• Published 14th Aug 2020
  • 12,770 Views, 966 Comments

Queen Of The Wasteland - Jest

Twilight awakens to find that she is no longer an alicorn, nor a pony for that matter. Rather she has become the fearsome queen of the wasteland.

  • ...

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A Valuable Lesson Pt3

“What did you find?” Asked Janey who stood up and wiped her bloody hands off on her coat.

Twilight opened her jacket to reveal the box of ammo, playing cards, caps, camera, cup as well as the ancient boxes of food she had found. It wasn't a lot but Twilight felt rather proud of what she had managed to locate, even if robbing the dead still didn't sit well with her.

“Not bad,” Janey remarked, pointing to the ground next to her. “Drop the ammo here and I’ll see if there is anything good in there.”

Twilight nodded and did just that, pulling her talking plate out after it was done.

“What are you going to trade me for the ammo?” Twilight inquired.

Janey chuckled after her pipboy translated the series of sharp taps. “We only divy up the goods after we are completely done looting. Don't worry, I’ll make sure everything is fair.”

Twilight wasn't sure if she believed her companion, but her words made sense if nothing else. “Fine. What did you find?” Inquired the deathclaw.

“A big bag full of caps,” Janey began, patting a bloody bag sitting next to her. “A couple guns, a loose assortment of mostly destroyed clothing, and a grenade that one of the geckos chewed on.”

The deathclaw gently pulled open the top of the bag to find that it did indeed have all the things Janey mentioned. There were also a few random items like a toaster, some electronic components, and a small bundle of scrap as well. They didn't look terribly important, and from what Twilight had been able to gather they werent worth much either.

“Where to next?” Twilight inquired.

Janey stood up, fished her water flask out of her pocket and quickly cleaned her hands before digging into Twilight’s cache of ammo. It didn't take long to sort, but once it was done Janey quickly tucked them away in secure pockets of her backpack.

“We keep moving south as planned. Though if we stay on this side of the road we may run into more geckos or a few feral ghouls,” Janey warned.

“Those are the things that were once people right?” Twilight asked.

Janey nodded, and carefully went about cleaning her new gear before packing it into her bag. “Yup. They got a bit too much radiation and are little more than walking corpses at this point.”

Twilight frowned. “Is there nothing we can do to help them?”

“Other than by giving them a quick death? Nope,” Janey stated quite matter of factly before tossing her bag over her shoulder. “The ghoulification process leaves little left of the brain save for the more base instincts to feed on anything they can find.”

“Anything?” Twilight asked somewhat hesitantly.

“Unfortunately,” Janey answered with a solemn nod. “The only thing they won't try to kill and eat are each other.”

Twilight gazed down at the distant expanse of small bumps and indents in the land to the south. She could make out the forms of a few geckos, as well as the odd buzzing bloatfly hovering over some fetid pool. She could also see a few more bipedal creatures in the distance though her eyesight wasn't good enough to make out any details. They appeared human however, wearing scraps of clothing and congregating in small groups.

“Come on. We better get moving if we want to get to Primm before nightfall,” Janey exclaimed.

Twilight nodded, and followed after the human as she began to trot down the long slope. They didn't get moving right away however, as they made the short trek back to the Goodsprings source. Once Twilight had cleansed herself of as much blood as possible, and drank her fill, the pair turned south once more.

Though Twilight had been tempted to tell her companion to ditch their latest haul in Goodsprings, she resisted the urge to do so. Janey seemed intent on reaching their destination quickly, and Twilight didn't want to get in the way of that. Plus the deathclaw didn't want to imagine what kind of beasts would emerge after the sun had set.

Together they maneuvered through the tight dry riverbeds and craters that covered the area west of the highway. As they walked the pair were forced to face off against a couple bloatflies as well as the odd gecko. The flying irritants were dealt with easily enough, with Janey taking them out well before the creatures could launch an attack of their own.

The geckos were slightly more difficult, but were usually by themselves or in only small groups. Meaning Twilight had a relatively easy time cutting them down by herself with only little help from Janey. The majority of the critters not starving and desperate gave Twilight a wide berth, avoiding the deathclaw as best as they could manage.

The exception to that rule were ghouls who seemed to have little regard for their personal well being. With a gutteral snarl a trio of the things charged over a burm towards the pair, arms extended and teeth bared. Twilight couldn't help but wince upon laying eyes on the creatures, as they were far uglier than what Janey had described them to be.

Sure the human had mentioned that ghouls had rather unpleasant visages but her description of them wasn't even close. These unfortunate former humans had little skin left on their faces, and their blank, empty eyes contained no spark of intelligence. All three were missing their noses, bearing only two tear drop shaped holes where the appendage should be.

They also lacked lips, while one was missing an entire arm which didn't seem to bother him one bit. Barefoot and wearing only tattered rags, the three ghouls had discolored red skin which bore many half healed injuries. Only one of them even had any hair left on their head, though that was being generous as it was little more than a small tuft of brown attached to his brow.

Twilight wanted to feel pity for these creatures, to experience some kind of hesitation when the urge to cut them down arose, but there was nothing. They were simply too far gone, as even their body language spoke of an animal desperate for its next meal. Rather then a thinking human being that was struggling with its more bestial nature, the feral ghouls were simply beasts.

A swipe of Twilight’s right claw struck one of the feral ghouls across the face, making it recoil in pain as it clutched it's even more ruined features. Half coagulated blood pumped out of its open wounds, worsening the already unpleasant stench of decay which hung heavy in the air.

Beside her, Twilight heard Janey unload three shots into the chest of another ghoul, dropping it to the ground in a heap. Slightly distracted by the deep revulsion Twilight felt welling in her belly, the deathclaw didn't initially finish her enemy off. Giving it and its final remaining ally time to attack her at the same time.

The injured one swung its limbs like blunted clubs, hitting Twilight in the arm and doing little to the deathclaw. Its companion was a little smarter and tried to scratch at Twilight’s face, but hit nothing after Twilight took a step back.

There is nothing I can do save for granting them a quick death. Twilight thought to herself.

Ignoring her instincts to lash out with her claws, Twilight reached out and grabbed the two feral ghoul’s heads. She then brought them sharply together before either had a chance to even struggle against her grip. The eruption of half rotten brains, and foul blackened blood nearly made Twilight throw up.

The deathclaw quickly stepped back and wiped her hands on the ground, swiftly cleansing them of all remnants of her former opponents. A little water helped get rid of the worst of it, though Janey seemed reluctant to use much of the precious liquid. Not like Twilight could really blame her, and it was only after Twilight’s claws were clean that she was able to breathe a little easier.

“Better?” Janey inquired.

Twilight nodded and pulled out her plate. “Is there really nothing you can do for them?”

“Plenty of people have tried, and all have failed,” Janey stated, stuffing her hands in her pockets. “Once feral there really isn't anything you could do for them. Unless you were somehow able to regrow parts of their brain.”

Twilight sighed as she looked down on the three dead ghouls. “What a terrible end.”

“What was that?” Janey inquired.

“Nothing,” Twilight tapped out on the pad.

“I’m proud of you for taking them out by the way,” Janey exclaimed. “Too many would be prospectors let pity cloud their vision and end up in the belly of a feral.”

Twilight grumbled to herself. “They werent there anymore.”

“Very true, now come on. Let's keep it moving. I think I can see Primm coming up,” Janey remarked before turning and walking away.

Twilight hesitated, her gaze lingering on the corpses for a few more seconds.

How have I changed so much in so little time? Thought the former pony. Just a few days ago I had never dreamed of killing another living thing and now look at me.

Twilight glanced down at her great clawed hands. Now I don't feel anything even after killing creatures which had once been sentient. How much will I change before I find my friends?

The deathclaw sighed, and let her arms fall to her sides as her thoughts went out to her family. Even if I somehow get my body back would I even be the same Twilight? What would Celestia say if she saw me? Would they even accept me if they knew what I had done.

Twilight shook her head vigorously. I haven't done anything that wasn't absolutely necessary. I’m sure if I just explained everything they would understand what I’ve gone through.

“Are you coming or what?” Janey shouted from up ahead.

Twilight sighed and grunted in response. Have a mental breakdown later. Right now we have more pressing concerns like finding our friends and surviving long enough to do so.

Finding the human was easy enough, as all Twilight had to do was follow the sound of old timey music. Once Twilight located the courier, the deathclaw quickly took position to her companion’s right.

“Y'all right?” Janey inquired.

Twilight nodded slowly. “Just thinking.”

“You know I can't understand you right?” Janey replied.

Twilight grunted. “I know.”

“Well at least that one was obvious,” Janey remarked with a chuckle.

“And now it's time for some news, and this one's doozy,” stated the familiar voice of mister New Vegas. “Now what I’m about to tell you all may sound like the ravings of a psycho addict but I swear on a stack of caps that it's all true.”

Twilight perked up, and glanced expectantly at Janey whose own curiosity seemed to have been piqued as well, the human turning up the volume.

“By now you’ve heard about how Goodsprings fended off a mob of escaped convicts after receiving some assistance from a courier,” continued the man in a somber tone. “What you didn't know was that a deathclaw with the brain of a princess from another world was the one that did most of the saving.”

“Yes you heard that right folks I just said a deathclaw princess saved a town of humans of its own volition and not only that but it hung around to do an interview,” stated the man. “We’ll be airing the entire thing tomorrow but for now I’ll give you the most pertinent information right now.”

I wish they wouldn't call me an it. Twilight thought bitterly.

“This deathclaw is smart, knows english, and seems to have a conscience to boot,” exclaimed Mr New Vegas. “Her name is about as intimidating as a basket of puppies so I’m just gonna call her princess. Sorry Twilight Sparkle, but that name just ain't suited for the wasteland.”

My name is just fine! Twilight wanted to yell, only to grumble to herself.

“Right, the second thing you need to know is that she's here looking for her friends. So if you see any walking talking ponies you either need to put down the jet or give your nearest New Vegas reporter a ring,” Mr New Vegas explained. “If you’re a good, honest sort then that's about as much as you need to know, cus the princess ain't here to start a fight.”

“If you’re some raider or psycho looking to prey on the innocent though, well then you got another thing coming. And that thing is six hundred pounds of corded muscle with claws that can rip through steel. Yes that's right folks, our resident princess ain't a fan of the wasteland’s meanest inhabitants, but don't take my word for it. She said so herself,” Mr New Vegas announced.

“I would tell every raider, gang member, and evil doer out there that your days are numbered. If you would steal from the weak, or hurt the innocent, know that I am coming for you,” announced a computerized voice Twilight immediately recognized.

“That was the scoop straight from the horse’s mouth,” Mr New Vegas remarked. “Now I won't blame you if you think I lost my marbles, but I assure you what you’ve heard here is the truth. Go ask the people of Goodsprings if you really don't believe me.”

“Remember folks, the whole interview will be on the air tomorrow at noon so don't touch that dial and in the meantime, remember. If you see a deathclaw traveling with some courier, keep your gun in your holster, or else,” Mr New Vegas exclaimed in a slightly threatening tone. “That's all for now folks. I’ll have more news at the top of the hour, but in the meantime I’ve got some Dean Martin for you all.”

As the dulcet tones of some long dead singer emerged from Janey’s wrist, Twilight let out a soft sigh. “I really should have asked to redo that part,” Twilight muttered.

“I can't believe they barely even mentioned me,” Janey grumpily remarked. “Some courier? I mean come on. First I save you from that basement thing, and then I convince the town to give you a chance. I feel like they are underplaying my part in this.”

Twilight chuckled. “I’m sure they’ll include you the next time we do something noteworthy.”

Janey frowned after her pipboy had finished translating Twilight’s clicks and clacks. “Well hopefully the next time they talk about us it's too congratulate me on killing that checkered asshole.”

Twilight sighed and shook her head, trying to ignore the venom in her companion’s tone. “Which side of Primm are we supposed to enter again?”

“We are supposed to go to the right there but I’m pretty sure you could bend the bars and get us in the left…” Janey remarked, the girl pausing atop a hill overlooking the aforementioned town. “We are still a minute or two away, but we could sneak in the back.”

Twilight raised a non-existent eyebrow and gestured to herself.

“Right. Stealth is kind of out of the realm of possibilities,” Janey shrugged. “It's fine. Some folk back in goodsprings were talking about escaped convicts so we should probably talk to those ncr losers stationed nearby before we head in.”

Twilight opened a hand palm up, asking the human to elaborate.

Janey sighed and hopped down, walking towards the western entrance to Primm. “Like I mentioned before the NCR is just three companies pretending to be a country. They are especially bad for small towns like this because they tax them to death, leaving few caps for the population.”

“Wouldn't the added security increase trade?” Twilight inquired.

“Theoretically, but Primm especially needs to be able to offer more competitive pricing compared to New Vegas. After all, Mr House would probably rather die than let the NCR gain a hold on his city and he doesn't have to worry about that kinda overhead,” Janey explained.

Twilight hummed thoughtfully as they trotted towards the entrance to Primm, her gaze focusing on the enormous rollercoaster to the left. Though dilapidated, and partially collapsed it was still an impressive sight, one that made Twilight imagine what it would have been like back in the day. It certainly would have been an interesting ride given that it wound around the hotel itself, though it might not be as fun if you were trying to enjoy a midday nap.

Rainbow Dash would probably love and hate that place. Twilight thought to herself.

Not much else was viewable from the current angle, as the entire town was built on a slightly raised section. Though only a few meters tall the edge of this area also had towering metal fences that would make entrance difficult for the average human. Brown and rusted from decades of little maintenance, these barriers would likely be easily toppled, if Twilight put her mind to it.

The deathclaw could also see a smaller blocky looking casino across from the much larger one topped by the bison sign that stood tall on the first one. This one had no grand gimmick like a roller coaster built atop the other hotel, or at least not one that was readily apparent anyway. Other than that there was what looked like a few shacks as well as several prewar structures that were mostly rubble.

The main highway lay on the right of the town, but between it and the main entrance. Which was a half collapsed bridge that connected the town to the on ramp to the right. This area was much smaller and was mostly rubble save for two intact prewar buildings and some distant tents. There was also a small sandbag fortification at the forefront that happened to be manned by a lone soldier wielding a long rifle.

Twilight couldn't tell much about the individual due to how far away they were, but the deathclaw could tell the human was wearing a brown shirt. They also had an equally dull, dirt colored helmet, pants, and what looked like a breastplate bearing the NCR logo which completed the uniform.

By then Twilight had followed Janey nearly up to the entrance, though the human stopped next to a large boulder just beside the road.

“Hold up. Wait here a moment so I can warn the guy about you,” Janey exclaimed.

Twilight nodded, and stepped off to the side, content to let her gaze wander over the landscape. To the tall mountains to her right, and the smaller ones to her left, Twilight ruminated over the information Janey had given her. Though Twilight had little doubt that the human’s words were true, the former pony could also tell that they were slanted somewhat.

Equestria had a few plutocracies in its history, though most were short lived at best. The other human world, by contrast, had quite a number of countries ruled by the rich and powerful. Throughout their history more than a few nations had been covertly, or overtly controlled by a select few.

There was even that one country, the united something or other that was supposedly controlled by rich people and that was also a modern nation state. Twilight thought to herself. I wonder if I’m being told the whole truth here or if-

Twilight’s musings were cut off when she heard a yell.

“Alright you can come out now!” Janey shouted from further down the road.

Twilight perked up and peeked out from around the corner.

The soldier standing next to Janey jumped, and his weapon rose an inch or two before he lowered it once more. Twilight noticed he was breathing faster, and the deathclaw could even smell something strange wafting from the human. The scent was acrid, bitter and almost metallic in a way. It was almost akin to blood but not quite the same.

“Well hollee shit,” muttered the soldier. “You werent kidding. I owe the sarge twenty caps.”

“He heard the broadcast,” Janey exclaimed, noticing Twilight had hardly moved. “Come on he ain't gonna shoot ya. Right private?”

The soldier nodded. “Err right. Sorry.”

The human slung his weapon over his shoulder, letting it fall slack.

Twilight stepped out fully, and trod up to the man, who did his best to appear brave all while smelling more and more unpleasant by the second.

I wonder if I can smell his fear? Twilight thought before crouching down before the man and giving him a polite bow before retrieving her plate. “How are you this fine evening?”

After Janey’s pipboy translated, the soldier relaxed slightly. “Uh, not bad and yourself?”

Twilight went to tap out a response only to grunt and shrug instead.

“Heh. I don't need a translator to know what that means,” remarked the male.

“So can you let us in?” Janey inquired, gesturing to the road behind him.

“Right. I need to warn the sarge, stay right here,” stated the soldier before hastily jogging back to the camp in the distance.

As soon as the man disappeared into a tent Twilight noticed Janey move into the small sandbag embankment behind her. Twilight paid little mind to her companion, and merely watched as a small group of soldiers emerged from the tent. Their eyes lit up upon seeing Twilight and though none reached for their weapons, they were all visibly on edge.

A few seconds later and Janey returned not long before the man from earlier ran back up to them.

“Lieutenant Hayes wants to have a word with you,” exclaimed the soldier.

“Are we in trouble?” Janey inquired.

The soldier shook his head. “Nah nothing like that. He’s just curious.”

Twilight grunted, and extended a hand invitingly.

“Yeah, yeah lets get this over with,” Janey bitterly mumbled.

Together the pair approached the small gathering of soldiers, each one of whom kept their guns holstered or slung over their back. From left to right there was a male with nearly the same uniform as the man Twilight had just passed, save for the addition of shoulder pads. He also had a slim goate, a tanned face, and a pair of goggles over his helmet, as well as a rather bitter looking expression.

Beside him stood a slightly taller, calmer looking individual wearing a green beret, his right hand resting on a large pistol at his hip. Three other soldiers were standing next to him, though they stood a few feet back and seemed deferential to the other two.

Upon approach Twilight nodded to one with a hat and quickly tapped out a greeting. “Good afternoon lieutenant. How are you?”

A second later Janey’s pipboy translated and the man’s eyebrow rose. “Huh, would ya look at that. Old man Vegas wasn't lying after all.”

“Either that or it's bloody well trained,” remarked the soldier with the goatee.

“Nah. I know morse code after some time spent in the radio corps. She understands us,” replied the lieutenant.

“Well now that's out of the way, what did you want to discuss with us?” Janey interrupted.

“Just wanted to sit down and have a friendly chat, if that's alright with you two,” offered the soldier.

Twilight nodded and glanced to Janey, who was more reluctant in her response.

“Fine, but it better be quick. We have a lot to do before nightfall,” stated the courier.

The soldier smiled. “Excellent. Now then, back to your stations, all of you.”

The other soldiers minus mister goatee dispersed quickly, leaving the four of them alone in the small central area of the camp.

“Now then, shall we?”

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This update was made possible by the wonderful support of readers like you: John, MestreJ, Starless, Gear Change, DioKyo, Tacocat598, Canary in The Coal Mine, Ceepert, Doomgoey, Tiwake, Vigilant Watch, Joshua, Nfreak, Facinus, M, John, Rhys, Corey, Blade Tech, Mephia, Peter, Apollyon, Nightwing, 浩民 簡, Hannibal, Dragon's Sheperd, BeenMcsqueen, Mop Hop, Dale, Xvos, Nathan, Octavia and Lowbar, Lich lord krosis, Prysm, Mike, Astor, Travis, Soundtea, Menthol Qtip, Craig, Mirvra, Ivar, Pacsik, Kali, Makani, Steven, Fiamgoku, free, GruB, Todd, Megatyrant.

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