• Published 10th May 2022
  • 1,558 Views, 55 Comments

Crystal Prison - HeirofHades

Dusk Shine the top student of CPA struggles to understand the value of Friendship. Cinch forces him to compete in the upcoming Friendship games against CHS. Now he must work with those he labeled him an outcast to achieve victory.

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Team building

A few scant whispers continued as they listened to the morning announcements. Typical readings such as sports where they won again, lunch specials, upcoming events but what they were truly interested in Selection day. Who’s going to represent the school in the upcoming Friendship Games? Who’s the best among the best?

“Dusk Shine’s definitely on the team,” Neon Lights whispered slightly leaning to the side as Trenderhoof and Suri Polomare nodded when the announcements ended. Like why wouldn’t he be there?

“Same with Sunny Flare and Sugarcoat,” Trenderhoof acknowledged gesturing towards the girls idly chattering about. Those three are total powerhouses when it came to academics. It simply wasn’t fair on just how good they were, absorbing information like a sponge. “You think it’s going to be like Cloudsdale,” They shared a shudder from the academic annihilation delivered by Dusk Shine. It was a routine trip to Cloudsdale for a math competition. Everyone went accordingly; introductions, rules, point system. The Cloudsdalians (I honestly don’t know what they’re called in canon so that’s what I’ll call them for the time being) smirked when Dusk Shine stepped up. One person? They said in hubris chuckling at their top student believing that he was a run-of-the-mill rich kid. That Dusk Shine was slightly better than the average student.

Cloudsdalians descended from various military families and battalions before Equestria was even a thought. They had training, discipline, and determination. What do those soft Canterlites have? Again I don’t know if that’s the proper term for those from Canterlot. Probably is but it’s the first five hundred words in the chapter so I’ll check later. They only had money. That means nothing since the Crystal Preps were on their territory. No cutting the judges a check for a little persuasion. Oh, they were wrong. Oh so wrong. Blinded by their arrogance never acknowledging that their wings were melting while reaching for the sun. They crashed into the water behind them believing that they could swim back to shore. Not on their watch. The scores were even for the first two rounds until it happened. The speed round. Dusk Shine rapidly answered each question barely allowing them a moment to blink or breathe. The opposing team scrambled for points as Dusk Shine shot off correct answers until they had run out of questions for the round with time still on the clock. Dusk Shine asked for main round questions. He answered them. All. The principal of the Cloudsadale team begged Cinch to call off the match as the gap grew wider with each question. Who knew that adults can cry like that? She didn’t listen to them, observing Dusk Shine obliterating the opposition with a cold grin on her face. Soon, the judge tallied the scores. A meek drizzle against a dominating monsoon. They gave Crystal Prep their rightfully deserved trophy. Another one for Dusk Shine’s collection. He shook his sniffling competitor's hand. A gentleman through and through setting him apart from his haughty schoolmates. They left for a celebratory luncheon leaving their sobbing practice dummies behind.

“I heard Canterlot High really stepped up after their Rainbow Rock event,” Suri Polomare remarked. “Apparently, a Twilight Sparkle assisted them against the Dazzlings,” The Dazzlings were an up-and-coming group winning several awards and competitions. Even a record deal.

“Man, I heard she was super cute,” Trenderhoof smirked before placing a finger on his soul patch. “Do you have a picture of her?” Suri grabbed her phone and scrolled through her gallery. She zoomed in as they leaned in to see.

“What the shit?” Neon Lights muttered at the image of ‘Twilight Sparkle’. They fluttered their eyes at the picture then back to Dusk Shine. “She’s basically Dusk Shine if he let his hair down and didn’t wear glasses,” He revealed to his nodding friends. The resemblance was uncanny. They were identical but doesn’t Dusk Shine doesn’t have a twin sister. Was this Twilight girl a relative or total stranger? A changeling? They really hope not. Bunch of weirdos. Now, what’s a changeling? It’s someone that impersonates another. However, that explanation doesn’t do it justice. They impersonate and replace another taking over their life and living it out. Usually, it’s via murder and takes the identity of a missing person. Other times it’s a person wanting a new life.

“Still cute through,” Trenderhoof replied. They stared at him with a puzzled expression. “Just saying” He shrugged before Suri shushed him when the door opened. Everyone’s back stiffened as Cinch’s heels clicked across the front of the silent classroom. Her hands clasped behind her back as her stoic fuchsia eyes scanned like a warden observing prisoners. No one said everything only their thumping heartbeats. She glanced at her wristwatch right before the bell rang.

“Good morning everyone,” Cinch greeted the room.

“Good morning, Principal Cinch,” The class replied robotically. Nice and obedient. Just as expected of her students. Dusk Shine already had his books and writing utensils out in an organized manner. Lovely. She took out a blue marker and began writing the dry erase board for today’s math lesson

“Please take out your textbooks and turn to page 325. We’ll continue where we left off” Cinch ordered the room as they reached into their bags and placed their thick green textbook on their desks. “Work on the even numbers of exercises 5.1 to 5.3 and the odd numbers of 5.4 to 5.5. If you need help come to me or Dusk Shine,” She went to her desk to mark some assignments as they worked quietly. Several minutes passed as they whispered amongst themselves, typing on their calculators and writing their answers. Cinch glanced at Trenderhoof conversing with Dusk Shine at his desk. Her top student explained to him, pointing at a section of his textbook and the blonde’s notebook. He missed a variable. Trenderhoof mouthed an ‘Oh’ at the sight of his miscalculation before heading back to his seat. She viewed Dusk Shine effortlessly forming calculations and solving equations as if they asked him to write his own name. His amethyst eyes slid over to Sunny Flare. Cinch’s lips curved upwards at the pair discussing one of the problems. Yes, appeal to his better nature and desire to teach. Show why you’re the superior choice, Sunny Flare. So much better than some of the other girls whose only option is to marry well. Some of them may be ‘prettier’. That doesn’t matter. You have skill, drive, and dreams of great aspirations. A woman of quality even better you since have his respect. An equal, and a rival. Cinch paused for a moment. Does Dusk Shine have a type? It’s hard to tell since he showed no predisposition to any particular type of female. His family history didn’t help either showing a variety of types. No matter. That can still work in her favor. He’s above simple seduction. Cinch stood up from her seat with a stack of papers in her hands. Some of them gulped in terror while exchanging glances. It’s last week's calculus test. Their brains burst and shrivel up after that one. Dusk Shine, Sugarcoat, Sunny Flare and Sour Sweet had a look of disinterest while Principal Cinch passed back the test papers. They had nothing to worry about. Groans of frustration combined with sighs of relief occupied the room. An A-minus for Sour Sweet and A-pluses for Dusk Shine, Sugarcoat, and Sunny Flare. Dusk Shine blankly stared at the paper.

A-plus with 100% in red ink. Geez not like he’s seen that hundreds to thousands of times already in his life. It no longer excites him and blazes his soul. Another standard part of his life. Yipee. Cinch’s professionally manicured hand clasped with his shoulder as she leaned over the other one with a grin. The pit in his stomach expanded at her touch as her gentle perfume stimulate his nose. “Excellent work as expected, Dusk Shine,” Cinch purred into his ears feeling the subtle shudders in her palm. Is that a tinge of pink on his cheeks? Wonderful. His heart rate skyrocketed from the contract. Just leave me alone

“Thank you, Principal Cinch,” Dusk Shine replied in a dull tone remaining focused on his work while his other hand fiddled with an eraser. She nodded with a smirk before heading to her desk. Sunny Flare glared at Cinch in disgust. Sweet Faust, just leave him alone. Better why is she dragging her along for the ride? Sugarcoat pushed up her glasses. She’s never seen Dusk Shine shudder like that. Stutter yes in the past but nothing like that. Sugarcoat shrugged. It’s none of her concern at the moment. Probably just a crush or a moment of infatuation. Cinch is an attractive well-established mature woman in authority. It’s quite common for males his age to develop those types of desires. Sour Sweet on the other hand scowled as she attempted to burn a hole into Cinch’s skull. That bitch did something to him. She just knows it. Ever Cinch took Dusk Shine under her corrupted wings. He’s never been the same. Sour Sweet sighed as she had a hand in his cold metamorphosis. The bell rang signaling the end of the double period as the students began to pack up. Ugh finally. They had a fifteen-minute break. Anything to get their brains to be refreshed.

“Dusk Shine, Sunny Flare, and Sugarcoat, would you kindly allow me to have a moment of your time please?” Cinch requested her students. Those three sat back down as their classmates exited the room chatting amongst their peers. Sour Sweet gave Dusk Shine a quick glance before passing through the door. “As you are aware that the Friendship Games are arriving,” She started pacing towards the front of the desk. “And you three are Crystal Prep’s best and brightest students. The big three as some people would call you,” The three exchanged glances between themselves. They were always the top three regarding test scores with only a few short points difference between them. Whenever Crystal Prep needed a team for academic competitions, they’re there bringing victory to the school. It’s mainly Dusk Shine but Sugarcoat and Sunny Flare aren’t slouches either. If he’s the top male student then those two are neck and neck for the top female student. “You represent some of our ideals. The paragons of discipline, skill, and prestige,” Cinch gestured to each of them. They maintain their focus on her.

Oh great, she’s fucking buttering us up,” Dark Shine grumbled at their esteemed principal. She’s the typical love-bombing. It’s a superficially yet effective tactic of getting someone to do something by telling them how great they are. “Yeah, yeah, yeah, we’re the best that the school has to offer. Blah, blah, blah,” He mocked with a talking hand gesture before rolling his eyes. “Just get to fucking point already. We kicked Canterlot High’s asses for decades,” Dark Shine grumbled. Seriously, bro, we have to get you that new name. My proofreading software can’t tell the difference sometimes.
“That’s precisely why you’ll have the privilege of representing the school in Friendship games,” Cinch announced smiling at Dusk Shine’s Shadowbolt pin. The two girls shrugged. It was expected after all. They turned their attention towards the opened door. Dean Candence entered, holding a dark purple case with stylized S on the center. “Ah Dean Cadance, you’re right on time,” She smirked as Dusk Shine’s sister-in-law placed the container on the desk.

“Thank you, Principal Cinch. I would’ve been here earlier but man these new heels,” Cadance remarked as she rotated her pink ankle to ease the tension.

“I told you to go with the flats but noooooooooo you didn’t listen to me,” Dusk Shine remarked resting his chin on his mulberry fist with a bored expression. Cadance raised her finger and opened her mouth to respond before taking a pause and closing her mouth. She went up a few flights of stairs and went down carrying a case in new heels that haven’t been broken in yet.

Touche, Dusk Shine,” Cadance acknowledged with crossed arms. He gave her a smug smirk of intellectual superiority. This is new. The girls thought to themselves. It’s been at least a year or more since they saw Dusk Shine smile. Granted the two have a close relationship but man it’s been so long. Shame really. A smile suits him well. His face soon reverted to its neutral expression. “Sunny Flare and Sugarcoat, will you please stand up,” The two rose from their seats and walked forward, facing Dean Cadance. “Congratulations you have been selected to represent Crystal Prep Academy as you have the skills and means expected of the school,” She said formally with a smile while Cinch opened the case. The older women shot Dusk Shine a look. He stood up as she handed him a pair of Shadowbolt pins. Dusk Shine stood up in front of Sunny Flare with the pin. “Be silent as a shadow with the might of thunderbolt,” He carefully attached the pin on her collar while holding a gaze. Both knew that this is what Cinch wanted. They only played her game to appease her but have to admit they found each other attractive. To Sunny Flare, he’s a gentleman almost princely who treats her with respect and dignity. Yeah, he isn’t interested in her in that way but certainly better what other guys did. They just saw her as a stepping step or as a way to get to Cinch. His enchanting amethyst eyes are filled with focus as he analyzed concepts and topics to where anyone can understand. Many times, Dusk Shine is kind despite having every reason not to be. Always clean and professional. Sweet lord, she can smell his cologne. Her cheeks flushed pink for a moment to Cinch’s delight. Maybe one date won’t hurt. Just to test compatibility so Cinch can leave them alone. Plus sometimes, he can be super cute also has a great ass. Now for Dusk Shine. He always found her to be conventionally attractive. Why? She’s a strong-willed competent woman and a worthy rival. An air of grace, poise, and elegance with deserved arrogance followed her. Furthermore, he finds Sunny Flare’s body to be well-portioned and her hips are remarkably healthy for her age.

