• Published 29th Nov 2021
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The Pony Guard: Equestrian Girls - MXCDarkHorse2020

Kion, Bunga, Spike, and Twilight Sparkle all find themselves in a world where they meet their human counterparts while working together to get back Kion and Twilight's magical crowns back from the ambitous and scheming Sunset Shimmer.

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This is Our Big Night and Kion and Twilight's Talk before the Fall Formal

This is Our Big Night and Kion and Twilight's Talk before the Fall Formal

Now that everything was all set up in preparation for tonight, the only thing left was for them all to get themselves ready for the occasion, which means it was time for everyone to get dressed up for the Fall Formal.

With Rarity and Ono’s taste and keen eye for fashion, nothing was going to stop them from finding the perfect outfits for their friends.

“This is our big night

We're getting ready

And we're doing it up right.”

Everyone sang as Fluttershy looked a green dress while Pinkie tried out pink, blue, orange, and yellow dresses for fitting as she looks at herself in the mirror.

At the same time, Bunga was also trying out various tuxedos ranging from blue, gray, black, and white to which he found all amazing yet unable to find it in his heart to choose a specific suit that fits his taste in style while Fuli was also looking and finding the idea of a green dress suiting for her.

“This is our big night

Friendship survived,

Now we'll start it out right.”

The girls and boys sang as Rainbow is forced to try on a dress, a pink and yellow pimped out dress much to her annoyance before being pushed aside by Rarity so she can change out of it and while she then makes some adjustments to Applejack’s long green dress much to the latter’s annoyance.

At the same time, Ono has had Beshte try on a pair of black tuxedo with a blue vest and bowtie before eyeing his suit to figure out on what adjustments he needs color and size wise while making measures on the other guy’s tryout outfits too.

“The time's right, gonna make it last 'cause it's the first night

That we're ever gonna start to just have fun together

We're so glad, so happy we could never be mad

Did it right now, this is our big night now.”

The girls and boys sang as Pinkie and Bunga both debated on multiple hairstyle choices.

For Pinkie, pigtails, having it stand tall, swan style, ocean style (with a boat in her hair for good measure), to combed upwards, and finally straight, until it returned to its poofy state to which she greatly preferred.

At the same time, Bunga did something just about similar to Pinkie Pie, from spiky and tall, to slicked back and smooth, to spread out to where it looks like his hair is growing out long, pompadour style (accompanied with a matching pair of shades), and

Ono having watched this, merely shook his head wondering to himself why they even bothered with all of that if she was going to stick with the natural look.

At the same time Fluttershy had gently brushed her hair with help of her bird friends holding up her hair while Spike debates on wearing fake mustaches. From long and curled and short and combed he couldn’t decide which was better.

“Eleven friends on the way up now

Eleven friends here to show you how.”

The girls sang as Rarity worked on painting her nails and put on lipstick before showing her friends some jewelry from one of her chests for them to use for necklaces and further prettying themselves up with as they get their hair done.

Applejack personally did want anything to frou-frou while simply adjusting her hat, Fluttershy was able to brush her eyelashes to her liking, Pinkie was spraying perfume and powdering her nose, and Rainbow Dash was having her hair straighted out with Twilight’s assistance.

Even though Rainbow wasn’t a fan of girly stuff, she does however not mind it just for the occasion every now and then along with wearing a skirt to school.

“This is our big night

We're getting ready

And we're doing it up right

This is our big night

We made it happen

Now let's party all night.”

Everyone all sang as the girls put on the jewelry with their outfits for the Fall Formal while the boys tried on some special cuff links to place on the sleeves of their dress shirts.

“This is our big night

This is our big night

This is our big night

This is our big night.”

The girls sang as they all get dressed up in their dresses.

Pinkie wore a blue tank top, a purple sash with a yellow bow, matching ribbons all around her outfit, light blue top hat, pink skirt, with purple knee length boots. Rarity wore a sleeveless light blue dress shirt with a white knee length with small pink heels and blue diamond gems on them. Fluttershy wore a long blue flowing top, and a long flowing yellow skirt, with light blue knee length boots with pink laces on them and matching small heels.

Rainbow Dash of course wore a rainbow colored sleeveless dress with red knee length boots with small wings and heels on them and purple detached sleeves. Applejack wore a sleeveless blue dress with red decorations on it with brown knee-length cowboy boots with small heels on them along with a brown and stylish cowboy hat.

Fuli herself, had on a sparkling golden yellow sleeveless dress with black spots on them along with black detached sleeves much like Rainbow’s outfit, with matching gold yellow knee-length boots with small heels on them, accompanied with black shoe-laces and a cheetah face imprinted on the sides.

The guys all had similarity bright and amazing tuxedos on.

Beshte had on a bright blue one with a matching bowtie and a big top hat to go along with it a silver cane, belt and dress shoes. Bunga from Equestria had on a naval blue tuxedo with black shoes and belt along with a gold bowtie on it while his look-alike had on a silver tuxedo with a white shirt and a blue vest with a matching bowtie. Ono wore an all-white tuxedo outfit with the only color outside of it is an orange bowtie.

Twilight, Kion, and Spike were all amazed by their impressive outfits finding it very suiting for them before they were both placed in separate fitting rooms by both Rarity and Ono respectively so they can put on their outfits for the Formal.

Rarity also took the time to gently remove Twilight’s black leather jacket and applied some hair dye removal to the latter’s hair finding it more fitting for the girl that she doesn’t look too dark for the big night in exchange for something brighter. Twilight didn’t really resist these changes at all, since truthfully she really wants everyone in this world to see the real her before moving to place on the dress Rarity had picked out for her.

