• Published 28th Aug 2020
  • 8,812 Views, 305 Comments

At Your Service - DanishDash

Taking care of a whole kingdom can be hard, teaching/learning how to act in the modern times is harder. Keeping up with Twilight is tiring, dealing with their nephew is worse. Thank Faust for their new butler.

  • ...

Chapter 10: Preparations

"Good morning everypony."

Chatter and shuffling of hooves filled the kitchen as the kitchen staff of the royal palace was getting settled for the morning shift. Dapper stood at the very end of the kitchen, on top of a box so he could be seen by all, and he in turn could see them. It had become a habit that he would address them at the start of each shift, not just the kitchen staff, but maids, and other servants.

It meant that they would all be on the same page for the day's tasks, and that they could address issues that may arise. Though like always, it always took more than one try to get the large kitchen filled with ponies to quiet down. At times, Dapper felt like a school teacher trying to hush his class before the lesson would begin.

Dapper repeated himself, this time a little louder. "Good morning everypony."

This time it had the desired effect, and everypony in the room hushed, looked at him and said in unison. "Good morning, Mr. Dash."

"Thank you," replied Dash, letting the noise settle for a few seconds before he continued. "Right, so first of all I'd like to thank the evening shift for staying over time. They really did work hard to give us a head start for today, so when you see them, be sure to thank them."

They had been preparing for this night for over two months now, and preparations had started over a week ago. It wasn't hard to understand why the palace needed to be amazing, decorated from top to bottom. There were a lot of things that had to be planned and thought of. The kitchen had for weeks negotiated the menu with the princess, they wanted to spread out the food items so there was a large selection, that would of course mean the dessert menu would be reduced. To Celestia, this was unacceptable.

It ended when Dapper stepped in and mediated the meeting. Finally, after much debate, Celestia and the kitchen had come to a compromise, and they both trotted away happy. While on the outside it might look strange, Dapper knew the kitchen was used to it, and there was never any real conflict. Celestia would have backed down if her kitchen would be overworked, but they wouldn't be. The reason the evening shift had worked over time was to give the morning shift a head start, something that would make today a lot easier.

"Other than that I think we all know what we have to do. Just a reminder, the main hallway is off limits for any staff who is not there for something specific. The maids will be cleaning and preparing for the hundreds of guests, so unless you have a reason, steer clear." The staff all nodded and muttered agreements. "Otherwise you all know what to do. Now, is there anything else before we move on?" When no one raised their hooves and made it clear they had nothing to add, he ended the morning meeting. "Alright, then let us get to work. Good luck everypony."

With that, the meeting ended, and all the staff started to go to their groups and organize their tasks. Dapper pulled out his pocket watch, checking the time to make sure they were on time. The breakfast was of course easy enough, today Celestia wanted them all to eat breakfast together, which meant Celestia, Luna, and of course their nephew, Blueblood.

So they did have some extra time to run on before breakfast had to be served, but Dapper still needed to bring Celestia her morning tea. Frost Heart was already making the tray ready as he approached, when he did, she sent him a nod. "I'll be heading out with Princess Luna after breakfast," she said. "Are you sure you can handle this yourself?"

Dapper sent a nod back. "I'm sure, though, are you sure you can keep the princess out of trouble?"

"She's not a foal, Mr. Dash, she is our princess, and a fully grown mare."

"I'm aware of that, Frost Heart, but she is a mare that is one thousand years behind. This trip should help her get up to speed, and she needs you to keep everything going smoothly, not to mention avoid any misunderstandings." Dapper exclaimed, looking into her eyes, seeing a sort of longing. Dapper liked these small verbal matches, to others it might look like small annoyances between two staff members, Dapper simply saw it as foreplay.

She smirked, though kept it well hidden as she leaned a little closer, spoke in a soft whisper. "If you do well at the gala, I might have a reward for you when I get back."

Dapper chuckled. "I could say the same for y-Ouf!" A cook bumped into Dapper, causing him to hit his body against Dapper's bad wing. The cook continued on his way, but did say sorry as he was trotting away. Dapper winced, flexed his bad wing a little. "Dammit.."

Frost frowned. "How's your wing?"

"Don't worry about it.." He responded, not wanting anypony to know about it, or overhear. But when Frost gave him a stubborn look, he relented, but still kept his voice low. "Been better, but I'll manage."

"Are you sure? We can switch, you go with princess Luna, and I'll stay here and help with the gala."

Dapper shook his head. "No, you go with princess Luna, she needs you more than me. I need to be here, this will be my first gala, so I need to be here. Besides, this is the first time the elements of harmony will be attending, I should be here to keep everything on schedule."

Frost let out a sigh. "Just don't say I didn't warn you. They are not used to attending parties such as this, and I fear they might not know what they're in for."

She had a point, Dapper knew that Celestia's star pupil, and her friends, had a habit of finding trouble. He could already see how much time he would have to spend to keep them in line. Twilight and her neediness for Celestia's attention and approval. Rainbow Dash and her obsession with the Wonderbolts. Pinkie Pie's over energetic party hype. The only ones he imagined could behave themselves was Applejack, Rarity, and Fluttershy.

Didn't matter, he had a job to do, and he would need to stay on top of things. "I'll keep a handle on things, I assure you." Taking out his pocket watch, he saw it was almost time for Celestia's sun to rise. "I need to go, the princess will be looking forward to her morning tea."

With some quick preparation, he got the tea ready, and took the trolley up through the palace. By now he knew the palace as well as his own pill pocket, although there were still sections of the palace he was not allowed to go to. Security was tight, and he understood the reason why. There were secrets the crown had to protect, although Dapper couldn't help but wonder if it was really a secret cake stash Celestia kept hidden from him, and not state secrets.

The thought was amusing, but he showed it aside as he finally reached his destination. The guards posted outside the door greeted him with a small nod, and Dapper went inside. His princess was out on the balcony, lifting the sun in one elegant motion, turning the night sky into a warm orange glow, accompanied by the last of the stubborn stars. As she finished, Dapper was pouring her tea, making it just the way she liked it, although he had added a few of his own tricks when he got hired.

Celestia soon entered, smiling as she saw him. "Good morning, Dapper Dash."

Dapper bowed his head. "Good morning, majesty."

Although they had become more friendly, and were on more casual terms when in private, Dapper still greeted her formally each morning. It was like a habit, or tradition, and Celestia had accepted it with grace, if not some slight amusement. Normally she would tell him to call her Celestia, something that had become part of their morning routine. This morning however, there was no such retort.

Dapper eyed his princess, noticing a slight forced calm, and yet with the tiniest hint of dread. He raised an eyebrow, placing her cup on the coffee table by her large couch. "You seem troubled, is anything the matter?"

"Can't hide anything from you can I, Dapper?" Celestia let out a tired chuckle. "Do not worry yourself, it is nothing serious. though if I'm being honest, I'm worried about the gala."

For the briefest of moments, Dapper wondered if her worries were of her student and her five friends, then shook it out of his head. Celestia was not like that, while a princess, and a bloody good one too, she was a mare filled with mischief. She liked to break protocol when possible, and shake up her ponies to loosen them up once in a while.

"What about the gala troubles you?"

Celestia let out a small giggle, then took a sip of her tea before answering. "I'm not sure you would understand, but.." She levitated the cup back on the table, leaned slightly back, and took a deep breath. "The grand galloping gala is to celebrate the construction of Canterlot." Dapper was quite familiar with the history, having made sure to read up about it before he started planning the event.

"After Luna's.." Celestia hesitated, a pained expression came over her. It only lasted for a few moments, then she took a deep breath, and continued. "Banishment.. We all came together to create a better future, a symbol of our hope for a better tomorrow. That dream became Canterlot. We celebrated, all of us. It was an achievement everypony had made happen together."

Her eyes seemed to be far off, as if she saw the past as it was. A sort of sparkle seemed to dance around in her dreamy expression, and she seemed to remember the past gala fondly. Then it changed to something more like sadness. "Over the years though, the gala has become more of an excuse to let nobles and celebrities mingle. Of course I understand that not every pony in Equestria would be able to attend, and I understand the fine tradition to celebrate." A hint of annoyance, or perhaps impatience entered her voice. "It used to be a grand celebration, a fun one, now.. Now it only seems to get more boring as the years go by.. I hardly participate anymore.. I pretty much shake hooves with ponies most of the night!"

"Hm.." Dapper thought it over, then looked at his princess and asked. "But your student, she will be attending this year, you could spend time with her. I have it on good authority that she is obsessed with her highness."

Celestia sent him a playful scolding look. "Be nice, Mr. Dash. My student and I have been close ever since she was a little filly, it is only natural for us to share a special bond."

Dapper inclined in head. "Of course, Celestia. Forgive me, I didn't mean to cast any shadows on your student, or her bond with you."

"I know, do not worry yourself." Celestia said as she waved her hoof, as if waving off the comment. "Still, I do hope this year will be less boring than all the other years.."

Dapper wanted to help Celestia, she was his princess, and it was his job to see to her every need. Then an idea started to form in his mind, although sadly, if he was correct, and the plan worked, it would mean hours, no, days of preparation would be ruined in a matter of hours.

He didn't like doing that to his staff, especially when he knew how many hours they had put into this. Well, he would need to make it up to them, make all of this worth it somehow. While he knew ponies in general were not petty creatures, he also knew that hard work was still hard work.

So after a few moments of thinking, he nodded to himself, took a step back, and excused himself. "If there is nothing else, I would check up on your sister, and nephew."

Celestia nodded. "Of course, Dapper. I will see you at breakfast."

Dapper bowed. "Of course, Celestia." A part of him was still getting used to, not to mention comfortable, being on a first name basis with the princesses.

He left Celestia's champers, making his way to Luna's, thinking she might be a bit groggy. She was not a morning pony, as night was pretty much her day time, and vice versa. When he knocked, and was given permission to do so, he entered the darkened room.

It was as always very pleasant, the blue colors a relaxing sight to behold. Dapper found Luna where he expected to find her, in her bed. As he approached, she opened her eyes and let out a yawn, stretching her body almost like a cat as she did so.

"Mmmm, Dapper Dash.. Why do you disturb my solitude..?" Her voice was tired, but not unfriendly. Most of all she sounded like a tired foal, one that did not want to go to school.

Dapper couldn't find it in his heart to open the curtains and let her sister's sun wake her. She was not Blueblood, and did not require such a hard morning motivation. Instead he smiled kindly, inclining his head as he spoke.

"I am sorry, Luna, but today is a big day for you. Today you go on a trip with Miss Heart, not to mention your sister wants you to eat breakfast with her." He explained, his voice low and soft, trying to gently bring her out of her slumber.

"Mmm.. That fat horse needs to..." Her voice trailed off into mumbles. Dapper was used to the sibling rivalry between the two sisters. It was interesting to see them go from being wise and experienced rulers, to acting like teenagers towards each other. One moment Celestia could be giving very complex explanations to her council of ministers, then turn around and argue with her sister about pancakes, or something so mundane you could hardly imagine it.

Dapper was so used to it by now, he could not help but find it kind of adorable. Luna was the same way, forever the younger sister who liked to mess with the older sibling. The dynamic was rather endearing, at times tiresome, but there was never any real animosity towards each other. It was all out of love, and Dapper figured it was also to make up from lost time.

"Luna, you have to get up. We need to pack your things, get you to breakfast, then we-WHaaah?!" Before he could continue, he felt Luna's magic surround him, pulling him into her bed and hugged him as if he was some plushie. "P-Princess Luna, this is-Mmfp?!" Dapper began, but was stopped as Luna's magic surrounded his muzzle and kept it firmly shut.

"Noooooo..." She groaned, pulling her butler closer. "No packing.. Just sleep.. Now be quiet.."


Well, this wasn't good. The princess of the night, the guardian of dreams, the younger sister of the sun, had just pulled him into her bed. This was extremely embarrassing, not to mention the fact she was holding his face into her chest fluff, muffling any sound he made.

He wouldn't have minded it so much, had this been Frost Heart, or some other mare, but this was princess Luna. The mare was royalty, an alicorn, commanding great power that could lift the moon. How was he supposed to react? It felt like Hearth's Warming Eve all over again, when both of the princesses had thanked him, placing a peck on each of his cheeks.

How is any pony supposed to react to that?

Luna let out a long sigh, smiling ever so sweetly as she mumbled. "You smell nice.."

Before he could try to gently shake his princess awake, the door slowly opened. Dapper had been here long enough to recognize the way the staff opened doors when unsure. His heart sank, his face heated up, as he dreaded the presence of a servant trotting in on them.

The servant stepped into the dark room, and a mare's gasp could be heard. "I'm sorry!" The maid who had entered said, maybe louder than she would normally have been. The door closed with a loud smack, loud enough to stir Luna awake.

"Hm? Mmm, wha...?" Her eyes looked around, seeming for the first time to really see with her own eyes. Her mind seemed to be waking up, as she looked down at Dapper, first in confusion, then in silent embarrassment, until finally. "What is thou doing in our bed!!??"

Her voice was loud, but thankfully still below her royal voice. Before Dapper could even answer, he felt himself being pushed out of the bed with a lot of force. He landed on the floor, and he let out a small 'oufh' as he made contact. While Luna could not see it, Dapper winced as he felt that familiar pain hammer in his wing, but he refused to let Luna know.

He stood up, looking over to see a still embarrassed and confused princess Luna on the bed. He held up his right hoof, waving it as if dismissing her claims, like Celestia had done not long before. "Your majesty, please, calm down. You." He pointed at her. "Were the one pulling me into your bed."

Her cheeks seemed to burn even redder. "Lies! Lies I say!"

She turned her back to him, her wings flared out and hid her face from him. Dapper looked at her for a few moments, then let out a small chuckle. He could not help himself, she was just being adorable. Hearing his chuckles, Luna turned her head to face him, a puzzled expression on her face. Then soon enough, she started to giggle, and a few seconds after that, they laughed.

Dapper was surprised at himself, normally he would never laugh like this, but it felt good. The whole situation was just too comical, and the maid trotting in on them, blushing, then leaving in a panic just made everything even more absurd. The two continued to laugh, then soon enough it died down, and Luna wiped a tear from her eye with her wing.

"Oh, by the stars.." She giggled, smiling down at her faithful servant. "Forgive me, loyal Dapper Dash. I must have been more tired than I realized. I hope I did not hurt you?"

Dapper shook his head, giving her a reassuring smile. "Only my pride," he said in jest. "But in all seriousness, your ladyship does have a long day ahead."

Luna sighed, but still smiled slightly. "Not as long as yours, I imagine." She got out of her bed, using her magic to make it neat again. "You do not need to worry yourself. Miss Heart will help me pack."

Dapper watched her move towards her bathroom. "Are you sure you won't need my help with packing?"

Luna stopped, looking over her shoulder with a playful expression. "Why, Mr. Dash, you know there are certain things a mare does not wish to share with a stallion." Then she winked, trotting into her bathroom and locked the door behind her.

There was something she left behind, a stallion with a heart that seemed to flutter a little. Dapper placed a hoof over his chest, feeling funny. "Dammit.." It was a feeling he had felt ever since the princesses pecked him on the cheeks. The whole affair had changed his perspective, making him feel slightly awkward. For the most part he did his best to ignore these feelings, because, well, they were his princesses, and he was only a butler. It wasn't right to be thinking about his princesses in any sort of romantic way. Shaking his head, he chased the feelings away for now, and left to go and wake their nephew.

Like always, Prince Blueblood was sleeping in.

The young master was always sleeping in, after all, he was always out and about, having fun at the social club. It was a place for young aristocrats to have fun, eat, drink, and live off the money they inherited from their parents. Dapper did not think ill of the club, after all, it was just part of their lives. Blueblood was living his life the way he wanted it, which was fine. The only problem was, unlike the other stallions, he had no business or anything to take over. He had no reason to grow up, no reason to prepare himself for any sort of trials ahead.

The only way Dapper could think of helping him to be better was to give him a few pushes here and there. It was a little embarrassing, after all, they were around the same age, and still Dapper had to treat him like he was a teenager. It made Dapper feel old, but then again, experience had made him that way. In regards to life, he was much older than Blueblood.

Dapper knocked, got no response, but did hear noises coming from inside his apartment. Dapper's ears twitched, switching towards the door itself. Normally he would never be up at this hour?? Shrugging to himself, Dapper pushed open the door and was faced with what Dapper could only describe as a battlefield.

All around the floor there were scattered all manner of clothing, belts, ties, shoes, shirts, and blazers. He was almost afraid of walking, afraid of being swallowed up by the massive amount of clothing. Dapper however knew he had to, if he didn't, then he might lose the young master in here for several years to come.

Taking careful steps, Dapper made it deeper inside, and did fairly quickly spot Blueblood. He was tossing clothes aside, giving them a quick judging look before doing so. "Good morning, sir. How has sir been..." He noticed his tired eyes, and Dapper almost let out a loud sigh. "Sleeping.."

Blueblood suddenly turned towards him, as if it was only now he noticed that Dapper Dash had entered, which it probably was. "Dapper, my good stallion!" Blueblood quickly made his way towards him, stumbling several times over items of clothing, but never falling. "You're just the stallion I need."

Dapper inclined his head. "Thank you sir, it is nice to know one is wanted."

Blueblood waved his hoof in a dismissive manner. "Yes, yes, enough cleverness, Dapper. We have a task at hoof, and a big one at that."

"Sir, if I may be so bold to remind sir that he is to appear in the dining room to enjoy a healthy breakfast with his aunts?"

Again, Blueblood dismissed his statement with a wave of his hoof. "This is more important, Dapper. This is a matter of utmost urgency, and it could make or break me tonight."

Dapper wasn't sure if he was being serious, but deep inside he knew the young master was being exactly that. "Well, if sir would care to get ready for breakfast, I shall make sure to lay something out for sir."

Blueblood eyed his butler, or rather, his aunts butler, he finally let out a sigh and relented. "Very well, but I will personally approve your recommendation! None of this can be left to chance!"

"I see, sir.." Dapper replied, starting to pick some stuff up and put it away. "May I ask, what about tonight's gala has sir so concerned?"

"Ah!" Blueblood smiled, seeming almost ecstatic. "Dapper my good pony, tonight, I shall endeavor myself to find the one!"

"The one, sir?"

Blueblood chuckled. "The one who will be my future wife."

Mentally, Dapper felt like glass was being broken inside his nerves. Then he said, with a lot of patience in his wife. "Sir, that is a noble goal, but is sir sure he is ready to be wed?"

"Come now, Dapper." Blueblood snorted, making his way to the mirror and started to make his mane neat and proper. "It is high time I look for a wife. A gentlestallion such as myself needs a good and loyal wife. It should be the goal of every young stallion."

"As you say, sir." Dapper replied, bowing his head before continuing with his duties.

Blueblood eyed him in the mirror. "You have something on your mind, Dapper? Well, speak up, come come."

"Very good, sir." He turned toward Blueblood, and decided to put it in light tones. "To be married requires a lot of.. Effort, sir. It is not just about having a somepony by your side, but someone you can love. Not only that, but such a relationship requires work, and a certain amount of.." Dapper looked around the battlefield of clothes around him, then returned to look at Blueblood. "Maturity, sir.."

"Are you saying I am not mature?" Blueblood asked, looking at the butler with slight annoyance.

"What I am saying, sir, is that sir should think this over carefully. Is sir ready to compromise? To let go of certain lifestyles?"

Blueblood let out a laugh. "You make marriage sound like something dreadful, Dapper."

"On the contrary. Marriage is a wonderful thing, when it is built on love, and not of appearances, or the illusions of love." Dapper sounded more serious now, his voice almost like he wasn't really speaking to Blueblood, but to himself.

"You.." Blueblood looked closely at Dapper. "You speak from experience? Are you married, Dapper?"

Dapper suddenly seemed to come back. "No, no sir. I've never been married, but I know what it is like to love." Before Blueblood could ask anymore, Dapper turned to the door and headed out. "Breakfast shall be served very soon. Please do not be late, sir." And with that, Dapper left.

Normally Dapper would never leave before he had been dismissed, but in this case he had no choice. He stood in the grand hallway, his wing hurting, and his head felt heavy from the memories that had suddenly resurfaced. Sighing to himself, and making sure nopony was around, he reached into his blazer, took out two pills, and swallowed them.

If Blueblood decided to go wife hunting tonight, then he would have his hooves full making sure the young master didn't do anything stupid. Dapper didn't mind Blueblood getting married, but if he had to marry, he should be ready, and it should be with somepony that would balance the young master out. Of course, it meant Blueblood had to be ready for any potential marriage candidate, which he was not.

Dapper sighed to himself, like if he didn't have enough to do. Celestia needed to enjoy the gala, he needed to get the elements to accomplish that. Then he needed to keep an eye on Blueblood, making sure he did nothing stupid and put himself in a position that would create more troubles, not just for him, but for his aunts.

Thankfully Luna would be in good hooves, and so he did not need to worry about her. Looking at his enchanted pocket watch, he saw he had plenty of time before breakfast, enough time to go on a stroll and clear his head.

His head was spinning with many thoughts, and plans. His heart felt heavy from the many conflicting emotions. Blueblood talking about finding a wife, the kiss Celestia and Luna gave him, the whole getting close to them. Dapper had accepted his role as the princesses friend, but was it more than that?

Dapper had talked too much, letting something slip when he talked to Blueblood. Of course Dapper knew how to love, but he also knew how to lose. His heart twitched, and his wing made a twitch as a surge of pain acted up again. Dapper winced, wanting to reach into his blazer, and take a few more pills. He stopped himself though, not wanting to lose control of himself, not today, not tonight. There was too much on the line.

Still more and more doubts came to him, filling him with dread of what was to come. These feelings he had towards his ladies were dangerous, and so far he refused to acknowledge them. He couldn't, and shouldn't be feeling anything towards them. If he did, he would only be a liability, and if it came to that, he would have to give up his position as their butler.

Dapper came to a stop by the grand ballroom, it was here the main events of the gala would take place. He stepped through the large doors, looking at the beautiful decorations. A few maids were still working, but having already set most of the things up, there was no rush in their movements. Everything was being done to perfection, with a certain amount of care, and eye for detail.

A maid greeted him with a smile as he trotted deeper into the ballroom, admiring the work they had done. It served as a nice distraction, but deep inside he knew where his movements would take him, and soon enough, he was there. The grand piano stood on a stage, along with other instruments, but Dapper only had his eyes on the piano.

A part of him knew he shouldn't, but another part of him knew it was either this, or the pills. So with that in mind, he stepped up on the stage, sitting down on the stool, and let his hooves move over the keys. If the maids were watching him, he did not notice.

Instead, Dapper closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and started to play.

The world around him faded, and soon enough it was only him and the music. Slowly the pain seemed to vanish from his wing, and his mind started to relax. Even so, as he played and relaxed, he could still see two certain alicorns before his inner eye.

Celestia, and Luna...

Author's Note:

Sorry for the seven months long wait.. I really had no idea that it had been so long since the last chapter... Sorry again.. :twilightblush:

At any rate, thank you for sticking with it! I've decided to split the gala saga up in chapters of 5000 words, plus minus. It becomes easier for me to write it that way. :derpytongue2:

So next chapter will take place at the evening of Grand Galloping Gala!! :pinkiehappy: