• Member Since 29th Dec, 2017
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Mystic Sunrise

Why am I still in this fandom?



This story is a sequel to New Friends Between Realities

In Equestria, while not much is known of dragons, one bit of lore is widely known among scholars.

The Orbs of Dragonkind. Within each lies the power to control dragons. When the five are brought together, it is said it will give birth to a power Equus has never known.

Nopony knows if there's any truth to the legend. Even among dragons, the Orbs are nothing but a myth.

But myths always have a grain of truth to them. And five ponies are about to discover a destiny none of them knew they had and a bond they have been waiting for all their lives.

Chapters (14)
Comments ( 131 )

And five ponies are about to discover a destiny none of them knew they had and a bond they have been waiting for all their lives.

Why only use five of the Mane Six? Why not use all of them?

Who says I'm using the Mane 6 beyond Twilight at all? There's a reason the Mane 6 tag isn't on the story.

Before I roll up my sleeves and start reading this fic, I have ONE VERY IMPORTANT THING TO STATE!!!

That is the most adorable Tiamat picture I have ever seen!

Two reasons: One someone has to stop the rise of Tiamat and avenging your five friends a good motive and two Tiamat has only five heads you idiot.

Also who the hell said it had to be the main six that was used and not I dunno the hundreds of Background ponies that aren't being used right now.

Exactly. Twilight and four background (as in OCs of mine) are at the center of what's coming.

Be sure to tell the artist that if you can. It is adorable, though I doubt Torch thinks so.

queen tiamaht in equestria? ooooh my....

Am I the only one who think that picture looks like Garble failed the dbz fusion dance? like the image but everytime I see the fire head i keep thinking its garble

Yes. You are the only one to think that. No idea how you got the idea. But it is funny.

It makes sense if you think about it. She would be the perfect Dragon Queen for My Little Pony's dragons. And even more so if you dig deep enough.

Hasbro own Dungeons & Dragons if you look up the ownership ladder enough. They've owned it in fact for a long time if I remember right.

So the other four are OCs I get that are they any back ground ponies or are they all originals?

All original. Background ponies are highly overrated, Plus brand new characters are more fun to work with because I don't have anything from the show to base them on.

Well, it IS surprising that Twilight isn't the main head.

Back when I first started working on this, I did think of making Twilight the main head and Pearl would be the White Head instead.

But that was unoriginal I felt. So I went this way.

Red orb at the top of a mountain (volcanic in this case). Where else is this sort of thing done?

So i'm not very knowledgeable on D&D beyond the Neverwinter MMO, what exactly does each orb represent besides a head of Tiamat?

In D&D, each orb allows a bearer to controll dragons of that specific color Among other things, but those are only mechanics and stats.

Here, they don't have the same power fully since Equestria's dragons are not the same as D&D's. But they still have a limited form of control over any dragon the girls want.

Of course when it comes to being Tiamat, well the cover art shows what power they have over Torch himself. What chance do the others have?

Wicked, so basically these orbs will let them become an uber-powerful dragon-god, that basically has a way to assert some type of dominance/control on other dragons?

Pretty much. Torch is still Dragon Lord of course (followed by Ember). But when you're a literal goddess, well not even Torch could argue with that.

How the girls handle being Tiamat and how she works will come up in the chapter where they become her. I'm still working out some of those details.

Comment posted by Mystic Sunrise deleted Nov 13th, 2019

honestly I clicked this thinking it was gonna be Twilight getting conjoined to Ember... Im gonna read and watch it anyways to see where it goes

Wait a minute, when did Twilight and Pearl meet up?

Later chapter will show how.

I have no idea of how you got that idea when Ember doesn't even a part to play in this or even has a tag.

Ok, I'm interested. But I've got one big concern: Tiamat is the dragon goddess of evil in D&D lore, exactly opposite Bahamut in alignment. And if I'm remembering correctly, her main goal is to enslave everything and everyone. Even with her newfound connections and destiny, Twilight would be 100% AGAINST doing that.

Luckily for you then that I do have a plan to work around that. Not fully throw out everything about her of course. But to make it work better.

Are they still going to be evil?

Depends on who you ask when the time comes. Gods, I feel, are supposed to act in a way that mortals could never understand. They could say it's good or evil based on what they're doing.

But that is trying to force mortal ideals on a being that is above them. I know Tiamat is for sure evil in D&D, but this isn't D&D, and this Tiamat has no connection to any other. Aside from the obvious of course.

That's my thought process anyway.

In the eyes of Celestia, Luna, and the Mane 6 sans Twilight, will Tiamat be evil?

For what she ends up doing when the times comes? Yes. In the grand scheme of things? No. It'll make more sense when we get to that chapter.

Saying more would ruin it.

it was the title when it popped up in my feed. said nothing other then it was a Twilight fusion and had dragons. that was my first thought until i read the description upon clicking, but its a good read so far outside the fact everypony getting the orb have the same reaction and giggle basically. They all go "Oh, I guess you really want to go with me? hehe" pretty much. outside that, gonna change the tracking to fav.

That makes sense. As for the nitpick? Too bad. I happen to like the idea, and the only one I need to like it is myself, so. Though you're the first to comment on that specificially.

It might just be you.

like you said, was just a nitpick. I didnt expect you to change it. was just a thing I noticed due to it reminding me of Breath of the Wild doing something similar and just kinda nagged at me.

It wasn't on purpose for sure. I've never played the game myself, so it's coincidence. But if it's the only nitpick people have (and in the grand scheme of things, it's not story needs redone bad), I can live with it.

The girls do have plenty of questions about them of course. Not all will get answered for them though. There needs to be a little mystery to them.

Got to ask, what will they look like when they merge? Different from the cover pic?

Nope. Cover art is the dead giveaway of what they will look like. No reason to change it. Even if the specific scene the art is showing doesn't happen.

I don't know yet if that will happen between them and Torch.

Quick question, will twilight and the other will lose theirs memory of themselves after theirs transformation is complete?

That would be spoilers now wouldn't it? I already know it works out. But that's for me to know and everyone else to find out.

Pearl is the main Red head of course. The rest will be filled out in the next few chapters. And that kill's it for me.

Is that good or bad? Cause I don't get it.

I prefer your stories that center on Twilight.

Then why comment? I don't mind your choice, but I can't tell if you hate this one, or just don't care.

I'm saying I've lost interest and thought you might like the feedback on when someone decides not to read any further.

Don't be a dick, dude. I haven't read this story yet and being rude to me for no reason is going to turn people off from reading this story.

Good story so far, keep up the good work!:twilightsmile:

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