• Published 17th Jun 2020
  • 1,307 Views, 95 Comments

R.O.S.E - Madforce Entertainment

Ruby Rose, Onyx Shinra, Sunset Shimmer, and Eclipse Khan form team ROSE to protect Remnant from the dark forces of the Grim, as well as the terrorist organisation, the White Fang.

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Chapter 12: Investigation

Author's Note:

Hey guys, sorry for making you wait so long for this chapter, just been busy with personal stuff.

In this chapter I wanted to show Salem’s relationship with the council, and have Jaune busted for sneaking into Beacon.

Being honest I thought it was silly Jaune wasn’t discovered faking his transcripts, and truthfully, I’m not a Jaune lover, definitely after V9.

I originally kept him, because my Ex-partner insisted on having team JPNR together, but I been struggling with Jaune’s character in ROSE, another friend suggested I remove Jaune and replace with someone else, taking their suggestion, I wrote this chapter to remove Jaune and set in motion of events for the plot, I hope you enjoy this chapter, and If you see any misspellings or mistakes I may have made, please tell me and I’ll fix it ASAP.

Till next time, take care.

Jaune was sitting In Salem’s office, his hands and eyes looking down. Salem sat behind her desk, with Professor Goodwitch and Professor Bloodstone standing beside her.

Jaune can feel the anger emanating from Professor Bloodstone, like the heat from a dragon before he breathes his flames, and then there’s disappointment from Professor Goodwitch.

The only sounds that could be heard were the gears ticking.

“Mr Arc,” Professor Salem spoke softly. “Do you know why we summoned you?”

“I-I think I do.” Jaune answered, choking on his words, knowing why he was sitting there.

“You think?” Professor Goodwitch questioned Jaune, with anger in her voice. “What you did NOT only harms Beacon's reputation, but your actions put your teammate’s education at risk!” She lectured Jaune, getting more angry by every word.

Salem looked at Glynda. “Calm yourself Glynda.” Maintaining her composure. “I understand your frustration, but getting angry will not help.”

“Yes Headmistress.” Glynda said, calming down, pushing up her glasses.

“Can you blame her?” Torch asked, looking at Jaune’s transcripts. “He used the name of a Huntress who graduated from this academy.”

“I do not.” Salem said, turning to Torch. “But in order to understand why Mr Arc lied on his transcript, we need calmer minds.”

Tourtch nods, “Your right Headmistress.”

Salem looked at Jaune. “Now Mr Arc, tell us why you lie on your transcripts?” She asked with her gentle voice.

Jaune swelled his throat feeling like it’s full of rocks, he took a deep breath. “I just wanted to be like the hero’s in the old stories.” He confessed, “I thought, I could keep up with the others,” Jaune sighed in shame. “But being here I realised I don’t belong here.”

“That’s an understatement.” Torch growls,

“Hmmmm,” Salem hums, “Tell us how did you- Her scroll rings and She looked to see who was calling her. She sighed seeing the council on her screen. “I’m afraid we most placed this on hold for now.” Mr Arc you are dismissed for now.” Salem said, “Professor’s please escort Mr Arc back to his dorm room.”

“Of course.” Glynda nods, walking towards Jaune.

Torch walked to Jaune, “Come on.” He growls,

“Y-Yes.” Jaune stutters quickly, rising to his feet like a soldier.

Salem watches Jaune leave with Gyanda and Touch, once alone she prepares herself for the woes of the Council.
“Let’s see what they want today.” She mumbles answering their call.

Three Hologram monitors over Salem’s desk, the two on her left were men, a Fox Faunus with ginger hair and amber eyes, wearing an autumn suit, and a human showing his age, with gray greenish hair, and green eyes. Wearing a black suit, on Salem’s Right was a human woman with bright scarlett hair covering the left side of her face, only showing her right side of her face, traditionally there are meant to be four Council members, but unfortunately chairman Leon died, and there is now an open chair.

From her right, the Fox Faunus man named Sol Alexander, he has been a huge supporter of Salem, and the first Faunus on the Vale council, he been fighting the Faunus equal rights in Vale, but his efforts beard no fruit. The man next to him was general Beryl, who currently served as Vale’s head of defence, he been in service for close to 50 years, Salem has worked well during his career, it will be a sad to see him retire.

Next to the General was Chairwoman Scarlett, the fifth Scarlett who took the seat on the cancel, Salem has always had issues with the Scarlett family. Mostly with them attempting to remove her from her position as headmistress, Salem brace herself for the worst.

Salem clears her throat. “Councilors,” she spoke. “How are you today?”

“Greetings Headmistress.” Said General Beryl. “I’m doing well, my retirement is coming soon, and-

“General, we are here on important business.” Scarlett cut in, “We heard about this Jaune Arc lying on his transcripts.”

Salem took a sharp breath, she didn’t want the Council to know about Jaune’s transcripts, not until after she had a chance to take care of it herself. “I see, so how did you come across this knowledge?”

“So it’s true.” Scarlett said, hiding her smirk began her hair. “How could you let this Headmistress?”

“We do not know yet,” Salem replied, “I was in the process of questioning him before you called.”

“I see.” Said General Beryl, “What do you know so far?”

“Only his reason why he lied on his transcripts.” Salem answered.

“What excuse did he offer?” Scarlett questions Salem, looking for any evidence to have Salme removed from her position as Headmistress.

Salem knew Scarlett was eagerly looking for an opportunity to remove her from her position, but she couldn’t hide anything from this woman for long. Salem saw Scarlett like a dog, a dog who would never give up its pursuit of a juicy bone.
“He wanted to become a hero, like the ones from the old stories.”


“Chairwoman Scarlett please remain calm.” General Beryl said, “Screaming doesn’t solve anything.”

“The General is right.” Spoke sol, siding with the general. “But I can understand Chairwoman Scarlett's plight,” Sol looked at Salem. “What actions have you taken against this Arc?”

“Currently we are still in the investigation process.” Salme answered,

Sol raised his eyebrow, “and after your investigation, what will you do with him?” he asked, with a stern look.

Salem ordinally considered just sending Jaune home, but the way Sol was looking at her told her, he doesn’t want Jaune to go home, but she would need to answer Sol’s question. “Originally I planned to send him home.”

Sol scaled at Salem with disgust and anger. “I can only presume he’s going home, because he’s Human?” Sol hissed, like a snake. “I wager if he was a Faunus he’ll be facing criminal charges and sent to a courthouse or the SDC mines?” Sol asked playing the race card.

Salem took a sharp breath, she was not racist, the curse of punishment she originally chosen for less media attention, sending Jaune to prison will bring unwanted attention to Beacon and Vale.

“My decision would have been the same for any Human or Faunus.” Salem answered, “I live long enough to discriminate against my students.”

“You live enough.” Repeated Scarlett, “I believe we left you in charge of Beacon for far too long.”

“Chairwoman Scarlett.” General Beryl spoke, “You're out of line.”

“No!” Scarlett snapped, “Salem has run Beacon for who she knows how long, and now she let this Jaune Arc infiltrate Beacon, It’s time for new leadership for the Hunters academy, and time for Salem to leave the educational system permanently!” Scarlett declared, stating her opinion.

“I agree.” Declared Chairman Sol,

“Chairman Sol!” General Beryl looked at the Fox Faunus. “How could you say that!? After Salem’s support during your campaign.”

“This isn’t about my campaign.” Sol replied, “This is about the reputation Beacon, if Headmistress Salem could supply us with a more suitable punishment for Jaune Arc, rather send him home.” Sol explained,

Scarlett smirked, “Hmm what do you have in maid?” She asked, turning her smirk into a veneramus smile.

“How about we aloud the Headmistress tell us.” Sol replied, waiting for Salem’s answer.

Salem hated being placed in situations like this, she hated being forced to answer to pollutions who hid behind their desks,
but she no longer possessed the power to dyne the council, she remembers the first councillors they were worriers, farmers, working class men and woman from all the four kingdoms, but now the council comprises of the rich and powerful, upper class cowards, perhaps she gave the council members too much authority over her and Remnant.

“Councilors,” Salem softly said, “I am exhausted from this decision, and I have a school to run.” She took a deep, “Please give me some time to finish my investigations of Jaune Arc, and I shall contact you immediately after.” Salem rose from her chair, “Do not forget, unlike Atlas, Beacon, Haven, and Shade, are independent from the government.”

“That may be true,” Scarlett began looking very annoyed with Salem’s statement. “But I believe we should follow the Atlesian example.” Scarlett turned to the General. “Perhaps General Beryl could have his son take Salem’s position.”

“No.” Beryl declared, “We can’t remove Salem without the other councillors from the other three kingdoms, and the headmasters.”

“Even so.” Scarlett said, “I believe we need to replace Salem for the good of Vale.”

