• Published 21st Nov 2020
  • 11,213 Views, 1,881 Comments

The One True King - JDPrime22

Can Equestria’s greatest heroes coexist with these mythical and majestic beasts… or will they have to accept that their rule has come to an end? For the rule of the one true king, Godzilla, has returned.

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Chapter 33 – Lying to Keep You Safe

Chapter 33

“Out for revenge / We will fight to the end / And the prophet of doom / Will be silenced again / Just to be / Crushed to despair / With no blood to be spared / As a thunderous cloud will descend / Like black angels of the lord”

Black Angels by Shiro Sagisu, Shin Godzilla

The Radiance, Main Bridge

Mass evacuations had already been underway, but they only increased tenfold under Princess Twilight’s final orders. There was nothing to hide anymore. T.I.T.A.N. was fully revealed, fully engaged with the war raging on their fronts. On every front. It was their facilities where the Titans broke free. It was their forces engaging the beasts across every valley, desert, ocean, or city.

And it was T.I.T.A.N. leading the evacuations.

Celestia and Luna mentioned bunkers earlier, a final fail-safe just in case everything else was lost. The time had not come for that conclusion, but utilizing the bunkers now rather than later was the smartest course of action they could take for their civilians. Pockmarked in hidden locations across every continent, within every nation, and stationed near every major settlement, the T.I.T.A.N. bunkers were opened for all to come and hide themselves from the beasts’ rampage. The leaders received plenty of updates via magical scrolls.

Civilians moved in droves, in mass exoduses from their homes and livelihoods just to have a chance. They carried all they could, brought with them their friends and families, and obeyed every word given to them by the stationed T.I.T.A.N. agents running each bunker. Then came the survivors. The first to face the initial Titan attacks. The broken and bloodied, wearied and worn, they moved slower, carried with them very little as they somehow managed to reach the sirens. The voices that called them to safety. And so, they found sanctuary at last, leaving behind their devastated homes.

Leaving behind everything.

It was a comforting, passing thought to know many settlements had successfully evacuated in time. Many more were already lost, or already devastated, or already under siege. Twilight did the best she could—they all did the best they could—with what they had left, but it wasn’t enough. T.I.T.A.N. had already lost insurmountable numbers, and they were stretched paper thin. Not even the armies of the world were enough anymore, and Twilight knew that.

That was why it didn’t hurt as much when many world leaders left them.

It was because she understood, she and Celestia, Luna, Cadance, and Shining Armor. For many world leaders returned to their home countries, all to ensure that their kingdoms, their people, and their way of life survived. Queen Novo, after hearing of the attack around and on Mount Aris and her devastated naval fleet, returned immediately. Prince Rutherford as well, returning to Yakyakistan in order to protect his yaks first and foremost from any Titan that dared to challenge them. The griffons and the deer also returned to strengthen their defending forces in their kingdoms, plus so many more followed. It was a choice that Twilight could very well understand, she and all the leaders of T.I.T.A.N.

They knew what they had lost, what their people had suffered through, and how they were still currently suffering. Twilight could never blame them for wanting to help their people. But they made a promise to her and all of T.I.T.A.N., that when the time came—after they had managed to secure their homes and ensure their people were safe—they would return. They would join T.I.T.A.N. for one last push, one last battle, to strike down the treacherous, old hydra that infected their world.

The time for that was yet to come. Other matters had taken priority.

Though not all was dark and dreary. They were not abandoned. A couple world leaders stayed with the Radiance, with T.I.T.A.N., and with Twilight. Two standouts that warmed Twilight’s heart to see standing with them around the center map. Allies that had become close friends.

Both Ember and Thorax, with their own armies surrounding what was left of the Radiance’s fleet, remained to aid Twilight in the coming hours. Her numbers were not much—they had lost so many the day prior—but joined with the dragons both large and small, and the changelings of every color and variety, it was enough to call an army. Besides, Pharynx had returned to the Changeling Empire for reinforcements. A small beacon of hope to strengthen Twilight’s wearied heart.

As their fleet tore through the dark storms into hill-plagued valleys below, their destination was within mere miles. They killed the short time they had by addressing every last detail of what was to come, what must be done to face it, and how they would achieve such measures.

Celestia led the next course of the discussion, mentioning from her end of the table, “The Second Cataclysm is undoubtedly approaching. Those we have managed to save are safely secured in the bunkers for the time being. The agents there know the protocols. They know what steps are necessary to ensure our species’ survival.”

She lowered the scroll from her face, her horn’s magic dying out. The silent, paled expressions from everypony present—dragon and changeling and pony alike—spoke volumes.

The table turned to Luna approaching her sister’s side, bringing with her a freshly-arrived scroll.

“News from Cloudsdale!” Luna announced, causing Rainbow Dash’s head to perk up. Unfurling the scroll, she declared, “Our scouts there have reported that Titanus Sargon was unable to be stopped. In fact, he has joined Sombra and his followers on their advancement further north… with an estimated trajectory set for the Crystal Empire.”

Rainbow’s ears deflated at the news. Yet her reaction was nothing compared to the royalty of the Crystal Empire. Shining especially made his voice known, demanding with a fierce tone, “How much time do we have?”

Luna rolled up the scroll, sighing, “An hour. Maybe less.”

Several gasps surrounded the table, Twilight practically wilting backwards but catching herself just in time. Yet none could fathom the dread that Cadance and Shining Armor felt in that moment. It was not just any city that was home to many, bound for destruction. It was not just any people given a death sentence. It was their home. It was their people. And they felt the fullness of such fear.

“We’ve left it practically defenseless! Our armies alone won’t be enough to stop Sombra!” Princess Cadance cried, practically leaping up from the floor and planting her hooves harshly onto the map.

“What about the Crystal Heart?” Twilight asked, in some vain hopes of assurance. “Surely its magic is enough to keep Sombra at bay?”

“Sombra alone? Maybe,” Shining Armor responded, shaking his head. “Sombra in his new, enhanced body… with an army of monsters trailing him? The Heart might hold… or it could very well fall. We… we don’t know with his ever-changing powers.”

“And Flurry Heart…” Cadance murmured with a tremble. Shining’s hoof tightened against the table, his breaths quivering as he forced his eyes to a close. His wife fared no better, her hoof rising to shield her mouth, but unable to stop the whimpering cry.

Many of the Council surrounded Cadance and Shining to comfort them, but their words and warmth could only do so much, for it was so very little compared to the grander scope of their reality. Even if there was an attempt to reach the Crystal Empire now, it would be fruitless. With their numbers, with their speed, they wouldn’t be able to make it in time to stop Sombra.

The aroma of an assured loss of life entrenched the atmosphere, making Discord wrinkle his nose, arms tightening further when crossed on his chest. He gazed out into the darkness of the night, the storm clouds growing heavier by the second, the rain pelting the glass and sliding down in broken, uneven rivers. As if it wasn’t enough that he had faced a living corpse of the fallen king of the Crystal Empire, as if it wasn’t enough that he had been forced to stay crippled, stand down, and watch as more and more failures piled higher for the side of life, now he was forced to relive all of that whenever he closed his eyes… with Cadance’s fearful whimpers echoing in the back of his mind.

It was not his place to act, nor his time to be unleashed to the full extent of his power. But Discord knew if they did nothing, so many more would pay the price. So many ponies with lives of their own, families and homes and children to care for and love. So many would pay the price for their arrogance, for their inability to utilize every portion of their resources and act not for the grander scope of things… but the small acts. Saving the survivors with the bunkers was a step in the right direction, but they were trailing further from that path the longer he stayed silent and they did nothing.

Perhaps if he did act in smaller ways… a child and thousands of other innocent lives could be spared from a horrific fate.

He only needed to act.

With a sudden flare of his eyes opening wide, Discord stared further into the darkness and saw his reflection. Stared into his disjointed gaze and saw himself. The Lord of Chaos. The villain reformed by a kind heart. The draconequus who had made so many mistakes in his existence, betrayed the trust of his best friends. Every mistake that would never again define him as long as he had a rising sun to wake up to and a new day to try again.

There would be a new day for Equestria, for all of Equus. So he sweared. But it all began with smaller acts.

“If you’re all quite finished groveling in your own despair, then I think I’ll take the opportunity to evacuate the Crystal Empire. If that’s within my ‘labeled jurisdiction’, that is?” Discord knowingly teased, sending a closed grin to Celestia and Luna. But they didn’t even respond to his teasing, not in the way he expected.

They all stared, mouths agape, barely even breathing at the lone standing draconequus. Most seemed surprised, taken aback by such a declaration from Discord of all people. A few remained unsure, wary still to the stance they had agreed for Discord to take in the midst of all this rising chaos. After the incident at Foal Mountain, would throwing Discord back into the mix really be the best course of action?

“Discord…” Princess Cadance whispered, voice shivering on every syllable. She wasn’t in objection. She was more so stunned that he would be so willing to put himself out there, for lives he never knew nor cared for. If anything, she felt herself give an ounce of respect for Discord’s character, made her want to trust him, and she had hoped that they all could trust him once again.

Or more pressing, could they even trust someone like Discord with the lives of thousands?

Noticing the stares and the impending wall of silence, Discord raised his hands and scoffed. “Well don’t try and stop me all at once! If you don’t want me to evacuate the Crystal Ponies to the bunkers, protect the Crystal Heart, or save Flurry Heart from the incoming Titan wave, then all you need to do is say so!”

He finished with a firm crossing of his arms, sticking his chin skyward. The bridge then turned to the only pony who could have responded properly. They turned to Fluttershy. She seemed to contemplate their choices, finding their situation to be neither black nor white any longer. She had to peer into the gray, find the middle ground where they all could benefit.

Eventually, she stopped imagining the outcome and saw the reality now, shifting her eyes and meeting Shining and Cadance’s. Staring deep into the eyes of a prince outside of his kingdom, unable to protect his ponies. Meeting the eyes of a mother whose child was in danger.

“Please…” Fluttershy eventually muttered, dropping her burning gaze in a failed attempt to conceal the tears. She lifted her eyes instead to Discord, and he saw every inch, every truth, every pleading second of her stare. “… Please help them.”

Discord smiled a valiant, victorious smile. “Oh, I’ll do more than that, my dear.”

And with a final declaration, Discord raised his lion paw and snapped away in a flash of white.

His bandages slumped onto the floor, no longer needing to remain upon him. The bridge was quite momentarily, broken by Cadance’s shaking exhale. Shining rose a foreleg and draped it over her withers, pulling his wife in close to comfort her. They may have just found the answer to their distant dilemmas, or they had just doomed the Crystal Empire to an unending storm of chaos. Whichever it would end up becoming, it all relied now in Discord’s hands.

Ember broke the silence. “You think he’ll actually pull through this time?”

Shining nuzzled his wife, sighing softly. “He’d better.”

Bon Bon kept her eyes hardened to the map, to the town of Ponyville resting beneath the heart of Equestria. “He has to.”

Thorax tried to lift their spirits, leaning forward over the table to earn every eye. “I know it’s hard… after everything he’s done… but we need to trust him.”

Twilight nodded. “We will.”

There was unspoken rally of assurance shared among the conglomeration, a binding of trust and understanding that went beyond mere words. It was in the gentle impacts of the rain against the bridge’s glass windshields where the many found their solace. It was in the Radiance’s roaring engines where they found their strength to keep pressing forward. Their journey was not done yet, and the war had only just begun.

One of the T.I.T.A.N. pilots declared, “Ponyville, ma’am. We’re here.”

Twilight turned to the front windshield. Watched in awe as the dark clouds faded and the dome of pure, magical light shimmered brightest in the night. Everyone turned and watched and gazed in awe.

Just in time, the Radiance, the remaining fleet, and the creatures arrived to Ponyville. Just in time, Starlight Glimmer pulled back her magic around the magical shield, opening it only slightly to allow the convocation to enter into its protective hold. Witnessing the mighty airship trailed by a few others hover slowly into Ponyville’s airspace, and seeing the massive dragons flying over Town Hall with bellowing roars accompanying them, and gazing to the rush of changelings landing down into the street, Starlight finally cut off her magic and closed the shield.

A raining shimmer of turquoise and yellow pierced the sky once more, and the dome was fortified. Though the natural rain still passed harmlessly through the shield. Sighing with a grateful smile to see the airships, Starlight turned to the unicorn beside her, Sunburst pushing his glasses back up to his face. His jaw wouldn’t close, and only continued to fall further at the arrival of such an army. She giggled at his reaction, pulling him along by his cloak off of Town Hall’s balcony.

And so, they had arrived. Ponyville, a safe haven and a home to many of them. Many of the townsfolk cleared the street to allow the Radiance enough space to land, and it eventually did. Right in the center of town, facing down the crowds surrounding Town Hall. They then proceeded to surround the mighty airship and the few that trailed behind, finally landing as well.

Nearby dragons took their rest either upon the road or atop strengthened roofs, while changelings and Wonderbolts alike landed around the airships and pushed the crowds back accordingly, so as to allow the ramps to descend. And they did, the right side of the Radiance opening to allow a single ramp to unfurl and touch the muddy street below. Spotlights brightened to life upon the Radiance’s hull, waving back and forth, up and down, before finally waving over the crowds and reaching the end of the ramp.

Just as the Council of Friendship, Celestia, Luna, Cadance, Shining Armor, Bon Bon, Ember, Thorax, and many others exited it.

Following the spotlight, Starlight broke the crowds and caused a great rift within it. It split apart, allowing both herself and Sunburst an easy passageway directly to the ramp, to the mighty airship that towered over her. Through the rain, mud, and chilled winds, she strode on, staring in awe to the Radiance and even more so to her friends.

There was no crowd anymore. Just them. Just Twilight and her friends basking under the glow of the spotlight with Starlight and Sunburst outside of it, cloaks drenched in rain and standing in the mud. It was but a moment of stilled silence, where the winds told of no chaos or despair outside of the magical dome protecting Ponyville. It was just a moment between them, old friends facing one another again.

Not the greatest of circumstances to reunite, but Starlight didn’t care. She took it. Met Twilight with a fierce and grinning hug. And Twilight did not seem to care in the slightest about the wet, muddy cloak that pressed against her. All she felt was a friend, and she hugged her back all the same, managing a smile even with her heart infected with darkness.

She wasn’t alone.

The remaining Council joined in the hug, with Pinkie bounding forward and needing a Starlight Glimmer embrace right about now. Applejack and Rarity slid in, pressing themselves and wrapping their forelegs around Starlight. Rainbow and Fluttershy joined in, finding comfort and warmth even in the heart of a rain storm. Breaking off from the group, Starlight bent down when it was Spike who met her next for a hug, the unicorn bringing the dragon in closely. Glad to see him and everypony else safe and sound.

With that settled, the populace of Ponyville proceeded to greet them all, though it mainly consisted of questions and begging for answers. Many of which Celestia and Luna felt they had plenty to supply, and felt the ponies deserved answers now more than ever. Though it would have to wait for a less pressing moment, as they only needed Starlight, Sunburst, and Mayor Mare’s help to organize the town appropriately for their forces to reconvene.

The crowd was growing impatient, cluttered with too many bodies and not a clear path to Town Hall. Or for Mayor Mare to reach the Radiance. Stepping forward, Bon Bon and her T.I.T.A.N. agents proceeded to start clearing the way, shouting at many to back off and allow the princess through. Bon Bon was in the heat of it, leading the charge and clearing a good chunk of the crowd away before she stopped.

And heard.

“Bon Bon…?”

And felt her body freeze to its core.

She knew the voice. She knew it and didn’t dare want to face it. She would have rather faced down a hundred Godzillas, or a million Ghidorahs, but not that voice. Especially when she knew the face behind it. But it came to her. It emerged on her left and Bon Bon knew she had to face it, lest the wrath if she didn’t break her even more.

So, she did. Bon Bon gingerly, cautiously turned to the voice and froze once more. Froze to the dark, hooded pony staring directly at her. As if the crowd had grown silent, as if not a single other pony was touching the figure, it stood and its cloak flowed alongside the grasps of the cold, cold wind. Mere feet separated them, and Bon Bon wanted it to be miles. Wanted it to be inches. Was caught between wanting to see her again and wanting desperately to run away.

But it was too late now. The horn protruding from the hood brightened to a shimmering gold, and her face was illuminated under it. Matching her eyes. The pale cyan and white of her mane flowed with the cold, and their eyes met. It was all so desperate and painful that Bon Bon wanted to turn away, but she couldn’t now. She saw her, her horn’s glow illuminating every heartbroken inch of her face, and it made Bon Bon queasy.

Made her cold with guilt. And still she uttered her name, “Lyra…”

Holding her convictions, knowing better than to judge so early, Lyra instead lifted her eyes to the massive airship that Bon Bon had stepped out of it. Not only that, but the army that followed her, from the dragons, to the changelings, the Wonderbolts, and the Council of Friendship with Celestia and Luna. All of them together. All of them with Bon Bon wrapped up in the middle of it all.

It was all Lyra could say. All she could possibly ask her.

“What happened out there?”

The Radiance, Bon Bon’s Quarters

They spoke somewhere quieter. Away from the crowds and the proceedings that Twilight had under control with the mayor. They didn’t need her unless absolutely necessary, and even then they would call for it. But for now, Bon Bon needed to face this. It just needed to be them.

It just needed to be them and nopony else.

The congregation moved into the Radiance, and so did Bon Bon, with her wife trailing her along the way. In the midst of their short walk to Bon Bon’s quarters, Lyra couldn’t help but stare in awe to the size and structure of the airship. It was unlike any airship she had ever been on, or even seen for that matter. Sneaking a glance or two backwards, Bon Bon couldn’t help but chuckle lightly at Lyra’s reactions. Still so curious. Still showing her childlike wonder through the cracks.

By the time they made it, Lyra was the first inside, having already pulled her hood down. She took a second or two just to gaze to it all. The memorabilia. The photographs. The equipment only a special agent of T.I.T.A.N. would carry. It was scattered everywhere, on every wall, every desk, and even on her bed. Bon Bon watched her and said nothing, simply letting Lyra breathe it all in for herself. Breathe in the truth.

Finally, she sat on the bed, and Bon Bon joined her. It shouldn’t have been awkward, but it still ended up being so. The world was being savagely maimed all around them, a darkness unlike any other was filling Equestria and beyond, and Bon Bon wasn’t the one to tell Lyra that. She figured it out for herself that night she saw Canterlot Mountain burning, and heard the monstrous cry come from it.

And yet there was still more she didn’t know. More Bon Bon could reveal now that Lyra was in her war, caught within it, and demanding with her silence to know everything she didn’t.

So, she told her. She told her everything.

From Godzilla, to Mothra, to Ghidorah, to Rodan, to Sombra, and every astonishing and horrific encounter that came from them. Bon Bon explained what Ghidorah was capable of, what he had done, and what the world now faced. She explained Sombra’s return, their failure to stop him, to stop Ghidorah, and their failure to save Godzilla. What could have been their only hope to end all of this.

But she told her, most importantly, that they had a plan. They were going to get reinforcements. They were going to find Ghidorah, take him down with everything they had, and end Sombra all the same. It was the plan Twilight had concocted, promised would lead them into the battle for their very existence. They had the Elements of Harmony. They had the armies of the world soon to join them. Before Ghidorah’s army would reach Canterlot, they would end this.

One way or another, it would end. Bon Bon did not specify, nor did she continue after that.

All Lyra could do was stare.

“Whoa…” Lyra muttered, letting the information overload gently inject itself within her. She stared at the floor, breathing shakily. “That’s, um… wow.”

“Yeah…” Bon Bon weakly responded.

It was a minute or two before either of them said anything in response, mainly Bon Bon allowing Lyra to absorb everything she was told. It was a lot, and Bon Bon didn’t blame her for remaining silent. She just let her listen. “I never wanted this to escalate as bad as it did. We were blindsided again and again. One monster after another coming back to…” she tried to finish, but couldn’t.

“Sombra had a hoof in all of this,” Lyra finally said, turning to her wife and smiling softly. “Can’t really blame you for that… not knowing and all. I mean, we were basically told by the princesses that he was dead. Gone for good.”

Bon Bon nodded appreciatively at that, turning away to the wall.

“So what should I blame you for?”

She turned back. Stared silently at her, seeing the accusing eyes.

When she wouldn’t say it, Lyra huffed and leaned back on the bed, frowning at the opposite wall. “Lying to me, saying you had everything under control and to stay home? Do you even realize what we’ve been through here? We had to keep everypony from devolving into a full-blown riot because of the fires we saw at Canterlot. I had to keep myself under control the second I heard that roar, because I knew it came from one of those monsters you were hunting with the princesses! I knew it was something you couldn’t handle! I knew there was more going on and you didn’t tell me!”

There was the anger Bon Bon expected, spewing forth like an agitated dragon. It was like Bon Bon could see the smoke billowing from her nostrils, from between her gritted teeth. Recovering from the tirade of fury, Bon Bon retorted back just as quickly, almost having practiced for this very situation.

“We had a plan… We had it under control at the time… but things change. Things we don’t expect. Now, it’s bigger than T.I.T.A.N. It’s bigger than me. It’s bigger than all the world can handle, Lyra. I didn’t want to bring you into all of that! Into… all of this…”

“So, what, you didn’t need my help?”

“I’m trying to say I didn’t want you to be put in danger!”

Lyra scoffed, sneering at that response. “So you get to risk your life out there, nearly dying I don’t even know how many times, and I just stay home?! And what if you did die, huh?! What would I do then?! You would leave me here alone, Bon Bon! Would you want that?!”

“No! I was—!” Bon Bon cried, holding herself back and trying again. “I was trying to protect you.”

“Protect me?” Lyra said, her voice coiled in a soft venom, only escalating with every passing, tormenting accusation. “Yeah, you seemed to do a swell job with Rodan, huh? A single monster managed to wipe out a chunk of the world’s armies and nearly clawed this airship to shreds! This close to death, Bon Bon! This close and I would’ve never seen you again! And what about Ghidorah? I’m glad you and Twilight saved those ponies at Frostbite, but if Celestia hadn’t gotten to you in time—!”

I didn’t want you to die with me!”

Silence. It festered between them, tore Lyra’s voice from her throat and left the unicorn speechless. Just like that, Bon Bon’s greatest fear was brought forth to the light. Even greater than her fear of Godzilla. Greater than the shadow of the terrifying Ghidorah. Keeping her out of the war, keeping her away from her true life, that was what Bon Bon wanted more than anything. She wanted Lyra to live. She wanted her to be safe.

She couldn’t bear to imagine otherwise…

“We failed…” Bon Bon finally said, her face having fallen into her hooves. “That’s it, that’s the truth. We failed the world… everypony… from these monsters. I feel like… I’ve failed them all. The apocalypse is coming… and there’s nothing I can do to protect my world… my people… or you.”

She sniffled, rubbing her eyes and feeling the dampness upon her touch. Her hooves fell at that, Bon Bon staring with heavy, red eyes to the floor, to the wall, refusing to meet whatever glare Lyra was directing her way. She had faced the fury and would rather take that a thousand-fold than imagining a life with Lyra gone.

There was no glare. There was no fury. Lyra rested her hoof on her wife’s shoulder.

That alone broke her, the tears slipping freely. “I’m sorry, Lyra… I’m so… sorry.”

“Hey, look at me…”

She did.

Right into her golden eyes, where the loving face of her wife was there to meet her. Just as the first day they had met, all the picnics, all the benches they sat on, and to the rest of her life, she still saw the same face she knew she could trust. It was there. Unshaken. Unbowed. Hiding nothing. It was enough to cease Bon Bon’s cries, take her breath away.

She was enough.

“Bon Bon… Sweetie Drops… whatever your name is,” Lyra said with a breathless chuckle, managing to earn a short smile from her wife. “We’re a team. That’s what we vowed to. That’s why we trust one another, because we know we got each other’s backs… no matter what. If it’s you running to the market for groceries while I’m too lazy to… or even when it’s me helping you take on an army of monsters… we face it together."

Bon Bon had to chuckle at the ridiculousness of such a statement, but that didn’t make it any less true. Lyra continued, and Bon Bon didn’t stop her. Didn’t want to.

“We stand together… through anything. I don’t care if it’s against a flying, flaming bird or a three-headed demon from space, all that matters is that I’m by your side every step of the way. And you admit that, you admit it’s too much for you to handle alone, and I’ll be there. I don’t care what it is… and even if that means we die together fighting it… then we die together.”

Bon Bon reactively closed her eyes at that dreaded possibility, sucking in sharply through her nostrils. She eased considerably well when Lyra’s hoof rose to her cheek. It was enough for Bon Bon to open her eyes again.

“We handle these things together because neither one of us can stand on their own,” Lyra finished, though mulling over her own words, she had to chuckle. “Well… not entirely. You being a special agent and all… and me just being…”

Bon Bon laid her hoof over Lyra’s, and that was enough to shut her up. Enough for Lyra to meet her eyes and share her smile. Her heart fluttered when it was Bon Bon who told her with absolute truth, honor, and love, “You’re the best part of me. Always were… even now.”

They came to a shared understanding upon that final remark, ending the lies and anger and unifying once more. And it felt good, getting that dreaded feeling off her chest and out of her spirit. Now, Bon Bon could focus on the end of the world instead. Mentally chuckling to herself, Bon Bon lowered her hoof. Lyra did the same, neither one of them breaking their eyes away.

“Sooo… I get to stay and help then?” Lyra asked, hope brimming on her tongue and on each end of her grin.

Bon Bon couldn’t help but giggle. “Can’t talk you out of it now, can I?"

Lyra smirked. “Not a chance.”

Another moment shared with giggles, with smiles, and with comforting silence. One neither pony wanted to end. The world could go on and on but they would be absolutely fine. As long as they had each other, as long as they stayed together, then it was absolutely fine.

Then the door busted inwards and a wild Twilight appeared, shouting, “Bon Bon, I—!”

Just as suddenly as she barged in, she read the room, a crimson blush forming across the Alicorn’s cheeks. Lyra managed a chuckle at that, leaning back on the bed to watch and be entertained.

Biting her lip, darting her eyes back and forth across the floor, Twilight quickly stammered out an apology. “Oh, s-sorry for barging in… but it’s really important! Like, really important!”

Turning to Lyra, Bon Bon saw her simply shrug. Smiling at that, the Earth pony hopped off the bed and approached the princess. “What’s happening, Twilight?” she asked cordially.

It was to the growing wonderment of the special agent that an awestruck smile slowly grew across Twilight’s lips. A breathless gasp, a laugh of astonishment, and Twilight nearly collapsed, her body practically quivering with excitement. Bon Bon’s smile started to fade, curiosity replacing it. Even Lyra was affected to some degree, sitting up and alert.

Then, she spoke. Muttered an astounded gasp.

“She’s here…” Twilight practically whispered. “She came.”

Bon Bon slowly raised a brow, tilted her head, and asked, “Who…?”

But never finished.

Because she heard it. Just like Twilight had, she heard it, too.

It was loud enough to stop Bon Bon’s voice, yet pleasant enough to replace her words with breaths of silent reverence. The soft rumble echoed throughout the Radiance. The gentle cries enveloped the heavens outside and beyond and filled Bon Bon’s heart with a renewed rapture. It was then that Bon Bon knew exactly who Twilight was talking about, and she could hardly contain her overflowing awe, wonder, and joy.

It was all she could do before she grabbed Lyra by the hoof and yanked her off the bed, sped down the hallway with Twilight, and out into the darkness of the night.

Only there was no darkness. Not anymore.

Author's Note:

Artwork by Shrekzilla

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