• Published 2nd Feb 2020
  • 2,224 Views, 553 Comments

Thicker Than Water - Krickis

Life for a band on tour always brings fresh challenges. Fluttershy is ready to meet them, having grown confident as a band manager in the past two years. It’s just about the only thing she’s good at, after all.

  • ...

8 – Welcome to the Show

Act II


Chapter Eight
Welcome to the Show

Everything changed just as it stayed the same. The band finished a leg of their tour, took time off to spend with their families over the holidays, recorded a couple music videos, then went back out on tour.

They’d certainly been busy, but ultimately, the tour was always there to return them to their brand of normality. Every night was a different city, but even so, this felt like home.

“Thank you all for coming out!” Rainbow said to the crowd after the band finished another encore. The audience cheered as they always did, so Rainbow raised her fist triumphantly before turning and walking backstage.

Once she was a safe distance away from the crowd, she set aside her guitar and rubbed her hands together. The heat from the stage lights helped keep them warm on stage, but it was an outdoor venue and it was early January. The tour was heading south, but they hadn’t quite gone far enough for it to not be freezing.

At least the heat was on backstage, so Rainbow started warming up. She saw Fluttershy was sitting on a couch and watching the news on TV. Rainbow took a seat beside her and smirked. “Anything big going on?”

“There’s a story about arson, but it wasn’t in this area,” Fluttershy said

Rainbow smirked. “Since when do you keep up with the news?”

Fluttershy shrugged. “Someone else had it on.”

“…addition to the arson, several items may have been stolen. Police believe that the fire may have been to cover tracks of grand theft. If anyone has any information at all, please call the hotline on screen.”

“So like, do we have the remote?” Rainbow asked. Fluttershy looked around for it then shrugged again.

“Look sharp, you two,” Lemon Zest said. “We got fans.”

Rainbow turned to smile at the fans that were beginning to enter the backstage area. “Hey, hope you all enjoyed the show!”

The usual choruses of fans assuring her that they had indeed enjoyed the show followed. Rainbow thrived off the sound; it was nice and routine, which was how she liked it. No shortage of people to remind her that no matter what else happened, this was all worth it.

“Well, it certainly was different,” a voice said that threw Rainbow off. She knew she recognized it from somewhere, and she knew it wasn’t good. “But I think your last band had more… harmony, perhaps?”

Rainbow looked around to find who had spoken, and her jaw dropped open when she saw who it was. “No…”

Adagio Dazzle laughed at the distress on Rainbow’s face. “My my, you do remember. we were afraid you might have forgotten.”

“What are you doing here?” Rainbow asked, rising to her feet.

“I’ll get security,” Fluttershy said, standing up as well.

“I wouldn’t do that,” Adagio said with a smirk. She stood with her hand on her hip and looked every bit as sinister as they remembered her. “Believe it or not, I’m not your enemy.”

“Bullshit!” Rainbow said.

“Do you two know her?” Lemon Zest asked. Gilda and Windfall also noticed what was going on and came over. Windfall stood beside Rainbow and Fluttershy, while Gilda stood in front of them protectively.

“Oh my, what a motley crew you’ve assembled.” Adagio grinned, clearly unintimidated. “Would you believe I’m here to talk?”

“Why should we listen to what you have to say?” Rainbow asked.

“Because there’s something worse than me out there. And because…” For the first time her composure cracked and she couldn’t look at them. She sighed. “We need your help.”

Rainbow and Fluttershy exchanged shocked looks. “What do you want from us?” Fluttershy asked.

Adagio pointed to the TV. “You’ve seen the news stories about the unexplained arsons and thefts? They’ve been happening in three states now.”

“Yeah, so?” Rainbow asked. “Don’t try to tell me you give a shit.”

“I do. No, not because I care about a little thing like fire and theft. But because of who’s causing it.”

Rainbow rolled her eyes. “And who is that?”

“It’s more of a what, actually.” Adagio took a step off to the side, seemingly examining a guitar. “Equestrian magic is behind this.”

“Oh fucking shit…” Lemon Zest took collapsed onto the couch.

“What?” Windfall asked. “Did she say… magic?”

Gilda scoffed and folded her arms. “Unless ‘Equestrian magic’ is some sort of street name for a drug, this girl’s a damn loon.”

“She’s not, though,” Lemon Zest said. “I’ve… we’ve run into it before. At the Friendship Games.”

“The Friendship Games?” Adagio turned back towards them with a smirk. “You lot do have such predictable tastes.”

“Hey, you weren’t there!” Lemon Zest said accusatively, then turned to Fluttershy. “Er, she wasn’t there, was she?”

“No,” Fluttershy said. “She and the other Dazzlings were before the Friendship Games.”

Someone coughed, and everyone soon became acutely aware that fans were all watching them intently. Fluttershy stood up. “Adagio, I have no idea what you’re talking about. None of us do.”

