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Uplink Sixteen: Assassination

New Uplink Found



Auto shunt found
Designation: Tevassi IV- Sigma
Rank: Sicarian Infiltrator Alpha
Location: Unknown World assigning designation: VP- 23336789432

Uplink successful

+Psalms of War+

The sky above was pitch black, any stars that would normally be shining from the heavens were obscured by a storm crafted by xenos. Rain hammered down in thick sheets throughout the pitch black forest soaking everything, the only illumination coming from the occasional flash of lighting strike, exposing the tall lengthy forms of some 30 Sicarian Infiltrators and Ruststalkers. Slowly and delicately, the cyber assassins crept through the storm. Their iron hooves sinking into the mud. Unlike their brothers and sisters in the Vanguard or Rangers, they required no lamp to see. Instead relying on info red or night vision, illuminating the darkness with the faint glow of there optics.

Alpha Tevassi watched as his troops carefully moved, his chem treated cloak soaked with this worlds pure rain fall. Their squad was given a simple mission from Dominus Attilade herself: ‘Find the source of the xenos fauna attacks and eliminate it’, never suspecting one among them had another objective, regardless of this stealth was invaluable for their goal. He so wished to see his Dominus perform again, but she had other matters to in attend to, in a land far to the east of this one. No matter, Attalade would be pleased by his work.

In the flash of yet another lightning strike, they witnessed their first obstacle. A large spotted feline stalked the grounds ahead of them. It’s damp fur rippled with taught muscles beneath as it prowled around. Without a word, two ruststalkers intercepted and decapitated it before it could even register that it wasn’t alone.

Unceremoniously they moved on, now taking point, scanning the darkness for more creatures. Finally Tevassi reached the edge of an artificial habitat, inside was every manner of beast this world had to offer. Some with fangs and paws, others poisons and scales, many of the beast were clearly prey animals to the larger ones, yet they un naturally huddled together sheltering from the storm. It was clearly the work of some form of witchcraft. Keeping all these beasts in the same area and preventing them from attacking one another as their instincts should permit. The habitat was a lazy construct, any fences long since destroyed or now lay open, this land was tainted with a perversion of the Machine Gods grand design.

Tevassi sent a data packet, informing the other squads he was in position. Once conformation was received in tern, they moved down the hill, extermination all animals in their path.

The rain hid their sent from most of the animals. Along with the pattering mostly hiding the hum of the Ruststalkers vibro blades, however it didn’t hide the white noise of the Infiltrators. Their domed heads broadcasted a wave of death, those animals with heightened hearing proved most vulnerable, pawing at their ears as blood trickled out. Some of the smarter creatures realized what was happening and stuffed mud in their ears, a few even doing the same for the larger beasts before they expired.

The animals still breathing were now on high alert, scanning the darkness for signs of danger. Only for blades of darkness to slice into them or their comrades. The hum of black blades, and crackle of power swords, lightning and taser goads filled the night, sometimes followed by the pop of a flechette blast. Every once in a while an animal would get lucky and manage to bite or swipe just as a skitarii was there. Once that happened they would then dog pile on it, ripping into its suit and skin. Sacred martian blood and holy oil mixed with the tainted ichor of xenos predictors and prey.

The more this happened the more chaotic the night became, wave after wave of animals woke up and swarmed the machine gods chosen with reckless abandon for their own lives like insects protecting a queen. Swarms of animals came after them, blood dribbling from their ears and noses, but they fought on through the pain determined to attack even at the cost of their own lives. These swarms of animals were effective but unsustainable, still the flow of bodies appeared for now to be endless. The more the Ruststalkers cut and sliced the more appeared. The more of the smaller creatures the Infiltrators shot, the more rose up to take command. Wave after wave of the beasts came upon them without limit.

Then the end was in sight Tevassi IV- Sigma’s servo skull relayed a chime to him. He turned his domed head and saw their prize in the distance. An overgrown cottage, almost appearing to be another hill in itself, were it not for the large windows clearly glowing with light.

Tevassi ordered his troops into a new chevron formation, with their tip aimed squarely at the habitation. Once the xenos minds realized their goal they somehow found yet even further strength to continue pushing back. The tide of animals was relentless and seamed to defy logic. Surely this amount of animals in one place would turn any natural ecosystem into a wasteland devoid of plant life.

Soon Tevassi had enough, he leapt over his squad, then planted one foot in the skull of a horned creature, then another on a large vulpine, and finally his third leap landed on the back of a gargantuan lizard before finally stomping into the mud. All the glory would be his, he alone would cut the head off the snake. The alpha made a mad dash for the cottage door digi legs taking just a few steps to reach the entrance, only for a furry white missile to strike him.

The Sicarian infiltrator alpha tumbled down the hill into a stream over flowing up to his knees and looked up, on the high ground was an albino rabbit eyes red with rage. The beast snarled at him foam dripping down clearly this beast was feral, but it would be easily dealt with.

Without hesitation the beast lunged, Tevassi tried to raise his power sword, but somehow the beast was already gnawing on his shoulder before he had time. In desperation the alpha infiltrator let go of his flechette blaster and grabbed the scruff of the beasts back, ripping of the white leach. As he tore it off, the bunny took a chunk of flesh with it, the
stained red creature then kicked Tevassi right underneath his domed helmet, breaking free of his grip as he was disoriented. The alpha had never fought anything like this. His closest comparison would be a tyranid ripper, even then he had never fought one. However even then those creatures where mindless, where as this one definitely had the spark of intelligence behind those eyes.

Now free from his iron grip, the creature landed on a rock then rocketed up to slam into him yet again.

As he devoted more of himself to fighting this creature, he failed to notice a lone ruststalker enter the cottage.

Uplink Interrupted

New Uplink?






New Uplink Found


Auto shunt found
Designation: XV- 999
Rank: Sicarian Ruststalker
Location: Unknown World assigning designation: VP- 23336789432

Uplink successful

+Modus Operandi+

XV- 999 crept into the cottage, the floorboards creaking under her steps, every step leaving a muddy hoof print. Her red and black armor was wet with both water and blood. She was armed with a chord claw and vibro blade. Before her was a vision of the utmost heresy.

On the ground drawn on in animal blood was a circle, in the middle was a symbol, lining the outside of the circle was nine other circles each with a unique symbol drawn inside. And above it all was a yellow and pink equine floating in a bubble of raw physic energy stirring in a slumber no doubt full of laughing daemons.

<~~cccccccc~~~…..epe@%t d0 $ou copy?> an all to familiar voice rang through her augments. It was the voice of her master. Not that alpha outside. This was her true master. One she followed even above the Arch Magos known as Cassius.

<I am here my lord.> XV- 999 responded. She had distracted the Alpha by hurtling a small ravenous xeno at him, and made sure to pick her moment to leave when the fighting was thickest so no one would notice.

<Excellent.> The voice responded. <What do you see?>

The Ruststalker walked around the circle a few times, then relayed her findings.

<It seams to be an Extrenus class summoning circle drawn from animal blood, with nine different Gamma- Fri Thorinan ruins in smaller circles around it.>

<Ahhhhh.> Responded the voice. <So that’s his game…>

XV- 999 didn’t ask who he was, if it was important to the mission, then her master would tell her.

<And… the Element?>

<Levitating above the circle in an energy bubble.> XV- 999 responded. <Body appears to be slowly developing bat like wings.>

<Hmmm. Odd choice…> The master thought. <No matter, I am sending you a data packet with specific instructions to undo the ritual, in your pouch should be the components you need.>

XV- 999 reached into her pocket with her chord claw and pulled out several black stone pebbles with circuit like ruins carved on them. She looked down then hesitated.

<Master, do I really need to be the one to inform you that the mere possession of Noct—>

<Yes, yes I am aware.> He interrupted. <Just hurry up, and follow the instructions I sent you.>

The tech guard did as she was told, placing the correct ruin stone on top of the right symbol as ordered. Once all the pebbles were in place she played the audio file included in the instructions.

The ruins on the pebbles glowed with an unnatural emerald light, then solid beams of the light shot up six feet, and branched off forming a daisy chain with the other rods around the bubble. Beams them shot into the circle forming three dimensional ruins that crackled with power, dissolved then was replaced with yet another complex design. Then repeated three times before finally the bubble popped, freeing the xeno.

XV- 999 caught the xeno in her deactivated chord claw.

<Objective secured.> She said, cradling the alien like a mother might a child.

<Excellent work.> Her master commended <Now, make your way to the extraction sight. Ave Deus Mechanicus.>

<Ave Deus Mechanicus.> She repeated. The Sicarian Ruststalker then leapt through the back window. By the time the area was purged and another skitarii made it into the cottage, their was no sign of them aside from a ritual circle made of dried blood which was soon put to the torch by Tevassi, who declared victory to his master.

Uplink Interrupted


Author's Note:

Yet again the lack of lore for the Serbery’s and Skorpii is annoying to me. I just want to know when these things were first made. At least we got a little two page short story about the Raiders though, that’s better than nothing I guess.

Reading this back I may have made the mistake of making The Voice a bit too obvious.

Next chapter should be the Siege of Cloudsdale.