• Member Since 22nd Jul, 2018
  • offline last seen 6 days ago



When a mysterious substance known as Archetype is discovered and subsequently begins spreading all over Equestria, whilst also causing mysterious creatures to start manifesting, it is up to two separate pony groups from completely different timelines to become united and stop this upcoming threat. They must strengthen their resolve and face down a hopeless future that takes the form of a terrifying giant monster known as Godzilla!

Chapters (10)
Comments ( 39 )


It was a creature that somewhat resembled an avian; possessing two wings and two hind legs, as well as a long beak and tail, but that was where its bird-like traits ended. The creature's head was roughly the same size as its body (barring the wings and tail), and its wings were membranous and looked more like those of a bat rather than a bird, with three claws located on each one. It had a long upward-curved beak and a blue-colored crest atop its snout, with sharp teeth visible on the upper mandible of its beak. In between the top and bottom of the upper mandible was a row of uniform blue scales starting a quarter of the way from the tip of the beak and ending at the eyes. A single, backward-facing crest was present on the back of its head, covered in a yellow and white pattern which ran along its back and to the end of its long tail. Underneath the creature's long neck was a blue dewlap, where the color spread along the lower mandible. Its long tail terminated in a blue-colored tail fin, similar to the crest atop its snout. A row of spikes were present along the creature's chest, coming to an end at its stomach. The creature was primarily light red in color, with a few blue highlights and white and yellow back patterning.



As the ponies turned around and started leaving the Everfree Forest via the forest path they arrived, out of the corner of her eye, a slight movement caught Sweetie Belle's attention, prompting her to turn her head to the right. Looking through the thick foliage, the first thing the filly saw were a pair of amber-colored eyes looking back at her, which sent a shiver down her spine. Her fear only grew as she slowly made out the massive shape of a quadrupedal creature concealed within the thick foliage and dappled light. Large spikes covered the majority of an armored body, a single horn was located on the tip of an elongated snout, and several inwardly curved horns protruded from the top of a crocodile-like head. The mere sight of the concealed creature, which was probably no more than 7 meters from her, was so terrifying that Sweetie Belle couldn't even make a sound or move from the spot; she was frozen with fear. It's only when one of the foals accidentally pumps into her did she snap out of her trance.


Just then, another creature of the same species flew past the window, quickly making the Earth pony realize that her mind was not playing tricks on her, and that she was indeed seeing something — and she now knew what. However, this odd and interesting sight soon turned into a slightly concerning one as Coco saw more and more of these strange reptilian birds flying in the skies over Manehattan. There must be hundreds, if not thousands of these flying creatures that now occupied the blue skies of the metropolitan city. What was perhaps even more strange was the fact that these flying reptiles also appeared to be leaving behind trails of some kind red dust as they were flew. Ponies all over Manehattan ceased their daily activities and turned their attention to the sky to observe the unusual phenomenon in shock and disbelief; cab drivers stopped on the spot, shopkeepers emerged from their shops, and tourists started taking pictures of the mysterious creatures.

Rodan took a deep breath and unleashed a loud roar at the four ponies, enough to blow their manes and tails back. Their bravado quickly disappeared and gave way to panic as the monster prepared to pounce.

"That's right. One time, Sunset and I visited a museum that had skeletal remains of all kinds of dinosaurs, pterosaurs, and marine reptiles on display." She smiled with nostalgia, remembering the various fossils she saw and learned about in the human world. Turning her attention back to the Rodans, she continued. "And, from what I can tell, it seems that the creatures we're looking at right now are pterosaurs. While that other creature, the one we now call Anguirus, is a type of dinosaur called an 'Ankylosaurus'."

Is that correct?

Once again, the six ponies found themselves astounded upon seeing a row of five maple leaf-shaped spikes knifing through the scarlet surface like a shark with incredible speed, and chasing after the sea serpents. Despite how fast the Mandas were swimming, the spikes — or rather, the creature they were attached to — was swimming much faster, with speeds of up to 90 knots. In no time, this new creature soon began closing the 100 meter-distance and was gaining on the fleeing sea serpents, who appeared to start panicking and swimming even faster in desperation to escape, but to no avail.

All of the sudden, a bellowing roar echoed from the ever-growing cloud of Archetype that engulfed the sea monster, prompting some of the ponies to rethink their statements about the creature not being able to come ashore. Amidst the clouds of red dust that were now thicker than ever, Godzilla Aquatilis could barely be seen at all; only the outline of his dorsal plates could be properly made out. Regardless, the Mane Six felt his massive weight dragging along the sandy beach. Just by feeling it, the six ponies knew exactly what was happening. The question of whether or not this supposed 'Mosasaur' could come ashore and venture onto land was already being answered.

So dinosaurs just suddenly came back.


I though you were asking if Anguirus was an Ankylosaurus (which he is in most incarnations).

Anyway, most of the kaiju in Godzilla: Singular Point aren't technically dinosaurs; they're extredimensional creatures from another universe that just happen to closely resemble dinosaurs.
You should watch Godzilla: Singular Point on Netflix if you haven't, to get a better understanding of what they are and what is going on.

Well I'm all caught up now and it has been a wonderful journey so far. Nice to see old Anguirus not get done in like he was in the anime and that the more magical/simple nature of Equestria means we're not getting bogged down a mountain load of techno-babble. Still it's quite surprising to see JJ make an appearance.

Now I'm wondering (and hoping) that maybe we'll see more, and new, kaiju outside of the anime.

I really do wish Amphibia form had some more screen time when compared to the others. Imagine the Mane Six's reaction if that thing harnessed it's vapor breath to glide!

What emerged from the thick foliage was something that took the five ponies completely by surprise. Stepping out of the vegetation, the Mane Five looked up and gasped as a very tall machine of some kind in the shape of a bipedal thing stood before them! Coming from a place where advanced technology is the norm, the presence of the robot itself wasn't too surprising; it was the fact that it was in a woodland forest with no sign of civilization or urbanization, and how it was shaped that was truly surprising. Rather than the shape of a pony (like Sprout's war machine), the body of this robot was bipedal, with two tall metallic legs for standing and walking, and two arms located on the sides of its rotund torso. Its body was primarily silver, with red and yellow painted on certain parts of its body, while its head was pyramid-shaped with a large 'grin' plastered on its face and two eyes that glowed blue. It had ribbed rubber connectors protecting its shoulder joints and neck, and three-clawed hands similar to those of industrial robots used for making Canterlogic products. Its size was also another thing that caught the equines' eyes; although not quite as big as Sprout's war machine, this bipedal robot was still quite large — at least seventeen feet tall.

Yeah, that's a big missed opportunity right there.

When will this story get updated?

"IT'S THE GUARDIANS OF HARMONY!" Sunny shouted at the top of her lungs, breaking the awkward silence, and also slightly startling Twilight and her friends.

Could it be heard from all across Equestria?

"Wait. If this is the past, and if this substance is capable of doing such a thing, does this mean this is how magic in Equestria was lost in the first place?" Sunny asked curiously.

Sunny's question piqued Twilight and all of her friend's interest as they looked at her in surprise and confusion. "What do you mean?" Fluttershy asked curiously.


"N-No. This... This can't be right! How could this have happened after everything we did for Equestria?" The princess asked, her mind racing with questions as to what kind of tragedy could have occurred to undo so much of her and her friends' hard work.

Thats what we want to know as well. But all we got is Opaline

"Don't worry. Anguirus wasn't going to hurt anypony." The Princess assured him with a soft smile. "In fact, he was making sure that you and your friends weren't a threat."

It was very clear nopony was!

Considering Anguirus has been attacked without provocation a few times, he cannot afford to be incautious.

I saw the original series on Netflix... AND I'M STILL WAITING FOR A NEW SEASON!!

"Like it? I love it~!" The pink pegasus sang and jumped forward in excitement. "I've never seen dresses so beautiful in my entire life! And coming from me, who's been to every single boutique in Zephyr Heights, Maretime Bay, and Bridlewood, that's saying something."

She looks more like a light-purple, to me.


Oh boy….

When will be the next chapter?


Ye I mean it's been 2 years already when's the 2nd season?

What happen with the chapter?

did this update or not?

I saw an update but when I went to read there was no chapter.

Holding his prey in one hand, Salunga turned around and jumped atop the roof of a nearby small building. The monkey-like reptilian quickly moved on to the house next to it, and continued to sprint across the roofs of the small buildings that were close around him until he reached a slightly taller and more colorful building with a spire atop, which also happened to be connected to another building of identical size and shape via a large, concrete bridge that was about 40 feet off the ground. Salunga wasted no time jumping directly on top of the bridge, creating several deep cracks from the impact, before jumping onto the tower on the other side. Throughout this whole event, Sunny was completely dazed and felt her stomach turn due to the stress of being carried by a monster that also happened to be an acrobatic climber. Salunga then saw an even bigger building, 100 feet tall or more, with a colorful spire on the top located 80 feet away from the tower he was on. Not bothering to think twice, the monkey-like reptilian bent his knees and free arm before jumping forward with as much force as he could muster. Sunny's adrenaline promptly skyrocketed as she and her captor soared through the air, and she screamed at the top of her lungs. And just like that, Salunga cleared the 80 feet distance in an instant. He landed right on the midsection area of the tower, digging his sharp claws into the smooth concrete surface in order to latch onto the large building. With this amazing feat of acrobatics, Salunga began climbing up the top of the tower, albeit more slowly than normal due to carrying his prey in one hand.

Did you make a King Kong reference

It will be much more interesting, if “Beauty killed the beast” is included in the story

I published this chapter prematurely, so I had to temporarily delete it in order to make sure there are no errors. I've fully updated it now.

Singular point Godzilla isn’t just an ordinary Godzilla, it simply like a god or anti life equations in the series. The most scary part is that all Godzilla in other universe are his projection., because the universe cannot endure Singular Point Godzilla’s arrival. It can only be defeated by the first oxygen destroyer that killed him and turned him into an anti life equation.(Not dead, only delay the end of the world)

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