• Member Since 12th Apr, 2021
  • offline last seen May 24th


I like ponies, books, writing books, books about ponies, and writing books about ponies.


Amidst the chaos and confusion that caused Equestria to fall apart, one pony in the midst of it all knows what they could have been… and what has been taken away from her because of the choices that ponykind has made. All alone now, in a world that is vastly changing, without any of the comfort that her old mentor once had, and without any knowledge on what to do next, she keeps to herself, trying to isolate herself from the world and the pain it has brought, until nothing remains of one of the most powerful ponies in Equestrian history except for guilt and anger… until the last princess finds her.

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 114 )

You are not a failure Twilight

Same here. You're not a failure, Twilight

She was always wrong.

Oh Twilight don't give up hope I know it seems really bad right now but you just have to hang in there that there will be a light coming

More sadness poured in, manifesting itself in more rage, and Twilight whirled around, shooting a blast of magic at the picture on the wall, the last reminder she had of her friends, and it burst, the glass and the frame shattering as the picture drifted slowly to the floor, the edges slightly singed in the blast.

Emotion really takes a toll on her and I'm sure she never meant to do that

Oh my gosh what a way to start off the story and also welcome back anyway so it looks like Twilight is still alive but she felt like she wish she was gone and the only thing she has is the memory of her friends but I guess a thousand years can really take effect on you she had no magic for a long time ever since it disappeared but during the new generation sunny and her friends bring back the magic and Twilight with no hesitation she used the magic to see if she can try to bring her friends back but unfortunately it backfired and the elements of harmonies are gone she was angry crying and screaming her heart out and she felt like she failed everybody but I'm sure this is not the case and I hope maybe there's a way to help her I guess we'll find out next time

I can't wait to see what comes next.

Twilight you are not usless nor a failure, you just need to hang on a little more

This was during the first movie when Sunny and her friends brought the crystals back together.

Comment posted by Griffonheart2012 deleted Sep 1st, 2022

You have my attention....

Then, suddenly, there was a huge blast across the sky, and Twilight’s cave, usually dark and bland, was filled with more light and color than she had ever seen since her reign. She gasped as she was filled with a feeling long absent, and her horn lit up a dazzling magenta color, and she turned and ran to the mouth of the cave and all the way up until she could see what was going on-


You just got to have hope Twilight

More sadness poured in, manifesting itself in more rage, and Twilight whirled around, shooting a blast of magic at the picture on the wall, the last reminder she had of her friends, and it burst, the glass and the frame shattering as the picture drifted slowly to the floor, the edges slightly singed in the blast.

She seemed to finally realize what she had done. “No…” she gasped, stepping forward, gently picking the picture up. “No…”

Tears poured down her cheeks, and she curled up around the picture, crying until nothing else remained except for pain, guilt, and anger.

im sorry Twilight. But there's nothing you can do but move on.
You have to move on.

And meet the new generation of heroes

Comment posted by Griffonheart2012 deleted Sep 1st, 2022

Sunny sneaked a peak around the bookshelf to see where Twilight was, only to find her inches from her own muzzle, horn blazing. “ Yeep! ”


“Only I can fix it!” Twilight suddenly screamed, a stray beam shattering a part of the roof of the cave. Rocks rained down, cracks splintered across the ceiling, and Sunny looked up fearfully, but Twilight apparently didn’t care. The dust surrounding her made her look all the more dangerous and menacing. “I was supposed to keep this from happening… that was my job … and I failed at it…” She narrowed her eyes at Sunny. “But you did this. You… you did this. You destroyed everything !”



wait what?

Sunny’s beam faltered as she lost concentration. Twilight Sparkle roared, and everything went black.



Sunny sneaked a peak around the bookshelf to see where Twilight was, only to find her inches from her own muzzle, horn blazing. “ Yeep! ”

Twilight, you have to calm down!

“It’s all my fault,” she whispered, in a voice almost too soft to even hear. “I failed them all. It’s all… none of it mattered… I have to fix it…” Her face contorted with anger, and the ancient lines in her face might as well have been etched into stone with the certainty that she said, “No. They brought this upon themselves… they destroyed everything… this is their fault… let them… no… I was supposed to protect them… I failed them… this is my fault… this is their fault…” Her horn grew brighter with each thought, her anxiety mounting.

This is a whole new level of twilighting but in the bad way I really cannot imagine how she goes through

“Only I can fix it!” Twilight suddenly screamed, a stray beam shattering a part of the roof of the cave. Rocks rained down, cracks splintered across the ceiling, and Sunny looked up fearfully, but Twilight apparently didn’t care. The dust surrounding her made her look all the more dangerous and menacing. “I was supposed to keep this from happening… that was my job … and I failed at it…” She narrowed her eyes at Sunny. “But you did this. You… you did this. You destroyed everything !”

Come on Twilight snap out of it I know you're off back but this is not you come on Twilight wake up come back to your senses

Oh my gosh this is really intense and pretty nerve-wracking as well so it looks like that orb is showing Sunny to follow it and it took a few hours to be out there and let her do the cave which apparently somebody was here but sooner or later somebody attacked Sunny and it's Twilight and right now she's not in her right mind and all of the depression and anger she attacked Sunny in blind rage and sunny tried her best try to defend herself but apparently Sunny starting to have some flashback about her father and then everything went black I really hope Twilight will wake up I know she's been lonely all of her life but she has to wake up I guess we'll find out next time

I actually spit out my drink when I read that. Thanks for making me laugh after such a serious chapter I guess.

Purple horse strike again!

That was a good chapter goodluck with the next one.

Absolute mornarchy can rarely go pass first or second generation because the successor doesn't have neccessity skills to kept the kingdom together.

Sunny moaned as she blinked her eyes open. Gritting her teeth, she eased herself into a sitting position, wincing as her muscles screamed out in protest. Ouch . Everything hurt…

what the....

“Believe me, I know that,” Twilight said, her voice breaking before it hardened with anger. “But what do you do when they’re gone? You hope. And you either keep hoping forever, or your hopes get dashed and leave you with nothing . And then what do you do?”

“What are you talking about?” Sunny asked, frantically repeating the story her father had told her over and over again in her head. “My dad told me about you - you have friends - you, of anypony, should know-”

oh no.... no plz dont Twilight, she is too young to learn the truth!!

“I felt like… if I just had my friends back, then everything… everything would be okay. They would help me… help me fix this. So I tried… I tried to find a way to bring them back, but I… I failed them, too. I’m just a failure. I failed Equestria, I failed my friends, I failed to keep what I stood for alive…” She wiped at her eyes, seeming to forget that Sunny was there.

So you just left equestria to fall because you couldn't let go the loss of your friends😡

I know losing your friends is awful, but seriously Twilight that was such a selfish dicision.

“The world did this to me! It reduced me to what I am - you expect me to help them? They deserve all of this! They took everything!”

Twilight!!! Listen to yourself!!!

This isn't you!! This isn't the princess of friendship we all know in love!!
You can't just give up on ponykind that you tried to protect!!

“You’re nothing like I imagined,” Sunny whispered.


“You’re nothing like I imagined,” Sunny whispered.

*Gasp* Twilight...

Someone plz animate this story

Don't do it Twilight. Your friends choose not to return. The spell worked, but the recipients choose to make it fail.

It's time you learned a lesson.
It's time that you understand
Don't ever count on anypony else
In this or any other land

I once hoped for friendship
To find a place among my kind
But those were the childish wishes
of somepony who was blind.
Open up your eyes!

See the world from where I stand
Me among the mighty
You caged at my command.
Open up your eyes!

Give up your sweetfantasy land
It's time to grow up and get wise.
Come now little one
Open up your eyes.

We all start out the same
With simple naive trust
Shielded from the ways
That life's not fair or just.

But then there come a moment
a simple truth you must face
If you depend on others
You'll only be in pain.


As you take that first step
Upon a path that's all your own
You'll see it so clearly
That the best way to survive is all

See the world from where I stand.
Me among the mighty
You caged at my command.

And behold the fading light
It's time to grow up and get wise.
Come now little one
Open up your eyes.


“Hoping is pointless,” snarled another voice, and Sunny gasped, whirling around to look at the speaker as she realized that she was not alone.

Twilight come on

Twilight plz, snap out of it!

You are better than this!

“I can’t go out into the world again!” Twilight suddenly snapped, whirling around to glare at Sunny. “Can’t you see what they’ve done? They’ve taken me - they’ve taken my friends and all they had done, and forgotten about it! Made it like it never happened! How can I help them after they’ve done all of that? The world doesn’t deserve friendship anymore - they don’t deserve magic anymore! Maybe that’s why I got rid of it in the first place!”

Twilight you don't mean like that you're not thinking right

“There’s nothing left to fight for!” Twilight approached the cage, her eyes flashing. “And I won’t help them! They don’t deserve it! Not after everything they took from me, after everything that I gave them!”

Please Twilight stop talking like that

“You’re nothing like I imagined,” Sunny whispered.

I'm so sorry sunny I'm sure Twilight never meant to say those things she's not thinking that's all

“There’s nothing left to fight for!” Twilight approached the cage, her eyes flashing. “And I won’t help them! They don’t deserve it! Not after everything they took from me, after everything that I gave them!”

No kind is perfect Twilight!
We all make horrible dicisions!
Just like us humans

And stop talking like you are a god to them

Well this is very upsetting right now so it looks like sunny got caught and she tried to figure out how to get out of here but then Twilight showed up she basically explain how everything fell apart and how her friends were gone how much she needed them but then the world forgot about them and basically she even admitted that the magic was gone because of her Sunny tried to explain that everything could work out but it looks like Twilight just lost hope I just hope that she come to her senses and I really hope that she doesn't become the bad guy in the story because I don't like stories like her to be the bad guy well I guess we'll find out next time

Well theres nothing that can be done to stop her from being the villian when she is acting like this😰

Sigh I really hope not or I'll probably going to have to stop because I really don't like seeing Twilight as a villain it was already signed up awkward in the Friendship Games even though that's not really Twilight but it was still kind of wrong

I don't think she's the bad guy, I think she's more like discord, not giving a f** about what happens to the rest of the world


Twilight has a reason to be a villian in this story.

She just randomly becomes one without any reason, thats why you don't like it and I feel the same, but here its different for me.

In Friendship games? It was Cinch's fault

In the Conversion Bureau?

They are just idiots

I mean, I would be fine with that so long as the animator gave credit to me. That would be really cool! :twilightsmile:

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