Ha, I fucking knew it. You were staring at her. Like that one time she wore that purple bikini during the beach trip,” Dark Shine cackled at his host’s inner thoughts. Dusk Shine ignored it while doing the same with Sugarcoat. “What? No thoughts on how her pigtails would make great handlebars or wondering if you can fuck her glasses off as you pound that tight round ass of hers,” He taunted Dusk Shine. “Don’t lie to yourself. I’m still you after all,” The three stood side by side with their Shadowbolt proudly displayed much to Cinch’s pleasure. Cadance smiled that Dusk Shine is socializing with his schoolmates again. A mischievous thought slithered in her romance-centric mind. Maybe this can blossom into something more. Dusk Shine narrowed his eyes at his former babysitter. Don’t even think about it.

“Now that’s complete,” Cinch grinned at the situation with clasped hands. “Dusk Shine, would you kindly deliver the pins of the rest of the chosen Shadowbolts?” She requested. He raised a brow.

“Me? Wouldn’t Dean Cadance or yourself be the better option?” Dusk Shine suggested to the adults.

“Who else but you Dusk Shine?” Cinch stepped forward with her hands out. “You’re the top student and they’ll compete with you against Canterlot,"

“Well, the school doesn’t like me for that particular reason,” Dusk Shine countered while Cadance frowned at his reply. Sunny Flare crossed her arms as Sugarcoat shot a sympathetic look at her.

“Oh, don’t worry about that Dusk Shine. If it’s coming from me, they’ll listen,” Cinch placed her palm on his shoulder in an attempt to console his worry. It didn’t. “The outmost nail gets the hammer after all. So don’t overload that brain of yours,” She padded his cheek with a smile. Sunny Flare gave a repulsed glare at her mother while Cadance and Sugarcoat raised their eyebrows at the interaction. What is this? “We need you at peak performance for the games,” Cinch stepped back with her arms behind her back. Cadance handed him several cases holding pins for the remaining nine members. “Can I entrust you with this task?”

“You’ll have done before the end of the day,” Dusk Shine replied placing them in his backpack.

“Good. I’ll see you all in my office by the day’s end,” Cinch added. They nodded as they packed up to head to their next class. She gave Sunny Flare a knowing grin before heading their separate ways.

Sweet Faust, I feel gross,” Dark Shine grumbled rapidly rubbing his cheek attempting to remove Cinch’s taint.

“The feeling’s mutual,” Dusk Shine answered smoothly moving out of the way of his schoolmates walking down the hallway. At least he stopped being a klutz. Now they’re lucky enough to touch him. His scholarly eyes scanned the area. “Where is she?” He muttered before spotting a girl with light pink with triple tone green hair headbanging to the song on her headphones. Ah, there she is. The first one on the list is Lemon Zest. He stepped towards her and waited for the guitar solo to stop. She twirled to him before opening her amber eyes at him forcing her heart to dump a beat from his sudden appearance. The rocker hopped away with a hand on her chest.

“Geez, dude, don’t scare me like that,” Lemon Zest panted to calm herself. “I swear you can teleport or some crap,”

“Well maybe if you turned down the volume and be more aware of your surroundings. This would be less frequent,” Dusk Shine remarked as she flipped him off. His face changed to mild concern. “But seriously, you’re going to get tinnitus if you continue it,”

“Oh fine, you buzz-kill,” Lemon Zest groaned as she turned off her Bluetooth headphones. “Oh crap, I almost forget,” She opened her lockers and passed him a dense azure biology textbook. “Thanks for letting me borrow it. You saved my ass for that quiz,” He placed it in his bag.

“No problem, Lemon Zest,” Dusk Shine gave her a tiny smile. She peeked at his ears and freshly cut hair.

“Wait have you piercings?!” Lemon Zest exclaimed. He nodded. “Dude what’s the number of the place you got them from. They look so sweet,” The pair took out their favorites and exchanged contact information. Now, I know what you’re thinking. What’s with this camaraderie between these two? Simple. Their mothers were friends back in the day. Zest’s mom approached Velvet to assist her daughter to maintain her grades. He gets free food every once in a while. Plus, Lemon Zest doesn’t hate him and treats him like a person whenever they interact. The beauty of opposites. A few students muttered at the scene. What were they doing?

“Hey, there’s something I want to give you,” Dusk Shine replied as he reached into his pocket. She shrugged. It has to be good if it’s from the top student of Crystal Prep. Her amber eyes blink owlishly at the tiny simple black and purple fuzzy box in his hand. Gasps and snapshots were heard before others shushed them.

“Dude, I think we’re skipping a few steps,” Lemon Zest stammered with rosy cheeks. He tilted his head. Steps? She caught his blank expression. “I’m not saying no since you’re a pretty cool dude but we’re still in high school,” Lemon Zest twirled her hair with a finger in a meek tone. Holy crap does he like her? He sees her as wife material. Why does that make her heart flutter?! Dusk Shine repeatedly adjusted his attention between the box and Lemon Zest.

Holy shit, she thinks you’re proposing!” Dark Shine acknowledged the situation to him. “Bet you that Cadance chose the design,” Dusk Shine cleared his throat catching her attention.

“Lemon Zest, you have been selected to represent Crystal Prep Academy as you have the skills and mean as expected from the school,” He started, opening up the case revealing a Shadowbolt pin. She mentally smacked her forehead. Oh right the Friendship Games. What was she thinking? “May I?” Dusk Shine requested raising the hand. She nodded giving him her consent. He stepped forward attaching the pin to her collar. Did he always smell this good? “Be silent as a shadow with the might of a thunderbolt,” Dusk concluded before stepping back. “Congratulations, I look forward working with you,” He bowed his head. She opened her mouth when the bell rang. The two shared a frantic look before they started to run. They were going to be late for chemistry. It was on the other side of the school

“Fuck, we’re going to be late,” Lemon Zest groaned as they sprinted down the corridor. Why did they put their lockers on the second floor and have their class on the bottom floor?
“Follow me,” Dusk Shine commanded before turning right. She followed him as to what other choice does she have. A teacher yelled at them for running in the halls.

“She’s with me, ma’am,” He replied to the teacher who waved them off.

“Bro, how? She’s a total pain in the ass,” Lemon Zest whispered before stepping down a staircase. Their footsteps tapped and bounced off the walls.

“A plus side of being a teacher’s pet and the top student. You can get away with practically everything,” Dusk Shine confirmed. “Being around me gives you a bit of free pass,” They reached the ground floor and resumed their dash to class. Man, Dusk Shine had more stamina and endurance than she thought. He’s keeping up with her. They barged into the classroom with deep pants as soon as the bell rang. Their classmates stared at them.

“That’s where you two were,” A jolly voice spoke up. The pair gazed at their grey-skinned teacher. He’s an erratic fellow but better than their strict teachers. Now that he has a sense of style in his brown coat, brick red trousers, a canary shirt with an arctic tie. Not that mix and match minus the match abomination of an outfit.

“Are we late, Mr. Discord?” Lemon Zest prodded with a pant. He twirled his golden clawed staff with a wild grin.

“Nope, you’re right on time especially you, Lemon Zest,” Discord chuckled before focusing his red eyes on Dusk Shine. “However, it’s not like you, Dusk Shine. You’re usually the first one here,” He stroked his white goatee despite the top of his hair remaining a solid black.

“Sorry, I was talking with Lemon Zest,” Dusk Shine started. She nodded to confirm. Discord’s grin widened.

“You’re truly are Night Light’s son, giving the girls the old family charm,” Discord smirked giving him a swirly thumbs-up. The two shared a look before turning away.

“Wait, what, hold up!” Dusk Shine exclaimed before peeking at her. “No offenses, Lemon Zest. I’m not looking for a relationship right now,”

“None taking dude,” Lemon Zest waved off

“He said right now but who knows,” Discord laughed drinking his chocolate milk. Dusk Shine rolled his eyes before heading to his seat.

That’s four down. Eight more to go.

They stood outside on the soccer field. It’s time for PE. The coach blew his whistle “Alright, everyone, pair up for some stretches,” They searched for their partner. Dusk Shine surveyed the field before approaching someone.

“Excuse me, Indigo Zap,” He called out to the target of his focus. She turned towards him with her orange goggles securely fastened to her triple-toned blue faux-hawk hair. Honestly, I don’t know what the style is called but that’s the closest I could’ve found

“Yeah, dude?” Indigo Zap replied with the sun shining on her freckles scattered across her nose and cheeks. Holy shit, he did cut his hair. HE HAS PIERCINGS TOO?!

“Do you want to pair up with me, please?” Dusk Shine requested. A series of gasps emerged from his class jerking their heads in his question. Everything reached a stop.

“Huh?!” Indigo Zap exclaimed. What the hell is this?

“I asked if you wanted to pair up with me,” Dusk Shine repeated his question ignoring the muttering of his classmates.

“Oh sure,” Indigo Zap smiled. He nodded walking with her. Moondancer frowned with a glare watching them exercise together. She partnered with Sour Sweet hooking their arms together and took turns leaning forward. What makes her so special? Zap is nothing more than a boastful meathead while Dusk Shine is an intellectual elite like her. Opposites attract but that works in science. Humans were far too complicated for a simple trope. A shuddering possible explanation entered her mind. Was Indigo Zap his type? It can’t be! She knew him longer than anyone else backing back to kindergarten. This ignoramus Zap has only been here for like a year or two. No, no, no. Moondancer exhaled to calm herself. A simple misunderstanding. It’s idiotic to make assumptions without sufficient evidence. Yes, he cut his hair but that was explained that he was long overdue for one.

Oh Moondancer,” Sour Sweet sweetly called to her. “Get your head out of your butt,” She demanded while sitting on the grass ready for her sit-ups. Dusk Shine’s palette swap sighed before crouching down holding the archer’s legs steady. Indigo Zap did the same periodically watching his upper body arise and descend counting each repetition.

“So new hairstyle,” She quizzed the mulberry nerd.

“Yes, it was getting too long,” Dusk Shine admitted in a stoic voice

“What about the piercings?” Indigo Zap asked. That was a surprise. He’s the last person that she’s expected to get them. “Trying to copy my style,” She grinned.

“No, I got them before we met,” Dush Shine explained making her pout. “One of my brother’s friends wanted to get some for her birthday but she was being a baby,” He continued. Almost done with his set. “So I went first so she can stop crying about it,” Dusk Shine grunted. Done. The two swapped positions as he maintained a firm grip on her ankles.
“Look at you taking charge,” Indigo Zap smirked at his hidden bravado. He shrugged. “You have the number of the place? I’m trying to get some new ones,” She flexed and extended her torso up and down.

“I gave it to Lemon Zest,” Dusk Shine answered. “Also I want to talk to you after class,” A record scratch diverting everyone’s attention to the pair. Widen eyes and agape mouths were a common sight as they paused. Indigo’s face burned scarlet before resuming her sit-ups.

“Sure,” Indigo Zap stammered with a blush. They got up and began walking to the sidelines. “About what?”

“Later, okay,” Dusk Shine whispered. She nodded. Sour Sweet and Moondancer grumbled at the scene. Everyone finished the warms-up as the coach ordered them for two laps around the field. The whistle blew again.

“Alright, we have a few options today,” The coach announced holding a soccer ball, football, and flags. “We’re going with majority rule so pick your favorite,” A mulberry hand was raised. “Yes, Dusk Shine?”

“I suggest Capture the Flag,” Dusk Shine replied. They gave him confused looks. “It’s simple, straightforward, and give us some practice for the Friendship Games as there’s a team-based event,” He explained stoically as a gentle breeze whistled in the air.

“Um, sure. Everyone make your teams of six,” The coach announced to the students.

“Dusk Shine, Indigo Zap over here,” Sunny Flare waved to them with Sugarcoat, Sour Sweet, and Lemon Zest. The two shrugged before jogging to the group.

“Okay, the rules are simple. You have to capture the opposing team’s flag and bringing over it to your side before the time is up. If you’re tagged with both hands then you drop the flag and head to jail until a teammate saves you,” The coach explained gesturing to the center circle. “Is everything clear?” He turned to face the nodding students. “Teams 1 and 9 get ready,” They stood up and went to the field. Several rounds have passed until two teams remained. “Teams 6 and 7,” Dusk Shine’s team and the team contained Moondancer arose.

Oh, great, we’re facing against Royal Pin and Fleur De Lis,” Dark Shine muttered at the sight of those elitist pricks. “Out of all the students at Crystal Prep, they’re fucking the worst,” He growled. As a scientist, Dusk Shine can’t ignore the facts. They were horrible. Mean-spirited self-serving sycophants believing themselves to be better than others for simply having more money than most people. However, that’s all they have. Average skills except bending the knee and kissing the ass of the higher-ups. Pathetic. Apparently, Royal Pin got in because his father and Cinch were ‘friends’ and gave the school massive donations. Some of that money went to him so he’s thankfully for that. Fleur De Lis, now that’s a puzzle. Perhaps she’s more competent than she appears to be. Or that her parents bribed the officials or something. Whatever. He doesn’t care about them in the slightest.

“Alright, let’s do this!” Indigo Zap hollered with a fist pump. “Alright smartypants, what’s the game plan,” She smirked while he closed his eyes for a few seconds. His middle fingertips, thumb, and the second joints of his fingers touched. “Um, what are you,” The freckle-faced girl muttered at the nerd

“Shhh, he’s thinking,” Sour Sweet shushed her. He opened his eyes refilled with purpose and smiled. Dusk Shine ushered them in for a group huddled before the whistle.

A rigorous gridlock lasted between the two teams. Neither gaining ground. Moondancer and Sugarcoat sat in the center circle. Sour Sweet and Lemon were left guarding the flag in the penalty square while Dusk Shine, Sunny Flare, and Indigo Zap were the attackers. His hand rapidly switched between gestures. They nodded.

“Uhhh, this is taking forever! Now I’m all sweaty,” Fleur de Lis complained as she fanned herself. They rolled their eyes at the minor compliant. You only have a little coat of sweat. “They have Dusk Shine on their team. It’s shouldn’t be this hard,” She scoffed while scanning her nails.

“At least he’s doing something besides standing around doing nothing,”

“Well, who asked you?!” Fleur de Lis snapped at the comment

“Don’t worry, we’ll down that nerd down a peg,” Royal Pin boasted the self-proclaimed most beautiful girl in Crystal Prep. “He may beat our test scores but we’re not in the classroom,” They smiled finally getting a bit of payback at the person who made them second rate.

“Hey, I’m taking this,” Dusk Shine’s voice announced behind them. They jumped from the sudden noise clutching their nose. He had their red flag in his hand! Dusk Shine dashed through them leaving them behind in their stupor.

“Why didn’t you tag him?!” Royal Pin shouted at Fleur De Lis who was the closest to him.

“Ew, I don’t want nerd on me!” Fleur De Lis cringed at the thought

“Maybe you’ll finally get some brain cells,”

“Let’s get him already,” Royal Pin ordered before giving chase as he’s halfway there. Two of them flanked him attempting to tag him. Dusk Shine twirled out of the way before ducking under Pin’s tackle sliding across the grass. Green streaks stained the front of his magenta shirt. He glared at Dusk Shine who ran past him in utter hatred. “Do something!”

“Uh fine,” Fleur De Lis whined as she hasn’t left her spot only for Lemon Zest to tag her. Royal Pin grunted as he sprinted after Dusk Shine along with the rest of his team. Sunny Flare and Indigo Zap guarded the top student making their way to the goal post. The blue-skinned socialite charged forward slamming his hands on Dusk Shine’s shoulders forcing him to stop.

“Got you, you weirdo!” Royal Pin cheered with satisfied smirked as Dusk Shine turned around with empty hands. His eyes widened with gritted teeth. WHERE IS IT?! The whistle blew. “No way…” He muttered at Indigo Zap and her team cheering with their red flag. In her hands! Dusk Shine walked away to join his team as Royal Pin clutched his fist.

Yeah, keep staring you trust-funded fuckwag,” Dark Shine taunted when Dusk Shine met his team.

“Bro, your plan works. In your face, blue bloods!” Indigo Zap taunted the opposing teams.

“The vast majority of the student body are blue bloods,” Sugarcoat retorted referring to Dusk Shine, Sunny Flare, and herself.

“Oh…” Indigo Zap sucked up in her teeth. Oh right, she forgot about that. “Whatever. Up top,” She raised her handed in a congratulatory high-five. Dusk Shine stared with a blank expression. They sweat-dropped at the interaction. Crap, he doesn’t like to be touched or put on the spot. Indigo Zap slowly lowered her hand. “If you want to of cour-SMACK” His hand enacted contact with hers in an audible clap. Their jaw dropped at the sight of their hands touching. Dusk Shine’s made physical contact with another person?!

“Awesome work out there,” Dusk Shine replied retracting his hand. “I’ll see you in a few minutes, okay,” He said in a more human tone before turning around. Their bewildered eyes followed and bounced between the two.

What the hell was that all about?!” Sour Sweet yelled the million-dollar question while Indigo Zap gazed at her hand.

The females shifted out of their sweaty sports uniform into their crisp professional school uniform while making idle chatter. They have lunch after this and wanted to get there before everyone. Indigo Zap sat on the red bench tying the black laces on her black sneakers with blue lightning bolts on the sides. She didn’t like the standard dress shoes typical for the female students. It still kept the bow. Her gamboge glanced at the hand Dusk Shine high-fived. Why did he do that? Okay, side note. I’m constantly looking at the wiki for these characters and I’m finding colors that I didn’t know existed. Seriously, this is the first time I’m hearing of gamboge. Like what the fuck is that? It’s kinda like mustard. Also, I’m looking at the coat colors of prominent characters. Rarity and Shining Armor aren’t white. They’re a light grey with a tinge of sapphire for Rarity. WHAT?!

“Here, you need this,” Fleur de Lis offered a small bottle of hand sanitizer. Zap crocked her brow at the item.

“Why?” Sour Sweet snarled at the snobby girl.

“So she doesn’t get whatever he has,” Fleur de Lis scoffed, flipping her silky hair placing a hand on her well-defined waist. Several nasty glares were shot her way including Indigo Zap. Sour Sweet marched up to her.

“Autism isn’t contagious, you pile of silicone,” She growled pointing her ample chest. The fuck is wrong with is her?!

“Sweetie, these are all-natural,” Fleur de Lis bragged with a smirk cupping her pink bra-covered breasts with a squeeze before crossing her arms. “And no, I was referring to whatever weird experiment he’s doing,” That didn’t deter the glares burning into her skull.

“It shows dedication to his craft and a testament of his skills,” Sugarcoat remarked putting on her leggings. “Like have you seen him study?” The pair often study together in the library.

“Probably not since she’s always on her phone texting somebody’s boyfriend,” Sunny Flare mocked. Fleur de Lis snarled at their snickers

“Bite me, how’s being Dusk Shine’s little helper, you second-rate student,” Fleur de Lis seethed in venom issuing a silence with a glare from Sunny. “Oh, what’s wrong? Can’t handle that he has your mother’s attention?” A vile grin marked her face. Sour Sweet and Sugarcoat were behind Sunny Flare

At least she actually began top student while your report card matches your cup size,” Moondancer defended. “The best you can do is piggyback off other's success just like your mother,” Someone spit-take at the unexpected comment from the usually mousey girl.

“OH shit, oh shit, let’s go M.D!” Lemon Zest and Indigo Zaphooted at the academic as they laughed at the frowning rumbling Fleur de Lis.

“I know this ain’t the girl too scared to talk to Dusk Shine despite knowing for years because she has a huge crush on him,” Fleur de Lis acknowledged stomping towards the blushing Moondancer pointing her in the chest. “What makes you of all people think that you can unlock that part of his brain?” She narrowed her eyes with a grin laced with malice. “Especially when you have to compete with someone like me,” Her smooth hands gracefully outlined her long slender legs, widely developed hips, and ass, slim arms before cupping her pillowy chest one more that was more than twice the size of Moondancer’s. “What’s a bookworm to a total babe,” A flood of envy and self-doubt burned Moondancer’s soul.

“Dude, he has like no libido,” Lemon Zest acknowledged in a half-buttoned shirt. “If you of all people can’t do it, then what hope do we have?” She jerked her thumb into her average chest.

“That’s a common misconception,” Sugarcoat explained. “Asexuals do have sex and engage in relationships since it’s an umbrella term,” She fixed her pigtails. “Furthermore, Dusk Shine’s a healthy adolescent male filled with conventionally attractive people. He could have a type and we don’t know it. Given his reserved demeanor and that we treat him like an outcast most of the time,” Sugarcoat concluded as they whispered to themselves.

“Wait does that mean Indigo is his type?” Suri Polomare calculated recalling the last hour. She passed Upper Crust a purple bottle of body spray. “Or at least starting to develop a bit of a crush,” Suri teased the blushing girl.

“Me?” Indigo Zap stuttered rubbing her hand.

“Given what happened, it’s possible,” Sugarcoat predicated. “He was more…open with you,” An idea popped into Sunny Flare's mind. Yes, that’s her ticket. Set up Dusk Shine and Indigo Zap so Cinch can call off the plan.

“But still why though? Shit will his parents even like me?” Indigo Zap questioned the room. She never met his parents but if they’re like their youngest son. High standards and expectations are the norms. Crap does she have to wear a dress or something?

“His mom will,” Lemon Zest smiled at her friend who titled her head in confusion. “She’s a huge adrenaline junkie and loves extreme sport. Hell, she did motocross back in the day,” The rocker padded her on the back. “You’re a shoo-in,” The blush spread to her neck. Her and Dusk Shine? “Come on, let’s be real. Egghead is a catch. Just putting it out there,” They avoid the question with shifty eyes. That wasn’t a no.

“Wait, wait, wait how can he like someone?” Fleur de Lis countered. “I thought that didn’t register in his brain

“He’s asexual, not aromatic. There’s a difference,” Sugarcoat retorted. “Sex isn’t on his mind but developing a romantic relationship is,” Her hand rested on her chin as she thought a few seconds. “However, if he’s demi or gray then the thought of putting Zap’s legs on his shoulders has crossed his mind a few times,” Jets of steam burst from Zap’s ears as they blushed at the explicit image. Dusk Shine has Indigo Zap on her back filling her up with a firm grip on her sturdy ankles. Their bodies moistened by their passion staring lovingly into the other's eyes before engaging in another kiss.

“Sugarcoat, seriously?!” Sunny Flare with warm cheeks shouted at the stoic glasses-wearing girl.

“Hold it!” Sour Sweet barked to gather everyone’s attention. “It’s Selection day so that’s why he’s talking to her,” They muttered and shrugged at the explanation. That makes a whole lot more sense. A weight lifted from Moondancer's heart releasing her clenched jaw. “You better up since he’s on a schedule,” She mentioned to Indigo Zap fixing her hair in the wall mirror. “Zap?”

“Oh uh yeah,” Indigo Zap responded grabbing her before heading out the door. Was she considering it a bit?

There he was, waiting for her down the hall as he said. Dusk Shine scrolled through his page most likely keeping up with science-related news. Indigo Zap paused before taking a step. Why was she hesitating? He’s only giving you a Shadowbolt! It proves that you’re the best choice. She shook her head and lightly smacked her cheeks. Time to get to her head in the game. Indigo Zap smirked, continuing her march with her gym bag on her shoulder. Dusk Shine waved to her, journeying to her with a small black and purple box in his hand. The two stopped right in front of each other. Her friends peeked around the corner. “Congratulations, Indigo Zap. You have been selected to represent the school as expected of Crystal Prep,” Dusk Shine repeated the phrase as he opened the box. “May I?” He requested. She nodded enabling him to step forward and attach the pin to her collar. “Be silent as a shadow with the might of a thunderbolt,” Dusk Shine stook out his hand. “I look forward to working with you,” The pair shook hands before taking their leave.

