• Published 16th Sep 2022
  • 4,855 Views, 205 Comments

Libero - Discombobulated Soul

Darkest Knight is an eccentric young colt with a curious aversion to others. Behind the closed doors of reality and psyche, what could be plaguing him? And, more importantly, are the citizens of Ponyville at all prepared to deal with the revelation?

  • ...


S.M.I.L.E. Headquarters was a plain building.

In the midst of Canterlot, a proud capital trademarked by its ostentatious architecture and extravagant appearances, it stuck out rather conspicuously. Tall, ornate manors flanked the building, surrounding its simple walls with sheer opulence on every side. The palace especially, being easily the most jaw-droppingly pretentious structure in all of Equestria, sat nearby and stared down at the unadorned H.Q. as though in harsh condemnation.

Grey bricks made up the structure, uniformly arranged a mere two stories tall. Two wooden doors marked its entrance, of average size and with minimal ornamentation. Windows could only be found on the second story, often evoking wonder and suspicion over what could be occurring deeper within.

This trademark blandness of S.M.I.L.E.'s main structure applied to its uppermost floor as well. Several office cubicles, restrooms, and bored workers were generally all that could be found up there. Here, much paperwork was filed, coffee made, and dull hours wiled away. It was productive to be sure, but the agents writing out case reports could never help but yearn for more exciting times.

Downstairs was different.

Fully-equipped weapon arsenals, a training dojo, several enchanted simulation centers, and more all ensured S.M.I.L.E.'s diligent agents were prepared for any conflict. Here was where they learned to combat the monsters and other such forces that threatened the peace of Equestria. Sweat was shed, mana was spent, and souls were tempered due to the rigorous training. Where the Royal Guard was all but a useless ornament, here the agents knew they were their nation's greatest line of defense.

And further down, in the basement of S.M.I.L.E. H.Q., trouble was brewing.

A well-dressed mare sat before her work, hunched over in complete disregard for all the poised posture she'd been taught during her life. Her horn ablaze with amber light, she stared intently down at the objects below, thoroughly scanning for any impurities. Much to her chagrin, the mare found many and the process of remedying that was quite time-consuming. Sighing grumpily, the unicorn set to business, thankful for the bright lighting above and the lack of interruption around.

"Hello, dearest," she said. A deep blue stallion stepped out of the shadows, coming to a stop close enough that their shoulders touched. His vibrant golden eyes roved her work, uncomprehending, before gazing into hers. She never broke her stare, but continued to address him even while focused on the project. "How goes the situation above, Light? Any suspicions?" He scoffed, rolling his ocular organs in signature disdain.

"Of course not; the Guard is just as inept as always. They have no idea we are here and our Agents remain loyal." This earned a smirk from the mare, but it was short-lived as she soon returned her attention. Her husband's followed suit and he quirked an eyebrow. "What are they, Stormy?"

Stormy Night sighed, setting the objects in question back on the work table. She craned around to give her lover a peck on the lips before standing to stretch. The blood returned to her legs in a fizzy explosion of needles and she winced, feeling the many hours of stillness catch up to her.

"They are the reason we have been doing all this, Light." She gestured with a hoof and began to pace the cramped basement, dodging around various crates and boxes as she went. "Breaking into the Guard's intel center, studying Broken Barrier's methods, visiting our son, travelling to the four corners of Equus to retrieve the Sigils..." Stormy trailed off, gazing emptily at her exposed cutie mark. Light Night approached, looking rather confused by her words, but still offered a reassuring hoof on her shoulder.

"You seem troubled, dear. Is there some way I can assist?" His stunning golden eyes were practically swimming with concern. She couldn't help but break into a genuine smile, even as she scoffed and shook her head.

"Not when you are unfamiliar with the plan, no. But you have helped me much more than you realize." Light blinked, his face morphing into the uncomprehending expression that was so familiar on him nowadays.

"Please explain," he requested, to which Stormy returned to the worktable and pointed down at her project with her violet horn.

"Ex-captain Barrier and I spent months studying Thaunon together, those years ago. Our findings never became anything more than theories and predictions. We could never test anything or conduct any experiments. It was too...inaccessible," She began, a faraway look in her cyan eyes. Her husband drew closer, evidently intrigued. "All the greater my surprise when he told me our son could manipulate it. To so much as touch Thaunon, let alone harness its might?" Stormy shook her head, locking eyes with her curious lover. "Unthinkable. Impossible. Ludicrous. And yet."

The mare sighed, glancing back over to her project, which still patiently awaited completion. "Equestria's safety will be assured, Light. Forever. We will never need to worry about invaders and outside threats again. Your fa--" Stormy choked suddenly, surprising herself with the emotion. She needed several moments to recover, during which Light pulled her into a loose hug. "His sacrifice will not be in vain." Silence, then:

"Stormy, what are you talking about?" She closed her eyes, taking time to rest in the embrace.

"Two separate, but powerful ancient magics run through our blood. Combining the two led to Dark Night being strong enough to bend Thaunon itself to his will. With the Sigils and your alicorn heritage, we can replicate that. Our son is quite thoroughly out of reach, but if my project works as designed..."

Two crowns laid on the worktable, glittering vibrantly under the harsh light. A durable steel base formed the majority of their composition, flavored with gold trim and a few gemstones sprinkled about for show. Six spikes jutted from the top of both rims, the tip of which each bulged out into a circular end. Inscribed upon these bulges were the three core Arcane Sigils--The Signs of Star, Sun, and Sky respectively--twice each.

The only difference between the crowns was the rubidium-alloy horn ring attached by tiny iron chains to the one intended for her lover.

"...Nothing will dare stand in our way. "

Stormy Night's words echoed those of Broken Barrier, years ago. Light Night shivered under their power and pulled back, appearing immoderately frightened.

"You are beginning to scare me, dearest." Stormy smiled, showing far more teeth than could be considered normal or sane, and opened her muzzle to reply. A glance upwards at the wall-mounted clock bade her pause, though. She lit her horn instead.

"I enjoyed this little talk, Light. I need the reassurance every so often. It is a shame to do this, really," several white flashes of Saddle Arabian sorcery filled the room and Light Night jolted before going entirely rigid. Regret crossed the mare's face for a moment, but she shook herself and readied for the upcoming meeting. "In your wretched grandmother's own words: 'Some sacrifices have to be made for the good of Equestria.'"

Stormy channels the power of Saddle Arabia through her horn, feeling the mind of her beloved bend to her indomitable will.

Stormy has been looking forward to this event for a while. It is a chance to meet those that may share her worldview, after all.

Regardless, the couple she's about to meet have many things in common with her, whether they know it or not.

She smiles, packing her things and adjusting her dress before instructing her husband to prepare a teleport.

This is sure to be informative.

And off they went, leaving the hidden basement of S.M.I.L.E. H.Q. behind.

"No, no, you're missing out on the experience. Use your hooves to solve. It cleanses the soul."

If ever there existed a distillation of the purest concept of skepticism, Starlight Gimmer's expression would have been it at that moment. So perfect was her slight frown, so picturesque the peak of her raised eyebrow, so masterful the unimpressed scrunching of her eyes, that awe was inspired to all who witnessed it.

If only that was enough to make her goofball husband quit his silly claims.

"I'm serious! Divine light shines down! It's a spiritual experience that I'll remember forever!"

The mare's judging purple eyes migrated from Sunburst's wide smile to the object held in her telekinetic grip: The newly-patented 'Rubuck's cube', freshly scrambled as of thirty seconds ago. It gleamed innocently under her appraising glare, many multicolored squares reflecting the orange light from above.

"A spiritual experience," Starlight flatly repeated, having judged the glorified brick and found its prospects lacking. Sunburst nodded vigorously and she sighed, lowering the thing to her hooves in defeat. "You and your fixations." The plastic was warm in her frog, showing her lover had definitely been fiddling with it not too long ago. As far as the tactile sense was concerned, it was far less stimulating than wood, but she had to admit that switching the sides around was fairly satisfying.

The cafe continued to bustle around them, causing Sunburst's ears to swivel at random intervals and him to scoot closer. Starlight offered her husband a supportive hoof, but rolled her eyes when he guided it back down to the Rubuck's cube instead of accepting the comfort.

"You must witness the power of cubing, young Star," he muttered in a faux-dramatic aged voice. "See for yourself the majesty, and it shall open your eyes to the truth." The stallion leaned back and waved his forelegs in what was obviously meant to be a mysterious manner. Starlight could only smirk.

"Oh? Trying to convert me to the Cult of Rubuck now, are we?" The cube clicked and snapped with every shift in orientation, but she kept herself from being completely immersed easily enough. The benefits of being neurotypical, I suppose.

"Yesssss..." Sunburst hissed, reaching a hoof up to stroke his wife's cheek. "One so smart, lovely, and completely drop-dead gorgeous as you will be a wonderful addition to our ranks." The mare couldn't hide her grin, setting the cube back on the table they sat in front of and leaning back in their shared booth.

"Oh stop it, you snake."

The kiss was long, heartfelt, and--at least in Starlight's opinion--far more satisfying than any silly cube could ever be.

When finally the couple separated, blissful smiles held their muzzles fast and they could only stare into each other's eyes for minutes on end. Starlight found she felt complete for the first time in far too long; it seemed the separation had had more adverse effects on her mental state than she'd thought. With Sunburst by her side, she knew she could conquer any challenge and rise to any height. This had been proven many times before.

All too soon, thoughts of just why they were here returned to the mare's mind and she tore her gaze away from her stallion's charming visage. A cursory glance around at the cafe revealed patrons milling about every which way, but the glint of concealed weapons under some of their clothes reassured her that backup was still in place. Sunburst detected the change in tone and made his own sweep of the surroundings, nodding to some of the hidden guardsponies.

It's almost time, thought Starlight, making note of the wall-mounted clock.

"You really think they'll come?" Skepticism had returned to the mare's voice, combined with a not-insignificant amount of anxiety. The idea that a wanted criminal would willingly establish contact--let alone agree to meet in such a public area--didn't exactly sit well with her.

"Yes. Stormy was very interested in discussing things further, I could tell. She seemed fairly genuine, too." Sunburst, in turn, looked quite convinced of this. His confidence was short-lived, however, and the light smile soon gave way to a frown. "What I'm not sure of is whether that's who 'S.N.' really is. Or if we have enough collected strength to bring her in. Could we not have let Discord help?"

Starlight wasn't alone in her disbelieving scoff; several of the nearby hidden guardsponies couldn't help but roll their eyes with her at this proposal.

"Discord? Please, while he may be reformed, there's absolutely no way he wouldn't want to take things in his own direction." Vehement nods greeted this statement and the mare found her smirk returning. "And how many people can you think of named 'S.N.?' Bon Bon's letters from S.M.I.L.E. had those same initials. You know coincidences like that don't just happen." Sunburst sighed, shifting in place to lay his head on her shoulder.

"I would have felt more at ease with a being so powerful on our side, at least. We're just social workers, Starry. I'm not a fighter." Having seen her husband in various combat situations over the years, she could hardly contest that and so pursed her lips instead. "And it bothers me that I can't remember what they looked like. She was wearing clothes, but that's it. I'm usually more useful when it comes to these sorts of things."

Starlight squinted her eyes, annoyed. She reached a hoof up as though to pat his head, but switched to a light tap on the stallion's horn at the last moment.

"No. Bad Sunny. No self-deprecating comments. Do I need to get the squirt bottle?" She threatened, much to his faked horror. Sunburst's widened eyes lasted mere seconds before he gave a hearty chuckle and broke character to scooch even closer.

"Alright, alright. I'm a loved and capable pony who's more lucky than he could ever know. My wife will always support and appreciate me for who I am, despite any perceived faults. My talents are invaluable and my soul is unique." He paused, furrowing his brows in concentration. "...Did I miss anything?" Starlight pecked his cheek and pressed their foreheads together, mindful of the horns.

"Just that you solemnly swear not to mistake 'worthless' with 'priceless' ever again." He rolled his eyes, but grinned and raised his foreleg in response all the same.

"Right. I solemnly swear not to mistake 'worthless' with 'priceless' ever again. Pinkie Promise." Only after his going through the motions was the mare satisfied. Letting out a soft giggle, she wrapped her lover in a tight hug.

"That pony sure knows how to enforce binding contracts." Sunburst nodded at this and returned the embrace.

"Tartarus hath no fury like a broken Pinkie Swear."

Everypony in earshot collectively shuddered.

Just then, the chime of a bell announced the cafe's door opening, causing the guardsponies to visibly tense. In walked a pair of unicorns in fine clothing, both holding themselves in the sort of refined posture all nobles seemed to embody. Sunburst broke the hug and leaned out to address both the hidden guards and his wife.

"Remember: Be civil and calm. We want to find out as much as we can before we bring them in." Firm nods greeted this instruction on all sides before the hidden backup dispersed, beginning to mill about the cafe. This cleared room for the newcomers, who spotted him and trotted over in short order. Starlight watched them carefully, noting the stallion's stiff, almost robotic movements compared to Stormy's fluid grace. Looks like she's all healed up from that beating Bon Bon gave her, too.

"Salutations, good friends. I am glad to meet you again in person," the clothed mare greeted, bobbing her head. Starlight forced a smile, expertly schooling her features as the two settled in across from her. A quick check revealed Sunburst doing the same, his face utterly unreadable even to her thanks to years of practice.

"Well met, S.N.," returned the stallion. "Will you be ordering anything? I'd be happy to pay if so. Self-reliant researchers don't bring in too many bits, as far as I'm aware." She grinned at this, but shook her head and waved a foreleg even as her blue companion perked up at the offer.

"No, we won't be having anything." Stormy said, pointedly ignoring Light's drooping ears and saddened expression. "And please, I cannot let you refer to me by my initials! My full name is Stormy Night." Starlight blinked and her shock broke through her mask for several seconds. Thankfully, nopony took notice and she reformed her neutral look in short order. Surprising that a criminal on the run would be so forward with such information. Is she confident that it won't matter or just straight up sloppy?

"Of course," replied Sunburst, apparently unfazed by the blatant mistake. "Then, well met, Stormy. Shall we get to business?" The mare leaned forward, propping her forelegs on the table to rest her chin on her hooves. Starlight staunched a shiver at the intensity in her eyes.

"Yes. I'm told your Cutie Marks are two of the core Sigils? Signs of Sun and Star, respectively?" Affirmative nods were their response, causing her mouth to form a toothy grin. "Incredible. Star signifies great power and protection to those in need. Sun signifies shedding light and knowledge to every corner of the world. Such strong images to represent your destinies. However did you receive them?" Sunburst's ears flattened and he hunched his shoulders as though pressed by immense weight. Starlight laid a hoof on his withers and decided to take hold of the reins.

"I got mine not long before we escaped Sire's Hollow. There was a confrontation with our biological parents. Some townsponies had caught wind of our plans to leave and told them, probably for fear of what would happen if they didn't." The words took sizable effort to get out and the counselor had to discreetly clear her throat a few times.

This was a story they didn't share often and for good reason. It's worth it if it gets Stormy to spill, though. "Our former parents were abusive. Sunny's 'mom' hit him and my father took issue with letting me mature. They were magically powerful enough to get away with it, despite the foal care laws." Stormy gasped and creased her brows. The near-predatory expression she'd had on faded away, replaced with remorse that, much to Starlight's surprise, was entirely genuine.

"I'm so sorry. I can't imagine what that must have been like. My--our..." the clothed mare paused, pain written plainly across her face. Starlight found her brow raising ever higher the longer the silence went on. If only I could read minds like Lyra. "Somepony close to us went through something similar and I...I let it happen for far too long. Don't worry, though," Stormy touched her jawbone and made a slight wince, "he's being taken care of, now."

Light Night scooched closer to his wife, but seemed far too conflicted to offer any more support. Sunburst nearly broke his mask, so great was his confusion. Starlight let things sit for a few moments, considering. The way she's talking...Twilight said they wanted nothing to do with Knight, at least during the Sisters' interview. This doesn't make much sense. At length, the therapist opted to finish her story.

"Sunny's birthmother wanted him back and I didn't stand for it. I fought them off, both of them, and bought us time to escape. My Cutie Mark appeared just as we got away," she finished, much to Stormy's interest. When the noble gestured to Sunburst with an inquiring look, Starlight sighed and answered. "Sunny got his Mark earlier, when teaching me about the world. My 'father' essentially forbade learning of any kind, so he was my only source of truth." Her blushing husband glanced away, bashful, and she nudged him with her shoulder. "Still is, in fact." Stormy smiled, a faraway look in her eyes.

"Sun and Star. I never thought I'd see the day. You two are perfect for each other, I must say." She took a deep breath in, shutting her eyes, before her horn suddenly made several rapid white flashes. Some nearby hidden guardsponies tensed, but by the time they reacted, it was already over. "I thought I was the only one."

Stormy Night was a purple unicorn with dark blue eyes, a discolored violet horn and a wavy grey mane. She wore a blue dress with minimal frills or styling of any kind, representing the 'practical' style that was in season in Canterlot lately. Her cutie mark--proudly displayed thanks to the shortness of her clothing--was unmistakably the Sign of the Sky.

And every single one of these details had only now become observable to Starlight. When she compared this new image to the one of mere seconds ago, she realized that cripplingly little information had been apparent. It was obvious--blatantly so--that something had been messing with Starlight's perception and, from the shared reactions of her husband and the guardsponies, she was not alone.

"I know it must be confusing, but don't get mad." Stormy gestured to her Cutie Mark as though both therapists weren't already studying its every detail. "I've been using Arabian sorcery to conceal my appearance in public. But I had to show you, so you would listen to me." The mare placed her hooves on the table and raised herself, alternating stares between the two's eyes. "The Arcane Sigils' power has lain dormant for far too long. Equestria has fallen under many threats from outside in recent years. I aim to rectify both these issues. Two birds with one stone, so to speak."

Stormy stretched a foreleg out to Starlight and her husband, wearing a manic-yet-hopeful smile on her muzzle. "Join me. We'll ensure the peace of our fair principality. Nopony will need to risk their lives for our safety! No more deaths need occur!" Sunburst slammed his own hoof on the table and stood, angling himself to address both the crazed mare and their reinforcements.

"That's enough! Mind control?! Stand down and let the guards take you, Stormy." But the purple mare chuckled, shaking her head in defiance even as the guardsponies brandished their spears and approached the booth.

"The guards? Please," Stormy's violet horn flared to life with a deep red glow and runes appeared on the table as it was sent spinning out from under him, towards the backup. Starlight caught her spouse just as they dove out of the way or went flying like so many bowling pins. "The Ponyville ones are even more inept than the royal. If you want to fight me, you'll have to do it unaided."

Stormy leapt out of the cushioned booth and landed neatly on all four hooves, jerking her neck in a bid to follow. Light Night did so immediately, but the Glimmers were far more hesitant. "I'm eager to see what two others with Sigils for Cutie Marks can do. Or don't you want to bring in a wanted criminal like myself?"

Starlight fired a beam of cyan magic, noting the remaining civilians being ushered out. Stormy's horn glowed again, green this time, and a smaller beam redirected the projectile. How many forms of magic does she have?!

"Sky signifies expansive reach!" The noble shouted as though in reply to the thought. Glee overtook her face as she deflected a series of beams. Not all were made to miss, but those that grazed her only got absorbed by her dress, which faintly glowed with red runes. "While you have raw power and your husband has knowledge, I hold mastery over dozens of magics."

Guards surrounded the mare, rushing for all their worth, but were blasted away when she reached into a concealed pocket and threw some kind of bomb. "The sorcery of Arabia, the herbology of Zebrica, the artifice of Abyssinia--"

An especially-strong rod of cyan forced Stormy to meet it with a pink beam of her own, locking the unicorns in a test of will-- "The enchantments of Prance! Divination of Somnambula! Alchemy! From! The! Storm! Kingdom!" Each word was punctuated with a stomp and a head thrust, but Starlight's magic pushed all the way against hers, it being no match for her raw arcane might.

Light Night dove and just barely managed to tackle his wife out of the way in time. Starlight's cyan beam flew right overhead and shot straight into the bar counter, which violently exploded. Stormy rose with a feral grin while Starlight gestured for her husband to follow the civilians out.

Like he said, he's not a fighter. He can make sure everypony's okay and get help from Discord. Luckily, Sunburst came to the same conclusion and rushed outside.

"And, of course: Equestrian mana," finished Stormy as her horn's spiral began filling with deep blue light. Starlight's eyes bulged in alarm and she felt dread creep down her spine. Mana only shows on the conduit if huge spells are being used! What is she casting?!

Tendrils of dark blue exploded outwards, emerging from both the ground and Stormy's discolored horn to lash out at the guardsponies. Split-second reflex was all that saved them from being skewered as a cyan dome surrounded the mare. The tentacles pressed up against the barrier and Starlight strained against their strength, gritting her teeth.

Stormy Night cackled inside her prison.

"Oh, you are every bit as powerful as I'd hoped, Mrs. Glimmer!"

Another white flash and her spouse stiffened inside the dome, lighting his own horn. The two of them teleported several feet to the left, escaping Starlight's trap entirely. Thankfully, the tendrils dissipated, but the mad mare was clearly far from finished.

"What is wrong with you?!" Green clouds of mist from thrown potions kept any approaching guards at bay, while beams of pink ensured the counselor stayed light on her hooves. Where the projectiles hit the ground, walls and ceiling, the wood and plaster decayed and rotted. Stormy stalked forward, her crazed grin never once leaving her muzzle.

"Many things, Starlight. I'm self-aware enough to admit that much." She tilted her head, letting her grey mane swish to the side. "But you're a therapist, right? Won't you help me out?" Starlight panted for breath, shaking her head clear as she thanked Faust for the pause in dodging.

"Of course! Just turn yourself in and we can figure something out. You belong in prison, but inmates get counselling all the time!" Stormy paused just in front of her, pretending to think it over.

"Hmm, no thanks. I think I'll stay where I can eliminate all my problems in real time." The noble's horn conduit glowed blue again and Starlight braced for impact, charging a protective spell of her own.

A spear of pure mana thrust out at her, but the therapist was ready with a shield just in time. Her conjured barrier shuddered and cracked from the impact, but held nonetheless. Starlight growled as she shoved back with all her might, sending the weapon straight through the ceiling and Stormy stumbling backwards with a satisfying yelp. She pressed her advantage, magically tripping Light Night while pinning her opponent with cyan shackles.

"It's over, Stormy. You may be versatile, but you can't match my power." The noble nodded, but didn't seem too upset by it as she glanced back towards the fallen guardsponies. Several of them were evidently injured and even unconscious, while others seemed to be having second thoughts about approaching again.

"Your guards are useless, but my agents aren't." Starlight cocked a brow at this. Unease settled over her, mostly thanks to Stormy's unconcerned expression. "You're not the only one that thought to bring reinforcements."

Just then, the cafe's door was slammed right off its hinges as four geared ponies galloped inside. Light Night teleported to his wife's side and charged his horn for an escape as they approached their leader. Thinking fast, Starlight lit her conduit and let loose a volley of high-velocity projectiles, but each agent simply dodged with ease.

In one last bid not to lose this dangerous, unpredictable menace of a mare, the therapist aimed one last shot. She underestimated the agents' speed, though, and a swift hoof striking her temple sent Starlight crumpling to the ground.

And with one final flash of white, the Nights were gone.