• Published 28th Aug 2020
  • 8,835 Views, 305 Comments

At Your Service - DanishDash

Taking care of a whole kingdom can be hard, teaching/learning how to act in the modern times is harder. Keeping up with Twilight is tiring, dealing with their nephew is worse. Thank Faust for their new butler.

  • ...

Chapter 11: At The Gala

Dapper stood at the train station, watching as Luna prepared to leave the city. She looked excited, and yet nervous. Dapper could hardly blame her, after all, she hadn't been out of the castle since she returned as Nightmare Moon. It was a big step for her, and an important one at that.

Having missed a thousand years of progress, it was hard to wrap her head around everything without seeing it with her own eyes. Normally, Dapper would have offered to travel with her, but he had to stay and prepare for the Gala tonight. Frost Heart would be able to take care of her, so he didn't worry about any lack of education, or service.

Frost Heart was reliable, and Dapper had total faith in the maid. "Right, you got everything you need?"

Frost nodded. "Yes, I made sure the princess has everything she needs." She watched Dapper look at his watch. "Is it time?"

"Just about," he replied. "Better get onboard."

Frost nodded, starting to trot towards the train itself. "Are you sure you're going to be alright? When it comes to galas, you can't make mistakes."

Her warning was fair, and normally she would be right. "Do not worry yourself. I'm sure it will be an unforgettable night."

The maid narrowed her eyes just slightly. "Take care, Mr. Dash."

Dapper inclined his head, and watched as the maid made her way inside. He was just about to turn and leave the station, when princess Luna suddenly trotted back out. His surprise must have shown on his face, because she moved a hoof to her muzzle, and giggled slightly.

"Do not worry yourself, Mr. Dash. I am not planning to remain."

"Oh, no, no. You misunderstood, I was not worried about you staying." Dapper quickly replied, but Luna just waved off his apology with her hoof.

"Do not fret, I simply came to wish you good luck."

"Good luck with what, your majesty?"

Lina didn't answer, instead she just winked at him and boarded the train, leaving the butler confused. The whistle blew, and soon enough the train was moving away from the platform. As he watched it move away, Dapper wondered if Luna knew what he was planning, or at least, had some idea?

If she did, had she just given her blessing? Or was he simply overthinking her parting words?

Probably the latter.

Dapper returned to the palace twenty minutes later. The palace was full of activity, all around you could see palace staff get everything ready for the big night. No detail was missed, no speck of dust allowed to linger.

A part of Dapper was sad he had to ruin their efforts, because by the end of the night, if things went as he expected, there would be more ruined decorations, and much more than a speck of dust to worry them in the morning. But first things first. He had to set everything up, which meant dealing with Blueblood.

The young master had a goal tonight, finding his future wife. Sadly though, Blueblood was in no position to find a suitable match. Once the stallion could take care of himself, and life responsibly, then he was ready to tackle the trials of marriage. As things stood now he was nowhere near ready.

This would not be a fun lesson for him, but at least it could put him on the path to become a better pony.

After checking everything was going according to plan, Dapper went to the royal wing to visit Blueblood in his chambers. He found the young master as he had expected, admiring himself in the mirror. Somehow he had made quite a mess of his room while he was gone.

Before Dapper could announce himself, Blueblood was already addressing him. "Ah, good, you're here. We need to pick an outfit, and fast!"

"Young master, I do not think you need to worry. I think sir should go for something simple."

"Simple?!" He sounded almost outraged that Dapper would suggest such a thing.

"If sir wants to attract a potential wife, then sir would do well to not overdress. Let her see sir as sir is." Dapper explained, looking through the clothes, bringing it back to something that resembled order.

"Hm, you might be right. After all." He turned to the mirror, and gave his best winning smile. "Who could resist this?"

"You'd be surprised, sir."

"What was that?" Blueblood asked and looked back at Dapper.

"I was merely saying that mares might need a little more than just a smile." Dapper explained, starting to put the articles of clothes back to their homes in the closet. "If the young master wants to gain the attention of a special mare, I might have somepony in mind."

This caught Blueblood's attention. "Really? Who is it?"

Dapper paused, thinking if this was the right choice or not. Then again, he had done his homework. Entering the service of the princesses, Dapper had of course studied everypony who was close to his charges. That, combined with his talent to read ponies, he had a pretty good idea how things would go.

"Rarity Belle, sir." Dapper then replied.

"Rarity Belle... Hmm, that name does sound familiar.."

"The element of generosity, sir."

Blueblood lit up. "Ah, yes, of course! Rarity Belle, hm.. I do not know her, do you think she will be a good match?"

If Dapper was being honest, then Blueblood might get on well with Rarity, if he was a bit more mature. If Miss Belle and Blueblood were going to get on, it meant they both needed to grow up. As things stood, Dapper could not see them get along. So taking a page out of Celestia's book, this was a perfect opportunity to teach them both a valuable lesson. With luck, the two of them would grow as ponies after tonight.

"That is tricky to say with accuracy, sir." Dapper replied. "But as far as I know, you both enjoy the finer things in life, not to mention the lifestyle of the nobility."

"Perfect!" Exclaimed Blueblood, without as much as asking about anything else.

Not that Dapper had expected anything else. Blueblood had a habit of not thinking ahead, so this might be something to take away too. Though he would have to make it up to him, as if things went as he expected, then the night would not end as Blueblood would hope. As for Miss Belle, she too would not find the night so enchanting as she might hope. Thankfully, she was not so self absorbed she couldn't move on from tonight's incoming disaster.

As for the rest of the elements, he really just needed to push Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie, the two of them would be able to create enough chaos to make this party really interesting. As for the last remaining three, Twilight Sparkle, Applejack and Fluttershy, he could not imagine any of them contributing to any shenanigans. The worst he could expect from Twilight was her unhealthy obsession with her teacher. Fluttershy was too quiet and shy, and Applejack was too well raised.

With Blueblood set up, and his staff hard at work, Dapper made his way back to Celestia's chambers. Normally there would be only one guard outside her door, but as he approached, he found not only one, but two golden armored royal guards standing guard outside Celestia's door.

Dapper raised an eyebrow at this, but decided not to think about it for now. He approached the door, and with a swift movement, the spears of the guards moved in front of him, crossing each other like an X. Dapper stopped, and moved a step back.

"Gentlecolts, is there a problem?"

"I'm sorry, sir," said the guard on the left.

The guard on the right elaborated. "The princess has instructed us there is to be no visitors other than the maids."

"Other than the maids?" Repeated Dapper.

"Yes sir, the princess is trying on her dress."

Now Dapper understood, and he nodded. "Very good, sorry to have disturbed you. Good day."

Well, if the princess was getting ready for tonight, he likely would not see her for a few hours. Blueblood too was getting himself dolled up, and Luna was away from the palace. With his staff ahead of schedule and everything well in hoof, Dapper found himself with some time for himself. A rarity to be sure, but a welcome one.

He returned to his apartment, opening up his blazer and his vest, then finally allowed himself to plop onto his bed and let out a long breath. He was tired, and his wing hurt. Thankfully, he had the solution. With a well practiced movement, he reached into his now open blazer, and pulled out his pill bottle. Dapper popped it open, and took out two pills and swallowed them.

Instead of bothering with putting the bottle back into the inner pocket of his blazer, he simply put it back on the top, and let it rest on the bed. Soon the pills took effect, and he could feel how the pain lessened. It was never enough to make it vanish, but it was enough to keep him from going insane.

For a while Dapper just laid there, just enjoying the quiet. He wasn't tired enough to nap, nor did he have the energy needed to do anything productive with his time. Then again, sometimes it just felt good not doing anything. So for now he just laid there, letting his thoughts drift around in his mind like the clouds in the sky.

He thought back, back to when Lucky Star first mentioned the job opening. Dapper had been on his lowest point by then, and yet he decided to give the whole butler thing a try. He got a month to clear up his act, and off to the interview he went. Dapper had often wondered what he would have done if he hadn't gotten the job. Would Lucky still have tried to drag him up from the hole he had dug himself into? Or would he have given up?

Dapper didn't care to speculate on the matter too long, it brought other dark thoughts. So letting out a sigh, enjoying the feeling of the relief of his pain medicine, he thought back to him lacking a cutie mark. What he had said to those three fillies back at Ponyville had been true. He had been out looking for his special talent, then he got hurt, and now he was in Canterlot.

Life sure was strange...

The time had finally come, the Grand Galloping Gala!

Soon the guests would arrive from near and far, everypony who was anypony would trot through those grand doors and be a part of the biggest night in Equestria! Dapper had cleaned himself up, made himself look sharper, and had of course put his pills back in his blazer.

There was still a little under an hour until they could expect the first guests to arrive, and so Dapper spent what little time they had left to go over everything one more time. The food, the uniforms of the serving staff, the plans, the band, and so on. Truth be told, he really wanted to play with the great Octavia, but sadly, he doubted this would be her idea of a dream night.

Again he was reminded of the likely chaos his idea would bring, but Celestia would certainly get a much needed laugh, and have a grand time with her student. In all honesty, he doubted any of his staff would mind it. After all, all those stuffy nobles could use a bit of a shocker. Still, Dapper made a mental note to reward them for their efforts at the gala. At least it would still make it worth it.

As he stood there and looked over the final details, the door to the grand ballroom opened, and in walked Princess Celestia herself. Everypony turned towards her and bowed deeply, last to do so was Dapper who turned, and froze. There she stood, regal and beautiful as ever, but this time she wore a very elegant gala dress.

This may be one of those rare times Celestia could actually read him like an open book, because she blushed slightly and held a hand to her mouth as she giggled lightly. "Please, Mr. Dash, you are embarrassing me." She said in a mild teasing tone.

Dapper blushed a little himself, realizing he had been starting. Quickly he lowered his head and bowed. "Please forgive my indiscretion, your majesty."

Celestia rolled her eyes playfully, and trotted to stand beside him and look at the ballroom. "I must say, the staff has outdone itself this year."

"Yes," replied Dapper, as he turned around to marvel at the feat that had been accomplished. "They have been working very hard. I will have them rewarded for their efforts after the gala. A lot of overtime and dedication has gone into this evening, so if anyone deserves the recognition, it is them."

Celestia smiled. "Sounds like an excellent idea, Mr. Dash."

"Thank you, ma'am." Dapper took out his watch, and looked at the time. "The guests should be arriving shortly."

"Right.." Celestia let out a small sigh. "I better get ready to greet everypony."

"Do you need any refreshments first?"

"No thank you, Dapper. I'll be fine, but if you could please be close for now. It can get rather dull up there." Even though she said that in a calm and controlled tone, he could sense the small pleading voice behind it.

So Dapper inclined his head. "Of course, ma'am. I shall be right by your side." She didn't answer, instead she just smiled, seemingly pleased by his answer.

Soon enough the guests started to arrive. The press was of course having a field day, but thanks to the royal guard, they were controlled, and the guests could make their way inside in an orderly fashion.

Celestia herself sat in the great entry hall of the palace, greeting everypony one by one before they continued inside. So other than the glamor, Dapper quickly understood why Celestia would feel the gala was so boring and lifeless. Dapper himself sat near her, not right beside her, as he was not her equal in status, but a little behind her so he could always be at her service if needed.

"Welcome to Canterlot, I do hope you have a wonderful time." Celestia told another pair of ponies.

Dapper frowned, feeling sorry for his princess. "Is her majesty sure she would not like something to drink?"

"I would rather not." She replied. "This will take some time, so I can't risk drinking too much."

"I see. If her majesty thinks of anything that will make her duty more comfortable, please let me know."

Celestia sends him a discreet smile. "Thank you, Dapper, honestly."

Dapper felt his cheeks burn slightly, and he sent her a small sincere smile back. "Not at all.." Suddenly Dapper felt something shift in the air, and Celestia seemed to do so as well, because her ears twisted straight up and forward.

She smiled, amused. "It would seem the elements have arrived."

"It would seem so." Dapper agreed, feeling the song magic in the air. Thankfully, it seemed the musical was taking place outside, and not in here. "If her majesty will excuse me for a moment."

"Of course, Mr. Dash."

Dapper left Celestia, then vanished into the crowd to go to a window and see if he could spot the elements of harmony. Took him one second to spot them, and as expected, they were singing.

At the Gala,
At the Gala.
At the Gala, in the garden
I'm going to see them all!

All the creatures, I'll befriend them at the Gala! (at the Gala!)
All the birdies, and the critters
They will love me big and small!
We'll become good friends forever
Right here at the Gala!

All our dreams will come true right here at the Gala, at the Gala!

At the Gala (it's amazing!), I will sell them (better hurry!)
All my appletastic treats! (yummy, yummy!)
Hungry ponies (they'll be snacking!), they will buy them (bring your money!)
Caramel apples, apple sweets! (gimme some!)
And I'll earn a lot of money for the Apple family!

All our dreams and our hopes from now until hereafter
All that we've been wishing for will happen at the Gala, at the Gala!

At the Gala, all the royals
They will meet fair Rarity.
They will see I'm just as regal at the Gala! (at the Gala)
I will find him, my Prince Charming
And how gallant he will be
He will treat me like a lady, tonight at the Gala!

This is what we've waited for, to have the best night ever!
Each of us will live our dreams, tonight at the Gala, at the Gala!

Been dreaming, I've been waiting
To fly with those brave ponies
The Wonderbolts, their daring tricks
Spinning 'round and having kicks
Perform for crowds of thousands
They'll shower us with diamonds
The Wonderbolts will see me right here at the Gala!

All we've longed for, all we've dreamed, our happy ever after!
Finally will all come true, right here at the Grand Gala, at the Gala!

I am here at the Grand Gala, for it is the best party
But the one thing it was missing was a pony named Pinkie
For I am the best at parties, all the ponies will agree
Ponies playing, ponies dancing, with me at the Grand Gala!

Happiness and laughter at the Gala, at the Gala!

At the Gala (at the Gala), with the Princess (with the Princess)
Is where I'm going to be (she will be)
We will talk all about magic and what I've learned and seen (she will see)
It is going to be so special as she takes time just for me!

This will be the best night ever!
Into the Gala we must go, we're ready now, we're all aglow
Into the Gala, let's go in and have the best night ever
Into the Gala, now's the time, we're ready and we look divine

Into the Gala, meet new friends!
Into the Gala, sell some apples!
Into the Gala, find my prince!
Prove I'm great as a Wonderbolt!

To meet!
To sell!
To find!
To prove!
To whoop!
To talk!

Into the Gala, into the Gala!
And we'll have the best night ever!
At the Gala!

Dapper watched as they all made their way inside, and the song ended with the little dragon being ignored. He couldn't help but feel bad for the little guy, but he could not do much about it for now. Instead he stepped forward to greet the most eager of all ponies.

"Miss Sparkle, welcome to Canterlot. I'm sure you're eager to see pri-" Twilight completely ignored him, or was too focused on her destination that she simply didn't see Dapper as she sped past him and ran directly up the stairs to greet the princess. "Alright.." As he turned around, he saw the rest of the elements had left as well, leaving him alone with Spike.

Spike was the first from the group who actually seemed to notice him. "Oh hey, you're Celestia's butler, aren't you."

"It would be hard for me to deny." Dapper admitted. "You are young master Spike, Miss Sparkle's number one assistant."

The young Dragon seemed to puff out his chest in pride. "You bet I am, the one and only!"

Dapper inclined his head in greeting. "It is good to meet you, master Spike. But do tell me, aren't you a bit young to be attending this year's Gala?"

Spike froze for a moment, looking like a kid who had been caught stealing cookies from the jaw. "Well, you know.. Twilight brought me, but..."

"She has left to chat with the princess." Dapper finished, reaching into his pocket and pulled out some bits. "You've grown up here in Canterlot, have you not?"

"Yes, why?"

"Then you should be familiar with Donut Joe?"

Spike seemed to light up with both understanding and recognition. "Donut Joe! Yes, I know the place, Best Donuts in Equestria!"

Dapper smiled. "I dare to agree." He then handed Spike the Bits. "You should go there and enjoy yourself."

Spike looked confused. "But I got a ticket."

"You do, but.." He looked around. "I don't think this is your scene. If so, by all means go on ahead and enjoy yourself, but with your friends.." He noticed Rarity go after Blueblood, just as he expected. "Preoccupied. I don't think you will have a lot of fun."

Spike frowned, seeing Rarity go after an unknown stallion, and pretty much everypony, even Twilight, go and do their own things. "Hm.." He looked down at the Bits in his claws, and considered for a moment. "You might have a point."

Dapper didn't mind Spike being here, this was just him giving the lad a way out. "Do not worry yourself, I have a feeling your friends will be with you again before the evening comes to an end."


Dapper sent him a small encouraging smile. "Trust me."

That seemed to be enough for Spike, at least for now. With no friends to hang out with, he might as well go enjoy himself somewhere else. Dapper still felt sorry for him, but sadly, his friends seemed to focus so much on their own ambitions that they would not get a chance to have fun together. Their little musical had made that very clear to him.

No matter, this seemed the perfect opportunity to set his plans into motion.

The first thing on his evil plan to do list was to set Blueblood on the right path. The master seemed so sure about his own charm, that this should be a pretty good lesson for him. Hopefully it would open him up to some humility, but Dapper wouldn't hold his breath.

Trotting out into the garden, he quickly spotted Blueblood enjoying himself by the pond. He seemed to have spotted Dapper as well, because when their eyes met, he waved him over. Wasting no time, Dapper trotted over to him and inclined his head.

"Does sir require anything?"

"Yes, sir does." Blueblood said, sounding a little smug, as if he had just landed a great verbal comeback. "You spoke of this mare earlier today? Belle?"

"Yes sir, Rarity Belle."

"Rarity Belle, what a name! When can I meet her?" Blueblood seemed awfully excited about this, so much so that it took Dapper by surprise.

"Right now, if sir wishes it."

"Of course I do!"

"Very good. She is right over by the rose bushes. Why don't sir go over and introduce himself?"

Blueblood smiled, putting on what Dapper assumed was his charming look. "I think I shall do just that."

"Don't be shy, sir. Show her who exactly you are."

"I shall!"

And with that, Blueblood trotted towards Rarity. Dapper hid a smile, as he really wanted to see how this would play out. Sadly, he had other duties, but a small peak wouldn't hurt. He saw how Blueblood approached Rarity, and introduced himself.

"Well hello. I am Prince Blueblood."

Rarity blushed, looking away as she introduced herself. "I am Rarity." She looked ahead again, looking at one of the roses. "Oh, my, what a lovely rose."

"You mean.." Blueblood took the rose from the bush with his teeth, and seemingly presented it to Rarity. "This rose?" Dapper had to admit, Blueblood was during rather well. He could be very charming when he wanted to be, and for a moment, Dapper thought he had underestimated Blueblood. But then, right on cue, he changed direction as he suddenly pulled it back and placed it in his collar. "Thank you. It goes with my eyes."

Dapper couldn't help but feel bad for Rarity as she looked at him with a mix of disappointment and disbelief. On the other hoof, he wanted to laugh at Blueblood's complete lack of self-awareness. For now, it didn't seem Dapper would have to worry about how things would go with the two of them. So he moved back towards the palace.

On his way, he spotted Fluttershy vanishing into the deeper parts of the royal garden, and Applejack setting up something that looked like some sort of food stand. Who would set up a food stand when they were invited to a royal gala? As much as it baffled Dapper, he continued to trot towards the palace.

In the midst of one of the grand salons, the Wonderbolts were busy chatting with fans, and donors for charities. Dapper had to admit, the Wonderbolts were great to promote good causes. While he would not admit it, he was a bit of a fan of their work. Well, a big fan..

Sadly, he was not here for them, but for a certain rainbow maned mare. Didn't take him long to spot her. She was trying to make her way towards them, but she was not the only pony who wished to talk to them. Dapper couldn't blame her, although he did find some amusement in seeing her trying. Right now she was too busy trying to get noticed, so Dapper let her exhaust her possibilities before he would approach her.

"Hey, Spitfire! Have you ever done a rain cloud double back flip?!"

"Have you ever swerved past lightning?! It's awesome!"

It didn't matter how much she tried, what she said, or how loud she said it. Rainbow simply couldn't get their attention. Dapper found himself amused, and a little frustrated. He really wanted to tell her that she was not the only Wonderbolt fan in the world, and others might like a chance to speak to them too.

Then he reminded himself of his evil and yet ingenious plan, and so he forced the condemning thoughts out of his mind. He was about to ruin the night for a lot of ponies, but if he knew his princess well enough, it would all end with a friendship lesson and some laughs.

After some time, Rainbow sort of faded into the background, looking a bit lost and majorly disappointed. Dapper knew this was the time to set the next part of his plan into motion.

Rainbow let out a sigh. "This isn't hanging out.."

"Good evening, Miss Dash. Are you having a good time at the gala?" Dapper asked, as if he hadn't spent the last five minutes watching her fail to get her hero's attention.

Rainbow looked at him, looking slightly surprised. "Oh, you're that butler dude."

Dapper inwardly cringed. "Yes, I am indeed that butler 'dude'."

"What are you doing here?"

"Well, as Miss Dash might recall, I work here. To which I am currently engaged in my duties, making sure all the guests are having a good time." He explained, being his usual calm and yet sarcastic self, which reminded him to take another dose of pain medicine soon. "I noticed you look rather upset."

"I didn't understand any of that, but yeah, I am upset!" Rainbow replied promptly. "The Wonderbolts asked me to hang out, but I can't get their attention."

"Hm, I see.. Well Miss Dash, I might have an idea that just might help you."


"Yes, really. If they don't notice you, you have to make them notice you." Normally that nopony would take such vague advice, but Rainbow at this point was willing to try anything to get to hang out with her heroes.

"Yeah, you're right!"

"Let them see just how awesome you are." He gestured to the guests. "Why not try something now?"

"Good idea!" Rainbow smiled, clapping Dapper on the shoulder. "You're alright."

Dapper inclined his head. "Thank you, that means a lot."

And that was all it took, honestly Dapper was surprised how easy this was. She acted just as he expected, although a little more reckless than he would have liked to imagine, it would do the trick. Rainbow slammed into another guest, sending him flying through the air, only to then be saved by Rainbow herself in the hopes of being noticed! For now it failed.. So she would have to try something else...

Dapper smirked, turned, and made his way to the door. On his way, he noticed Blueblood trotting with Rarity. He wanted to see how it was going, but sadly he had to hurry to his next target. Although, he did hear Blueblood say something along the lines.

"Rarity, stop! One would hate to slip. One's cloak should take care of the problem."

Dapper made his way to the grand ballroom, it was here the band was playing, and ponies should dance. Only they didn't. Again, he had to agree, this gala was not all it was rumored to be. Still, the music was amazing, and before he moved on to his next part of his evil plan, he took his time to admire and absorb the music. Especially from the cello player, she was truly amazing.

He stood there listening for maybe five minutes, before his ears heard a sad voice sing in the background. "I'm at the grand galloping gala... And it's not what I dreamed..."

"I am so sorry to hear that, Miss Pie." Dapper said as he approached the pink mare.

Pinkie looked at the stallion and smiled. "Oh, Dapper Dash! How have you been?!" Before he could answer, Dapper found himself being hugged tightly.

"Ahm! I'm fine, Miss Pie, just fine. I just couldn't help but overhear that the gala is not what you had hoped for."

Pinkie let go of him, and her large smile dropped into a deep frown. "No.. Ponies don't seem like they want to have fun and party at all.."

"Oh dear.. Well, you will have to help them."

"Help them?" Pinkie repeated, tilting her head in puzzlement.

"Yes, help them enjoy this party. I mean, that is your special talent after all, and I'm sure once the evening is done, you will have some good memories of this evening."

Pinkie gasped, then hugged Dapper again. "Oh my gosh, you're right, Mr. Dashie! I know just what to do!"

And just like that she vanished. For a brief moment Dapper lost track of her, but soon spotted up on stage, whispering to the musicians. Dapper cringed, he hoped this was not going to be another song. Maybe this was cosmic karma..

Pinkie Pie moved to the microphone, and just as you would expect from Pinkie Pie, she opened her mouth and got everypony's attention. "Come on, everypony! I know what'll make you shake those groove things!" She signaled the band, and it began.

You reach your right hoof in
You reach your right hoof out
You reach your right hoof in
And you shake it all about
You do the Pony Pokey meeting lots of folks with clout
That's what I'm talking about

You step your left hoof in
You pull it right back out
You step your left hoof in
But you better help him out
You do the Pony Pokey but should find a different route
That's what it's all about

You kick your back left in
You pull your back left out
You reach your back left in
Just be brave and have no doubt
You do the Pony Pokey feeling like you're gonna pout
That's what I'm singing about

You tilt your head in
You tilt your head out
You tilt your head in
Then you shake it all about
You do the Pony Pokey even though your date's a lout
You're better off without

You stomp your whole self in
You stomp your whole self out
You stomp your whole self in
And you stomp yourself about
You do the Pony Pokey and you give a little shout-


That's what I'm talking about

You do the Pony Pokey
You do the Pony Pokey
You do the Pony Pokey
And that's what it's all about


Dapper watched for the reaction, and of course some snobby noble mare scolded Pinkie for singing. "Young lady, this is not that kind of party!"

Okay, a bit harsher than Dapper would have liked. Looking up at Pinkie, he for a moment worried that she might have hurt, or that she would give up, but instead he got exactly what he needed.

"Oh-o-o-o-o! They don't want to party. These ponies want to PA-A-A-RTY!


Having put all his pieces into motion, Dapper considered returning to Celestia to see if she needed anything. However, when he spotted Blueblood still trotting with Rarity, this time back into the garden, he could not help but to follow. He was curious to see if Blueblood had improved his behavior, or if he still had no clue.

The couple trotted to where Applejack was still standing, trying to sell her apple treats. Dapper kept out of sight, watching as Rarity ordered two apple fritters. Applejack happily placed them on her makeshift counter, and then the most unbelievable thing happened.



Blueblood was seriously expecting Rarity to pay for the treats?! At this Dapper could only marvel, as even he had not counted on the young master being so tone deaf! Wasn't he the one looking for a bride?! Then what was this?! Dapper could only marvel at the display, and cringe as Applejack herself offered to pay for her own products.

Unfortunately, that wasn't the end of it. To his astonishment, Blueblood took one bite of the fritter, and then proceeded to gag and vomit. Dapper almost lost his jaw at this display.

"Fritters! Dumplings! Caramel apples! My royal lips have touched common carnival fare!" The young master stuck his nose as high as Dapper had ever seen it, and proceeded to trot off with Rarity following behind him. "I'm going to the buffet for some hors D'oeuvres."

For the first time this evening, Dapper actually felt bad for both Rarity, and for Applejack. As he approached her, he could hear her cursing. "Well, no wonder no pony wants my food! They're filling up on all those fancy schmancy vittles!"

"Good evening, Miss Apple." Dapper greeted as he trotted closer.

Applejack was a bit startled at first, but smiled when she recognized him. "Well I'll be, if it isn't Mr. Dash himself. What can I do for you, partner?"

"One apple fritter please." Dapper smiled politely, getting out two bits. Applejack happily got one more out, and Dapper eagerly ate the sweet pastry. He hadn't really eaten anything since lunch, so this really hit the spot. "Mmm, now that's what I call a fritter."

Applejack beamed. "Old family recipe!"

Dapper nodded. "Indeed? Well that explains the good taste then. Years of experience and love." Now Applejack was almost blushing with pride from the praise. "Too bad business hasn't been going well."

Some of Applejack's pride left her, and she let out a sigh. "You can say that again. I thought this would be a perfect opportunity to earn my family some extra money."

Dapper shrugged. "Well, maybe all you need to do is to dress your cakes up a bit."


"Your apples are very good, it would be a shame if every pony thought they were no better than mere carnival snacks."

The more Applejack listened, the more she nodded. "Hot dang, you're right, partner! I just need to prove it to them!" She smiled, and a certain determined look came about her. "Mighty kind of you."

"Don't mention it."

Applejack started to push her stand away, what exactly she had planned Dapper had no idea, but hopefully it would help her a bit. Alone again, Dapper took out his bottle, swallowed two pills, and relaxed his tense muscles. So far he didn't feel like he'd had a break since the gala started.

Thinking about the events, he noted the only two ponies he hadn't interacted with in some way, were Twilight Sparkle, and Fluttershy. Though Twilight was with Celestia, getting the attention she clearly needed. As for Fluttershy, she was likely still in the garden somewhere, enjoying the company of the animals. No reason to pull her into the mix.

As he trotted back towards the palace, he suddenly felt like lightning had struck, and the sense somepony somewhere was laughing maniacally. He shrugged it off though, thinking it was just his imagination.

A few minutes later, Dapper returned to Celestia, who was still sitting at her spot by the stairs. Next to her was the pony he was expecting, Twilight Sparkle. The personal student of his employer. Dapper had to admit, a part of him kinda found it funny how much Twilight was disappointed that she could not be alone with the princess.

His feelings didn't come from malice, or because he didn't like her. But after making such a big deal of not having enough tickets for the gala, she sure didn't seem to have needed them. She came off a little spoiled, but not in a nasty way. He knew she was a kind and well meaning pony, but she really could be quite... Unique.

Celestia noticed Dapper, and smiled as he approached them. "Everything alright, Mr. Dash?"

Dapper inclined his head. "Yes, ma'am. Everything is going according to plan."

"Very good."

Now Twilight noticed him, and while she smiled at him, she could tell she wanted to be alone with Celestia. Too bad. He had his duty here, and so he sat on the princess's other side, a little behind her as usual. He glanced at Twilight. "I had a chance to see your friends, Miss Sparkle."

Twilight turned her head and looked at him. "Are they having fun?"

Dapper shrugged, looking forward again as he spoke. "Fun is not the word I would use. I would say they are rather focused."


"Indeed," replied Dapper. "It would seem they have all come here for a specific purpose. It's too bad."

Twilight narrowed her eyes. "What is?"

"The fact you would all come here together, but not to have fun together. Even young master Spike was left to his own devices."

Twilight seemed slightly shaken by that revelation. "What, Spike?"

"Do not worry. He decided to go to this Donut place in Canterlot."

"Donut Joe's?"

"Yes, that's the one." Nodded Dapper. "It is kind of strange.. You see, I thought the whole point of asking for more tickets from the princess was so you could all be together and have fun?"

Twilight froze up, seeming a little embarrassed, if not a little hurt. Dapper noticed Celestia started to open her mouth. Being to defend Twilight and tell Dapper off, or give her two cents on the matter, he did not know. He never had a chance to find out, because suddenly a loud sound came from down the hall, it sounded like screams, followed by the sounds of several heavy things falling to the floor.

There was a deep silence followed after this strange crash, and the three of them decided to investigate. Without any words, the three of them made their way to the side hallway, and down the grand ballroom. The sight that met them was beyond anything Dapper could have anticipated. He had imagined music, some cake on the floor, but the sight that met him was beyond anything he could have imagined.

A golden statue on the floor, several pedestals fallen over. There was cake on the floor, sure, along with dust and rocks. Frankly, Dapper was speechless. But, as is so rarely the case, Twilight was not. Dapper was sure he could hear her gulp, and then utter. "Well, it can't get any worse."

Before any other words could be said, a sudden rumbling caught their attention. The whole floor was shaking, and whatever was coming sounded like an army. The golden doors to the garden flew open with a loud crack, and stormed several animals. It seemed like the whole animal population of the garden was running from something, but what?!

As the dust settled, a lone figure stood at the door, panting. To Dapper's disbelief, it looked like a very tired and frustrated Fluttershy!


Fluttershy's crazed expression was something that made Dapper want to take a step back in horror, but he stood firm. The same could not be said for the other guests, complete chaos broke out everywhere. By this time, Dapper knew the whole situation had gone out of control, and with no other alternative in sight, he looked at the princess with as calm expression as he could muster.

"Princess, might I suggest a hasty retreat?! I happen to know a place nearby!"

Celestia eagerly nodded, turning to Twilight and told her to, "run!"

Twilight didn't need an explanation, instead she whistled for her friends, and soon enough they were all making their way out of the chaotic palace. Dapper tried to spot Blueblood, wanting to make sure he was alright if he was nearby, but an animal or a pony bumped into him, and Dapper quickly lost his balance and fell.


In the pony filled hallway, no pony saw him fall down. But that was not his biggest concern, as he fell to the floor, he heard something move across the floor. Something that sounded like a plastic bottle filled with pills. His eyes widened instantly, and just as he feared, he saw his prescription bottle just ahead of him.

Before he could reach out and take it, a purple hoof stretched out to help him up, while a purple magic aura surrounded his medication and levitated it up from the floor. As Dapper stood up, he saw the one pony he didn't want to see right now. Twilight Sparkle...

She read the label, and of course she looked startled. If she put it together with his wing, Dapper didn't know. He simply snatched the bottle from her without a word, took her hoof, and quickly moved down the hall and to safety before they fell behind.

Quickly they made their way outside, meeting up with Twilight's friends, but no Celestia. "Where's the princess?" Twilight asked, seeming to forget about what she had just seen, at least for now.

"She said to follow Dapper Dash!" Pinkie said with a smile. "She had something to take care of."

"Probably the animals." Applejack put in, which made Fluttershy shrink a little.

The mares turned to Dapper, and he gave them a nod. "This way, ladies."

A blue mug slammed down on the counter. "Hey, Pony Joe, another Donut."

A concerned Donut Joe made his way over to his tiny customer. "Don't you think you've had enough?"

A valid concern, but Spike wouldn't hear any of it. "Another donut! Extra sprinkles!"

The door to the store opened, and Joe looked over and smiled. "Twilight Sparkle, haha. Long time, no see."

Spike turned around, surprised to find his six friends looking tired, and anything but fabulous as they had when they arrived. The seventh member of the group stayed in the background, but Spike could see it was the butler he had talked with when they first arrived.

The little dragon jumped down from his seat, and quickly made his way over to his friends. "Hey, how was the gala? How was your best night ever?"

Dapper passed the group, greeted Joe, and ordered all of them some donuts and coffee to relax on. Soon after, Twilight and her friends had told Spike everything. Dapper however stayed by the counter, and sipped on his own coffee in silence, listening to the tales of the evening.

"That sounds like the worst night ever." Spike announced once the girls finished their stories.

"It was!" Said all the mares in unison, then burst out laughing.

Twilight suddenly frowned, letting out a small sigh. "I just hope princess Celestia isn't upset with us for ruining the gala."

"That was the best Grand Galloping Gala ever!" Cheered a well known voice.

Everypony turned their heads in surprise, and all exclaimed in unison. "Princess Celestia!"

"Pardon me, princess, but tonight was just awful." Twilight said, her tone confused.

Celestia just smiled as she made her way over to the table. "Oh, Twilight, the Grand Galloping Gala is always awful."

Twilight cocked her head to the side in confusion. "It is?"

"That is why I was thrilled you were all attending. I was hoping you could liven things up a bit." Dapper smirked slightly hearing that, and as Celestia continued, he placed the bits he owed Donut Joe for the coffee. "And while the evening may not have gone as you planned, I'm sure you'll agree that in the end, it didn't turn out so bad for this group of friends."

Twilight smiled, happy to get another lesson from her teacher. "You're right, princess. Friends have a way of making even the worst of times into something pretty great."

"Yeah!" Exclaimed Rainbow Dash. "Hanging out with friends."

"Talking." Fluttershy put in, followed by Pinkie.


Spike smirked smugly, and placed his claws on his hips. "You mean doing exactly what I wanted to do the whole time?"

"Yes, Spike. You were right." Twilight smiled.

"As horrible as our night was...." Said Applejack.

Rarity nodded in agreement. "Being together here has made it all better."

"In fact, it's made it.." Started Pinkie, and all of the six friends said exactly what she was thinking.

"The best night ever!"

Another round of laughter. When it had died down, Applejack frowned. "I'm just sad I didn't get anypony to try the special cake I made."

"You made a special cake?!" Pinkie asked.

"Mhm, Dapper Dash suggested I make one to attract more of the nobility."

"Oh, he helped you too!?" Pinkie grinned. "He told me to liven things up!"

Rainbow raised an eyebrow. "He told me to try and get noticed by the Wonderbolts."

Now the girls were looking at one another, trying to see if he had helped others, but when no pony else said anything, they started to look for the pony in question.

"Wait.. Where is Dapper Dash?"

Celestia looked towards his seat by the counter, but only saw his cup with coffee, and the small pile of Bits. She frowned, wanting to know why he had not joined them. Then again, Dapper Dash was still very much a mystery to her.

Canterlot Palace.

The animals had by this point been calmed down and returned to the garden. The food had been taken out, but the stone pillars and mud around the grand ballroom had been left as is. Dapper had told his staff not to bother with it at this hour.

So here he sat, alone in the grand hall, moving his hooves over the keys of the piano. After this night, he had earned a little me time, and so he played the piano, enjoying the music, and allowing himself to lose himself in it.

When the music died down, he leaned forward, letting out a tired sigh. By this point he had taken off his blazer, loosened his tie, and placed it on stool. Without looking, his hoof moved down to it, and quickly found what he was looking for. Guiding it back up, he looked at the orange bottle in his hoof, thinking back to earlier in the evening.

Twilight had seen it, and she had read the label. Her of all mares.. She hadn't mentioned it to him yet, not confronted it. He was thankful for that, but he could not know with certainty that she would not say something to Celestia. While his medication was not illegal, he didn't want anypony to know about it, especially the princesses.

They would look at him with pity, and moreover, his competence would be brought into question each time he took a pill. Dapper didn't want that kind of attention, nor did he need that kind of pity. He didn't want them to feel sorry for him..

"Dammit.." He opened the bottle, took out three pills. He stared at them for a moment, wondering if he was being rational about this. Letting out a sigh, he put the pills into his mouth, swallowed, and then started to play again.

His music reached the ears of no pony.. He was quite...


Author's Note:

By the way, I know Celestia didn't wear a gala dress in episode 26 of season 1, but.. There was no butler either! :rainbowwild:

Comments ( 85 )

Ouch, poor Dapper.

You've had a rough night buddy.

I actually finished reading the previous chapters literally minutes before this one was posted. Excellent update and story.

Can't say much about this chapter, only that I hope for Twilight to stay silent. It isn't in her right to tell anypony about Dapper's problems. Those are his and his alone. I desperatly hope she does the sane thing and talk with him instead of runing outright to the Princess, but I higly doubt that.

Bruh I love this story so much. The characterization of every character is on point


1) Rarity is named Rarity, not "Rarity Belle". We shouldn't need to have this conversation 10 years after the show started.

2) This is almost a complete retread of the original episode with very minor changes. The whole point is to show differences not paste 99% of an episode. The only thing that happens is Twilight knows Dapper is on pain killers, and Dapper gets basically retconned into the episode to make stuff happen that canonically happened anyway.

You'll also notice people downvoting because they can't argue. Shows the limited intellectual maturity. Sorry kids, you can't hide stuff downvoting here. But go and post your useless "great chapter" nonsense.

Oooooooh the plot thickens. This was a pleasant surprise, I hope I don’t have to wait as long for the next chapter, I’m excited for it!

Noticed some typos.

...take care of himself, and life responsibly...

Should be 'live'.

...while she smiled at him, she could tell she wanted to...

Should be 'he'.

It is kind of strange..

The closing mark should be either one full stop/period or three full stops/periods (an ellipsis).

You use two dot ellipsis vice three dot ellipsis, which are common in written works, quite a bit in this chapter. You might want to consider moving away from the use of two dot ellipsis as they cause confusion for the reader trying to figure out it you ment to end the sentence with a full stop/period or with an ellipsis. The only times I can remember seeing the two dot ellipsis used is in online chat groups, message boards, etc.

Great work can't wait for more

Nice job with the chapter. The more I read it, the more I'm interested in the story.

Nopony heard him, but a Spirit enjoyed him play?:trixieshiftright:

The most likely scenario is that Twilight will tell the Princess.

What a wonderful tale of mischief

Nice chapter

Damn twilight knows dapper is doin drugs

Quickly they made their way outside, meeting up with Twilight's friends, but no Celestia. "Where's the princess?" Twilight asked, seeming to forget about what she had just seen, at least for now.

Not for long though :moustache:

I know, but, at least in my eyes, this is also the worst possible cenario.

... so i guess you could say the butler did it?

Another stunning chapter full of mystery mayham and fun seems out Dapper Dash is the best thing to happen here... He's really needed in the real show ;) can't wait for the next chapter tail of Dapper Dash! May the void give you peace

Sometimes the story line doesn't need to be entirely different from original. Because small changes in story can make difference in the way the story continues.

Oh boo-hoo. Someone wants to give Rarity a full name and they didn't want to screw with canonical events too much. How awful.
Firstly: Yes, Rarity is never officially called Rarity Belle, but some people want her to have a full name and we can all agree that Rarity Belle sounds better than Rarity Flanks or Rarity Crumbles
Secondly: Clearly the author wanted the events to happen as they do canonically, and having Dapper be the instigator to some of them means he's not just sitting in the corner doing nothing while everything happens on its own.
And another thing: calling people "intellectually immature" for not wanting to get into an argument with you doesn't make you look "intellectually mature" yourself.


Way to ignore what is actually said, as is often the case, so you can't read and comprehend something, boo hoo yourself. On the plus side, at least you actually at least have enough going to actually respond to the criticism, whereas the author has clearly seen it and not bothered, and most people are "OH NOES SOMEONE SAID SOMETHING BAD ABOUT A STORY I LIKE!!!111"

There's a difference between wanting something to happen which originally happened, and shoving a character in to make something happen which already happened when they were not involved originally. The fact you seriously think I'm arguing against the latter is ridiculous considering practically every story on the site runs on that in some way.

It's not just lazy writing, pasting a load of the show's script practically verbatim, it's the WoW school of writing of retconning something by shoving a character in to do something they didn't do to make them look better, and giving them victories and achievements they didn't earn and don't deserve. The exact same thing could happen with stopping Discord, hey look a character distracts him to allow the girls to achieve the exact same result from the show, except look how amazing and brave the guy is! It would be just as bad writing.

And you know all it would take to resolve this? Don't fucking paste half the show's script in and make something different happen. Or let what happened actually happen. Don't attach a character to make things which originally happened happen.

Hence bad lazy writing.

Also calling intellectually immature people who can't cope with criticism of something they like intellectually immature is accurate. And also shows how these people would rather post some useless crap like "great" or "your amazing!" than an actual criticism so the author could do something better.

You can run along now.

Uhm? I don't know what you want me to say? I don't really have an opinion, I liked the chapter. I'm sorry you don't like it, I guess?


It's not "not liking something". Aside from an individual not liking something, who cares? It's as useless as insipid "great" comments. And has someone who has put work of my own out there on the internet (not writing), the best comments I get are ones that provide insight and scope for improvement. I'd take a single "in this part here the pacing feels like it drags a bit too much, so you could look to improve the pacing in future to keep things flowing more" over 100 "this is great" comments.

You obviously have the right to ignore anything you want, but generally speaking an author should acknowledge a comment if someone's taken the time to point out a criticism. You might not like the point (who does like criticism), you might not agree with the point, but if someone has bothered to point something out, however painful, with the aim of allowing you to improve, courtesy generally would mean you acknowledge it.

You might disagree, e.g. "I felt the changes were sufficient enough from the show so I wasn't copy-pasting the script". You might justify or explain what you were trying to achieve "The aim is to 'extend' the show to flesh out things more that wouldn't be done in an episode due to limits or pacing". Or you might even agree "yes this is too similar and I can look to improve that in the future". It doesn't really matter exactly what your thoughts are.

If I didn't like something or didn't care, I wouldn't waste my time commenting. I only bother commenting if there's enough going for the story to warrant it, and the author seems like they would have the courtesy and ability to acknowledge something.

I see your point, but sometimes it is just a matter of timing. I have a pretty busy schedule, so I can't always get to comments fast enough. Then I forget when I get home after a long work day.

I'm not saying your criticism is not valid, I just don't feel the same way about the chapter. Dosnt mean I don't think I can improve on things, because I can. I still have a lot to learn.

If I couldn't take criticism I would have just deleted your comment, but I haven't, and won't.

I don't have a whole lot more to say, thank you for the comment, sorry you feel like I ignored you.

Did it ever occur to you that people are less likely to downvote you're criticisms and aggressively defend the choices made by the author if you weren't so condescending? You make good points (none of which were really made in your first comment, but whatever), but insulting the other readers won't get them to take you seriously.

10949421 Y'all get killed with kindness later in the lore. Calm down. Chill. No one will listen and give respect if respect is not given. Ya just come off as an ass.


1) It's AU, he can do whatever he wants with the names. I think he was going for a play on how she was the typical Belle of the story, and how unrealistic and immature it was and how that contributed to her and Blueblood's dichotomy.

2) It was different and needed to be there for timing, flow, and overall worldbuilding. It was different. It was built upon. It was necessary for the foundation of the AU. Think of it like a timeline change; things start similar, then get more and more different and more changes are added. They build off of one and other until the whole narrative is changed all because of one butler.

3) You get downvoted because the nonsense coming out of your mouth needs no reply, just shame. Shame for being an ass and spewing no real criticism. Honestly, you smugly told the world upon your soap-box that the earth was flat, and we all just chuckle and shake our heads because we know delusions this grand cannot be changed through reason alone. Maybe a baseball bat with "facts" can get something through your head, but it wouldn't be productive

4) Don't be a dick if you want to be taken seriously. Again: common sense.


Yet amazingly it was downvoted massively even without any sarcastic comment, so no it did not make any difference. It probably did rile up some of the kids who are used to other places and being able to hide opinions they don't like though. A huge amount of constructive criticism I've put out over the years doesn't upset the author other readers get upset and downvote it, even when it's completely accurate and polite, even when the author themselves actually says thanks for the helpful feedback. I can count on my hands the number of times someone actually argues any cohesive reason on why I'm wrong.

And you know why people do that? Because immature people (of which there are many on the site given the demographics) cannot handle criticism of things they like. Why do you think fanboy wars are a thing? They internalise some random person on the internet finding a flaw in something they like as an attack on them. And given they're often not exposed to contradictory opinions in today's age, they can't cope.

Yes, they literally get more offended than an author who spent 100 hours writing something. And it's pathetic.


1) Your logic on the name makes no sense, since if this was the reason it would be a standalone thing instead of by complete coincidence part of Sweetie Belle's name. Yes an author can do whatever they want. Guess what? It doesn't mean you can't criticise it. If the author had written Twilight Sparkle Armor or Shining Armor Sparkle, I'd criticise that as well. And a huge number of people over 10 years have written it as "Rarity Belle", literally because they fail to understand it is not her name. So it's certainly questionable to change a name intentionally to something that has been misused for a decade by people who can't understand a name.

2) It was not different. Example: Dapper Dash speaks to Applejack. Applejack then does and does the exact same thing Applejack does canonically in the show, except look Dapper Dash is amazing because he made Applejack see a conclusion she was going to come to.

This means a character can take credit for something they didn't deserve. They did not offer any insight you could attribute to the character, nor does it change the story by the character's addition. It also diminishes Applejack because she's now too stupid to see something obvious that she figured herself (beyond the questionable business decision in the first place of trying to sell food at a function that gives free food out). It does not alter the story from the original because Applejack does the same thing either way.

All it does is achieve "Dapper Dash smart, Applejack idiot", when this is not warranted or justified. A smaller scale version of those who insert bad OCs into their stories to then 'steal' achievements from canon characters.

3) That made no difference to downvotes, or little difference. See above. Also, so amazingly obvious that no one can even say you're wrong. You at least tried, so good for you.


Right, alright guys. :twilightsheepish:

I don't think there will be any more productive conversation here. Please do not insult each other, please respect the opinion of others. If you guys want to continue this debate, please do so in PM. I do not mind debate, but I think this has gotten a little out of hand. After all, we are all just trying to have a good time. :twilightsmile:


It upsets me how calm and composed your responses are.

Alright, imma be calm. Sorry for the discourse.

That or the majority doesn't see any point arguing with you. Either they don't want to waste time or energy or your not worth it. Particularly that last edit of yours. That just made you uneducated, close-minded and hopeless.

ignore all the haters man don't pay attention to them believe me when i say this in writing a story you wont be able to please everyone what matters is how you handle it constructive critacism is good but sensesless hate is pointless personally i thought this story is really nice love the banter and interaction between dapper,luna,and celestia

Yay! A new chapter!

Personally, I would very much like to see Blueblood do two things.

1) Tell Dapper Dash he's going to try to improve.

2) Tell Dapper Dash he's not going to listen to him from here on out. Either, if he hasn't realised Dapper set him and Rarity up, because his advise turned out to be plain bad; or, if he did realise (he's lived with Celestia long enough) because he'd rather not associate anymore with somepony so dishonest and manipulative. Which he has proven himself to be.

Honestly, I think it would make sense. And it would have Dapper faced with negative consequences for his actions that aren't simply and solely tied to his painkiller addiction. It would show that toying with others, even if you mean well, can backfire and undermine their trust in you.

Great comment.

Although, Dapper didn't do anything. While Dapper set them up, it wasn't like he actively tried to sabotage them. Blueblood did everything himself, and harvested the consequences of his actions himself. While Dapper predicted the outcome, it was Blueblood who made it happen. Everything depended on him, Dapper only made a suggestion on the mare he try and court.

He only made a suggestion, yes—but doing so knowing the likely outcome, that it would be a miserably experience for both ponies involved because of their respective personalities at the current time, thinking to use this to teach them both a lesson. Dapper Dash didn't offer the suggestion to Blueblood because he thought it was a good one, but because he knew it wasn't. That's a bit of a scummy thing to do, and Dapper himself acknowledges this or he wouldn't think he needed to make it up to Blueblood later.

Yes and no.

Dapper did feel bad, but he could not know anything for certain. It all depended on how Blueblood intended to act. After all, Dapper said he should be himself, he didn't ask him to act any certain way to displease or to please Rarity. What he did is enterily on him in the sense of outcome.

I feel more bad for Rarity, less for Blueblood as he needed a some ice water cool down. Rarity was perfect for that as he would never have listened to Dapper if he did not play along.

The point was for Blueblood to see how he acts has consequences. All Rarity had to do was to leave. She didn't have to follow him, or keep her evening going with him, but she did, and for shallow reasons too. It wasn't for who Blueblood was, but what he is in terms of title and prestige.

To be honest, I'm not sure what we are disagreeing on. Fact of the matter is, Dapper manipulated Blueblood in a way he suspected would make Blueblood and Rarity miserable, a way he felt guilty over. Yes, because of their respective flaws. Yes, Blueblood didn't need to follow his suggestion, and Rarity could've stepped away before the truly bad end, and her crush on Blueblood was shallow, but it still remains that Dapper saw Blueblood wanting to find a wife as a way to teach him his own flaws rather than actually find a good match—because in Dapper's mind, Blueblood isn't mature enough to have one. Yet. Mind you, I'm not even saying he was necessarily wrong about this.

I'm willing to give Dapper the benefit of the doubt too, in that he believes Blueblood was worth loving if he just had his life better in order. Not a great many writers allow him that much in my experience.

As you said regarding Blueblood, about actions having consequences, I'm only applying the same to Dapper. Why should Dapper Dash be immune to this? Is he so above the other characters? Or do you mean what he did just doesn't warrant any negative consequences? I guess I'm a little confused right now. I'm not trying to be difficult, I swear.

I don't think you ate being difficult.

And I don't think you are wrong. I just wanted to clarify my position. As you say, Dapper manipulated the situation. I'm just implying there isn't enough to go on to let Blueblood turn on Dapper like this. I'm not even disagreeing, his consequences will come, but it won't come from Blueblood. Not until he grows more as a charectar, as my goal is.

And no, Dapper is not above any other charectar, or perfect. He is flawed in the way he handle his life. I'm trying to show how much of a strain it is, and how it is slowly coming out into the light.

By the way, I'm not trying to put you down or anything. I don't even think you're being unreasonable, I just wanted to elaborate.

I'm not trying to be rude or anything, but do you have some kind of update schedule or something?

Yes and no.

It mostly depends on my work schedule. When I have the time, energy and inspiration, I can write a lot. But if I do not have the tkme, or the spark is not there, then I can't produce as much as I want.

Ah, okay, now I got it! Thank you for clarifying!

This may be one of those rare times Celestia could actually read him like an open book, because she blushed slightly and held a hand to her mouth as she giggled lightly.

Should be hoof.

Dapper blushed a little himself, realizing he had been starting. Quickly he lowered his head and bowed. "Please forgive my indiscretion, your majesty."

Should be "staring".

Dang, poor Dapper.

Loving this series, though!

Ótimo capítulo, podemos esperar que o próximo vai sair em breve?

Wow. His secret might spill out. I can't wait for the next chapter.

ive re-read this twice and still find this really good. hope more chapters come out some time soon.:pinkiesmile:

Looking back and rereading this for the 70th time or whatever, my only gripe is the upload schedule Cadance’s absence. Like where tf is she? I know she’s wasn’t canonically shown until season 2 but she also didn’t exist before then as a character. But I’d expect her to be at the castle because she surely would’ve had to exist before season 2 even if she isn’t shown.

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