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Uplink Eighteen: Flight II

Auto shunt found
Designation: Gamma Theta IV
Rank: Pteraxii Skystalker
Location: Unknown World assigning designation: VP- 23336789432

Uplink successful

+To Speak As One+

Far above the world of Equestria, Gamma Theta IV sat in an Archaeopter Transvector with the rest of his squad, by sheer chance it also happened to be the one shared by Dominus Xeth. This was the first time the Skystalker had been this close to the Dominus, he was very excited to prove himself in front of his master.

Rather than sitting on one of the benches like the rest of the squad, the raven like tech priest instead stood gazing out the windows of the Archaeopter, waiting for his moment to leave its confines. Inside the aircraft Theta IV could tell he felt as though a caged bird of prey wanting nothing more than to leap out and hunt as many xenos as possible. And for that very reason had he had wound up in Theta IV’s Transvector, right at the spear tip of the formation.

As soon as the lumen above the door activated, Dominus Xeth slid the door open so fast sparks flew and leapt out of the cabin fast enough to leave behind claw marks.

Gamma Theta IV was left scrambling to stand up, check his pack, deactivate the safety on his carbine, and then jumped out through the very same door.

Before the pteraxii was a mountain of clouds swarming with pastel colored xenos like some kind of hive. He could make out columns and structures crafted from pure white in the style of the ancient Romanii. Cocking his weapon he and his brother and sisters began their assault on the kingdom of the sky equines. He started by opening up with his carbine, several equines fell before his shots.

The planet’s high gravity had given it such dense clouds that it’s races flight capable species had been able to construct structures with them as well as fortifications. In thousands of years the city of Cloudsdale had never been conquered. The only attacks it ever suffered were from the griffins, and even then the grand pegasi legions of old had proven capable of defending their home. For as long as the ponies had written record, the heart of the pegasi was thought of as invincible. However no matter how thick they were, at the end of the day all of their fortifications were still just condescend water vapor.

Avengers and Stratoraptors tore through ancient pegasian buildings as though they were nothing. Sterylizors phosphor torches igniting entire families as they sheltered behind walls that the children of Mars merely passed through as though they were nothing. Skystalkers achieved shots through multiple cloud barriers set up in the hopes they would affect the invaders in any meaningful way. It all proved pointless. Within seconds of the assault beginning charred equine bodies rained down below.

However though the assault was overall a cake walk for the Pteraxii, a few problems began to occur. For one, the clouds were so dense visibility was almost impossible while inside of one, on very rare occasions an aircraft or Pteraxii would also bump into something solid on top or inside of a cloud, sometimes even each other. These accidents often damaged a wing, or blended a pteraxii in the Avengers engines, or caused a pilot or trooper to dodge, leading to further problems.

Secondly a small group of fliers was in possession of military training. A few even able to fly at speeds even the Skitarii had trouble keeping up with. These fast moving targets were also incredibly difficult to hit, and multiple instances of friendly fire occurred. Weather these accidents were intentional on the part of the equines is unknown. For this reason some Pteraxii had taken to employing their talons, slicing into bellies, slashing wings, and slitting throats. The Alphas striking with their taser goads causing them to spasm then plummeting down to the green fields below. The militarily trained equines engaged in duels, clutching swords in their mouths.

A female with a teal body and pink mane managed to get the jump on Theta IV, the Skystalker tumbled, managing to flip around his body just enough to latch his talons around her skull and gouge out her eyes with his inner talons. After that, a male let out a cry of distress and dashed at him faster than he could process, caving in the skull of the dark green equine with the butt of his rifle, perhaps this was her mate? he absently thought before refocusing on the battle. Gamma Theta IV spotted the Dominus cornering a grey xeno with miss matched eyes and a blond mane, his power sword was covered in blood already evaporating on its field. He slowly hovered closer wings barely flapping, Theta IV got closer eager to see his master perform the will of the Omnissiah first hand. He raised his weapon, then brought it down.

Only to pause mere centimeters from the xeno’s face.

<What do you mean ‘No’?> Xeth said to himself.

The xeno hadn’t stopped shaking or opened its eyes too afraid of the blow that was now put on halt.

<How does that play relevance here?> Xeth asked himself or rather, he was speaking with someone, but whoever it was Theta IV didn’t have the codes to be privy to their conversation.

<That may be true bu—> he suddenly stopped, the other individual likely cutting him off. Xeth’s attention shifted away from the xeno and to the conversation.

<Yes howe—> again he stopped.

<Granted bu—>

<Well if Cassius were t—>

<Yes but th—>

<No they a—>

Whoever the Dominus was speaking to wasn’t letting him get a word in. Finally Xeth grunted,

<Fine… Xeth sees your point…> The Dominus sheathed his blade then grabbed the creature and tossed it to Gamma Theta IV, who caught it out of some primitive reflex not yet removed by his augments.

<Ensure that one is unharmed for the duration of the battle.> Xeth ordered him directly in his headset.

<Yes my lord.> Responded the Pteraxii Skystalker looking down at the still trembling xeno in his hand. The thing was actually somewhat cute… somewhat.

<Anything else you want me to pick up for you while I’m down here?> Xeth asked putting a finger to his auditory augment, a few seconds later he looked down and shook his head.

”Typical...” He mumbled to himself in his flesh voice.

<Alert: Hostiles approaching.> A new voice entered the general channel, looking at the tag it was Cagus 7789 a Skystalker, so clearly not the one ordering the Dominus.

<Report Trooper.> Ordered the Dominus.

<Auspex shows reinforcements of a new xenos species surrounding a never before encountered aircraft.>

The Dominus ascended through the clouds, Theta IV following close behind.

After halting in the air he produced a set of magnoculars that directly interfaced with his optics. The Dominus then generously shared his vision with the other Pteraxii that accepted it.

Several specs were visible surrounding a large blob before the Xeth zoomed in and enhanced the pict. Plainly visible were feline and avian hybrids of a similar build to the equines. They surrounded a rainbow colored balloon based air ship crewed by…

<Tzaangors!?> Theta IV said out loud. <What are Tzaangors doing here?>

<Unknown. > Xeth responded cutting the connection. <Perhaps we should ask them.>

Theta IV was taken aback by this.

<My lord, surly you don’t really mean…> before the words had even left his rebreather he saw the Archaeopters hovering into a more defensive position hidden by the clouds. Several Pteraxii doing the same. The Omnissiah’s sky warriors got ready to defend the ruins very cloud structures they just ripped apart.

<Ahhhh, I see, a jest my lord.>

Xeth nodded. <Yes…. A jest…>

Uplink Interrupted

Author's Note:

Very sorry as always for the long wait. Work and school have only gotten crazier. To make it up to you all I put a pause on reading the Eisenhorn series so I could read Brutal Kunnin and God Empress of Ponykind. (I finished Rob Sanders Adeptus Mechanicus a few chapters ago as well but didn’t bring it up.)

Will try to make the next chapter not take half a year to write.

Also the “Tzaangors” are the pirate parrots from the movie.