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This story is a sequel to Cinematic Adventures: Shrek

When Daring Do comes to visit Ponyville, Rainbow Dash is beyond excited to be spending time with her idol. Meanwhile, Time Turner hopes to help Twilight make adjustments to the television teleported machine. Unfortunately, a technical miscalculation sends the Mane Six, Spike, Daring Do, and Time Turner to an island in the southern hemisphere of Earth known as Isla Nublar. Here they discover that the owner of a new amusement park, John Hammond, has been resurrecting dinosaurs and it is up to them to put a stop to it before someone ends up getting eaten.

It’s an adventure 65 million years and nine seasons in the making.

Chapters (9)
Comments ( 665 )

Whoa, didn't expect to see the new chapter soon.

But noice, a story that's also about Dinosaurs. Hope everyone's in the mood for dino burgers.

This is going to be one epic adventure for our friends for sure.

So excited to see how there adventure in Jurassic Park will go!

And now for a walk in the Park!

And thus the new story begins. With Daring Do and Time Turner involved I can't wait to see how they both play off the Mane Six and Spike in this adventure and with everyone else involved

Nice! We finally get to have the Spike and the ponies see real life dinosaurs for the first time.

“Pense que solo triamos uno,” One creature said. ( I thought we were only bringing in one .)


Shouldn’t they use tranquilizers on the raptor before transport so she doesn’t cause trouble?

Alright! Jurassic Park! Let's do this!


Future G5

Discord Memorial Cinema

It was a calm midday in the Cinema.  I sat at the front desk in the lobby reading a book, specifically Michael Chriton’s Jurassic Park.  It had been a few months since the last showing, being Shrek, and surprisingly almost all of the snow had melted, though not to give away to blooming flowers.  It was definitely summer, that much I could tell.

In my time since New Year’s, I have been taking to going out more than I have been.  I’ve been going on walks, feeling the grass underneath my feet, and tasting the fresh wind of the sea.  On my off days, I’ve been exploring across the three pony city-states—because that is what they are, despite the corrections I have been given across the while.

I could only wonder what my colleagues back in the present were up to.  I hoped that Phantom had reconciled with Rain Shine, and that they were both ready for parenthood.  I did not want to be a parent, but I would give them my support nonetheless.  And to Mr. E, that would work through his sadness to not give up, on life or love.

I then got to the final page in Nedry’s death…and I had forgotten just how gruesome the book description truly was.

Me: Jesus…thank God the movie never needed all of the gore, just enough to get the effect across.

I then reached over to grab my can of lemonade, and just when I took a sip, I heard the projector whir to life.  I quickly set aside my drink and bookmarked my spot, and pressed the alarm button, with the radio once again playing “Cleanin’ Up The Town” as I rushed to get the concessions prepped and the posters…though once I realized what exactly the posters were…


I could not believe it!  After nineteen films, with such masterpieces of cinema history, the audiences across Equestria were finally going to have the honor to watch one of the greatest films of all time from the greatest filmmaker of all time!  And even better, they were about to be witnessed to cinema history.

I was so excited that I was singing and jumping all around the lobby without a care in the world, and shouting to the world the praises of Spielberg, that when I happened to notice Queen Haven’s entourage, I slipping on my feet, went sailing through the air, and landed flat on my back with a loud THUD right behind the front desk.

Me: (groans) Ow…

Haven: I say, are you alright?

I hoisted myself up, rubbing my sore back.

Me: Yeah, yeah I’m alright. I just got caught up in the moment. (clears throat) Welcome, your majesty.  Will you have your regular seat?

Haven: Thank you. (pays price)

Me: Anything else?

Haven: Just a glass of milk, please, and nothing more.

And soon enough, just about every regular had arrived and paid for their seats, drinks, and snacks.  Though there was a significant lack of a certain snoopy unicorn, not that I cared.  I gained enough profits to compensate for the lack of one specific customer.

Nevertheless, I made my way into the theater and up onto the stage.  I listened into some of the conversations around the audience.

Sunny: Did you see the poster?

Izzy: Yeah! And what does Jurassic Park mean? (gasps) Is it a theme park?! That would be so cool!

Tinny: New movie! What could it be?

Red: (thoughts) Where is the blue unicorn?  I saw her sitting over there and she’s not here.  Did something happen?

Hitch: I’m just wondering what the logo could mean.

Zipp: Like what?

Hitch: It’s definitely a skeleton of something.

I cleared my throat.

Me: Attention, please! (silence) Thank you.  And now to introduce the movie. (clears throat again) The movie that you are about to watch is, bar none, one of the greatest films ever produced.  Adapted from the novel of the same name by Micheal Chriton, Jurassic Park tells the story of a group of experts invited over to give their expert opinion on the titular theme park.  And of course, something goes wrong and all hell breaks loose.  Though, I must warn you, this film is rated PG-13 for scenes of intense horror and violence, but not too intense, parental guidance is strongly recommended.

Izzy: What’s the theme park about?

Me: I’m glad you asked.  See, this theme park is unlike anything before or since, because its star attractions are…pause for effect…DINOSAURS!!!

I got the effect I wanted, causing almost all of the audience to jump and shriek.

Sunny: (afraid) Wh…what are dinosaurs?

Me: For that, I’ll have to explain some historical context.  See, on my homeworld, Earth, about 65 million years ago, there were creatures known as Dinosaurs that roamed the planet.  Carnivores, herbivores, and everything in between…you can only wonder what it was like back then.  Unfortunately, and this is something you must keep in mind: they all died out.

There were collective gasps.

Sunny: What happened?!

Me: No one knows for sure.  Some say a meteor struck the Earth, or a massive volcanic explosion…whatever the reason, all the dinosaurs became extinct from a great cataclysmic event, leaving nothing but their fossils buried beneath the Earth’s Crust.  It was from these fossils being unburied that we have discovered just what they might have looked like, and their hunting behaviors as well.

Hitch: Wait…if you say that the dinosaurs all…died, then how are they the “star attractions” of this park?

Me: For that, you’ll have to wait and see.  And the question you should be asking isn’t whether or not they could, but rather if they should.  For now, it is with great pleasure and my deepest honor to present to you Steven Spielberg’s Jurassic Park: one of the very few movies in history to have grossed over one billion at the box office.

Alphabittle: You’re kidding!

Sprout: Over one billion?!

Me: You are all about to watch one of the greatest films of all time from the greatest filmmaker of all time: Steven Spielberg.  What I could say about him would take us until three months from now, so instead, I’ll let his mastery speak for itself.

I then made my way over to my seat, shaking to the brim with anticipation.

Me: Roll film!

Izzy: (gasps) I’m shivering all over!

Pipp: (shivering) I don’t like this!

Me: (bliss) One of the best title screens of all time.

Isla Nublar
120 miles west of Costa Rica…

Sunny: Quick question: where’s Costa Rica?

Me: Central America, officially in the South American continent.

Two pairs of eyes stared toward a restless night in the jungle. Both of them big, yellowish, distinctively inhuman. They sat hunched together staring raptly between metal slats, which turned out to be part of a large crate of sorts. How did they get into this mess? Where had they come from? Who wanted them trapped in this manner? They couldn’t tell, but their eyes darted from side to side, alert as hell.

Me: Huh, I don’t remember seeing this perspective from the movie.

Hitch: Who Are we seeing this through?

Zipp: I don’t know.

All they knew for certain were two things… they were taken someplace to what they could imagine was the middle of nowhere. The other matter being… they weren’t alone.

As their eyes peeked from the cage, their cage was surrounded by a group of strange creatures walking on two legs, wearing an extra layer of fur, and holding strange sticks. One of them, a grim-faced man, seemed to be in charge whether they were aware of it or not. One of the creatures approached this man, reading the look of concern on his face.

“Pense que solo triamos uno,” One creature said.

Zipp: What did he just say? I don’t understand the language.

Me: It’s the Latin American variety of the Spanish language.  My understanding’s a little rusty, but I think he said: I thought we were only bringing in one.

“They’re a special breed that come from associates of John Hammond,” The grim-faced man answered, in English. “I’m instructed to make sure they arrive at the park unharmed. See to it that their transfer is secured.”

Me: I have a bad feeling about those “associates”.

Sunny: Who’s that guy?

Me: Robert Muldoon. He’s the game warden.

Izzy: Ooh! He likes playing games?!

Me: Other kind of game, I mean.  He’s a hunter.

Hitch: (nervous) Hunter…as in…?

Me: He was brought onto this project because of his knowledge of behaviors of wild animals.  You all need to be aware that animals on Earth are much different than in Equestria.

The one creature spoke that strange language again as others proceeded toward the cage. The eyes darted around as they snarled toward the beings. Under shouts and orders from the grim-faced man, their cage was brought toward the doors as another man climbed up the ladder and slowly opened the doorway toward what appeared to be trees before them. But soon, they were prodded by the sticks and hissed when they felt a sting upon their back ends. They were forcibly pushed forward as they made their way toward what appeared to be jungle, only to find it covered by metal walls and fencing of sorts. By the time they were pushed through, the doors were slammed shut behind them followed by a buzzing sound.

Hitch: What were they poking it with?

Me: Electrified rods, I’m guessing.  Meant to keep the wildness of this exotic animal under control.

Wherever they were… they were trapped in this strange place with seemingly hostile creatures. Only to find, within a matter of seconds, that they weren’t the only ones.

The jungle went silent for a second until a roar rose across the trees and brush, a sound so deafening.

Pipp: (gasps) There’s something out there!

Haven: Oh no, it’s a suspenseful movie.

The trees shook as something very, very large plowed ahead toward a group of crewmen in blue suits and orange hardhats standing before the jungle entrance. All heads gathered as the little clearing snapped, turning their eyes toward the direction of the sound as something burst through the trees.

Izzy: Something’s coming! What is it?

Among those armed with tasers and other means of defense was the grim-faced man, Robert Muldoon by name. But unlike the other workers, he was the only one armed with a shotgun and the only weapon made to kill if he needed to. He came prepared for something that was heading toward them, something very big… something dangerous.

Me: Whatever’s approaching, Muldoon’s on the job.

Hitch: Is…that why he’s got a…gun?

Me: Makes perfect sense to me.

Eventually, what he and his crew were anticipating made its presence felt as the trees split apart forming a pathway to enter.

A crane-like bulldozer carried its scoop and pushed forward into the back end of the large metal container, shoving it across the jungle floor towards an impressive-looking fenced paddock that towered over an enclosed section of thick jungle. A guard tower stood at one end of this holding, like something out of San Quentin. The people were barking orders as the crane carried the metal container forward toward the back end.

Izzy: Woah…that’s a big box.

Sunny: It reminds me of those old Unicorn-proof crates.

“Everybody, heads up! Heads up!” One worker ordered. “Keep it clear! Stand back! Bring it forward. Come on! Slow it down!”

“Andale! Si! Cuidado! A ver, traiganla, traiganla! Vamos con la segunda!”

Pipp: Now what are they saying?

Me: It’s a collection of words and phrases, but it sounds like: Hurry up! That’s it! Careful! Come on, bring her in, bring her in! Let’s do the second one now!

“Confirmada la secunda!”

Me: Second one confirmed! I love how this movie doesn’t subtitle the hints of Spanish.  I love it when movies in general don’t subtitle foreign languages.  It makes them feel more real.

Izzy: Like when Willy Wonka did the same thing!

Me: Exactly.

The metal container hit the floor with a great thud. A door slid open in the pen, making a space as big as the end of the crate. Nobody moved for a second, until the grim-faced man approached, eyeing the container. Growling could be heard within, as another pair of eyes stared back toward the man.

Hitch: Whatever’s in that container, it’s dangerous.

Me: You don’t know the half of it, sheriff.

“Okay, pushing team move in there!” Robert Muldoon ordered.

Workers shouted orders in Spanish, beckoning the loading team to move toward the cage.

“Empujen! Cuidado. Vamos, vamos!”

Me: Push! Careful. Let’s go, go!

“I want tasers on full charge!” Muldoon added.

Hitch: Full charged tasers?!

Zipp: Yikes.

The loading team reached to grab the cage; the movement agitated whatever was inside the cage. A terrifying shriek frightened them away, and the cage shook a bit as whatever inside growled and snapped for their hands.

“Alright, steady!” Muldoon continued. “Go on. Step back in there now. Don’t let her know you’re afraid!”

Hitch: So it can sense fear?

“Adelante, empujen! Empujen!”


Me: Let’s go, push! Push! I think that was it.

“And push!”

The workers reapproached the cage and began to push it into the paddock entrance slot. The crate thudded against the opening and a green light along the side of the pen lit up, an electronic buzz indicated contact was made once more.

From inside the secondary crate, the eyes could see through the other side—jungle foliage, men with rifles, searchlights shining against it. The view was herky-jerk as the crate slipped into position.

“We’re locked! Loading team, step away!” Muldoon ordered. “Gatekeeper!”

The Gatekeeper once again climbed to the very top of the cage. The creature within the cage looked up and snarled toward the man standing above him.

“Jophery, raise the gate!” Muldoon ordered.

The man, Jophery by name, grabbed for the gate and slowly began to raise it when all at once—

Me: Everything went suddenly wrong.


The creature suddenly shrieked from inside the crate, and rammed the back of the cage, shoving the metal container backward and knocked Jophery clear off the crate. Now everything happened at once.

Sunny: Aah!!

Me: Just ignore the cameraman’s hand just then.

The worker landed with a thud upon the jungle floor, the crate jerked away from the mouth of the holding pen flash, an alarm buzzer sounded—

And a claw slashed out from inside the metal crate, sinking into the ankle of the worker, dragging Jophery toward the dark mouth between the crate and the pen. Jophery screamed and pawed the dirt, leaving long claw marks as he was rapidly dragged toward the crate. Muldoon shouted orders as he raced to grab hold of him.

“Block the opening! Don’t let her get out!”

“Somebody help him!” A worker shouted.

“Tasers get in there, Goddamn it!”

Zipp: Great hoofness!

Pipp: What’s happening?!

The two pairs of eyes watched intensely as something was dragging the poor man so hard he momentarily slipped from the grim man’s grasp. But the man was able to catch him, struggling to pull him out as the worker was screaming in agony. Chaos erupted around the pen as the workers gathered toward the cage and pen, trying to come to the man’s aid.

“Work her back!” Muldoon shouted.

Sunny: Hurry! Save him!

Izzy: C’mon! You’re strong! You can do it!

All the workers proceeded to taser the creature, firing their guns as the metal cage shook about. For whatever was in there, the creature was looking Muldoon straight in the eye. The efforts of these men seemed fruitless, even using a large beam or bar to pry this creature off Jophery proved ill-effective. Jophery groaned in Muldoon’s hands, as the latter tried desperately to hold onto whatever life remained.

“Shoot her! SHOOT HER!!!”

Amidst the wild arcs of currents from the stun gun flash, all the cracking happening around them, everything happened for the pair of creatures eyeing the bloody scene deep within their pen. Slowly, Jophery slipped away from the grim man’s hold, drawing his last agonizing breath as the creature pulled him away from the man’s grip. The gunfire kept thundering, but it was too little, too late…

The worker… was gone.

Me: One of my most favorite tone-setting moments ever in film.

Sunny: Is he…is he…?

Me: Yeah, he was killed.

Sunny: Killed?!

Izzy: (pale; squeaks) Yikes!

Hitch: Not only is that illegal, that’s a serious lawsuit that could lead to criminal charges!

Me: Smart thinking, Hitch.  Remember that going forward with this movie.

Zipp: I can tell it’s going to be scary, but very exciting!

Me: I have a feeling I know exactly where the Equestrians landed.

I am SO going to enjoy reading this, I freaking LOVE the jurassic park/world series. Will you be doing all movies or just jurassic park 1?

“Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh! Daring Do!” She squealed, racing toward her. “You’re finally here! How have you been? Any new adventures to talk about? What about Dr. Caballeron? Have you found him yet? Give him a good punch just for me?

“Whoa, whoa, calm down Rainbow,” Daring spoke calmly. “One question at a time.”

“Sorry,” Rainbow apologized, with a blush. “It’s just been so long since we’ve seen you; I’m just so excited you’re here!”

“I can see that,” Daring chuckled. “To answer your questions: I’ve been staying busy. I’ve had plenty of new adventures to add for my new book. I haven’t found Caballeron yet, but I’m sure I will soon enough. But I haven’t come to talk to you of my adventures; I came to hear yours.”

So I supposed the Daring Do Season 9 episode didn't happened in this series?


Arctic and Sonata are sitting at a table together and having a nice talk together, with them both sharing a small laugh.

Sonata Dusk: For realizes? Did they come crashing down? (She asked with a small giggle)

Arctic: Yeah! Sure did! (he said with a laugh still) you should’ve seen the looks on their face. Then, the moment they came back, they tried to escape only to be sent flying again

Sonata Dusk: I bet they’re so mad.

Arctic: Oh, they most definitely were. (He mentioned) Though, I heard that you also gave a few choice words.

Sonata Dusk: (she nodded her head a little bit) I did. After everything they did to me, they had it coming.

Arctic: I agree. Honestly, they were not true sisters. You tried to make them proud, and that’s how they treat you. (He said and grits his teeth a bit) what they did, it was unforgivable.

Sonata Dusk: (looked down a bit sadly) Honestly, I felt hurt that day. I tried and tried. But, no matter what.. it was never enough.

Arctic would then look up at her a bit, and slowly moves one hoof over hers.

Arctic: Well, you don’t have to worry about them anymore. You have not only me but also everyone else here too. Hunter, Phantom, and everyone. No matter what well always protect you, even if your former sisters try to come and get revenge again.

Sonata looked at him, listening to his words as a smile started to grow on her face a bit, and starts holding onto his hoof.

Sonata Dusk: Thanks, Arctic Ace (she said with a smile)

Arctic: (he would chuckle a bit) I told you, just call me Ace. Or Arctic, whichever you prefer

Sonata Dusk: (giggles a bit) Oh, right. My bad Arctic.

The two of them stared at each other for a while as both looked down a bit and, sees their hooves touching, as both of them started to have a bit of blush as they started to move their hooves back.

Arctic: W-We should get going (he mentioned and cleared his throat a bit) Don’t, want to keep them waiting for us.

Sonata Dusk: O-Oh, right. (She said starting to get up as well) I’m, honestly a bit worried. (She started) What if the Rainbooms don’t accept me? What if some of the students try to attack me, what I- (she said as she gets a bit more nervous)

Arctic: Hey hey, easy there, Sonata (he said) It’s going to be alright, we talk about this, remember?

Sonata Dusk: I know, but I did so many terrible things. And I don’t know if they could accept me.

Arctic: Hey, you may have done some bad things. But, you do feel sorry for them, and ever since you lived here, you started to become a better pony. You got nothing to worry about, I’ll be there and make sure nothing happens to you.

Sonata Dusk: Y-You really would do that? I-I mean, I know that, the Rainbooms might understand, but what about their other friends?

Arctic: (he would look at Sonata as he gave her a reassuring smile) Daijoubu Daijoubu

Sonata Dusk: (Would tilt her head a bit) Daijoubu?

Arctic: It means no need to worry. Once we explain everything to them, they might be a bit skeptical, but once they see you are sorry, they will start to accept you.

Sonata Dusk: Well, ok. (She said as she starts to calm down a bit) Thank you, Arctic. I’m feeling better.

Arctic: No problem, Sonata. (He said) Now, let’s get going (he said and begins walking with her)

Sonata Dusk: (she would nod her head and start walking next to him as she gives him a small look) He really is a nice guy, going all this way to help me make amends (she said in her thoughts with a small smile) Um, Arctic. (She said out loud)

Arctic: Yes, Sonata? (He said looking over)

Sonata Dusk: I enjoyed spending this time and talking with you over these few days. (She mentioned)

Arctic: That’s sweet of you to say. I also enjoyed my time together with you, maybe when this is over we could hang out more.

