• Published 14th Aug 2020
  • 12,683 Views, 965 Comments

Queen Of The Wasteland - Jest

Twilight awakens to find that she is no longer an alicorn, nor a pony for that matter. Rather she has become the fearsome queen of the wasteland.

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Pistol Packing

Twilight stood there quietly, merely staring at the door her companion had disappeared through a moment earlier. The deathclaw wondered if she had been wrong after all, and that it may have been for the best to simply kill them. She brushed that thought aside quickly however, the former pony reminding herself that to do so would put herself at their level.

“Uh sorry about that by the way,” whispered a voice.

Twilight turned to the second least violent male, who visibly shrunk the second Twilight’s gaze fell upon him.

The deathclaw grunted, hoping to urge the man to continue.

“Sorry about… them,” he muttered, gesturing to the room across from them. “I didn't ya know… do that, and it was mostly the boss.”

“And that twitchy idiot, Spinny,” added the other male, who only a few minutes earlier had been the one to suggest grabbing Janey.

Twilight growled at the man, barely resisting the urge to gut him.

“Well I didn't do any of that shit!” proclaimed the last male. “I was promised jet if I cooked and guarded the camp while the others were out raiding.”

“Don't pretend like you werent excited when the boss proposed taking over the town,” growled the man Twilight had mentally named Rapey.

“Well I don't know about you, but I just wanted a nicer place to sleep,” muttered the other.

The jet user bobbed his head eagerly. “I just wanted a warm place to rest my head where I could do some drugs. Is that so bad?”

Twilight growled deeper, and jabbed a finger at the man. “You shouldn't be okay with murdering random people to get either of those things,” she spat, knowing full well that no one could understand her.

The addled man shrunk visibly and raised his hands. “I know it was wrong. I just didn't wanna go hungry again. I swear I’ll give it all up!”

“Can you understand me?” Twilight asked, a little puzzled.

“I’ll even tell the others about your benevolence, and get them to repent too!” He continued.

“Well I guess that answered that,” Twilight muttered bitterly.

“I’ll make sure they all give up their life of sin and thank you for the second chance you’ve given us!” shouted the increasingly wild eyed young man.

“Dude shut up,” whispered Rapey, who slapped him across the back of the head. “Can't you see your antagonizing it?”

“Don't call it an it. Can't you see it understands us?” whispered the second man.

Twilight rolled her eyes and walked away, doing her best to put the entire moral quandary behind her.

Outside, she found that Janey was standing with her back against the Vikki and Vance casino. Upon their eyes meeting, the human gestured to the spot next to her and placed a finger over her lips. Twilight quickly noticed that the two other humans were walking in their direction once more and swiftly slipped into the shadows.

Falling in next to the courier, Twilight waited patiently, assuming that the other female had a plan of some kind. Sure enough when the pair of raiders emerged, Janey dropped one with a shot to the head a second before putting a bullet into the midsection of the other. Seeing the spray of blood made Twilight see red, though she reigned in her urges when she noticed that the second raider hadn't gone down quite so easily.

“What the fuck,” he muttered before spinning towards them, gun drawn.

Twilight was faster still however, and in an instant the human found himself hoisted off the ground by his neck. With a snarling deathclaw in his face, the slightly overweight male seemed to contemplate his fate before going limp all at once. With her foe no longer resisting, Twilight dropped him and quickly began to inspect the bloody body on the ground.

Pulling aside the now ruined and ratty top hat revealed a gaping hole in the former raider’s skull from which blood pumped steadily. The sight made Twilight’s stomach churn at the same time as her mouth filled with saliva. Pushing past her new instincts, Twilight inspected the man closer only to predictably find that he was already dead.

Stepping back on unsteady feet, Twilight turned and glared at Janey.

“Two less scumbags in the world,” she declared. “Good work snapping that one’s neck.”

“I didn't-” Twilight began, only for the sharp crack of a rifle to make her flinch.

Janey dove towards the wreckage of a burnt out car while Twilight merely looked around, trying to find the location of the shooter. Thankfully for the deathclaw, their assailant had assumed it would be a good idea to focus on the one target that wasn't borderline bullet proof. Even still, his shots went wide, the dexterous courier easily managing to stay one step ahead of him until she had her back against the car.

By now Twilight realized what was going on, and had ducked behind one of the beams which supported the front of the closest casino. Surprisingly wide, the support was able to keep Twilight safe from the sporadic gunfire peppering her surroundings. Confused, and a little unsure of what to do, Twilight looked to Janey, who was now crouched behind the burnt wreck nearby.

Clearly waiting for something, Twilight was about to ask for what that was, when she heard a click from somewhere nearby. Janey immediately peeked out from behind her cover and scanned the area, only to be forced back down when several rounds impacted the metal vehicle. From the sound this second attack was from someone with a larger gun, though Twilight knew so little on the topic that she couldn't be certain of that fact.

Either way they were stuck in the same spot they had been a second earlier, with someone firing whenever Twilight or Janey made a move.

“What's the hold up man? Get that gun loaded!” shouted a young voice from somewhere nearby.

“I’m trying but the damn thing is jammed!” yelled a second voice from higher up. “Just keep shooting while I get this shit fixed.”

“Well hurry the fuck up. I don't have all day!” bellowed the first voice.

Twilight glanced to Janey, who pointed from the deathclaw to the ground, and then from herself, to the sky. The message was clear, Twilight would take the person slowly walking toward them, while Janey took care of the enemy that was higher up. They didn't have to wait long to execute their plan either, as Twilight heard the now familiar click of a gun attempting to fire without having any bullets.

“Fuck,” cursed the man as he franticly began to dig through his pockets.

Twilight didn't wait a second longer, and leaped out of cover, making a beeline for a tire wearing male standing a dozen feet away. Seeing the giant form of an angry deathclaw barrelling towards him, the raider scrambled even faster. Unfortunately for him, he was so terrified that he ended up dropping the entire magazine after he failed to insert it into his rifle.

As Twilight was crossing the distance between her and her foe, she heard the distinct pop of Janey’s pistol going off several times. Noting the clear lack of return fire, Twilight hoped that was the end of the other target, and moved to finish her own. A second later and her hands closed around the human’s torso, pinning his arms to his sides, quite securely. The man struggled valiantly, though the effort was wasted as Twilight was far stronger than any mere human.

It took only a few seconds for the raider to realize the position he was in, and give up his attempts at escape. Closing his eyes, the human’s features scrunched up as he presumably waited for the end. Twilight wasn't about to kill the poor sap though, and she merely trotted over to where Janey stood nearby, the courier reloading her pistol.

“Ahh good, you got him. Kill him or toss him in with the others. I don't rightly care at this point,” Janey remarked.

The man opened a single eye. “Wait a second. Whats going on here?” he asked.

“Oh hey. This one didn't pass out,” Janey exclaimed. “You should count your lucky stars, raider scum. Cus unlike princess here, I don't take prisoners.”

Twilight glanced up to where a dead reader hung half over the roof above the Bison Steve entrance. Blood trickled down the cracked exterior of the casino, a thin red line traversing the brown dust blasted wall. Shaking her head, Twilight turned to Janey and gave her a disappointed look, which the human didn't seem to notice.

“So uh… do I get to live?” asked the male in a hesitant tone.

“That depends. Are you going to drop that weapon?” Janey asked.

A second later and the small semi automatic rifle he had been holding clattered to the ground.

“Then congratulations, you get to live. For now at least,” Janey muttered.

Twilight grunted, and gestured towards the door of the former sheriff’s home.

“Yeah I’ll get the door just give me a second,” Janey remarked, the courier holstering her weapon and stuffing the dropped rifle before walking towards their destination.

“So is it tame or something?” asked the surprisingly calm and curious raider.

Twilight grunted.

“She's not an it,” Janey pointed out. “Her name is princess, and she's smarter than you probably are.”

“I dunno about that,” murmured the male. “I once read a whole science book.”

Twilight couldn't help but chuckle as she walked inside.

“Oh shit, you guys are alive too,” pointed out the man a second after he was tossed into the same cell as his fellows.

“Apparently,” muttered one of them.

“I wish I wasn't,” murmured Rapey.

“Our queen has saved another!” shouted the wide eyed drug user. “Repent brother, and be forgiven for your past deeds!”

Janey made a disgusted noise before turning back around. “Come on Twilight let's get going before the junkie makes an entire religion around you.”

Twilight merely cocked her head, confused by the entire interaction while still maintaining the presence of mind to lock the cell behind her. She then followed her friend outside just as the Jet user launched into what was no doubt a rousing sermon which his fellows did not want to hear.

“What was that?” Twilight asked, tapping out her question on the road.

Janey grunted. “Seems like a mix of jet, and adrenaline has turned one of your pet raiders into an evangelical.”

Twilight blinked several times before tapping out her response. “What is that?”

Janey stopped and looked at the deathclaw with a confused expression. “How do you not know what that is? Do you not have religion where you come from?”

“We have some cults dedicated to Discord and Grogar, but there hasn't been a major religion in nearly a thousand years,” Twilight explained.

“That is…” Janey shook her head. “A topic for another time. Come on, we should check out the Vicky and Vance before we move on to the Bison Steve.”

Twilight nodded, following after Janey as she made her way over to the closest of the two casinos.

Once there, Janey stopped and held up a hand, signalling for Twilight to be quiet as well. Together the pair stood perfectly still, allowing them to hear as a nearly silent conversation occurred close by.

“Do you think they’re gone?” whispered a voice.

“There was a bunch of shooting,” added another person.

“Probably wasted some poor trader who wandered in,” declared a third individual.

“Would you three shut up and get back into position? I don't want to get run up on by a bunch of adrenaline hyped raiders,” shouted a stern, and somewhat elderly fourth human.

“Sorry mister Nash,” muttered the first defender.

A flurry of motion came from within though it quickly became quiet once more a few seconds later.

Twilight gestured questioningly to the door.

Janey nodded. “Stand further that way would ya? I don't wanna scare our guests.”

Twilight did as she was asked, even though doing so still bothered the unicorn. Becoming an object that elicited intense terror in ninety nine percent of the population made her uncomfortable in a way she couldn't quite explain. She silently hoped that she never got used to that feeling, nor the horror she felt when she saw a dead body.

While her mood continued to fall, and her mind churned with bitter thoughts, Twilight watched closely as Janey knocked twice upon the aged doors.

“Who is it?”

“Should we shoot them?”

“Raiders don't knock,” remarked the stern voice. “Who is it?”

“Janey,” called the woman. “I’ve cleared out some of the raiders and was hoping to talk to you.”

“Well holee shit,” muttered the same voice from before. “I can hardly believe my ears.”

“Are you sure it ain't a trick?” whispered someone. “What if they are making her say that so we open the door?”

“Well in that case we got a pretty young girl in need of rescue and you boys wouldn't abandon her would ya?” coaxed the voice.

A small chorus of agreement came from within, prompting Janey to roll her eyes.

“I’m not under duress. I’ve either killed or incapacitated the seven or so we’ve seen so far,” Janey exclaimed.

Twilight perked up, only now realizing she had forgotten about the male they had left near the gas station. Knowing full well that it would take some time to calm the civilians down and ensure the deathclaw didn't get shot on sight, Twilight walked away. The former pony lumbered around the casino at a slow, loping pace until she got to where they had left the first raider.

Sure enough he was still laying face down in the exact same spot Twilight had last seen him and a quick inspection told the deathclaw that he was still alive. Scooping the human up, Twilight trotted back around the front of the casino just in time to see Janey emerge with a grim look on her face. The doors shut firmly behind her, a dull thud from within indicated that they had been barricaded once more.

Twilight gestured to the entrance expectantly while she picked up the other unconscious man.

Janey grunted. “The person we need to find is in the Bison Steve and getting him out won't be easy. Old man Nash spotted at least two dozen of these fucks and they’ve probably already acquired new recruits since word got out about their success in taking the town.”

Twilight frowned, and hefted her human loads into slightly better positions upon her shoulders.

“Right. Might as well toss this one in with the rest,” Janey muttered somewhat bitterly.

Twilight rolled her eyes and did her best to ignore the woman’s increasingly irritated tone.

Together they walked back to the impromptu jail, with Janey leading the way, a grimace remaining firmly plastered on her face.

“Alright you dirtbags back up. We got another friend for ya,” Janey exclaimed.

“Oh shit you managed to take crazy old Spinny alive. I thought for sure you had killed the dumb bastard,” Rapey remarked.

“Praise our queen!” shouted the wild eyed man. “For she has saved another lost soul!”

“Dude would you shut up for two seconds? When are you going to come down from that high anyway?” muttered another of the men.

“Never!” he shouted back.

“Wait. Isn't this the guy that killed that poor girl?” Janey demanded, pointing to the man currently dangling over Twilight’s shoulder.

“Yeah thats him. Everyone knows his ugly face,” muttered Rapey.

“It's why he got stuck with the shit detail of staring down those NCR fucks at that gas station,” added another of the men.

“Shoulda done us all a favor and offed him,” murmured another as Twilight fumbled briefly with the door before managing to open it.

Janey turned to her companion and pointed to the man in question. “Dump him outside. This one doesn't deserve to live.”

Twilight tensed, the deathclaw stopping herself just after she had tossed the larger of the two men into the cell. With the door hanging partially open, Twilight eyed her companion closely, glancing between her and the last male to be caged.

Twilight tapped out her response on one of the bars of the cell. “Are we really taking the word of these convicts now? I thought you didn't trust them.”

“Hey I was never convicted of nothing!” exclaimed the youngest and apparently smartest of the bunch. “I just couldn't pay back a small loan I took out.”

Twilight groaned. They force people into debt slavery? How barbaric can you get? This is only a single modicum of decency away from what the legion apparently does.

“Why would they lie about this?” Janey exclaimed, pointing her gun at the man. “Now drop the fucker so we can get this over with.”

Twilight was about to respond when the man in question began to move.

“Great. He's waking up. Now we can ask him ourselves,” Janey exclaimed.

Twilight hesitantly closed the cell door, and placed the man onto a nearby chair, watching as he slowly woke up. The second the man’s eyes opened Janey put the cold metal barrel of her gun against his head.

“Did you kill the sheriff's wife?” demanded the courier.

“I er.. What- who…” he glanced at the deathclaw out of the corner of his eye and nearly fell out of his chair. “What the fuck?”

Janey grabbed the raider by the scruff and forced him back into his seat. “Don't look at her. Look at me,” Janey demanded.

Though still clearly terrified, the raider tore his eyes away from the giant death lizard towering over him and toward the woman with a gun placed firmly against his forehead.

“W-what was the question?” he stuttered.

“Did you kill that woman?” Janey demanded, pointing to the corpse only a few metres away.

The raider followed Janey’s finger only to immediately wince. “I uh, might have,” he admitted.

“What did I tell you?” Janey exclaimed, glancing to Twilight. “Still think this murdering rapist deserves to live?”

Twilight frowned, and tapped out a simple question while looking the man in the eye. “Why?”

“I didn't mean to,” muttered the man, tears coming to his eyes. “I just like using the knife cus it makes me feel tough ya know?”

“Stupid fuck,” muttered one of the other raiders.

“So you got a little too excited and sliced her up?” Janey demanded, pressing her weapon against the man’s head. “Is that what happened?”

“N-no,” the man quickly replied. “I was paying real close attention but the crazy broad threw herself on the blade like she was trying to get herself killed. I pulled it away on reflex ya know and accidentally cut her real bad.”

Janey hesitated a moment before her grim expression returned. “Then in the end you still killed her.”

“Yes…” he reluctantly admitted.

Twilight met her companion’s gaze for only a moment before quickly looking away. Though the former unicorn knew the man deserved to be punished for his actions, Equestria didn't have the death penalty. She wanted the man to serve time for his actions, and to remain in prison for the rest of his natural life but it was clear there were no proper jails in the area. Left with no other real options, Twilight struggled to imagine what could be done in this situation.

Janey however, did, and with a pull of her trigger, painted the shack walls with the sobbing raider’s brains. The noise which the contents of his skull made as they splattered across the rusted interior of the home reverberated in Twilight’s ears for several seconds. The smell was the next thing to hit the deathclaw, and this time not even her new instincts could make her feel anything but revulsion.

“I’ll be outside when your ready to work out the next phase of the plan,” Janey exclaimed, the woman walking away from the murder scene as if nothing had happened.

Leaving Twilight to sit there and stare at the bloody body in disbelief of what had just happened right before her eyes.

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