• Published 21st Nov 2020
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The One True King - JDPrime22

Can Equestria’s greatest heroes coexist with these mythical and majestic beasts… or will they have to accept that their rule has come to an end? For the rule of the one true king, Godzilla, has returned.

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Chapter 16 – What World Peace Feels Like

Chapter 16

“We must see that peace represents a sweeter music, a cosmic melody, that is far superior to the discords of war.”

Martin Luther King, Jr.

Mount Metazoa, Hall of Unity

Breaking the storm and entering the light, the Radiance was but one of many airships to turn their sails onward toward the mountain. At the base of the tallest peak within the range of mountains, they could see it rising up. The tower. The complex.

The Hall of Unity.

A cluster of towers surrounded the largest structure, a stone and wooden building massive in scale and height. Its peak touched the clouds swarming the mountains, a few waterfalls descending from its edges and falling into the seemingly-endless drop below. Fog and mist shrouded the atmosphere, but nothing could conceal the absolute monstrous fleet of airships, dragons, air balloons, and other creatures and machines capable of flight filling the heavens.

The Council of Friendship, the reinforced members and agents of T.I.T.A.N., and Shining Armor all stared in awe to what their eyes were witnessing. The sun was barely able to shine its light into the main bridge of the Radiance from the absolute astonishing number of creatures and people attending the emergency meeting at the Hall of Unity. Those like Twilight, Celestia, Luna, and Cadance knew much about the Hall. Except for Luna, they had a certain history with it.

They only wished they could have reunited with the creatures of the world on warmer tides.

With the Radiance leading the pack and descending upon one of the many erected landing platforms, the T.I.T.A.N. fleet landed safely and disembarked appropriately. Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rarity, Spike, and Shining Armor took in as much as their eyes and minds could hold, but even then it seemed far too much for them to handle.

Pockmarked and dotted with flying ships and creatures, the skies held every species known to Equus’ knowledge. Every intelligible species, that is. The number and scale only grew larger once Celestia and Luna led the pack directly into the tallest tower, where the monumental meeting hall stood tall and proud among the clouds.

Escaping the snow-capped peaks around Mount Metazoa, the pack entered the main foyer within the Hall. With a T.I.T.A.N. escort led by Bon Bon, Celestia and Luna followed alongside Twilight and Cadance to join the flow of creatures into the grand assembly. The Council kept their heads on a swivel and their eyes as wide as physically possible. From the titanic stained glass windows decorated with a different creature, the large, marble sculptures of seaponies and dragons, and the endless array of species all around them, it didn’t seem like there was an end to it all.

But there was an end. There was a destination. They all flowed like a river towards it.

Entering the amphitheater-esque design of the meeting hall, each member of the Council of Friendship took in a sharp gasp. A large stage was presented at the end of the room, with towering ceilings and multiple levels of seating arrangements. The room was already nearly filled to its brim with world leaders and bureaucrats from across every nation. They could point many out by name.

Queen Novo and Princess Skystar of Hippogriffia were the first they saw. Joined by an armed escort of Royal Hippogriff Guards, the leaders of the Hippogriffs bowed appropriately to their allied rulers and took their seat. They were stationed on the second floor of seats.

King Thorax and his brother Pharynx were present, their bright colors shimmering under the heavy ceiling lamps as they flew over to their designated seats on the first floor.

Prince Rutherford and the head yaks from various tribes all followed behind their leader. Rutherford took his seat and trembled the entire third floor.

The Dragon Lord Ember was seated near Thorax on the first floor. She sent a quick nod and an even quicker smile to the changeling king, stamping her Bloodstone Scepter beside her with the pair of dragon guards directly behind their ruler.

Chief Thunderhooves and Little Strongheart were on the second floor, among the many other buffalo tribes that managed to make the journey.

The Council of Griffon Lords were present as well, with the head Lord Gestal overseeing the leaders of Griffonstone.

King Aspen of the deer, leader of the Everfree Forest village of Thicket, with his son Prince Bramble had managed to attend. They sent their nods and greetings to the felines beside them, awaiting in cautious silence alongside the many more kings and emperors all around them.

There were countless others Twilight had met either once or on occasion, names she still had trouble remembering. Like the rulers of Abyssinia, the Saddle Arabian king and queen, with the minotaur royalty as well. Leaders, delegates, and rulers from the bats, parrots, moose, bison, apes, mules, and so many more were scattered across the many rows and levels of seating arrangements. Kingdoms and empires both old and new, reborn and ancient, were all present and accounted for. In times of war, of silence, and even in their new age of peace, the creatures from far and wide all united together for one purpose, for one reason.

To understand the declaration of emergency made clear by Princess Twilight Sparkle of Equestria.

Not since the Convocation of Creatures had there been so many rulers and leaders and figureheads present in one central location. In the Hall of Unity again, no less. But they had arrived posthaste after rumors and speculations of tremors in the Frozen North spread like a wildfire. Now news of superstorm activity was growing more fervent and spreading faster. Unnaturally fast. The declaration from the newly-crowned Princess Twilight was the nail in the coffin for a lot of them.

It was time to know what was truly happening in the world.

With Twilight leading the way—and Celestia and Luna supporting her every step—the members of the Council of Friendship, of the Crystal Empire royalty, and the agents of T.I.T.A.N. all made their way to the head of the Hall of Unity.

The stage awaited their presence, with a minotaur bringing focus and attention to the grand assembly. Stepping higher and higher on the stairs to the stage, Celestia cast her wing across Twilight to cease her movements. The Alicorn sent Celestia a curious glance, before her attention was captured and centered on the podium ahead.

“And without further interruption, it is my honor to welcome Princess Twilight Sparkle of the kingdom of Equestria, alongside her Council of Friendship, Prince Shining Armor and Princess Cadance of the Crystal Empire… and the former rulers Princess Celestia and Luna!”

He began the thunderous applause that followed, stepping aside and turning his gaze from the masses and onto them. Celestia’s wing fell away, which gave Twilight the cue to step on stage. She did so with slight reluctance, hesitant especially with the tremoring display of support and welcoming from the many other world leaders. But she eventually found comfort in their cheers and roars and claps.

In fact, she had established peace with almost all of them.

Thankfully, her friends found comfort in the spotlight, Rarity and Rainbow Dash especially. Pinkie Pie danced and bounced and waved and flew confetti with every hop she took. Fluttershy tried to hide behind Celestia and Luna. Spike simply waved with Applejack. In a way, it was both nerve-wracking and strengthening, Twilight holding a small, strong smile as she reached the podium.

Shaking the hand of the minotaur that introduced them, Twilight rose up on the podium and gently prodded the microphones jutted near her mouth. Waiting until the assembly was settled, Twilight cleared her throat and took in a deep breath.

She smiled sweetly and said, “Thank you one and all for attending this very important meeting of the nations. I apologize for the sudden declaration, but you must understand that recent events have pushed us into immediate action. We could not waste time, not even second. And so… I won’t stand here wasting another second of your time. I will let the former princess Celestia make the next address.”

It was quick and clean. Exactly how Celestia wanted it to be. Stepping down and moving aside, Twilight bowed her head appropriately to the oncoming past royalty. Celestia bowed back, Luna behind her and joining her sister’s side. Stepping up to the podium, Celestia eyed the countless faces and silent expressions centered her way. No flashes of cameras or reporters were present, as the Hall of the Unity was closed to the press for their private assembly. For good reason, too.

Celestia brought their reasoning to the forefront of her speech, declaring, “Thank you, Your Majesty. And hello again, one and all, to this emergency meeting. As you all know, there have been alarming signs inflicted upon our natural ecosystem. Sudden earthquakes, hurricanes, and so forth. We are not only here to bring an answer to these sudden environmental disasters… but we aim to unveil what should have been known to the world a long time ago. Without further delay… we would like to introduce some very important ponies…”

Celestia turned and nodded to them. To Bon Bon. To every last T.I.T.A.N. agent who stood with her near the steps. Bon Bon held her breath, a bead of sweat rolling down her forehead. She took that first step and was able to breathe again.

They were a dozen in all, twelve ponies both mare and stallion, unicorn, Earth pony, and Pegasi standing together. They made their way on stage and faced straight ahead, standing tall, and eyeing the rest of the world. Uniforms and all. No longer hiding in the shadows, but standing proud in the light. Several slight murmurs filled the Hall of Unity.

Having no pleasure in the presence of politics, Luna chose to remain silent for the duration of her sister’s speech, helping only when necessary. She brightened her horn, the magic bringing to life the unfurling and descending screen and the projector high above their heads.

The large screen behind them was illuminated in the light of the film projector several stories above and in front of the stage. The first image projected was the insignia of T.I.T.A.N., the rising sun over the world of Equus, the abbreviation “T.I.T.A.N.” holding the world up. To the rulers new, they were taken aback by such an intriguing display. To the rulers of old, they all collectively froze and held their breaths upon seeing that same damning insignia, seeing the agents of the same organization standing on stage, and ultimately knowing where the crisis was inevitably heading.

“To the many who do not know, now you shall,” Celestia announced loudly, silencing the confusion and murmurs within the crowds. “The Tactical Investigative Titan Assimilation Nexus was founded more than sixty years ago! In secret, they have operated with the full authority of the ruling powers of this world to search, discover, and defend our very history from ancient beasts now rising up to reclaim a planet that was once theirs!”

The slideshow proceeded on as she spoke, Luna flipping through each image with her magic and displaying a new truth upon the massive screen for all to see. Each still image showcased a different photograph of unearthed evidence. All of them of creatures and civilizations beyond their knowledge or comprehension.

Cave paintings, ancient temples, artifacts and even shots of different Titans were shown to the eyes of the world. Many were flabbergasted, some awestruck and some filled with horror. Others who knew of T.I.T.A.N.’s history—their organization, their secrets, their forbidden knowledge—sat and squirmed awkwardly in their seats. Very few held hardened and inquisitive looks on their faces, some of those few being Queen Novo, Dragon Lord Ember, and the Council of Griffon Lords.

The few who knew of T.I.T.A.N. and sought to understand how it all connected to their current crisis.

Celestia gave them exactly that, saying, “What you have heard about the Frozen North is true to some degree. There were earthquakes… caused by the awakening of Titanus Ghidorah.”

Upon the massive screen, images of cave paintings of Ghidorah popped up, along with photographs of a frozen facility in the icy wastes. In that icy tomb, there was the photograph of Ghidorah trapped within it, trapped in that scream frozen in time. The display elicited gasps from rulers both old and new.

Continuing, Celestia said, “In our Outpost Frostbite within the Frozen North, we have discovered one of Sombra’s old crystal hives deep beneath the ice.” The screen shifted to several photos of the dark crystals embedded within the frozen walls. Multiple perspectives and various angles.

Ember’s eyes slowly widened, the dragon nearly hopping out of her seat once she flinched forward. Her eyes centered on those crystals, her jaw falling but her voice unable to speak. Her heart slowly swelled until it began to sink. It only sunk further as Celestia continued to speak.

“Upon our discovery, it would seem the fallen king had left us a message. One of wrath and vengeance. His crystal hive erupted, thus destroying the glacier and releasing the Titan upon our world. This Ghidorah is the same Titan uttered throughout history, warned to us by the ancients of his cataclysmic powers. This single Titan is capable of inflicting mass amounts of damage not only to our cities or our nations, but to our entire ecosystem. So, we bring you here today to know this threat, to understand it, and to take the necessary steps to combat it.”

Following the silence from Celestia’s speech, the rulers new expressed several different but expected reactions. Most were still quite shocked by the revelations, reeling to one another of their discomfort and confusion of what it all truly meant. Some even appeared to be quite furious, which was completely understandable considering they had not even known of these creatures or their destructive powers. They rose from their seats, slammed their claws, hooves, and talons on the tables and expressed their anger. The rulers of old did not react in such a way.

They knew exactly what Celestia spoke of, and so they made their frustrations heard.

In an orderly and appropriate fashion, Queen Novo quieted the masses with her shriek booming into her microphone. The cries and roars and screams from below all quieted down for her, all heads turning and eyes peering onto the ruler of the Hippogriffs.

She faced the stage and said, “While we can debate the appropriateness of unveiling T.I.T.A.N. now of all times, I think we should make our goals clear and concise to all, so that there is no room for confusion! So that everyone here knows and understands that we want the same thing!”

“Namely, killing this beast before it kills all of us!” Lord Gestal of the Griffon Kingdom declared, earning an uproar of support and opposition from every side.

Luna sneered at the following display of argumentation. One of the reasons she hated politics was the lack of accomplishment, and it only seem to be deteriorating to that unfortunate fate once more. Fluttershy winced and cowered further behind Cadance, whimpering at such harsh words thrown about so easily. If this was what politics was all about, then Fluttershy wanted nothing to do with it.

“Everycreature, please, calm yourselves!” the Abyssinian king interrupted, rising from his chair and holding out his paws to all. “We mustn’t devolve ourselves into such… crude and ravage nature. How does that make us any better from these monsters?”

With some semblance of order restored, the king adjusted his cloak and cleared his throat. He continued. “Now then… I am certain you are all quite shocked to learn of these Titans resting beneath your nations. Believe me, I once sat in the same position you are now. But the first step to understanding is acceptance, and that also means accepting the truth. Yes, these beasts have lived beneath us for quite some time. Yes, they are inherently dangerous. But if legend is to be true, this specific Titan is to be feared most of all. It is to be met with the upmost and greatest urgency that we can offer.”

King Aspen rose from his seat, hooves pressed firmly to the table as he asked, “If our ancestors fell to this hydra and thus feared it, what gives us the power to defeat such a creature? What plan can we possibly formulate to stop this ‘Ghidorah’ from inflicting its will upon our world?”

There was rabid display of debate among the many different creatures in the Hall of Unity, each of them spewing and offering their own haphazard idea birthed on the spot. But it all fell back to the stage, where Celestia brought the attention of the masses back to her.

“Attention, please!” Celestia called, waiting until there was an appropriate wave of silence washing across the assembly. “Now then, I am pleased to inform everycreature here that we do have a plan. Those present for the founding of T.I.T.A.N. should know exactly what I mean, and thus know the appropriate steps to take in their own countries when we dismiss this meeting.”

She leaned forward, her eyes desperate but certain. Those who were not present for T.I.T.A.N.’s founding leaned in as well, hovering on her every word.

“With your support today, and the appropriate funding and numbers needed, we can see to it that the first line of defense can be properly reinstated. We can finally bring T.I.T.A.N. back to the forefront of our military operations, and thus use this reinvigorated organization to properly face this threat head-on.”

Funding sounded a lot like donations, specifically monetary. And numbers sounded hauntingly like volunteers. Soldiers. An army, even. None of it sounded exactly pleasing to many world leaders. They were currently enjoying the world’s longest reign of peace since before the rise of Nightmare Moon, and now the threat of war was looming dangerously overhead.

Thorax spoke for everyone when he asked into his microphone, “In what ways do we do so?”

Celestia answered, “Facing this threat means to understand how the beast moves and acts. Rainbow Dash, if you will…”

Earning a helpful and supportive pat on the shoulder from Applejack, Rainbow rolled her neck and breathed out a gust of air. Normally, the spotlight was her desired environment. When performing, when captivating the crowd for her spectacle and speed. Against a bunch of kings, queens, and politicians however… it was a little bit out of her element. She stepped up to the podium regardless. Luna changed the slides on the projector to assist the Pegasus.

Her eyes dilated the second she lifted her head to the Hall of Unity, then her pupils shrunk. Gulping, Rainbow twisted herself around to avoid their silent stares and instead focused on the screen. Several images popped up, all of them taken from a Pegasus’ perspective high in the clouds. They showcased what appeared to be heavy storm clouds, swirling and moving above and around different settlements and nations. Lightning billowed within the large hurricane, Rainbow holding out her hoof to the display.

“A-as you can see, the Wonderbolts and the Pegasi of Cloudsdale have been studying storms across the globe. They were able to track this superstorm, this one hurricane that just sprouted up not too long ago. It was never seen before until today. And it’s moving fast.”

The screen shifted to different photos of that hurricane, a drawing of it with arrows directing it across Equestria, the Griffon Kingdom, and beyond. It followed the flow of wind patterns, changing and morphing the world’s storm system to its will. No longer did Pegasi control the storms growing more and more across the world. Just the one hurricane did it all simply by existing.

And from what they heard, what they knew to be true, the Hall of Unity put two and two together.

In a sudden uproar, the minotaur king declared, “We must stop this creature at once!”

Prince Rutherford joined in, acting much more maliciously—though not intentionally—when he roared in his microphone, “What if evil cloud reaches Yakyakistan?! Ponies better figure out how to stop it, or else!”

“It’s projected to reach Equestria first!” the Saddle Arabian queen cried to her yak ally. She faced the stage and shouted, “Is there anything we can do before it reaches a highly-populated area?!”

“Why should we risk our people for this?!” one of the lords of Griffonstone questioned. “From what I’ve heard, we wouldn’t be in this mess had it not been for Princess Twilight and her ponies destroying the Titan’s prison!”

Rainbow was at a loss for words, seemingly utterly dumbfounded if she should even respond or not. Twilight took over quickly, shouting into the microphone, “The only reason Ghidorah was able to escape was because of Sombra! We had no idea what his intent was before it was too late! It was his crystals and his dark magic that enacted the explosion!”

Celestia stepped forward to help Twilight, but Luna held out her wing to her sister. She fixed the projector, moving back to the images of Sombra’s crystals once more. Aiding Twilight and letting her take a much-needed stand.

And so, she did. Rainbow backed away to make way for the Princess of Equestria, Twilight Sparkle announcing over the silence, “Our actions aided in his release, yes, but we didn't know. We are not to blame. If we point swords at one another, make our allies out to be our enemies, then we’ve gone nowhere. We’ve achieved nothing. Whether or not we want to admit it, we have to face this crisis together. What are we going to tell our sons… our daughters… our generations to come of what we did to respond when the world cried out for help? Did we sit by in silence, in conflict with ourselves… and do nothing?”

Novo turned to her daughter Skystar, seeing the untamed curiosity and burning impatience in her eyes. King Aspen stared at his son, Prince Bramble quivering and turning to the masses to see how they would answer. He didn’t even face his father. Both Alicorn sisters slowly smiled, seeing the effect Princess Twilight had on the world with their own eyes.

Ember winced at Twilight’s final declaration, dropping her head to the floor as her heart continued to fall. Her eyes darted back and forth, shutting tightly.

She stamped her hooves on the podium, facing the masses with all she was and all that she believed. She faced the entire world and told them, “Or did we come together, a united Equus, to save our people from whatever acts of terror this Ghidorah plans to wage?”

Utter silence.

Twilight asked them, “Are you with me?”

For several seconds, there was nothing. Then, the Dragon Lord slowly stood up.

Various gasps and shocked murmurs rushed throughout the Hall of Unity when they saw the Dragon Lord stand before anyone else. It prompted many others to stand as well. At first, Twilight thought it to be a stand for unity, and she smiled for it. She thought she could find solace and peace in knowing that Ember of all creatures would be willing to stand with her first.

But that wasn’t why she stood. Not entirely. Soon, everyone realized why.

Immediately after she said, “I’ve seen those crystals before…”

Twilight’s smile died. As did Celestia and Luna’s. The Council of Friendship took several steps closer to the Dragon Lord. Those murmurs transformed into startled gasps and cries, questions hurled back and forth with no immediate answer. Without that answer, they grew rabid and unhinged. The Hall of Unity demanded to know where and Ember would not tell them.

Twilight gave them what they wanted, asking her simply, “Where?”

Lifting her heavy, hardened gaze, Ember faced Princess Twilight with that reality, with that truth gripping her features and making her answer all the grimmer. “Surrounding our land… They sprouted first in our volcano… near Outpost Cinder.”

Author's Note:

Artwork by Shrekzilla

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