• Published 2nd Feb 2020
  • 2,231 Views, 553 Comments

Thicker Than Water - Krickis

Life for a band on tour always brings fresh challenges. Fluttershy is ready to meet them, having grown confident as a band manager in the past two years. It’s just about the only thing she’s good at, after all.

  • ...

11 – From Out of the Rain

Chapter Eleven
From Out of the Rain

Birthdays on tour were a bit different than they were back home. There was no stopping the tour, no taking days off. There was no going out to a show to celebrate, the band was the show. Rainbow made an announcement that their band manager and album producer was another year older that night, the crowd cheered, then it was back to the show.

Backstage was another matter, although it was still a far cry from being back home. In place of celebrating with friends, dozens of random strangers all wanted to give Fluttershy their congratulations and call a toast in her name. She had to resort to taking very small sips every time someone did. They were only drinking beer, but she was expected to drink a lot of it.

It was different, but Fluttershy didn’t dislike it. She wouldn’t want to be the center of attention all the time, of course, but it made for a nice change of pace.

It also brought other perks with it. Normally Fluttershy had to seek out girls to flirt with, but on hearing it was her birthday, they came to her. It helped that her new appearance gave a much stronger lesbian vibe, so a lot of them came knowing exactly what they were after.

She was talking to just such a girl now. “Oh, I love Broken Mirror! I’ve listened to it on repeat so many times!”

Fluttershy smiled. Having written a minor punk hit wouldn’t go far most places, but backstage at a Bitchette show, it was a pretty amazing pickup line. “Thank you, I’m glad to hear it.”

“And I heard it’s your birthday, right?”

Fluttershy giggled. “Yup. Twenty-three.”

“Nice! Here let me get you a drink!”

Fluttershy picked up her beer from off a nearby counter. “Oh, I already have one.”

“Well then a toast.” The other girl raised her own drink, and Fluttershy bumped her plastic cup against it. “To a great night with a great new friend.”

Fluttershy giggled and took a drink. “I like the sound of that.”

“So what are you doing after here? You don’t have to leave for the next venue right away, do you?”

“No, I’m just going back to my hotel room.”

The girl bit her lip and smiled. “Well… Maybe we could go back together?”

Fluttershy grinned, but before she could answer, she saw something that stopped her. Or rather, someone. “Uhm, I’m sorry, that does sound nice, but I… just saw a friend of mine.”

“Oh.” The other girl frowned.

Fluttershy matched her expression. “I’m sorry, I thought I was free tonight, but I… Well, please excuse me.”

Fluttershy felt bad for turning her down so late into their flirting, but that didn’t stop her from walking away. Nor did it stop her from smiling as she greeted her friend. “Hey, Sonata.”

“Hi, Shy!” Sonata beamed. She had been lingering uncertainly on the sidelines when Fluttershy first saw her, but now her smile lit up the room. “I heard it’s your birthday!”

Fluttershy giggled and nodded. “But, uhm, between you and me… I’ve had enough drinking tonight. At least enough beer.”

Sonata giggled. “Glad everyone wants to be nice to the birthday girl.”

“Yeah. I’m glad to see you, though. When I didn’t see any sign of Adagio or Aria, I thought you wouldn’t show.”

“Yeah, they… they didn’t want to come.” Sonata’s smile faltered a little, and Fluttershy immediately saw why.

“You’re here without your visera?”

“Yeah, I…” Sonata blushed. “I wanted to see you.”

“Aww!” It may be true that Fluttershy didn’t exactly understand what it meant to be visera, but she understood well enough to realize this was a big deal. She held out her arms.

“Uh, what are you doing?”

Fluttershy blinked. “Uhm, offering a hug?”

“Oh. Really?” Sonata didn’t move to accept. “People never just… want to hug me.”

Fluttershy’s eyes went wide and she moved in to hug Sonata. Even if she wasn’t used to hugs, Sonata quickly hugged her back. “You poor thing.”

“Well, I mean…” Sonata pulled away, but Fluttershy kept her hands on her arms. “I’ve hugged people before, of course. But usually they were, er… kind of under mind control a little bit?”

Although there was really nothing funny about that, Fluttershy laughed. “Well then, it’s about time you had a guilt free hug.”

Sonata smiled again, but she didn’t say anything. Fluttershy thought she understood why pretty well. “Want to go for a walk?”


Although she had gotten a lot better at talking to Fluttershy, Sonata remained uncomfortable in large crowds. It probably wouldn’t help matters that this crowd all wanted to approach Fluttershy for birthday wishes.

They walked up to the door, but they were stopped before they reached it. “Fluttershy!”

Fluttershy turned and smiled at Rainbow. “Hey, Dash. We’re just going for a walk.”

Rainbow looked at Sonata, and even if she hid it well, Fluttershy could tell there was distrust there. “But it’s your birthday. Everyone wants to party with you.”

“Dash, these people didn’t even know it was my birthday when they came here. They want to party with you, and the rest of the band.

“I guess, but I just…” Rainbow rubbed her hand through her hair. “I kinda wanted to party with you, you know?”

“We’ll be back,” Fluttershy said. “We’re just going to get a little air. You know it’s too cold to stay out long anyway.”

“I guess. Just come back, yeah?”

“Of course.” Fluttershy waved at her and opened the door. She almost changed her mind when she felt the wind come in through it, but she didn’t want Sonata to be uncomfortable.

“Brr, chilly tonight,” Sonata said once they were outside.

“Yeah, it is.” Fluttershy rubbed her hands together to try and generate a little extra warmth.

Sonata picked a direction and they started walking in it. “We always talk about moving farther south to get away from the weather here.”

“Oh yeah? I like it around here. But I’m from farther north, so I’m used to things being a little colder.”

“Yeah, well…” Sonata looked up at the sky. “It’s not nice when you don’t have heat.”

“Oh…” Even when she was living in poverty, Fluttershy had always had heat.

“Well, the barroom does. We need it there or else we’d never get clients in the winter. On really cold nights, we bring blankets out and sleep in there.”

Fluttershy wasn’t sure that was any better, but she didn’t know what to say exactly. “I guess I can see why you’d do that.”

Sonata didn’t seem to think much of it, just shrugging it off. “We were going to get a couch once, but Adagio and Aria kept arguing over who’d get to sleep on it if we did, so we didn’t bother.”

“You didn’t join in the fight for it?”

“Oh no, I’m sure I would never sleep in it.”

Fluttershy’s frown twitched. “Why not?”

“Well, Adagio’s the leader, so usually she gets the nicest things. But Aria is also really cunning and super useful at handling problem clients and stuff, so sometimes she gets her way. Really, I’m just lucky to have them to look out for me.”

“Sonata…” Fluttershy searched for the right words, but she couldn’t find them. She stared at the way the wind blew around Sonata’s long hair and decided to do something else the siren wouldn’t be used to. She put her arm around Sonata as they walked.


“Hmm.” Fluttershy smiled and blushed a little. “It’s cold.”

Sonata put her arm around Fluttershy as well. “Yeah, it is. Look at me, I’m turning blue!”

Fluttershy laughed and held Sonata a little tighter. They walked in silence for a little bit, heading straight down the street so that it would be easy to turn around and find their way back when they were done.

But Fluttershy didn’t want to be done, not really. It was cold as hell and she was ready to get into the warmth, but she liked being on Sonata’s arm.

At least, she liked it until she felt water droplets on her cheek. “Is it… raining?”

Sonata held out a hand. “I think so. We should turn back.”

“Yeah, it’s about time anyway.” Fluttershy suppressed a sigh and turned around. They’d had a nice walk and they would both benefit from getting into the heat.

They made it about halfway before the rain picked up. It was freezing, even colder than the air around them. They took to running instead, and they both laughed even as they were soaked by an ice-cold downpour.

That continued for a few minutes, but there was no sign of the venue. Soon enough, Sonata said what they were both thinking. “Where the heck is it?”

Fluttershy stopped and looked around, panting from the unexpected exercise. “Did we… did we pass it?”

Sonata held her hand over her eyes as an impromptu visor to keep the rain out of them and stared down the street. “I think we might’ve.”

“Oh, fuck it.” Fluttershy grabbed Sonata’s arm and pulled her under a restaurant’s canopy. They were closed and empty anyway, they weren’t likely to care about two waterlogged girls huddling together underneath it.

Fluttershy stood close to Sonata and pulled out her phone. “What do you say we go back to my hotel to dry off?”

“Is it okay? With the band, I mean?”

Fluttershy quirked her head to the side. “Why wouldn’t it be?”

“I don’t know, you’re inviting someone like me to your band’s hotel room. I… don’t think they like me much.”

“Oh, shush. They just don’t know you.” Fluttershy rolled her eyes. “Besides, I have my own hotel room.”

“Really? All to yourself?” Sonata frowned. “Doesn’t that get… lonely?”

Fluttershy wasn’t sure if she should point out how often she brought company to her room. “Well, sometimes I share a room with Lemon Zest. But I don’t really mind being by myself either.”

“I’d get lonely.”

Fluttershy wasn’t sure what to say, but they still needed a taxi. She ordered one quickly, eager to get out of the rain, and they waited.

“I’m freezing…” Sonata said.

“Here, scoot closer.” The two of them held each other and huddled together for warmth, and possibly for other reasons. It proved to be a nice way to wait for the taxi, in any event.

It took about ten minutes for the taxi to get there, which they eagerly climbed in. “Sorry we’re a little wet,” Fluttershy said to the driver when they got in their seats.

“No worries,” he said. “Glad to get you girls out of the rain. Here, let me turn up the heat for you two.”

Both Fluttershy and Sonata stretched out their fingers in front of the air coming from the front of the car, grateful for the warmth. Still, Fluttershy looked forward to getting changed into dry clothes.

Along the way, Fluttershy talked to the driver about what they were doing out so late. She told him that they’d come from a concert and let him believe they were just fans. Sonata didn’t say much, but that was how she usually was around people she didn’t know.

It wasn’t a long drive to the hotel, but it was well worth it between the cold and the rain. When they arrived, Fluttershy used the app to give him a nice tip for his friendly demeanor and as an apology for getting his back seat all wet, then they quickly ran into the hotel building.

The hotel had its heat on, but it still felt cold on their wet skin. They wasted no time getting on the elevator and riding it up to Fluttershy’s floor.

“It’s been years since I was in a hotel,” Sonata said as they were on their way up. “We used to stay in them all the time.”

“Really?” Fluttershy cocked her head to the side. “Where do you your visera stay?”

Sonata looked confused at the question. “In the van with the equipment. Where else would we stay?”

Fluttershy’s mouth fell open and she felt like such an idiot. She had never thought about the fact that since they weren’t officially on the tour, the sirens didn’t get hotel accommodations from the record label.

Well, not for long. “I’ll pay for a hotel room for you all tonight. And every night. You shouldn’t be sleeping in a van…”

“Really?” Sonata’s face light up. “But… why?”

“Well, because I don’t want you sleeping out in the cold. You all must be freezing in there every night.”

“We’re used to it, remember? No heat at home either.”

“I don’t care. As long as you’re on this tour, you’re sleeping in hotel rooms.”

“Thank you…”

They reached the floor and Sonata seemed to be in a daze as they walked down the hall. Fluttershy unlocked the door to her room, walked in, and quickly pulled off her wet jacket. “I have some clothes you can borrow if you want to change into something dry.”

“Thank you, I’m freezing.”

Fluttershy dug out a pair of pajamas for herself, then turned back to Sonata. “Do you want pajamas or regu– Oh, uh…”

Sonata was just smiling at her as she pulled off her bra, seemingly indifferent to Fluttershy’s presence. “What was that?”

Fluttershy turned her back to Sonata to give her a bit of privacy and blushed a little. Still, she couldn’t keep a small smile from spreading across her lips. “I was asking if you wanted a pajama or regular clothes. Either way, they might be a bit big on you…”

“Either one works fine with me.”

It might make it a little awkward if Sonata didn’t stay the night with her, but Fluttershy chose a pair of pajamas for her. Well, that might have been why Fluttershy chose pajamas.

By the time she turned around to hand Sonata the pajamas, she had stripped completely naked. Although Sonata really didn’t seem to care, Fluttershy averted her eyes as she changed into the pajamas.

There turned out to be another benefit to Sonata wearing her pajamas – she looked cute in them. They were too big for her so they hung loosely, but still, Fluttershy couldn’t help but smile once Sonata was all dressed.

When she was, she flopped onto the bed. Fluttershy took the chance to change herself, following suit in not bothering to excuse herself to the bathroom. It was a little strange. Fluttershy had gotten quite used to being naked with other girls, with being very intimate with them. And yet, here was something as innocent as changing clothes with a friend in the room, and she couldn’t help but feel embarrassed.

Not that Sonata did or said anything to make it awkward. She really seemed to just not think about it. Fluttershy wondered if it was a siren thing or just a Sonata thing.

Once she was dressed, Fluttershy called down the front desk and paid for another room. She felt a little guilty only getting them one, but Sonata insisted they would prefer that anyway. Afterwards, she called to the road crew to have them let the other sirens know the plan and arranged a ride for them to get to the hotel.

When she was finally done making calls, she sat down next to Sonata. “There, everything’s taken care of.”

“You’re so nice…” Sonata looked down for a second, almost looking sad about something. Then she shook it off and beamed with that smile that always lit the room. “Thank you so much!”

“I guess people being nice to you is another thing you’re not too used to?”

“No, not really.”

“You all haven’t been in this world for too long, though.”

Sonata chuckled. “We’ve been here a lot longer than the Battle of the Bands.”

Fluttershy quirked her head. Sonata looked like she was about the same age as Fluttershy, how long could it have been? “How long ago did you come here?” She supposed it wouldn’t be the first time an Equestrian was aged down coming through the portal.

“About a thousand years or so.”

Fluttershy laughed. “No, really.”

Sonata frowned. “Really really. We were banished from Equestria by Star Swirl the Bearded, about a millennium ago.”

Fluttershy blinked. She’d heard and seen a lot of crazy things when it came to Equestria, but to think that Sonata might really be that old was just… “You’re really not joking?”

“Nope. I mean, what kind of joke would that even be? Hey, I’m super old, psyche!”

It slowly sunk in that Sonata was being completely serious. Somehow this girl that Fluttershy had pegged as being a little younger than herself was actually a thousand years old. “Wow.”

“Do you have any snacks?”

Fluttershy smiled. A thousand years old or not, Sonata could be wonderfully childish. “I’ll order us something, okay?”

After a bit of discussion on what to get, Fluttershy placed an order for pizza from a chain restaurant. She ordered a bottle of soda and two medium pizzas, so they could each have their preferred toppings – veggie lovers for Fluttershy and seafood for Sonata.

But once that was settled, Fluttershy couldn’t help but have some questions. “So what’s it like to have been alive for that long?”

Sonata just shrugged. She was lying on the bed and flipping through a magazine that had been in the room when Fluttershy had checked in. “It all kind of blurs together after a while. I can remember the last hundred years or so pretty clearly, but just fuzzy details before that.”

“That’s still just… wow. The things you must have seen in your life.”

“Fluttershy…” Sonata put down the magazine and frowned at her. “You know I was the bad guy, right? We weren’t out seeing all this cool stuff, we were making terrible things happen.”

Fluttershy usually tried not to think about that. “I guess so…”

“I just… don’t want you to forget what I am.”

Fluttershy took Sonata’s hands in her own. “What you were. You’re not like that anymore.”


Fluttershy bowed her head. “Would… you do it again? If you still had your gemstones, would you still manipulate people?”

“I… I don’t know.” Sonata pulled her hands away and got off the bed. She folded her arms and looked at the ground as she paced around. “I don’t want to disappoint you.”

“Sonata, you won’t.” Fluttershy got up as well and placed her hands on Sonata’s shoulders to hold her in place. Sonata still wouldn’t look at her, but Fluttershy knew they were taking things a step at a time. “You don’t even have to answer me. What matters now is that you’re here and you’re my friend.”

“I like being friends with you.”

Fluttershy giggled. “Me too.”

“I… I don’t regret it. I think I should, but I don’t feel bad about what we did.”

“I see.” It would be a lie to say Fluttershy had hoped that wouldn’t be the case, but now that it was… She found she didn’t care as much as she thought she would. “Do you regret the way things ended up?”

Sonata finally looked at her and smiled. “No. I used to, but now… I guess I see that there are good things to being a regular girl too.”

Fluttershy smiled, but before she could say anything, there was a knock on the door. She let go of Sonata to answer it. A pizza delivery guy was on the other side, so Fluttershy took the pizzas and soda and signed the receipt, then went back inside and decided to make sure the rest of the night’s conversation was more fun.

She set the pizzas down on a table and opened one to check it. She closed the box and passed it to Sonata. “Here’s your seafood special.”

Sonata licked her lips and pulled out a slice, which she instantly burned her mouth on. “It’s hot!”

Fluttershy giggled. “It just got here, Sonata. Here, have some soda.” She got them some of the disposable cups the hotel left in the room and poured them each a soda.

“Thanks,” Sonata said as she took one of them. She took a drink, then went right back to the pizza.

Fluttershy shook her head and opened her own pizza, pulling a few pieces apart so they’d cool faster.

“I love seafood,” Sonata said as she ate. “Do you want some?”

“No thanks. I’m a vegetarian.”

“Oh.” Sonata looked down at her slice of pizza. “Does it bother you that I’m eating this?”

“No, it’s fine.” Fluttershy finally took a bite of one of her own slices.

“I couldn’t imagine being a vegetarian. We used to be carnivorous, though.”

“Oh?” Fluttershy took another bite of pizza. “What do you mean?”

“Back in Equestria. Sirens are carnivores. We mostly lived on fish.”

“Guess that explains why you love seafood.”

Sonata nodded. “Yup! It reminds me a little of home.”

Fluttershy wondered if she was crossing a line back to downer conversations, but she couldn’t help but ask once the question popped in her head. “Do you still miss it? Equestria?”

“Not really. Aria does, but Adagio and I both got used to living here.”

Fluttershy smiled, glad that hadn’t wound up being a touchy question. Not sure what else to talk about, she got the remote from a bedside table and turned on the TV.

“Is this okay?” Fluttershy asked when she stopped at a cartoon. It seemed like something Sonata would enjoy.

“Sure! I never really watch TV much anyway.”

As she expected, Sonata seemed enraptured in the cartoon. She laughed loudly at the jokes and smiled constantly, which Fluttershy loved to see.

“I’m glad you came to see me,” Fluttershy said after a while.

“Me too. It’s been a fun night.”

Fluttershy nodded. “Yeah, it has.”

“Even if I did stop you from bringing that cute girl back here…”

“Oh, uh… you heard all that, then?”

Sonata shifted awkwardly. “Yeah, I did. And I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be. Tonight has been a lot more fun than some meaningless sex would’ve been.”

As soon as the words left her mouth, Fluttershy regretted bringing attention to it. Sonata didn’t seem to mind, though. “I don’t really like meaningless sex much either.”

“I… I do usually.” Fluttershy wasn’t sure why, but she felt compelled to be honest. “I actually… have a lot of meaningless sex.”

Thankfully, Sonata just laughed. “So do Adagio and Aria. Only for the last few years though.”

“Oh. Is it something to do with losing your gemstones?”

“Yeah, I think so. We used to thrive on people needing us. Sex is kind of similar.”

Fluttershy nodded. She was in no position to judge; she did the same thing time and again. “But not you?”

“Oh, I like sex too. It’s just… that’s not the same as before. It’s not really being needed. Or at least, not how I want to be needed.”

Fluttershy looked down at her pizza, but she didn’t really see it. The words seemed to leave her lips without her willing them to. “What about… an actual relationship?”

“What do you mean?”

“Well…” Fluttershy slowly traced her eyes over the bed and settled them on Sonata. She was looking up with eyes full of wonder, but not because of what Fluttershy was saying. That was just Sonata. She found wonder in everything, and maybe even somehow, she found it in Fluttershy. “Would a relationship be how you want to be needed?”

“I don’t know. I’ve never been in a real relationship. You know, with no mind control or anything like that.”

“That’s a shame.” Fluttershy lips flicked to a smile briefly. “You’re a great friend, and I think you’d be a great girlfriend. If you ever wanted to be.”

“I don’t know. I’m forgetful, and I say weird stuff, and I’m just… not the kind of person people look for a relationship with.”

“Neither am I,” Fluttershy said. “I drink too much, I’m married to my job, I haven’t been pretty in years, not since I got so fat, I –”

“Whoa!” Sonata launched herself across the bed and threw her arms around Fluttershy’s stomach. “Don’t talk about yourself like that! You’re beautiful!”

Fluttershy smiled and brushed her hand across Sonata’s hair. It was still damp from the rain. “Thank you, but it’s okay, I know I’m –”

“No!” Sonata looked up with Fluttershy with the most adorable pout. “Please don’t say mean things about yourself! You’re my friend, and you’re like, super pretty!”

“Okay.” Fluttershy kept stroking Sonata’s hair. “I won’t say mean things about myself.”

“Good.” Sonata nuzzled in closer to Fluttershy. “Hey, Shy… Did you maybe want to try being in –”

“No.” Fluttershy winced as the word left her mouth and she froze in place. She hadn’t meant to, she hadn’t even let Sonata finish the sentence. But she knew what it was. “I’m sorry. I… I’m sending mixed messages. I… I like you, Sonata. I really do. But I’m scared.”

“What are you scared of?”



They were both quiet for a moment, with Fluttershy kicking herself the whole time. She had clearly been leading them to a relationship discussion for a while, this was all her fault that they were here.

Suddenly, Sonata looked up at Fluttershy and grinned. “Well, do you want to try not being in a relationship together?”

“Uhm.” Fluttershy couldn’t help but laugh a little. “We’re already not in a relationship together.”

“No, like. Not like not being in one with each other, but like not being in a relationship, right? But we do it together!”

“I… don’t understand. How do we do that?”

“Like this!” Sonata popped her head up and kissed Fluttershy, leaving her momentarily dazed. “But we’re not dating.”

Fluttershy blinked and tried to process what had just happened. She wasn’t able to, but that didn’t stop her from kissing Sonata again.

Fluttershy leaned in and Sonata responded by lying back in the bed. She ran her fingers through Fluttershy’s hair as they kissed, and Fluttershy felt so overwhelmed with emotions she couldn’t even begin to identify.

All she knew was that she was not in a relationship with Sonata Dusk.

And she liked that very much.

Author's Note:

I’ve been wanting to write Sonashy for years, so glad it’s finally here :yay: