• Published 4th Apr 2021
  • 3,289 Views, 94 Comments

Dragon Wish - DanishDash

A boy wishes to be a Saiyan and sent on a great adventure. He is sent to Equestria, in a Saiyan pod to destroy the world. If he doesn't, there will be consequences.

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Chapter 2: Alien

Day 1.

Dawn had come, and Celestia's sun had banished the darkness of the night, bathing the landscape, and most important, the forest in its light. Some of that light moved its way through the leaves of the trees, striking Daniel in the face, making him grimace and try to turn from it. When it didn't work, he reluctantly started to open his eyes.

When he saw the blue sky above him, and the fact he was sitting on a thick branch, leaning against the trunk of a massive tree, he nearly panicked, but then he remembered what had happened yesterday, and calmed down. He sat up straight, stretching a little, but was still careful about not falling down.

He had fled up here last night, after running through the forest, fleeing from some sort of wolf monster made of wood. No one had seen him flee, of that he was glad, as he had always fancied himself as one of the tough kids back home.

Home, when the thought came to him he wondered if anyone had noticed he was gone yet. Maybe his teachers had, though he doubted his foster parents had, or if they did, if they even cared. He didn't have friends in the house, the other kids were older, and liked to pick on him, and he didn't really connect with anyone from school.

Still, it was home, while he might not miss his so called family, or the people at school, there were people in the city he had bonded with, like Mr. Akihito, who had always been so kind to him. He owned an antic shop, and had shown Daniel some martial arts, though just a little bit as he was no master or anything. He was the one who had introduced him to Manga, and the culture of Japan. He was probably the only one who was going to care.

Daniel felt a little bad, he didn't want him to think he was hurt, but there was nothing he could do about it right now, he had bigger problems on hand.

1: He was no longer a human, but a Saiyan.

2: He has somehow been sent here to kill all life on this planet.

3: He had no idea where he was, or what to do, since killing anyone wasn't an option.

4: His own survival.

Okay, maybe survival should be on the top of his priorities, but he had so many questions. Finally he sighed, scratching his cheek. "It's not like I'm gonna get any answers from sitting around here all day," Mumbled Daniel. Looking across the forest, he figured his best shot was to get to know the planet, know its inhabitants, and see if he could survive. His Saiyan pod would serve as a nice home base, if he could find his way back to it.

Moving his left hand up to his scouter, he pushed a small button to test it out. As soon as he did, small numbers and symbols appeared on the little blue screen in front of his left eyes. It gave of a few sounds as it scanned the area he was looking towards.

Even though this was serious, he could not help but grin and mutter a little, "cool," to himself. He looked across the forest, until his scouter beeped, showing a large number, three arrows narrowing in on an area along with a second set of numbers.

While he did not know the specific meaning of the numbers and symbols, he gathered his scouter had picked up something along the lines of a large gathering of life. He couldn't know for sure, but it was a goal he could strive for at least. Then there was also the question about food, shelter was pretty easy, but he needed something to eat, and soon.

Clicking off the scouter, he looked down, he was pretty high up, and he didn't fancy taking a swing at flying again right now. Not from up here at least. So he started his long descend down the tree, which of course ended with him stepping on a branch that was too thin, and so snapped when he put more weight on it.

"ARhha!" He yelped, falling perhaps five meters, hitting a few more branches on his way down before he finally landed on his back. "Erhh... ow... mmm..."

He laid there for maybe a minute or two, while it didn't break anything, or even hurt as much as he would imagine, it did take away his breath, like a punch to the stomach. When he finally got up, he started to move towards the point his scouter had indicated.

The first few minutes were spent in him moving carefully. He almost jumped at every shadow, he was alone in this strange land, in a world that might look cool in the pages of a manga, full of fighting and adventure. It was much for a kid to take in.

Even so, there is only so long you can go around being scared of everything. After about half an hour his steps had become more sure, and his body started to relax. His eyes stopped looking for danger, and started to see the strange beauty of the forest.

Soon enough he even found himself skipping along the paths, jumping here and there, finding his newfound jumps more fun than anything. He felt as light as a feather, managing to jump over entire trees if he wanted to, though he kept it on the down low, not wanting to attract attention.

As he walked, he tested out his scouter, learning a bit more how it worked. It wasn't long until he learned whenever a predator, or something that had a power level that could potentially harm him, it would alert him. He even learned how to set it to alert him to any power level which meant he could be alerted to anything, or anyone that came near him before anything could happen. He made sure it did not alert him to power levels below a certain number, he didn't want it to alert him each time a bird flew above his head after all.

Before long, he was standing at the edge of the forest, looking out towards the landscape before him. He had to admit, it was breathtaking, beautiful even. There were green fields, far away mountains, and a river that cut through the landscape. More importantly, there was a town.

It looked like a collection of cottages and other buildings that differed either slightly, or a lot. For example, it looked like there was a tower, and a cupcake castle, or something of that nature. It was hard to see from this distance, but he got the general idea. He tried his scouter again, scanning the town for life.

It didn't take long for the scouter to confirm it, the town was full of life, though he could hardly see anyone move around. Then again, he was far away, still, and so he could always move closer. He'd rather not risk it though, and so for now, he decided to stay out of sight, seeing if he could be closer to the later one. Besides, before he'd risk getting any closer to that town, he should find some food.

And with that, he turned around and ventured back into the forest.

The rest of the day was spent on getting his bearings, finding out more about the forest, and the area in general. Then he tried to find some food, and managed to get some different fruits growing in the forest. At first he was a little skeptical, if not down right afraid of getting poisoned, but soon enough hunger overcame him, and he ate his fruits with no remorse, and more importantly, with no poisoning.

By the end, he managed to find his pod, opened it up, and got comfortable for the night. There was still lots to do, lots to see, lots to learn, but after having spent his first day here, he started feeling a little more confident.

Day 2.

The next day was easier to deal with, mostly he stayed near his pod, starting to make a base camp for himself. He used the time to test his strengths, trying to punch down trees, snap them in half, and haul them out of the ground. Daniel did this to not only create space around his pod, but to build over it, starting to build his camp. He got a pretty good idea about his own strength, which was much greater than before, but less than he originally thought.

He also spent time exploring the forest, testing out his speed and reflexes. Again, it was much better than it was before, and he found himself having a blast. He ran between the trees, leaping in the air, swinging from branches, and grew more and more confident in himself. The whole forest seemed less and less scary, and soon enough the animals did as well.

By the end of the day, he had established a comfortable camp, found a water sauce, and a place to fish. He hadn't tried to hunt animals before, but he could learn. As for the fishing part, he wasn't used to it, but he knew of a trick he could use. For today however, he contented himself with fruit and berries.

Day 3.

Daniel's third day started early. Having grown more used to forest, he wasn't as scared of going out anymore. While he did think of home once in a while, and worried about his future, he made sure to keep himself busy enough not to worry too much about it.

In connection with that, he decided to spend the day on himself, trying to get used to using his Ki.

This was hard..

Ki was like his own life force, spiritual, which was something he had never tried to use before. Of course, now that he was a Saiyan, he should have a little edge, but that still meant he had learned how to use it. Thinking back on the time Gohan trained Videl in Ki use,

He sat down on the grass, crossing his legs, and thought back to what Gohan tells Videl in that issue of the manga. "Right then. I need to quiet my mind, and relax.." He took a deep breath through the nose, and exhaled through his mouth. "Start slowly by drawing out my energy from within." His hand moved up to his chest, opened palmed, facing one another, as if holding a ball.

To quiet one's mind was easier said than done, Daniel held this pose for hours, trying to sense his own energy, trying to draw it out. A few times he saw what looked like sparks, like something was trying to move out from his body, and manifest his energy into something physical between his hands, but it was like he couldn't quite do it yet.

Despite not being able to quiet his mind as he imagined, he got so focused on his task, that he didn't even notice the hours pass by. It wasn't until he saw a small blue light ball form between his hands that he started to notice, but in the moment, he was just so excited to have manifested something like this. The light lit up the camp around him, not by much, like a small campfire.

Sadly, he was only able to keep it going for a total of 9 seconds, then he lost it, and it vanished before his eyes like a burned out match. He breathed out, laying down on his back and saw, not a blue sky, but a dark one with loads of stars. "Must have been more focused than I thought.." Daniel mumbled, feeling exhausted and tired, much more than he was hungry.

He was a little disappointed he could not hold it for longer, but he was at the same time excited about what he had managed so far. Daniel knew it would only get better the more he practiced, and so that is what he decided to do. Though for now, he needed an apple, and a good night's rest.

The following days were spent training, hunting, and doing more reconnaissance. Each day he seemed to find something new and interesting, and each day his skills grew.

The town became more known to him, as his abilities grew, not to mention his confidence in himself, so too did his boldness. When he for the first time saw what kind of creatures lived on this planet, he nearly lost his jaw as it dropped. They were colorful ponies, normal ones, flying ones, and ponies with horns on their head, who could magic!

The tiny horses could speak, and were intelligent. While Daniel didn't go too far into town, he did scout out some of the places he learned the venture. Places like a big lake, where many of them liked to hang out and swim. He didn't learn much about their daily lives, mostly because he kept out of the way, and mostly went into town late at night. When he did, he kept to the roof tops, making sure to be careful each time he did so.

The best place though, had to be that big place with the many apple trees. He had seen a farm near it, but he stayed clear of that, making sure never to venture too far into the apple orchard. Still, he helped himself to some apples from time to time, finding them very delicious.