“What?” Lemon Zest asked. “But, Shy –”

“Let’s get somewhere we can talk about whatever’s bothering you more privately.”

“As you wish,” Adagio said with a little mock bow.

Rainbow turned to the fans. “I’m… really sorry about this. Adagio is… a friend of ours from high school. We’ll all be right back to hang with you guys! And, uh…”

“And we’ll bring free shirts for you all,” Windfall said.

That seemed to do the trick to get the fans smiling again, so the band brought Adagio to their changing room. Rainbow was tempted to ask Windfall, Gilda, and Lemon Zest to stay behind with the fans, but she wanted as many people with Adagio as possible in case she tried something.

“When you say she was before the Friendship Games,” Lemon Zest said once the door was closed behind them, “do you mean that wasn’t the first time you all dealt with magic?”

“No,” Fluttershy said. “The Friendship Games were the third. Adagio was the second.”

“How does that not come up in conversation!?” Lemon Zest asked.

“Because we don’t usually like to talk about it,” Fluttershy said. “Just like you don’t like to talk about the Friendship Games.”

“Fair enough, so –”

“Hold the fuck on,” Gilda said. “You all want me to believe there’s some sort of fucking magic bullshit going on and you’ve all seen it before?”

“From her.” Rainbow nodded her head towards Adagio. “She has two partners though. Where are they, Adagio? Waiting to spring some sort of trap?”

“Now that’s not fair,” Adagio said with a pout that Rainbow didn’t buy for a moment. “You know we don’t have magic anymore. You lot saw to that. No, Aria and Sonata are waiting outside. We thought you might feel less threatened if I talked to you myself.”

“Waiting outside for what exactly?” Fluttershy asked. “You still haven’t told us what you want.”

“My apologies. You see, we’re tracking the magic. We may not have any magic of our own, but we are attuned to it. But the truth is that we lack the means to go after it.”

“And we do?” Rainbow asked.

“You already are.” Adagio tried to take a step closer to them, but Gilda stepped in her way with her arms folded. Adagio didn’t seem to mind. “Your tour is heading the same way as the Equestrian magic is. We propose you take us with you so that we can go after it.”

“And why the hell should we do that?” Rainbow asked. “You lot getting your hands on Equestrian magic? Sounds like a horrible idea.”

Adagio shrugged. “Even if we could get to it, we couldn’t use it. You shattered our gemstones, remember? We’re doomed to live as normal girls, and the only little bit of power we have is that we can track it. Something, I might add, that none of you can do.”

“So then why go after it?” Fluttershy asked.

“Because we live here now.” Suddenly Adagio was deadly serious. “I don’t need to tell you what Equestrian magic left unchecked can do to this world. So while we’ll never like each other, it’s in our mutual interest to make sure whoever is wreaking havoc with magic is stopped.”

“So that’s it then?” Rainbow asked. “You only care because you’re in danger?”

“Yes,” Adagio said simply. “We’re… I’m scared. The last time Equestrian magic was loosed on the world, it nearly tore it apart. I don’t know if you realize how close we came to extinction, but I do.” Adagio placed a hand on her heart and looked down. “I felt it. I’ll never forget what that felt like.”

Rainbow and Fluttershy looked at one another, but it was Gilda that spoke up. “Look, this all sounds like a load of shit to me. What do you two know that we don’t?”

“Have you all seen our old Rainboom music videos?” Fluttershy asked. “The ones where we got pony ears and Dash and I got wings?”

“Yeah, it was like your whole theme,” Windfall said.

Fluttershy took a deep breath. “That wasn’t special effects. When we played in the Rainbooms, we would really ‘pony up’, as we called it.”

Windfall shook his head. “That… I’m sorry, but that’s not possible.”

“I know it sounds fake, but I saw it too,” Lemon Zest said. “You know, for whatever that’s worth.”

Fluttershy pressed her hand to her temple and turned to Adagio. “Do you have anything else to say to us?”

“I think that about sums it up,” Adagio said. “So what’ll it be?”

“We need to talk about this in private,” Fluttershy said.

Rainbow turned to Fluttershy, surprised at the suggestion. It made sense, but that didn’t stop her from being worried. “Are you sure we can trust her without supervision?”

“There’s security outside,” Fluttershy pointed out. “Besides, I don’t think she’ll do anything until she knows our answer.”

“I never pegged you for the smart one,” Adagio said. Fluttershy just pursed her lips. “Fine, I’ll leave you to talk amongst yourselves.”

Adagio walked past them without bothering to look twice. Rainbow wanted to turn her down just to wipe that damn smug look off her face. At least she closed the door behind her.

“So… what do we do now?” Lemon Zest asked. She leaned against a wall and folded her arms.

“We have security throw her out on her ass,” Rainbow said, not sure why this even warranted a discussion. “You remember Midnight Sparkle? This would be like inviting her on tour, but there’s no turning back to Twilight.”

“I… think I agree,” Lemon Zest said. Her mouth moved as if she was trying to force out other words, and eventually, they came. “I mean, I don’t know anything about Adagio, but… if there’s magic going on, I want to be as far away from it as possible.

Fluttershy sighed. “If they come with us, we’d be able to keep an eye on them.” She looked around the room at everyone, stopping at Rainbow. “If they’re really determined to go after this Equestrian magic, I think they’ll do it one way or another. Better that we can watch them.”

“I don’t know what’s going on, but it sounds like a whole lot of crazy,” Windfall said.

Rainbow seized his point, nodding enthusiastically. “It’s so much crazy. Come on, Shy, this is a horrible idea.”

“I don’t know… I don’t want to trust them either, but…” Fluttershy shook her head, and when she looked at Rainbow again, she had fire in her eyes. “If there is magic, we have a responsibility to do something about it.”

“What are we gonna do?” Gilda asked. “Even if this magic thing is somehow legit, I ain’t no exorcist.”

“But we are.” Fluttershy put an arm around Rainbow. “Well, sort of.”

Rainbow rolled her eyes. “That was years ago. We don’t even pony up anymore.”

“I just think we should do what we can.” Fluttershy looked around the room and ran a hand through her hair. “Besides, we could take them along as roadies, tell them they’ll have to work to earn their keep.”

“I’m sure the road crew would like having a hand,” Gilda said. “I don’t know that I really believe in all this magic stuff, but if they’re earning their way here, I guess I don’t really give a shit.”

Windfall was watching Fluttershy closely. “This is really important to you, isn’t it?”

Fluttershy nodded. “It is.”

“Then I’m in. I think we can handle a few extra women around, even if they are, er… magic.”

Fluttershy smiled. “They’re not magic though. Not anymore.”

Rainbow clenched her teeth and looked around, as if she would find the words she needed to say somewhere in the room with them. She didn’t, so she just forced something out as best she could. “I still vote no. I don’t want them on tour with us.”

Fluttershy placed her hand on Rainbow’s shoulder. “Dash, please, trust me on this. I know this is the right thing to do.”

As always, it proved hard to maintain her disagreement when Fluttershy was pleading with her. “But… how do you know?”

Fluttershy frowned and shook her head. “I just… feel it.”

“You feel it? Shy, do you realize how big of a risk this is?”

“I think it would be a bigger risk to not take them with us.” She turned to Lemon Zest. “Zesty, imagine if the Friendship Games happened and we weren’t there to keep it in check. I know it’s scary, but I need you with me on this. Everyone does.”

Lemon Zest sighed. “Fine, I’m with you.”

Everyone turned to Rainbow, who scowled and turned away. “Fine, but I’m not fucking around with this. The second they get suspicious, they’re gone.”

Fluttershy took hold of Rainbow’s hand and squeezed it. “Thank you, Dashie.”

Gilda rolled her shoulder back until it made a popping sound. “Guess we should go tell her then.”

“Yeah, let’s go.” Fluttershy led them out of the room, stopping just before she reached the door. “Uhm, can someone go get those T-shirts we promised?”

Windfall laughed. “Yeah, I’ll go get them.”

“I’ll come with you,” Lemon Zest said. “I want to stay away from the crazy magic bitch…”

They left the room, to the celebration of their fans. Rainbow tried to look like she was living it up, but right now she wanted to be anywhere else. She, Fluttershy, and Gilda made their way to Adagio, who was sitting on the couch Fluttershy had been on earlier.

“Alright,” Fluttershy said. “You can come.”

“But you gotta work for it,” Rainbow said. “For free.”

Fluttershy frowned and looked at Rainbow, no doubt thinking that they had never said anything about it being free labor.

Adagio didn’t seem to care though. “Fine. Perhaps you could arrange for Aria and Sonata to be allowed in then?”

Fluttershy sighed and turned away from the others. “I’ll go send for them.”

Rainbow glared at Adagio for a moment more, then turned away, taking Gilda with her. “Gil, listen… I know you don’t believe us about, uhm, all that stuff, but believe me when I say these girls are bad news.”

“Relax, Dash. You think I’m gonna let some bitches come in and wreck shit? I could break her face without even trying.”

Rainbow grinned, finding that reassurance meant more to her than any of the others. “I’m counting on you to help me keep an eye on things.”

“You got it, Dash.”

Windfall and Lemon Zest returned, so Rainbow tried to feel better by mingling with their fans and handing out shirts. It might have worked, at least a little, but occasionally she caught sight of Adagio and it all came crashing down.

It was even worse when Aria and Sonata showed up. Aria immediately took to talking to the fans as if she was supposed to be there, while Sonata seemed more interested in raiding the food spread.

The tour was supposed to be Rainbow’s haven, her home, her normality. Then the Dazzlings showed up, and now… now Rainbow just hoped it could ever be the same again.

Author's Note:

Thanks to Corejo for guest proofreading this chapter when I was unhappy with it :twilightsmile: