• Published 17th Jun 2020
  • 1,327 Views, 95 Comments

R.O.S.E - Madforce Entertainment

Ruby Rose, Onyx Shinra, Sunset Shimmer, and Eclipse Khan form team ROSE to protect Remnant from the dark forces of the Grim, as well as the terrorist organisation, the White Fang.

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Chapter 11: repairs

Author's Note:

Hey guys been while since, I last worked on ROSE.
and I’m glad I finished this chapter before Halloween, just in time for Ruby’s birthday.
I hope I can continue to upload more chapters in the future.

If you guys see any errors or mistakes or let me know and I’ll fix it ASAP.
I’ll be working on the next chapter soon, and spilor alert Penny will be featured.

Till next time Happy Halloween!

Also Happy birthday RUBY!

It has been almost a week since Onyx and Weiss had their first spaing match.
During the battle both their blades shattered, in order to fix their weapons Onyx and Weiss ordered new parts to repair their weapons.

Since their spar ended, neither of them had spoken to each other. In fact they purposely avoided one another.

But fate is a mysterious thing, and it liked making paths cross with each other, even if they really didn't want to.

Onyx was walking to team Rose’s dorm room carrying a box.

“It finally came.” He said, eager to open his box.

On his way, Onyx saw Ruby and Sunset also heading back to the dorm room carrying books for their studies.

“Sunset, do we need all these books?” Ruby asked, in a depressed tone. She hated studying.

“Yes,” Sunset replied, “We got a big test coming, and we need to cover our bases.” She explains to her leader. “Without sounding mean, you and Eclipse need all the help you can get.”

Ruby sighed and groaned but Sunset was right, physical exams she’ll ace them no sweat, but written exams she’s hopeless.

“Say speaking of Eclipse, where is he?” Ruby asked, wondering where Eclipse was.

Sunset thinks. “I recall he said he was going to study with Blake.”

“Oh, Eclipse seems to like hanging out with Blake.” Ruby said,

“Yeah, he does.” Sunset agreed. “But if it helps him get ready for the exam, I won’t stop him.”

“Yeah same.” Ruby nods, they reach the door.

“Here Ruby.” Sunset said, “I’ll hold the books, and you can open the door.”

“Thank you Sunset.” Ruby gives her books to Sunset and opens the door.
After she opened the door, Ruby saw Onyx, walking towards them with a box

“Hey Onyx.” She waves to her partner, “Is that your order?” She asked, in her cheering voice.

“Yep!” Onyx smiled, “With this I can finally repair my Echo Shadow.” He declared eager to repair his beloved weapon.

Sunset puts down her books. “So what did you get?” She asked,

Onyx entered the room, placing the box on the desk. “Metal, Dust, and a repair kit.” He listed his order to Sunset.

Ruby eyes lit up, she wanted to see Onyx repair his weapon, being a weapons nut.

“Say Onyx, you let me watch you fix your baby, right?” Ruby said, fluttering her eyes.

“Nope!” Sunset said, grabbing Ruby’s hood. “You and I have studies to do.” She told her young leader.

Ruby tried to escape from Sunset’s grasp. “B-But I Want to see Onyx fix his weapon.” She whined, her weapon nut nature taking over.

Onyx smiled, “Maybe next time Ruby.” He giggled, in amusement.

Onyx opened his package, and saw SCD on the smaller boxes inside.

“Huh?” Onyx said in confusion. “I didn’t order anything from Scnhee Dust company.” He began to unload the box seeing nothing he ordered.

“What’s wrong Onyx?” Ruby asked,

“I think the postal service mixed up my order with someone else’s.” Onyx explained.

“Really?” Ruby said, “But then again I remember me and Yang ordered some X- Ray glasses from a comic book, and We’re still waiting.” She sighed.

“Ruby, you know they’ll scams to fool children to waste their money?” Sunset asked, imagining a little Ruby, waiting for her fake X-ray glasses in the mail. “So how long ago was that?” Sunset asked,

“A week ago.” Ruby sighed, Sunset and Onyx deadpanned at Ruby’s response. “What?” Ruby asked, seeing her teammates deadpanning at her.

“Nothing…” They replied, still deadpanning.

Onyx shrugged and returned to his package. “Welp, I'm returning this.” He announced repacking the box.

“So what are you gonna do?” Sunset asked, “we’ll be starting missions soon, and you can’t remain weaponless.”

“She’e right Onyx.” Ruby chimed in. “Do you have something else to use?”

Onyx closed the box and picked it up. “Sadly I do not, I’ll see if I can lend a weapon from the armoury, hopefully I’ll sort this out before we start missions.” He said, walking to the door, Sunset opens the door for him. “Thank you Sunset.”

“Anytime.” Sunset replied, holding the door.

“I'll catch you guys later.” Onyx said as he left the dorm room.

“See ya Onyx.” Ruby said smiling.

“Hope you’ll get this sorted.” Sunset said, also smiling.

“Okay, Ruby.” Sunset said, closing the door. “Let’s get studying.”

“Okay.” Ruby sighed, “Let’s just get this over with.”

“The soon we start the sooner it’s done.” Sunset said, grabbing some books.

“I know.” Ruby said, sitting down. “I’m just not the studying type.”

“Yeah me too.” Sunset said sitting next to Ruby. “But we do what we must.” She opens the book. “Okay let’s start.”

“Okay Sunset let’s start.” Ruby looks at the book.

Sunset and Ruby study for the upcoming exam, while Onyx was dealing with his package issue.

Onyx was walking back to the postal office in Beacon, when a thought came to mind

“Wait, Weiss uses Dust, and her blade was destroyed. Could this package be hers?” He wondered, “Thinking about it, If I have her package, could she have mine?”
Onyx turned and walked to Team Waves room instead of the post office. “Best go check.

Onyx walked towards team Waves room, he was mentally planing the encounter with Weiss.

How should he handle her? How will she handle him, if a fight breaks out?
All these thoughts were swirling in his head and before he knew it, he arrived at the door. He hesitated for a moment, “Okay, let’s pull the pin on this grenade.” He mumbles.

Onyx knocks on the door, and to his surprise Applejack answers. "Onyx? What're y'all doin' here?" She asked,

“Hi Applejack,” Onyx said smiling. “I think mine and Weiss’s orders were mixed up.”

“Oh?” Applejack said in surprise seeing Onyx come to their room, “Sorry but Weiss isn’t here right now.”

"Really? Onyx asked. “Do you know where she is?"

“Guessing she went to the workshop to fix her sword.” Applejack shrugged, “Weiss said she wanted to fix it ASAP.”

"I see.” Onyx nods, “I'll go look there, thank you Applejack.”

“Anytime Onyx.” Applejack smiled,

Onyx waved and left for the workshop.

After some time Onyx entered the workshop, he was still a little nervous seeing Weiss.

Inside the workshop Onyx saw students working on their weapons for the Vinyl festival.
“Full house today.” He said, trying to find Weiss.

“Oh ho, Mr Shinra.”

Onyx turned, and saw Professor Port. “Professor Port? Am I interrupting a lecture?”

“Oh ho no.” Professor said, with a chuckle. “I’m here to do some work on my Blowhard.” He replied holding his blunderbuss battle axe. “I still remember the first day I made her.”

Onyx looked at Professor’s ports weapon, seeing the rust and chip damage. “Wow, your Blowhard looks like she needs some TLC.”

“Indeed,” Professor Port nods. “Being an educator is rewarding passing my wisdom to you youngsters, but I rarely have time to maintain my Blowhard.”

Onyx can see Professor Port’s sad look, he could tell he misses being a Huntsman. “Do you miss being a Hunter Professor?”

Professor Port smiled under his bushy mustache. “Of course I do, but it’s only natural to miss the old days.” He replied, sounding rambunctious. “When you reach my age, you tend to lose yourself in nostalgic memories.”

“I understand sir.” Onyx said, smiling, understanding Professor Port’s storytelling obsession.

Professor Port noticed Onyx holding a parcel. “Ho oh planning to repair your weapon?” He asked, Onyx.

“More or less.” Onyx answered holding the wrong order. “Have you by chance seen Weiss?

“Miss Schnee?” Professor Port wondered why Onyx wanted to see his cousin, ironically Professor Port saw Weiss walking to a workbench. “There she goes.” He pointed.

Onyx saw Weiss. “Thank you Professor.” Onyx quickly rushed to catch Weiss.

Weiss walked to a workbench, and placed her percal with her damaged weapon on the bench. She noticed Onyx was following her. She turned to face him. “Can I help you?” She asked, sounding annoyed with him.

Onyx took a deep breath, and readied himself for the worst. “Okay, I think I have your parcels, and you might have mine.” Onyx explains.

Weiss glared at him, and raised her eyebrow. “And how did you come to this conclusion?” She asked, tapping her foot.

Onyx placed the parcel he was carrying. “Look in this box.” He said, “I'm wagering it’s what you ordered.”

Weiss rolled her eyes. “Fine, but this is some childish nonsense.” She opened the box and began to search through its contents. “Wait…” She began to place the contents on the bench. “This is everything I requested.” She looked at her parcel. “So what’s in this box?”

“Mind if I check?” Onyx asked,

“I have no objections.” Weiss said, “I’m guessing it’s yours.”

“Thank you.” Onyx said, opening the box, seeing the Shinra Lego, on the contents. “Yep, this is mine.”

“I see.” Weiss sighed, “How silly..”

“Yep, but looking on the bright side.” Onyx said, “At least we have what we originally ordered.”

“Yes indeed.” Weiss agreed, “So are you going to fix your weapon?”

“Yes.” Onyx said, picking up his parcell. “Sooner the better.”

Onyx was about to leave, “Wait.” Weiss said.

“Hmm?” Onyx looked at her.

“Since you returned my parcel.” Weiss said, before clearing her throat. “You can share my workbench.”

Onyx was surprised by Weiss’s offer, considering their relationship. “Are you sure?”

“Yes,” Weiss replied, preparing her station. “You returned my parcel, so it seems fair to let you share this workbench.”

“Thank you Weiss.” Onyx smiled, placing the box on the bench. “I’ll go grab my weapon.” He said, before leaving Weiss.

Weiss saw Onyx and began work on her Myrtenaster, not long Onyx would join her to work on his Echo’s Shadow.

The two worked on their weapons for the upcoming exams, and vinyl festival.

To be continued….