Another important thing he learned was the average power level of the ponies. Males usually had a power level of around 10, while females usually had one of 8, depending on what they were doing. Some ponies though, displayed a far larger number. A big red pony he had seen come around from time to time, he displayed a power level of 90. Even so, other than him, Daniel figured most ponies would not be a danger to him.

On the training side of things, Daniel had made some more progress. He could draw out his Ki faster, and even make tiny Ki blasts, though they were hardly powerful enough to scare away a stubborn bird. Daniel could not help but find it cool, and be happy nonetheless, because he could tell they were getting more powerful.

His biggest accomplishment though, or at least to him, was that he had been able to fly. Well, hover, at least. It was still very hard, but the more he did it, the better it went. After a few days, he had learned to travel a short distance, of course the faster he went, the quicker he was drained, so he made sure to do it sparingly when out and watching the ponies.

Soon enough he had been hiding out the forest for almost two weeks, give or take a few days.

While life in the forest had been interesting, Daniel felt himself grow restless, which was unlike him. Normally he preferred the quiet, but it was like things just had been still for a little too long.

So, he decided it was time for a little trip.

Day ??

Daniel waited until evening, the sky was already darkening, and it helped that the sky was covered in dark clouds, signaling an incoming rainfall.

When he was sure most ponies were inside their homes, he flew and traveled to the apple farm. He was sure if he wanted to get a closer look at the lives of the ponies up close, that place was the safer bet. It was more isolated than other places, and unlike the town, there was less of a chance of him being seen there.

The orchard was silent, and as he arrived at the farm, he flew up into one of the trees to be better camouflaged. He didn't plan to stay up here for long, but he wanted to make sure it was safe to make it to the farmhouse. There wasn't much light on, even to the point that he became unsure if they were asleep or not.

A quick check with his scouter confirmed what he thought, no one was in there, but he did find several life forms gathered in the barn not too far from the house.

Checking his surroundings one final time, he flew into the air, and towards the roof of the barn. As soon as he got closer he could hear several of the ponies laughing and talking. It took him a while, but after some time he found a small hole he could look through.

Inside the barn were gathered several ponies, some of which he had seen before. One of them was a large red stallion, he was the strongest guy down there. Other than that, he saw a lot of females, a lizard thing, and three girls, who were probably kids like himself.

All of them seemed to have a good time, and the food he could smell looked amazing, except for what looked like cooked grass, or hay. He tried a few times to figure out their relations, and topics from the conversations he overheard, and after a while he was able to learn they had won some sort of competition against a pony named Flim Flam, or something like that. It was hard to understand, but he was happy with the progress he had made.

He watched them for a while, trying to figure out their names from their conversations. Some were easy, some were not. A pony with wings and rainbow hair was easily enough called Rainbow. The big red stallion was called Mac, or Big Mac. Then there was Apple something, Pink Pie, and egghead.

When he started to feel the rain coming down slowly, he sat up, stretching before he saw something. Looking towards the farm house again, he froze as he spotted someone looking back at him with a shocked expression!

The seconds seemed to slow down as their eyes met for what seemed like forever. Then, she screamed. He couldn't hear her since she was outside, but he saw movement in the room, and figured someone was in there with her, hurrying to her side. Not wanting to stick around, he leapt into the air, flying off as fast as he could manage.

With the adrenaline rushing through him, and the desire not to be discovered, he manages to fly faster and farther than he ever had before. In fact, he was so fast, that the clouds parted right above him, like a zipper being undone. For now he didn't care to think about a trail, or the fact anyone could see him fly towards the forest, all he thought about was getting back to his camp and hiding out for a while.

Once he reached the camp, he descended, maybe a little faster than intended, because he fell, falling to the ground panting, exhausted from the flight. He continued to pant, mentally cursing at himself for being seen. Getting annoyed, he took the scouter off his ear, and tossed it aside, wanting to feel free of it for a moment while he caught his breath.

He turned onto his back, laying there, facing the sky, breathing heavily as his heart pounded away. He didn't get to relax much though, as suddenly his entire camp became bathed in gentle light. Daniel frowned, looking around confused for a moment, until he actually looked up at the night sky above them.

The clouds had parted, giving way for the moonlight.

"The moon.."

Daniel mumbled, feeling like he was forgetting about something. Then he saw it, big, glowing and beautiful. A full moon, the first he had seen since arriving here. A small mental alarm bell went off inside his head, but just as he was about to recall the dangers of a full moon, his mind went blank, and his eyes became emotionless.

His body started to grow, and his mind became that of a monster..

Author's Note:

By the way, sorry if I'd missed any edits. I'm in bed, and writing this on my phone, so it can be hard to tell from time to time. I'm better when on my computer.

But I will go through them again when I get well. :pinkiesick:

This chapter is dedicated to Sena Hoy, who came up with the fun idea for the chapter. :twilightsmile: