• Published 10th May 2022
  • 1,597 Views, 55 Comments

Crystal Prison - HeirofHades

Dusk Shine the top student of CPA struggles to understand the value of Friendship. Cinch forces him to compete in the upcoming Friendship games against CHS. Now he must work with those he labeled him an outcast to achieve victory.

  • ...

It has begun

Author's Note:

I need your help. I need to figure out who's loyal to Cinch and/or Cadance among the CPA students. This plays a role in this VERY arc and several arcs after the Friendship Games. Since it takes me about a month or so to post an update for this story. It'll really help me out a lot between updates. Those loyal to Cinch are likely to be upper-class and are indebted to her while those loyal to Cadance are more varied and they genuinely respect her.

Any help will be appreciated. Thank you for your time

Here's the confirmed list:

Shadow 5: Sour Sweet, Sugarcoat, Sunny Flare, Lemon Zest and Indigo Zest. They're loyal to Cadance as they help out CHS in order to stop Dusk Shine.

B-Team: Royal Pin, Trenderhoof, Neon Lights, Upper Crust, Jet Set & Suri Polomare. They're loyal to Cinch as they stand beside Dusk Shine to win for CPA.

Moondancer: She's loyal to Dusk Shine being the first one to act from CPA against CHS for Dusk Shine's sake.

Fleur De Lis and her little squad: She's on Dusk Shine's side as a way to say thanks

Here's the unconfirmed list: (Although I used some of the names already but those are subject to change. Furthermore, these are names of characters that have actually appeared in the show/movie so you know what they look like)

Track Starr

Said Thunderbolt

Pepper Twist

Peacock Plume

Mulberry Seed

Marco Dafoy

Lightning Blue

Clayton Potter

Citrus Drops

Celery Stalk

Amaranth Gray

Orange Sherbette

Mulberry Cascade

Varsity Trim

Taffy Shade

Melon Mint

Ginger Owlseye

Garden Grove

Frosty Orange

Diwata Aino

Crystal Lullaby

Cold Forecast

Cloudy Kicks

Alizarin Bubblegum

It's time.

After four years, the Friendship Games were about to begin. Both teams glared at each other, as did their predecessors after Luna gave the starting announcements. Some were in the crowd. Dean Cadance stood between them, acting as an announcer in the center of the main entrance hallway. On her right was Canterlot High School; the Wondercolts looked eager and determined, believing they'd be the first group to win against CPA in decades. Principal Celestia and Vice-Principal Luna gazed warmly at their students as they stood close to them. It greatly contrasted with Cadance's right, her alumni, the Shadowbolts. Her boss Principal Cinch distanced herself from the students with a cold, formal look and crossed arms.

The Shadowbolts wore smug self-assured grins on their posh faces. They already had their victory in the bag. It will be easier than a snake discovering and devouring an undefended egg clutch.

Cadence's light blue eyes focused on Dusk Shine. He was the only one without a smile or determined expression, standing right in the center front of his team. His face looked blank and uninterested, seeing no point in all of this, at least on the surface. Those that genuinely knew Dusk Shine can tell that he's anxious. A stoic mask was placed on to maintain appearances.

"Welcome to the first event, the Academic Decathlon! You'll be scored on chemistry, home-ec, and everything in between. But remember, only the six students from each team with the most points will move on to event number 2. Good luck!" Dean Cadance began, hoping for a fun and exciting competition.

These are children.

She never saw the competitive point of these games. Yet her colleagues and students emphasize the importance of these games. Why? It's a simple event between two schools, but students are running themselves ragged just to qualify as a candidate. This was utter madness! The students acted as if this was the Equestrian Games. Of course, Cinch encouraged this mindset to keep the students competitive and not be lazy or indulgent in their future successes. A soft chuckle broke the tension. Everyone gazed at Dusk Shine. Seeing him smile and laugh, some were unnerved, especially now.

"My apologies," Dusk Shine muttered, prolonging his elated mood as he pushed up his glasses.

"Share the joke," Lemon Zest asked. It must be good if it got Dusk Shine laughing.

"Not really a joke but something humorous," Dusk Shine started as he walked to the center. "It's the concept of luck. A reassuring concept as it breeds morale, especially if the odds are in one's favor. However," He declared, pushing up his glasses in a smug manner. "Many times, it's a crutch to make up for someone's lack of skill," Several CPA students chuckled at his statement towards CHS as they glared at his bravado. "I say my team has an overabundance of skill," Dusk Shine smirked, gesturing to his teammates.

"You damn right," Indigo Zap cheered along with several others.

"Sounds more like overconfidence with a paid subscription," Sunset Shimmer countered, approaching him.

"It's not overconfidence if you can back it up," Dusk Shine defended. "Especially since your team hasn't won a single Friendship game yet," Now they're face to face.

"Oh, we will by the end of the day," Sunset Shimmer smirked, trusting her team.

"Not on my watch," Dusk Shine declared. The two continued to banter.

"Are they flirting?" Someone from CPA asked

"Probably," Another answered.

"Go f-yourself, Dusk Shine," Sunset Shimmer grunted.

"Do it yourself, you cheat code-crunching coward," Dusk Shine deadpanned. Sunset Shimmer smirked, raising her brow at his words. ". . . Wait!" His face turned crimson as the words settled in.

"Fair enough," Sunset Shimmer purred with a flirtatious and mischievous grin. "We haven't done one of our wagers in some time," Dusk Shine gulped as she got closer.

"Oh-uh um, Cadance?!" Dusk Shine stammered, looking to Cadance for support.

Cadance raised her hands, keeping her distance. "I'm staying out of this, but I trust your judgment and whatever comes out of this,"

"Didn't you say you can handle Sunset Shimmer," Lemon Zest added to the conversation.

"In a fight!" Dusk Shine corrected, his face still burning red.

"Oh, I don't have to fight him to handle him," Sunset Shimmer cooed with a half-lidded grin.

"Can I join in on this~" Trixie chimed in, appearing behind him. CPA had never heard him release such a high-pitched screech from him. He sounds like a bird. Was that his mating call?

"Now hold up, let's talk about this for a sec," Dusk Shine fretted. His arms were stretched out as he attempted to create distance between these smiling feral beasts. Sunset and Trixie relished seeing him blush and squirm.

