• Published 29th Nov 2021
  • 2,157 Views, 29 Comments

The Pony Guard: Equestrian Girls - MXCDarkHorse2020

Kion, Bunga, Spike, and Twilight Sparkle all find themselves in a world where they meet their human counterparts while working together to get back Kion and Twilight's magical crowns back from the ambitous and scheming Sunset Shimmer.

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Signing up for the Fall Formal and meeting Pinkie, Applejack, Bunga, and Beshte

Signing up for the Fall Formal and meeting Pinkie, Applejack, Bunga, and Beshte

Later during the day when it was now lunchtime, Twilight and Kion spotted Fluttershy getting herself lunch at in the school cafeteria and quickly got in line to get food right next to her so they can strike up a conversation with her.

“Ooh! Meat!” Bunga excitably exclaimed drawing Fluttershy’s attention to the four behind her as he claims a couple hamburgers along with a couple of hot dogs.

Kion while nudging his friend in the arm for doing that in public, forces a smile to Fluttershy before saying. “Sorry you had to see that. He gets really excited around food he really loves.”

“It’s okay.” Fluttershy took it in stride while looking aside when he starting shoveling his food into his mouth.

“Anyways…” Twilight spoke up before asking her the favor they had in mind. “…we were wondering if you might be able to help us with something.”

“Of course!” Human Fluttershy happily and immediately offered her assistance. Especially since they both were more than willing to come to aid her when she needed it the most.

“I've decided to run for Princess of the Fall Formal, and Kion has decided to run for Prince of the Fall Formal and–“ Twilight explained her plan before being cut off by her gasping and accidentally dropped her fruit bowl spilling it’s juice onto Kion’s clothes.

“Oh! Oh, gosh! Sorry. It's just, oh, running for Fall Formal Princess is a really bad idea.” Human Fluttershy hastily apologized for her shock as she quickly tries to wipe away the stains from his clothes.

“Why?” Kion asked like what they are getting into is a big deal.

“Yeah, what could be so serious and dangerous about running for a title at a school dance?” Bunga asked with his mouth full earning him another nudge in the shoulder from his friend.

“Sunset Shimmer wants to be Fall Formal Princess, and when she wants something, she gets it!” Fluttershy explained as she points a finger in both Kion and Twilight’s faces before they get apples from Human Granny Smith at the checkout register. “She'll make life awful for anyone who stands in her way. Just ask the girl who ran against her for Princess of the Spring Fling and that’s not getting into the boy who briefly transferred here and attempted to run for Prince of the Spring Fling. He was left crying all the home and never showed his face here again after being humiliated by her.”

“Really?” Kion was left surprised to hear that. “Any idea who he was if I may ask?”

“All I know is that this guy was an eighth grader at the time who came here due to his excellent grades in school. He was also great at sports too, yet a somewhat low self-esteem when feeling sad.” Fluttershy explained with the four all curiously wondering where she is going with this. “And that day came when he tried to be the first Prince of the Spring Fling six months ago, and Sunset Shimmer decided to teach him a lesson he’ll never forget!”

“Like what?” Bunga dared to ask to which Fluttershy shuddered before gaining the courage to answer it.

“She made him bald, permanently!” She said with closed eyes.


“Hevi Kabisa…”

Both Bunga and Kion expressed with wide eyed shock while Twilight looks on visibly saddened to hear that with her inner fire to put Sunset in her place growing even more.

“But still…” Twilight voiced undeterred. “We have to try!”

“Oh, I don't think you understand. You'd have to convince everyone here to vote for you instead of her: the athletes, the fashionistas, the dramas, the eco-kids, the techies, the rockers...” Fluttershy further warned them while pointing to various groups of students are standing and sitting across the cafeteria.

“But why is everybody separated this way?” Kion asked finding it hard to understand the reason for this kind of separation. “It’s like everypony...” Spike dope-slaps him across the cheek in reminder. “…everybody doesn’t want to try to really get to know each other more.”

“Maybe it was different at your old school, but at CHS, everybody sticks to their own kind.” Fluttershy further as they take their seats. “One thing that they do have in common is that they know Sunset Shimmer is gonna rule the school until we graduate.”

“Not if we can help it!” Twilight declared with a raised fist before biting into an apple and a hamburger at the same time. Once she swallowed after chewing down her first bites of food she popped this question for Fluttershy. “So, where would we find the head of the party planning committee?”

Sometime after lunch, the four all make their way towards the gymnasium where they were informed she would be in.

“Fluttershy said she and her new friend would probably be in here.” Twilight told Kion and the others as they all walked into the party-decorated gym.

“I wonder what they’re like.” Bunga wondered very eager to meet them.

And just instantly, his wish was granted when everyone heard two familiar voices.

“Heads up!”


Next thing they know they find themselves ambushed by party streamers that threatened to cover them before Twilight quickly pulled an umbrella to shield everyone from the streamer shower. After all of the streamers were released, Twilight closed the umbrella and placed it back in her backpack before turning to said girl and her friend.


“No way!”

Both Kion and Bunga reacted in shock with who they are now seeing.

“Pinkie Pie.”


Twilight and Bunga both recognized with the latter gasping with joy to see his human counterpart here.

“No way! Zuka Zama!” Both Bunga’s shouted while doing back-flips before running back up towards each other while high-fiving each other and laughing together.

The human counterpart of Pinkie is wearing a white t-shirt with a pink heart on it with a pink skirt a small light blue short-sleeved sweater with matching light blue knee length boots with pink bows. And the human counterpart of Bunga was wearing a white T-shirt that had bright blue balloons on it to match his white hair and had bright sky blue shorts with matching sneakers.

At the same time, Pinkie who was blowing air into another balloon gasped in shock letting go of the balloon, sending it flying before getting right into her face. “Are you psychic?!” She asked Twilight as she grabbed her by the shirt with their faces barely an inch apart.

“Yes, yes I am.” Twilight quipped with a stoic expression before sarcastically asking. “How about you?”

“Not usually.” Pinkie sighed in response before letting her go personally wishing that she could, leaving the dark-clothed girl to stumble backwards before moving her arms forward to avoid falling back replied with a sigh before turning back to making party balloons.

“Anyways…” Kion spoke up while taking his eyes off of both Bunga’s making silly faces at each other. “…Fluttershy said this is where I'd find the head of the Fall Formal planning committee.”

“Fluttershy, huh?” Human Pinkie spoke skeptically at the very mention of her. “Don't let the whole "shy" thing fool you. She can be a real meanie.”

“What?” Kion was taken aback upon hearing what she just said. “You two aren't friends?”


“Not since the Freshman Fair.”

Both Bunga’s replied separately with the latter quick to change the subject to the reason why they’re really here.

“Anyways, it is our understanding that you two want to get your names on the ballot, huh? Dance is day after tomorrow.”

“We’re brand new here.” Twilight honestly replied.

“Really?” Bunga’s counterpart replied while eyeing the two very closely along with Pinkie by inspecting Kion.

“Oooh! I thought you two didn't look familiar.” Pinkie added as she inspected Twilight a little and raised her arms up at the same time Human Bunga looks at the top of Kion’s head.

“Although you both certainly remind me of friends I know.” Other Bunga added while eyeing them skeptically.

“Do either or both of you have a twin brother and sister who lives in the city, has a pet dog named Spike that looks just like that one?” Pinkie asked.

“Uh, maybe?” Twilight answered with a shrug.

“Sure…” Kion went along with it by shrugging in response finding the whole eyeing the top of his head a little creepy.

“Thought so.” Human Pinkie replied before pulling out a clipboard and a pen for both Kion and Twilight to sign their names on the dotted line. “Any who, just need you both to fill this out and you are officially up for the coveted Prince and Princess of the Fall Formal crown.”

Kion went first by holding the pen like any human here would, although struggled quite a bit resulting in a sloppy write-up. Twilight followed after him, and managed to do so after a few extra seconds of careful handling due to never having hand-written anything herself before.

“Wow! You both have really bad handwriting. It's like neither of you have never held a pen before.” Human Pinkie said in amazement of what they both wrote on the clipboard.

“I know!” Human Bunga agreed while eyeing what his friend is seeing. “It’s worse than the time I tried to write when my hands got coated in hot cheese when trying to have nachos with them.”

“Didn’t that hurt?” Kion asked while wincing at the thought.

“Not really.” He shrugged it off while recalling popping the hot cheese into his mouth. “Although I wouldn’t recommend trying that if you don’t have steel hands like me.”

“We’ll keep that in mind.” Twilight just said not bothering to comment on that.

Just then someone entered the gym carrying something on a cart inside. “Somebody order a dozen cases of fizzy apple cider?” Another familiar voice called out as she entered the gym with said fizzy apple cider. A voice that belongs to Applejack.

“Oh! Oh! Me, me-me-me, me, yeah, ha-ha, me!”

“And me!”

Both Pinkie and Bunga exclaimed as they both ran over to the human version of Applejack to whom Twilight and Kion recognized together.

She had the same-colored skin and eyes as pony Applejack, along with the matching yellow-blonde colored hair, and the similar cowgirl hat but had a white shirt, with a blue jean skirt, and brown cowgirl knee length boots with apple markings decorated on her boots and her belt.

“Can you bring in the rest?” The farm girl called out to somebody helping her bring in the delivery while briefly wiping the sweat from her forehead.


“Can do.”

Both Big Mac and Beshte simply replied as they both carried the remaining four crates containing apple cider in glass bottles as both Pinkie and Bunga happily jumped up and down in excitement for their delivery arriving just as planned.

“Beshte.” Kion quietly voiced upon recognizing him too.

Said human had on a gray and blue sweater, along with a lighter gray-shaded T-shirt underneath with matching colored pants and shoes.

Just when Applejack takes one of the crates off of her brother’s shoulders while Beshte continued carrying the two he already had in his hands, they both turned and stopped mid-way upon seeing Twilight and Kion looking at them like they recognize them.

“Hey, I know you.” Human Applejack said in their direction.

“You do?” Twilight asked when the two strong students move to place the crates onto the table.

“Sure. You're the new girl who gave Sunset Shimmer the what for today.” Applejack commended while using her teeth to remove the cap of one of the glass bottle of apple cider before drinking from it.

“And you two are the ones that Sunset nearly beat up until she came to your rescue.” Beshte brought up before approaching the boys. “Are you both okay?”

“Yeah, I’m fine.” Kion assured his friend’s human counterpart while still adjusting to what he is seeing.

“Me too.” Bunga happily and proudly replied while gesturing to Twilight and helping himself to one of the bottles of apple cider. “Thankful we had Ms. Tough Girl to back us up against the fiery red-headed girl who thinks she’s in charge of this school.”

“Who along with Kion here is also by the way gonna run against Sunset Shimmer for Princess and Prince of the Fall Formal.” Bunga’s human counterpart informed him to which Applejack spat out her drink out in alarm upon hearing that.

“What?!” Beshte exclaimed in shock nearly dropping the remaining cases of apple cider he was bringing to the table. “That’s dangerous!”

“I agree. And I'd think twice about that.” Applejack quickly agreed and warned while obtaining a balloon from Pinkie Pie. “Oh, sure, she'll probably approach you all friendly like…” She then said with her Sunset Shimmer impression while holding up a red heart balloon with Sunset’s face on it after drawing on it. “I sure am lookin' forward to some friendly competition.” She said before mimicking Twilight’s voice while holding up a yellow balloon with Twilight’s face drawn on it. “That's so good to hear.” She said before returning to her normal voice as she turns the heart balloon around which had a nail on the back of it as she pops the yellow balloon. “But then, here comes the backstabbin'.”

“Yep, that’s Sunset Shimmer all right.” Beshte added with a look that confirms it’s true. “Just about the only girl you can’t trust in school here.”

“In fact…” Applejack added with hints of hostility in her tone. “About the only girl in this school you can trust less than Sunset Shimmer is Rainbow Dash.”

“Rainbow Dash?” Twilight inquired.

“And why do say someone you can trust less.” Kion added in inquiry.

“She's the captain of, like, every team at Canterlot High.” Pinkie explained as she rode a balloon like a sit and bounce horse ride before it popped under the pressure of her weight.

“She's also the captain of sayin' she's gonna do somethin' for ya, and then turnin' around and not even botherin' to show up.” Applejack added with a tone that tells she holds a grudge against her.

“Now I wouldn’t say that.” Beshte attempted to ease his friend’s frustration. “Surely there must have been some good reason behind it.” He then turns to Twilight. “But with all joking aside, you really should be more careful in regards to Sunset Shimmer. You don’t want end up like one of our friends who tried run for Prince of the last Spring Fling here.”

“Thanks for the advice, Applejack, Beshte, but this is something we really need to do.” Twilight politely and assertively interrupted them as she briefly placed her hand on her shoulder.

“Huh, suit yourself.” Applejack simply shrugged to let her know it’s her choice and maybe funeral if she insists on going through with it.

“Good luck.” Beshte added but then stopped and quickly turned back to her. “And just curious, how do you already know my name?”

“And mine too.” Applejack added upon processing the mention of her name. “How'd you know my name is Applejack?” She then asked Twilight feeling suspicious already towards her.

“Just a lucky guess.” Twilight calmly responded with a shrug. “Didn’t you say?”

“Nnnope.” Big Mac shook his head as he brought in another case of glass bottled apple cider.

“Anyways…” Twilight continued without any nervousness as she shook Applejack’s hand. “…it sure was nice meeting you all and I'm sure we'll be seeing you around.” She then rushed off ahead while briefly turning to the others. “Kion! Bunga! Spike! Let’s go!”

Kion and Spike both quickly followed after her with Bunga trailing after them while sneaking off with four more bottles of apple cider after drinking two already.

“That one's tryin' to hide a secret, but I am totally on to her.” Pinkie commented to the others.

“Yeah, that black-haired girl is definitely up to something.” Bunga added in agreement with Pinkie whispering in both Applejack and Beshte’s ears.

“She's psychic!”

“Um, okay.”

“Uh-huh. If you say so.”

Both Beshte and Applejack shrugged in response with the former just going along with it.

“Although that boy she was with looked awfully familiar to me.” Beshte then brought up like he’s seen him before while remembering he also had hair back then. “But I can’t put my finger on it.”

Before they could dwell on wondering more about it, they heard the doors to the gym suddenly burst open courtesy of Sunset Shimmer accompanied by both Snips and Snails leaving one to wonder how she got them to help her out on whatever schemes she need's help in carrying out when needed.

Snips had a green sweater, khaki jeans, red sneakers, and short aqua green hair while Snails had short orange hair, a black T-Shirt with a blue snail on the front of it with matching blue jeans and green sneakers.

“This looks terrible!” She yelled out to everyone before storming inside like she owns the place and observing what she is seeing so far. “There should be more streamers near the stage and fewer balloons.” She berated while popping two of the balloons right in front of her leaving both Pinkie and Bunga visibly saddened by her harsh attitude.

“Yeah, streamers!”

“And fewer balloons!”

Both her followers repeated to which Bunga rolled his eyes at their stupidity with the feeling that they make him look smart.

Sunset then moved towards the planned refreshments of the Fall Formal while reacting in disgust as she holds up one of the apple cider bottles. “Fizzy apple cider? Ugh! This is my coronation, not a hoedown.”

“Well, now, it ain't necessarily gonna be your coronation this time around.” Applejack fired back to the arrogant teenager who likewise got fired up and got right up into her face in response for talking back to her leaving Pinkie, Bunga, and Beshte backing away from what could be another ugly scene between them.

“Oh, is that so? You country folk really aren't that bright. Must be why the other students say such awful things about you.” Sunset angrily retorted by turning her hat and then placed her hat right on and over her face leaving Applejack turning red with anger with her eyes appearing from the top of her slightly burned off hat. “Obviously it's gonna be my coronation. I'm running unopposed.”

“Not this year.” Bunga spoke up while Pinkie held up the signup sheet on her clipboard.

“The new girl and new guy just signed up.” Pinkie added while handing Sunset the clipboard.

“What?!” Sunset exclaimed in shock as she took a look at who her newest opponents for the running of the Fall Formal are.

“I know. Their handwriting is really bad.” Pinkie said thinking it was for that reason.

“Bad to when I got my hands coated in hot cheese.” Bunga likewise added just when Sunset lifts the clipboard from her face with burning fury written all over her face.

“Where is this Twilight Sparkle and her so-called friend Kion?” Sunset calmly but furiously asked before realizing that Pinkie, Bunga, Beshte, and Applejack heard her when she turned back to them. “I'm looking forward to meeting the competition!” quickly said more pleasantly in a minimal effort to hide and mask her anger towards her. Yet those who know her very well will know that's a lie.

At the same time, the group of four outside of the gym all know that the two of them are now facing potential trouble now that she knows who she’s up against and they likewise know too after having eavesdropped every word Sunset had just said since she got here.

“Let’s go!” Twilight whispered to the others before leading the group away from the gym.

“Good idea!” Bunga whispered in agreement while starting to feel his bladder filling up again personally regretting drinking all six bottles of apple cider all at once. “I really gotta go before I wet myself.”

Author's Note:

In this part, without saying much, in order to be able to obtain their crowns without causing an alarm that'll get them deemed crazy, both Kion and Twilight take the next step by signing up in a bid to become Prince and Princess of the Fall Formal. A task that is very risky given that Sunset is known for humiliating anyone who tries to challenge her even making sure that those who try never forget about it ever. But nevertheless, the two are both determined to succeed in order to ensure that both world's are safe.

Along the way, they end up meeting Pinkie Pie, Beshte, Applejack, and of course another Bunga who luckily has different taste in color than his honey badger counterpart.

Put two of the same together in the same room, and you know the rest from there.

With Sunset now aware of her new competition, she now has her eyes locked ready to ensure that her reign is stays intact and that the threat she sees is neutralized which we will find out what happens next later this week so stay tuned...