“Check out, who’s competing in the Games,” Indigo Zap broadcasted to the group.
This girl,” Lemon Zest high-fived her friend when Sour Sweet’s phone buzzed. A message? It’s from Dusk Shine. Meet me in the usual place

“You girls head to lunch. I’ll…” Sour Sweet paused. “I’ll be a few minutes,” She held her phone against her chest. Sugarcoat and Sunny Flare nodded with a sympathetic look before heading off.

She found herself in a dimly lit hallway in the east wing of Crystal Prep. Hardly anyone is here. This section is primarily used for storage or extra rooms for activities. Her footsteps clicked and echoed pacing through the path before stopping at the sole figure near a vending machine. His cold empty of amethyst eyes acknowledged her presence before pushing a series of buttons on the machine. It whirred and rumbled as his selected drink landed in the tray. He grabbed his cold can of cranberry juice and stepped to the side. She walked to the machine while reaching into her skirt pocket. Sour Sweet swiped her card then typed in her selected drink. Strawberry kiwi. The pair sat on opposite sides of the available bench with their bags near their feet. He cracked his beverage open with a snap before taking a sip. She did too.

Neither said a word amidst the tense atmosphere with only the hum of the overhead light. She repeatedly glanced at him, watching his adam’s apple bounce with each sip. He didn’t acknowledge her existence at all. Now, what’s with the need for privacy? The two were in the Break-up Make-up hallway. A relatively private area of Crystal Prep when students want to discuss private matters. Plus, the lack of use of some of these vacant rooms can give them a chance to be… intimate. Dusk Shine stood up after finishing his drink and tossed it in the trash bin. His back faced her with his hand fumbling in his pocket.

“Congratulations, Sour Sweet, you have been selected to represent the school as you have the skills and means expected of Crystal Prep,” Dusk Shine deadpanned as he turned around holding the pin case. His voice was devoid of emotion and feeling. She stood up walking towards him. “Be silent as a shadow with the might of a thunderbolt,” He attached the emblem on her collar before sticking out his hand. “I look forward in working with you,” Dusk Shine concluded. Their hands linked together. Nothing more than a formality for their mutual interest. Victory.

“About time, I was wondering what took you so long,” Sour Sweet remarked upon releasing their hands putting her hands on her hips. “Cinch could’ve given mine at the same time as Sunny Flare and Sugarcoat during class today,”

Dusk Shine shrugged. “Don’t look at me. Probably symbolism or something. She always had a thing for theatrics,” He replied with a hand in his pocket before checking his watch. “Let’s get out here before the lunch rush so nobody can see us,” Dusk Shine remarked before checking the entrance of the hall with a deep sigh. “Too late,” He grumbled at the approaching Dean Cadance.

“Dusk Shine. Sour Sweet,” Cadance greeted the two teens. “Sour Sweet, can you leave us alone for a moment please,” She politely requested the archer. Sour Sweet nodded before grabbing her bag with the half-empty can in her hand.

“I’ll see you later, Dusk Shine,” Sour Sweet whispered taking one last look before leaving the two alone.

“Are you alright, Dusk Shine?” Cadance consoled her favorite student with a comforting hand.

“I don’t know, Cadance. This whole thing is a total mess,” Dusk Shine revealed running his hand through his hair. “I want to get these stupids games over and done with so I can get the hell out of here,” He sighed from the pressure.

“Why did you agree to it?” Cadance probed carefully. His eyes widened as he scratched his neck. Her eyes widened too. This isn’t like him. Not at all. Something isn’t right. “Dusk Shine, did Principal Cinch do something to you?” Dean Cadance queried, placing both hands on his shoulders. He avoided her stare. “Please, Dusk Shine, you can tell me,” She begged.

I can’t…” Dusk Shine fearfully admitted. That statement dropped her heart launching warning signals. He can’t say?!

“Dusk Shine…” His former babysitter whimpered at his frantic look. He placed a hand on her shoulder before rhythmically tapping it with pausing in-between. Dusk Shine placed his hands back to his sides. “Okay, Dusk Shine,” She embraced him as he needed one. His arms slowly wrapped themselves around her. “Come on, let’s head to lunch,” Cadance kept an arm around his shoulder as he carried his bag.

The pair stopped before the entrance of the cafeteria. She peaked through the window. Man, it’s getting packed as students paced and chatted about. “You ready to head inside?” Cadance gestured to the lunchroom.

“Cinch wants these delivered before the end of the day. That’s what I’m going to do,” Dusk Shine informed. She shrugged knowing how committed he can be. They entered the pristine lunchroom filled with fresh fruits, a salad, muffin, and deli bar with student lining for the special today. The two shared a look as they sniffed the air finding traces of black pepper, bacon, and parmesan. Carbonara. “Go, I’ll handle it,” He suggested knowing that she wanted some. Cadance smiled before heading to the line as the boys whispered in glee at her presence. It soon turned in annoyance. Great…he’s here. Eyes followed him throughout the cafeteria. He didn’t care. Dusk Shine found his people of interest at the ‘popular’ table. Well one of them. Suri Polomare and Upper Crust were two fellow upper-class members of Canterlot’s social class. Suri’s family dealt with fashion and design. He would’ve preferred Coco Pommel, finding her to be more competent and agreeable. However, Miss Pommel is Suri’s subordinate. This relationship goes back decades even centuries. Upper Crust’s family were the typical banker and shareholders. She sat next to her boyfriend, Jet Set. Another posh member of Canterlot’s elite. His family deals with aircraft. Three birds. One stone. That makes things easier for Dusk Shine. He paced to their table drawing several stares right when she stood in front of him blocking the path.

Aw great this bitch!” Dark Shine facepalmed.

What are you doing here?” Fleur de Lis demanded of him only for Dusk Shine to ignore and walk straight past her like a true Sigma. “HEY! I’m speaking to you!” She yelled as some of them snickered. He sat down in front of the trio.

“Good afternoon, Dusk Shine,” Suri Polomare purred at him resulting in confused stares from the table's occupants. “What do we owe the pleasure?” She smiled as he opened his bag.