"AGGGRH! That's enough already!" Sour Sweet hissed, gritting her teeth at the situation. She stomped towards the group, pushing Trixie out of the way. Her target was Sunset Shimmer. "What makes you think he'll even consider it?" She nagged, getting into Sunset Shimmer's face. Several students on both sides get ready to intervene.

"I think I can make a convincing argument," Sunset Shimmer gloated, giving Dusk Shine a wink. His face heated once more. Sunset's face lost amusement, narrowing her black-covered eyelids at Dusk Shine's former friend. "Besides, why do you care anyways about who he gets involved with? You already had your chance and probably would've done it by now, but you messed it up," She condemned, harshly poking Sour Sweet in the chest. A flicker of remorse danced in the archer's eyes before being replaced by defiance.

"Wait, were Dusk Shine and Sour Sweet a thing," Someone from CPA brought up the past.

"Enough," Dusk Shine interjected, stopping any further arguments. "It's old news. It's in the past. Irrelevant. I don't care about that anymore," He elaborated as he got between the two girls. Cadance viewed him with a gentle yet concerned expression. She knows that he still cares but doesn't want to show it. "So you two chill out before I smack some damn sense into both of you," Dusk Shine warned the girls. "Are we clear?" The girls snarled and glowered at each other before calming down.

"Crystal," Sour Sweet fumed, turning her face away from the rocker.

"Peachy," Sunset Shimmer grumbled.

Dusk Shine exhaled, shaking his head. "Regarding our prior wager, how about something more appropriate? I can build you a PC and maybe some games with DLC?" He offered. Her eyes brightened at the suggestion.

"I can work with that," Sunset Shimmer smiled. She needs to upgrade her PC anyway for her streams. Plus, it's cheaper to have someone like Dusk Shine, who knows what he's doing to make it. "How about I. . .," She beckoned. Dusk Shine leaned as she whispered into his ear. Huh, he's wearing new cologne. It's pretty good.

"You drive a hard bargain but fair enough," Dusk Shine smiled back, offering his hand when a flame extinguisher smoke jetted between them.

"Hey!" The pair exclaimed, glaring at the source.

"Sorry, force of habit," Cadance answered, holding a mini fire extinguisher. They rolled their eyes at the former babysitter and shook hands.

"Later, you pyromaniac," Sunset Shimmer grinned, playfully punching him in the shoulder.

"See ya, she-demon," Dusk Shine replied, patting her shoulder with a smile. The groups separated to prepare for the first round as Sour Sweet glared at Sunset. Murmurs and gossip spread among Crystal Prep's ranks. Dusk Shine, Sour Sweet, and Sunset Shimmer were the main topics, particularly on the nature of their relationship.

Were Dusk Shine and Sour Sweet a couple, or were they intimate in the past but broke up for some reason? Is Sunset Shimmer his girlfriend, or is he becoming interested in her? Did that make Sour Sweet jealous?

It didn't matter to Dusk Shine. However, one posh voice caught his ear.

"Didn't think Dusk Shine would associate himself with such a cretin," Marco Dafoy critiqued with a smirk to his friends, who snickered.

"Hey, care to repeat that, Dafoy?" Dusk Shine asked coldly. Their laughter stopped immediately as Dafoy's friends stepped back, leaving him to deal with Dusk Shine himself.

"Dusk Shine, we're blue-bloods," Marco exhorted. Why was he wasting his time with someone of her stature? Several nodded, with many more frowning at the attitude.

"No, my blood is red like everyone else," Dusk Shine answered straightforwardly. "I don't think it's appropriate to brag about how much incest your family has done over the generations. Your parents are cousins several times removed, to be exact," He divulged as various CPA students warped their faces in disgust at the revelation. Dafoy's parents are cousins?! EW!

"You dare insult me?!" Marco barked, his ego bruised as his classmates viewed him in suspicion. "Do you know who I am and my father, you base-born cur?! I'm your superior!" Marco exclaimed, stomping his feet.

Several students quietly mocked him to their colleagues. The only thing Marco was superior to Dusk Shine was age. Marco competed in the last friendship games, giving them a win. Making him either 17 or 18 against Dusk Shine's 15. Also, what was with the Base-born cur insult? Both are noble born, whereas Dusk Shine was more subtle in their approach but was more influential. At the same time, Marco had a richer history. Still, he fell from grace as society broke away from the aristocracy.

"I'm not insulting you; I'm describing you," Dusk Shine elucidated. Marco's face twisted into a sneer. "I know who you are, and I don't care. Your father gets spit-roasted by my grandfather and his colleagues. Lucis has no spine or the concept of loyalty; he'll join anybody in a higher position himself," He sneered about the scummy parasite of a man. Lucis had a nasty habit of being a convenient ally and always had crossed fingers behind his back. Dusk Shine heard Lucis recently attempted to curry favor with one of his family's conglomerate groups. The Golden Equniox Syndicate. A minor business contract can set Lucis' business for several years. However, if one was to piss them off . . . that spells financial and social ruin.

"Don't talk about my father that way!" Marco blustered, looking to Cinch for support but found none. Dusk Shine was more valuable than him and whatever his family could scrape together.

"You call yourself my superior, but you see this," Dusk Shine mocked, pointing at his unique emblem. "It shows that I'm the Schola Perfecta, the top student, and who are you," His amethyst eyes narrowed dangerously as he challenged. This emblem shows that Dusk Shine is the best. The pinnacle of CPA. An endless tide of force exploded from Dusk Shine's body, causing his classmates' hearts to race and sweat to form on their brows. Cadance knew Dusk Shine before he was born. Never in her life have she witnessed such arrogance and condescending hostility from him. She could've sworn that his hair flickered to life and someone was behind him.

"You can't even break the top 30," Dusk Shine emphasized, wrinkling his forehead with a turned-up nose. "Of course, all that inbreeding impacted your mental functions, so you do know what happens if your family becomes aware of what you did to her and me," Dusk Shine scoffed at the obsolete aristocrat. That's why he has a sixth toe and semi-webbed feet.

"Yes, I am, but what's special about that harlot," Marco asked disrespectfully. Rage flashed in Dusk Shine's body. SMACK! The back of Dusk Shine's crashed into Marco's cheek, forcing his head into its chosen direction. Everyone's eyes widened, flabbergasted at what occurred. The older student wobbled from the strike. "Did you slap me?" He whispered as his posh features stung as he held his face with loose spit on his chin. Did . . . Did that just happen?

"I did, and I will do it again," Dusk Shine avowed, his face hardened as he marched towards Marco. "That harlot is the Top Student of Canterlot High," He shoved the older male, shocking the students and teachers. Some students frowned at Marco's actions as his face pleaded for him. They silently rejected his call for aid. He decided to put the dragon. They're not getting burnt for him.

"My friend," A second shove. "My rival," Another shove put Marco on the back foot. Each shove amplified in aggression and power. Nothing can stop Dusk Shine but himself. "The main reason why I'm here is so she doesn't humiliate the school," The final shove made Marco stumbled and fall backward, only for Dusk Shine to grab his forearm, keeping him upright. "The only reason she's not at Crystal Prep is because she chose not to," Dusk Shine's soft voice spoke volumes about Sunset's power. "And you better give Sunset Shimmer the respect she deserves and more, you foul-blooded gilded toad," He ordered with a harsh edge in his voice.

"Don't all high and mightly-AH AH AH OW OW OW OW!" Marco refuted before Dusk Shine raised him by the collar and crushed Marco's face with his hands. "Stop, stop, please stop it. That hurts," Dafoy whined, pleading from the unyielding pressure. Others gasped at Dusk Shine's surprising strength, while some grinned at Marco being knocked a few pegs.

"Dusk Shine, that's enough," Cadance ordered in a surprisingly authoritative voice. The two glared for a moment. Tension hangs in the air as the family members standoff. Was he challenging Cadance?

Dusk Shine released him, leaving the older student gasping and whimpering on the cold floor. Several seconds passed as Marco gasped for air. Dusk Shine grabbed his shirt, bringing him to his blank furious face. The older student's features were placid and sweaty, gazing at Dusk Shine with fearful eyes. How was he this strong?! When did he get so strong?! Why was Dusk Shine this assertive? Marco's colleagues laughed at his situation as Dusk Shine humiliated him in front of everyone.

"Know your place, Marco Dafoy and watch your tone before someone rips your tongue out," Dusk Shine warned as he released the older student back to the floor. "This is why they had a genuine chance of winning because you're too arrogant. You guys got lazy thinking it'll be another easy win. Still, some of you have your heads so far up your asses that you couldn't see that's what they were planning," He fumed at the idiocy of his schoolmates. Some raised their brows and wondered what he was talking about. "CHS was counting on you to underestimate them. Plus, I know you guys will blame me when you lose," Dusk Shine predicted, giving his classmates an accusing finger. "Oh, if Dusk Shine was here, we could've won," He mocked them in a posh voice with a hand motion.


"Am I wrong to think that?" Dusk Shine countered, staring down at his classmates. They remained silent as guilty people should. "All this talk about how better you guys are than others, but you're only real skill is being coattails and shifting the blame to others," "If only guys 1/10th of the time doing that, maybe you guys would be a higher rank or your parents won't be so adamant about you guys emulating me," Dusk Shine berated their incompetence. He didn't hold his words back as the silence thundered the halls. Their faces were rife with overbearing EMOTIONAL DAMAGE. They never anticipated that Dusk Shine muttered such corrosive venom. Even Cinch was taken aback by his words.

He didn't care about the damage of his words. They did the same to him numerous times. It's simply returning the favor.

"Underestimating our opponents is the first sign of defeat," Dusk Shine chastised. "And I don't want my or the school's record to be tarnished because some people wanted to be Icarus," Silence occupied the hallway once more. "Are we clear?"

"Yes," His team confirmed. It's their responsibility to win another game for CPA. They can't lose.

"I'm speaking to all of you," Dusk Shine broadcasted, his eyes surveying the weak-willed elites he called schoolmates. "Come on, didn't your parents teach you basic manners and decorum," He narrowed his eyes with crossed arms while scolding them. "Are . . . we . . . clear?" His stentorious voice rumbled the halls.

"Yes," They obeyed. Cinch raised an intriguing eyebrow at this scene. Was it his Skyborne blood taking over?

"Good," Dusk Shine remarked, reaching into his coat. Cadance walked behind him, her hand going for him. "Please don't touch me, Dean Cadenza," He solicited blankly with a metal flask in his palm and twisted the knob. Several students gazed, shocked at what came from Dusk Shine's mouth.

"Dusk Shine," Cadance whispered as she frowned, drawing her hand back. The flask didn't bother her, but what he called her. Dusk Shine called her Cadenza. Cadenza of things. Whatever Dusk Shine is going through, it's worsening by the second. The rare emotion of rage boils Cadance's blood, and her wrath is directed at her boss, who stands there with a cold smile.

"Relax, it's juice," Dusk Shine replied, holding his metal flask. "A bit of an acquired taste," He held it out, asking them to try it for themselves.

Sour Sweet took it and sampled it. Her eyes widened and watered the burning sensation on her tongue. "This is hot sauce!" She coughed hoarsely as she wiped her mouth.

"It's juice to me," Dusk Shine responded, grabbing his flask and taking a swig. He exhaled. "Let's go; we already wasted enough time thanks to Marco Dafoy," They directed their focus and ire to the humbled older student holding his bruised, stinging cheek. "It's rude to be late," Dusk Shine ordered, motioning for them to move.

The Crystal Prep students separated again with the Shadowbolts and the reserves in one direction and non-competitors in another. Dusk Shine was at the front, keeping a distance from them. They kept their voice low or remained quiet to avoid his wrath. To see Dusk Shine raise Marco off his feet and crush his face like an apple. It's a haunting dichotomy.

Jet Set and Upper Crust walked hand-in-hand, quizzing each other for the upcoming chemistry portion. "Now, what about this process, would it-" He started when his words strangled in his throat. What is that sound?

"Darling are you," Upper Crust fretted when he shushed her. Jet Set's frightened eyes motioned to Dusk Shine, whistling that haunted tune. Her blood ran cold, as did her lover. Both, as did Coco Pommel, shared a look. They knew that tune, but why did Dusk Shine know it?

Despite their esteemed stature and social influence, there are some groups, no matter who you are, who you shouldn't mess with. All the money, power, and reputation are irrelevant to those groups. Upper Crust and Jet Set's parents warned them about these groups and the fates of those foolish enough to cross them. Tragic accidents or sudden disappearances after a time and hardly anyone seen or heard from them again. One of those more insidious groups was the Obsidian Cartel and one of their subdivisions, the Shadow Ravens.

Dusk Shine is whistling their calling card. They didn't say a single word; their hearts accelerated like a hunting cheetah on a sugar rush. It won't take much for them to disappear.

The first event of the ACADECA was chemistry. All the students were dressed adequately with safety goggles, lab coats, and those with long hair tied in a tight ponytail or professional bun. They waited for their instructions.

"Please follow these instructions and solve these questions," Luna announced, giving them a paper. She gazed at her watch. "Start!" The Vice-principal ordered as the students began to work. It's the first event, so they need a lead. Cinch and Celestia roamed the room, examining the students.

"Luna," Cadance called. "It's about Dusk Shine," Luna's eyes widened from the name. They gazed at the topic of their conversation as he worked robotically. This was light work for him.

"What happened?" Luna muttered, motioning her to a corner.

"One of his schoolmates, Macro Dafoy, he participated in the last friendship games," Cadance recalled. Luna nodded in remembrance. Dafoy. One of the oldest remaining noble families in Equestria. As a result, they gained an insufferable ego. "Marco made the mistake of insulting Sunset Shimmer in front of Dusk Shine, and Dusk Shine laid the law," She confessed, widening Luna's eyes in alarm.

"Oh no," The vice principal whispered, covering her mouth. It's already happening, and she's likely too late. Was there something she and others could've done earlier? Perhaps. Luna focused her ire on Cinch. She's been the infection behind CPA's moral degradation ever since Celestia and Luna were students at CHS. Over twenty years now.

"I know how you feel, but what-" Cadance added before being interrupted

"I'm done," Dusk Shine announced, interrupting their conversation and handing his paper to Celestia.

"WHAT?!" Several students yelled in astonishment. Some CHS students sweated with dropped jaws. So this was the work of CPA's top student. They barely got through the first quarter of the section.

"That's fast. Even for you, Dusk Shine," Cinch acknowledged the swiftness of his work.

" I can do it again if you want," Dusk Shine offered. He'll do it again as many times as needed.

"No, that's fine," Luna commented, gesturing to the benches. "Please return the supplies and have a seat until then," Dusk Shine nodded as he removed his safety gear and went to one of the benches.

"Hey, Dusk Shine," Someone from the B-team asked.

"If you want my help, that's 50," Dusk Shine answered, taking out his phone.

"Sweet," They smiled, pulling out their wallets.

"50 thousand plus tax," Dusk Shine elaborated with a cold glare. They paused with wide eyes and flat lips. 50 THOUSAND?!

"Isn't that much? We don't have that type of money." They fretted at the monstrous fee for his assistance. Their parents probably do, but there's no way they can ask for that.

"You're asking for my help during one of the most critical competitions of our lives," Dusk Shine attested, raising his brow. "You're on the Shadowbolts, meaning you're among the best of the best," He continued. They began to sweat as the pressure mounted from this callous aura. "If you can't do this simple task. Why are you here?" Dusk Shine queried; his draconic eyes glowed like a predator in the night. All that bragging about being the best, yet they can't do this. After years of enrollment?! They're wasting his time and efforts. " Either finish it yourself or get the reserve members to finish for you but don't expect to be in CPA for long after this event. Some CHS students can be good replacements," He determined, letting his words settle in their minds. "Got it?"

"Ye-Yes," They nodded. The pressure was on now.

"Carry on," Dusk Shine waved them off as he put on his headphones. He closed his eyes and lost himself in his playlist as his loved ones gazed worriedly at him.

Winner: CPA

The next event was Home Economics. Everyone was baking a cake or similar dessert. Expect Flash Sentry and Bon-Bon, who misunderstand the assignment and bake bread instead. They blushed in embarrassment as the judges walked by when they stopped at Suri and Upper Crust's section. The girls smirked as the judges sampled their cake. They had this in the bag. Well . . . until Pinkie Pie cut her cake, revealing the FREAKING MONA LISA! The judges dropped their forks in shock.

"WHAT?!" Several CPA students shouted. Is this what Dusk Shine was talking about?!

"I told ya," Dusk Shine commented on Pinkie Pie's culinary mastery. Cinch gave the girls a harsh glare for their failure. Suri's hands wobbled in fear, almost dropping the cake when Dusk Shine took it and placed it on a nearby table. They don't want to create a mess.

The students enjoyed their dishes to refuel for the next round. It's a well-deserved break. Dusk Shine chatted with Pinkie Pie, wondering how she could do that. Cadance beamed at their interaction. Ah. The classic opposites attract. Dusk Shine rolled his eyes as Cadance scribbled in her trusty notepad. Sour Sweet pouted as Dusk Shine resumed his conservation.

"He's been talking to her for a while now," Sugarcoat acknowledged as she bit into a cake slice.

"I know," Sour Sweet grumbled. She watched their talk continue when his face faulted with widened eyes and crimson cheeks. What happened? Oh, that's why. Pinkie Pie had a flirtatious expression as she effortlessly slid an eclair down her throat, staring directly into Dusk Shine's shining amethyst eyes and swallowing with a single gulp.

"Um. . .," Dusk Shine dragged on when Sunset grabbed his coat collar and pulled him towards Sour Sweet as the girls glared at the pink baker. Pinkie Pie shrugged and grinned innocently. They cleaned up and prepared for the next event.

Winner: CHS

The next event was wood shop. Their task was to craft a birdhouse. Dusk Shine, Sugarcoat, and Indigo Zap led in designing the blueprint. CPA had a detailed plan for their win. CHS, on the other hand, barely had a clue. Applejack and Rarity were the only ones with craftsmanship in their skillset.

Luna, Celestia, and Cadance evaluated the birdhouses. Most were simple variants of the same model. It's a birdhouse. They weren't expecting anything crazy. Microchip and Sandalwood's . . . their birdhouse won't handle a gentle breeze. A slight tap from Luna's pencil demonstrated the fragility and marked them down.

Sugarcoat and Indigo Zap amazed the judges with their two-story birdhouse. Dusk Shine cleared his throat as he and Lemon Zest presented their avian Penthouse. Two stories with a small bird bath and several openings and ledges for the birds to enter and rest. Now this was a birdhouse.

Microchip frowned at their sloppy birdhouse when Sandalwood wrapped a comforting arm around him. The two smiled as they walked away. But Indigo Zap deliberately bumped into them, and Sugarcoat flicked the front part from Mircochips hand, all with a smirk on their faces. The boys sneered at the girls. What's wrong with them? The CPA students laughed in their presence. Fluttershy and Applejack padded them on the backs.

Dusk Shine observed them. You won't receive such kindness at CPA. He envied that. Dusk Shine approached them. Sandalwood crossed his arms at the sight of CPA's top student. He eased his glare as Dusk Shine handed him the fallen birdhouse piece and offered him his apologies for his classmates. Dusk Shine nodded before joining his team.

Winner: CPA

It's the second to last event. Both teams had ecstatic wide grins except Dusk Shine, who had a blank expression. The pressure's on as their teams dwindled with each failed word. Glares were exchanged from both sides until the final round. Only Dusk Shine and Sunset Shimmer remained.

Win: Draw

This is the final section of the ACADECA. A duel between the CHS & CPA's top students. One last math problem to win in the first section for their respective schools. Dusk Shine and Sunset Shimmer marched towards the stage, but the reactions couldn't have been more different.

Sunset Shimmer had the support of her entire school behind her. They shout litanies of praise and encouragement, boosting her morale in hopes of defeating him. Sunset Shimmer was their best shot at winning the ACADECA against CPA. She turned to smile determinedly and wave at them. Their support was well-earned after being a hell-raiser in her bully days. Sunset wasn't that person anymore. She was reborn from the ashes of her horrible past and rose as the Sun-blessed Phoenix. She was going to win.

Dusk Shine, on the other hand, received silence from his school. He had a few supporters, which he was grateful for. It's nothing compared to Sunset's entourage. They had banners and posters with her face and cutie mark on them. Envy spiked in Dusk Shine's chest as he observed CHS. He wanted that as well. Wasn't all his efforts worthy of a fraction of all the love and support Sunset Shimmer is receiving?

What did he get?!

Bored looks, redirected focus on their phones or other topics—another way to protect their fragile ego. Dusk Shine sighed internally. Can this moronic competition be done already? He just wants to go home and discard this accursed uniform and everything CPA related. A part of him wants to burn this uniform. No more Crystal Prep. Just win and get into Everton.

Everton. Everton. Everton. Everton. Everton. Everton. Everton. Everton. Everton. Everton. Everton. Everton. Everton. Everton. Everton. Everton. Everton. Everton. Everton. Everton.

Everton. Everton. Everton. . . . . .Everton.

"Enough," A booming voice resonated in his mind, stopping his jumbled, racing thoughts. The amulet sizzled against his chest, distracting Dusk Shine briefly. What . . . is this? Who is that? Was it Night Blaze or someone else invading his subconscious? Dusk Shine's heart quaked, forcing his lungs to tighten. "No," The otherworldly voice demanded, causing his body to relax from the mounting stress. "Focus. Remember why you're here. Show them why you're the Schola Perfecta," Determined rage fueled into his veins. Dusk Shine's face hardened and intensified as he marched up the stairs, leaving his team behind. "You don't need them. Never did. Show them why! FIGHT AND WIN OR BE FORGOTTEN!" Flames flickered across his breath and teeth, his eyes hardened and sharpened with a defiant frown.

Sunset Shimmer stood there with a confident smile and crossed arms. His dense footsteps echoed under her boots, making her lose her smile. She had never seen this hostile expression from him. Her cyan eyes glared at his schoolmates, aware they were the cause behind this. Hopefully, they can talk after this.

The Titans stood face to face, waiting for the match to begin. His eyes worried her. They were dead, devoid of anything that made Dusk Shine human. But something was there. Nothing good. His eyes burned with encompassing desperation in his drive to win. There's no joy and eager competitiveness between equals. Winning is his only option. Also, where's this wind coming from?

"Here's your question," Luna announced before reading the question as the chalkboards were wheeled on the stage. It was a geometry question, and it's a freaking triangle. I personally hate geometry, which is easily one of my worst subjects. They went to their respective boards and waited to start. "Begin!" The top students went to work. Tension dominated the air, coiling the students like a serpent or an old-school corset on a full-figured mature woman attempting to reclaim her youth.

Sunset's face was drenched in anxious sweat as the clock ticked. The pressure was on, and she was feeling the heat. She glanced at Dusk Shine. He had to be nervous too, but he wasn't. His face was blank and focused as the chalk marked the board. Cinch's glare pierced his back. Sunset refocused on the problem. More time passed as the audience held their breaths. Several gasped as Dusk Shine rested his chalk on the metal bar; the soft impact echoed throughout the room. Was he finished?! No way.

Dusk Shine stepped back, his blank eyes scanned the problem. It doesn't hurt to double-check. Wait. He narrowed his eyes, analyzing the issue again. This is an ISOSCELES triangle.

"What is he doing?" Indigo Zap muttered. His head lowered, eyes closed, and fingers interlocked strangely. Dusk Shine's back was to them, so they couldn't see.

"Shut up and watch," Sour Sweet bossed with crossed arms, her eyes locked on Dusk Shine. "He's thinking, so don't bother him," She warned. His amethyst eyes open, blazing with vigor and purpose. He grabbed his jacket and tossed it to the crowd, displaying his broad back.

"Let's finish this," Dusk Shine and the amulet declared as he loosened his tie. He wiped a portion of his previous answer and grabbed the chalk. It snapped between his fingers, giving him two utensils. The audience's jaws dropped as Dusk Shine rewrote his answer as quick as lightning, using both hands dedicated to different sections. Was he even human? Since when has he been ambidextrous?

"TIME!" Luna announced, forcing both to stop. The Top students stepped away, allowing Principal Cinch to examine their answers. Dusk Shine wiped his hands clean. Everyone felt the crushing tension in the air with bated breaths.

Did they do it?

What's their answer?

Who's the winner? Who's the reject?

Cinch raised her hand with a finger pointed skyward before focusing on Sunset. "Incorrect," The stoic principal declared. Sunset's face faulted at the result. She lost. Her friends still voiced their support for her efforts.

"The Friendship Games' first event winner is Dusk Shine and Crystal Prep!" Luna broadcasted. Dusk Shine broke into a small smile as he pounded his chest in victory. It vanished from the bored sighs and scattered applause from his school. What's the point of being happy at this damn school? Dusk Shine was alone on the stage as Sunset's friends went to comfort her. That was CHS's best attempt at CPA in their entire history of the Friendship Games.

His eyes softened as his frown deepened. A heavy sigh escaped Dusk Shine's lips as he straightened his tie. Maybe going to Crystal Prep was a bad idea.

"No," The amulet thundered and beat against his chest. "Your schoolmates mean nothing to you. Dead or alive. They! Are! Irrelevant! Why should you care about them? Cast them down into Tartarus and watch them burn! Have a feast over their searing corpses. Don't forget how they treated you, and don't let them escape your vengeance and scorn!" The haunting voice vociferated.

Balefire scorched through Dusk Shine's body as columns of painful memories sullied his mood. His amethyst eyes dulled and darkened, viewing his schoolmates. Their faces became blank and static, barely making them unique. Just another product on the assembly line.

He can break them all and feel nothing from it.

"After a careful tally of the points, we'd like to present the students moving on to the Friendship Games' second event," Dean Cadance notified the crowd. The names were called, and they went on the stage as applause bounced off the walls. To no one's surprise, it was the Main Six or Canterlot Cuties: Sunset Shimmer, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, and Fluttershy. They cheered and waved to their fellow schoolmates. For Crystal Prep, it was the Shadow Six: Dusk Shine, Sunny Flare, Sugarcoat, Sour Sweet, Indigo Zap, and Lemon Zest.

"Positions, please," Photo Finish instructed, holding her camera. CHS took dynamic poses to display their personalities, while CPA remained straight-faced and disciplined.

Sunset Shimmer glanced over to Dusk Shine with his hands in his pockets. A sly idea popped into her head. She went over to Dusk Shine, wrapping her arm around his shoulder and resting her head on the other. He raised a brow at her action even as she fluttered her eyes. Dusk Shine placed an arm around her too. Sour Sweet and others gave them a blank bug-eyed expression. Sunset smirked as their photos were taken.

"I'll see you in a bit, Sunset," Dusk Shine commented. She opened her mouth but respected his answer, giving him a pat on the shoulder. He smiled before facing his team. Sour Sweet and Sunny Flare frowned and glared at him and Sunset.

Dusk Shine stepped up to them, shadows covering his hostile eyes behind the shining spectacles. Their bodies shrunk from this empty threatening stare. He had height and muscle on them, adding more to his unnerving intimidation factor. The silence made it worse. The two lost their frowns and glares after a few seconds.

Sugarcoat attempted to speak but shut it as Dusk Shine's shadow loomed over her in a flash second. The color drained from her face as she gulped in fear. Sugarcoat was never easily intimidated, but she wouldn't push her luck with Dusk Shine. She looked down, going over to Sour Sweet and Sunny Flare. He walked away as Indigo Zap and Lemon Zest raised their hands with fearful expressions as they cleared the way for him.

Cadance handed him his coat and bag with Spike. Her face was wrinkled with worry. Dusk Shine's actions and expressions towards his classmates, as did Luna and Celestia, concerned her. It's not like him to hold such animosity. They don't blame him. The trio decided to help Dusk Shine in all possible ways away from Cinch's corruption.

"Dusk Shine," His sister-in-law called out, but he ignored her.

"I'm going to spend some time alone," Dusk Shine replied, putting his bag on his back and holding his jacket over his shoulder. He needed to decompress.

"Where?" Luna asked. They needed to know where he was, just in case.

"Anywhere but here with them," Dusk Shine snarled, motioning to his ire to his classmates. He made it known with that guttural groan before walking off. None of his classmates followed and asked where he was going. Cinch was busy lecturing Sunny Flare. Again.

"She's truly awful, isn't she?" Luna remarked on Cinch's behavior. She knows Cinch's ulterior motives with Dusk Shine and Sunny Flare.

"Imagine working with her," Cadance mentioned, sneering at her boss. Her disdain is shared among the student populace and various faculty. Nobody genuinely likes Abacus Cinch. Most . . . tolerate her at best. She's the strict boss that people only interact with in a professional setting. Those that claim they do are lying and hoping to get into her good graces. Hell, not even her own daughter likes her. Cinch was married or had a relationship with someone to have Sunny Flare. They saw her being pregnant, but where's the father. Or was Cinch a surrogate, and she just took the parents' child.

"Let's focus on the games right now and Dusk Shine later," Celestia refocused on the conversation. They nodded.

Sunset Shimmer watched him exit the room but knew she couldn't help him. Sour Sweet, Sunny Flare, and Cinch would be on her case. Maybe after the second round? She hoped that Dusk Shine was feeling okay.

Dusk Shine walked through the empty. His footsteps bounced off the walls as Spike took his spot on Dusk Shine's shoulder. The canine whimpered as he nuzzled against Dusk Shine's face. Sometimes he wished he could talk. It would make anything so much easier. Dusk Shine rubbed Spike's head, acknowledging his presence, but his thoughts held no mercy or comfort.

The amulet rhythmically pulsed along with his steady yet malevolent heartbeat. Images flashed and settled in his mind. Two critical scenes played.

The first was him, standing before a burning building. It's Crystal Prep. Cinch was bawling, being held by several others, giving her front seat to her pride and joy destroyed before her eyes. She didn't care for their tears, so why should they? Her supporters struggled against their holders as well.

"Dusk Shine! Why? You've . . . destroyed everything," Cinch begged, getting a clear view of the destruction of her life's work. Her face lost that iconic frigid professionalism, replaced by pathetic sobbing as tears and ruined makeup trickled. She glared. "You scum! Low-born traitors!" She howled, struggling against her holders, spatting at her former associates.

"You've caused it this. You gave me the matches," Dusk Shine commented. He and his team were wearing solid black suits. They were here on business.

"This place was overdue for clean up from your filth and corruption. There are other places we can go," Cadance proclaimed, looking at Cinch with an empty expression. "May you live the life you deserve," She remarked politely as she bowed to her former boss. Celestia and Luna joined her.

Dusk Shine snapped his fingers, signaling them to release Cinch and her conies. The now-defunct principal of Crystal Prep remained on her knees, sobbing as the building continued to burn. She got up, dragging her anguished-filled body towards the flames. They can hear her crying and mumbling. Her movements were lethargic, like her body was weighed down by a cold neutron star. Some followed her like zombies enamored in Cinch's infectious storm. CPA was everything to them. In life and now in death. Others, with a little more self-preservation, remained there in their spots. Unmoving. Barely breathing. Their blinking was that of a half-dead goldfish. What can they do? Others waved their hands in the statues' faces, attempting to gain some reaction. Some of his team were other CPA students he deemed worthy of saving, such as members of his Shadowbolts teams and Discord.

"Dusk Shine," Sunny Flare said.

"Leave them. It's their choice at the end of the day," Dusk Shine commanded, motioning him to follow her. She and others copied their movements.

Burnt ashes littered the sky like stars as sections of the building crumbled from the purifying flames. Dusk Shine reached into his coat and pulled out an elegant cigarette case. He never depicted himself as a smoker. However, today is a special occasion. A single cigarette was in the container. That's all he needed.

Sombra handed him a light, but he refused it. Dusk Shine stopped, raising the narcotic in the air and enabling smoldering ash to land. It lit up. He took a single puff, just enough to savor the aroma and sensation. The smoke from his lips joined the deep grayish-black cloud above them. Dusk Shine dropped it and crushed it over his feet. There's no need to start another fire.

"Ready to go," Shining Armor asked, leaning on one of the cars. Dusk Shine nodded. His family and crew entered unmarked cars while others stayed as fire control. He eased into the posh leather seats, finally cutting ties with CPA and Cinch.

Vengeance and victory were his and long overdue for many others.

The second image was simple but remains formidable. Dusk Shine sat upon a mountain of his broken, beaten, and brutalized schoolmates. Their bodies were his throne. What else could they be? His face was blank; one can consider his expression bored as he expected his situation. He examined a cutie mark from one of his fallen schoolmates. Dusk Shine crushed it in his callus palm and tossed it in the junk pile with the rest. He stood. After conquering the literal best of what CPA has to offer, there's nothing for him now. Two splendid midnight corvid wings emerged from his back. Dusk Shine took off with a single flap.

Dusk Shine's mind returned to reality but was conscious of the wings on his back. They weren't real, yet he can still feel them. Cyan flames danced in his eyes, remembering how they called him a freak. Monster. Demon. Night Blaze smiled.

Why not prove them right?

(Here's a little extra for you guys. This is an actual preview

The top students faced each other, their bodies reformed and vigor by Aether. They battled against each other for what felt like hours. Bruises, cuts, scars, dirt, and blood stained their ascended forms. Both were exhausted but couldn't surrender, not like this. Aether remade them using their emotion as a catalyst for their transformation.

Daydream Shimmer.

That was Sunset's new name in this form. It's what the Aether told Dusk Shine or Night Blaze. Doesn't matter. This Daydream Shimmer was gorgeous. Sunset Shimmer was always an alluring woman to Dusk Shine, but this form was phenomenal.

Divine golden wings with a horn to match made of Aether. Her regalia was an asymmetrical strapless dress made of warm reddish pinks, radiant gold, and gentle cyan with gladiator-style heels. Her hair flickered like a welcoming dancing flame. A simple crimson gemstone choker. Her upper-arm bands were her cutie mark. In her palm was her school's flag.

Daydream Shimmer was a sun deity of redemption and justice, born from the unconditional love of her friends. She was a hero driven to protect them from Dusk Shine. However, she didn't want to fight him, but it was the only way to save him from the corrupting Aether. Daydream's face was determinedly conflicted about what she was doing. It had to be done. To save her best friend from this . . .

Night Blaze.

Aether took an identical design philosophy for him but more organic. Whereas Daydream's wings and horn were made from Aether, Dusk Shine's were a part of his body. It was. Until that princess from the mirror world appeared, battled him, and reduced him to more grounded levels. Aether still burned bright and faithful in his body as if he was the rightful wielder. This Night Blaze persona usurped control of Dusk Shine's body, holding steadfast to his oath of claiming victory for CPA. He was a mess. Fighting an entire horde of CHS students and a contingent of students loyal to Dean Cadance, including the Shadow 5. Then proceeded to JUMP from the second-story window and tumble over the bleachers onto the field. He shouldn't be moving.


Dusk Shine was still standing. On the surface, it was admirable, displaying his resolve and duty to his school. That doesn't denote the immeasurable physical trauma he endured. Broken bones, still bleeding wounds likely from the glass and other sources, and reeked of soot and fire. A crumbled and tattered uniform. Not to mention the sheer mental trauma of all things. Betrayed by his principal, peer pressured, and guilt-tripped to release the magic, he virtually died and was reborn.

He now has a separate entity controlling his body.

This entity and Aether changed his body, reducing it to mere aesthetic choices. His skin was a darker purple. His hair became wilder and spiker while moving like a stubborn fire. His eyes were draconic, a luminously haunting cyan focused on winning. He held his school's flag in his palm as well. Unfortunately, Dusk Shine didn't have the luxury of being remade from the love of his schoolmates.


Dusk Shine was a being of rage, vengeance, egotism, and anguish. A monster that they help create.

Neither said a word before blitzing in a flash. Their school observed two stars dancing and dueling around them. The sky cracked and thundered from each magical blow. They could only keep up because of the colors—purple for Dusk Shine and Crimson for Sunset Shimmer. What boggled the most is that it's evenly matched, slightly edging in Dusk Shine's favor. How is that possible?! Sunset has more magic, and Dusk Shine is exhausted. It should've been one-sided. Eh, power scalers. Being stronger doesn't always mean better. Neither does this + that = that. Although it's a logical assumption but that's not how a fight or battle work.

Sunset has more magic, but she's using it predictably and doesn't flow as easily. Dusk Shine, on the other hand, his magic is more refined and potent despite the diminished reserves. Furthermore, his mind and creativity enable him to exploit Aether's potential further. The last thing people often overlook is mindset, personality, and motivations. Dusk Shine has that killer edge. The will to win. His analytical and ruthless thinking process.

He's not dying to win; he's risking death to win, opening his mind and throwing caution into the wind, allowing him to do things he won't normally do. Dusk Shine knows how to fight and is willing to fight dirty.

The two continued their aerial duel. A wrathful dragon against a guardian phoenix. Sunset kept her distance, firing off magic beams. Dusk Shine didn't fly traditionally, making more of an advanced levitation. He jetted towards her, calculating the distances, speed, and dimensions of his body to evade her attacks. Sunset readied her body as he drew near with his fist for a strike. He vanished. Her eyes widened.

Where did he go? She frantically searched for Dusk Shine. "AH!" Sunset yelped from the sudden grip on her ankle. Dusk Shine tightened his hold on her, flipping her over, and flung Sunset with all his might in a bestial roar. He unleashed several fiery blasts for good measure. She barely summoned a shield to block the attack as she crashed and rolled on the ground.

"Hold her down; we got this, Dusk Shine," Lighting Blue announced, giving their top student a thumbs up as they crowded her.

"GET YOUR FILTHY FUCKING HANDS AWAY FROM HER!" Dusk Shine roared, teleporting to their location. In a flash, he slammed his fist into Lighting's face with such force he flipped, coating Dusk Shine's fist with blood from this broken nose. Dusk Shine covered him in Aether and telekinetically rocketed him into a trio of CPA students.

He charged, outstretching his arms, delivering a savage double lariat towards Ginger Owleye and Garden Gover. Were they from Cinch's or Cadance's faction? Irrelevant. They dared to interrupt their duel! Cadance, Luna, Celestia, Spike, the Main 6, the Shadow 5, and countless others watched him demolish his classmates. Headbutts, punches, kicks, knee and elbow strikes. All were used. Some would view this scene as cathartic. Did they honestly believe they could get into Dusk Shine's good graces after treating him like a hot dogshit?

"Holy shit," Someone muttered in abject horror. A crowd of battered CPA students lay at Dusk Shine's feet like a colony of dead ants. He unleashed a tower of purple flame skyward from his maw while roaring a battle cry. They covered their ears as the ground rumbled beneath them. Was it out of victory or anguish?

Dusk Shine turned to Sunset; her body shuddered as her heart nearly exploded out of her chest. "Get up," He said softly.

"What?" Sunset Shimmer asked. What more does he want?!

"I said get up," Dusk Shine repeated. "There's only one way that this can Sunset Shimmer," He held up a finger. "One of us could no longer fight or when the Aether leaves our bodies,"

"Dusk Shine," Sunset Shimmer pleaded as she struggled to stand. Man, that shit hurts.

"We're the top students; we both must win for our schools. I'm not giving up so easily. Not even for you," Dusk Shine whispered. Thunder boomed from the sky as clouds began to form.

"Rain?" Applejack smelled the air. They weren't supposed to have rain for another week.


He motioned to his schoolmates as CHS glared at them in disgust. They shamefully avoided their stinging looks. Is this how they treated their top student? At least with Sunset Shimmer, she was a bully but with Dusk Shine. He was innocent. Their ire against him was nothing more than childish, petty, and pathetic.

"I don't care anymore," Dusk Shine muttered as if he wanted to cry. Thunder and lightning crackled in response. He gritted his teeth and glared with unrestricted venom and indignation. "I DON'T CARE IF I DIE AND YOU SENT ME STRAIGHT TARTARUS AFTER THIS!" His body exploded with flaming Aether, regaining his obsidian raven wings in a fiery matter. The ground crackled and burned under his feet. Many took cover at this unworldly power. How much does he have?! "IF YOU HAVE ANY BARE BASIC HUMAN LOVE AND DECENCY!" He requested, taking a few exhales to calm himself. "Please . . ." Dusk Shine beseeched, his lip quivered as he whispered.

"DON'T TAKE THIS AWAY FROM ME!" He thundered, breaking several windows as the clouds disappeared.

They continued their duel with interference from Cadance, Spike, Shadow 5, and various CHS members. Sunset Shimmer needed help against Dusk Shine. Victory slipped from their grasp numerous times. Whether it was the Aether or his innate determination and rage-fueled malice against his schoolmates that kept him going.

He stood above a defeated Sunset, now in her base human form. His face softened, brushing her messy hair out of the way before walking to the stage.

"Dusk Shine, please," Sunset Shimmer begged as she crawled outreaching her hand to Dusk Shine, looking at him with those brilliant cyan eyes.

"I am sorry, Sunset Shimmer. I can't do that, not even for you," Dusk Shine rejected her request as he dragged his body. Just a few more meters. It'll all be over. That's what he thought. But, of course, hardly anything goes according to plan. Cadance and her contingent and CHS attempted a desperate move by dogpiling him. Dusk Shine used what little Aether he had remaining to create a shockwave, blasting them off him.

"Dusk Shine, please, we don't want to hurt you," Sugarcoat requested as they stood up.

"You're two years too late," Dusk Shine sneered. For two fucking years, they treated him like a living answer key, only acknowledging him when they wanted answers or an A for their assignment. Now?! Now they don't want to hurt him! Funny how a near-death experience and a victim fighting back can jolt the brain into realizing one's falls.

"Then let us help you. We promise everything will be better after this," Sour Sweet started as others nodded. She took the lead, cautiously moving towards him. Sour Sweet hurt him the most out of the student body. It's up to her to make amends.

"Help me?" Dusk Shine repeated; his voice was low and seethed with disgust. One of his eyes roared as his features darkened menacingly. They backtracked, and terror spread out their bodies in a cold sweat. This wasn't good.

"HELP ME?!" He barked, his hand ablaze, and stabbed himself in the shoulder. They gasped. The same shoulder where Moon Dancer shot him and Sour Sweet repaired. "I . . . WOULD RATHER DIE . . . THAN ACCEPT THE HELP!" His rage skyrocketed as he stomped towards Sour Sweet. After what they did to him?! "FROM! THE! LIKES OF YOU!" Angry tears leaked from his amethyst eyes as he raised his fist, overcharged with Aether, and slammed it into the earth.

Everything became blurry in a blinding purple flash.

Fun Fact/Trivia: According to Equestrian Legends, Faust had triplets that stood above others. First was Gaia or Terra the eldest of the 3, caring for the animals and nature itself. This is where the Earth Ponies originated from.

Next was Atmos or Stratos. They desired freedom and to travel as far as the sky allowed and soar like the birds and other creatures capable of flight above. Some said they sprouted wings and moved the clouds themselves after taming a winged horse. This is where the Pegasi or Skyborne came from.

Finally was Comos Lux. They were the youngest but were the most privileged out of their siblings using their intelligence and drive for the finer things. However, they envied Gaia who had the land and sea while Atmos had the sky itself. Nothing was left until they looked up. The wonderful unending beauty of the cosmos and greater universe. The stars blessed them to be natural wielders of Aether. Lux vowed to be the one that stands above them. This is where the Star-born, Unicorn or Luxurians come from.

YESSSSSSSS! We're finally getting into the real good stuff. Keep on the edges of your seats because things are heating up now.

Thanks for reading the chapter. Have a good day