Everyone all gathered around the two fitting rooms just when the Prince and Princess both emerge from now fully dressed for the Fall Formal.

Twilight wore a sleeveless pink dress, a white ribbon tying up her white and purple waistband, with pink sparkling knee-length boots with shoelaces on them and small heels just like the other girls. In addition had her hair recolored to its original purple color.

Kion had on a red tuxedo with a yellow vest and matching bowtie along with matching lightning bolts on the sides of jacket and black dress shoes.

Everyone was all smiling in delight with how handsome and gorgeous they both looked individually and when put together.

“Now that’s a prince and princess that’ll definitely look great together when they both with their crowns!” Ono was the first compliment taking great pride in his work alongside Rarity.

“Great? Great?! Try amazingly wonderful!” The fashionista excitedly stated before clearing her throat to calm herself down a little. “But you both seriously do look nice together.”

“We sure do.” Twilight agreed without second thought while admiring the bright colors on her outfit.

“Shall we get going?” Kion asked everyone.

“Let’s!” Everyone all stated before moving to head out of the shop and on back towards the school with one big night ahead of them. And from the look of things, it will sure be a night they’ll never forget.

That night everyone all rode their way back to the school in the limo as many students make their way inside.

Everyone was very excited looking forward of what’s to come with Kion very hopeful and feeling sure that he and his friend will be able to have some breathing room in enjoying the dance and make it back in time before the portal closes.

“Doing okay?” Twilight asked just before they walked back inside the school.

“Yeah! Especially now that we’ll have plenty of time to make it back before the portal closes tonight.” Kion shared with a sense of relief. “Although…” He then said as his smile faded. “…there is of course that our truce will be over once we go back to Equestria.”

“Right that.” Twilight acknowledged with her smile dropping too. “But you do realize of course, it doesn’t have to be this way…” Kion’s ears briefly perked up upon hearing that. “…if you willing to listen to what I have to say.”

“I wish I could believe that…” Kion expressed wanting to find it in his heart to be able to see things her way. “…but that of course involving me in whatever horrible things Scar has in store for everyone there.”

“But it really doesn’t have to come down to it.” Twilight countered with insistence. “I mean if only you’d just open up your eyes a little more and see what Scar went through, you would definitely see that he is an ideal king who just needs some guidance into being a proper ruler. I’ve been watching of how Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, along with your parents rule over Equestria and the Pride Lands gaining their wisdom and knowledge of what it means to be a true ruler of a kingdom. And I’ve seen what they have done to maintain the balance everyone needs to maintain harmony throughout the two worlds. That could me us if we work together to put our minds to it.”

“I know, but…” Kion hesitated a little before trying to tell her the hard truth about his grand uncle. “…he’s not the kind of ruler who is willing to listen to reason now.”

“Maybe he just needs to hear the right words from the mare he took under his wing.” Twilight suggested and then offered him a choice to join her. “And maybe you too, if you’re willing to give it a chance.”

Kion understood what Twilight was saying and she was willing to give even Scar a chance to turn himself around to shape him up into becoming the king everyone wants in life. But deep down he has the gut feeling that Scar is too far gone to be worth the trouble and that not even the benefit of a doubt from the good buried in Twilight’s heart is going to convince him into doing the same.

“I’m sorry.” Kion firmly said with his decision made after a few seconds of pondering. “But I’m afraid we both know that isn’t going to work.”

Sad but true, the two would see that the only way for them to work together is if Twilight dropped her intelligence to Scar and instead helped to work with them and everyone from the Lion and Pony Guard to the Royal Family in their mission to defeat Scar but Twilight is still firm in believing that Scar knows what he is doing and might still be willing to listen and hear her out.

The two can only look on each other while understanding and accepting each other’s decisions just when two cars pull up to the parking lot.

One that belongs to Flash Sentry is a black car with yellow lightning bolts on the side of the car with a blue shield and the other car belongs to Rani is a yellow cat with an orange colored lion head on the sides of it.

The former was wearing a black tuxedo with a blue vest and red rose on the front breast pocket while the latter was wearing a stunning long red dress with matching heels and rubber gloves with her brown hair combed to the side.

Their dates to the dance have arrived, and once they all met up at the top of the stairs, Flash offered his shoulder to Twilight who graciously accepted it while Kion does the same for Rani who accepts it as well. Yet during this while their partners weren't looking both Kion and Twilight looked aside from each other knowing of what's to come when they get back home and it is clear they are both going to hate having it come down to this.

While walking inside Flash accidentally crashed into the closed door beside her until Twilight gently yet firmly pulled him inside while Kion himself winds up crashing into the door just seconds later much to his date’s amusement. All Kion could do was scratch the back of his head before properly leading his date inside while joining their friends inside the gym where everything is set to take place.

Author's Note:

Now comes the part where everyone gets ready for the Fall Formal by dressing up for the occasion with styling outfits for each and every one of the eleven friends along with Kion and Twilight's titled talk just before the Formal.

Nothing much to say other that the expected results of the two speaking heart to heart before coming to see that they'll go back to being enemies once they leave and get to Equestria.

While it shows that her heart is still there, her misguided beliefs has her supporting a lion who's beyond redemption at this point and it is defintely sobering with the two seeing of what will come once they succeed in their task together.

Anyways, next is the Fall Formal where Sunset prepares for the last fight for the crown with one last plan up her sleeve in a bid for the two crowns.