“Congratulations, Suri Polomare, Upper Crust, and Jet Set,” Dusk Shine began. “You have been selected to represent the school as you have the skills and means expected of Crystal Prep,” Three cases were placed on the table. Their eyes widened at the situation. They were chosen? “Be silent as a shadow with the might of a thunderbolt,” He stood up offering his hand. “I look forward in working with you three,” Each shook his hand. Dusk Shine was always a polite and respectful member of their school.

“Likewise,” Jet Set replied with his sweater tied around his neck.

“As do I,” Suri Polomare cooed with a wink. Oh boy. He grabbed his bags

Ahem,” Fleur de Lis roughly cleared her throat gaining his attention. He frowned wondering what the Tartarus she wanted. “Well,” She opened her palm. “Where’s my pin,” Fleur de Lis demanded rapidly opening and closing her hand getting impatient.

“Your pin?” Dusk Shine repeated the statement.

“Yeah, duh,” Fleur de Lis scoffed when shadows covered his face. He uttered a sound that they didn’t think he was capable of making. A chuckle. “The fuck?” She took a step back as it grew into a belly-busting cackle. Dusk Shine held his stomach as he continued. Some students slid money to each other. Yep, he finally snapped. Others backed away.

Your pin?!” Dusk Shine whizzed between his laughter with tears in his eyes. It became too much for the top student, grabbing on the bench for support.

Dude you sound like a fucking tea kettle!” Dark Shine joined in on the amusement. Cadance slurped her pasta watching Dusk Shine cough his lungs out with a blank expression.

“You go there, Dusk Shine,” Cadance asked with cream on the edges of her mouth. He gave her a thumbs-up.

“Yeah, yeah, I’m good,” Dusk Shine got up with a few coughs. “Whew, I needed that,” He sighed wiping his tears before regaining his default expression at Fleur de Lis. “We’re recruiting for the Friendship Games. We only look for the best of the best,” He gave her a disappointing look. “I’ve seen what you can do. I’m not impressed,” She snarled at him but held her tongue with Cadance at his side. “If this was a beauty competition then maybe,” Dusk Shine added. “Again you’ll have some competition in that regard,” More whispers spread throughout the room. Dusk Shine found girls prettier than her?

“Who’s prettier than me?!” Fleur de Lis demanded stomping towards him. He titled his head up to look at her raging eyes.

“Why do you care about my opinion?” Dusk Shine countered. She opened then closed her mouth grumbling with crossed arms. “That being said, I’ll take my leave,”

“Quick question, Dusk Shine,” Suri Polomare requested stopping him. “Can you give us a sample of that ‘old family charm’ Discord mentioned?” She air quoted.

“ I don’t think it works that way,” Dusk Shine scratched his head. “Pretty sure it skipped me,”

“No it didn’t,” Cadance replied gesturing her fork at him. “Give them a little smile,” He gave her a blank expression. Are you serious, Cadance? “Please, babysitter’s orders,” She attempted to give him the puppy dog eyes.

“No,” Dusk Shine replied. It had no effect on him.

“Sister-in-law's orders,” Cadance countered to the confusion of the room.

No,” Dusk Shine doubled down getting annoyed at her antics. She got an idea.

Dean’s orders,” She said in a stricter tone appealing to his sense of obeying an authority figure

“I hate you,” Dusk Shine mumbled

“No, you don’t,” Cadance smiled at him. He sighed. Just go to your happy place. His lips curved upwards creating a tiny yet pleasant smile. Many blushed at the sight of it. Holy shit, he’s adorable. “See that was easy,” She nudged an elbow at him. It evaporated from his face leaving the bored expression they associated him with.

“Satisfied, Suri Polomare?” Dusk Shine cocked an eyebrow at the fashion critic.

“Mhm,” She mouthed with a steady nod and pink cheeks. The pair took their leave. Conversations erupted from various tables wondering if this was the end time. They saw Dusk Shine actively interact with his schoolmates, laugh, and smile. Sour Sweet rubbed her pin wishing for that Dusk Shine again.

The one that looks at her.

Dusk Shine opened the back entrance to the parking lot where several round tables were near the sports field. The school created this area to encourage students to get more sun. Good for their development along with being a spot for socializing while they wait for their rides. He walked towards the table where the final three were sitting and chatting.

“Man, I can’t beat this stupid boss,” Neon Lights groaned, holding his gaming device. “I’ve tried like thirties times this week,”

“Maybe you shou-oh hey Dusk Shine,” Trenderhoof started before stammering at his sudden appearance. Neon Lights attempted to hide his device in his school bag while Royal Pin glared at him. Bitch, you wear an ascot. Fuck off. “We’re just um,” Dusk Shine raised his hand to stop him.

“I don’t care about that,” He remarked as the two placed a hand on their chests. Dusk Shine reached into his bag passing cases to each of them. “Congratulations, Trenderhoof, Neon Lights, and Royal Pin. You have been selected to represent the school as you have the skills and means expected of Crystal Prep,” They smiled at the phrase. “Be silent as a shadow with the might of a thunderbolt. I look forward working with you,” They shook his hand while Royal Pin did it begrudgingly. “I heard you were having boss fight troubles,” He took a seat.

“Yep,” Neon Light sighed at the screen. “Want to give it a shot?” He offered to the nerd. Dusk Shine nodded taking the device in his hand. They watched him with a blank expression as his fingers clicked and pressed the buttons in rapid succession for a few minutes until triumphant music played.

“Here you go,” Dusk Shine handed it over to him as he got up. Neon Lights removed his glasses staring at the ‘You win’ screen.

“How?!” Neon Light shouted. It took him weeks as it took Dusk Shine a few minutes. Did he already beat the game or something?

Novice,” Dusk Shine stated as he walked off with Trenderhoof laughing. He entered the building and got his phone. “Mission accomplished,” Dusk Shine pressed send to Cinch.

“Excellent,” She smiled from her office. “See you later, Dusk Shine,”

Author's Note:

Fun Fact: An abacus is a calculating device before the use of Arabic numbers. It's the thing with the sliding beads. Cinch means to be done extremely easily, a saddle or secured with a belt. I prefer the easily done definition.

Her name and cutie mark suggest that Cinch can do math problems easily which is why I have her as a math teacher. It can why she's able to answer the trigonometry question at the end of the first round