Sonata Dusk: I would like that if we can. (She mentioned softly with a smile)

They both continue to look ahead of each other and started to continue on their way to the Equestrian World

A few moments later…

In the Equestrian Girl world. A portal opened up, and Arctic and Sonata stepped out of it as the portal closed behind them

Arctic: Well, we're here, Soanta. (He said and looked over, seeing Sonata step out as his eyes widen a bit)

When Sonata stepped out of the portal. Arctic noticed that she was wearing pink shoes and purple pants. And, wearing a pink shirt with a heart in the middle of it.


Sonata Dusk: Is something wrong, Arctic? (She asked)

Arctic: No, nothing at all. It’s just, you look different now.

Sonata Dusk: Really? (She asked and looked over seeing a nearby window and checking herself out) Oh my Faust, I do! (She said as she looks at herself a bit more)

Arctic: You know, It looks nice on you, Sonata.

Sonata Dusk: O-Oh, thank you. (She said having a bit of a blush on her)

Arctic: You’re welcome. (He said having a bit of a blush of his own) S-So, should we get going?

Sonata Dusk: (nods a little bit) Y-Yeah.

The two of them started to walk up again, making their way to the theater.

Meanwhile, at Canterlot Mall Theater.

The Rainbooms were currently talking with Juniper as she was currently giving them some popcorn and drinks.

Rarity: I must say, Juniper. Those shoes look fabulous on you.

Juniper: Thanks. I just wondered who left them for me.

As Juniper gives, Rarity her popcorn. They hear the doors open. They looked over and saw Arctic coming through the door.

Arctic: Hey, girls!

Pinkie Pie: Acey! You’re here (she said with a grin)

Rainbow Dash: Hey man, good to see you made it.

Arctic: Good to see you’ll again as well. (He said and looked over to Juniper) And good to see you again, Juniper.

Juniper: Likewise, wish I could’ve been here with you all. But, I was…elsewhere. (She said)

Sci-Twi: It’s fine. Besides, quite interested in knowing where you went.

Juniper: Well, maybe I can tell you once this is over.

Pinkie Pie: What are we waiting for? Let’s get to our seats!

Arctic: Actually, before we go take our seats. There is someone else with me today.

Applejack: Really? Who is it?

Arctic: (looks over towards the door) Alright, you can come in now. (He called out)

It was quiet for a few moments until the door started to open again, revealing Sonata Dusk walking up next to Arctic. Feeling a little nervous

Sonata Dusk: H-Hello Rainbooms, been a while hasn’t it?

A long silence loomed in the air until finally, the girls walked up and greeted her.

Sonata Dusk: I’m sorry for everything I caused. (She said and bowed her head a bit) I know I did some terrible things. But, I hope I can make it up to you all and make amends. That is if you all are willing to give me that chance.

Another long silence was followed until Pinkie Pie came up and hugged the young Siren tightly.

Pinkie Pie: of course, Sonata! We’ll be happy too.

Sonata Dusk: R-Really? For realizes?

Rarity: Of course, Darling. We know what Adagio and Aria did to you.

Rainbow Dash: Yeah, you might’ve done some bad stuff…but, even I admit what they did to you was way over the line

Fluttershy: A-And, you didn’t deserve to be treated that badly.

Applejack: And, we know after seeing your actions. You do want to change for the better. (She said with a smile)

Sci-Twi: So, we think it’s only right to give you a chance to make amends. Some of the other students might be skeptical. But, once we give them our word that you want to change, they’ll give you a chance too.

Sonata couldn’t believe what she was hearing. She was shocked and surprised that they were willing to give her a chance to make amends. This causes the siren to have small tears in her eyes.

Sonata Dusk: T-Thank you, all of you. (She said and wipes her tears a little bit

Pinkie Pie: Of course Nata. (She said smiling softly) Now, no more sad eyes from you. We got an adventure to watch!

Before Sonata could respond she was getting pulled along by the party girl as the other Rainbooms followed her. Leaving behind Arctic, Rarity, Sci-Twi, and Juniper.

Arctic: (he looked over to Rarity a bit with a smile) It makes me happy to see you girls giving her a chance.

Rarity: Of course, Arctic. We know after the adventure in Gotham. She does want to change for the better.

Arctic: (he nods her head a bit) Yeah, though I’m not too sure if everyone else in your school would be…well, willing to give her the chance.

Rarity: Well, if anyone comes. Will be sure to vouch for her. And, I know you would do the same.

Arctic: Of course, I would. I want to make sure she, is happy and help her with making amends for what happened here.

Rarity: And that’s, a very sweet thing of you to do darling. (She mentioned) I’m sure she appreciates it a lot.

Arctic: (he would nod in agreement with her and started to head into the theater)

Rarity: By the way, Arctic.

Arctic: Yeah, what is it Rarity? (He said before looking over at the fashionista)

Rarity: Sonata, looks cute in her new outfit. Don’t you think? (She asked with a bit of a grin and smirk)

Arctic: (would blush a little bit and clears his throat) Well, I do think it looks nice on her. (He said looking away slightly) I-I’m gonna go inside. (He said heading into the theater.)

Rarity: (she giggles softly a bit and followed him inside leaving behind Sci-Twi and Juniper)

Sci-Twi: So, Juniper (she begins to say) About that other talk we had.

Juniper: (she would nod a bit) Yeah, I remember. Do you girls want to learn better control of your magic? (She asked to clarify)

Sci-Twi: Yes, that’s correct. (She confirmed to her)

Juniper: (she thinks for a moment before she started to talk again) Alright, after we’re done, I’ll call Wally. Then, we can talk further about this.

Sci-Twi: (would nod her head) Alright, Juniper)

With that being said they both walked inside the theater room seeing everyone else already in their seats.

Arctic: (was sitting next to Sonata) Oh, by the way, girls. We have one more person joining us

Pinkie Pie: Really? Who is it?

Arctic: A friend of mine. He should be here pretty soon.

Sonata Dusk: Yeah, he has also been helping me too. (She added on)

The Rainbooms looked at them both hearing what they said, and wondered who this person could be. As they waited for their last guest and adjusted their seats. They waited for when the new adventure they were about to see

“Ya sure didn’t seem tah mind it when we did the same thing last night,” Applejack smirked.

Too much information!

Jurassic Park, Welcome to Cinematic Adventures.

Thanks for using the poster that I created, Lord Enigma!

Yes I Love Jurassic Park!

I'll be joining you soon, Post, I got to take care of something at theater real quick.

A MCA Company

A Hasbro Company

Universal Pictures
AllSpark Pictures

In Association With

Amblin Entertainment

Cinematic Adventures: Jurassic Park

I sat in the lobby reading Quest of the Sapphire stone as silver shell was cleaning the counters and restocking the shelves with candies for the next movie, what ever it was.

Dodger was putting the two from the Avatar world to work now that they've joined us.

You see we were told that Author A.K. Yearling ( AKA Daring Do) was coming to Ponyville and Dr. Hooves wanted us to do something.

An adventure that's fast, a blast, and NOT in the past.

Oooo yes, so excited, time to walk the dinosaur XD, the Dark Order got me real paranoid and anxious 😖

Instead of providing any answers, however, the Benefactor merely waved one before the three Sirens. They tried to speak, to question the meaning of the Benefactor’s mysterious gesture… only to realize they couldn’t speak. It quickly dawned upon the trio that the Benefactor cast a spell of sorts, one that completely removed their voices. No matter how hard they tried to speak, no matter how rapidly they moved their lips, not a single sound emerged.

Ah. Music to my ears.

“Overreact much?” Adagio mumbled under her breath.

Says the siren who doesn’t appreciate good music at the Shrek in the Swamp Karaoke Dance Party.

Random Dude: “Like you’re one to talk, Doc! You lost your S-thing when Sunset Shimmer turned over to the Dark Side and sang that Descendant song!”

Me: “It was Fiona Fox, random dude! Fiona Fox! THAT’S the issue! Sunset Shimmer turning over to the Dark Side equals Fiona Fox to me! She and the fox even LOOK the same!”

Random Dude: “Oy, give it a rest, Doc! It’s over now! It’s behind us! Let it go! Sunset Shimmer’s our friend again! And…she doesn’t even look anything like a fox.”

Me: “How would you know? When’s the last time you look at Sunset Shimmer and you don’t suffer a post-traumatic flashback? Sunset Shimmer’s whole existence screams Fiona Fox! She’s got the same eye colors, the same hair color, wears the same black bad girl clothes, and they have the same history of betraying their home world in favor of another’s!”

Random Dude: “Oh. Okay…When you brought that up… Uh…”

Me: “And do you know what the worst part is?!”

Random Dude: (Gets scared, seeing me go insane again) “Uh…What?”


Random Dude is shivering up in a corner as he watches me lose my top all over again.

Me: “And as an added insult to my injury… RAINBOW DASH IS TAILS!!! SUNSET SHIMMER SLAPPED RAINBOW DAAAAASSSSHHHH!!!! Now every time I see another of those cursed Cinematic Adventures: Star Wars trilogy, on the exact same month of May, all I can picture in my head are SUNSET SHIMMER AS FIONA FOX BETRAYING HER FRIENDS, SLAPPING RAINBOW DASH, TO BE WITH SCOURGE THE HEDGEHOOOOOOOOGGGGGG!!!!”

And this is the part where I laughed like a maniac.


And at last, I’ve calm down….

Mina: (To Random Dude) “See, this is one reason why we don’t bring up you-know-who to him.”

Random Dude: (Turned pale as a sheet) “Noted.”

Aw! Now this is sweet!

Sonata Dusk: I know, but I did so many terrible things. And I don’t know if they could accept you.

I think she means “me,” as in herself. Right?

Arctic: Hey, you may have done some bad things. But, you do feel sorry for them, and ever since you lived here, you started to become a better pony.

Technically, Sonata is a siren to begin with, but yes. Pony, Siren, or even a channeling, she’s come a long. She’s a better girl than before.

Crud! Thanks for pointing that out Phantom! Meant “me” and not “you” Just fixed it.

Also, glad you think this was sweet. Been planing this out for awhile and glad it to see it was satisfying :pinkiesmile:


Pinkie Pie: of course, Sonata! Will be happy too.

You mean “we’ll.” Just a heads up, but I’ve noticed a few will where well should be.

But looking good, Arctic! Keep up the good work.

Thanks Phantom! Makes me happy to hear that you think it looks good

And thanks again for pointing that out. I’ll be sure to fix them

“Well… it seems it’s high time I paid these ponies a visit,” She spoke menacingly. “Looks like I’ll have to prepare my carriage for a little trip to this… Ponyville .”

Me: “Great wickering stallions! Not another invasion! WE HAVE TO WARN EVERYONE! Sound the alarm. Call the guards! The navy! ANYONE!!!”

“Sorry to yell, but you just seemed so off into space,” Spike apologized.

“No, it’s alright, Spike,” Twilight assured him. “It’s not your fault. I was just… remembering.”

“What about?”

“The day you hatched.”

“Ah… yeah,” Spike nodded understandingly. “Sometimes I wish I could remember that day.”

“Trust me, you don’t,” Twilight giggled. “That day my magic went out of control, I ended up turning my parents into plants. The magic even made you grow at least fifty feet tall.”

“But I was still super cute, right?”

“The cutest.”

The camera zooms in on a baby picture of baby Spike.


“So, what brings you here?” Twilight asked.

“Don’t you remember?” Spike responded. “You promised Dr. Hooves you’d meet with him at Discord’s Theatre.”

“Doctor… Hooves?” Twilight said confused.

“You know? Time Turner?” Spike clarified. “He made those flameless fireworks for Cranky and Matilda’s wedding?”

And Derpy’s boyfriend? Who is also a time traveler who fought Daleks?

Here. This should help refresh your memories.

Me: “Hit it, Shake Ups!”

“I have no idea,” Spike answered honestly. “Pinkie started calling him that one day and the name stuck. She was going on about ‘fandoms’ this and ‘Bronies and Pegasisters’ that. Even said something about shipping between him and Derpy.”

Me: “Guilty as charged. But I’m glad about it!”

I still remember the opening of the 1st film. It was nerve wracking to be honest.

“Mind if I come too? I’ve got nothing going on today.”

Me: “…Please don’t tell me Rarity’s getting in the way of your plans with Gabby again…”

Random Dude: (To me) “You’ve got one heck of a grudge, hug?”

Me: “Eeyup.”

He was definitely a cute baby dragon when he first hatched .

“And Pinkie has been a super hat-tastic friend since we met!” Maddie smiled. “She can bake the most wonderful treats and pulls the most hilarious pranks.”


Maddie: “AAAAHHHH!!!” (Immediately goes into hiding)

Upon arrival in Equestria, Maddie Hatter was able to secure the elusive 24/7 Championship Belt. So now she’s another poor unfortunate soul who is on the run from the gold fevers.

Me: “Oh! My bad. It’s just a bunch of seagulls.” (I laughed to myself as I take my leave)

“Sorry about that guys, but I just couldn’t help myself,” She apologized. “I just learned the most awesome news ever!”

“And what would that be?” Fluttershy asked.

Discord: “ME! Hello! I’m going to co-star in the next Cinematic Adventure. And I’M SO EXCITED!!!”

It's my commentary from the G5 branch division.

“Daring Do is coming to Ponyville!” Rainbow yelled excitedly.


Random fan girl: (😭) “Daring Do kicks puppies!”

Little Chipmunk Girl: “Why does Daring Do kick puppies?”

Crazy Steve: (To Little Chipmunk Girl) “It’s okay, little chipmunk girl! Nobody’s perfect!” (Bawls his eyes out) “WHY DARING DO?! WHY DO YOU HATE PUPPIES?!!!”

Good to have you back as well, Lord Enigma after all the events that occurred to you.

“Seriously?!” Pinkie asked, smiling. “Wowie wow, wow! It’s been forever since we’ve seen her. Last time was when she wanted to retire, but only because she assumed she’d caused so much trouble in Somnambula. Then Rainbow Dash got captured, tied up in the pyramid, we’re leaping across the slime pit and…”

Once again, Twilight Sparkle encased Pinkie Pie in a magical bubble to keep them from hearing her long ranting.

And once again, I’m having an existential crisis.

I’m pretty sure the last time they met was when Dr. Caballeron duped Fluttershy to steal a magic golden amulet that forces its wearer to tell the truth. And then after that, they had a talk with Ahuizotl, who reveals himself to be a guardian creature tasked with protecting the treasures that Daring Do had unwittingly stolen.

Then they made amends, A.K. Yearling and Groom Q. Q. Martingale became partners, only for Ahuizotl to beat them in their publish works…

Yeah I don’t remember the timelines very well

“That’s the coolest thing yet!” Rainbow added. “She wants to come here to see the magic television at Discord’s theatre. Apparently she’s heard all of our adventures and wants to see for herself.”

Continuity error: She did made a few guest appearances in the audience seat, but I guess we can consider those as cameos at this point.

Hey. When in the House of Mouse, do the House of Mouse way…

Using her magic, Twilight Sparkle unlocked the doors and pushed them open.

Suddenly, there was a flash of red lights that were spinning and blaring the sound of an alarm.

And on cue, a giant heavy metal robot appeared, pointing its guns at the newcomers.



Me: “WHOA, WHOA, WHOA! STOP, STOP, STOP!!!” (Thankfully, I pressed an off button to shut down the robot before it could shoot anyone) “Princess Twilight! My apologies. I…I didn’t know we had a robot… Discord?”

Discord: (Appears in a flash of light) “Who wants to know?”

Me: (To Discord) “Since when did we install an attack robot?”

Discord: (To me) “Hey! When your theater has been under attacked for like, what? Ten times per days? Not to mention burnt down, and security is beyond your employee’s pay grade…you’ve got to think big and pull all the necessary stops.”

Me: (To Discord) “And you couldn’t even bother warning everyone who could be at the risks of getting their heads shot off by a KILLER ROBOT?!”

Discord: “Killer robot is a harsh word. I mean, as I recall, giant heavy metal robots is part of our line of work, here in the Cinematic Adventure series. Especially giant heavy metal robots that can transform into vehicles. Take a look! It’s in a book!”


Sooooooooooooo, Phantom's doing the G4 commentary?

Good start so far. Who knows what the Dark Order will do with the park?

“I know what you mean,” Twilight agreed. “It seemed like a pretty random thing to just stumble upon. Though I’m developing a theory that it’s been left there intentionally for me to find it.”

Speaking of which…

Me: “Aw, man! No matter how long I’ve been following the Cinematic Adventures. Or how many times I’ve retraced my steps, even in forbidden territories (Star Wars) I’m still not getting any closer to cracking all these cases!!!”


  1. Where did the Magic TV come from? Who made it? Why was it in the Everfree Forest?
  2. Who is the Benefactor?
  3. Who is the Dark One?
  4. Who is the Mysterious N who wanted to kidnap me and restore the Dazzlings’ gems (which I later broke)?
  5. Who burned down the theater in How the Grinch Stole Christmas if it wasn’t Cozy Glow?
  6. Why is Mothman helping us? What is it trying to tell us? What is its motive?
  7. And to whom does the key that Raven stole from Regina belong to?

Me: “Sweet Celestia, I’m so stressed out. I’m freaking out here man!”

Random Dude: “You want to talk about stress? YOU WANT TO TALK ABOUT STRESS?! Ok? I’ve stumbled upon a major conspiracy in the Cinematic Adventure. How’s that for stress?”

Me: “What the hay are you talking about?”

Random Dude: “This entire fan fiction series is being bled like a stuffed pig, Doc. Mr. E is evil, I tell you. EVIL! And I got a paper trail to prove it. Check this out.” (Shows me the paper trail) “Take a look at this!”

Me: (With wide eyes) “Sweet Celestia!”

Random Dude: “So I’ve been working day and night, trying to crack down the identity of the Benefactor, the Dark One, and this Mysterious N, like you asked. Okay? This is how much efforts I’ve been putting into this detective work, Ace Ventura style! Or even Sherlock Holmes! Or Duck Tracy! And definitely not like the tragedy of Sgt. Howie and the wicker man on Summerisle, because we do not want to end up like that! Ya got me? Nobody’s a fan of being stung by bees, then getting barbecued, all because of one little misleading in the mystery solving. So anyway, I did like you wanted me to. I tried to find a connection, but it’s always the same! The Benefactor this, the Dark One that, the Mysterious N. WELL THIS WHOLE CINEMATIC ADVENTURE HAS BEEN TALKING NOTHING BUT THE BENEFACTOR, THE DARK ONE, and the Mysterious N! So I say to myself, we gotta find out who these guys are, or we’re never going to arrest them and stop them from wreaking havoc. So I took my case up to the Grand Jury, Doc, and what do I find out? WHAT DO I FIND OUT?! The Benefactor is set to reveal themselves in the Chamber of Secrets, which is the CA after THIS ONE! So decided ‘AH, SHOOT, Buddy!’ I gotta dig a little deeper! I looked up on the Cinematic Adventure forum, hoping to find some clues to the Benefactor’s identity, or even the Dark Ones, you gotta be kidding me! WELL, THE FORUM WAS POLLUTED WITH FORUM POSTS OF CRUELLA DE VILE, and posts of Mr. E being a member of the Court of Owls from Gotham! And I realized, this whole crazy crossover mess is just another Once Upon a Time fan fiction, which explains a lot of crazy episodes we’ve been getting from Mr. E! THERE’S OUR CONNECTION!! So I marched my way to Carol in H.R. and I knocked on her door and said CAROL! CAROL! I gotta talk to you about, Mr. E! And when I open the door, there is not a single desk in the office! There is no Carol in HR! Doc! Half of the characters we’ve been working with in the Cinematic Adventure have all been made up!”

Me: “…Okay, Random Dude. I’m gonna have to stop you right there. Not only are the characters we’ve been working with are real, but they’re all in danger! They’re counting on us to protect and save them on a daily basis! It’s all the rage these days!”

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