• Member Since 29th Dec, 2017
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Mystic Sunrise

Why am I still in this fandom?



This story is a sequel to Halloween Party 2020

The day after that fateful Nightmare Night, Pearl is called to meet with Princess Twilight. After nearly killing Kohaku and the others, Pearl is expecting to be disowned by Twilight and being her Personal Student. Or worse.

But while Twilight is understandably upset about what happened, that is not the only reason she has called Pearl to meet her.

Someone wants to meet Pearl in person. Someone who has taken a very keen interest in the filly and her love of dragons. One that shocks both her and Twilight. Tiamat herself.

Chapters (13)
Comments ( 47 )

Pearl rolled her eyes. "Starlight got off easy and you know it. Those timelines were erased from existence every time you guys went back to the Sonic Rainboom. There was nopony to remember them. This? Everyone is going to remember it. I doubt they'll blab about it to everyone they know. But still."

That sounds rather Dark if you think about it. Then again, those Timelines are the worst for everypony ( besides the Villains of course), and the Original Happy Timeline is back. So, Good riddance I guess?!

Twilight's smile softened as she pulled the Pegasus closer into a hug. "Pearl. You will always be my student. That bond will never go away. It'll take a lot more than this to break it."

Oh really? Then WHAT'S worse than of what Pearl did? Actually doing the horrible deed and murdering them in cold blood?!

Twilight sat straighter in her throne. "I'm going with you, Pearl. You are my student, and I will not let you go alone into who knows where just to meet some dragon. No matter who she is."

You will regret that IF Tiamat hears this.

Twilight rolled her eyes. "Well, that's too bad for her, now isn't it? If Tiamat doesn't like it, she can come to tell me that herself, and that's final."

Are you that stupid to get eaten?!

Pearl giggled. She knew better than to argue with her teacher when she was like this. "Fine. But don't blame me if you get eaten five different ways."


In all fairness, if Pearl had killed the others, but gone back to normal after, Twilight would be saying something else. No matter what she feels, she couldn't let it go.

I'm assuming you've read the prequel story, so I don't have to explain what happened in every detail.

Let's be honest. It's easy to talk smack about someone when they're not there and when you've never met them. Twilight will be saying something different when the time comes that's for sure 😜.

And there's a reason for that. Tiamat is on a completely different power level compared to alicorns. In the grand scheme of power levels in Equestria, and the world as a whole?

Mortals (all non alicorns basically).
Alicorns (born as one or ascended).
The gods (where Tiamat and a few others fit in).

Kitsunes, which is what Kohaku is, are a different thing entirely, but I'm no expert on them. Go ask Valytrian for more.

Twilight is outmatched in every way basically, if Tiamat decides to use her as a snack.

Also. Did you have to say all that in more than one comment? One long one works just as well 🙄.


Also. Did you have to say all that in more than one comment? One long one works just as well 🙄.

Sorry. My stupid tablet keeps making me go to a new comment for no reason.

Stupid tech. Never works right when you need it too. Clears that up though.


Agreed. My tablet does work. But not all the time.



And there's a reason for that. Tiamat is on a completely different power level compared to alicorns. In the grand scheme of power levels in Equestria, and the world as a whole?

Mortals (all non alicorns basically).
Alicorns (born as one or ascended).
The gods (where Tiamat and a few others fit in).

Kitsunes, which is what Kohaku is, are a different thing entirely, but I'm no expert on them. Go ask Valytrian for more.

Kitsunes would fall into all three power levels at various points in their lives.
now a newborn to adult kitsune would be no more powerful then say a pony of equal age. as they grow older and gain more tails they would of course grow far more powerful. the higher number tails say 6 to 8 would be on par with an alicorn, or even several alicorns depending on their age as that also factor's into their power. But that power is also limited as prior to obtaining the 9th tail, they are still Physical fox's.

Now a full 9 tailed kitsune would be on par with, if not greater than, the gods. as are at that point the very embodiment of nature and even extend into the spirit world as they are considered spirit beasts. Kitsune actually translates into Fox Spirit.

Starlight sniffed, as her tears began to fall. "Then you come back, Twilight Sparkle. You come back. Or so help me, me messing with time will look tame by comparison when I'm done with the place."

Yeah right! That is obviously a empty threat! You can't do s*** against Tiamit or the Scar place of all things. 🙄

And yes. Pearl is a Gunpla collector. No, I'm not sorry. Batman already came to Equestria. Just look at Book Knight. Why not Gunpla as well? I blame Mecha Gaikotsu (and Gio San Pedro by extension), The Gunpla Network, The Gundam Shop, and Kakarot197 over on YouTube.

What??!! When did this happened?! And I didn't see Batman in here?

The Batman bit is explained more in the prequal. And the Gunpla bit wasn't brought up before because, aside from Pearl, Kohaku, and Twilight. Only a few other ponies knew about it. And it's just a bit of character development.

And I don't know what you seem so angry about (reading other comments). This is Starlight Glimmer we're talking about. She'll damn will try. No one will tell her, or me for that matter, otherwise.


It's from the costume party, right?

As for me being "angry". Well, I'm more concerned that Twilight is gonna mess with the WRONG BEING ( Tiamat and her Consorts ). Or Starlight, if she wants to mess Tiamat's territory.

I actually on Celestia's and Luna's side on this one. Twilight is definitely gonna die for heavily underestimating the Dragon Goddess, or being a cocky idiot. I mean, Twilight is NO Kratos, Master Chief, or Doom Slayer/Doom Guy.

It's like seeing a very weak human with minor KI ( Twilight ), facing a OP God of Destruction type of power level ( Tiamat ) from the Dragon Ball Series.

Yep. LightHeart101 owns the character who is more into it, so you really should ask them to know more 😁.

And it's that your comments came out more angry than concerned. But that just might be me 😵. Twilight's attitude is part of why Celestia was so exasperated.

What nopony actually knows is that there is a trump card Pearl has. We've seen it already actually in the scroll Kohaku's mom gave her. More would be spoilers though.


Okay. It's just Twilight is acting dumb, that makes me both angry and concerned. And this "Trump Card" sounds like a Deja Ex Machina to save Twilight's hopeless butt.

If you really think Twilight wouldn't have tried something like this in the show if she had a student this young who was about to do something like Pearl is. Then we're thinking of two different Twilight Sparkles.

I'm not saying that she is being smart. But there it is 😁. I already know how all of this plays out. You'll just have to sit there and wait.


Very well. All I'm saying is that Twilight and her friends have face Villains in the past that wasn't too OP ( Enough that they blow up the entire planet or something. ). Or that they didn't kill them.

The main difference is that Tiamit is a Goddess that could destroy Equestria with ease, and has no problem to kill Twilight with no remorse.

That is the main issue, I'm fine with Twilight to be brave against a Villain ( That isn't that powerful enough to destroy the planet with a finger, or has a killer/murder instinct ), but someone like Tiamit is obviously a No-Go.

This is what a My Little Pony OC named after a Dungeons and Dragons villain should be like. Why does this story have so many dislikes? I mean, it can't be that bad, right? ...Right?

I honestly don't know what the hate is coming from. No one's said anything.

Why is chapter four so much longer than the rest of the chapters?

I have to admit I can't say I was too worried about twilight because while she isn't some Mesopotamian god who have been rather good at killing Tiamat or a party of adventurers which have defeated Tiamat in the past she doe seem have something else going for her for when her magical abilities and power fail her beyond just friendship and that is Luck.

Twilight has always struck me lucky enough you'd think she was a avatar of the Goddess Fortuna which isn't a bad thing, its luck is something many heroes of legends and great generals of the past had.

So true. In this case, she's lucky in knowing Kohaku. And that this version of Tiamat isn't like most. Personality wise at least. Most wouldn't even have done as much as Equestria's version has.

Valtyrian did most of that chapter. Being my co-writer, he made it longer than I expected. But its long length fits for what happened in it.

Every other chapter has mostly been me. With a few things he wrote added.

Just a bit of a heads up for the creator and the people about to read this story. I just want to let everyone know that there is a group of troll disliking stories for no apparent reason. If you to read this comment please leave a like on the story if you like it and support the creator so that we can drown out these trolls. I have been having the same issue so I just wanted to let everyone know.

Thanks. Fuck the downvoters. They mean less than nothing to me.

Your welcome. Spread the word.

I'm a little hesitant to read your story. On one hand, I'm getting a lot of positive comments, and on the other, a lot of thumbs down. Why is that?

No idea. Frankly, I could care less since nobody's said anything bad about the story. Not even in a PM. The downvotes mean nothing to me anyway. So that's probably pissing people off.

Among other things probably.

Shame really. Any feed back would have been useful.

People are just that stupid. I'd just ignore the votes, read the story, and then decide if it's good or not.

This really should be a site rule. Downvote a story? You have to say why you did.

For whatever it's worth, the premise interested me enough despite the downvotes, and I found that I liked the story. It had its... cringy(?) moments, for lack of better word, but overall I'm glad I chose to read it. I'd recommend giving it a shot, if you haven't already.

I'm putting it in Read Later for now, but I'll take your word for it.

p.s. Theirs a part of me that would like to see Kiroauc see Pearl after all of this

Only another alicorn can do that, or a Higher Power.”

How do you want to explain Light Heart ?

p.s. So... could Pearl turn... the C.M.C.'s into alicorns ?

Light is the universe's idea of a sick joke. And yes, Pearl could turn the CMC into alicorns if she wanted to. But even she isn't stupid enough to think that would ever be a good idea.

Probably won't do one though.

How so ?

What about others ?
Like her mom
Or the other Mane-6

Why not
It may be fun ?

Because having a shit ton of alicorns is a pet peeve of mine. Them being so rare makes them more special (and Light being as useless as he is doesn't ruin it for me).

That's my best friend's Pony-sona that you are talking about !

And? Attacking the character isn't the same as attacking the person. You've got serious problems if you can't keep them separate.

Eh I only let downvotes stop or slow me under two conditions. The summary has really bad grammar, or there is a lot of deleted comments. With a waiver if there's a lot of replies to those deleted comments that give a context to whether the deletions were fair or just an author that couldn't take criticism.

When you see so much downvote spam on an account like this though it's most likely a hate grudge. Someone with multiple accounts or a group of people have decided they hate the author so they downvote all their stories without reading them and downvote their comments on their profile and any comment praising their works.

Saw it with two accounts that I'm pretty sure belonged to the same person, he would dislike bomb any accusation fic that had even a hint of forgiveness in it, he did it to a story without forgiveness in it in the end so I think he just skimmed till he found what he hated and started bombing.

A lot of people hate how I comment and have gotten plenty of replies I need to stop doing so. Hate is probably coming from that, and the fact that I still do. Someone's tried to get me banned for it at least once probably.

Don't worry mystic sunrise I like your story a lot there are people who wouldn't know a good story even if it bit them
Some people just don't know very good stories anymore
As I always say some people are just idiots

Mystic sunrise I have faith in you 🙏

To whoever dislikes this story I happen to be a major power on Facebook I have a few celebrities as friends there like Katie perry and the rock Dwayne Johnson my little brother zack is a prison guard my little sister Arianna is the manager of a mine I myself am a member of the Catholic church unless you want to face all that I would recommend you change your opinion on this story if you think I'm bluffing about that I'm not I'm deadly serious

Pearl looked up at Twilight, visibly confused at something. "So is there a book about being an alicorn I should be reading or something? I have no flipping idea how to use any of this!"

Twilight sparkle asked that very same question 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 ohhhh boy that was funny

Pearl rose is part dragon now me like hehehehehe



Dude. I love the support. But even I don't buy any of that last comment :facehoof:.

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