. Take, Take, Take.

A tall, dark blue pony stands above in a dark room. She smirks over his prone form, sweaty beads dripping from her hornless head.

Darkest's face slowly grimaced at the faintest tingle of memories. His tail, previously tucked already, forced itself between his legs with renewed vigor. His powerful pony thighs clamped down on it with as much force as they could physically muster. Doing their best to hide what could not be seen by the world. A new word spontaneously entered Knight's vocabulary as Princess Celestia's eyes narrowed with what could only be malice and her mouth turned downwards in what was most assuredly about to become a sultry, flirtatious grin.


Knight was frozen utterly still, but he was on a hair trigger. At the slightest provocation, he'd bolt. So when the princess raised a golden-shod hoof to begin touching him, he did just that.

The sound of shattering glass.

The pound of hooves on paved roads.

Panicked, sporadic breathing.

Darkness, an alley. Someplace safe to refuge.

A marble wall against his back.


Stealthy hoofsteps, not his own.

A sting in his neck.



"Alright, wake up now. The potion must have worn off by now. Come on, bucko."

Knight scrambled upright in a blind panic, but quickly found restraints doing their purpose on him. Knight felt a prodding on his flank and jumped forwards consequentially. Ahead was a familiar door, with familiar ponies surrounding it.

HIS loyal servants.

One of them levitated a bag of something clinking and muttered something to the cloaked pony behind him. The cloaked pony accepted the bag and left. The servant ushered him forwards with a hoof and an angry grunt.

Anger. Must obey.

Knight shuffled forwards, knowing very well what was to come and desperately seeking any way to escape.

None. Like always.

No horn-bands, but shielding would do no good now.

Must accept punishment. Plead for reduced pain. Beg for mercy.

Knight followed the servants into the manor. Knight's whole body was shaking fiercely. Knight knew exactly what was to come. Pain. Torment. HIM.

They traveled through hallways he had long ago memorized. Towards a destination that was familiar. The classroom.

None of the doors had padlocks.

The classroom was at the end of the hall.

The door opened with its distinctive creak.

Knight was forced inside, his restraints removed.

They would not be necessary.

"Well, well, well, colt. Looks like you managed to escape from us."

Green coat. Beige mane.

"I can assure you, filth.

Lifeless grey eyes.

It's HIM-...

A malicious, dead smirk.

"It'll never happen again."

...-It's Broken Barrier.