• Member Since 16th Nov, 2014
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago


Geek boy, aspiring writer, and proud Brony with a story to tell.


A letter from author A. K. Yearling invites Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash to visit the nearby nation of Maretonia. Their friend and fellow Daring Do fan Quiver Quill is invited along for the ride. But what seems at first to be a simple trip to meet a famous author turns into an adventure as Quiver faces not only a great danger to the world, but also his own courage and self-worth.

Part of the Quiververse

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 63 )

Hey there. Thanks greatly for starting the story. :-D Loved the look point of view from one of the villains. :-D The exchanges and characterizations were quite well done. Now, on to the next chapter.

Again, extremely good job on the exchanges and characterizations in this set-up chapter. :-D Thanks for going to the trouble of getting this started. I'll very certainly be looking forward to more of this, but will also completely understand if real-world concerns have to come first.

I thought this would be a good way to start things out. Set the mood, build some tension, stuff like that. :twilightsmile:

Glad you liked it. As for future installments, don't worry - I've got the next two chapters written and ready to go, and will have the remainder of the story done within the next couple weeks.

Indeed it is. :-D You were most certainly right about that. :-D

Glad to hear that, but I have no intention to rush you. :-D

The first chapter did an excellent job in setting up for the tale while this one had everypony in character while at the same time setting up the way of meeting in a realistic manner.

Edit: Surprised Gilded Lily was Scootaloo's mom and wonder who Quiver's new roomie is?

I hope to see more of these soon!

Thanks. As for Gilded Lily being Scootaloo's mom, well, that came about for a number of reasons. Elaboration will come at a later time, however.

"Rainbow Dash! I need your help!"

"Daring Do is asking me for help?!? Omigoshomigoshomigoshomigoshomigoshomigoshomigoshomigoshomigosh!"

Well, she wasn't above asking for Fluttershy's aid in the comics, and they didn't even say a word to one another...

So it was a trap! Man, your wrote it so well that I didn't see it coming. I bet they caught Twilight because whatever Ahuizolt wants with that pyramid involves Alicorn magic. I like stories that don't drag the drama with unnecessary fillers and get right into the action. Nice reference to the Movie Magic trilogy by mentioning Chestnut Magnifico's pony counterpart.

Thanks! Catching folks off-guard was the goal, and I'm glad that it worked for at least one reader. And given I've maintained continuity between ponies and their human counterparts already (with some small tweaks here and there), I figured it made sense to go the opposite direction.

As for Ahuizotl's plot, that'll become clearer next chapter.

Hey there. Thanks VERY much for getting this chapter up. I really appreciate you going to the effort. Once again, very good job on the characterizations, exchanges and future chapter set-up in all the right places. I particularly liked Rainbow and the others' exchange about their experiences with the fandom. And, yeah, I have to admit, I did NOT see that trap coming at all (which means VERY good job).

I'll certainly be looking forward to more of this, but will also be VERY willing to be patient since real world concerns always have to come first.

So, does this take place after Daring Don't? If yes, where was Quiver when that was happening? If not, how do Dash and Twilight already know Yearling's true identity?

Yeah, I actually restrained myself with that fandom exchange. I've got my own very strong views regarding shipping, but I knew that if I put anything about that in the story, it'd just lead to a lot of trouble that I'd rather not have.

Yes, it takes place after Daring Don't. As much as I'm of the opinion that the episodes from the first three seasons are out of order chronologically, I'm operating under the theory that the events of Season Four are in chronological order. As for Quiver's whereabouts, he moved to Ponyville after the events of Rarity Takes Manehattan, so he wasn't present for the events of that episode.

Azuihotl is going up in the world and going down in sanity if he thinks that kidnapping one of the alicorn princesses is something that would happen without consequences. I wonder just what got him so desperate for leverage that only Twilight Sparkle would do?

I'm wondering at what point Azuihotl will realise that the Nahual does not share power with any being and what he'll do when that happens?

Quiver grinned. “An outside context problem.”

Oh, yeah.
Ahuizotl is so bucked!:pinkiehappy:

It's not so much desperation for leverage as it is convenience. Getting Twilight to come to him was relatively easy compared to Celestia, Luna and Cadance - ignoring the seemingly closer connection to Daring Do, she's also without a dedicated guard force. If Twilight had an escort, his plans would've been screwed.

A worthy question, and certainly not something Ahuizotl's considered.

8440573 :pinkiehappy:
Loving this, and I can't wait ofor the next chapter to see what happens next!

Well, you won't have long. One week, and the last of the story goes up.

8440708 Okay, cool.
I look forward to it with MUCH anticipation!
Heh, AND to see ol' Ahui getting his butt kicked.

*snickers* I can already hear the "Curse you, Daring Do!" that he always screams at the end when she bears him.

Once again, VERY good job on the latest chapter. DEFINITELY well worth the wait. The exchanges and characterizations were, of course, quite well done. I particularly liked Twi's understandable reaction to her kidnapping as well as the chat between Daring and Twilight's friends.

And, yeah, the big A is in for a lot of trouble (some of it he might be expecting, but other parts of it, not so much).

At any rate, I will VERY definitely be looking forward to more of this, but will also understand if real world concerns have to come first.

Glad that you liked it. The next chapters should be out with little trouble.

This story was definitely enjoyable, and I didn't come across anything I found objectionable. I especially like the fact that the Nahual is confirmed dead - even if Twilight's presence wasn't enough to weaken the seal enough to break it, it inevitably would have been by someone eventually, but now that's moot. Now, though, I have to wonder what's up with that pony that took the seal...

Oh well. I'm sure the answer will come in time. Have an upvote.

I've a sneaking suspicion that someone will figure it out. I just hope they don't spoil it for everyone else. Anyway, glad that you liked the story.

Thanks very much for getting this chapter up AND for the little bit of trivia in the author's notes. BOTH are really appreciated. Once again, VERY good job on the exchanges, characterizations, action and general situation wrap-up in all the right places. I particularly liked how well Quiver and Twilight worked as a team as well as the possible Shout Out/possible coincidental similarity to the climax here and to the "Superman: the Animated Series" two-parter/series finale "Legacy" (i.e. the "Here, I am God." bit that Darkseid pulled even after Superman actually beat him in battle).

At any rate, on to the next/last chapter.

Again, this is an excellent conclusion to your story. The exchanges, characterizations and wrap-up are all well done in all the right places. I particularly liked the post adventure chat and A.K's letter at the end. At any rate, I will very definitely be looking forward to more of your work, but will also be quite willing to be patient. After all, I fully understand that real world concerns have to come first.

You got the reference! Fantastic! Of course, Darkseid's got a firmer claim to godhood than Ahuizotl ever will, but then again, arrogance.

Indeed so. And, I'm glad I WAS actually able to catch that.

Glad that you enjoyed it. New stuff will be definitely coming in November, but beyond that, well... time will tell.

Fair enough. :-D Thanks very much.

Loved the story, it was one of the best. That cliffhanger was good and perfectly sets up future stories.

Sorry I could not comment sooner but Hurricane Maria struck my home in Puerto Rico and I didn't have Internet.

Glad that you enjoyed it, and glad that you made it out of the storm okay.

It was even worse that he never saw so much as a bit for his appearances in those books. Were it not for his side job and the funds he got from that, then he’d be more eager to do something about that.

This made me laugh. I don't know why, I just thought it was a really funny look into Caballeron's greedy personality. XD

Great start to this story so far! I'm looking forward to seeing what'll happen from here...

This was nice. I liked the characterization of everyone here. It was especially charming to see Quiver reading to the foals and fillies in the library :pinkiehappy:

I gotta admit, it was fun to write him. And with any luck, I'll do it again in the future.

Yeah. Quiver loves telling stories, and he gets on okay with kids under most cases.

It can be fun, writing bad guys. Especially ones who already have kind of a silly edge to them. And with Caballeron's serial-villain nature... :rainbowlaugh:

True. But it just made me happy, thinking about how his first time storytelling, and how he now has a much more receptive audience here. ^^

“Quiver, that’s nothing to be embarrassed about.” Twilight smiled encouragingly and noted, “Every writer has to start somewhere, and something tells me that A. K. Yearling would be flattered to know that she inspired a young author.” She grinned sheepishly and admitted, “Besides, it can’t be worse than the fanfiction I’ve written.”

I've had this conversation a bit with my own dad. We both write a lot, but he's not fond of the idea of me writing licensed or established characters. Still, I have my sister and mother to act as my audience, so it all evens out. ^_^

“…Anyway, ignoring the fact that the fans would complain about whomever she ended up with, Daring Do would need to find somepony who was an equal, and so far, the closest we’ve gotten is Doctor Caballeron, and he’s more of a foil. And that obviously wouldn’t work, despite what the shippers think.” Quiver rolled his eyes and gagged. “I’m sorry if I offend, but there’s a part of me that feels like rabid shippers just ruin fandoms. I’m fine with two characters being in a relationship, but I’d prefer it be organic, not forced.”

Oh, my, GOD. I agree with Quiver so much. Rabid shippers completely killed my enjoyment of The Legend of Korra. Which really pisses me off, because I was actually willing to support Korrasami, but some really nasty experiences with shippers have just filled me with indifference and even sometimes contempt for it. :twilightangry2:

Quiver stared at the sight before him in wide-eyed shock as his brain finished processing what his eyes were telling it. As absurd as it was, they swiftly agreed upon the same conclusion, and it swiftly rushed out of his mouth. “You’re Daring Do.” He turned to Rainbow Dash and repeated, “She’s Daring Do.” He then turned back to the mare in question and cried out, “You’re Daring Do!”

And this was hilarious. XD

My dad's much the same, except he wants me to write original stuff. For money. Not easily done on either count.

I haven't had really lousy experiences with the shipping community. That said, I had a couple girlfriends in high school who were nutty shippers of the yaoi obsessed variety, so yeah, I've been encouraged to keep my distance.

That scene was in my head for years! And I was thrilled to finally get it out there!

This was really good stuff. I quite liked Twilight's scene with Ahuizotl (ah, such deliciously hammy dialogue - "that pestilence of a Pegasus" :pinkiehappy:) and there was also some good character content with Daring and Rainbow Dash. It took a more serious turn than I expected from the story, but one that I think worked quite nicely. ^_^

Ahuizotl was immensely fun to write for. As menacing as he is, I wanted to present him as being entertaining and hammy, because frankly, that's kind of the genre he fits into. I like to think that I did a pretty good job of it.

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