• Member Since 7th Dec, 2013
  • offline last seen June 4th


dink oiter



Without us, there is no hate. There is no anger, no vengeance, and no destruction. We disguise our true selves with false truths and empty words, and yet we prosper. We are destined to repeat the sins of the past until it no longer matters. Until it's too late. This is what it means to be human. What it has always meant.

Chapters (45)
Comments ( 29 )

I am just gonna leave this here as I think it may help you Not that your story is bad its just I can't really see him as knight potential

If the main OCs in this story were voiced, what would they sound like?

That's actually a good question. Never really put much thought into it. I imagine Matt Nabal doesn't emote too much though.

Yeah he's not really cut out for that sort of thing.

Was this comment your response to me? If so, then you didn't really answer my question. What do the rest of the OCs sound like?

Oh my bad I completely misunderstood the question lol. Quixote has a Spanish accent (on the heavier side), Amethyst has a deeper feminine voice and sounds uninterested with most things. Gabriel's voice is deeper than Matt's and gravely, with the slightest hint of an accent (he tends to fluctuate between relaxed and angry in his mannerisms)

Продолжение будет?

"I just don't see a point in pestering her with something so trivial."

Welp, Twiggles just got burnt twenty shades darker.

This fella went from 0 to 100 straight down to infinity. Yes, straight Down, because I have not the slightest far than fucketh of an idea where his mentality went. This nigga's adaptability is faster than the cover by Sueco the Child. No human changes is this bloody fast. Flash can't keep up with this fella's shifting personality traits. Nigga so fast it took three blackbirds attached to a rocket-powered stema engine to catch up. Discord can jump off the edge of the world this man's personality represents Change more than that amalgamated abomination ever could.

I think about this every now and then and how completely accurate it is lmao

Oh dear, love triangles are here

When he started his tale, Rainbow Dash had started beat-boxing to accompany Matt's rhymes, seemingly having planned this all along.

nice :rainbowlaugh:

Matt had the feeling he was stepping on somepony's hooves accidentally again. "Dash, I..." he began, but she had already taken off back into the skies.

...not-so-nice :(

Romantic tension is one of the most dangerous kind

"We were. For a couple of years, now. It was the happiest time of my life. Merriweather and I had first met shortly after my father passed. I feel like she saved me. But our relationship was frowned upon in our village."

Fag, need to be burned! Sorry I'm get tired of see this in most every fict i read here.

:rainbowdetermined2: stat rhyming/rap story telling was awesome ^^

in the later chapters of the beginning it was rather hard to continue to read.

but the story impruft quite well all the way to the end

Hey thanks for sticking with it! Looking back, I totally agree it's kind of hard to stay with early on.

Great story but I'm confused. What happened to Gabriel's original timeline. Is it now a separate universe where everything is still messed up or did it changed?

Thank you, and sorry for the late reply!

As much as I hate to just say "wait and see", specifics about that topic are going to be discussed in the current story I'm working on.

I really hope that somewhere between the end of chapter 3 and 4 somepony showed him where the toilet was. If not, then between then and now his back teeth have started to float and the whites of his eyes have turned brown.

If you dislike stories where the main character is extremely unlikable, just skip this one. I just don't understand how Authors can write a completely unlikable character and expect people to continue reading it. I had no problems with the plot or the writing, but I couldn't find myself caring in the least what fate befell Matthew Nabal. But one thing that did piqued my interest is why the Author kept using the characters full name continuously, so I figured that Nabal meant something, so I visited Aunt Google and ran into the Story of Nabal from the bible. After reading it, I was so disgusted by the way the the Biblical Nabal story is portrayed, I just threw up my hands and said, fuck it I'm out.

And I know that after reading this, some of you are going to look up that biblical story, so Ill save you the trouble. Biblical story in a nutshell. Rich land owner with property and employees gets confronted by a band of mercenaries who demand payment for "Protecting" his lands from bandits. Nabal, quite reasonably says, "who the fuck are these guys? I didn't ask them to guard jack shit. How do I know who they really are? They could be bandits for christ sakes. So NO, I wont pay you protection money."

The fine, upstanding and not a bandit at all, mercenary leader, upset by this gets ready to kill everyone on the farm that night. (Proving Nabal absolutely right) Nabals Wife, takes protection money to the mercenary/bandit camp and "convinces" them to spare the household. (We all know how a lone woman convinces a band of mercenaries to leave.) Nabal, after being told what happened, rightly looses his shit. He then mysteriously gets struck down that night and dies a few days later. But its how the story is portrayed that pisses me off. Wife is portrayed as a saint and hero and Nabal is portrayed as a wicked and greedy man who drinks and smells funny. Oh and the Merc leader, who is a murderous bastard, OK with killing an entire working farms worth of innocent people, later becomes king.


Not gonna lie I think you're the first person to ever look up the name.

Yeah, guy is a prick at the beginning for sure and I MIGHT have overdone it lol

Thanks for reading at all tho!

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