“True,” Sol agreed, “But replacing Salem with another hu-

“Councilors!” Salem interrupted, having her fill of them for one day. “I have a school to run, and I'm sure you all have more important work to conduct.” Salem grabs her scroll, “Forgive my rudeness, but this meeting is over.”

Salem hung up on the council and sat back down, and sighed she knew this would hunt her but she needed a moment to think.

“I need a drink.” Salem stood from her desk and walked to her drinks station, she reached for her tea pot, but then she decided on some stronger. Salem pulled out a secret compartment that hid a bottle of whiskey.

“I shouldn't have this on school grounds, but desperate times call for desperate measures.” Salem opened the whiskey and poured herself a full glass.

Salem remembered James giving this station to her, he gave it to her after he succeeded his father becoming the headmaster of Atlas. As for the whiskey it was from Qrow for letting both Ruby and Yang enter Beacon.

She looked at the glass, and drank it. “Hmmm, this is strong.” She said putting the glass down. She poured herself another glass, and drank it quickly and placed the bottle back in its compartment.

Salem returned to her desk, looking over Jaune’s transcript. “Ok, what do I do now?” She wondered, looking for something to satisfy the Council’s desire.

She leaned back in her chair thinking, first she'd need to know how Jaune made his fake transcripts, then figure out what to do with the remaining teammates of Juniper.

The council would never let Pyrrha Nikos go, losing the Invisible Girl will put Vale at a disadvantage during the Vinyl Festival,

in fact Scarlett would use Pyrrha leaving Beacon as another example to remove her from her position.

Her scroll buzzed, Salem checked who it was. “Glynda?” Salem answered the call. “Hello?”

Glynda appears on a halo screen. “I wager you just spoke with the council.”

Salem sighed, releasing a deep breath deflecting like a balloon. “Indeed I was in a meeting with them.”

“I thought so.” Glynda said, pushing her glasses up, “I tooken the liberty to continue the interrogation of Jaune Arc.” Glynda sent over some new information to Salem’s scroll.

Salem looked at the information, “So what have you learned?” Salem asked, looking at her scroll.

Approximately 30 minutes ago.

Jaune was escorted back to team Junipers dorm room, for the moment he was alone with Professor Goodwitch, Professor Touch was standing outside.

The silence was overwhelming him. There had to be something he could do to break this awkward atmosphere, but what could he say or do?

“Mr Arc.” Glynda spoke, breaking the silence.

“Y-Yes!” Jaune replied, stumbling his words.

“I'm going to resume the investigation.” Glynda told Jaune as she grabbed a chair from the desk and placed it in front of Jaune. “Now tell us how you fake your transcripts.”

“Ummmm.” Jaune played with his fingers nervously, he wasn’t sure if he could answer without Salem’s presence.


“N-no.” Jaune answered, still stumbling with his words, “But can we resume this without Professor Salem?” He asked, still playing with his figures.

Glynda pushed up her glasses and gave Jaune a narrow glance. “Yes, we can.” She answered, “Now please answer my question.”

Jaune took a deep breath, and looked at Glynda. “I went to the hunters tryouts, and I immediately failed.” He bagan. “On my was way back to the station, I was approached by a man.”

“A man?” Glynda asked, “What kind of man?”

“Ummm,” Jaune thinks remembering the man description. “He wear a white coat with a black baller hat, and his hair orange.”

Glynda typed on her scroll and shown Jaune a picture of Roman Torchwick. “Is this the man?”

“Yeah that’s him.” Jaune answered.

“I wager you’re not a news water.” Glynda said with a groan.

“Not really,” Jaune admitted. “But I have hear of him.”

“You’re familiar with him?” Glynda asked, writing down Jaune words.

“I heard about him, not long after coming here.” Jaune replied.

“I see.” Glynda hums, from her point of view, Jaune clearly didn’t think any this through, “Continue please.”

“he said could help me get into Beacon.” Jaune explains, “But he said I would have to do something for him.”

Glynda wrote it down, “And what did he ask in return?”

“He wanted me to pick up some crates of Dust.” Jaune answered,

“Dust?” Glynda asked, “From where?”

“He gave me a list of Dust shops.” Jaune answered,

“Hmmm,” Glynda wrote that down. “Was it for a delivery company?”

“Yes, it was called, shifter's delivery service.” Jaune answered,

“I see….” Glynda wrote it down, she recalls hearing that company went bankrupt a month before the semester started. “Did you wear a uniform?”

“Yes,” Jaune answered,

“Do you remember where you took the crates?” Glynda asked, looking over her notes.

“We took them to a where house.” Jaune answered once more.

“Hmmm, so after you finish your deliveries, they gave you your fake transcripts?” Glynda asked,

“Yes,” Jaune answered,

“The only thing I don’t understand is how?” Glynda placed her scroll down. “How did your transcripts fall under the radar?”

Jaune took a deep breath and released it through his nose. “They told me not to worry about it.” Jaune replied, rubbing his hands.

“I see.” Glynda wrote on her scroll, she had a rough idea which warehouse, she stood from the chair. “I think that’s all I could ask for now.”

Jaune watched Professor Goodwitch walk towards the door, reaching for the door knob. “Ummm could I ask something?” He asked, squeezing his hands.

“Yes?” Glynda asked, looking at Jaune, while her hand held the door knob.

“Can I ask about my teammates?” Jaune asked.

“They’ll no longer your concern Mr Arc.” Glynda replies coldly, opening the door and leaving Jaune Arc alone.

“That’s all I have obtained from Jaune Arc.” Glynda reported over the feed.

“Hmmmm,” Salem looks over Glynda’s notes, “I was hoping this would just be a Beacon meter.” She placed her scroll down. “But this make this a Vale meter.” Salem rubs her head, from the stress. “We'll have to report this to authorities.”

“What about the council?” Glynda Asked, sighing she was not a fund lover of the council.

“Before reporting to them, we’ll continue our Investigation.”Salem replied, “I want to know who’s on this gangsters payroll.”

Glynda nods, “What about Mr Arc?”

“We’ll have to separate him from the other members of Juniper.” Salem sighed leaning forward linking her fingers, and resting her elbows on her desk. “Move him to an isolated room for the time being.”

“Understood Headmistress,” Glynda replied, “I shall inform Torch, but what do we tell the rest of Juniper?”

“The truth.” Salem replied, “They need to know.”

“Shall I send them to you?” Glynda asked.

“No,” Salme replied, “Not today.” She leaned back in her chair. “We have enough deal with for now.”

“I understand Headmistress.” Glynda nods, “I shall relocate Mr Arc, and I will continue my investigation.”

“Thank you Glynda.” Salem said with a smile, “Let me know if you uncover anything else.”

“I will.” Glynda and Salem ended the call.

Salem stood from her chair and steps towards the window, she looked down at her school, she remembered when times were simple, when the council relied on her wisdom, she took a deep breath.

“I’m too old for this.” She mumbled, “But this is the precision I chose for myself.” She slighted her back, and attire. “Time to resume work.” Salem sat back at her desk and opened multiple halo screens, and resumed her investigation.

Glynda returned to team Juniper's Dorm room where Torch still stood guard.

Torch looked at Glynda, “What’s happening?” He asked.

“We’re going to move him to another room.” Glynda replied, “Salem also wants us to resume our investigations.”

“Understood,” Torch hums, he turns to the opening door.

Glynda immediately saw Jaune laying on the floor face down.. “JAUNE!” She ran to him and flipped him to his side, she saw his nose bleeding. “Call an ambulance!”

Torch grabbed his scroll and called the emergency services.

Jaune was taken to hospital, Salem stood on the platform watching the medical Bullhead take him away.

She turned to Torch, “What happened?”

“I don’t know,” Torch answered. “I heard nothing, and I didn’t leave my post.”

“Right.” Salem sighed, she turned to Glynda, “Did you see anything like powder or pills?”

“No,” Glynda answered, “There weren't any empty bottles.”

“Ok, hopefully the hospital will tell us what happened.” Salem said, rubbing her chin. “For no return to your duties.”

“Right.” Torch and Glynda nod, before leaving the platform.

Salem looked at the transport once more, “What a day.” She sighed, “What else could go wrong?” Salem walked away from the platform beck to her school.

To be continued……

Comments ( 15 )

wow. in the words of Jackie Chan in his cartoon 'bad day'.

i do hope the dude will be ok. he needs to be in that school.

He’ll bee fine, but he won’t be going back to Beacon.
I’ll be replacing Jaune with another canon character.

you are?? with who??

oh man. i liked Jaun. he was a nice up coming hero.

Sorry man, he kinda became cringe into my eyes

ouch. then team 'JNPR' will be disbanded.

Ok one little spoilor, Team JNPR will still be in this fic, just no Jaune.

You know there are several characters in RWBY and MLP who begin with J.

That’s basically what I’m going to do.

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